Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0017-6


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:                       19.01.2012

Updated:                          19.01.2012, 21.01.2012

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Note-1: this page could take longer to load due to all the photos!


The color skin and hair of Moamar Khadafi is a Hollywood style disguises and makeup!!

(Added on 21.01.2012) Note: Due to the complexity of this profile it turned to be 15 separate web pages, from Dr. Farzat Baroudi to ex-Libyan president Moamar Khadafi and ex-Iraqi president Sadam Hussein. See the page index of all these pages.

Note-2: some photos are middle high resolution and are 1-2 MB and need longer time to be downloaded enable to appear on your screen.


This page shows some of the visible disguises of ex-Libyan president Moamar Khadafi that is in reality several persons under this identity and 2 of them I know as my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias the hidden son of John D. Rockefeller junior the second alias my fake granduncle Fuad Khayat alias my fake grandmother Samiyath Khayat alias a very mentally sick man, and the other is Kofi Annan alias my ex-friend the American military intelligence agent Ray Thomas alias a colleague, friend and family relative to my ex-wife the CIA agent Anita Disbray alias the hidden mother or grandmother and identical lookalike of princess Madeleine of Sweden=another organized crime family forcing us to think that they are good people, while they are killing us, well at least they killed me mentally, emotionally and otherwise they totally killed my existence, I am just here to witness what they did to me, and why!!!


Showing and proving that the photographs are of several persons that are using the Khadafi identity.


1.       The deceive Khadafi is not black is only semi white!

2.       The dark crème to change the skin color

3.       The various hair forms, straight and curly hair!!



The deceive Khadafi is not black is only semi white! (go to the top of page)


Photo-1 below: Let us start with a very simple deceive. This photo and this alleged African Nigeria's President Olusegun Obasanjo, is holding the hand of Moamar Khadafi and want to say, but not saying it but rather showing it: This man is not black, look I am black and this is darker white!!


This is a cover up for Kofi Annan that officially come from Ghana and disguises as many identities, I know two of them, Moamar Khadafi and Ray Thomas the colleague of my ex-wife the CIA and military intelligence agent Anita Disbray alias a hidden mother or grandmother of princes Madeleine of Sweden, whereby Kofi Annan is married to a hidden Swedish royalty!!!!!!


Sure this man is not Black, it is also not my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi, this man that is pretending to be Moamar Khadafi is unknown to me, he is probably Italian, French or even German representing one of the petroleum company partners, Agip (Italian Partner), Total (French partner), Wintershall (German partner), BP-British Petroleum (England), Shell (Netherland), maybe even ARAMCO (Saudi Arabia=Rockefeller) or another unknown companies, because Ray Thomas alias Kofi Annan is representing Preem (Swedish) and Dr. Farzat Baroudi is representing the Rockefellers and the Bush families and therewith he is also representing Exxon/Esso, Chevron/Texaco and the others that belong to the Rockefeller evil family of death.

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G:\Photos\_Temp\Libya\Khadafi with other famous\Khadafi-Muammar Gaddafi and Nigeria's President Olusegun Obasanjo.jpg

The dark crème to change the skin color (go to the top of page)


Photo-1 large first row below: This photo is a middle high resolution with 1.5 MB size. This is a small prove that Moamar Khadafi has heavy makeup on even on his body to make his skin look darker and others use lighter crème to make their skin look lighter because they are Black such as Ray Thomas alias Kofi Annan alias Moamar Khadafi. Moamar Khadafi the whole way to the right in the gold red dress and gold red hat with punch of international organized crime families representatives that pretend to be idiots and don’t know that Khadafi is in deep disguise, note that each one of these presidents has his/her own secret service agency similar to the CIA and can detect any scams as several persons use the identity of Moamar Khadafi, and the only reason that these pretend to be idiots are using the absolute same scams of several persons using their identities but not as extreme as Khadafi and others in these evil so called Arab  countries such as Sheikha Moza alias Adelheid Kuczka alias Margie Lange alias Laura Welch Bush alias Doris Hayes alias Queen Noor alias Najlaa Mahmoud


Photo-2 small second row below left: This photo is a small cut of the large photo above it showing only the arm of Moamar Khadafi

Photo-2 small second row below middle: This is the same photo as the one to the left of it, only with a red circle showing the very dark brown hand crème line on the above side of the hand, where the skin color is different than the upper arm

Photo-2 small second row below right:  this is the same photo as the one to the left of it, just enlarged showing the line of the hand crème, where it is very visible that there are absolutely two different colors, one natural and the other hand crème to look like half afro American.


Comment: Look how all these pretend to be idiot presidents and prime ministers on the right halt are looking at Moamar Khadafi and are most impressed or even admire him for his class acting show of distraction by not only wearing eye catching cloths, but also the way he talks and moves is absolute a total distraction of his personality to not allow anyone to notice that there are different persons that use this identity=I am absolute speechless over their totally misuse of their own intelligence. In other words, they use their intelligence to act as stupid and that what they really become with the time, because they do it for 10, 30, 30, 50 and some of them even for more than one hundred years!!


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G:\Photos\_Temp\Libya\Khadafi with other famous\1-G8_summit_in_L'Aquila,_family_photo.jpg

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G:\Photos\_Temp\Libya\Khadafi with other famous\1-G8_summit_in_L'Aquila,_family_photo-Khadafis-hand-only.jpgDescription: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G:\Photos\_Temp\Libya\Khadafi with other famous\1-G8_summit_in_L'Aquila,_family_photo-Khadafis-hand-only-red-circle.jpg

The various hair forms, straight and curly hair!!

It is very clear to see in the Hair-Photo-01 to Hair-Photo-04 that Khadafi has straight white man’s hair!

The Hair-Photo-05 to Hair-Phot10 show clearly that Khadafi has curly African hair or Afro-American, Afro-English, Afro-Sweden or in general Afro-European hair!!!

The Hair-Photo-12 and Hair-Photo-12 show also clearly that and as he grow older while our communication with Internet advanced very quickly, he is wearing a wig, a hair piece, a toupee or also called peruke and cover it up by detraction of the fancy hat, very bad hair style, clothing and his behavior=American and European actor second class. And that is why I am using photographs from 1960s and 1970s, where there was no Internet and the petroleum companies, the boss of Khadafi were sending an Afro-American to the Afro-American Anwar Al Sadat (Hair-Photo-05) and a while man with straight hair to white or half white such as Naser, or Afro-French to colonies of the French and so on. They think everyone is stupid and they are the only smart ones in our world, which is not true, the petroleum companies are the evil of our world and very stupid because they are not capable to create peaceful and useful products and that is why they bombed the World Trade Center to keep on controlling the petroleum and terrorize our lives. Who are these petroleum companies?


Are these ones that persecuted me to death since 1959 by using all of their connections to cover up that I was used as a place holder for George W. Bush until he bombs the World Trade Center enable the following Petroleum Companies have more countries under their control such as Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq: ARAMCO, Exxon/Esso, Chevron, Texaco-1 and Texaco-2 (now it is Chevron), BP-British Petroleum-1, BP-British Petroleum-2,BASF-Wintershall and others such as the Sweden Preem, the French Total and the Italian Agip!!!


And that is why there is several Moamar Khadafi, one for each major Petroleum company as a partner.


And therewith is Kaddafi still alive, what we saw is either a Hollywood style deceive, or they killed one of the several lookalikes and most definitely they did not kill my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi that often disguised as Moamar Khadafi and is one of the major responsible persons for the  World Trade Center bombing and for many other terrorist activities such as bombing of the Pan Am Flight 103 plane over Lockerbie, England on 21 December 1988.


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G:\Photos\_Temp\Libya\Identities\BFDV Teacher NO\Khadafi-Houari Boumedienne.jpg


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G:\Photos\_Temp\Libya\Khadafi with others none famous\Khadafi-Press.jpg


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G:\Photos\_Temp\Libya\Identities\BFDV Teacher\Kadafi-Naser.jpg




Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G:\Photos\_Temp\Libya\Identities\_Who is this\Khadafi-Sadat.jpg



Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G:\Photos\_Temp\Libya\women\young-qaddafi-family.jpg



Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G:\Photos\_Temp\Libya\Good with famous\4-Gaddafi-Boumedienne-Assad-1977-Tripolis.jpg



Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G:\Photos\_Temp\Libya\Identities\_Who is this\Khadafi-Gordon Brown .jpg


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G:\Photos\_Temp\Libya\Khadafi with other famous\kadhafi-obama.jpg



Khadafi, Baroudi and Hussein page index (Go to the top of this page):

1.     Farzat Baroudi Page-1 identified as ex-Libyan president Moamar Khadafi

2.     The original additional photos of Dr. Farzat Baroudi lookalike

3.     Farzat Baroudi Page-2

4.     Ex-Iraqi president Mohsen Abdel Hamid alias Dr. Farzat Baroudi in a new disguise

5.     Bodyguards  of ex-Libyan president Moamar Khadafi alias Dr. Farzat Baroudi a  pattern for men disguised as women

6.     Germany energy companies alias second world war allies in Libya

7.     Gladio the hidden NATO military intelligence alias a vicious terrorist group within my fake family

8.     Kaddafi’s height as a mean of recognizing Moamar Khadafi’s identities!!!

9.     The color skin of Moamar Khadafi is a Hollywood style disguises and makeup!! (this page)

10.  The finger nails of Moamar Khadafi are a Hollywood style disguises and makeup!!

11.  The various locations of the facial mole of Moamar Khadafi are a Hollywood style disguises and makeup!!

12.  The various eyes of Moamar Khadafi as a Hollywood style disguises and makeup!!

13.  The cloths as distraction of the multi person’s identity of Moamar Khadafi is a Hollywood style disguises and makeup!!

14.  The various noses of Moamar Khadafi as a Hollywood style disguises and makeup!!

15.  Moamar Khadafy

16.  Saddam Hussein the ex-Iraqi president