Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0017-2


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:            05.01.2012

Updated:               05.01.2012, 21.01.2012, 04.02.2012

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

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Due to complexity is still under construction

Bodyguards of ex-Libyan president Moamar Khadafi alias Dr. Farzat Baroudi a pattern for men disguised as women

(Added on 21.01.2012) Note: Due to the complexity of this profile it turned to be 15 separate web pages, from Dr. Farzat Baroudi to ex-Libyan president Moamar Khadafi and ex-Iraqi president Sadam Hussein. See the page index of all these pages.

Created on 05.01.2012 by MichaelNajarNL@hotmail.com

File location: www.najar.najarworld.com/wanted-0017-2.htm


(Added on 26.01.2012) You have two choices to understand this page, or both choices to better understand this page:

1.     Click here to see the American military intelligence agents that worked as Gladio and were bodyguards around my life while forcing me to think of them as my brother, sisters and my mother.

2.     Below are the examples of the vicious Gladio men disguised as harmless sexy women as bodyguards among others as bodyguards for ex-Libyan president Moamar Khadafi alias my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias a hidden brother of me, George W. Bush and George H. W. Bush, Mr. Ruge alias John D. Rockefeller the Third and a member of a huge hidden Rockefeller brotherhood that are all the sons and daughters of John D. Rockefeller junior the second.


(Added on 27.01.2012) I am totally surprised and simultaneously shocked, surprised because out of one small insignificant discovery that I made (with the help of the locals of the nearby town). Which is that my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar was one of the bodyguards that exchanged shift protecting Sheikha Mozah in Munich, Germany in 1981-1982 while she was pretending to be my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka, and through this situation, I discovered so many Gladio bodyguards around my life that led me to discover another major evil and absolute shocking fact, that the ex-Soviet Union were working together with Europeans and American controlling families to keep the general public enslaved and separated in East block=the so called Communism and west black=the so called democracy and freedom, and not only that, I also discovered that I am the link between East and West, between Soviet Union and Bush, between Soviet Union and the Rockefeller, Between German Chancellor Angelika Merkel and her colleague Hayat Baroudi that pretended to be my mother enable she can use me to confirm it is the same woman from 1959, but she exchanged places with another lookalike from Russian. In other words Angelika Merkel and my fake mother Hayat Baroudi were both colleagues and disguised as American spies that went to the east, one to East Germany and the other to Moscow and this happened almost simultaneously, on around 15 December 1969 my fake mother Hayat Baroudi went as agent to Moscow over Bulgaria or Yugoslavia and was replaced by another person and in 1970 Yvonne O’Conner went disguised as agent to East Germany probably pretended to be escaping the alleged suppression in the west or she just exchanged places with another lookalike just like Hayat Baroudi did and used me to think it is the same person. While Gunther alias Marvin Pierce Bush came back from East Germany in 1976 and his hidden relative Jürgen Kwader alias Jürgen Sing alias unknown also just came from Poland in 1976 and both went to USA over the fake Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of the CIA city Unterschleissheim, Germany where Marilyn Tucker Quayle the wife of ex-USA vice president Dan Quayle lives since around 1978/1979 as pastor Karin Kittlaus with her secret service bodyguards called Bergit Wiedemann (pretend to be the church secretary) and her team partner Günther Wiedemann, and the other bodyguard called Klaus Schneider and a very lookalike of the American senator Joe Lieberman and both exchange places. During this period in 1975 my fake mother Hayat Baroudi went to Moscow and exchanged places with another lookalike also was called Hayat Baroudi that went to Moscow on 15 December 1969 and then the old Hayat Baroudi came back also from Moscow. Both Hayat Baroudi and Yvonne O’Conners were men disguised as women as they went to Moscow and East Germany to make a lot of children and come back after 7 years and 19 years. But also this mean the entire First and second World war had mainly two purposes to kill any opposition in Europe by allowing Adolf Hitler to kill the oppositions of the English royal family in England while the English were killing the Opposition of Adolf Hitler in Germany, and both were pretending to be enemies just to kill the opposition undetected and blame it on an the so called second world war and this was repeated in every major European country from France to Turkey and from Scandinavia to Greece and at the end the American military came to cover up for this mass murder in Europe. The second reason is to force people to escape and migrate to the all-new countries such as Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon, but also to North and South America and so on. For more detail information see bodyguards around my life. But this is also proves that the Bush family bombed the World Trade center to have a reason to attack Afghanistan and steal it to integrate new American, Russian and European royalties or controlling families after killing all the major controlling families in Afghanistan. And this because the hidden ally of USA and Europe since at least the first world war and again in the second world war was and still is the ex-Soviet Union that tried to steal Afghanistan in 1981, but it did not succeed due to the Afghani fierce defense and now it worked with the help of the setup of bombing the World Trade center, because and thanks to the super spy Osama Ben Laden that was working as a decoy for the Russian spies in Afghanistan, that were integrated in 1981 by the ex-Soviet Union and their hidden Gladio military brigade that consisted of Americans, Europeans, Russians and Saudi Arabian=the same American, Europeans, Russians and now also Indians and Pakistanis, they were able to locate the top controlling families and give their location to the brainless killing and destruction machine called United States Military or just plainly also called the NATO, and they murdered and slaughtered all these controlling families and created many lies about Taliban such as destroying the old statues and taking alleged American hostages, bombing the World Trade center to justify the mass murder. They own all media, TV, Radio, Newspapers, Magazine and controlling the Internet by law they can remove anything they want, and me a poor man can’t do anything about it, so I am asking myself, where is the power of Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Oracle, Norton, MacAfee and thousands of other big computer companies that all together and based on my guess make up a few Trillion US Dollars of yearly revenue, where is the freedom of speech, the freedom of defending oneself by publishing his agonies, where is my freedom?



Click here to go back to Moamar Khadafi profile

This is also a copy of the following link (http://funemailforwards4u.blogspot.com/2011/04/gaddafi-sexy-girls-bodyguards-email.html) just in case someone removes the entire website as they did to me in 2010 and removed all my websites.


This page shows the scheme of changing the bodyguards each time another partner pretend to be Moamar Khadafi. This scheme is also valid for each individual other country in the world, because you can’t become president, king, queen or whatever other control position except when you have at least a twin lookalike or as extreme as the Khadafi and Sheikha Mozah of Dubai alias several Adelheid Kuczka and several Adelheid Kuczka are Sheikha Mozah of Dubai=everything is complex with these people enable to prevent others of understanding the situation


Gaddafi Sexy Girls bodyguards - email forward

4:16 AM | Posted by John Kibuuka

Muammar al-Qaddafi's Lipsticked Virgin Bodyguards
Since 1969, Colonel Gaddafi has had a firm grip on the leadership throne in Libya. He is one of the longest serving rulers in history although he is more famous for his flamboyant and unusual sense of style that makes him stand out like a sore thumb in a room full of politicians in suits.
It’s no secret that every man loves being surrounded by beautiful women and Gaddafi is no different – check out his staff of virgin bodyguards fondly referred to as the Amazonian Guard.

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(This box was added on 26.01.2012) (Go to the top of the page)

Bodyguards around my life!!


Below there are two sections:

A.    Pre-explanation

B.    Gladio bodyguards pretending to be my family members while someone around my life is guarding me to prevent me of getting free=jail until now in 2012



I was always surrounded by heartless persons that pretended to be my family members and I was brainwashed and controlled by ESP not to notice this until after the year 2006, where I live alone and isolated and I am missing my life that I thought of it to be a life (=brainwash), but it was not a life it was 100% a slavery and lifelong physical and mental torture where I was always prevented to notice it, by among others forcing me to be always in new situations and/or new country and therewith my mind is always busy trying to understand the new situation, which was impossible, enable I can survive.


Now I do understand much more of my past, through only one incident, this incident as explained below, I was able to understand more of my life, and find so many bodyguards around my life that were pretending to be my mother, brother and sisters, friends, girlfriend and so on. These bodyguards are a mixture of American and NATO military intelligence soldiers working for the organization called Gladio hired bodyguards and nannies to raise hidden children of the controlling families and in between all of this, a few rich persons hides between these persons by pretending to be a bodyguard, a nanny, an agent and so on, such as my fake mother Hayat Baroudi exchanged placed with John D. Rockefeller Junior the second.


This incident was as follow:

Sometimes between summer 1981 and march 1982, I was with my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka and my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar in a small restaurant bar in Munich, Germany near the official apartment of Adelheid Kuczka and I was busy talking to the woman that pretended to be Adelheid Kuczka and my fake brother was in the background drinking something, and then a man tried to start a conversation with me, I thought with me but I was wrong, he was trying to question Sheikha Mozah that was disguised as my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka but my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar pushed him so hard away that the man, and my guess, get scared and left the restaurant. All my life and since this incident I thought that my fake brother was trying to prevent a man of starting a conversation with me and possibly then get to my girlfriend and steal her from me. But that was a typical ESP brainwash. Now and I know that at that time Sheikha Mozah the second wife of Sheikh (the following link is from www.wikipedia.org) Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, Emir of the (the following link is from www.wikipedia.org) State of Qatar was pretending to be Adelheid Kuczka that pretended to be questioning me without me noticing enable to see my views over religion due to I allegedly changed my religion from Islam to Christianity, and parallel to that she was trying to brainwash me while keeping me as sex slave, by rubbing my penis very hard against her vagina for around 10-15 minutes (where there is a lot of hair) so that is hurt  me and my penis was sore for days, and I was not able to complain due to she had ESP, but also because I was brainwashed to be shamed and not talk about sex, and parallel to that she would lick my ass hole for 15-30 minutes which was much more pleasant than rubbing my penis so hard to her vagina, and keep on telling me that a man is easily erected by touching the opening areas of his body=ass hole. In short she was brainwashing me for the long term because she was trying to force my mind to think that using the penis is not good and it hurt, but using the ass hole is much nicer=want to force me to think of myself as homosexual or even force me to become one. I think this is the only time ever that I recall where my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar, my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka and I went out to a restaurant together or in general that we were ever together. In the contrary with my ex-wife the Swedish royalty whore Anita Disbray, we were uncountable time together, especially when traveling, which make Mohamed Nashaat Naggar and his queer partner disguised as the man Alia Köse alias Anita Köse alias Anita Naggar most definitely bodyguards of Anita Disbray and me, and now I am locked up because I know the truth.


The above explanation is necessary to understand the bodyguards around my life since 1959, because this woman called Sheikha Mozah is a very rich and vicious woman that pretended to be the poor Adelheid Kuczka but she is also a diplomat and therewith the German and American governments have an excuse to cover up for her while persecuting me to death, rapping me by men and women and portraying me as a vicious man with ESP that use it for terrorism acts, which is absolutely not true. I do not have ESP and I absolutely never ever thought about performing any terrorist attack or any violent attack on any one, not even on my enemies, among others because my logic is based mainly on Christianity and the many bible books that I read or studied that prevent a human of committing violent acts because all religious books contain a hidden logic for the slaves and we are all forced to read them enable to adapt this logic, whereby each religion has a different logic based on the need of the controlling family(ies) in that area,  and that is one reason why I am publishing my life to show that I am an honest forward guy that was severely misused by the Rockefeller and Bush families by using all their allies and governments under their control to force me my entire life to be on the run, homeless, nationality less, family less and moneyless enable to force me to be busy only with surviving and not to have time to think about my life and find out that they replaced me by another George W. Bush that was born 100% in Russia (this based on all the new discoveries I made while writing this page, which very much is taking me more than a week, because I started on this page 5 January and again 21 January and again on 23 January 2012 and until today 1 or 2 February 2012 because I don’t know when I am finished with this page, and in between I discovered other things and I stop here for a while to create a new profile for the new discovery, such as King Abdullah of Jordan and then come back here to continue to write for a while then I discover again something new, then I stop here and create a new profile for the new discovery and so on) and he was raised in Russia and later in the Middle East and Europe until 1959 as cover up for Russia, and that is why many so called Arabs and European were helping him in suppressing me because they think he is from them, and that is also why they gave me photographs of another boy that looks like him in Amman, Jordan attending a birthday celebration from 1950s in my fake sister Suhair Bdeir’s apartment that I knew from 1966 and 1970 and in 1978 they allegedly relocated to another nearby apartment as a deceive to force my mind to think of George W. Bush as if he was born and raised in Jordan, and they are trying to cover it up by quickly move to a new building called the Malas building , also in Amman, Jordan, and that is why they sacrificed (here I mean by sacrifice that I was led by ESP to discover something or given anonymous tip to discover something) James Brasher that exchanged places with king Abdullah of Jordan and princess Haya as Reem Bdeir and Essam Shawki as prince Hashem of Jordan and the other Essam Shawki as some hidden prince of Saudi Arabia, but also Dr. Lapeep of Egypt and Al-Jumaiee family also in Egypt alias the official grandfather of Barbara pierce Bush to show as if they were spying on Egypt, however and when I go by the official version of Syria and Egypt, then all these people around me in Egypt were Rockefeller mixed with a lot of Russians that the Rockefeller family was using against the USA enable they can keep their petroleum empire and therewith control the world by threat of the energy. The Rockefeller invented the saying “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”=Communism ex-Soviet Union the official enemy of the USA and the enemy of western Europe were the best friends of the Rockefeller family. John Rockefeller the first and John Rockefeller the second and John Rockefeller the Third were with no doubt the number one enemy of USA and the world, because they were always using the enemy of USA against USA and to hide their partnership, here are their partnerships that they created by either creating a new country in the desert such as Saudi Arabia and all the resounding small petroleum countries or by using the enemy of USA such as John D. Rockefeller Senior that married many Chinese and Indian/Pakistani very cheap wives enable to make a lot of children while making a pact with many controlling Chinese and Indian/Pakistani families and bring them over to USA to be more than the congress and the Senate can handle and John D. Rockefeller junior the second and John D. Rockefeller the third used the same concept but expanded it by using communism and the Russians while pretending to be doing business or spying on Russians or freeing the Russian or helping on collapsing the ex-Soviet Union, which is all lies because it is the pattern to lock up an entire country for a few decades to avoid that any one come in for help, while creating a big hidden network consisting of many brotherhoods that are all one big family that control this country, thereafter no one know who is who any more. I have no doubt in my mind that ex-Soviet Union president Josef Stalin is the biological father of at least ex-USA president George W. Bush, not to forget his alleged brother Marvin Pierce Bush alias Gunther that pretended to be spying on East Germany, but in reality he was a new arrival from Russia enable to have a fresh Russian loyalist within the Bush family, and there with the entire Bush family became more manipulatable than ever or blackmailable  enable to force them once they are presidents to do anything the Russian controlling families wants such as Bombing the World Trade Center enable to force USA and NATO to invade Afghanistan to help the hidden Russians that are in Afghanistan since 1981 locating and documenting the controlling families in Afghanistan, especially those that has ESP, and then used Osama Ben Laden as cover-up. In other words the ex-second President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin that was president during the entire period while his brother George W. Bush was also president of USA, and this is the pattern that a brotherhood raises to take control of the world and both were using all of their powers all over the world to cover up for each other’s while stealing Afghanistan using the brainless killing and destruction machine called American military and NATO. Not to forget that ex-Russian president Vladimir Putin and ex-USA president George W. Bush pretended to be absolutely not friendly with each other’s as if they were enemies=Hollywood, and this while both were owning and working on the same petroleum and gas project called the CPC-Caspian Pipeline Consortium also located in Houston, Texas, USA, Moscow, Russia and Kazakhstan, where I worked on this project from July 1998 and until April 1999 as part of mass brainwash to force everyone else to think of me as the spy from Russia that is working and helping the Russians against the Americans=the same what they did to me in 1984-1986 within the illegal American-German-Syrian project called Calypso that they also used to severely brainwash me and enslave me under the American-German-Syrian-Russian whore called Najlaa Mahmoud and then kidnapped me to USA to have me under the control of the CIA and FBI or in other words under their control and far away from Europeans that may help me not out of their good heart or out of love to me, but rather because it is in their business interest. And that is why they exchanged my fake mother Hayat Baroudi with another fresh lookalike from Russia while they were taking me with the car from Munich, Germany to Damascus, Syria in 1969 and this exchange happened most probably in Bulgaria where I was severely sick and was a sleep most of the time and just had the feeling that the woman sitting next to me is my fake mother Hayat Baroudi and is the same Hayat Baroudi as always, and therewith and on this trip I get used to this thought and would never notice any changes within this woman. And that would also explain why my first fake mother Hayat Baroudi alias Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi is Italian, because Italy followed by France were the biggest Communism countries within Western Europe as distraction of the ex-West Germany, especially that Italy is mainly controlled by the Mafia and therewith everyone is bribable and therewith a person that is originated from Russia is difficult to detect, in other words a Russian agent can go through Italy or France to USA and everyone will think that the accent is just Italian or French and want discover the hidden Russian in this person as they did to me taking me for one month to Syria and then to Cairo, Egypt, but also as they did with one of my fake sister Fadia Nagar that appeared in my life in 1966 after her alleged husband Afaf Shawki faked his own death and went into the identity of Hosni Mubarak, and therewith is that Fadia Nagar Russian original that came also over Italy. But this does not mean that these agents stayed all this time, it is very possible that they replaced them by a new one again in 1980s or in 1990s or in 2000s enable to make sure that their loyalty is fresh and it is to the Russian controlling families, and to do this, all they need is 3-4 lookalike that they keep exchanging within the same country or region, and suddenly they bring a new one from Russia and everyone will think it is the same two or 3 that have been exchanging places all the time, and after a while, 2-5 years they change shift, they repeat the process to allow this agent to go back home to refresh his loyalty, this is also the same pattern as using several lookalike and at least one of them is a man disguised as a woman such as Barbara Pierce Bush, Sheikha Moza, Laura Welch, Bush, Queen Noor and the list is endless, and this brings me to my fake sister Fadia Nagar alias Marianna Gingrich that almost endangered the election for Newt Gingrich alias the Russian Mohi Sabri and that is why they separated them and brought a new partner with Newt Gingrich called “Callista Louise Gingrich” alias a man disguised as a woman and has a lot of children all over the USA and many of them are in controlling position, and “Callista Louise Gingrich” is a person that I can’t identify, because and in USA from 1990 to 2000 I often related the look of Newt Gingrich to my fake stepfather Mohi Sabri and they can read my mind, but I never noticed his wife Mariane Gingrich, because I did not see her, and if I would have seen her and related her also to my fake sister Fadia Nagar, then the others none Russians and also monitoring my thoughts will realize that there is something very wrong with Newt Gingrich if he is my fake stepfather Mohi Sabri and is married to my fake sister Fadia Nagar that was the wife of the terrorist Afaf Shawki that bombed his own plane with many Egyptian ministers in it and went into his other identity preparing to become the ex-Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak. The fake Egyptian but Russian Mohi Sabri alias Newt Gingrich and there he is an agent of the ex-Soviet Union just like George W. Bush. All this shows that my entire fake family is one of the most dangerous families the world has ever seen and they are working for an international organized crime family or families from Russia to Italy to Egypt to Saudi Arabia, Libya, Syria and back to Germany, England, France and USA=the World Trade Center Bombing on 1993 and on 2001.


All what I wrote above is not supposed to be here, but one thought brings another and one relation brings another, so it became again a brain dump!


Now back to the Bodyguards around my life.


In short my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar was a bodyguard and in this moment of my life in 1982 he was the personal bodyguard assigned to protect the very rich and evil Sheikha Mozah that was pretending to be my poor girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka and using me as a sex slave while she is much older woman, at least 20 years older than she told me that she is allegedly 30 years old in 1981 But also I was used by this woman as a witness that she is a woman, among others with my complaint pages since 2007, and she is a woman, but there is another man that looks a lot like her and exchange places with her, he is the main figure of Sheikha Mozah and the woman is only a place holder. This is a very strong pattern in my life that I am being used as a witness that a specific person is a woman, because this is what they do to rule a country a few very rich men, where each have a lot of hidden children spread out through the entire country as ministers, police chief, general, business owners and so on, these men get together to build a fake family such as the family of George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush or now Newt Gingrich, and all the women in this visible family are men disguised as women backed up with their hundreds of hidden children, which means a family of five builds something like a couple of thousands of hidden children at various positions that influence the lection enable later to control the country as they want but also to steal the budget, in USA it is over one Trillion US Dollar every single year and if it is not enough then they force the country to take a loan of 500 Billion or 800 Billion US Dollar!


Gladio bodyguards

Here I have short version just names, and a long version names with explanation.


Short version Just names

The names of the bodyguard and/or nannies listed below are in the oder they appeared in my life, it is always one very rich and controlling person that is hiding within between the bodyguards:

1.     Fifi Najar

2.     Hayat Baroudi

3.     Afrah Najar

4.     Fadia Najar

5.     Afaf Shawki

6.     Fadia Shawki

7.     Mahmoud the alleged son of the Egyptian Sheikh

8.     Afrah Abokurah

9.     Abdalghani Abokurah

10.  Suhair Bdeir

11.  Seev Aldin Bdeir

12.  Mohamad Nashaat Naggar

13.  Very possible Esmat Khodori

14.  Most definitely Yasmeen Khodori the sister of Esmat Khodori because she was lookalike of her brother (name forgotten) and I was told in January 1970 that the brother allegedly died through a tram/metro/subway accident, which today I know it is a lie, these people have ESP and would never die through a stupid accident like this

15.  Most definitely Leila of Alexandria alias Pauline “Robin” Robinson Bush the official sister of George W. Bush alias my official sister and that is why they took me in 1966 to see her as black mail for her to do what she is supposed to do. She is a man disguised as a woman that was in Catholic school for girls to rape as many women and have many children. She had brown hair and green eyes, I can’t recall much of her face due to all the brainwash and due to she/he had ESP and control my mind while I am in his presence and therewith I can’t register much facial detail, for all I know she had red or blond hair but she was coloring it and if she had red hair then and most probably she/he is the man hiding under Adelheid Kuczka identity such as Sheikha Mozah, Margie Lange alias Laura Welch Bush, most probably he is Laura Welch Bush because I was used in the last 20 years to testify without me noticing that Margie Lange is German because she came from the CIA city Unterschleissheim, Germany. But now and slowly I can see a cover up conspiracy about the CIA city Unterschleissheim, because I discovered several agents of the ex-Soviet Union that were in the CIA city Unterschleissheim and I was used to testify that Unterschleissheim is a CIA city=Americans in Germany or Americans born in Germany=Americans born in an American military base=Americans born in USA=Americans, but and until this week there was not Russians, but now there is Russians and more than I thought, because Russian can also be disguised as Jewish that were allowed to leave the ex-Soviet Union, in other words and to best of my memory and since around 1981 or 1982 the ex-Soviet Union had an agreement to release 100,000 Jewish person from the Soviet Union and distributed over Israel, Europe and USA, but also people that escape East Germany were agents, people that escaped Poland were agents and Romanian people that come to Germany allegedly are originally Germans are also agents of the ex-Soviet Union and all of these agents were in the CIA city Unterschleissheim, this mean the CIA city Unterschleissheim was actually KGB city of Unterschleissheim, but how can that be without being detected by Americans or German governments, unless always a higher order comes from the top, which and at that time it was ex-USA vice president from 1974 to 1977 Nelson Rockefeller with Gerald Ford as president of USA and George H. W. Bush as CIA director from January 30, 1976 to January 20, 1977 and allegedly in 1975 he was appointed as Envoy to China where he allegedly stayed 14 months=Chine and ex-Soviet Union were partners and were also Rockefeller partners, this mean they also exchanged George H. W. Bush during this period and no one noticed, because it is the pattern, because his alleged wife testified that it is the same person,  how can he be in China for 15 months starting 1975 while Herbert Lange alias Barbara Pierce Bush was in the CIA city Unterschleissheim, this alone shows that there are two Barbara Pierce Bush or may be much more than 2 and most definitely one of them and at least as he was a president was the man Hebert Lange. This point was supposed to be only one name, but one thing led to another, I will leave it as it is to show how one relation lead to another and based on what I know.

16.  Dr. Alaa Ali

17.  Another Mohamad Nashaat Naggar

18.  Alia Köse

19.  Anita Köse

20.  Anita Disbray (ex-girlfriend and ex-wife)

21.  Klaus Schneider

22.  Birgit Wiedemann and Guenther Wiedemann

23.  Nick Naggar

24.  Anita Naggar

25.  Renee Zielske (ex-girlfriend)

26.  Adelheid Kuczka (ex-girlfriend)

27.  Najlaa Mahmoud

28.  Günther Najar

29.  Last but not least I was used as a nanny for one of the hidden children of the Rockefeller family named Abdulhamid Najar that and most probably is living today somewhere under different Identity that is covered up by bringing Günther Najar in to my life on 27 December 2002, that he came into my life on 27 one day after Christmas and not on 24 December, this alone shows that this man had other family priorities and after that came into my life and disappeared before the following Christmas. Today 30.01.2012 I recognized that my fake son Günther Najar is one of the hidden children or grandchildren of Josef Stalin, because he had identical profile, this mean Najlaa Mahmoud was an ex-Soviet Union agent that was supporting her cousin George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush in Houston and Dallas, Texas, everything is falling together in the right place of the big picture or big puzzle of my evil life, life supposed to be nice and that is what I was taught, yet my life is anything but nice. I was born in USA

30.  And probably others that I did not notice


My guess there are many more



Long version names with explanation

Here I will concentrate mainly on the following persons:

1.     My fake sister Fadia Nagar

2.     My fake Mother Hayat Baroudi

3.     My fake sister Afrah Najar

4.     My fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar

5.     My school friend Mahmoud the alleged son of a famous Egyptian Sheikh

6.     My fake sister Suhair Bdeir

7.     3 out of my alleged best friends in the fake Evangelical Lutheran church within the CIA city Unterschleissheim, Germany

8.     Others


Here I will just simply list the persons that I strongly suspect to have been as a very vicious Gladio bodyguard, which was very difficult to identify because of the following reasons:

1.     I thought of them as my family members since 1959 and for over 40 years

2.     They always exchanged places with others as follow:

2.1.   Another bodyguard or bodyguard team as a part of changing shift to not be noticed that they are always with the same person

2.2.   They mix with other famous people that are lookalike and exchange places with them, or in other words I strongly suspect that all this, is planned decades ahead of time and they pick many lookalike children as cover up for one very famous person such as king, queen and/or a future president of USA, Germany and other countries and then raised these children under severe brainwash to be a queer, lesbian, bodyguards and so on

2.3.   Men disguises as women, sometimes maybe they are queers=homosexual, or even bisexual to fulfill the personality that was planned for them, in this case a men bodyguards disguised as a women for someone famous to protect him or a bodyguard for someone they are preventing of getting free as they did to me, by recycling or cycling the bodyguards from one to another famous person also with me to show as if I am aware of what is going around my life and that I am an alleged relative of a rich terrorist such as Yasser Arafat, Ayatollah Khomeini, Osama Ben laden, Moamar Khadafi, Sadam Hussein and others, because they implicated me with all these people and I will list this once I get to it.

3.     Oft a bodyguard team, one is a man disguised as a woman are nothing else but nanny raising the hidden children of the Rockefeller and the Bush family while pretending to be their mother and father such as my fake sister Fadia Nagar and her official husband Dr. Alaa Ali but also my fake sister Suhair Bdeir and her alleged husband Seev Aldin Bdeir and my other fake sister Afrah Abokurah and her alleged husband Abdalghani Abokurah they are all raising children that are not theirs, children of Osama Ben Laden, from the Rockefeller, from the Bush family, king Hussein and others

4.     Love makes blind, or in my case I was forced to think I love them no matter what they did to me and therefore I would always forgive them for the alleged small bad things they did to me because they are my alleged family and there with I was 100% prevented of seeing the big picture of my life and understand that these people around my life are not family but rather a very destructive force meant to keep me on the leash and 100% and totally under their control while others may see me as if I am going around as a free man


These persons around my life are bodyguards that exchanged places with others and I am listing them in the order I first saw them and with all the aliases that they used, because each alias means another person and I and I did not realize until partially in 2010 but mainly 2012:

1.         Fifi alias Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar alias Mino. This identity was used by too many different persons as a part of confusion for the mind in Egypt and later on in Europe. In other words this person was exchanged partly with others that are not very lookalike and was forced with brainwash and ESP to think it is the same persons, especially that all other family members around my life says this is your sister Fifi. This is a very hidden and evil pattern to confuse the mind and memory enable later on a person can’t determine which person is Fifi, because they can’t all be Fifi, Fifi or Fadia is only one person and with one unique look, but my memory has several different oft none identical look=mind confusion that will lead to not know which one is which and then believe that my mind is messed up.

1.1.       1959-1961 several men disguised as women, one of them was the bodyguard of my original fake mother alias Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi, this person disappeared with my other fake sister Afrah Najjar and my official mother  Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi in 1961

1.2.       1961-1965/66 at least 2 different persons that exchanged places and I have no idea who they are (it is the shift change that make think it is 2 different person)

1.3.        1964/1965 a new Fadia Nagar from Yemen exchange places with the old one

1.4.        1966 most definitely a new person that and very suddenly pretended to be Italian origin

1.5.        1971 in the America military McGraw kasern in Munich, Germany I was introduced 100% to new persons that were lookalike of the family members from Egypt, which are my fake mother Hayat Baroudi, my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar and my fake sister Fadia Nagar that allegedly lives in England and also raising children that called the same as the other two children in Egypt, called Esmat Shawki and Essam Shawki the official children of Afaf Shawki alias ex-Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, which is impossible, because Hosni Mubarak is 100% Afro-American (black and the two children have absolutely nothing black in them. This month I discovered that Essam Shawki is at least 3 different lookalike that exchange places together between Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Houston/Dallas, Texas, USA, one of them is prince Hashem of Jordan and as confirmation of that is my alleged client James Brasher the CEO of the company ACPI-Associated Canvas Products, Inc. in the city of Channelview 40 KM east of Houston, Texas, where they manufacture among others huge water tanks out of soft and very strong plastic material to transport water from USA to Jordan that has hardly any water. And this is to implicate me as an alleged terrorist he exchanged places with the ex-prince and today’s king Abdallah of Jordan, and I just discovered this this week, but this is also a confirmation of a royalty around my life pretending to be something else. Why would this exchange implicate me as a terrorist without me noticing, is because King Hussein is the twin brother of the 40 years terrorist Yasser Arafat the chairman of the terrorist group PLO, and they exchanged places to kill equally Jewish and Palestinians. And this Yasser Arafat is the uncle of king Abdallah. And the reason that I never recognized this, is because some time I did not see my client James Brasher for months or year and then he gives me a call that he allegedly need my help to fix his computer, and then I see him with a full short beard, that mainly cover his mouth and he stopped smoking, later and after a few months I see him again without beard and he started to smoke again=2 persons King Abdallah with the beard and does not smoke and James brasher without beard and he smokes

1.6.        1971-1986 Fadia Nagar exchanged places so many times that I absolutely don’t know when, but I can say this, sometimes she pretend to stop smoking and others she is back smoking and the same with her alleged Husband Dr. Alaa Ali, sometimes he smoke and drink alcohol and others he does not, sometimes he is religious and other time he think it is all fake

1.7.        1992 in Houston, Texas, USA I was visited by my alleged sister Fadia Nagar with her alleged husband Dr. Alaa Ali and her two sons Tarek/Tareq Ali and Essam Shawki, whereby and due to all the brainwash and stress they put me through I may have confused Essam Shawki in being with the, however he came with his alleged Saudi Friend to visit me. Tarek Ali is with no doubt the son of Osama Ben Laden, in matter of fact I strongly believe that Dr. Alaa Ali is the older brother of Osama Ben Laden, I strongly believe that Dr. Alaa Ali is at least 20-30 years older than he claim to be, and as a confirmation of this, Essam Shawki visits me a few months later with his alleged Saudi Arabian friend that most probably also direct relative of Osama ben Laden, it is a pattern that I can rely on that they were systematically linking me to terrorist groups since 1960s, while the Bush family were always pretending to be the good guys and that Saudi Arabia is a good government and faithful ally and only Osama Ben laden is bad, which is not true, they are all working together to create a mass confusion in the world as a part of a mass brainwash based on fear of terrorism and to change the laws and make more strict also over the Internet, practically telling everyone to shut up or you would be arrested. It is absolutely the same as the bodyguards around my life they are 100% all military American and NATO intelligence and sworn to silence over their work, and therewith and if any one of these bodyguard want to help me or testify against them, then he will be arrested and imprisoned.

1.8.        2001 in Amsterdam, Netherland and for 2-3 days Fadia Nagar and her alleged husband Dr. Alaa Ali came to visit me while I am living between jails, prisons and refugee camps between USA, Netherland and Germany, and all she can do is bring me a very big suite case (almost 1 cubic meter) filled with food and a couple of used and un usable for my situation cloths, because and as they brought me from USA to the Netherland by force, I only had the  t-shirt and pants that I was wearing. I strongly believe that Dr. Alaa Ali is the bodyguard of this evil woman called Fadia Naggar that pretended for so long to be my good sister enable she can destroy my life in any situation what so ever and I discovered that pattern 2-3 years ago

1.9.        Within all of exchanging places within the identity of Fadia Nagar I discovered that one of them is 100% Teresa Heinz Kerry.

1.10.      Within all of exchanging places within the identity of Fadia Nagar I discovered that one of them is 100% John D. Rockefeller junior the second, whereby he was and he still is using the majority of the identities around my life. In other words all these persons around my life are most probably his children of all the women worldwide, which means they are all my brothers and sisters, even my fake mother is my sister, because all of the above can be only maintained strict confidentiality within the Rockefeller and the Bush families, whereby the 2 George Bush(s) families were 100% fake families at least during the preparation for the presidency, and this preparation started long time ago before 1959, before I was born, and that is why many presidents get cut with other women, because they are officially married to men disguised as women due to they are all very old and have hundreds or thousands of children spread all over the country(ies) from Congressman, Senator to Chairman of the board at Exxon, Chevron, IBM, General Electric and the list is endless. Fuck them all for fucking my life up

2.         Hayat Baroudi, this is the only person that I can’t find many names for, not even a nick name as if this identity too old for nick names, and may be it is. However he/she told me once that her alleged husband which is my alleged father Abdulhamid Najar, an alleged judge by the English government in Sudan (all is made up and I don’t understand how these mother fuckers come up with these fabrications), that he allegedly gave her a nick name and used to call her “Titi”. I just remembered some incident around 1-2 years ago of two persons that were set on me, and one of them, an alleged man, was making fun of the other, an alleged young lady that had the name Tittirat, and that man was calling her Titi. I think this situation may have something with my fake mother and her alleged private nick name Titi. Anyway, back to my fake mother Hayat Baroudi that I really hate his/her guts, because not only he/she performed so much damage to my life but also he/she deprived me of so many things in my life by force of mother fuckers American military and German government and if I can I would kill her with absolute no hesitation or any regret, in matter of fact I would be doing a great favor for the humanity if this person does not exist anymore. Unfortunately I can’t do that due to many reasons, one of them is that this identity of my fake mother Hayat Baroudi was used by many different persons and at the moment I can’t tell who is who, I just can tell that they are several persons and one of them and with absolute not doubt was also John D. Rockefeller junior the second, and this is the one OI would love to relieve of his life duties once and for all for all the suffering he caused me and the suffering that he caused for millions of others all over from the Middle East, including but not limited to Jewish, Moslems, Christians, Hindu and others, but also in Europe and USA and above all he is one of the major responsible persons along with his mentally sick father John D. Rockefeller senior the first for the first and second world war, but also for the World Trade Center bombing, Iraq-Iran War, Iraq-Kuwait war, NATO-Afghanistan war, NATO-Iraq war and many others. They are very good at creating conflicts between two different groups or countries and then wait and watch them butcher each other’s, and then they come in and kill both or whatever is left of them in the name of freedom, democracy and peace. The problem I can’t kill this person, because I would be afraid to kill the wrong one and I am absolutely not like them, I value each single life and I am welling to live with evil rather than killing one single innocent person. On top of that they have ESP and can read my mind at least 50 miles ahead of time and know exactly what I am thinking and simply can prevent me by using ESP, but since they are sadistic mother fuckers, then they would create a situation where they can torture the life out of me. But also I want to be fair, and killing this one person is not just, then I must also kill every ally he had and hat can amount to several thousands. Beside I am so shocked of all my findings that I am forced to be different due to I don’t want to be like them because I hate what they do ad the way the do it and I am not alone, there are at least 6 Billion person on this earth that would totally agree with me once they know the hidden facts. I just noticed that I am so angry with this person that I totally became un-objective and derailed of my objective, which is writing down the persons that were bodyguards or were pretending to be bodyguards. SO back to my subject:

2.1.       December 1959 to summer 1961 Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi disguised as my fake mother Hayat Baroudi that kidnapped me from USA to Egypt over Saudi Arabia and Damascus, Syria

2.2.        1961  Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi disappeared with her man bodyguard disguised as a woman that pretended to be my sister Afrah Najar alias Afrah Abokurah alias Afrah Najjar alias Moni alias Mona=several persons

2.3.       1961 to 1968 my fake mother Hayat Baroudi exchanged places so often with others that it is impossible for me to tell how many times it was and when it was, however a couple of times I was able to pin point the exchange. Also and mainly I was living with a man bodyguard that was disguised as a woman and pretending to be my mother Hayat Baroudi

2.4.        Around 1964 the bodyguard exchanged places with another must have been very rich important person, because prior to arrival our apartment was cleaned from top to bottom, above all the mattresses were exchanged, but also new house equipment were purchased and after the new Hayat Baroudi arrived then we had around 50 years old house made for a few weeks possibly 2-3 months, then the housemaid disappeared and that this my guess when the Hayat Baroudi was exchanged again. I thing during this period also a different Mohi Sabri was present

2.5.       1966 so many things happened, that I am guessing they all have something to do with Afaf Shawki bombing his own plane and killing many Egyptian ministers and then went into the identity of Hosni Mubarak. During this period I was severely persecuted and set up, among others I was set up to go to ship cruise in the Red Sea to meet Leila of Alexandria that I strongly suspect her to be Pauline Robinson “Robin” Bush the official daughter of ex-USA president George H. W. Bush and official sister to ex-USA president George W. Bush that allegedly died in 1953 of leukemia, then I was also set up to go and visit her in Alexandria. Today I am most positive that Pauline was a boy forced to disguises as girl, in other words and today she is a man disguised as a woman. This set of the ship cruise and going again to Alexandria to meet Leila was arranged by my fake mother and Mohi Sabri, therefore I strongly suspect that at that time another Hayat Baroudi and Mohi Sabri were present

2.6.        1968 Mohi Sabri and Mohamad Nashaat Naggar disappear and I was told lie stories about their where about, the fact is that they disappeared together and I strongly suspect that Hayat Baroudi the bodyguard also disappeared with them and replaced with another Hayat Baroudi that then were preparing to take me to Germany as a apart of a long term set up.

2.7.        10.10.1969 to 15 January 1970 I was taken on a very confusing trip from Cairo, Egypt to Frankfurt, to Munich, Germany and on december 1969 to Damascus, Syria with a car over Austria, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, possibly also Lebanon, Cairo Egypt and back to Munich Germany. This trip was not only very confusing, but was also mentally most torturous, which was designed that I should hate the Middle East and never want to think about it, in matter of fact I am most positive I was meant never to go back to the Middle East. During this trip I was several set up as an alleged young man that comes of a terrorist groups or terrorist families as follow: I was supplied with PLO ID and was forced to mention it in my political asylum in Germany to give the authorities a reason to persecute me and isolated me as a top National Security risk, I was introduced to a new family member called Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias Moamar Khadafi. 3-4 years earlier they brought my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar into my life that pretended to be from Jordan, while he was several persons using this identity and one of them was 100% the son of Sadam Hussein, my sisters are raising the children of king Hussein and king Hussein is the twin brother to the top terrorist at that time called Yasser Arafat and they used to exchange places. During all this confusion I strongly believe that Hayat Baroudi was exchanged several times and one of them and very possibly was Russian origin that was possibly exchanged in Bulgaria or Yugoslavia, this brings me again to the current German chancellor Angelika Merkel, she is officially from former East Germany, yet and today and based on all the above I have no more doubt that she is a man disguised as Yvonne O’Conners that went o the former East Germany as a spy and now she is Back as the German Chancellor, and her relation to Helmut Kohl alias a hidden brother to George H. W. Bush and to me is the best prove. I think they are all mentally sick. Hayat Baroudi disappeared of my life in February 1970. This is also I just discovered, which is the my fake mother Hayat Baroudi and on this evil trip from Munich to Syria, she exchanged places with another lookalike somewhere between Yugoslavia and Bulgaria=Ex-Soviet Union=with a Russian lookalike woman and this is confirmed through many other situations, among others and in 1976, my fake mother Hayat Baroudi went to visit her alleged brother Jalal Baroudi that was an alleged Syrian diplomat in Moscow and I strongly believe that here she again exchanged places with the original Hayat Baroudi that disappeared somewhere between Yugoslavia and Bulgaria in december 1969, 7 years in the ex-Soviet Union and this alone proves that the European Royalties as well as the American controlling families such as the Rockefeller and Bush families are all working together with the controlling families in the Soviet Union, China, India and other countries to keep the mass of people enslaved under their control and that is 100% confirmed with how Germany is treated today, which is the majority of the Germans are 100% enslaved as workers backed up with a mass brainwash of forcing them to keep quite by forcing them to feel guilty as an alleged Nazis whereby they created thousands of movies and TV short films to help them keep the Germans enslaved under this strategies=Germany is a money generating machine through the simple enslaved workers. And therewith Angelika Merkel is 100% Yvonne O’Conners

2.8.        September 1970, this has nothing to do directly with Hayat Baroudi but indirectly. On this month and through the concentrated evil American military base McGraw kasern I was introduced to a new fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar that was taller that the other one, and at that time I thought this is due to I did not see him for more than 2 years, but today I know that the Mohamad Nashaat Naggar from Cairo was a grown man just short pretending to be a 16 years old in 1966. Mrs. Doris Hayes took me to the Airport to pick him up. This was 100% not the same Mohamad Nashaat Naggar as in 1968

2.9.        Sometime in 1971, I can’t recall the exact month due to all the brainwash and persecution. But here to a new fake sister Fadia Nagar was introduced to me that allegedly just moved from Cairo, Egypt to Leeds England. Today I have no doubt in my mind that Fadia Nagar in Egypt stayed in Egypt with the two children Essam and Esmat Shawki and this new Fadia Nagar is raising a different Essam Shawki and Esmat Shawki. This Fadia Nagar came to visit me in the concentrated evil American military base McGraw kasern, in Munich, Germany. This is to force me to cut all my relation to Egypt and the Middle East

2.10.    Also sometimes in 1971 a new Hayat Baroudi was introduced to me also in the concentrated evil American military base McGraw kasern, and this time she allegedly worked as a baby sitter for some American military Sargent, as if they were pretending to show me that this is baby sitter=nanny working for others, but she is your real mother=brainwash. Until today I don’t know who is my biological mother, and if I take a wild guess mixed with an educated guess, then my mother would be a very look alike sister or daughter of king George VI the father of the current queen of England of England. It is possible that it is the other way around, which is my father is king George VI and my mother is a sister or even daughter of John D. Rockefeller junior the second, which I very much doubt, and until I am proved wrong, my father is John D. Rockefeller junior the second. Back to Hayat Baroudi. She stayed in Germany until around 1973 living very close to the American military base McGraw Kasern, just like my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar that also lived very close to her in the city Unterhaching. Then she disappeared allegedly went to live with her daughter in Jordan. Simultaneously Mohamad Nashaat Naggar also disappeared and was replaced by another Mohamad Nashaat Naggar that lives somewhere else and this Mohamad Nashaat Naggar with his fake wife called Anita Köse were the bodyguards of the Onassis brothers Fernandels Onassis and was calling himself Ali Köse and his brother Alexander Onassis and was calling himself some name I forgot but with the last name Köse so I call him Mr. Köse and both of them were pretending to be the brothers of their bodyguard Alia Köse alias Anita Köse = 2 different bodyguard men disguised as women. I just remember something, in 1976-1977 and after I became Christian and joint the fake Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of the CIA city Unterschleissheim and Rosi Ott the girlfriend of my alleged friend Detlev Fischer she was making fun of me while joking with or even blackmailing the Onassis brothers by telling me that she works in a very small supermarket I think it was called (Zott=Ot her last name!) and telling me that her specialty is selling cheese, but she does not like cheese and never eat cheese and each time when we are together she would order pizza or spaghetti without cheese. In German the word Käse means cheese and it is pronounced and written almost the same as the name Anita Köse = Käse = Cheese = my brother and the Onassis brothers.

2.11.      1977 and after I was set up to become Christian in the fake Evangelical Lutheran church of the CIA city Unterschleissheim and suddenly my fake mother appear again, but this time it is a totally different one, much fatter that I last seen her in 1973. Anyway her purpose here and now to pretend to be the cause for separating me of my wife Anita Disbray that was keeping me on a tide leash as her slave and preventing me to advance in life and preventing me to have any friends, which is a pattern that started with destroying my friendships in 1971 with Vincent Sir Vince and Raja, which was also planned, it is as if I am living in a Hollywood movie, someone wrote the script and someone is enforcing this script and the reason I am seeing that is because they are all working together but want to make me believe that they are against each other’s

2.12.      1978-1984 and very much I saw little of this pimp whore mother fucker called Hayat Baroudi that pretended to be my mother, a man disguised as a woman and exchanged places with John D. Rockefeller junior the second and most probably with other Russian lookalike relatives. I mainly saw him/her in Jordan

2.13.      1984 appears in my life again to take the blame of separating me by force of my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka as she did take the blame for separating me of my ex-wife Anita Disbray in 1977 and the blame for enslaving me under the American German whore called Najlaa Mahmoud that also exchanged places with Sheikha Mozah. In other words I strongly believe that Sheikha Mozah is mainly a man disguised as a woman and he uses at least two different women to show as if Sheikha Mozah is a woman, possibly 3 women, I know at least two of these possibly 3 women, but I don’t know their real identity except the fake names that they gave me. Sheikha Mozah identity was also used by Najlaa Mahmoud and Adelheid Kuczka, whereby the identities of Adelheid Kuczka and Najlaa Mahmoud were also used by several persons and this is as a part of a long term confusion to hide the real identity of that mother fucker that that owns the identity of Sheikha Mozah and the other identities. And there with one of the persons that were using the identity of Adelheid Kuczka was also disguised as Sheikha Mozah, and one of the persons that were using the identity of Najlaa Mahmoud in 1984 is also using the identity of Sheikha Mozah. In other words and to take the confusion off, my fake Mother Hayat Baroudi, Najlaa Mahmoud and Adelheid Kuczka set me up to be brainwashed and kidnapped to USA and place me as a mentally dead slave under the identity of Najlaa Mahmoud and her fake son Abdulhamid Najar protected by Suzanne Khodor, mark Khodor, Kimo Khodor and his whore wife, Salem Mushref and his whore wife Reem Khodor as distraction of the American and German governments but also as distraction of the fake Evangelical Lutheran military church called Genezareth in the CIA city Unterschleissheim, Germany, where they exchanged a lot of Russians with Americans or A lot of Americans with Russians

2.14.      1987 Hayat Baroudi appears again in my life pretending to be poor and need my help and forcing me to kick her out of my life enable to force my mind to think that I did that and I am locking myself in USA voluntarily as slave of the whore Najlaa Mahmoud that was nothing else except my bodyguard and jailor while she was raising a hidden Bush son called Abdulhamid Najar, and that is why Abdulhamid Najar alias Anas alias Mido alias Günther Najar= several persons hate my guts, because he was raised by the Bush family in Houston, Texas, USA starting from 1990, this mean they planned to force me plan to Houston, enable the Bush family can surround Abdulhamid Najar and raise him and be able to exchange him with his other lookalikes while using me as the fake father and forcing me to think that this is my so, he is most definitely not my son, he is the son of the bombing of the World Trade Center, he is the son of killing Siemens Executives and Siemens scientist in 1986 to prevent Siemens of helping me just 3 months before kidnapping me to USA. He is the son of Bush. Today I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that Dr. Sami Assassa is a hidden terrorist and is 100% responsible for at least bombing the Oktoberfest in 1981 and tried to kill me but someone unknown saved my life, possible from the church, and since this was in Munich the last stronghold of Catholics in Germany, then it must have been the Catholic church, especially that the fake Evangelical Lutheran church of the CIA city Unterschleissheim tried hard to get ready of me and force me to leave the city and blame it on Siemens AG because they were covering up for the evil Bush family that had some members just arrived from the ex-Soviet Union, and therewith and what I mentioned under the profile of the Oktoberfest bombing is correct and was used to make more strict laws in Bavaria that totally and hopelessly is under the control of a punch of Nazi American militarist since the second world war and they would stop at nothing to keep this state under their control, and therefore they used Dr. Sami Assassa as a terrorist to cover up for their selves, not to forget that he was introduced to me by Haya Baroudi and Jawdat Baroudi both are hidden Rockefeller family members. I never seen this evil person ever again, except they forced me to keep this photo of her as cover up for all the other Hayat Baroudi(s) and what they did not only to me but to the world and to the World trade Center bombing that was planned at least since 1986 after the Soviet Union failed to keep Afghanistan under their control so they used NATO and USA Military.

3.         Afrah Najar alias Mona Nagar alias Moni Abokurah alias Afrah Abokurah alias Moni Najjar alias Afrah Najjar (mainly only Egypt pronounce all G hard G even J would be pronounced as “G” and in most other so called Arab countries it is reversed all pronounce “G” as soft “J” and they don’t use G and this leads to the reasoning of falsifying the names of my fake brother and sister that each has a different name spelling in English, but it is actually meant because it is another person from most probably another country between Europe, USA and the evil Rockefeller main country Saudi Arabia), 3 persons. Note that this person and for the first time in my life I saw her in around 15 december 1959 after we moved to our alleged grandfathers house in the actual city of Damascus Syria

3.1.        1960-1961 one was unknown to me a very rich that for around one year worked in the all new Egyptian TV as news and program moderator, and he/she was even on the cover magazine as a very beautiful woman, my guess to force everyone’s mind to think of him as a woman

3.2.       The other was most definitely a bodyguard of my fake mother that was at that time Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi, both were 100% a man disguised as a woman and they used

3.3.        Another person that exchanged shift with my other 2 fake sisters Afrah Najjar

3.4.        As a Nanny raising at least one child of king Hussein, one child of prince Charles or his father, or even princess Ann of England, one child of an unknown person, which is her alleged daughter May Abokurah that does not look like her both parents, and very possibly one child of some American person, such as of the Bush family or very possibly of Newt Gingrich. One incident is worse to mention as conformation of all that, and only a few persons that was involved in that situation among other by monitoring us from far such as CIA and the German police: In mid 1970s my fake sister Afrah Abokurah visited me in Germany with her alleged, at that time, 4 children, and we went on a picnic to the tourist city Tegernseer 80 km south of Munich. While we were walking about looking and the city by the lake, suddenly my fake sister Afrah Abokurah discovered that one of her 4 children is missing, which was Khalid Abokurah, we went looking for him, and during this period she acted very weird, and she start talking to herself and saying and I quote “My God what should I do, if I lose his child he will kill me”. For me and from my today’s point of view, this is absolute the wrong statement for a woman just lost her son, she was more afraid of his father is going to do to her that she is supposed to be worried about losing her own child. Any way and after 30 minutes of searching we found him, he was around 5-6 years old. On the other side, maybe and just maybe she possibly staged losing her alleged son to pretend get my attention to that he is not her son and she is only the nanny. On the other side may be she staged this situation to show me an alleged emotion over losing her son and the alleged fear of her husband that would kill her if she loses his son. However I turn it is not good, because I never understood any of that until today. Especially that she also staged many lie situation to me that I believed at that time but today I know it is all lie and probably to show that she is a woman and married to Abdalghani Abokurah. Here are in short two of her lies. In 1972 and as she visited my fake mother in the city of Unterhaching in Germany, she told me once a story one of many that I never understood until recently. First story: her alleged husband does not like her to smoke and asked her to respect his will and not to smoke, but and as they are in public gathering, he would come up to her with a pack of cigarette and offer her one cigarette, and she say no, and then he say, common I know you want one, just take it and smoke it, don’t worry I wouldn’t’ be angry at you because you smoke in public, go ahead take it, then she would take the cigarette and smoke it. Later and back at their home he would then allegedly get very angry at her and say why did smoke in public, didn’t I ask you not to smoke in public, she would then respond, but you offered me the cigarette and insisted that I smoke, then he would respond I was testing you, you should never smoke in public. End of the first story. At that time I thought this is really weir situation and I soon thereafter forgot all about it, until I remembered it over and over again after the years 2000. Today I think of all of them as mentally absolutely sick and dangerous for the general public and I am the general public. Second story: Her alleged husband Abdalghani Abokurah would give her a lot of money to purchase what she wants, then she would go and purchase a very expensive lingerie in Munich and as I recall something like 200-500 Deutsch Mark, almost the same value as the Euro today, for a sleeping dress, because it is sexy, but also several thousand Deutsch mark on clothing that I usually would spend on 2-3 life times of clothing. Then she would tell me a story that her alleged husband gets very jealous and start a fight with her about the way she allegedly spoke to his friend and how she was dressing as a revealing whore woman, and then he would allegedly go to her bedroom collect all of her cloths take them to the garden, put gasoline on them and burn them. End of the second story of man other lies I was told and they filled my memory with all this trash. In short and only of the two above mentioned stories it is very visible that this person, a man disguised as the woman Afrah Abokurah, was trying very hard to force me to think that she is a beautiful woman with expensive taste and her husband is nuts about her, which I believed for so long. Today I know this Afrah Najjar, Najar, Nagar, Abokurah, Moni, Mona is several persons that exchanged places together and maybe and just maybe one of them is a woman, that I absolutely can’t identify, I can only identify men disguised as women called al these names, period.

4.         My fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias a vicious Gladio bodyguard and at least one of these several persons used the identity Mohamad Nashaat Naggar is the son of Sadam Hussein and possibly another is the son of brother of king Hussein. But before I explain this man, it is important to understand that Egypt is 100% build by the Rockefeller and the Windsor families and they called many things after their selves,  such as Saint George school and churches are named after the king George(s) of England, or the famous park called Maryland in New Egypt (Masr Algadiedah) on Al-Higaz street the same street and 2 km from where we used to live, and there are hundreds of other English American names such as a fast food restaurant downtown Cairo called The American or in Arabic AL-American. In this Maryland is where they started enslaving me by teaching me how to drink beer and as I was 12-13 years old. Back to my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar that I never heard of him or that I have a brother until sometimes in the beginning of 1960s, may be around 1964. I was told a story that he allegedly lives with my fake sister Suhair Bdeir in Amman, Jordan, because she allegedly loved him so much and couldn’t live with her brother and as she allegedly get married in 1953 ro 1954 to Seev Aldin Bdeir and moved to Amman, Jordan, she took her brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar to live with her and now in around 1966 he is coming to live with us. The reason I know it was 1966, is because he allegedly went to High school in the private school in Cairo, Egypt called Saint George and he was there only 3 years before 1968, this mean 1966, 1967 and 1968. The high school in Egypt is only 3 years and he finished in 1968 and later I was told he failed the 3rd year and he had to repeat it, on the other side I was always told that he allegedly always had the best grades in school and even get an award for that. But these were all stories to fill my head with lies while destroying myself confidence, because they would not allow me to advance in school and get good grades, which is a pattern in my life. In reality I did not see him much, today I know why, because he was a bodyguard of among others Mohi Sabri. And the reason I did not see him much, is because he was a very vicious person and starting 1966 I spent most of my time at my fake sister Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar’s apartment under the control of the Bush family disguised as Lapeep, Al-Jumaiee and other families, and therewith I was more than 60% of my time at my fake sister house, and until today I thought it was my choice, but it was not, that is another reason why he beat me up/hit me very badly with a very thick wooden stick, is to force me to go to my fake sister’s house, and there with I have no idea what was going on in the apartment that I was supposed to call my home on 111 Al-Higaz street. This mean and because he was a Bodyguard, I can’t see him when he is away on a trip to other countries, all I know that he allegedly lives in that house and I want to stay away form him=brainwash. But also I don’t know where is my fake mother Hayat Baroudi or Mohi Sabri, and since I know today that these mother fuckers are very rich, they were either living in another luxury housing or on a business trip somewhere and when they are at home they used to delegate me to come home and this went on so until 1968, where then I was mainly living back in my apartment on 111 Al Higaz street and sometimes I visit my fake sister Fadia Naggar and in this period they kept me also busy with the new whores that arrived from Europe or USA and pretended to be the nephew and nieces of a very rich man that was also the CEO of the Egypt Air and owned other business and high raises, So this new arrival that pretended to be Egyptian from Port Saied and called Esmat Khodori and her sister Yasmeen Khodori and her brother name forgotten kept me busy during this period, enable I don’t notice all these changes. Esmat Khodori that pretended to be my girlfriend or at least that is what they wanted me to think came into my life around 1968, during which I was told that my fake brother the alleged high school student Mohamed Nashaat Naggar moved out to his own apartment because he could not take it with my fake stepfather Mohi Sabri and he allegedly always used to fight with him. All these are stories and lies I was told to make sure that I don’t connect Mohamad Nashaat Naggar as a bodyguard and protector of Mohi Sabri alias Newt Gingrich and maybe sometimes Jürgen Möllemann. And in relation to all this is my school friend, (My alleged friend Mahmoud section) or the person that pretended to be my school friend and named Mahmoud the son of a very famous Egyptian Sheikh, that I forgot his name. This Mahmoud staged with some other alleged students and in the Metro (also called cable car or tram) that a group of 4-5 students attacked me for no reasons and they were at least 2-3 years older than me, and Mahmoud came and scared them away, I can’t recall exactly how and it is not important, what is important that he probably was showing me what a bodyguard is a person that protect another, and for a few moths he was pretending to protect me other students. If he was trying to get my attention to my just arrived fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar that he is a bodyguard or get my attention to my fake mother that was a man disguised as a woman and preventing me to make any friendship what so ever, or getting my attention to something else, I don’t know, I just find it today very bazar that he staged this bodyguard fight while today I realized that I was surrounded with bodyguards. And therewith it is very difficult to pinpoint when Mohamed Nashaat Naggar exchanged places in Egypt, because and even though officially we both lived in Cairo Egypt, yet I hardly saw him, probably in the 3 years I saw all in all around 3-6 months, in matter of fact and from 1966 to 1969 I did not see any of my household members on a continuous basis, and therefore I strongly suspect that they never left Egypt, they just forced me to leave Egypt and as I went on business to Egypt and for Siemens AG in 1982, they severely attacked me with all kind of setups and ESP and totally drove me nuts so that I left Egypt totally unsuccessful business wise and very disappointed because I was happy to go there to see people from my past, but they did not want me to see them. Therefore I strongly suspect that there are still Mohamad Nashaat Naggar, Hayat Baroudi, Fadia Nagar, Afrah Najar, Essam, Shawki, Esmat Shawki and others still live in Cairo, Egypt but under different identity and under different circumstances, they just staged a fake life for me that I can’t trace backwards except what I am writing right now. I could be busy with something else, building something for me and for a future family, but I gave up on all of that and just want to document everything. Based on all of mentioned yet I am able to determine more specific on how many Mohamad Nashaat Naggar there is after 1970 as follow:

4.1.        1966-1968 at least two Mohamad Nashaat Naggar, possibly 3 or 4, one of them is the son of Sadam Hussein, the other the son or brother of king Hussein and one of these or both of them are simultaneously the half-brothers of Hosni Mubarak. In any way these came to Egypt disguised as bodyguards of Mohi Sabri alias Newt Gingrich and may be sometimes Jürgen Moellemann, and then disappears in Egypt while other not necessarily 100% lookalike, but and under all the brainwash, stressed and ESP control they put me through in Egypt, they could be 0% lookalike and force me to think it is the same person, because in Egypt they 100% damaged my logic and any reasonable sense I may have ever had or gained between 1959 and 1964, and therefore they used me to integrate brand new people in Egypt while they were pretending to be my brothers and sisters and mother and uncle and cousins

4.2.        September 1970 and within the concentrated evil American military base McGraw kasern I was 100% introduced to a new totally unknown to me person that looked slightly like the others or like the original Mohamad Nashaat Naggar, just around 10-15 cm taller, they all treated me as a stranger and I never understood why, they really mistreated me and I was between trying to understand why and between forgive them and try to make it up to them as if I did something wrong, which is a very evil brainwash method to force the victim, the suppressed and brainwashed person to feel guilty towards the suppressor the master the persons in control. Anyway this Mohamad Nashaat Naggar also did the same thing, tried to avoid me to prevent me of seeing where he lives and what he does. I strongly believe this one was a bodyguard for someone around my life at that time, and since he came in September 1970 and I get to know Anita Disbray on 24 August 1970 and she is a Swedish royalty, this mean he was her bodyguard from the background for around two weeks and then they set me up to go with Mrs. Doris Hays to the Airport in Munich allegedly to pick him up coming from Egypt over Jordan, allegedly he left Egypt and now he is here. For around 2 years he and his partner a man disguised as the woman Anita Köse was most of the time around us.

4.3.        1976-1982 and after I became Christian, suddenly Mohamad Nashaat Naggar was mainly surrounded by, his alleged wife Anita Köse and her alleged brothers that I identified as the Greek Onassis brothers named Fernandels Onassis and Alexander Onassis that were pretending to be the brothers of Nita Köse, whereby I am not sure what these Mohamad Nashaat Naggar and Anita Köse are, maybe bodyguards or maybe one of them is bodyguard and the other is a Rockefeller businessman, in any case these Onassis brothers appeared in my life after I became Christian, which they set me up to be enable the can have an official reason to let my alleged Moslem family to persecute me, and therewith it is very possibly that they were trying to show that Mohamad Nashaat nagger and his partner Anita Köse are the bodyguard of the Onassis brothers and not of the Swedish royalty Anita Disbray. On the other side I believe that this Mohamad Nashaat Naggar lived mainly around Hamburg and lied to me by saying that he has a project working for a small company one man company that sends him to work for the German government in the city of Flensburg and he is not paying him any money, any way it was a lie story, today I think he was working with the Rockefellers in Hamburg, and the German government was covering up for him in showing him as a very poor man that the government was forced to give him a subsidized apartment for around 180 Deutsch Mark (Deutsch Mark was replaced in 2002 with Euro and they are roughly the same value), usually this kind of apartment would cost something like 400-700 Deutsch Mark, the same trick they did also with Adelheid Kuczka that she allegedly lives in a subsidized apartment due to she is allegedly very poor alias Sheikha Mozah probably one of the richest 1000 women in the world. This alone shows that the American government is totally in control over Munich and they can do whatever they want and that is why they set me up to have a lifelong entry ban from Germany to not discover any of this, but I did and I will warn every one of American military and the so called controlling families. That this Mohamad Nashaat Naggar was working in Hamburg is confirmed through the following point but also through that the German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt was replaced with Helmut Kohl also in 1982 where Mohamed Nashaat Naggar allegedly relocated to USA through the company Avon Cosmetics in the city of Eching next to the CIA city Unterschleissheim, Germany

4.4.        1986 and after I was kidnapped from Germany to USA and as I arrived in USA and in Kennedy Airport in new York city my alleged brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar that now is called Nick Naggar did not know me, because and as I tried to hug him he almost pushed me away as if I did something wrong, at that time I did not think of it but today I am sure that this Nick Naggar is 100% a different person than Mohamad Nashaat Naggar in Germany from 1982 and different –rom the several Mohamad Nashaat Naggar or Najar in Cairo, Egypt from 1968. This mean there is still at least one  Mohamad Nashaat Naggar in Egypt may be several that not necessarily 100% lookalike that were brought in the country as bodyguards and then disappeared into another identity just like Afaf Shawki alias Hosni Mubarak and this is absolutely valid for one of the evil persons that pretended to be my fake mother Hayat Baroudi and my fake sister(s) at least Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Shawki that was replaced by another Fadia Nagar in England and possibly all went into other identities, the only ones that did not go into other identities and I knew in Egypt are Dardiri Ahmad Ismael alias a high government official and member of the UNO, General Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman with his official children Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman that pretended to be a police officer and his brother Bahaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman that was officially in the Egyptian navy and I have no doubt in my mind that he made it to a general or even higher such as chief of the armed forces and the last person that I am positive that I knew him under his official identity but unfortunately I forgot his name, but I know what he owned he was the official CEO of the Egyptian airline and owned the famous movie theater called Metro in downtown Cairo and the surrounding high rise, this mean he is 100% related to the Rockefeller and the Windsor families.

4.5.        1986-1994 in Bridgeport Connecticut and Houston, Texas, USA, since he was always living very close to me and I know that the Najlaa Mahmoud that was around me at that time was one of the persons that exchanged places as Sheikha Mozah, this mean he was the bodyguard among others also for her, because he also followed us to Houston, Texas and was living within walking distance from us, but then he moved around 5 times within 2 years. But also that my neighbors below us on Queen Street in Bridgeport, Connecticut were 100% some kind of agents, I used to guess them as FBI and may be they were, but they could also have been secret service or Gladio bodyguards. 1994 was the last time I ever seen this sick mother fucker.

4.6.        Conclusion: in Egypt there were several Mohamad Nashaat Naggar that 100% came as bodyguards of Mohi Sabri and this identity was used to smuggle several near lookalike persons that were all short and under 170 cm. In Germany I was introduced to a new Mohamad Nashaat Naggar that was around 174 cm (5 foot 7 inches=5.7 foot) and this Mohamad Nashaat Naggar is working as a team with a man disguised as a woman and this man disguised as a woman is two different persons that call their selves Alia Köse and Anita Köse that have another look alike in USA called Anita Naggar, and therewith there are 3 teams Mohamad Nashaat Naggar and Anita Köse that exchange places together. And these bodyguard teams were guarding in 1970-1972 Anita Disbray and me, in 1977-1982 on and off the Onassis Brothers  named Fernandels Onassis and Alexander Onassis as well as and Sheikha Mozah disguised as my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka and in between they were most probably guarding someone else unknown to me but must be officially related to me enable to make it look like they are with a family member such as Dr. Farzat Baroudi one of my fake sisters Fadia Naggar one of my fake mothers Hayat Baroudi and so on. In USA I have no idea what Nick Naggar was guarding. And in between all these several Mohamad Nashaat Naggar and several Anita Köse there are two rich persons hiding sometimes under these identities.

5.         My school friend Mahmoud the alleged son of a famous Egyptian Sheikh see “(My alleged friend Mahmoud section)” above under number 4 my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar

6.         My fake sister Suhair Bdeir. I strongly believe that there are two Suhair Bdeir and two Seev Aldin Bdeir and both have ESP and can modify their body parts, such as Seev Aldin Bdeir can imitate the animal turkey and blow the skin around his neck as shown under his profile by using the identity of sheikh Mohammed bin Mubarak al Khalifa the foreign minister of Bahrain. One of the Seev Aldin Bdeir that I knew from 1966 and 1970 looked almost identical to his hidden Brother Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjöld a Swedish royal family member. My fake sister Suhair Bdeir was raising officially 3 children Basmath Bdeir, Samir and Reem Bdeir and each one of these children exist at least in two different persons that I saw myself but I was brainwashed not to recognize it. Child 1: Basmath Bdeir until 1970 looked a lot like princes Madeleine of Sweden; Basmath Bdeir after 1978 looked little bit like Princess Madeleine and is darker skin. I did not see Basmath Bdeir between 1970 and 1978. Child 2: Samir Bdeir until at least 1970 was 100% different person than Samir Bdeir thereafter, the new one was much darker skin. Then there is another Samir Bdeir that was exchanged right in front of me in 1975 in a prostitute house in the Reeperbahn in Hamburg and I did not notice it at that time. And therewith there are at least 3 Samir Bdeir that I can witness for, one of them is 100% the son of George W. Bush, which is the one that officially studied in Houston and Dallas, Texas USA, and I strongly believe that there is another Samir Bdeir that Studied in the university of Leads in England and they lied to me and told me in around 1976/77 that he left England and went to Dallas, Texas, USA to continue his study, and therewith Samir Bdeir would most probably have several university degrees even though he did not really do it all by himself, his lookalike did it and this is also valid for his alleged cousin Ghasan Abokurah that allegedly is working as an Architect somewhere in USA with several university degrees that were only achieved through at least 2-3 different but very lookalike persons. Child 3: Reem Bdeir, this is little bit more complex, I knew and I have seen at least two Reem Bdeir and both are officially princess Haya of Jordan, and the reason this is more complex is because of the brainwash that makes it impossible to recognize a person unless I am aware of the brainwash trick, which is forcing me to be 3-5 different persons that all called Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar that are at least 5-7 different persons that use 3 different names that all pretended to be the same person, whereby a few of them and in Egypt they did not look much alike but I was forced with ESP and brainwash to accept the new person as the same one which is my alleged sister Fadia Najar and the reason I am mentioning this and here, because I discovered that one of the persons that use the identity of princes Haya is one of the original Fadia Najar from Egypt and this alone on the basis of her smiling photo this smile can be only one person that I have seen for a couple of years in my life and then was exchanged with another and this can be only Fadia Najar from 1959 to 1961/1962. I know this it sound illogical, but logic is what we know and what we don’t know is not logical. There are a few persons on this earth that don’t die or at least live much longer than we are taught and simultaneously these persons have the capability to modify their own look until a certain limit that is not known to me, except what I am gradually discovering from m y past.

7.         3 out of my alleged best friends in the fake Evangelical Lutheran church within the CIA city Unterschleissheim, Germany. I strongly believe that at least these three persons are bodyguards. But before I go into it, there is different kind of bodyguards, the obvious and known bodyguard is a person that uses body force to protect his employer, often they know martial arts and carry weapons and this is the known one. The other hidden kind of bodyguard is the bodyguard that not necessarily carry weapon, these bodyguards have ESP and can inflict more damage with ESP than with a regular weapon, in matter of a fact one person with ESP that was trained well as a bodyguard can kill several hundred person at once and without using a weapon, martial art or any physical movement, but rather by pure thoughts they can kill or inflict pain or break a bone. Some people may call that telekinesis or telepathy or whatever, I call it ESP because I found no other word for it because it is hidden from most us. Why am I mentioning this here, is because at least two of these 3 persons mentioned here have these capability. These are the persons Birgit Wiedemann, Günther Wiedemann and Klaus Schneider, whereby by Klaus Schneider it is also a bit complicated due to he is officially a Judo master in the Judo club of the CIA city Unterschleissheim. So If Klaus Schneider has ESP and he is also a bodyguard then,  his wife called Karin is also a bodyguard because they always work in team, but if he does not have ESP, then he is used as decoy for the other hidden bodyguards with ESP. And since Klaus Schneider is officially the lookalike of the American senator Joe Liebermann and I am most positive that they exchanged places together and may be they still do, then he can’t be a bodyguard for Joe Lieberman, he can be only a bodyguard for someone near him and since he is officially member of the board of directors within the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church in the CIA city Unterschleissheim and the pastors there since around 1976 are always hidden VIP, 1976-1978 pastor Herbert Lange that disguises as Barbara Pierce Bush the official wife of ex-CIA director and later USA vice president and later president of USA George H. W. Bush and from 1978 to current it is pastor Karin Kittlaus alias Marilyn Tucker Quayle the official wife of ex-USA vice president Dan Quayle while George H. W. Bush was the president of USA in 1988-1991, this mean Klaus Schneider is the official and visible bodyguard as decoy for the other hidden bodyguard or is additional bodyguard=American Secret Service, because the main duty of the American Secret Service is to guard the presidential families for life and the current pastor Karin Kittlaus is an ex-USA presidential family. The other hidden bodyguard is Birgit Wiedemann that officially is the secretary of the church since 1978 and therewith she has an official reason to be around the person she is supposed to guard because she is the official secretary and assistant of pastor Karin Kittlaus. This mean the bodyguard team here is Birgit Wiedemann and Klaus Schneider because both of them are always around this pastor, and their spouses are possibly just their spouses, but that I strongly suspect that Birgit Wiedemann is the hidden sister of George H. W. Bush or she is his mother Dorothy Walker Bush that has the ability to live very long, and this because Birgit Wiedemann looks identical to his mother Dorothy Walker Bush, I last saw her in 2003 or 2004. If she is his mother then is her official husband Günther Wiedemann also a bodyguards and nanny for two hidden daughters of the Bush family, if she is the sister of George H. W. Bush and her age is true now around 70 years old, and then the two daughters she raised are possibly her daughters. And this is absolutely valid for the other bodyguard Klaus Schneider. However and based on my experience, bodyguards are mainly men disguised as women, and a church is a very good place to generate uncountable amount of children while covering it up as we are religious people!

8.         Others I discovered more, but this is enough for now to show the pattern, otherwise I could be more than two week busy only with that. I have been working on this for two days and still need at least one more day to correct it and make all the links to the other pages




Khadafi, Baroudi and Hussein page index (Go to the top of this page):

1.     Farzat Baroudi Page-1 identified as ex-Libyan president Moamar Khadafi

2.     The original additional photos of Dr. Farzat Baroudi lookalike

3.     Farzat Baroudi Page-2

4.     Ex-Iraqi president Mohsen Abdel Hamid alias Dr. Farzat Baroudi in a new disguise

5.     Bodyguards  of ex-Libyan president Moamar Khadafi alias Dr. Farzat Baroudi a  pattern for men disguised as women (this page)

6.     Germany energy companies alias second world war allies in Libya

7.     Gladio the hidden NATO military intelligence alias a vicious terrorist group within my fake family

8.     Kaddafi’s height as a mean of recognizing Moamar Khadafi’s identities!!!

9.     The color skin of Moamar Khadafi is a Hollywood style disguises and makeup!!

10.  The finger nails of Moamar Khadafi are a Hollywood style disguises and makeup!!

11.  The various locations of the facial mole of Moamar Khadafi are a Hollywood style disguises and makeup!!

12.  The various eyes of Moamar Khadafi as a Hollywood style disguises and makeup!!

13.  The cloths as distraction of the multi person’s identity of Moamar Khadafi is a Hollywood style disguises and makeup!!

14.  The various noses of Moamar Khadafi as a Hollywood style disguises and makeup!!

15.  Moamar Khadafy

16.  Saddam Hussein the ex-Iraqi president