Wanted Person No: 0044 |
Najar Kidnapping |
Sent-Complain Letters |
Published: 25.06.2007 Updated: 31.12.2007,
20.02.2012 |
Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)
Name and Aliases |
Dr. Alaa Ali
alias CIA agent alias my
fake brother-in-law and step father to Rockefeller son Click here to see latest
update on 10.09.2007
Name in Arabic |
دكتور علاء علي |
Relation to me |
The husband of my fake sister Fadia Nagar (brother-in-law) |
First saw/met |
1968 in Cairo, Egypt |
Age at that time |
Over 30 years old |
Last saw/met |
Summer 2001 in Amsterdam, Holland |
Hidden biological relatives |
Unknown |
Allegedly Died On |
Unknown |
Surrounding me during |
Shortly after Afaf Shawki
bombed his own plane in 1967 filled with so called Arab minister that were to
meet in Egypt to discuss the Arab/Israeli war in 1967, faked his own death
and went under cover. His brother Elwee Shawki
also bombed his own plane in 1968, faked his own death and went undercover,
both went most probably to Yemen to train for drugs and airplane high jacking
and other terrorism strategies. Afaf Shawki is
the first husband of my fake sister Fadia Nagar,
and both hid their own son and raised Essam Shawki
as their own. Essam Shawki is the son of the
CIA agent Jawdat Baroudi alias member of the
Rockefeller family in USA and Porsche family in Germany. But also in Unterschleissheim and Munich Germany 1976 and
until my second kidnapping to USA in 1984/86 and one time in USA 1992/93 |
Height |
170-175 cm |
Weight |
80-90 kg |
Skin Color |
Darker not white |
Hair Color |
Black/brown |
Eye Color |
Black/brown |
Religion |
Moslem-Sunni |
Special Features |
Wears eye glasses, pretend that his wife is in control,
like to joke a lot, in his life style and behavior likes to imitate the
English actor Peter Sellers |
Special Crimes Against Me |
Him, his wife (my fake sister), and their fake children
manipulated my life very negatively, and persecuted me officially because I
am Christian believer. Possibly used me with out my
knowledge in 1968/1969 to generate many children in Cairo, Egypt. Most
probably he has ESP (90%), which he used negatively against me. Possibly some one else with ESP (10%) used him to show as if he
has ESP. If he really did steal my children in Egypt, then he also stole
and/or exchanged many other children in England and Saudi Arabia between 1970 to 2001. |
See more description/Details below the photograph
photo needed
Dr. Alaa Ali
alias CIA agent alias my fake brother-in-law
and step father to Rockefeller son, photo and
personal information are wanted for performed crimes against me and against
humanity To the right is most probably one of the hidden sons of Dr. Alaa Ali along
with Hugh Hefner. (The lines below added on
20.02.2012) Photo-A01: Dr. Alaa Ali alias
my fake brother-in-law and American military
intelligence agent alias the current Turkish president Abdullah Gül. Whereby this Dr. Alaa Ali
was replaced by another evil Dr. Alaa Ali in Brighton England that is
around 10 taller is than this one. And this English Dr. Alaa Ali an
Alleged Doctor at Saudi Arabia petroleum
company called ARAMCO is the source of evil
for all our problems in this world since establishing it by John D. Rockefeller senior the first and his son
alias my father John D. Rockefeller junior the
second that wanted to prevent that the American
government and or any other government in the world to ever divide his
petroleum company again that was called Standard Oil and was forced to be
split in to over 30 smaller companies and auctioned due to they were
performing organized crime activities to control USA in the name of the
Windsor family. Both doctor Alaa Ali from Egypt alias Abdullah Gül and
from England and Saudi Arabia used to wear eye glasses and when removing it
you get this photo, see Photo-A01 below to understand this small but
significant trick with the eye glasses just like my ex-wife the CIA agent
Anita Disbray used to do and I am still looking for this criminal woman that
helped perform a lot of damage to my life and kept me as slave and hostage
for 7 years in Munich Germany from 24 August 1970 to end of august 1977
covered up by all the evil Americans military intelligence stationed in
Germany and pretended to be my friends such as the fake Evangelical Lutheran
church of the CIA and KGB city Unterschleissheim, Germany Photo-A02: My fake brother and
American military intelligence agent and bodyguard of ex-Secretary of state
Condoleezza Rice alias the Turkish Alia Köse alias Anita Köse alias
Anita Naggar Nick Naggar alias Thelma that exchanged places with his
lookalike that replaced my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar in September
1970. He allegedly lives in California, USA and most probably he is the son
of the famous Entertainer Steve Allen Photo-A03: My fake brother Mohamad
Nashaat Naggar that was at least 25 years old in 1966/65 and pretended to be 16
years old and in 1978 he disappeared of my life and in September 1970 another
Mohamad Nashaat Naggar appeared in my life replacing the older one that I did
not see for 2 years and could not tell the difference, which was the height,
they made me believe that my brother grow around 10 cm (3 inches in these 2
years) as they did to me with my fake son Abdulhamid Najar alias Anas Najar
Alias Günther Najar Photo-A04: the famous American
entertainer and TV talk show host Steve Allen that I strongly suspect to be
the father of my fake brother Nick Naggar alias another none Arabic name.
Nick Naggar and based on my guess is used only when he used to go to the
Middle East and Europe on business as military intelligence agent, but that
does not give him the right to pretend to be my brother for so long only to
help to destroy my live and as a result I am locked up for so long as refugee
without nationality and without any resources enable I can defend and protect
myself, and I am totally dependent on the Dutch government that is a member
within the many crimes performed by the American military and NATO against
me. Last but not least I am most positive that I met Steve Allen under
different identity as my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar in Germany and
in 1970s, because that is how he looked like at the concentrated evil
American military base McGraw kasern where I was severely brainwashed and
enslaved under the control of the CIA agent Anita Disbray and her hidden from
me allies at the ex-American military housing area for the Air Force in the
city Unterschleissheim, where the Bush family had a lot of relatives
manipulating my life absolutely negative and making sure I don’t cut
loose of Anita Disbray that was over 50 years old and pretended to be 23 in
1973 as we officially married and moved to this CIA and KGB city of
Unterschleissheim |
Hugh Hefner with unknown
persons, however the man in the middle is exactly how Dr. Alaa Ali looked
like in 1960s. Hugh Hefner is one of the
hidden brothers to James Robinson Pierce the
brother-in-law of ex-USA president George H. W.
Bush, whereby James Robinson Pierce is
most probably the half biological brother of George
H. W. Bush. Also Hugh Hefner organizes
the hidden children for the Bush, Kennedy,
Rockefeller and Windsor
families with all their hidden branches, through his international prostitute
ring and the Playboy Club. |
Other Descriptions/Details
Name and Aliases |
Dr. Alaa Ali
alias CIA agent alias my fake brother-in-law
and step father to Rockefeller son |
Profession under Alias |
Gynecologist, specialized in infertilities |
Official Nationality |
English and Egyptian, I suspect him to be American |
Countries Lived In |
What I saw: 1968-1969 in Cairo, Egypt 1976 I visited him in London, England 1977 I visited him in London, England 1976-198? I visited him several times in London and Brighton/Hove,
England, where he allegedly lives What I was told: From birth around 1940 and until 1970 in Egypt 1970-1976 London, England 1976-1983/84 Brighton/Hove, England 1983/84-2001 ARAMCO in Damam, Saudi Arabia 2002-2003 Bahrain Thereafter unknown I suspect him to be from USA and went to Egypt some times
in 1950s or 1960s |
Official Address |
Cairo, Egypt, England, Saudi Arabia,
Bahrain and England again |
Disguise Methods |
Pretend that his wife is in control. Like to joke about every thing and imitates in his behavior the English
actor Peter Sellers. Pretend to be strict Moslem. |
section was updated on 10.09.2007 Official Family Members |
Father |
Unknown, allegedly worked in Egyptian train company |
Mother |
Sisters |
Brothers |
Allegedly none |
Cousins |
Unknown |
Wife |
Fadia Nagar my fake sister |
Children |
Tarek Ali, of one of the Fadia Nagar(s) Step children: Essam Shawki,
Esmat Shawki of one of the Fadia Nagar(s) and Afaf Shawki |
Relatives |
Unknown, however his best friend and partner in unknown
business was a rich doctor and Anesthetist in Cairo,
Egypt name forgotten |
Biological Family Members |
Father |
Unknown |
Mother |
Unknown |
Sisters |
Unknown, uncountable hidden sisters worldwide |
Brothers |
Unknown, uncountable hidden brothers worldwide |
Cousins |
Unknown, uncountable hidden cousins worldwide |
Wife |
Unknown, however, must have several wives/women in many
countries due to all his uncountable hidden children |
Children |
Unknown, uncountable hidden children in many countries |
Relatives |
Unknown, however he must be a relative and trusted person
to Windsor and Rockefeller
families due to all the hidden connections and his step son Essam Shawki the hidden biological son of Jawdat Baroudi the son of John D. Rockefeller junior the Second as he was
disguised as Fuad Khayat, but also Osama Ben Laden the son of one of the Fadia Nagar(s) (my fake sister) and Afaf Shawki alias Hosni Mubarak |
Friends of the Family |
Jawdat Baroudi, Baroudi family, a rich
doctor and Anesthetist in Cairo, Afaf Shawki
alias Hosni Mubarak, Shawki family, John D. Rockefeller junior the Second alias Fuad Khayat, Rockefeller
family, Dr. Sami Assassa, Assassa
family, Ejlani family, Osama
Ben Laden, Ben Laden Family the partners of Bdeir
family, Seev/Seif Aldin Bdeir, Bdeir family, Abokurah
family, Saudi Royal Family |
Official Businesses |
Medical doctor, Gynecologist |
Businesses Partners: |
CIA, ARAMCO, Jawdat Baroudi,
Baroudi family, a rich
doctor and Anesthetist in Cairo, Afaf Shawki
alias Hosni Mubarak, Shawki family, John D. Rockefeller junior the Second alias Fuad Khayat, Rockefeller
family, Dr. Sami Assassa, Assassa
family, Ejlani family, Osama
Ben Laden, Ben Laden Family the partners of Bdeir
family, Seev/Seif Aldin Bdeir, Bdeir family, Abokurah
family, Saudi Royal Family |
Illegal Businesses |
A member of the biggest crime organization in our century,
I strongly suspect him to have switched children at births in Egypt, England
and Saudi Arabia. Spy, drug distributor and terrorist |
Other Knowledge |
Calypso Project incident: The man that cover up for the terrorist Afaf Shawki alias Hosni Mubarak in that he married
his alleged widow and raise the hidden
Rockefeller son Essam
Shawki. But also it is the same man that lured me to the Heliopolis
hospital where he used to work in 1968-1969 in Cairo, Egypt and knocked me
unconscious and rapped me by uncountable and unknown amount of women as a
part of the Windsor/Rockefeller
plan/strategy to conquer the world through the biggest hidden crime
organization, the new Mafia that was based on the hidden and largest circle
of half brothers and sisters created by one father, me at least since 1959
and it was initiated by Jawdat Baroudi alias CIA
agent alias son of John D. Rockefeller junior
the second alias the CIA agent Fuad Khayat my great uncle, in that and in 1959 Jawdat Baroudi took me at least on two trips through out Syria and Lebanon, knocked me unconscious and
rapped me by unknown and uncountable women, and again it was repeated also in
1959 by my fake mother Hayat Baroudi and Saieed Al-Umary, and again in 1960 in Alexandria,
Egypt and again by Jawdat Baroudi in 1966 Jordan,
Palestine and Israel, and by Dr. Alaa Ali the hidden relative and business
partner in crimes of the Rockefeller family In England he always pretended to be the stupid/smart
medical doctor (a paradox) which is a disguise method of many evil persons
that like to hide their ESP, some of the setups he created to show as if he
has no ESP and tried to show as if I have ESP is a car accident that they
caused while I was driving my own car and my fake sister Fadia Nagar was at that time allegedly pregnant
with their alleged joint son Tarek Ali, and
through this accident she allegedly had early birth that they indirectly
blamed me for, but also this accident was used to confuse my memory about the
time when she and her first husband Afaf Shawki
returned from Yemen after two years and went to Alexandria for vacation and
after that vacation she allegedly had the early birth due to the 3-4 hours
car drive to Alexandria and back to Cairo, Egypt, but in reality and at that
time, Fadia Nagar was 100% a man in disguise as
Fadia Nagar that went to Yemen as a spy
disguised as the wife of the pilot teacher Afaf
Shawki, and therefore the created this early birth situation to pretend
that the baby died through the early birth and they burred it and I saw all
that in 1963/1964. Also and simultaneously with this car accident that
happened they showed as if I was absolutely violent while my fake sister and
her husband Dr. Alaa Ali pretended
to be scared and peaceful and harmless, because I attacked the other driver
and hit him due to he persecuted me with his car
for 10-15 minutes provoking the accident until he hit me in the back of my
new car that I purchased through a set up by the CIA
agent pastor Herbert Lange alias Scott Pierce
the brother-in-law of ex-USA president George H. W.
Bush and they were planning to force me to sell this car enable to force
me to lose any thing that can remind me with the purchasing
of this car and the alleged Nazi car dealer that
sold me this car in Vilsbiburg . But also he took me once to a bar, and
there suddenly a man was hitting his woman and I tried to interfere and stop
the man peacefully of hitting his woman, but he asked me to back off, and I
did not and wanted to prevent him of hitting that woman again and peacefully
especially he was much bigger than me and at least 185 cm tall, possibly 190
cm tall, yet he hit me and I was forced to back off, and he disappeared with
his woman, however my fake brother-in-law Dr. Alaa Ali did
absolutely nothing and later he said I should not have interfered this will
only hurt me, which today I know it was a setup made by Dr. Alaa Ali to force
my mind not to help others, as Khalid Mian
constantly did to me and wanted always to force me to think I should not
interfere and help others, which is one of the pattern they all used on me
especially after I became Christian and believed in helping other in any
situation they may be. But also him and other alleged Arabs created many
situations to force my mind to think that he is Egyptian especially after
1981 and the peace initiative of the Murdered president Anwar Al-Sadat, in
that they always get me involved in some so called Arab families gathering,
and all the others attacked Egypt and Egyptians because they were allegedly
traitors to the Palestinian and Arab cause, which is allegedly to be an enemy
by force of Israel, and therewith they oft attacked Dr. Alaa Ali and
insulted him, which today I know it was all acting to force my mind to think
that they are all allegedly genuinely Arabs and Moslems and allegedly
strictly against Israel, which I know today and based on my history of my
fake family that this is absolutely impossible, because they are all working
together in more than in one field, among others in legal and illegal drugs,
but also in mass human smuggling from USA, Europe and other areas of the
world and supplying them all with fake Arab identities and sending them all
over the Middle East through Israel, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria, but also that
they are immediate biological relatives. But also Dr. Alaa Ali was the
one that pretended to help me in that allegedly he gave me hint that many
12-13 years old English girls were coming to him as gynecologist pregnant and
he was allegedly shocked and while he was allegedly helping them as
gynecologist delivering their babies, but at that time he only said that to
me to force many bad impressions upon me over English people to reinforce the
brainwash that he is allegedly Moslem Egyptian and the alleged Moslem
don’t rape under age women by law in that they marry a, 11 or 13 years
old. But today I say this very emphasized mentioned 12-13 years old pregnant
girl as an alleged attempt to get my attention to the many 12-13 years old
girls surrounding me such as the daughter of Renee
Zielske, the daughter of the Indonesian woman
through Siemens AG, the daughter of Adelheid Kuczka, but also the daughters of my fake
uncle Jalal Baroudi that they all raped me and
get pregnant as12-13 years old of me, in reality they were full grown women
however, very short and pretending to be 12-13 years old children, on the
other side, it is definitely a multipurpose brainwash method to rape children
at early age to kill their feelings and destroy their self confidence among
others to be able always to haunt them with these incidents as if they have
knowingly performed bad thing in getting pregnant at such an early age, which
is absolutely illegal in any way I turn it, at least that they are biologically
not full grown, and therewith also their children will be born small and stay
always smaller than the average human due to their gene that is responsible
for growth is not fully complete yet, and that is 100% God’s law that
is telling us it is not ripe yet for pregnancy, just like a small fruit that
are also uneatable before they are ripe. And therewith
all these persecution performed by Dr. Alaa Ali
against me are simultaneously a 100% confirmation for the mass rapes they
performed on me but also on other young girls that, this mother fucker of Dr. Alaa Ali saw it all with ESP and did
absolutely nothing to stop it at any given time, because he performed the
absolute same practice and rape uncountable women all over the world at least
in the countries he was officially in such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain,
Jordan, England, Germany, USA and these only the countries I am aware of
where that piece of human trash was and performed these crimes The CIA agent that is in the
hidden a terrorist and married to the official widow of the terrorist Afaf Shawki, therewith both of them are active
hidden terrorists. End of Calypso
Project incident: ========================= Calypso Project Surroundings: UDF Consulting AG Incidents: Dr. Alaa Ali is my official brother-in-law, however
his wife is not my sister, she is several persons that exchange places with
the identity of my fake sister Fadia Nagar, and
her official children are not her children, Essam
Shawki is 100% the son of my fake uncle Jawdat
Baroudi alias Rockefeller and that explain
why my fake son Abdulhamid Najar alias Anas Najar alias Guenther
Najar is a look a like of my fake nephew Essam Shawki (in reality he is my cousin, and
there is a remote possibility that he is even my son by rape in 1963, which
at the moment I am trying to peruse and verify) and for all I know the
identity Guenther Najar is Essam Shawki with contact lenses and I have a lot
of solid indications for that. Back to Dr. Alaa
Ali, he is 100% a terrorist, any one
who terrorizes the life of others and perform illegal things to physically
damage people and in particular children is 100% a terrorist and Dr. Alaa Ali damages all the children he
can get his hand on during delivery to prevent them to have ESP and grow up
to be against his employer the Windsor and Rockefeller families and I have also a solid prove
for that since 1959 and 1970 through Syria, which I will explain in the right
section. However Dr. Alaa Ali is
officially the stepfather of the fake identity Essam
Shawki, and that is also a criminal. And therewith I was surrounded by
criminals during this period, because he came and visited me; however I
can’t recall the exact situation due to all the ESP control to force me
to stick to their whore CIA agent Najlaa Mahmoud. Dr. Alaa Ali alias CIA agent. This incident is
misplaced here and also time wise, however it is related to my fake
brother-in-law the terrorist Dr. Alaa
Ali, that today I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that he,
himself performed many terrorist attack in England and Saudi Arabia, it is the hidden pattern and I am
revealing all the hidden I know, but also its related to my kidnapping to USA
through the brainwash and kidnap company UDF
Consulting AG, because they were systematically surrounding me
at least since 1981 and already planned in 1981 to remove me from Germany by
force through kidnapping by ESP and brainwash due to my employment at Siemens AG and my discovery of the fake Quran printed by my fake and biological families in cooperation
with the Saudi Arabian government at the Clett Verlag/Publishing in Stuttgart, Germany.
After I get to know Adelheid Kuczka through Mohamad Attar, whereby Mohamad
Attar set me up with the other Mr. Attar
the manager of the Ports of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
among others in that they get me involved by force with an alleged container
full of Quran and Islamic religious books as distraction of the fake Quran at the Clett
Verlag/publishing that is related to Bertelsmann
publishing in Germany and Europe and Doubleday publishing in New York, USA
and all of them print fake religious books for Christians, Moslems, Jewish,
Hindu and Buddhist, and today I have no more doubt in my mind that I was set
up with Adelheid Kuczka after I visited Clett Verlag/publishing in Stuttgart, Germany,
because Adelheid Kuczka behavior since I met
her was 100% paradox towards me, that forced me to fall in love with her just
to push me away and prevent me of getting close to any actual Christians or
German woman until they kidnap me to USA. Adelheid
Kuczka showed me one time some thing out of her
ladies handbag, during which I saw some medical bill/tablets and asked her
what is that, she said to me, this is a pill/tablets that I was given by my
friend (I forgot his name, however I believe it was allegedly a medical
doctor) that prevented me of committing suicide and told me wait for a while
and here is a poison pill/tablet that you can use any time you want to kill
yourself if you are not convinced later that life is worth living. Therefore
she wanted me to discover this bill/tablets to tell me this lies and
multipurpose brainwash story, among others to force me to feel sorry for her,
because I was totally shocked as a Christian and told her this can’t be
a good friend who would give you such a suicide pill/tablet, but also it was
a confusion and distraction to my mind for my fake suicide that was forced
upon me by Russell the hidden son of pastor Billy Graham alias hidden brother to George H. W. Bush that persecuted me at least
since 1959 with all his brothers and brother-in-laws. But also it was as if
she was showing me that she is an allegedly an agent that had a suicide
pill/tablet for emergencies, which what they brainwash people to think with all
their brainwash information in media and movies. I immediately took that
pill/tablet of her and at least thought that I loved her and I am here now
and that she does not need this pill/tablet any more, and I will take care of
her, and very possibly I even told her that. Yet and as Christian I wanted
confirmation that this pill/tablet allegedly poison to kill her, and I did
not know where to turn to, except my evil mother fucker and terrorist fake
brother-in-law Dr. Alaa Ali in
England, and therefore and as far as I recall I mailed it to him with a small
note asking him kindly to analyze it for me and tell me if it is really
poison. Yet I never heard of him again about this pill/tablet and I was some how forced to forget this incident. Since the year
2000 I keep remembering things of my past and I was trying to understand this
situation, and to make it short, and since they are all working together to
keep me hostage and isolated of the others and in particularly after my discovery
of the fake Quran, most probably they used
this pill/tablet against me and against Adelheid
Kuczka, in other words, I still don’t know for fact if this pill/tablet
was true poison or not, however my evil fake brother-in-law Dr. Alaa Ali knows and never told me, and
in case it was fake they 100% used it to claim that Adelheid
Kuczka was using tricks on me to force me to feel sorry for her and
therewith manipulate me to fall in love with her, and if the pill/tablet was
truly poison, then they would also have used it as a prove that she is either
mentally unstable and used by others against me or that she is an alleged
agent with the will to immediately die to cover up for her alleged identity,
which is allegedly the methods that secret services force their agents to
use. However I turn this situation it does not look good and it remains as a
fact at least to me because it happened to me that I was betrayed by Adelheid Kuczka but also by the terrorist my fake
brother-in-law Dr. Alaa Ali that
was raising the hidden son of Rockefeller and
married to the wife of the terrorist Afaf Shawki
and raising his official children that also persecuted me and performed a lot
of damage to my life under the pretention they are covering up for their
official father the terrorist Afaf Shawki alias the
current Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak alias the apartment mate to the Canadian pilot that was in reality John D. Rockefeller the Third that again
brainwashed me and kidnapped me to USA in 1984-1986 disguised as Mr. Ruge the official manager of the company UDF Consulting AG, where I was forced to
be working now in time and surrounded by force of brainwash and fake
identities by all these thugs. Dr. Alaa Ali my fake brother-in-law is
100% a terrorist that performed many different kind of terrorism in the
hidden from mass disabling ESP by new born children, switching new born
children, but also is raising the official children of the terrorist Afaf Shawki alias Hosni Mubarak that along with
his official brother Elwee Shawki bombed their
own two planes in 1967 and 1968, killed innocent Egyptians and went in to
their other identities, and these two children are Esmat
Shawki and Essam Shawki my fake niece and
nephew, whereby Essam Shawki is the biological
hidden son of the terrorist Jawdat Baroudi
alias my fake uncle alias the son of John D.
Rockefeller junior the Second that also was a terrorist under his fake
identity as my fake great uncle Fuad Khayat as
well as major drug lord in the Middle East, Europe, Asia, South America and
USA. Dr. Alaa Ali is married to my fake
sister Fadia Nagar the official ex-wife of the terrorist Afaf Shawki and he took over almost immediately
after the terrorist Afaf Shawki went into his
other identity as Hosni Mubarak, and ever since
followed the foot steps of Hosni
Mubarak and also performed many hidden and direct terrorist attacks in
Egypt, England and Saudi Arabia among others
the vicious attack on the so called Ka’abaa (كعبة) in Mecca, Saudi
Arabia with all it is hidden underground roads in 1980s along with all
the other members of my fake family that were in Saudi
Arabia during this period such as Jawdat
Baroudi, Faihaa Kheir, Bdeir
and Edelbi Family but also the Ben/Bin Laden family, and this is 100% fact,
because it is the pattern, among others all terrorists are always foreigners,
whereby some of them lives with fake identities as natives such as professor Joachim Sauer or Hosni Mubarak and many others, because foreigners
have no loyalty to local countries and mainly they want to take over the
country by force of fear and terrorism, just like Adolf
Hitler did supported in the hidden by his hidden biological brothers and
father, which are among other king George VI,
King Edward VII, as well as many other hidden
circle of half brothers and sisters and all are the children and grand children of king George
V and king Edward VII. Therefore is Dr. Alaa Ali is 100% a terrorist and
persecuted me to prevent me of finding all these facts. End of Calypso
Surroundings: UDF Consulting AG Incidents Will follow |