Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0445-Page 5 of 6


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             22.10.2007

Updated:                31.12.2007

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

UDF Consulting AG owned by professor Dr. Fischer alias Ali Bark and John D. Rockefeller the Third alias Mr. Ruge the manager alias brainwash company. My brainwash and kidnapping me to USA 1984/1986.

Name in Arabic

 Page 5 of 6, UDF Consulting AG the brainwash and kidnap company – Click here to go back

Continuation of Other Knowledge

5.     Terrorism surrounding me during that period of my employment at UDF Consulting AG (Page 5 of 6)


Rec. No.





Mr. Ruge alias John D. Rockefeller the Third the official son of John D. Rockefeller junior the Second which is my fake great uncle Fuad Khayat and Mr. Ruge is the hidden biological brother to my uncle the terrorist Jawdat Baroudi

Mr. Ruge alias John D. Rockefeller the Third is a terrorist because he not only terrorized my life but also organized many terrorist activities from the back ground and since at least 1960s in Cairo, Egypt and the prove for that is the followings:

A.    His other identity was the Canadian pilot and apartment mate in 1960/1961 in Cairo, Egypt to the terrorist Afaf Shawki that bombed his own plane in 1967 and went into the other identity as the current Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak

B.    Elwee Shawki the official brother the Afaf Shawki also a pilot bombed his own plane in 1968 and went under cover

C.    The CIA and/or military intelligence agent Mohi Sabri alias the ex-German vice chancellor and ex-Bavarian governor Franz Joseph Strauss is a terrorist and half brother to John D. Rockefeller the Third, he not only terrorized my life and covered up for all the terrorist and mass drug activities by himself and my fake family but also he tried uncountable times to kill me in Germany among others in the terrorist attack on the famous Munich Oktoberfest in September 1981

D.    His hidden biological brother is my uncle the terrorist Jawdat Baroudi alias member of the US Congress, Senate and some to many sub committees among others for CIA

E.    His hidden biological nephew and son of Jawdat Baroudi is my fake nephew Essam Shawki the official but fake son of the terrorist Afaf Shawki and the step son of the terrorist Dr. Alaa Ali and the son of my fake sister Fadia Nagar the ex-wife of the terrorist Afaf Shawki and official current wife of the terrorist Dr. Alaa Ali

F.    Tarek Ali the official half brother of Essam Shawki is to 90% the biological hidden son of the terrorist Osama Ben/Bin Laden

G.    John D. Rockefeller the Third is the hidden biological brother to my uncle Jawdat Baroudi, and Jawdat Baroudi is the official brother to the terrorist Jalal Baroudi alias CIA and/or American/English military intelligence agent and simultaneously Syrian consul and drug lord and responsible for uncountable terrorist activities performed from Syria and the cover up for the illegal American/English/Syrian military intelligence project Calypso that was trading weaponry and state-of-the-art technologies for hostages

H.    John D. Rockefeller the Third is the hidden biological brother to my uncle Jawdat Baroudi, and Jawdat Baroudi is the official brother to the terrorist Badeaa Baroudi alias some times Joseph P. Kennedy junior and some times Samuel Prescott Bush, whereby both faked their own death and went under cover to the Middle East and Joseph P. Kennedy junior bombed his own plane in 1944, faked his own death and went under cover as my fake uncle Badeaa Baroudi and set me up in that he gave me a PLO ID to escape Syria in December 1969 enable to give the CIA and other agencies a reason to persecute me and isolate me of the general public

I.       John D. Rockefeller the Third is the hidden biological brother to my uncle Jawdat Baroudi, and Jawdat Baroudi is the official brother to the terrorist Badeaa Baroudi that originally established the terrorist group PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization in cooperation with the Bdeir family and then set Yasser Arafat as the official head of PLO, and Yasser Arafat is the hidden biological son of the terrorist and CIA/American/English military intelligence agent Seev/Seif Aldin Bdeir and PLO is responsible for uncountable terrorist attacks all over Europe in 1960s and through out 1990s. The Bdeir family in cooperation with the Baroudi family are responsible for the following:

1.     is the hidden Head of many Americans/English terrorists disguised as Arabs and in particular Egyptians such as Mahmoud alias Steven Segal and his terrorist father the famous Sheikh Mahmoud and one of the heads of the Islamic Brotherhood

2.     The Bdeir family with other families are officially the business partners and hidden biological relatives of the terrorist family Ben/Bin Laden

3.     Mohamad Ali Bdeir in Amman, Jordan alias Basheer Kwader/Queder in Cairo, Egypt pretend to be Adolf Hitler and may be he is

4.     The Bdeir family are related officially to the American family Alami/Alamo that pretended to be Palestinians, and the family Alami/Alamo are also responsible for uncountable terrorist activities as official Palestinians and in particular all the violence disturbance in Kuwait in 1980s and until the Iraq/Kuwait war and in reality caused the Iraq/Kuwait was. The Alami family are strong business partners with the Rockefeller families in illegal drugs and money laundering among others through Morgan Stanley, City Bank and American Express

J.     John D. Rockefeller the Third is the hidden biological brother to my uncle Jawdat Baroudi, and Jawdat Baroudi is the official brother-in-law to the terrorist Dr. Sami Assassa that set me up in 1981-1986 in uncountable situations and among others with the terrorist attack he planned and performed in cooperation with my fake step father Mohi Sabri alias Franz Joseph Strauss at least the two terrorist attacks on Munich Oktoberfest in September 1981 and the terrorist attack on Siemens AG Employees responsible for Atomic Energy developments in 1986 that was planned in 1981 and they set me up as if I had any thing to do with it, also to force Siemens AG to let go of me and not to try to help me or show me who is my fake family as they were constantly doing since at least my employment at them in 1978, but also it is 100% only beneficial to the Rockefeller families with all their monopoly in petroleum and Atomic Energy plants worldwide

K.    John D. Rockefeller the Third is the hidden biological brother to my uncle Jawdat Baroudi, and Jawdat Baroudi is the official brother of the terrorist and drug lord Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias professor Joachim Sauer the official husband of the current German Chancellor Angelika Merkel alias Yvonne O’Conner in 1970 at the concentrated evil American military base McGraw casern, where I was letterly pushed and forced to go their to be brainwashed enable to forget all my past and what my family do in the Middle East prior to 1970 and the concentrated evil Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias my official uncle was one of the major persons that forced me to go to for this brainwash, while he simultaneously had several identities among others as Dr. Farzat Baroudi the Syrian terrorist and drug lord responsible for tracking and covering up the mass drugs transported from the Middle east by his official families Baroudi, Kheir and Bdeir to Hamburg, Germany see port and from there to all over Germany and Europe. Whereby Dr. Farzat Baroudi attempted at least once to murder me in 1984 on my way from Hamburg to Munich by forcing a car accident that was designed to kill me, yet some how I survived it unharmed, whereby my car had total damage and needed 4 weeks and 15 Thousand Deutsch mark until was repaired.

L.     John D. Rockefeller the Third is the hidden biological brother to my uncle Jawdat Baroudi, and Jawdat Baroudi is the official business partner to Ali Bark alias professor Dr. Fischer the owner of UDF Consulting AG and the official boss of Mr. Ruge alias John D. Rockefeller the Third

M.   John D. Rockefeller the Third is the official business partner to professor Dr. Fischer alias Ali Bark in Lebanon and Jordan and the best friend and business partner to the terrorist family Bdeir and in particular to Seev/Seif Aldin Bdeir the hidden biological father of  the for over 40 years terrorist Yasser Arafat

N.    John D. Rockefeller the Third is the official business partner to professor Dr. Fischer alias Ali Bark in Lebanon and Jordan, whereby Ali bark is the official brother to Zakiyah Bark one of at least 5 persons that exchanged places under the CIA and/or American/English/Syrian military intelligence agent whore Najlaa Mahmoud, and also Ali Bark has a joint daughter with his official sister Zakiyah Bark that also exchanged places with the others under the CIA whore agent identity Najlaa Mahmoud while keeping me as slave and hostage for 15 years in USA

O.    John D. Rockefeller the Third disguised as my boss Mr. Ruge from Hamburg in cooperation with his official business partner Ali Bark alias professor Dr. Fischer the official owner of my brainwash and kidnap company UDF Consulting AG, monitored and supervised my brainwash from the background in 1984 and as my boss in 1985-1986 and then my kidnapping to USA in 1986 where they kept me letterly as hostage and slave under total control of their family and their business such as GE-General Electric that is head quartered in Fairfield Connecticut and persecuted me to total death of my brain

P.    John D. Rockefeller the Third is the hidden biological brother to my uncle Jawdat Baroudi, and Jawdat Baroudi knocked me unconscious at least twice and used many women to rape me in 1985 to create as many look a like children of me as possible and then use them against me, such as Abdulhamid Najar alias Anas Najar alias Guenther Najar that made every thing possible at least since his official arrival in Ter Apel, Holland on 27.12.2002 to cover up for the Rockefeller family and distract me of my true origin to protect his evil mothers and the Rockefeller family that rapped me while I am unconscious.

Q.    John D. Rockefeller the Third is the hidden biological brother to my uncle Badeaa Baroudi alias Joseph P. Kennedy junior and some times Samuel Prescott Bush. Joseph P. Kennedy junior is the official brother of Kathleen Kennedy alias some times and mainly my ex-wife Anita Disbray the CIA agent that was forced upon me by brainwash and ESP through the concentrated evil American military base McGraw Casern. Joseph P. Kennedy junior and his official sister Kathleen Kennedy faked their own death with plane crashes in 1944 and 1948 respectively and went under cover in terrorism, Joseph P. Kennedy junior as Badeaa Baroudi and the hidden establisher of the international terrorist group PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization for more than 40 years, and Kathleen Kennedy went to Ireland and helped establish the IRA-Irish Republican Army also for more than 40 years, and both organization PLO and IRA worked very closely together to allegedly fight the Royalties in England and the Middle East, but in reality they were not only helping the royalties but also working for them, because they are originated of royalties and disguised as the Irish Kennedy family. And John D. Rockefeller the Third was covering not only for these two terrorist groups, but for all other sub groups either created by these two groups or were 100% working with them such as Baader Mainhof Bande, RAF-Red Army Fraction in Germany and else where, but also with the Spanish ETA, Hamas, Black September, Islamic Brotherhood and many others and therewith the Windsor and Rockefeller families can use their own terrorist groups to tempt other rebels and force them to join them enable they can officially eliminate them as terrorists,. And therewith is the Windsor and Rockefeller families are 100% the Al-Kaida heads, creators, establishers, supporters, financier, planners, organizers and protectors such as in Guantanamo Bay, Pakistan, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Ireland, Indonesia and else where.

R.    And many other hidden relations to terrorism, mass drugs and other international crimes



Jawdat Baroudi alias my uncle alias the hidden biological brother of Mr. Ruge that is in reality alias John D. Rockefeller the Third and both are the official sons of John D. Rockefeller junior the Second alias Fuad Khayat my fake great uncle the drug lord and terrorist

Jawdat Baroudi alias my uncle alias the hidden biological son of John D. Rockefeller junior the Second and hidden brother to John D. Rockefeller the Third is an international terrorist under the protection of the CIA and American/English military intelligence, whereby both are under the control of his family the Windsor and Rockefeller families with all their hidden branches. See the details under his hidden brother Mr. Ruge alias John D. Rockefeller the Third



Essam Shawki alias official but fake son of the terrorist Afaf Shawki but hidden biological son of my uncle Jawdat Baroudi the hidden son of John D. Rockefeller junior the Second alias my fake great uncle Fuad Khayat

My fake nephew Essam Shawki that I used to love very much and trusted blindly due to the brainwash they performed upon me and ESP control to force me not to recognize his real identity, which is he has three fathers, one fake, one biological and one as official stepfather as distraction of his fake and biological fathers. His official but fake father is the terrorist Afaf Shawki alias the current Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, and Afaf Shawki bombed his own plane in 1967 over Sinai and went into his other identity as Hosni Mubarak, and his official brother Elwee Shawki performed the same in 1968. Afaf Shawki alias Hosni Mubarak is a half Afro-American or Afro-English and half Windsor/Rockefeller family member. His biological father is Jawdat Baroudi alias son of John D. Rockefeller junior the Second and brother to John D. Rockefeller the Third alias Mr. Ruge my ex-manager. Jawdat Baroudi has another identity in USA that I don’t know it yet, however I know it must be several positions one in the Senate and/or Congress, while heading at least some CIA committee and possibly another military or military intelligence committee because he is most definitely the father of the senator/congress man John Rockefeller and/or Winthrop Rockefeller the second, but also and simultaneously and based on my history and what I know about him he is sort of a hidden liaison between the CIA plus the American/English military intelligence in Europe and USA to the hidden CIA and American/English hidden military intelligence in the Middle East, such as in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and other countries, and that person can be only one person to cover up the hidden connection and can be only the evil Jawdat Baroudi alias my fake uncle alias the brother of my biological mother alias even and very possibly my direct uncle and half brothers alias some wrong and fucked up biological relation that they are desperate trying to cover up just like all the other bad relations to show as if the Rockefeller family is a reputable family with integrity and moral values, which is absolutely the opposite. Whatever the actual biological relation to my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi, he is the actual one the actual person that planes and organizes the actual terrorism through the Middle East to help his real identity in USA and Europe enable his brothers and family members take more control of USA, Europe, Asia, South America and even Russia. The third father of Essam Shawki is his official stepfather Dr. Alaa Ali alias American pretending to be Egyptian with the help of among other the Egyptian, English and American  governments to cover up for the other two fathers and all the terrorism and international crimes that they perform, but also Dr. Alaa Ali is a terrorist himself as described in his section, therewith Essam Shawki and due to his official relation to alleged Saudis and Iranians he is a 100% a terrorist covering up for his Rockefeller family



Esmat Shawki alias my fake niece alias wife of an Iranian alias fake sister to a hidden Rockefeller family member which is Essam Shawki, and both are the official but fake children of the terrorist Afaf Shawki alias the current Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak

Esmat Shawki is not only a terrorist, but also is married to an Iranian terrorist, and is official but fake sister to the terrorist Essam Shawki, and sister to Tarek Ali that is to 90% the son of Osama Ben/Bin Laden, and Esmat Shawki is also very possible the daughter of Osama Ben/Bin Laden. But also she is the official but fake daughter of the terrorist Afaf Shawki alias the current Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak and she along with all her fake family terrorized my life from 1976-1986 and tried to cover it up as the good Samaritan



My fake sister Fadia Nagar appearance as distraction of terrorism and brainwash confirmation to the Islamic Brotherhood attacks on Syria in 1977 and 1984

My fake sister Fadia Nagar is 100% a terrorist identity that is used by several persons and at least one of them is a man disguised as a woman since 1959 and that is fact, because, and I remember very well that she was pretending to be a 16-17 years old school girl in Damascus, wearing a specific uniform such as dark skirt, white shirt with some thing darker covering her collar and short white socks, and shortly thereafter she was married to the terrorist Afaf Shawki alias the current Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak and went with him to Yemen for two years to rape uncountable women, because this is the only way she/he can come close to Moslem women that are separated by law and religion of men, and therewith had many children in Yemen and then came back to Egypt faked a pregnancy and an alleged early baby delivery at home, which I saw myself and allegedly buried the early birthed baby that allegedly immediately died. Therefore she is a terrorist and simultaneously ex-wife of the terrorist Afaf Shawki alias Hosni Mubarak, and currently and officially she is allegedly married to Dr. Alaa Ali since 1970 that is also and 100% a terrorist in that he performs many different kind of hidden terrorism, among others force people with his ESP and from the hidden to perform many terrorist attacks in England and Saudi Arabia, but also and the worst terrorism is the absolute hidden and secret one, which is he disable the ESP by all children that he directly or indirectly help deliver as gynecologist, and make sure that only children belong to the Rockefeller and Windsor families are unharmed, but also he cover up for child pregnancies and switches babies and that is only what I discovered, beside he performed a mass rape on me and while I am unconscious through drugs that he gave me and me with out my knowledge and used me to pregnant unknown and uncountable amount of women at least at his hospital Heliopolis in Masr Al-Gadiedah, Al-Higaz street, Cairo Egypt and in 1968/1969



Dr. Alaa Ali alias CIA agent

Dr. Alaa Ali my fake brother-in-law is 100% a terrorist that performed many different kind of terrorism in the hidden from mass disabling ESP by new born children, switching new born children, but also is raising the official children of the terrorist Afaf Shawki alias Hosni Mubarak that along with his official brother Elwee Shawki bombed their own two planes in 1967 and 1968, killed innocent Egyptians and went in to their other identities, and these two children are Esmat Shawki and Essam Shawki my fake niece and nephew, whereby Essam Shawki is the biological hidden son of the terrorist Jawdat Baroudi alias my fake uncle alias the son of John D. Rockefeller junior the Second that also was a terrorist under his fake identity as my fake great uncle Fuad Khayat as well as major drug lord in the Middle East, Europe, Asia, South America and USA. Dr. Alaa Ali is married to my fake sister Fadia Nagar the official  ex-wife of the terrorist Afaf Shawki and he took over almost immediately after the terrorist Afaf Shawki went into his other identity as Hosni Mubarak, and ever since followed the foot steps of Hosni Mubarak and also performed many hidden and direct terrorist attacks in Egypt, England and Saudi Arabia among others the vicious attack on the so called Ka’abaa (كعبة) in Mecca, Saudi Arabia with all it is hidden underground roads in 1980s along with all the other members of my fake family that were in Saudi Arabia during this period such as Jawdat Baroudi, Faihaa Kheir, Bdeir and Edelbi Family but also the Ben/Bin Laden family, and this is 100% fact, because it is the pattern, among others all terrorists are always foreigners, whereby some of them lives with fake identities as natives such as professor Joachim Sauer or Hosni Mubarak and many others, because foreigners have no loyalty to local countries and mainly they want to take over the country by force of fear and terrorism, just like Adolf Hitler did supported in the hidden by his hidden biological brothers and father, which are among other king George VI, King Edward VII, as well as many other hidden circle of half brothers and sisters and all are the children and grand children of king George V and king Edward VII. Therefore is Dr. Alaa Ali is 100% a terrorist and persecuted me to prevent me of finding all these facts



Tarek Ali

My fake nephew Tarek Ali is the official son of two terrorist, which are my fake sister Fadia Nagar and her official terrorist first-husband Afaf Shawki alias Hosni Mubarak and second husband the terrorist Dr. Alaa Ali, but also his official half brother and half sister Essam Shawki and Esmat Shawki are terrorists and to 99% he is the son of Osama Ben/Bin Laden hiding as the son of Dr. Alaa Ali and Fadia Nagar, and therewith he is also raised to be an arrogant mother fucker and a terrorist because all these person want us all to believe that God created us as salves to serve only them, in reality each single human is born as a free human and they fill our brains with lies and terror to enslave the majority of us enable to fill their stupid stomach with food and live in luxury while sacrificing their own children and forcing them to live under fake identities all over the world and force them to think that they are working for the freedom and democracy of the world, which is a 100% deceive to al their children, in reality these pieces of shit use their own children to enrich their selves more and more, and by the time their children grow up and gather enough intelligence to recognize the big deceive, it is too late, they are already too many living under fake identities and spread all over the world in such a structure that each one of them is forced to want to hide due to all the illegal activities and crimes he/she was lured to by his official and/or biological parents to enrich their selves, and the best prove for that is my fake nephews and cousins that were all deceived, but also all my children that were produced by mass count through mainly rapping me while I am unconscious and all live in such a hierarchical structure that each one is commanding the other and each one is scared in one way or another to be discovered at least due to all the crimes his parents performed and he/she are fearing revenge, because this is what most religion teaches the actual logic and brain of most people, which is revenge on children, and that is wrong, but it is also that these children and mean while were forced to perform so many illegal activities that it become a double persecution for them due to what their parents and family are doing and due to what they were lured to do and taught only to do and never had time to think about it because and in one way or another they are always busy at least hiding their real identity, which is a form of fear and fear is 100% a brainwash method. However my fake nephew Tarek Ali still is a son of a terrorist couples and biologically also a son of another terrorist, and terrorists have mainly terrorism and violence in their mind and exactly that they and unfortunately teach their children that were born innocent and forced to be the absolute opposite



Dr. Farzat Baroudi identified as professor Joachim Sauer

My fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias professor Joachim Sauer is 100% a hidden terrorist that lived several identities and I discovered these two out of them. I am not certain what he exactly performed as professor Joachim Sauer except that he is today under the protection of the German chancellor Angelika Merkel alias Yvonne O’Conner that are pretending to be originated from a Nazi family in East Germany, but she is 100% American/English. However as my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi I know for fact that he has a fake identity and used it to claim that he is my uncle and therewith he performed a severe crime to cover up my kidnapping in 1959 and helped very strongly in kidnapping me in 1984/1986 to USA and keeping me in USA as letterly slave and hostage for 15 years along with his official brothers and sisters Jawdat Baroudi alias Rockefeller, Badeaa Baroudi alias several persons with one identity such as Joseph P. Kennedy junior and Samuel Prescott Bush and another person that I recently discovered however I don’t know his name but he is my older biological brother and hidden son of king George VI, the fake Syrian diplomat Jalal Baroudi, Mamdoh Baroudi alias King George V, Hayat Baroudi alias twin brother to queen Elizabeth II disguised as the woman and my fake mother Hayat Baroudi, Eftikar Kheir alias hidden daughter of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon alias queen mom alias official mother of queen Elizabeth II alias wife of my father king George VI. And beside all these fake relationships he is a drug lord working with all his official family Baroudi in distributing drugs through the port of Hamburg, but also and as an alleged teacher also in Hamburg he is 100% a terrorist that trained terrorist minds with his ESP at least since 1960 to his students under both fake identities, and that is very visible at the locations where he was officially as Dr. Farzat Baroudi such as the Hamburg failed court trail to the one of the actual planners and supports of the world trade center terrorist attack, but also all the radical Moslems in Köln and Bonn supported officially by the Syrian consulate/Embassy in cooperation with the Pakistani consulate/Embassy that had join venture consulate in 1970 in Bonn, Germany, but also he is most definitely responsible for many terrorist attacks and in particular attacking famous German business people in 1970s and 1980s such as the kidnapping and murder of Hans-Martin Schleyer, the kidnapping and damaging of the son of the Oetker family, the kidnapping one of the Albricht Brothers alias owners of the supermarket Aldi, kidnapping Wienerwald daughter/son, and in cooperation with Dr. Sami Assassa they 100% performed the absolute vicious terrorist attack on Siemens AG and killed at least two of top Siemens AG executives that were responsible for among others the Atomic Energy development, especially that one of them was a professor of Physics and specialized for Atomic Energy and most probably was the direct friend of professor Joachim Sauer or even his prior teacher, and especially that all my fake family in Germany organized and from the hidden the most violent protest in Germany for years against the Atomic Energy in Germany to force Siemens AG and their business and development allies to lose and be under the control of their own family companies such as the American company GE-General Electric, but also English and French Atomic Energy companies that wanted to control the German market due to it is the largest market in Europe and simultaneously eliminate their international competition, which is Siemens AG, Krupp and others. But Dr. Farzat Baroudi 100% performed the vicious terrorist attack on the famous Munich Oktoberfest and attempted to murder me, and the reason I know he performed this terrorist attack in cooperation with Dr. Sami Assassa and my fake stepfather Mohi Sabri alias Franz Joseph Strauss is that they tried many times to kill me and they are the only ones who would benefit of my death, and this performed Oktoberfest terrorist attack in September 1981 was 100% only a few months after I discovered the fake Quran through partially the help and partially by force of tricks through Siemens  AG and my manager Dr. Peter M. Lemke, however some unknown saved my life, but 12 others innocent people died and today I know they were trying indirectly to frame me for this terrorist attack with out me noticing and as if I knew the identity of my fake stepfather Mohi Sabri alias Franz Joseph Strauss the ex-German vice Chancellor since 1982 alias ex-Bavarian governor since 1970s, and since Mohi Sabri rapped me as I was a child and forced me to be rapped by many other business partners of his alias drug lords in Cairo, Egypt and they made it look as if I am a homosexual, and therewith it looked like I wanted to revenge and performed this terrorist attack, which some unknown and in the years 2001 and while I was forced being a refugee in Holland and with his ESP tried hard to get me to remember as if I did this terrorist attack, which is impossible because not only I loved Oktoberfest and Germany, but also I loved every one at that time and had absolutely no idea what was going around my life due to I was kept as a slave and hostage most of my life by my fake and biological family through the CIA and military intelligence of various countries. And all this brings me back to the initial terrorist attacks in my life that I was persecuted officially due to my alleged connection to a terrorist organization, which is the PLO-Palestine Liberation Organization, and that was because I was framed by my fake uncle  Badeaa Baroudi alias Joseph P. Kennedy junior alias Samuel Prescott Bush alias additional person with unknown name at the moment, and Dr. Farzat Baroudi is the official brother of Badeaa Baroudi and both of them are 100% terrorists that performed many terrorist attacks in the name of Palestinians to force the world to side with Israel, England and USA against Palestinians and this through a mass and worldwide schock that forced every one to side with them by performing the absolute vicious and violent terrorist attack on the 1972 Munich Olympics and ever since I am being persecuted with out me noticing under the claim of National security but in reality to isolate me of the entire world by force of law and this alone is the prove that my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi and his official relative and terrorist Dr. Sami Assassa have also performed this vicious terrorist attack, especially that I was unjustly persecuted for it for so long. Therefore and for many other reasons that I will some time gather in one page, is my fake Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias professor Joachim Sauer 100% a terrorist and today is governing Germany from the background and covering for himself and his evil past and present. Dr. Farzat Baroudi that attempted to murder me on my way from Hamburg to Munich in 1984 by forcing a bus to ram my car on the Autobahn/highway from Hamburg to Munich and while the highway was completely empty and my brand-new car crashed with total damage that took 4 weeks and 15 thousand Deutsch Mark to fix and somehow I survived this vicious murder attempt, and simultaneously in that same trip he even attempted to murder me with ESP but some one unknown saved me, however he inflicted upon me physical pain and damage in this same trip and created with ESP large bubble directly under my arms in the size of a walnut that I still have and until today under my both arms. And immediately after this accident which was some times in summer 1984 and while I was working for the illegal American/English/Syrian military intelligence project Calypso, I was forced to rent a car during this over one month period while I was waiting for my car to be fixed allegedly because the electronic parts of my at that time car Japanese Mazda 929 sport coupe, must be ordered directly from Japan, and the car rental, a small BMW 323 costed me over 3500 Deutsch Mark, while Simultaneously and the concentrated evil Syrian military intelligence employees of the project calypso forced me to leave my apartment and live in the Holiday Inn hotel for a round one months, during which they were knocking me unconscious in that hotel and rapping me and while I am unconscious by unknown and uncountable women to increase the size of the half brothers and sisters, and simultaneously stressing me and forcing me to spend all my money. Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias professor Joachim Sauer is one evil and mentally sick motherfucker that performed many terrorist attacks and today I have no doubt in my mind that he was directly involved in the bombing of the world trade center and the pentagon in 9.11.2001, to among others link all past terrorist activities and mass drugs smuggling and sale to one man, which is Osama Ben/Bin Laden and cover up for himself and the rest of the evil Baroudi families with all their hidden branches such as Kheir, Bdeir, Malas and others and are all fake identities originated of the Windsor and Rockefeller families. And this piece of shit of Dr. Farzat Baroudi thinks of him self not only as a hidden God, but also he think of himself as untouchable due to he is the official husband of the current German chancellor Angelika Merkel alias Yvonne O’Connor, but not in this life, I will hunt him down as the terrorist that he is and show to the world what this evil family are performing for mass damages all over the world, and make sure not only that he is no longer in control of Germany but also that he is locked up once and for all and with all his hidden look a like.



Jalal Baroudi

My fake uncle Jalal Baroudi alias unknown real identity alias official brother to the terrorist Jawdat Baroudi (=hidden biological son of John D. Rockefeller junior the Second and hidden brother to John D. Rockefeller the Third) and the terrorist Badeaa Baroudi (=alias some times Joseph P. Kennedy junior and some times Samuel Prescott Bush). Jalal Baroudi the official Syrian consul (either honorary or full time) since the year 1960, and terrorized my life in 1960s in Egypt by using his hidden son Mahmoud alias Steven Segal, but also in Europe and since 1976-1986 to cover up for many things among other for the illegal American/English/Syrian military intelligence project Calypso that was officially trading weaponry and state-of-the-art technologies against American hostages, but also cover up for uncountable terrorist attacks performed by Syrians or officially foreigners living in Syria and supported and financed officially by the Syrian government to perform publicly terrorist attacks in Europe and USA. Therefore my fake uncle Jalal Baroudi is not only an international drug lord but also a very large and hidden terrorist



Hasan Baroudi

Hasan Baroudi alias my fake cousin alias the official son of the terrorist, drug lord and my fake uncle Jalal Baroudi alias Windsor and Rockefeller family member or one of their hidden branches such as the Spanish royal family. Jalal Baroudi alias English/American military intelligence that were set on the fake country Syria as allegedly one of the spying countries on the former communist country Soviet Union alias the current Russian Federation, and to make this spying country as believable to the world they performed officially uncountable of terrorism attacks worldwide in the name of anti American, anti English, anti Western world Anti Capitalism, anti Israel, anti Christian and Jewish, and  pro communism, pro Cuba, pro Russia, pro Islam, pro Anarchy and terrorism, pro mass drug lords, whereby and simultaneously Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt were simultaneously used as CIA and military intelligence illegal medical and biological experiments countries for many things but also as dumping countries for Atomic trash, and simultaneously they were used by the Windsor and Rockefeller as hidden countries for mass illegal medical  experiments countries on human in that they were desperate to create the so called new Arab Race that is hairy to cover up for the fact that the Arab world and as we know it today was 100% and total empty desert one 100 years ago and therefore they created hormones that they illegally mixed with food and/or drinks that alter the physical look of all the new immigrants but also damages their brain cells and inflict upon them mass gaps in their memories as they did to me enable to force them to forget their origin, which is Palestinian are the only true Arabs/Nomads/Badaweenian (just like American native Indians) that were gathered by force of military during the first and second world wars and placed in Palestine and they stole their countries and called Palestine the holly land to force the entire world to side with the evil Windsor and Rockefeller families that control England and USA at least since queen Victoria and are absolutely vicious sadistic and mentally sick people that will stop at nothing to enrich their self even by sacrificing their own people, country, family children or what ever human relation they have because they think of their selves as Gods of this world, and after that invaded the Middle East with new immigrant that are forced by law to pretend that they are Arabs, it is a mass mental sickness forced upon innocent people all over the Middle East that are all 100% originated from Europe, USA, Russia, India, Pakistan and other locations. And therefore they created this permanent conflict countries in the Middle East as cover up for what they did and Syria is an American/English military intelligence country that is designed to perform terrorism all over the worlds as multi purpose among others to use Syria to steal other countries but also as mass distraction of the truth and facts and all the evil doing my fake and biological families were and are still performing. Therefore every singly Syrian is a 100% international terrorist by force of the Windsor, Rockefeller, Kennedy and Bush families and all their hidden branches as well as their evil allies as mentioned within this web site. PERIOD.



Rima/Reema Baroudi

Rima/Reema Baroudi alias my fake cousin alias the official daughter of Jalal Baroudi alias CIA and/or American/English military intelligence agent that was heavily encaged as an expensive international whore against major international business men and diplomat in UNO-United Nations Organization in Geneva, Switzerland along with her two little whore official sisters that in reality were full grown women just very short around one meter, but also she helped largely to cover up for the terrorist George Estifan and her official father the terrorist Jalal Baroudi, but also her official mother that in reality is at least two different persons that exchanged places together and one of them is a man disguised as the woman Mrs. Jalal Baroudi enable to get close to women, the wives of diplomats and knock them unconscious and rape them to force set up a relation to these persons, but also and based on the persistent and consistent pattern in my life by this evil family, and as a man disguised as a woman with ESP seduces other diplomats or even major business persons in foreign countries and rape them as a man to brainwash them and black mail them as they did to me. Rima/Reema Baroudi is a 100% the official daughter of two terrorists and therewith she is also a terrorist



Reem Bdeir alias CIA agent

Reem Bdeir is 100% a terrorist, due to she is officially the daughter of Seev/Seif Aldin Bdeir alias hidden biological father of the international terrorist Yasser Arafat, but also and officially and simultaneously they pretend to want to hide this alleged fact, which is all deceive within deceive, Reem Bdeir is the official niece of the terrorist Mohamad Ali Bdeir alias Basheer Kwader alias Adolf Hitler alias an alleged Nazi hiding in the Middle East since the second world war but in reality I don’t know the true identity of Mohamad Ali Bdeir alias Basheer Kwader, except the fact that they are major drug lords, major terrorist supporting PLO, Hamas, Baader Mainhof Bande, IRA, RAF and many other terrorist groups while pretending to be spying for Israel, and simultaneously and officially they are all Americans and European royalties related to Ben/Bin Laden, Muasher, Barghooti, Musheel, Arafat, Mufleh, Ghandor and other official and hidden terrorist families that are all originated from USA, South America and Europe and pretending to be Arabs. Therefore and due to many other reasons that happened to me personally she is 100% a terrorist



Mohamad Attar

Mohamad Attar helped cover up for my terrorist family and therewith he became a terrorist, especially that he used me and with out my knowledge to produce more children for him self to have his children as a part the largest hidden circle of half brothers and sisters and that among others to terrorize not only my life in the future but also the lives of many innocent people



Mrs. Mohamad Attar

She either rapped me while I am unconscious or used other look a like to rape me while I am unconscious and that several times and at least since 1970 at the concentrated evil American military base called McGraw casern



Sonja Attar

Sonia Attar the official daughter of Mohamad Attar and his alleged wife Mrs. Mohamad Attar that is very possibly my daughter through rapping me while I am unconscious in 1969/1970 and was most probably also used to rapped me while I am unconscious at least one time after 1979 to create a look alike of her and therewith my grand daughter became my own biological daughter, and that is also terrorizing my life



Mike Simon alias the human smuggler in Cairo Egypt, my alleged friend from the CIA city Unterschleissheim

Mike Simon my alleged friend out of my fake Evangelical Lutheran church in the CIA and military intelligence city of Unterschleissheim, the same friend that was the over 25 years old human smuggler in 1965/66 in Cairo, Egypt and in 1976 was suddenly 18 years old, and used his girlfriend and most probably his official current wife Ursula Simon to rape me while I am unconscious to have as many children within the hidden and possibly largest circle of hidden half brothers and sisters worldwide as protection for all the crimes he performed in Egypt and else where but also crimes performed against me, especially that he was working with the Islamic brotherhood in Egypt among others with my alleged friend Mahmoud alias Steven Segal and terrorized my life to cover up these facts and other facts such as the mass drugs smuggled from Egypt through the military to Europe and USA, therefore he is a terrorist



Many of my fake Evangelical Lutheran church of the CIA city Unterschleissheim due to many of them were in the Middle East under other identities and I did not recognize them

Many to all of the members of my fake Evangelical Lutheran church of the CIA and military intelligence city of Unterschleissheim had identities as Egyptians, Syrians, Jordanian, Palestinians and other nationalities during 1960s and simultaneously German, American, English and other nationalities that they used to perform many terrorist attack in all these countries among others in cooperation with Afaf Shawki alias current president Hosni Mubarak in Egypt but also in cooperation with Mohi Sabri in Egypt alias Franz Joseph Strauss in Germany but also mass drugs smuggling from the Middle East to Europe and USA, and made sure that I don’t recognize them in Unterschleissheim and in 1976 and thereafter and brainwashed me and mass rapped me by partially unknown women to be a part of the largest hidden circle of half brothers and sisters, while simultaneously pretending to be my friend and allegedly reminding me of my past in 1960s but in reality they were portraying me as if I am mentally unstable, homosexual, terrorist and were building among others upon what they did to me in 1960s in Cairo, Egypt but also what they did to me in the concentrated evil American military base McGraw casern from 1970-1972 and thereafter after I moved to the CIA and military intelligence city of Unterschleissheim and prior to me becoming Christian in 1976 and persecuted me in the hidden, and the best prove for that is that they never attempted to remind me of my fake stepfather Mohi Sabri alias Franz Joseph Strauss alias the Bavarian governor during this period and later and after 1982 the German vice Chancellor to the Chancellor Helmut Kohl, but also never attempted to show me any indications to my fake brother-in-law the pilot Afaf Shawki alias the current Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, or that my fake uncle Badeaa Baroudi is a fake identity that was used by several look a like persons such as Joseph P. Kennedy junior and Samuel Prescott Bush the official grand father of ex-USA president George H. W. Bush, and both faked their deaths in 1940 and went under cover in the Middle East and the best prove for that is that my official pastor from 1976-1978 was the CIA agent Herbert Lange alias Scott Pierce and simultaneously during this period my employer was the CIA agent Mr. Hoegl alias James Robinson Pierce and both are the official brothers-in-law of George H. W. Bush and uncles to the current USA president George W. Bush alias my fake cousin Fareed Kheir  but also official brothers-in-law to my fake cousin Farhat Kheir alias William H. T. Bucky Bush the official brother of ex-USA president George H. W. Bush. But also they never attempted to show me that I am the biological son of King George V and therewith of the English royalty family Windsor family, nor they attempted to show me that my biological mother is one of the daughters of John D. Rockefeller junior the second and that I am nephew to John D. Rockefeller the third and his brother the CIA agent Jawdat Baroudi alias son of John D. Rockefeller junior the Second alias official member of the government of the United States of America that at the moment I don’t know his real name. Therefore and for many other reasons the entire population of the CIA and military intelligence city Unterschleissheim are terrorists that not only terrorized my life in the hidden from 1973 -1978, but also and directly terrorized my life ever since 1976 and until today, but also they terrorized the lives of many innocents people in the Middle East and Germany and in particular the innocent persons that were lured to their hidden brainwash city Unterschleissheim, Germany



Dr. Sami Assassa

Dr. Sami Assassa is a 100% an official terrorist that covered up for all the terrorism they performed in the Middle East in particular covered up for the Rockefeller family members with their hidden fake identities such as the Canadian pilot alias John D. Rockefeller the Third and apartment mate to the terrorist Afaf Shawki alias the current Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, but also covered up for Jawdat Baroudi alias brother to John D. Rockefeller the Third, covered up for the terrorist Mohi Sabri alias the Bavarian governor Franz Joseph Strauss, covered up for the entire evil population of the CIA and military intelligence city Unterschleissheim. But also he and himself performed planned, organized and performed many terrorist attack in Germany such as and the last terrorist attack he performed and I am aware of today is the Gruenwald/Sauerlach terrorist attack on Siemens AG employees in 1986 while used me and with out my knowledge to officially get some information through me about Siemens AG employees in this area for the purpose to force Siemens AG not to trust me but also to implicate me by force as if I am a terrorist my self and all this was for the benefit of the Rockefeller and the Windsor families that heavily competed with Siemens AG and wanted to buy it off or destroy it, but also Dr. Sami Assassa was involved in many terrorist attacks in Germany among others and most probably in the vicious terrorist attack on the 1972 Munich Olympics were I was heavily persecuted by the German police and suspected to be a person linked to a terrorist groups in the Middle East as a part of a continuous set up since December 1969 where my fake uncle Badeaa Baroudi alias some times Joseph P. Kennedy Junior and some times Samuel Prescott Bush supplied me with PLO ID to allegedly escape Syria at that time and I was forced to mention it in my forced upon me political asylum in January 1970 in Munich, Germany as a strategy to be able to officially persecute me by CIA and military intelligence and Isolate me of the rest of the world by law enable to cover up for all the crimes that the Windsor and Rockefeller families with all their hidden branches performed in the Middle East simultaneously against Israelis, Palestinians and Egyptians but also in USA, Germany and other parts of Europe and from the Middle east such as supporting and covering up for the terrorist groups PLO, IRA, Baader Mainhof Bande, RAF-Red Army Fraction and others. Therefore is Dr. Sami Assassa not only a terrorist but also a terrorist head in at least Munich, Germany



Samah Assassa

Samah Assassa alias Samah Ejlani the official wife of the terrorist Dr. Sami Assassa that is most probably is biological sister to at least one of the many persons that exchanged places with the terrorist identity Najlaa Mahmoud alias among others Zakiyah Bark. Samah Assassa the official sister to Sahaar Ejlani alias Sahaar Baroudi the official wife of the terrorist Jawdat Baroudi alias my biological uncle and brother to among others John D. Rockefeller the Third, brother to my fake mother Hayat Baroudi that at the moment I don’t know her real identity except that she/he is at least two persons that exchanges places and at least one of them is a man disguised as a woman and is the twin brother of queen Elizabeth II, and possibly another person the son or daughter of John D. Rockefeller junior the Second or John D. Rockefeller Senior. Jawdat Baroudi alias son of John D. Rockefeller junior the Second that pretended to be my fake great uncle Fuad Khayat but in reality he was my biological grandfather of my mother side. Therefore is Sahaar Ejlani a 100% terrorist married to a terrorist and not only that they terrorized my life but also they covered up for all the terrorism they performed in Egypt during the 1960s, but also in Germany during 1970s and through out 1990s and even today



George Estifan is a 100% international terrorist

To make it short, George Estifan is a 100% terrorist that was desperate trying to implicate me as terrorist with all his created situations around my life among other to link me to the terrorist group PLO as confirmation of the set up performed on me since 1969 by my fake uncle Badeaa Baroudi alias Joseph P. Kennedy junior and some times Samuel Prescott Bush, but also through his chauffer that was originated from Tunis the headquarter to the terrorist group PLO at that time and simultaneously linking me to the terrorist family Akaad while his colleague Dr. Labeed Salameh is linking me to the terrorist Hadad. But also because he was 100% helping the Rockefeller, Windsor, Bush, Kennedy families to cover up for the illegal American/English/Syrian military intelligence project Calypso that was trading weapon and state-of-the-art satellite computers for American hostages kidnapped by Syrian terrorists in cooperation with Iranians and allegedly also Palestinians and they all dragged me by force to a new fake project to force a lot of confusion upon my life enable to cover up for all the forced upon me involvement in these evil families and projects



Dr. Labeed Salameh purchasing anti terrorist equipments

lieutenant Colonel Dr. Labeed Salameh of the Syrian military intelligence that was the official project Leader of the Syrian side of the illegal American/English/Syrian military intelligence project Calypso that was based on trading weaponry and state-of-the-art technologies for hostages that were officially kidnapped by Syrians, Iranian and alleged Palestinians and were kept by force and hidden in Lebanon among others of the hijacked American airplane of the Airline TWA and this trade was known in USA as the Oliver North scandal. Therefore Dr. Labeed Salameh was a 100% terrorist that were approving officially for the trade enable to release a few hostages each time the Americans and English supplied some of the requested products by the terrorists, and the last hostage was some American professor, that I forgot his name and was released some times between 1988 and 1990 and arrived in USA and saw it on TV, yet I never was able or was allowed to make any connection between him and my past. Dr. Labeed Salameh persecuted me even after I was fired of the project Calypso, privately and business wise and helped dramatically in covering up for all the above and simultaneously performed many damages to my life. Dr. Labeed Salameh that forced me along with all of the pieces of shit surrounding me by force since the illegal American/English/Syrian military intelligence project Calypso to allegedly voluntarily help him in locating anti-terrorist equipments/products such as remote controlled vehicles to disarm bombs to distract me of their actual performed terrorism and the terrorist project Calypso, but also tried to implicate me as if I am knowingly helping the Syrian military intelligence while and simultaneously pretending to be black mailing my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi in Hamburg alias professor Joachim Sauer in that they all forced me to locate an alleged German company specialized in the manufacturing and direct sale of spying equipments that would be build in any anything such as walls, clothing, hidden cameras in watches and so on, and this company was called PK-Electronic in Hamburg, Germany where I was forced to visit them to get some kind of alleged sales agreement for the Syrians, which was all setups and on my way back of that trip my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi 100% attempted to murder me with the fake car accident that some how I survived unharmed just with a big shock. And simultaneously this company gave me a few samples of alleged spying products to show to the Syrians, which was a micro tape recorder that was allegedly designed to be hidden in a Marlboro cigarette box, and a few microphones that were designed to be installed as buttons of men suites or other clothing, and I was forced to keep these products until 1999, where the CIA whore Najlaa Mahmoud stole them all by using tricks, supported with all her hidden allies the Rockefellers, Windsor, Bush, Kennedy and other mother fucking and fucked up families that used the CIA, FBI, NSA and American secret service to control and manipulate my life while keeping me hostage and slave for 15 years in USA



Hadad the Syrian terrorist that I was being linked to by force

Hadad the Syrian terrorist that lived in Damascus Syria and performed many terrorist attacks among others in Europe and in Germany in cooperation with the Baader Mainhof Bande and the RAF-Red Army Fraction, and Dr. Labeed Salameh tried very hard to link me to him by force in that he always called me Hadad instead of Najar. Especially that I never heard of this name prior to Dr. Labeed Salameh started to call me Hadad instead of Najar and in 2002 I saw German-TV documentation about the terrorist Hadad and remembered being constantly called Hadad and understood that it was a very evil attempt by the piece of shit and human trash Syrian government to link me to terrorist that were under their protection in at least 1984-1986, just like today Hamas and other famous terrorist groups are still under their protection



Calypso Syrian-1 that forced me to live in hotel and took over my apartment for him self and his alleged international whore wife

Every piece of shit member of the illegal American/English/Syrian military intelligence project Calypso is a terrorist including the ex-USA president George H. W. Bush that was at that time vice-president of USA and performed all these arrangements and today his official but fake son George W. Bush alias the current USA president is covering for his official father and all his evil family Windsor and Rockefeller that arranged the hijacking of the American plane in first of all as a multipurpose reasons, among others to allegedly deceive the Russians that the Syrians are not Americans and English but allegedly Arabs-Moslems and against USA, but also to supply the hidden American/English hidden country Syria with state of the art-Satellite computers also as multi purpose among others enable to keep up with always increasing new forced and hidden mass immigration but also to receive a ciphered (=coded/hidden command language to the hidden American/English military in Syria) orders directly of the American and English governments through these satellite computers



Calypso Syrian-2 with his international whore pregnant wife (possibly my son by rape in 1950)

All these pieces of shit and gradually started to disappear visually of my life after they made sure that a new group and at that time unsuspicious group took over such as the forced upon me by ESP and brainwash Najlaa Mahmoud and UDF Consulting AG with its owner professor Dr. Fischer alias Ali Bark and Mr. Ruge alias John D. Rockefeller the Third, my hidden biological uncle that continuously forced Najlaa Mahmoud upon me with ESP and brainwash while pretending to be against the Bush family and against at that time president Ronald Reagan and his vice president George H. W. Bush alias both and officially Republicans while the Rockefeller and Kennedy families are officially Democrat, but in realty and based on their limited mind and thinking, which is a win/win situations for their advantages they were represented in both parties and in the hidden enable to control any situation that it may arise. Therefore they are all terrorists that even though they gradually and visibly disappeared of my life, yet and from the hidden they controlled, manipulated and terrorized my life just like they terrorized the lives of uncountable millions others also from the hidden by using their hidden identities among others in the Middle East



Calypso Syrian-3, the elder of the 3

The same piece of shit and human trash as every other Syrian surrounded me by force of law and mentioned under Calypso Syrian-1 and Calypso Syrian-2



The Irish bar Lochness on Schleissheimer street incident

The Lochness Bar in Schleissheimer street was Irish pub/bar That I was delegated to go to, to show as if I am an IRA terrorist pretending to be Syrian and therefore this bar was heavily visited by agents spying on members of the terrorist group IRA that was originally established by the Windsor family by using their hidden family branches, among others, the Kennedy family in USA that pretended to be originated from Ireland and pretended to be fighting the English royal family, the Windsor family, just to deceive the Irish people and kill their hopes of freedom, in that they created the IRA that is the absolute same concept and purpose as the Palestinian terrorist group PLO, so every one may trust these groups, depends on it and not performs any actual attempt to be free and independent, and therefore every one look up to the IRA and believe that they are working for the general public, but in reality they were 100% established and working for the Windsor family to keep Ireland under the control of the Windsor family while locating the actual rebels and killing them through entrapments just as they did in Palestine, Germany in 1940s, Iraq and Iran through out 1980s and until today. Therefore this bar was 100% a terrorist bar that I was forced to go to link me to terrorist especially that they pretended as if I am the hidden son of Joseph P. Kennedy Junior that was disguised as my fake uncle Badeaa Baroudi and established the PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization while his official sister Kathleen Kennedy alias the CIA whore Anita Disbray that was forced upon me as a wife helped establish and control the IRA-Irish Republican Army



Mohamad Sheikho

Mohamad Sheikho, this man appeared in my life during the year 1985 and as reinforcement for the CIA whore Najlaa Mahmoud but also as distraction of the Americans and English that were surrounding me by force while pretending to be Syrians and members of the illegal project Calypso, and while others were pretending to be Germans such as all the members of my fake Evangelical Lutheran church in the CIA and military intelligence city Unterschleissheim. But also his name was 100% designed to confuse my memory under stress of my past such as Sheikh and Mohamad equal Sheikh Mahmoud in Cairo, Egypt that were controlling the Islamic Brotherhood to terrorize the life of the people in the name of fighting terrorism that they created in the first of all to persecute the rebels and the general public, therefore Mohamad Sheikho was not only covering up for all the pieces of shit Syrian terrorist surrounding me by force in 1984-1986 but also for the terrorists that were also surrounding me by force in 1960s in Cairo, Egypt, while he was pretending to black mail these terrorist of 1960s that in 1980s were living in the CIA and military intelligence city Unterschleissheim such as Mike Simon, Birgit Wiedemann and other fucked up people in that city that mass rapped me while I am unconscious by using their whore wives and sisters to use these new children for their own benefits, which these children happened to be not only my children but also their children and that is the best prove how fucked these people are that they are welling to use their own children for their own crimes and benefits and their own children means nothing to them which is 100% inherited of the Windsor, Rockefeller, Kennedy, Bush, Ford and other mentally sick families



Wife of Mohamad Sheikho

Mrs. Mohamad Sheikho, the international Lebanese whore that was trained by CIA and American/English military intelligence to be a whore for any occasion what so ever and it is beneficial for the Windsor and Rockefeller families just like all other Syrian, Lebanese, Jordanian, Israeli and other fucked up lie countries. She helped not only cover for terrorist and pretend to be black mailing people, but also rapped me with other unknown women, partially look a like and wile I am unconscious and that is a 100% terrorism



Palestinian-1 owner of video store and alleged Israeli spy on Schwanthaler street

Palestinain-1 that was forced upon my life by the CIA and American military intelligence agent Mohamad Attar that pretended to be Syrian to implicate me as if I have close ties to terrorist and shady persons, and this alleged Palestinian that was 100% American/English was a terrorist that pretended to be Palestinian



Palestinian-2 owner of video store on Schleissheimer street

This Palestinian-2 that was forced upon my life by the CIA and military intelligence whore Najlaa Mahmoud was most probably my biological son through rapping me and raising him to be against me and that piece of shit helped kidnap me to USA while performing many damages to my life, among others in implicating me as if I knew him from before and confirm the setup of December 1969 as if I have close ties to the terrorist PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization. Therefore he was a 100% terrorist, because only a terrorist has the benefit to and can implicate me as if I am a terrorist



Adel Hasan the Egyptian terrorist that was covering up for the terrorist Afaf Shawki alias Hosni Mubarak

Adel Hasan alias American/English military intelligence alias Egyptian military attaché to Germany in 1985/1986 alias the ex-fiancé of my fake sister Fadia Nagar the ex-wife of the terrorist Afaf Shawki that bombed his own plane with Egyptian ministers in 1967 and went into his other identity as the current Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak since 1981 after the murder of the ex-Egyptian president Anwar Al-Sadat that wanted to make peace with Israel, yet was murdered because the Windsor, Rockefeller, Bush, Kennedy and other fucked up families don’t want peace in this region enable to keep the general population under mass pressure (brainwash) and therewith they killed ex-president Anwar Al-Sadat, whereby Adel Hasan was his private helicopter pilot and conspired to murder him for the Rockefeller, Windsor, Bush, Kennedy families, and then replaced him with Hosni Mubarak alias Afaf Shawki the apartment mate in Cairo, Egypt 1960/1961 of the Canadian pilot alias John D. Rockefeller the Third in USA alias Mr. Ruge in Germany in 1985-1986 that set me up in cooperation with the Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak in that they sent Adel Hasan as the Egyptian attaché to Germany enable to add more confusion to my life, but also Hosni Mubarak tried to kill me in 1982 in Cairo, Egypt by forcing me to a very deadly car accident with a taxi, but some how I past it by a second, and all this as I was set up by Dr. Peter M. Lembke my last manager at Siemens AG and was sent through him to ECMA (European Computer Manufacturer) and Dr. Zafer Sawaf at ASMO (Arabic Standardization and Metrology Organization a sub organization of the so called Arab League) in Amman, Jordan, and they sent me to Cairo, Egypt allegedly to get the Egyptian to accept the all new Arabic standard for computers, because the so called Arab countries allegedly boycotting Egypt due to their attempt to make peace with Israel. All this shows that Adel Hasan is a 100% dangerous international terrorist that was sent to Germany during this period because I knew him as the ex-fiancé of my fake sister Fadia Nagar and therefore I trusted him, and his job in Germany was mainly to show as if my heritage is Arab-Moslem but also to show that all people I knew from prior to 1970 are allegedly also Arab-Moslems, which is a big lie forced upon me by kidnapping, wiping off my memory, brainwashing me and with force of ESP and until today they want to force me to think and be Syrian, among others to cover up my real identity but also to cover up for all the mother fuckers no good pieces of shit and human trash terrorists and drug lords that build the largest international crime organization I am aware of and consisting of the Windsor and Rockefeller families with all their hidden branches worldwide such as Baroudi, Kheir, Bdeir, Kwader/Queder, Bush, Kennedy, Ford, Quandt, Morgan Stanley and other fucked up families that I will list them all under the profile my fake and biological families. Today I suspect Adel Hasan due to his look and to many other situations that he is one of the hidden children of king George VI that I claim him to be my biological father



Mr. Dee the alleged trainer of the German anti terrorist military unit  GSG-9

Mr. Dee that was introduced to me by force through the alleged Indian Mr. Asok, and Mr. Asok was the one dragged me to my new employer by force of brainwash and ESP, the UDF Consulting AG, where it is owned by professor Dr. Fischer alias Ali Bark and Mr. Ruge alias John D. Rockefeller the Third that was persecuting me along with his brother alias my uncle Jawdat Baroudi and their father John D. Rockefeller junior the Second at least since 1959 and through out my entire life and until today because they stole my inheritance due to I am either the son of John D. Rockefeller senior or one of his children daughter or son, which I am still trying to find out until today. Mr. Dee alias the alleged trainer to the German anti terrorist military unit named GSG-9, set me up in uncountable situations with the Syrian embassy in Bonn but also in cooperation with Adel Hasan that Windsor and Rockefeller bitch. Mr. Dee directly and indirectly terrorized my life, but also and every thing point to that he was working with the Windsor and Rockefeller families to cover up not only for all the terrorist attacks performed by my family but also the murder of ex-Egyptian president Anwar Al-Sadat. Therefore directly or indirectly is Mr. Dee and his wife Mrs. Dee are 100% terrorists especially that he was allegedly the official trainer of the German military anti terrorist unit GSG-9 , and the German military is 100% under the control of the American and English military, therefore the German military in American/English military, and yet Mr. Dee did not directly tell me any thing related to terrorism and therefore he was covering up for it. PERIOD.



My fake cousin Dr. Basam Baroudi

My fake cousin Dr. Basam Baroudi alias hidden brother to prince Edward of England the official son of the current queen Elizabeth II of England is most definitely a terrorist, he did not only helped greatly in 1977 in destroying my life and covering up for all the Americans and English agents disguised as Germans in the CIA City of Unterschleissheim, and for all the Windsor, Rockefeller, Kennedy and Bush family members in that town that were surrounding me by force rapping me right and left to generate the largest hidden circle of half brothers and sisters that I am aware of in the world, and helped cover up for Jaclyn Kennedy disguised as a German Evangelical Lutheran Christian in the Evangelical Lutheran educational center of Hohenbrunn and for the CIA agent Anita Disbray my forced upon me wife  by the concentrated evil American military base McGraw casern that consistent of several persons using this identity among others Leo Sayer, Kathleen Kennedy, one of the Norwegian royalties and others, but also he came to Germany as distraction of many things among others to help prevent the German police to come close to me to prove that my fake family are not only a very larger drug lords and crime organization but also that they performed many very vicious terrorist attack in Germany among others the 1972 Munich Olympics. Kidnapping and murder of Mr. Hans-Martin Schleyer the president of the German employers association and the hijack of the German Lufthansa airplane to Mogadishu, Somalia to cover up for the murder of Hans-martin Schleyer and confirm the lie that the Palestinians are allegedly mass terrorists. But also Dr. Basam Baroudi and as a an official Syrian medical doctor working in Germany can mass organize the disabling of ESP by newly born German children, switch children, steal children, and cover up for many other medical scams to prevent the Germans to become free of the control of the so called four allies Americans. English, Russian and French, but also he reappeared in my life during the period of 1985-1986 and strongly helped my captivity as slave and hostage of the CIA, Mosad American/English/Syrian military intelligence, Rockefeller, Windsor, Bush, Kennedy whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and kidnapped me to USA. He also helped cover up and distract of the terrorist, drug lord and master criminal my fake stepfather Mohi Sabri alias ex-German vice chancellor and ex-Bavarian governor Franz Joseph Strauss and also covered up for the master criminal, drug lord, prostitution master through slavery and master terrorist my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias professor Joachim Sauer the husband of the current German chancellor Angelika Merkel alias Yvonne O’Conner of the concentrated evil American military base McGraw casern in 1970, and if Angelika Merkel is a woman then she rapped me and stole my child in 1970 and went under cover, and if she is a man disguised as a woman, which is a pattern in the Windsor, Rockefeller, Bush, Kennedy, Ford and other fucked up families to show as if they are liberals and promote women, then he also stole my child by rapping me with some women, possibly by the sister of Yvonne O’Conner in 1970, which is also a pattern in my life. Dr. Basam Baroudi covered up for all that and much more and therewith he is 100% a terrorist protected by CIA and various countries military intelligence



Terrorists disguised as Syrian doctors surrounding me by force

These alleged mainly Syrian doctors mixed with other so called Arabs were forced upon my life by Dr. Basam Baroudi, the CIA whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud immediately after UDF Consulting AG fired me some times end of summer 1986 just shortly before and as preparation for my kidnapping me to USA on 10.10.1986. I can’t recall how I get to know these pieces of shit of so called Syrian doctors, how ever I found my self going around from one doctor to another in various cities trying to sell them computerized medical doctor office management system, which was forced upon me to force me to leave the multi-lingual computer development and therewith forget the fake Quran that was printed in cooperation with my fake and my biological family at the Clett Verlag/publishing in Stuttgart in cooperation with the piece of shit Saudi Arabian government, that in reality is only a hidden hand of my fake and biological family and is 100% an international crime organization protected by international law as the alleged origin of Islam, which is a 100% lie to protect these mass thieves, terrorist, drug lords and master international criminals that the majority of them have several identities and several nationalities and are absolutely rich of international crimes and covering their wealth through crimes by allegedly being the royal family of Saudi Arabia that allegedly owns 40% of the world petroleum, which is an absolute lie, USA alone has more petroleum than the entire Middle East, but also Russia, south America and north sea in the north of Europe and all of them together have at least 10 times more petroleum and gas than the entire Middle East, and therewith Saudi Arabia can never have 40% of the world petroleum, or some times they call it 40% or the world petroleum reserves, which no one can verify because no one can count how much petroleum is on this earth except our all creator and creator of this universe that placed this petroleum on this earth for us as his gift for all people, yet it is all manipulated by one international crime organization, just like the lie of the fake war on terrorism, which is Osama Ben Laden and Afghanistan have allegedly 70% of the world opium, which is absolutely impossible because and among others Afghanistan it does not have as much water as Egypt and Sudan with it is unlimited water supply through the river Nile but also south America with it is unlimited water supply through the river Amazon, but also that large countries such as China and India have much more drug consumption than any one else and they plant opium and other drugs their selves. All this is related to these pieces of shit Syrian doctors in Germany and else where, especially that Syria and through out 1950s-1980s were educating more medical doctors than any other country in the world and sending these doctors all over the world as a multi purpose, among others to disable the ESP by all newly born children that are not of the crime organization, to sell drugs through their offices to their patience to promote the medicines of the hidden Rockefeller pharmaceutical companies world wide, to promote Islam with ESP and other brainwash methods to enslave the entire world under Islam to rape as many women as possible to have as many newly born children of the family and more than the others and in this case more than the actual Germans and many other hidden crimes. Criminals are always stupid and that is why they can only use what they have, and they hide what they have such as new discoveries, they hide it by law and claim it is in the interest of the population so the competing countries does not build the same, which is a lie, but also they are stupid because they used on me many things of their crimes organization that am discovering on a daily basis as I remember and relate many incidents of and around my life to each others. Not to forget that one of the first doctors in my life is Mr. Kabani alias Laurence S. Kubie alias hidden brother of the Rockefeller alias working in the Rockefeller Medical Research center in New York and pretended not to be a medical doctor to hide all the mass medical crimes he performed in the Middle East for the Windsor and the Rockefeller families, among others by trying to create a new human race designed specifically for the Middle East that people can relate only to Israel and Pakistan, which is and among others distributing and secretly hormones that promotes hair grows all over the body, most probably hidden in many forms among others food stuff in cans, but also in medicines that are oft distributed in form of anti viruses or anti sicknesses such as shots against malaria, children polio and other sicknesses and that is absolutely criminal, and why all this? For multi purpose to claim that the so called Arabs have special features, just like north Europeans are white, blond/red haired, blue/green eyed, and east Asian Chinese look, African black, south American and native north American are slightly red skinned with other special face features, and therewith they created the all new so called Arab race as diversion strategy that Islam is allegedly originated from Saudi Arabia, and this new so called Arab or Middle Eastern race and among others has hairy skin and that is why many people in the Middle East have a lot of hair, but also Israeli people were given these illegal medicine and with out their knowledge to relate them to Arabs and to relate Judaism to Islam and Israel/Palestine, but also to confirm the big lie that we are all originated from monkeys, and why monkeys, because they have hair, and why hair is so important that they force us to have it by inducing it in to us illegally through hormones to promote hair? Is because we either were created with out any hair, or with hair only on the head. But then how can the human have survived with out hair in our lives with all its cold and hot weather? Is because we were all created with ESP and a person with ESP can control his own body temperatures, in other words a person with ESP can jump in water that is freezing or boiling and prevent any damage to his skin and even promote heat or cold from within the body towards outside that will 100% equal the very high or very low temperatures around our body and that is a hidden fact of people who have no ESP, because their ESP was disabled and therewith they became very vulnerable to weather, but also to any one who has ESP can control us and manipulate us and we are not only helpless against that but also and with the time because we were raised with out ESP we don’t even notice it because we don’t know it any other way, yet me and many other do know other wise, because we have uncountable children that some how protected us of the others, because we are their fathers. All this is related to these Syrian doctors and therewith they are all hidden terrorists. And that is why evil scientists try hard to claim that we human are originated of monkeys, because many people world wide have no hair on their bodies such as Chinese, native Americans, Native Europeans, native Africans and so on, yet the Middle Eastern, Pakistanis have a lot of hair on their bodies and they mixed with others world wide since at least the first and second world wars.



Najlaa Mahmoud the terrorist CIA agent that was forced upon my life

Najlaa Mahmoud the piece of shit and much worth than human trash she is collection of animals parts inform of a human being with out brain or feelings that consist of many persons using this fake identity, and one of them is sister to the mother fucker CIA agent Mr. Hoegl alias James Robinson Pierce the official brother to ex-USA-first-lady Barbara Pierce Bush the wife of the American queer and ex-USA president George H. W. Bush the father of George W. Bush alias Fareed Kheir in 1959 in Damascus, Syria the official son of my fake aunt Eftikar Kheir the official landlord lady of Najlaa Mahmoud in 1984. Whereby George W. Bush is officially married to Laura Welch Bush alias the piece of shit CIA agent Margie Lange the official wife of the CIA agent pastor Herbert Lange alias Scott Pierce the official uncle of George W. Bush, this mean Laura Welch Bush had sex with Scott Pierce, with me Mohamad Nuzhat Najar alias Michael Nuzhat Najar and with George W. Bush. How can that be? Unless she is a man disguised as a woman and fucking the current USA president George W. bush every night in his ass and keeping him as slave and hostage while forcing him to be homosexual, and this is especially true since she surrounded me in 1976 to 1978 while her official husband the CIA agent pastor Herbert Lange tried hard and in the hidden to portray me as a homosexual and used on me Margie Lange and her sister the CIA agent Birgit Wiedemann and her other sister and my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka and all of them tried hard to force me to think that I am a homosexual and in particular Herbert Lange that forced me to say that I am allegedly a homosexual in the forced upon me confession to him as pastor in the concentrated evil CIA evangelical Lutheran church of the CIA city Unterschleissheim, and later Adelheid Kuczka that was also several persons that exchanged places, kept on forcing me to have sex with her in a way that I don’t approve of, in that she pretended to be teaching me how to make sex and telling me that all openings in a man body are the erotic zones and in particular his ass and she used to tickle my ass with her tong for long period, especially that she was a prostitute and/or owned a prostitute house and would do any thing for money. But also the incident where Margie Lange danced with me while her official husband Herbert Lange was dancing with my ex-wife Anita Disbray that was forced upon me by the concentrated evil American military base McGraw casern, and in the presence of my fake mother Hayat Baroudi, and Margie Lange was robbing her self very intensively on my dick/penis and arousing me, yet consciously I never had sex with her nor I wanted to have sex with her, yet she on purpose aroused me to give my fake mother a reason to persecute me, while my fake mother is 100% a man disguised as a woman and Anita Disbray exchanged places with the man Leo Sayer, but also and simultaneously the CIA agent Mrs. Hoegl and her husband Mr. Hoegl alias James Robinson Pierce the official brother-in-law of Margie Lange alias Laura Welch Bush had and operated a prostitute house called Curso in the CIA city of Unterschleissheim and he is the official uncle of the current USA president George W. Bush. And all of that is the same pattern as my fake sisters Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Shawki that was in 1960s 100% a man in disguise married to the terrorist Afaf Shawki alias the current Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak and friend to the terrorist and my fake step father the queer and actual homosexual Mohi Sabri alias ex-German vice chancellor and ex-Bavarian governor Franz Joseph Strauss that was the official husband of my fake mother Hayat Baroudi alias a man disguised as a woman and exchanged places with the current queen Elizabeth II that also had sex with all these men disguised as women, whereby she is self most probably a man disguised as a woman. And if Laura Welch Bush is a woman then she still a criminal because I know she has my children from 1981 and from before, but also as the CIA agent and wife of the CIA agent Herbert Lange had two fake children which is the daughter Astrid Lange and the son Armin Lange that today I strongly relate to Osama Ben Laden, because at least one of them is his children, which is Armin Lange, because he among others has a lot of look similarities to my fake nephew Tarek Ali that I also strongly suspect along with his half sister Esmat Shawki to be the hidden children of Osama Ben Laden and therewith the CIA agent Margie Lange had 100% children that were not hers, and as deceive she said one of them is adopted, which they guess his origin to be from Turkey or Spain due to his look however she claimed with her fake husband not to know the actual origin of Armin Lange, and therewith every one will think only Armin Lange is adopted and therewith Astrid Lange is an actual daughter, which is also impossible because she had no face or body similarities with both of her official parents, and therewith Margie Lange is not a woman but rather and to over 90% is a man that I was used to confirm that he is a woman in that I am publishing every thing I know about her, which is the CIA agent Margie Lange the official wife of the CIA agent Herbert Lange. And if Laura Welch Bush is a woman, this mean they exchanged places with other look a like and therewith the current USA president George W. Bush can’t tell the difference any more, but also this will confirm and any way I turn it that the Bush family are 100% not Christian, and especially if Laura Welch Bush is a woman, because this mean she had sex with the uncle of her current husband but also with me and while I was unconscious to steal my children, and since her sister Adelheid Kuczka is an owner of a prostitute house, Laura Welch Bush most definitely appeared in my life some times and rapped me in one of these prostitute houses to have another of my children, and only Mormon are capable of doing all that, period. Who is Laura Welch Bush? She is the son/daughter of Nancy Reagan and that is why, Nancy Reagan and towards the end totally changed her appearance by being very skinny and performing many face cosmetic surgeries and using a lot of make ups to cover up for the undeniable biological relation to Laura Welch Bush and therewith the Ronald Reagan/Bush family are still governing USA since 1980s. All that is hidden terrorism and it was 100% covered up by the international whore and terrorist Najlaa Mahmoud that kept me slave and hostage for 15 years under the control of the Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush government and later and the majority of times under the government of the piece of shit Bill Clinton alias hidden son of Winthrop Rockefeller the first and deported me to Holland by brainwash and force within one month after George W. Bush became president of USA so I may not remember every thing while I am in USA and then the Americans with ESP can know the truth that they are governed by a bunch of thugs and queers that some of them pretending to be women. Therefore Najlaa Mahmoud is a 100% terrorist because she covered up for at least 15 years for all the terrorism described with in this website



My alleged son the new baby born on 25.3.1986 named Abdulhamid Najar in 1986, named Anas Najar in 1989/1990, named Guenther Najar in 2003

Is he a terrorist? How can a newly born baby be a terrorist? First his official mother the CIA whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud that I could not stand her site is a 100% terrorist. Second he was born by rapping me and was placed in my life as if he is my son, and may be he is, how ever the question of which women? Third he was placed in my life to terrorize my life and force me to be only be busy with this baby, his health and well being and therefore and to force me to do that they forced upon me totally new situation after he was born, in that they prevented me of working, and fired me of my job at UDF Consulting AG a couple of months after his birth, kidnapped to USA and prevented of working and I did not have any money even to buy him milk as an infant, and therewith I was forced for at least 2 years to work 16 hours a day for 5 Dollars an hour (less than the minimum wage) as cashier in the T&B gas station on Main street in Bridgeport, Connecticut just to be able to keep him a life and forget every thing else that I was forced to give it much less priorities by the mother fuckers pieces of shit and human trash and child molesters the Bush, Rockefellers, Windsor, Kennedy and other mother fuckers fucked up American/English international Mafia families and that is terrorism planted in my life through the mother fucking Americans, English, Syrians the international crime organization with all their international allies all over. See his profile for more information



Haitham Edelbi/Adelbi the terrorist and arms/weapon dealer

Haitham Edelbi is 100% a terrorist organizer, he not only showed me during this period of time and as I was in Amman, Jordan in that he was allegedly ex-Air Force pilot and he allegedly buys weapons in the name the Jordanian Air Force and sell them to Palestinians to prove to me that he is Arabs against Israel and therefore he performed himself many terrorism in cooperation with my fake family but also and through the CIA agent Najlaa Mahmoud and her allies the pieces of shit Windsor, Rockefeller, Bush and Kennedy families get me implicated in a project within the famous American savings and loan scandals where the Bush, Kennedy, Windsor and Rockefeller families stole a lot of money of their own banks and wrote them as bad loans and mortgages and therewith caused uncountable banks to file for chapter 11 or bankruptcy and get me involved in one of these banks as EDV auditor of the bank accounts at Gibraltar Savings (Windsor family) in Semi Valley, California where officially the piece of shit and mass murderer ex-USA president Ronald Reagan lived and during this period they get me involved by force with some alleged Syrian (American/English pretending to be Syrian) working for some major weapon manufacturer that was allegedly a family member of Najlaa Mahmoud and was also of the so called Syrian Moslem-Alawee tribe  and therewith they were confirming that my family are Nazi or Jewish allegedly only weapon dealers through various hidden connections as distraction of the fake Quran that was printed by them and at the Clett Verlag/publishing in Stuttgart. But also that Haitham Edelbi had an office in New York city and was connected to my fake brother-in-law the CIA agent Seev/Seif Aldin Bdeir the father of the international terrorist for over 40 years Yasser Arafat. Therefore Haitham Edelbi is most definitely a terrorist that they were also covering up for in that they first get me by force involved with him and then persecute me in the name of National and anti-terrorism to isolate me of the rest of the world and cover up for him



PK Electronics in Hamburg

This company I get to know it through the terrorist and CIA agent Dr. Labeed Salameh the official Syrian project leader of the illegal American/English/Syrian project Calypso that was trading weapons for American hostages kidnapped by Americans and English disguised as Palestinians, Syrians and Iranians in Lebanon. This company was in Hamburg and was meant to cover up for all the terrorism performed by my fake family the alleged Syrian origin in that they created many situations to fill my head with lies as if they were their selves target of terrorism to cover up for the terrorist project Calypso at least of me. This company was producing mainly spying equipments such as hidden and very tiny microphones and cameras in disguises such as armrest-watches, and since Germany is 100% under the control of Americans and English, at least during the period of 1945-1986, and Mr. Ruge alias John D. Rockefeller the Third as well as my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias professor Joachim Sauer and their other friends that I also relate to terrorism and they all were in my life and lived officially in Hamburg and were persecuting me, and get me involved with their company and the pattern that they get me only involved with their hidden companies and allies enable to avoid that their enemies come close to me, this mean the company PK-Electronics is belong to them and was 100% meant to be distraction of all the terrorism in my life and only a terrorist distract of his own terrorism and therefore the company PK-Electronic is a 100% terrorist company and that will explain how the actual terrorist are never caught because they are always one step ahead by knowing every thing planned against them because their family members are controlling these plans. And this is also confirmed among others with the setup in Semi Valley, California where Ronald Reagan with his criminal Secret Service Guard that are 100% nothing else than mafia body guards and heavily persecuted me during this period and prevented that I leave the CIA whore Najlaa Mahmoud and set me up with the alleged Syrian that was employed at the very large weapon manufacturer, unfortunately I forget the name of this Syrian and the Weapon manufacturer, however there can only be one very large weapon manufacturer in this area and they are 100% under the protection of the so called National security due to they are officially the defense contractor in USA against the enemy of USA, however the actual enemy of USA and the number one enemy of USA is all the Mafia members that are in controlling government position and have nothing in mind except to steal among others the tax payers money which is yearly almost one trillion US Dollar, among others by manufacturing weapons that have only one purpose, which is killing people and with out wars they can’t have any business, therefore they create fake wars to sell their weapons, and for that they use their fake CIA spies and their bad and absolute criminal Mafia family members as president of USA that simultaneously is the commander and chief of the US-Military and military is a 100% business that can only survive with wars that are manufactured to among others sell their weapons and that is a never ending circle of evil that also must stop other wise we will have one evil family that come to the white house and create the most damaging thing in our lives which is a third world war the profitable business for the Windsor, Rockefeller, Bush, Kennedy and other fucked up families that can only survive by killing their opponents and selling among others weapons while simultaneously stealing the American yearly budget for wars, whereby the money is badly needed for many internal things in USA, such as construction, economy, technology, welfare, care of the elderly, children, education and many other important things that will free the mind of the individual American and make him free of worrying about life necessities, and that they don’t want, therefore they create terrorism, and the alleged spying on terrorism because their brain is only limited to crimes and they can only survive on that, and PK-Electronics in Hamburg, Germany is stealing the tax payers money for terrorism created by the same people and family of the owners of PK-Electronics and other similar companies and that is also terrorism, just different kind and hidden terrorism that the visible terrorist live on



Queen Elizabeth II tailor in Hong Kong as distraction of her tailor Monsieur Faris in Cairo, Egypt

During this period of time a news article appeared in several media such as newspapers and TV, showing the piece of shit queen Elizabeth II and her alleged son prince Charles are saving money in that they only go to Hong Kong to tailor their cloths allegedly much cheaper than in England and therewith they allegedly save a lot of money, however they neglected to say that they need hundreds of staffs to accompany them on these trips, from body guards to cook and other slaves and alone the transportation of these staff and the accommodations is worth more than all the cloths they tailor in Hong Kong, therewith they don’t save but rather spend more money, but then why this lies? It had only one purpose at that time to place it in my mind that queen Elizabeth II does not go to Cairo, Egypt to tailor her cloths as she did in 1960s and exchanged places with my fake mother while going to Monsieur Faris the CIA tailor and mass women rapist in Cairo, Egypt the hidden brother of the famous singer Fareed Al-Atrash and his international whore sister Asmahan that pretended to be the children of Adolf Hitler and may be they were, especially that Asmahan and immediately after the second world war and in Cairo, Egypt and before she was murdered in 1948/1949 was singing mainly about Europe and one of her famous songs was about the nights and cafés in Vienna, Austria the official but fake birth place of Adolf Hitler. Therewith Queen Elizabeth II is a 100% terrorist covering up for uncountable terrorist attacks, and this web site proves that



Helmut Kohl is the hidden brother of the terrorist and fake Palestinian Errekat

The ex-German chancellor Helmut Kohl (from 1982-1998) alias hidden half brother to George H. W. Bush is simultaneously brother to Errakat the official spokes man of the terrorist PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization, therewith Helmut Kohl is a 100% international terrorist that persecuted me and helped in kidnapping me to USA



My fake brother Nick Naggar

This incident is possibly in 1984, however it is strongly related to the man made incident/situation to brainwash me during my trip to Tokyo, Japan and implicated me with American Express credit card debt enable to force me to take a personal loan of 10 thousand Deutsch Mark of Mr. Ruge alias John D. Rockefeller the Third and through this unpaid debt, forced my mind to feel guilty and cease to think and analyze the situation and understand what they were doing to me during this period. And this is the situation: My fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar alias CIA and/or American/English military intelligence, sent me a letter from USA complaining about money and his housing, in that he said he is forced to live in an expensive apartment while he could buy a house and pay the mortgage which will be less than the current rent, plus that he would need some household electric supplies such as washing machine and stove and all he need is the alleged down payment to that new house which was around 3000 US Dollar and then he can move in to. Therefore and as I went to Amman, Jordan and through Makram Alami/Alamo (alias bush family member in disguise as Palestinian) the husband of my fake niece Basmath/Basmah/Basma Bdeir alias Basmath Alami/Alamo. I sent 5000 US Dollars to my fake brother Nick Naggar to purchase his new house as well as the needed household electric equipments. Makram Alami/Alamo owned with his family and the Bdeir family several currency exchange banks/stores in Jordan and in Kuwait among others in down town Amman, Jordan and in the Airport, And this transfer was performed over night through the New York city, USA based financial institution called Morgan Stanley that is related to City Bank (the largest or second largest bank in the world) and American Express as well as Shearson Lehman and brothers and all of them have set me up in one way or another and persecuted me because they are owned and operated by the Windsor and Rockefeller families with all their hidden branches such as the Bush family. But also they are all financial institutions that are heavily used for drug money laundering and in particular American Express, where it was the official banking system in the concentrated evil American military base McGraw casern in Munich, Germany 1970-1973 and was used among others to pay the salaries of soldiers and civilians while being used for the drug money laundering, and they created many situations in my life to force me to forget American Express and not set any relation to it or even to it in my past in 1959 Damascus, Syria and in 1960s in Egypt. Therefore and after they set me up and kidnapped me to USA by force of brainwash to cover up for ESP, and after my fake brother and the Evangelical Lutheran church of Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA forced me to live on the street in around April 1987, to force me to be busy with surviving and not understand any thing what is going around my life and why? I asked my fake brother to pay me back the 5 thousand US Dollar that I gave him 1-2 years earlier, and he refused, therefore I called Makram Alami and asked him to send me a prove of me transferring to my fake brother this amount of money through Morgan Stanley, but they also refused and since I insisted and was determined to get this 5 thousand US Dollar even if I had to go to Morgan Stanley’s offices in New York City, which most probably I did try, and they wanted to avoid that I establish any connection between Morgan Stanley and the drug lord families in the Middle East that are pretending to be Arabs but in reality were Americans and English, and since my fake brother pretended to be resourceless, the Bdeir family and most probably sent him the 5 thousand US Dollar enable he can give it to me to keep me quite, and therewith I received partial of this money after my fake brother deducted the alleged expenses for me staying at this house for 3-5 weeks in October/November 1986 and even made me signed for that expenses and with this money I was able to get out of the shelter for homeless where the pieces of shit and fake pastor family Diane Stevens and her official husband pastor Jack Stevens, whereby Diane Stevens is Dorothy Bush Koch the official sister of the current piece of shit president of USA George W. Bush and was covering up for all the Bush family members that were in my life by force, brainwashed me, rapped me uncountable times and stole my children among others through the official CIA  agent Mr. Hoegl alias James Robinson Pierce, the CIA agent pastor Herbert Lange alias Scott Pierce with his official wife the CIA agent Margie Lange alias Laura Welch bush the current wife of the current USA president George W. Bush alias in 1959, Damascus, Syria Fareed Kheir the official brother of my cousin Farhat Kheir alias the CIA agent William H. T. Bucky Bush. Therewith is my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar is 100% a terrorist.



Berliner Bar terrorist attack in 1986 by Syrians

Berliner Bar terrorist attack in 1986 by Syrians. This terrorist attack was performed some times in end of summer of 1986 and in relation with the other Gruenwald/Sauerlach terrorist attack on Siemens AG, point 100% to the Bush family forcing by terrorism for every one to let go of me, especially that this terrorist attack and based on the official CIA statements of that time was officially performed by Syrian government, because the CIA revealed some telephone calls conversations between the Syrian embassy in Bonn, Germany and Damascus, Syria pointing 100% that they planned and performed this terrorist attack, and this is especially odd because I was surrounded officially by terrorist such as the Name Hadad, Mr. Akaad in Hamburg, Germany, the terrorist and illegal American/English/Syrian military intelligence project Calypso with all its Syrian military intelligence staff and terrorists that was trading weapons for American hostages, my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias professor Joachim Saur, my fake uncle Jalal Baroudi the Syrian consul and Syrian representative to UNO in Geneva, Switzerland, my fake sister Fadia Nagar (the ex-wife of the terrorist Afaf Shawki alias Hosni Mubarak) with her terrorist husband Dr. Alaa Ali, while raising Tarek Ali the son of  Osama Ben Laden, the terrorist Dr. Sami Assassa and other terrorist surrounding me during that period and mentioned under the illegal project Calypso and this profile of UDF Consulting AG. But also to show as if I am working with all these terrorist that the German police knew, however the German police was not able to pin point the prove on them because they were protected by the CIA and American/English military intelligence and CIA and military intelligence have a higher hierarchy than the local police and that is wrong. And all this while the piece of shit country Syrian, Lebanon and Jordan and others were 100% created by CIA and American/English military intelligence and were used to terrorize the world enable the fucked up families Bush, Kennedy, Rockefeller, Windsor and others mentally sick families enrich their selves by force of terrorism



Terrorist attack on Siemens AG in 1986 by RAF or Baader Mainhof Bande that were heavily supported by Syria

The terrorist attack in Gruenwald/Sauerlach just outside Munich, Germany that was planned in 1981 and performed by Dr. Sami Assassa in 1986, especially that he tried hard to implicate me with this terrorist attack, but also to slow Siemens AG with the Atomic Energy research and developments through killing one of their professors specialized in Atomic Energy, while simultaneously threatening Siemens AG through this terrorist attack to let go of me else they perform more terrorist attacks against them and against Germany.



Islamic Brotherhood in 1960s-1980s

I was suddenly surrounded by official and mass Moslems that were in the hidden Islamic brotherhood controlling members as cover up of the Islamic brotherhood of Egypt that consisted of Americans and English, CIA and military intelligence agents such as Mahmoud, Kwader/Queder family, Mohi Sabri, Afaf Shawki, Elweeiyah Shawki and many others



Hi Jack of at least one TWA to Lebanon, which is related to the illegal Calypso project in 1983

This TWA American plane was hijacked by American/English terrorists disguised as Palestinians, Syrians and Iranians as multipurpose, among others to gain the trust of Iranians, to allegedly show the former Soviet Union (Russia) that they are against USA, to be able to help their spying agents to rise to the tope in Iran, to be able to supply their hidden military country called Syrian with new and badly needed products and equipments with out being suspected as American and English. And this terrorist project was surrounding me by force through the totally fucked up Windsor and Rockefeller families that conspired along with all my hidden and older half brothers and sisters that I guess them to be far over 200 to steal my place as the last and youngest son of King George V prior to his death in 1952, but also to steal all my inheritance of my biological father King George V and biological mother the daughter of John D. Rockefeller junior the second. Therefore all these hidden pieces of shit are 100% terrorist, that mainly consist of international pimps and whore, which are my biological half brothers and sisters of Windsor and Rockefeller families and are welling not only to sell their brother, but also to rape him and steal his children for multipurpose reasons, among others to create the largest circle of half brothers and sisters, but also to raise my own children far away of me and brainwash them to be against me, because and for some reason or another they were not able to kill me even they tried uncountable times, but some unknown persons always saved my life and it is definitely not a member of my biological family



Franz Joseph Strauss, ex-German vice-chancellor, ex-Bavaria governor and hidden brother to George H. W. Bush. This person is identified as my fake stepfather Mohi Sabri

My fake step father Mohi Sabri is 100% Franz Joseph Strauss, how did he make it to be in Cairo, Egypt between 1963/1964 to 1968/1969 and governor of Bavaria, Germany in 1970s? I don’t exactly know. The only thing I am sure of is that he was on and off living with us for a while and then allegedly living by his sister and then allegedly was as a policeman in the city of Asuoot and Suhaag south of Cairo, Egypt, which is all unverifiable to me, which all in all means I did not see him continuously between 1963/1964-1968/1969, which means either that he had an exact look a like that exchanged places with him, which I doubt very much because otherwise he would have lived with us continuously, therefore and the only explanation I have is that he was an official CIA spy and/or German diplomat and/or had some drug related cover businesses such as factory, and that he pretended to be Egyptian police living in Egypt in his private time, and pretended to be persecuting Islamic Brotherhood, but in reality he was helping building them allegedly against the Egyptian government of that time, in reality helping the Egyptian government through all the Islamic brotherhood terrorist attacks to allow the Egyptian government to make more vicious laws while they are justifying the huge drugs plantation in Egypt as an alleged weapon against the Christians or the western world, and that would explain the albino totally white German Sheppard dog that was given to my fake sister Fadia Nagar through Adel Hasan that claimed it to be belonged to the German ambassador that left to Germany and did not want to take his dog with him, but also him persecuting me and setting me up in the Al-Azhar university with their students and the other Islamic brotherhood controlling members such as Kwader and Sheikh Mahmoud that was 100% American/English and not Egyptian and therewith and in addition that he as Bavarian governor prevented the German police of coming too close to me to prove that my fake family are drug lords and terrorists and in particular against Siemens AG, this mean that he was 100% terrorist living in Germany as Bavarian governor and later German vice chancellor after 1982 and with the help of the mafia family alias the Bush family as members of the government of USA that promoted him and ex-chancellor Helmut Kohl to take over the German government in 1982



Last but not least and the number one terrorist in our lives since 1981 George H. W. Bush, Barbara Pierce Bush, Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan

This profile and the rest of the website says every thing about these people, especially that they kidnapped me, persecuting me, rapped me uncountable times to steal my children and build the largest hidden circle of half brothers and sisters to terrorize the world, and in particular and in 1976-1978 I was surrounded by the CIA agent Margie Lange alias Laura Welch Bush alias a man disguised as a woman alias the hidden son of Nancy Reagan alias the wife of the current USA president George W. Bush, the CIA agent pastor Herbert Lange alias Scott Pierce, the CIA agent Mr. Hoegl alias James Robinson Pierce the two official brothers of the ex-USA-first-lady Barbara Pierce Bush a man disguised as a woman, so the son like his fathers, both queers married officially to queer men disguised as women. And all of them are one huge Mafia family dealing with mass drugs, prostitutions, terrorism to enforce drugs and mass slavery among others for prostitutions, but also to cover up for all their international crimes against humanity, and in particular against the public of the Untied states of America, among others through their planned and performed absolute vicious, cruel and sadistic terrorist attack on their own country on 9.11.2001 to cover up many facts mentioned with in this side but also to give their slave George W. Bush a popularity reason in allegedly fighting terrorism. And as a prove for all that the CIA agents pastor Herbert Lange alias Scott Pierce and his official wife the CIA agent Margie Lange alias Laura Welch Bush and between 1976-1978 were raising at least one child of Osama Ben/bin Laden which was one of their official but fake children Astrid Lange and Armin Lange that they pretended to be adopted and they don’t know his origin that they claimed it to be very possible that Armin Lange is originally from Spain or Turkey, however it is Saudi Arabia. Period.

But also Laura Welch Bush is the hidden biological sister of my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka the owner of prostitute house that used me to generate many children through many women mainly disguised as prostitutes.


Barbara Pierce Bush is the hidden father of Stephani Kuczka the alleged daughter of my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka that helped isolate me of others and kidnap me to USA.


Laura Welch Bush is the hidden sister of the terrorist whore Najlaa Mahmoud, and Najlaa Mahmoud is a CIA, American/English/Syrian Military intelligence, Bush, Kennedy, Rockefeller, Windsor, Ford whore agent. How can that be that one person has so many connections to all these families and institutions? Simple:

A.    Najlaa Mahmoud is a fake identity used by several persons, my guess based on my past situations at least 5-7 persons, one is from Bark family, one is from Bush family, one is from Kennedy family, one is from Rockefeller family, one is from Windsor family, one of Ford family and others, some of them are in the entertainment business (actresses) in Syria, Egypt, USA and other countries, while simultaneously and all of them officially are agents working under the protection of national security for CIA and American/English/Syrian/Egyptian military intelligence

B.    Therewith Najlaa Mahmoud is half sister to among others Laura Welch Bush, Adelheid Kuczka, James Robinson Pierce, Hafez  Assad, Samah Assassa, Barbara Carrera, the main actress in the film Crocodile Dundee and others, it is a huge hidden circle of half brothers and sisters, and last but not least and at least one of them is most definitely is my biological daughter by rapping me while I am unconscious prior to 1959 in Europe and in 1966 in Jubail, Lebanon and possibly other times in Jordan and in Germany

C.    All of them persecuted me directly and indirectly to isolate me of other persons not of the Mafia family called Windsor and Rockefeller with all their hidden branches worldwide


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Many other terrorist surrounding me by force and mentioned in other areas of this profile: UDF Consulting AG

During my forced upon me employment at the brainwash and kidnap company UDF Consulting AG I was surrounded by force by other terrorist persons and groups that I either forgot at the moment or do not see the link at the moment.


1.     Persons surrounding me business wise through the company UDF Consulting AG

2.     Persons surrounding me privately and partially mixed with business during my employment at UDF Consulting AG

3.     Persons surrounding me privately during my employment at UDF Consulting AG

4.     Persons surrounding me in my trips out side Munich during the illegal project Calypso

5.     Terrorism surrounding me during that period of my employment at UDF Consulting AG

6.     Summary of Some of the setups and rapes in restaurants, bars, strip bars, prostitutes and prostitutes houses surrounding my employment at UDF Consulting AG

7.     Other persons situations surrounding me during and immediately after my forced upon me employment at UDF Consulting AG and before 10.10.1986



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