Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0017


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             20.06.2007

Updated:                31.12.2007, 28-12-2011, 05.01.2012, 21.01.2012

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Dr. Farzat Baroudi, Page-1 (Page-2) is identified as a top criminal that uses several identities; I know 3 of them, as mentioned below under point 2.

Due to the complexity still Under construction


(Added on 21.01.2012) Note: Due to the complexity of this profile it turned to be 15 separate web pages, from Dr. Farzat Baroudi to ex-Libyan president Moamar Khadafi and ex-Iraqi president Sadam Hussein. See the page index of all these pages.


(Only between these brackets added on 05.01.2012: This is the Old header and it is absolutely wrong) Dr. Farzat Baroudi possibly alias professor Joachim Sauer the official husband of the current German chancellor Angelika Merkel


Note: This profile consists of two pages. This page that I will leave as it is, I just added the couple of lines and also the couple of photos below all dated after 27.12.2012

First read this page and then click above or here on “Next” to go to page 2 that contain detailed information on how and why Dr. Farzat Baroudi uses several identities and disguises under them but also where and how he used me to hide some of his children that is known to me. This is crucial to avoid another Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Hussein, Khadafi, Assad, Arafat, Osama Ben Laden and the likes including Ronald Reagan to George W. Bush era of violence and mass murder hidden under fake manufactured terrorism and I am the link to all this, because they raised me and used me as a decoy.

This person is identified as:

1.      (Added on 28-12-2011) This is most difficult to understand but it is and very unfortunately true. See this profile and the list of related profiles to understand. Dr. Farzat Baroudi, Ray Thomas and others used the identity Moamar Khadafy. My guess, at least 3 persons maybe 5 or more used the identity Moamar Khadafy. First thing look at the photos and then read the notes and explanations and then go to ”Page 2

2.     (Added on 28-12-2011) Dr. Farzat Baroudi has several identities, I found 3 of them:

2.1.   My official uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi an alleged technical school teacher in Hamburg and has 2-3 children until 1986, he was allegedly 18 years old in 1959, that went to the city of Cologne/Köln, Germany from 1960-1968, Damascus, Syria 1969-1970, Hamburg allegedly from 1970 to current

2.2.   Ex-Libyan president Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar Gaddafi (Arabic: معمر محمد أبو منيار القذافي‎) (June 1942-20 October 2011), commonly known as Muammar Gaddafi or Colonel Gaddafi, was the official ruler of the Libyan Arab Republic from 1969 to 1977 and then the "Brother Leader" of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya from 1977 to 2011.

2.3.   Ex-Iraqi president Mohsen Abdel Hamid (born 1937 Arabic: محسن عبد الحميد‎) is an Iraqi politician and Islamic scholar who was a member of the Interim Iraq Governing Council (president, February 2004 for one month), created following the United States's 2003 invasion of Iraq. (Added on 05.01.2012) Click here to also see his official profile from Wikipedia.org, Whereby and I strongly believe that this identity was meant to be also used by several persons and one of them is the allegedly dead Hafez Al Assad, please see the Moamar Khadafi profile to understand this kind of deceive, but they quickly removed this identity, possibly because I started to discover and prove that my fake family in Jordan and Syria are working on the fake war of Iraq to steal the entire country and divided among the new allies just like they do in Libya and in other countries. That is probably the reason why they forced me with ESP to stop writing and covered up with the fake business possibility through the Dutch law called Bbz-Besluit bijstandverlening zelfstandigen (which in general means decision to support independence business while you are receiving social help) and this kept me basically busy from december 2010 and until November 2011, then they started giving me hint to write again and make it look like I voluntarily stopped and I am volunteering to continue, in reality in both cases I am forced because something happened 2010 and again now, which I will right about later in the document “What happen between 29-06-2010 and now on 25-12-2011”. I endangered their many joint ventures because I know how they think not because I am member of the crime organization and not because I am smarter than them, in matter of fact I am not very smart, but they used what they had to brainwash me and what I know is what they used on me to suppress me and suppress my personality and what is left over is these pages and other pages yet to come because I want peace for all, I want prosperity for all and I do not want to hear such as I heard a couple of days ago in the Dutch news about a very poor Egyptian that lives by renting out animals to tourists and he said in Egyptian and I am quoting him “After the revolution there is no tourist and no money so I have to do anything to survive”, he was around 13-15 years old and half blond, probably as result of these mentally sick people raping a poor Egyptian woman and throwing the baby away, or it is their son and he is pretending and one day he will be another Hosni Mubarak pretending to come from the poor people and the prove for that is this TV news interview, just like Aristotle Sokratis Onassis that allegedly started by cleaning shoes and became the richest man in the world for a few year and that is what I was taught, Nasser and many other evil people that destroy our lives to enrich their selves!)

3.     (Added on 28-12-2011) Dr. Farzat Baroudi does not look like Professor Joachim Sauer, it was a mistake but I am not going to apologize about something I was not responsible for. I see a systematic destruction with my relation to Germany and this is one of them

4.     (Added on 28-12-2011) This person is 100% immediate relative of George W. Bush, possibly brother and/or cousin.

5.     (Added on 28-12-2011) This person has multi nationality, one of them Syrian, German, Saudi Arabian and American. He is traitor to humanity and a terrorist. I strongly believe that he is one of the major architects that were responsible for the World Trade Center Bombing of 2001 while living in Hamburg, Germany and in cooperation with Afrah Najjar, Abdallah Abokurah, Ghasan Abokurah, Abdalghani Abokurah and May Abokurah that are officially living in Washington D.C., Saudi Arabia and Jordan as well as in cooperation with Fadia Nagar living in Hove England. And all these mentioned persons are also living in Saudi Arabia and have Saudi Arabia Nationality and are directly related to Osama Ben Laden through Dr. Alaa Ali and Tarek Ali as well as directly Related to George W. Bush and George W. Bush (Added on 28-12-2011) Please ignore any connection between Dr. Farzat Baroudi and Professor Joachim Sauer, it was an error my site. However I will leave the older information as documentation of how I was systematically manipulated to destroy many relations between me and others. See also the new photos below

6.     Dr. Farzat Baroudi is the hidden son of the man disguised as the woman Barbara Pierce Bush (or of George H. W. Bush) and the hidden brother to the current USA president George W. Bush alias Fareed Kheir.

7.     Dr. Farzat Baroudi is Professor Joachim Sauer the official husband of the current German chancellor Angelika Merkel alias Yvonne O’Conner

8.     Dr. Farzat Baroudi is a CIA and/or American military intelligence agent that made it high up to the top of the German government through drugs, prostitutions, terrorism, slavery  and many other international crimes

Name in Arabic

فرزت  البارودي \ بارودي

Relation to me

My fake uncle

First saw/met

Mid 1960s in Cairo, Egypt

Age at that time

Over 30 years old

Last saw/met

1984 in Munich, Germany, possibly also again in Munich, Germany between 1985 and 1985, can’t exactly recall due to all the persecution and brainwash they performed on me

Hidden biological relatives

English royalties and American Hollywood actors

Allegedly Died On


Surrounding me during

Many times in my life, especially during heavy persecution and brainwash periods. See below under other knowledge for more details.


170-178 cm


80 kg

Skin Color


Hair Color


Eye Color




Special Features

Birth mark on his check, pretend to be stupid, very deceiving and cruel, his teeth are small and corrupted in that they are slightly going towards the inside of his mouth (not straight down) just like the Bush family members and that is due to they all have sex with their own children and have their own children of their own children, of their own mothers, of their own sisters, and even have children of their own grandparents or grandchildren.

Special Crimes Against Me

1.     Officially pretended to be my uncle

2.     Helped in brainwashing through out my life

3.     Persecuted me at least since mid 1970s as he was in Köln and Hamburg

4.     Helped in kidnapping me to USA and put my life on hold/ice until now

  See more description/Details below the photograph

 Additional Photos wanted/needed

I have no photos of Dr. Farzat Baroudi. But I have photographs of his hidden biological father and brothers to the right. Dr. Farzat Baroudi is to 99% professor Joachim Sauer the official husband of the current German chancellor Angelika Merkel, and this is especially true since I know for fact and 100% that Angelica Merkel is Yvonne O’Conner that I met in 1970 in the American military base called McGraw casern in Munich, Germany


(Below added on 05.01.2012)

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: D:\Users\MichaelN\Pictures\_Temp\imagesCA0A3FKU.jpg

This is possibly Dr. Farzat Baroudi or at least a very lookalike

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: D:\Users\MichaelN\Pictures\_Temp\imagesCA69KCHZ.jpg

This is most definitely Dr. Farzat Baroudi for detail see page 2

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: D:\Users\MichaelN\Pictures\_Temp\imagesCACBK37F.jpg

This is possibly also Dr. Farzat Baroudi but not sure


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: D:\Users\MichaelN\Pictures\_Temp\imagesCAEY2LA0.jpgDescription: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: D:\Users\MichaelN\Pictures\_Temp\imagesCAII8HX6.jpg

This is most definitely NOT dr. Farzat Baroudi

This is Most definitely Dr. Farzat Baroudi and I would bet my life on it. It is absolutely his mouth and the way he presses his teeth when he want to concentrate. It is his mouth shape and ears it is his face structure and forehead. He just added eye glasses and a simple beard. That is with no doubt Dr. Farzat Baroudi, this is especially true, at least for me, because and while I was in the refugee camp, I think it was in the city of Ter Apel, and was watching TV just past midnight, I think it was 2003, I think it was on BBC news, and I saw an interview on the TV made with my nephew Abdallah Abokurah, that time he was still fresh in my memory, unfortunately I did not write down his name, everything went very fast.

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: wanted-0017_image003.jpg


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G:\Photos\Angelika Merkel\Joachim Sauer.jpg


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G:\Photos\Angelika Merkel\Joachim Sauer3.jpg


(the text here is added on 05.01.2012)

Photo-A01: Moamar Khadafi-1 possibly Dr. Farzat Baroudi


Photo-A02: Moamar Khadafi-2 alias Dr. Farzat Baroudi


Photo-A03: Moamar Khadafi-3, Not Dr. Farzat Baroudi, this is another person using the identity of Khadafi


Photo-A04: the alleged killed Khadafi, look closely at these photos, the look like photos of a very cheap and bad Hollywood movie


Photo-A05: Iraqi ex-President for one month Mohsen Abdel Hamid



(Added on 28-12-2011) Photo-1: is the original photo that I had and it looked like Dr. Farzat Baroudi 20 years after I last saw him. At that time as I found this photo I was not able to find a better photo but now I was able to which are photo-2 and photo-3 that clearly show that professor Joachim Sauer is not Dr. Farzat Baroudi, for one Dr. Farzat Baroudi has brown/black eye colors and different eye shapes, and they totally have different teeth shapes, the teeth of Dr. Farzat Baroudi are identical of those of George W. Bush.


(Added on 28-12-2011) Photo-2: Detailed photo of professor Joachim Sauer that show clearly he does not look like Dr. Farzat Baroudi


(Added on 28-12-2011) Photo-3: photo of professor Joachim Sauer that show clearly he does not look like Dr. Farzat Baroudi



I haven’t seen Dr. Farzat Baroudi since at least 1986; this is how Dr. Farzat Baroudi could look like today. If professor Joachim Sauer is not the same person as Dr. Farzat Baroudi then he must be 100% his brother or even twin brother.  See 25 photos of his actual biological father and brothers.


Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Dr. Farzat Baroudi most probably is professor Joachim Sauer. Am I 100% sure? No, but this is what I have. Dr. Farzat Baroudi was not in Syria in 1959, however every one in my fake family was trying very hard to put it in my thought that I saw him in Damascus, Syria in 1959. He is 100% not Syrian nor born in Syria nor living in Syria. He is American/English spy in Germany pretending to be from Syria.


Profession under Alias

Officially he is teacher of economics in some college or allegedly governmental education school some where in Hamburg, Germany since 1970/1971. Before that he allegedly was studying Economics in Köln, Germany


Official Nationality

Syrian, but in reality English or American


Countries Lived In

This is what I saw:

One year in Egypt in late 1960s allegedly to make his doctorate work, but in reality he was helping his fake family in drug crimes

I visited him 3-6 times in Wald weg in Hamburg, Germany for 1-3 days, but it does not mean that he only lives there, in Hamburg he has a second residence

This is what I was told:

Until 1959, allegedly only in Damascus, Syria, which is a 100% lie

1959-1969, Köln, Germany allegedly attending some university

1969-1970, allegedly for only 6 months he was in Damascus, Syria trying to get a job after he finished his college in Köln

1970-today, allegedly lives only in Hamburg¸ Germany on Wald Weg (street), which is a 100% lie


Official Address

1959: Never seen him in Damascus, Syria, he was not present

1960-1969: Allegedly university students home in Köln

1969/1970: allegedly 6 months in Damascus, Syria

1970-current: allegedly on Wald weg, Hamburg, Germany

1959: Never seen him in Damascus, Syria, he was not present

1960-1969: Allegedly university students home in Köln

1969/1970: allegedly one year in Damascus, Syria

1970-current: allegedly on Wald weg, Hamburg, Germany

Disguise Methods

Pretend to be conservative and stupid, has several fake birth marks on his face that he moves from one location to another as he changes his identity








Kamel Baroudi



Samiyath Baroudi/Khayat



Eftikar Baroudi/Kheir, Hayat Baroudi my fake mother



Mamdoh Baroudi, Jawdat Baroudi, Badeaa Baroudi, Jalal Baroudi



Rabeaa Baroudi, Elham Baroudi, Jameel Baroudi, Rateb Khayat, Suaad Khayat



Anna Baroudi an alleged teacher of French language for Elementary school in Hamburg, Germany. Anna Baroudi is 99% daughter of Pauline Robinson Pierce the official mother of ex-USA-first-lady Barbara Pierce Bush



As Dr. Farzat Baroudi and with his additional wife Anna Baroudi has children 1-3 which I forgot.


Other Relatives

Among others these families: Baroudi, Najar, Bdeir, Abokurah, Kheir, the fake family of his wife Anna Baroudi in Köln?





















Other Relatives

To 99 % this is his real biological family (see more 25 photos):

Father:              The famous English actor Louis Jourdan

Brother-1:          The famous English Actor Jeremy Iron

Brother-2:          The famous American actor Clint Eastwood

Brother-3:          Dr. Wolfgang Huber, The chairman of the Evangelical

                        Churches of Germany

Brother-4, 70%: Prince Edward the official son of queen Elizabeth II


Friends of the Family


Official Businesses



Businesses Partners:


Illegal Businesses

1.     Spy in Egypt, Germany, European Union

2.     Drug Lord for his Baroudi fake family but family in crimes

3.     Saboteur

4.     Brainwasher for youth (students) by using his ESP and use them as his slaves for illegal business

5.     Prostitution pimp/zuhaelter (zuhaelter is German for a man who owns one to many prostitutes and sell them for his own personal gain

6.     Terrorist

7.     Child Kidnapper

8.     And many other crimes


In short he owns and run a lot of illegal business in Hamburg under his cover a good conservative teacher, and especially in an area called Reperbahn.


He is American/English Saboteur, this mean he sabotages business in Germany, and if it ever comes out, officially he is Syrian and therewith they can blame it on Syria and not their alleged friends the Americans and English.


I have no doubt in my mind that he sabotaged the following:

A.    Atomic Energy in Germany

B.    Airbus company

Also here when it comes out that he is the son of Loius Jourdan, Louis Jourdan is officially born in France and is French, and therewith every one will think it is the French, but it is a lie, he is 100% English royalty but was placed as a baby in France as one of the strategic and crocked planes of the family. They always like to blame others for their bad doings and that is why they always pretend to be from a different nation.


Other Knowledge

Persecuted me many times in my life, especially during heavy persecution and brainwash periods. First time was in 1970 when he and in cooperation with CIA, Mosad and other agencies confused the hell out of my life and forced me to be on the street and then to go to the American military base called McGraw casern in Munich, Germany so I may think that the Germans are bad that they put me on the street while I am only 17 years old and refugee in Germany, but the Americans and Israeli are good because they helped me to get off the street. But in reality. But also to think that my family and all Arabs and Moslems are bad because they not only persecuted me but also and latterly pushed me to be home less so I may go to the American Military Base called McGraw caser, where I was hopelessly brainwashed for many purposes, but purpose number one is to forget my past and that I have a family members in Germany, which they largely succeeded with all that.

The John Mueller incident:

Click here for more information about John Mueller.

John Mueller was pretending to be my friend. In summer 1976/1977 he asked me once to help him out and drive him with his children to his mother-in-law from Munich, Germany to I think it was Paderborn (around 500 km north of Munich) also in Germany, where he allegedly wanted to leave his children for a while. As we get to his mother-in-law, she was all high on drugs. Today I know it was acting. She pretended to be so high that her closing was not properly covering her; beside she was in women underwear. I did not think much about it at that time, I just thought it was a bad mother-in-law, but in reality John Mueller and his mother-in-law were creating a situation to remind me with my past. I wanted to visit my uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi, at that time I did not know that he is not my uncle. John Mueller said he like to come with me. I also had my niece and nephew Esmat and Essam Shawki from England with me, therefore I called my uncle and asked him for permission to visit him with my nephew, niece and my friend, he said no problem. So we drove from Paderborn to Hamburg, around 300 km, as we get there and my uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi saw John Mueller, he refused to let us in to his house and kicked us out with the reason we came late and he is angry for that. But we were only 30 minutes late after driving 300 km in rush hour time this mean between 4 and 6 O’clock. Today I know that John Mueller was not my friend but rather an agent for some German police agency, and Dr. Farzat Baroudi is professor Joachim Sauer and both had ESP and most probably John Mueller knew professor Joachim Sauer from other places, and that is why my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi did not even let us in to his house, because he was pretending to be some one else and not professor Joachim Sauer. Long story but it is important to show the behavior of the members of my fake family when they are caught unexpectedly under their


Calypso Project incident:


My fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias professor Joachim Sauer that never visited me in Munich until 1984 and 1985, and even went out with me and my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka and I immediately recognized that they knew each other but I did not know how, it was the way he looked at my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka and what his look said, which I want to have sex with you. Dr. Farzat Baroudi stayed at the terrorist house Dr. Sami Assassa and one time pretended to be on his way for a summer vacation to south of France and another time was allegedly on his way to Syria, and both times with his Volks Wagen bus-camper and his international whore wife Anna Baroudi the hidden daughter of Pauline Robinson Pierce the official mother of ex-USA-first-lady Barbara Pierce Bush the wife of ex-USA president George H. W. Bush. One time and while he was present at the house of Dr. Sami Assassa that short shit international drug lord and terrorist and the official brother-in-law to the hidden Rockefeller my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi, my cousin Faihaa Kheir was also present to confirm the deceive that they are only small time jewels and diamond smugglers to Saudi Arabia, but also it was to confirm the fake identity of my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi to hide his real or other fake identity as professor Joachim Sauer, in reality he is the hidden son of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon alias queen Mom alias wife of my father King George VI alias a man disguised as a woman alias the drug lord Mrs. Abokurah the official mother of my fake brother-in-law Abdalghani Abokurah. They all came each one at a time and took turns in helping each others and covering up for each others while rapping me physically and mentally to protect the hidden many Mafia organizations they created with it is crimes under the protection of the CIA and various countries military intelligence


The absolute and cruelest hidden terrorist in Germany since my arrival in Germany 1969 and until my kidnapping to USA in 1984/1986 to among others cover up for his true and fake identities. Based on what I was told about his work and in particular during the illegal Calypso project, this is what he officially does:

1.     He allegedly lived in Köln from 1959-1969

2.     1969 went allegedly to Syria for 6 Months, whereby I met him in Damascus in December 1969 for two weeks and he wanted to force my mind to think that I met him in Syria in 1959 in that he along with Jawdat Baroudi my fake mother Hayat Baroudi and others created situations of 1959 and placed him in it to force me to think that he lived with his father 1959, which is absolutely not true, I never seen Dr. Farzat Baroudi prior to my fake mother Hayat Baroudi introduced him to me in Egypt as my uncle from Germany, during a period were my fake and biological family were performing very evil and desperate attempts to show as if they were German Nazis hiding in the Middle East since the second world war, among others in that Mohi Sabri alias Franz Joseph Strauss disappeared to Germany in 1968/1969 but also the CIA agent Adel Hasan he brought us an albino German Sheppard dog that he claimed him to be of his friend the German ambassador that left back to Germany and gave him his dog

3.     He allegedly dumped his girlfriend that he knew for 10 years in Köln and married her girlfriend Anna Baroudi to receive the German residence permit and force me to think that he is not German or American or English

4.     His wife is Anna Baroudi alias a hidden daughter of Pauline Robinson Pierce the official mother-in-law of ex-USA president George fucking H. W. Bush, or even and very possibly the actual Pauline Robin Robinson Bush that allegedly died in 1953, who knows these people are absolutely mentally sick and survive only on lies and faking death because they are absolutely cowereds to do what ever they do publicly and that is why they do every thing in the hidden and publicly pretend to be angels and saints

5.     He is allegedly a teacher of economics in some higher educational school or college in Hamburg

6.     His wife Anna Baroudi is allegedly teacher of the French language for some elementary school in Hamburg

7.     Both of them allegedly give private lessons at home to students

8.     He is allegedly certified translator for the German court

9.     He is allegedly certified translator for the German police station in the Reperbahn section of Hamburg where it is mainly populated by whore houses, strip bars, prostitutes, pimps, drugs, and terrorists

10.  He is allegedly certified translator of the Ports Authority of Hamburg

11.  He is allegedly certified translator for many transport companies in relation to transportation through the port of Hamburg

12.  He is allegedly certified translator for large companies that transport products through Hamburg to and from the Middle East

13.  He is allegedly an active member of the German largest political party called the SPD

14.  He allegedly does not like his wife and is looking forward to marry an Arab and in particular Syrian woman.

15.  He allegedly visits marriage counselor along with his wife to improve their marriage relation

16.  I visited him several times, and one time with my grand mother Samiyath Khayat alias queen Mary of Teck in 1975

17.  The other time in 1976 with my fake nephew Essam Shawki, his fake sister Esmat Shawki and my alleged friend the agent John Mueller and he immediately kicked us out as he saw John Mueller, especially that John Mueller used names very provocative to my fake and biological families, such as his sons name Achim similar to Joachim, which it could be Joseph-Achim joint together to Jo-Achim or Joachim, the name of my fake uncle other identity as professor Joachim Sauer, which I did not understand at that time because I just knew him as my fake uncle, however my fake uncle did understand and that is why he kicked us out

18.  His wife Anna Baroudi allegedly had a dream that she should become Moslem and she immediately and allegedly converted to Islam on the following day and all this in 1984 during the concentrated evil and illegal project calypso

What is true in all the above and what is false? I don’t know, except what I saw, and many of his lies are things related to my life in one way or another such as I worked for the Port’s Authority of Saudi Arabia through Siemens AG 9 years after he moved to Hamburg and performed all these duties, especially that Siemens AG placed a look a like of my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi very close to me at work named Dr. Witte and created uncountable situation to show me that me fake family is Americans but also English, such as the Siemens-Albis in Basel, Switzerland, the American professor of mathematics and freelance consultant to Siemens AG through my manager Dr, Peter M. Lembke, whereby my manager Dr, Peter M. Lembke and officially just arrived from USA after allegedly spending 5 years in USA and practicing their marketing strategies and wrote a book about it that was in book stores, just like my fake uncle wrote a book about the fake history of Egypt  as a mass brainwash. Therefore is Angelika Merkel alias Yvonne O’Conner and her husband professor Joachim Sauer alias my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi are terrorist in hiding as the German Chancellor and her husband alias my uncle the terrorist and drug lord


End of Calypso Project incident


Calypso Project Surroundings: UDF Consulting AG Incidents:


My fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias professor Joachim Sauer is 100% a hidden terrorist that lived several identities and I discovered these two out of them. I am not certain what he exactly performed as professor Joachim Sauer except that he is today under the protection of the German chancellor Angelika Merkel alias Yvonne O’Conner that are pretending to be originated from a Nazi family in East Germany, but she is 100% American/English. However as my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi I know for fact that he has a fake identity and used it to claim that he is my uncle and therewith he performed a severe crime to cover up my kidnapping in 1959 and helped very strongly in kidnapping me in 1984/1986 to USA and keeping me in USA as letterly slave and hostage for 15 years along with his official brothers and sisters Jawdat Baroudi alias Rockefeller, Badeaa Baroudi alias several persons with one identity such as Joseph P. Kennedy junior and Samuel Prescott Bush and another person that I recently discovered however I don’t know his name but he is my older biological brother and hidden son of king George VI, the fake Syrian diplomat Jalal Baroudi, Mamdoh Baroudi alias King George V, Hayat Baroudi alias twin brother to queen Elizabeth II disguised as the woman and my fake mother Hayat Baroudi, Eftikar Kheir alias hidden daughter of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon alias queen mom alias official mother of queen Elizabeth II alias wife of my father king George VI. And beside all these fake relationships he is a drug lord working with all his official family Baroudi in distributing drugs through the port of Hamburg, but also and as an alleged teacher also in Hamburg he is 100% a terrorist that trained terrorist minds with his ESP at least since 1960 to his students under both fake identities, and that is very visible at the locations where he was officially as Dr. Farzat Baroudi such as the Hamburg failed court trail to the one of the actual planners and supports of the world trade center terrorist attack, but also all the radical Moslems in Köln and Bonn supported officially by the Syrian consulate/Embassy in cooperation with the Pakistani consulate/Embassy that had join venture consulate in 1970 in Bonn, Germany, but also he is most definitely responsible for many terrorist attacks and in particular attacking famous German business people in 1970s and 1980s such as the kidnapping and murder of Hans-Martin Schleyer, the kidnapping and damaging of the son of the Oetker family, the kidnapping one of the Albricht Brothers alias owners of the supermarket Aldi, kidnapping Wienerwald daughter/son, and in cooperation with Dr. Sami Assassa they 100% performed the absolute vicious terrorist attack on Siemens AG and killed at least two of top Siemens AG executives that were responsible for among others the Atomic Energy development, especially that one of them was a professor of Physics and specialized for Atomic Energy and most probably was the direct friend of professor Joachim Sauer or even his prior teacher, and especially that all my fake family in Germany organized and from the hidden the most violent protest in Germany for years against the Atomic Energy in Germany to force Siemens AG and their business and development allies to lose and be under the control of their own family companies such as the American company GE-General Electric, but also English and French Atomic Energy companies that wanted to control the German market due to it is the largest market in Europe and simultaneously eliminate their international competition, which is Siemens AG, Krupp and others. But Dr. Farzat Baroudi 100% performed the vicious terrorist attack on the famous Munich Oktoberfest and attempted to murder me, and the reason I know he performed this terrorist attack in cooperation with Dr. Sami Assassa and my fake stepfather Mohi Sabri alias Franz Joseph Strauss is that they tried many times to kill me and they are the only ones who would benefit of my death, and this performed Oktoberfest terrorist attack in September 1981 was 100% only a few months after I discovered the fake Quran through partially the help and partially by force of tricks through Siemens  AG and my manager Dr. Peter M. Lemke, however some unknown saved my life, but 12 others innocent people died and today I know they were trying indirectly to frame me for this terrorist attack with out me noticing and as if I knew the identity of my fake stepfather Mohi Sabri alias Franz Joseph Strauss the ex-German vice Chancellor since 1982 alias ex-Bavarian governor since 1970s, and since Mohi Sabri rapped me as I was a child and forced me to be rapped by many other business partners of his alias drug lords in Cairo, Egypt and they made it look as if I am a homosexual, and therewith it looked like I wanted to revenge and performed this terrorist attack, which some unknown and in the years 2001 and while I was forced being a refugee in Holland and with his ESP tried hard to get me to remember as if I did this terrorist attack, which is impossible because not only I loved Oktoberfest and Germany, but also I loved every one at that time and had absolutely no idea what was going around my life due to I was kept as a slave and hostage most of my life by my fake and biological family through the CIA and military intelligence of various countries. And all this brings me back to the initial terrorist attacks in my life that I was persecuted officially due to my alleged connection to a terrorist organization, which is the PLO-Palestine Liberation Organization, and that was because I was framed by my fake uncle  Badeaa Baroudi alias Joseph P. Kennedy junior alias Samuel Prescott Bush alias additional person with unknown name at the moment, and Dr. Farzat Baroudi is the official brother of Badeaa Baroudi and both of them are 100% terrorists that performed many terrorist attacks in the name of Palestinians to force the world to side with Israel, England and USA against Palestinians and this through a mass and worldwide schock that forced every one to side with them by performing the absolute vicious and violent terrorist attack on the 1972 Munich Olympics and ever since I am being persecuted with out me noticing under the claim of National security but in reality to isolate me of the entire world by force of law and this alone is the prove that my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi and his official relative and terrorist Dr. Sami Assassa have also performed this vicious terrorist attack, especially that I was unjustly persecuted for it for so long. Therefore and for many other reasons that I will some time gather in one page, is my fake Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias professor Joachim Sauer 100% a terrorist and today is governing Germany from the background and covering for himself and his evil past and present. Dr. Farzat Baroudi that attempted to murder me on my way from Hamburg to Munich in 1984 by forcing a bus to ram my car on the Autobahn/highway from Hamburg to Munich and while the highway was completely empty and my brand-new car crashed with total damage that took 4 weeks and 15 thousand Deutsch Mark to fix and somehow I survived this vicious murder attempt, and simultaneously in that same trip he even attempted to murder me with ESP but some one unknown saved me, however he inflicted upon me physical pain and damage in this same trip and created with ESP large bubble directly under my arms in the size of a walnut that I still have and until today under my both arms. And immediately after this accident which was some times in summer 1984 and while I was working for the illegal American/English/Syrian military intelligence project Calypso, I was forced to rent a car during this over one month period while I was waiting for my car to be fixed allegedly because the electronic parts of my at that time car Japanese Mazda 929 sport coupe, must be ordered directly from Japan, and the car rental, a small BMW 323 costed me over 3500 Deutsch Mark, while Simultaneously and the concentrated evil Syrian military intelligence employees of the project calypso forced me to leave my apartment and live in the Holiday Inn hotel for a round one months, during which they were knocking me unconscious in that hotel and rapping me and while I am unconscious by unknown and uncountable women to increase the size of the half brothers and sisters, and simultaneously stressing me and forcing me to spend all my money. Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias professor Joachim Sauer is one evil and mentally sick motherfucker that performed many terrorist attacks and today I have no doubt in my mind that he was directly involved in the bombing of the world trade center and the pentagon in 9.11.2001, to among others link all past terrorist activities and mass drugs smuggling and sale to one man, which is Osama Ben/Bin Laden and cover up for himself and the rest of the evil Baroudi families with all their hidden branches such as Kheir, Bdeir, Malas and others and are all fake identities originated of the Windsor and Rockefeller families. And this piece of shit of Dr. Farzat Baroudi thinks of him self not only as a hidden God, but also he think of himself as untouchable due to he is the official husband of the current German chancellor Angelika Merkel alias Yvonne O’Connor, but not in this life, I will hunt him down as the terrorist that he is and show to the world what this evil family are performing for mass damages all over the world, and make sure not only that he is no longer in control of Germany but also that he is locked up once and for all and with all his hidden look a like.


End of Calypso Project Surroundings: UDF Consulting AG Incidents





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Khadafi, Baroudi and Hussein page index (Go to the top of this page):

1.     Farzat Baroudi Page-1 identified as ex-Libyan president Moamar Khadafi (this page)

2.     The original additional photos of Dr. Farzat Baroudi lookalike

3.     Farzat Baroudi Page-2

4.     Ex-Iraqi president Mohsen Abdel Hamid alias Dr. Farzat Baroudi in a new disguise

5.     Bodyguards  of ex-Libyan president Moamar Khadafi alias Dr. Farzat Baroudi a  pattern for men disguised as women

6.     Germany energy companies alias second world war allies in Libya

7.     Gladio the hidden NATO military intelligence alias a vicious terrorist group within my fake family

8.     Kaddafi’s height as a mean of recognizing Moamar Khadafi’s identities!!!

9.     The color skin of Moamar Khadafi is a Hollywood style disguises and makeup!!

10.  The finger nails of Moamar Khadafi are a Hollywood style disguises and makeup!!

11.  The various locations of the facial mole of Moamar Khadafi are a Hollywood style disguises and makeup!!

12.  The various eyes of Moamar Khadafi as a Hollywood style disguises and makeup!!

13.  The cloths as distraction of the multi person’s identity of Moamar Khadafi is a Hollywood style disguises and makeup!!

14.   The various noses of Moamar Khadafi as a Hollywood style disguises and makeup!!

15.  Moamar Khadafy

16.  Saddam Hussein the ex-Iraqi president