Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0377-1E


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             17.09.2007

Updated:                31.12.2007

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Samuel Prescott Bush alias CIA and military intelligence agent alias grandfather (father side) of ex-USA president George H. W. Bush


This person is identified as:

As my fake uncle Badeaa Baroudi that exchanged places with other look a like among others with Joseph P. Kennedy junior the official brother of ex-USA president John F. Kennedy


Samuel Prescott Bush is a hidden brother to general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman in Cairo, Egypt that helped murder the ex-Egyptian president Anwar Al-Sadat and helped establish the terrorist and my ex-brother-in-law Afaf Shawki that bombed his own plane with many so called Arab ministers faked his own death and went into his other identity as the current Egyptian Hosni Mubarak. The face feature similarities and my entire life situations around these persons are undeniable see photos below

Name in Arabic

Under Construction

Relation to me

For details see his other profile under his fake identity as my fake uncle Badeaa Baroudi.

For family relation as Samuel Prescott Bush see detail below under Official Family Members

First saw/met

Age at that time

Last saw/met

Hidden biological relatives

Allegedly Died On

Surrounding me during



Skin Color

Hair Color

Eye Color


Special Features

Special Crimes Against Me

  See more description/Details below the photograph

Additional Photos wanted/needed
















Samuel Prescott Bush alias my fake uncle Badeaa Baroudi that exchanged places among others with Joseph P. Kennedy junior.

Samuel Prescott Bush alias CIA and military intelligence agent alias grandfather (father side) of ex-USA president George H. W. Bush is most wanted for performing uncountable international crimes against me and against humanity and in particular against the American people and against Israeli and Palestinians in that he among others performed uncountable terrorist attacks through the terrorist group PLO-Palestinian Liberation organization that he created first of all to keep the war going on between Israel and the so called Arab countries as multi purpose strategy to confuse the lives out of the people living there and keep the war going enable his family sell more weapons with the American tax payers money through their own manufacturer and therewith their enrich their selves by killing uncountable innocent persons.


Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Profession under Alias

Official Nationality

Countries Lived In

Official Address

Disguise Methods

















Flora Sheldon Bush


Prescott Sheldon Bush and many others worldwide

Other Relatives

Wear, Walker, Sheldon, Pierce, Robinson, Marvin, Flickinger, Martin and many other Mafia families worldwide







Unknown, most probably Kaiser Wilhelm the last king of Germany and/or a hidden brother to king George VI


Unknown, some English royalty


Many world wide and unknown to me at the moment


Many worldwide and unknown to me at the moment


Many worldwide and especially in English and German royalties


Suaad Baroudi and many others in many Middle Eastern countries


Uncountable hidden children worldwide, among others Klaus Schneider alias Rabeaa Baroudi

Other Relatives

Many international criminals and terrorists world wide such as Afaf Shawki, Yasser Arafat, Badeaa Baroudi (PLO), Osama Ben Laden, Shawki, Al-Jumaiee, Kwader/Queder, Sheikh Mahmoud (all Islamic Brotherhood) in Egypt, the fake Palestinian Sheikh,  Dr. Lapeep  families in Egypt, Bdeir family in Jordan, Kheir family in Syria, Attar family in Germany  and the same in Oman, Saudi Arabia and other countries. In particular the following families:

Bush, Wear, Walker, Sheldon, Pierce, Marvin, Robinson, Flickinger, Martin, Kennedy, Rockefeller, Windsor, Gates, Cheney, Reagan, Castro, Quayle, Disbray, Bossi, Onassis, Niarchos, Baroudi, Kheir, Bdeir, Alami, Attar, Shawki, Mubarak, Al-Jumaiee, Ismael, Kwader/Queder, Assad, Tlas, Al-Jaddied/Gaddied, Bark, Azrath, Mahmoud, Ben Laden, Arafat, Musheel, Muasher, Mehles, Mufleh, Barghooti, Khodor/Chodor, Khodori/Chodori, Adolf Hitler, Hayder/Heyder, Schwarzenegger, Siemens, Wiedemann, Schneider, Schoen, Fischer, Simon, Summer/Sommer , Kuczka, Sauer, Merkel, Stoiber, Koch and many others in particular every member of the previous and current Reagan and Bush Whitehouse administration, many in the German government and many of the so called Middle Eastern governments

Friends of the Family

Official Businesses

Businesses Partners:

Illegal Businesses

Other Knowledge

Will follow


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