Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0078


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             29.01.2012

Updated:                29.01.2012,

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

King Abdullah II ibn (also written ben or ebn) Al-Hussein II of Jordan the official son of the international terrorist king Hussein of Jordan the hidden twin brother of the chairman of terrorism for over 40 years Yasser Arafat the official chairman and founder in of the terrorist group PLO, Al fateh and many others such as Black September


(Added on 05.02.2012) Minor wording corrections that changed the meaning such instead of Afghanistan it supposed to Iraw

This person is identified as:

1.     This Jordanian royal family is identified as 100% one of the conspirator to bomb the world Trade Center enable they can expand their kingdom  into Iraq and Afghanistan  and the prove for that is that I saw my fake nephew Abdullah Abokurah (a hidden Jordanian Royalty) on BBC in the year 2003 as member of the all new Iraqi government set by the NATO military, but also fake niece May Abokurah was married to an Iraqi named Khalid something that was officially of the ex-Iraqi royal family prior to Sadam Hussein and was waiting to take his place in the new Iraq, in matter of fact I strongly believe that May Abokurah, the official daughter of my fake sister Afrah Abokurah alias Afrah Najjar including her brothers Abdullah Abokurah, Ghasan Abokurah and very possibly also at that time the young Zaid Abokurah and very possibly also Khalid Abokurah with all their hidden brotherhood all of them living in Washington D.C. during the World trade Center bombing, while my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias Moamar Khadafi was brainwashing Muslims in Hamburg to become terrorist and these terrorist were delegated and forced to crash with their planes against the world Trade Center, and all of them were in Saudi Arabia at one point or another for more than one year enable they can create a time table to perform this vicious act. Not to forget that the father of these Abokurah is Abdalghani Abokurah the official ex-CEO of the Jordanian airline, and prior to him was Mohamad Ali Bdeir, and all of them often used planes as a mean of terrorist acts. I am not loyal to anyone except to the general public, and with this vicious act of Bombing the World Trade center they helped keeping the people of New York city live in fear for decades enable they would be slaves and would follow any new bad leader that would just say I am doing this to protect you against a new terrorist attack, such as the mother fucker and traitor to humanity George W. Bush and before him, George H, W. Bush and before him Ronald Reagan, and all of them are the butchers of our new time that are all originated from Russia and using this world trade center to reinforce the Russian agents in Afghanistan since 1981

2.     This Jordanian royal family and in cooperation with the Swedish royal family are identified as the persons that attacked the 1972 Munich Olympic and used me as a decoy without me noticing it at that time, among others my ex-wife Anita Disbray was involved, Mohamad Attar, Mr. Ramadan, Herbert Quandt, the Company Hurth (now it is called Gleason-Hurth), professor Dr. Manfred Schreiber a hidden Swedish Royalty ex-Munich Police chief and brother to Zakiyah Barq and possibly father to princess Victoria of Sweden . Whereby Anita Disbray were several lookalike persons that used this identity and one of them is member of the IRA in Belfast to create entrapments for the Irish people enable to allow the English military in Belfast, Ireland to kill them, just as they were also doing in Jordan and Palestine by using Yasser Arafat to kill Palestinians and also using Osama ben Laden to create entrapments for the controlling families in Afghanistan and led the NATO military kill them one by one

3.     This person is identified as one of the main conspirators in Europe and in USA that spreads animal disease enable they can sell their chicken, cheap and  other animals to Europe, whereby they absolutely have no water, so they buy water from USA by using the company Associated Canvas Products Inc. to build huge reusable plastic tanks to transport water from USA to Jordan and this business is performed also with the company American water and therewith the CIA cover up for them due to the huge water business. I know that because I was in Amman, Jordan and saw what I saw but I never understood it, among other and in 1966 they had huge experiments to create huge eggs with two yellow/yolk, and my fake sister Suhair Bdeir was receiving weekly only these huge doubly yolk eggs that used to measure roughly 6-7 cm (around 3 inch)

4.     This person and his brother  James Brasher and the attorney William F. Harmeyer that pretended to be my attorney set me up to steal all my belongings including all the photos that I owned of my fake family in Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Germany, England, Lebanon and other countries as a deceive to show as if George W. Bush was raised in the Middle East and  Jordan, but it is not true, today I have no more doubt in my mind that George W. Bush was born and raised in Russia and then was taken to the Middle East over several countries enable to make him look like he is from Middle East. And this is very visible in my complaint pages that I wrote and was manipulated by ESP, brainwash and fake facts of my past to confirm that he was in 1959s in the apartment of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir in Amman, Jordan, while trying to portray me as an alleged terrorist, among others by setting me up to have a project with James Brasher that made me very much look like as if I am working with these mothers fuckers in creating terrorist attack against USA just as they did to me also in Germany from 1970 to 1986, and therewith it is 100% confirmed that my fake sister Fadia Nagar is an English terrorist and is raising the hidden child of Osama ben Laden and Dr. Alaa Ali is a hidden brother of Osama ben Laden and only the CIA, MI 5, BND and other secret service agencies know that, and now I also do based on the pattern of my life, fuck you all you mother fuckers no good piece of shit terrorist and slave keepers, rapist, spies, drug lords and creator of multiple animal degasses in Europe and in USA to force the sale of your own cheap and cows from South American, Australia, Asia and the Middle East and in this process you did not only kill a lot of people and create chaos in the European meat market for over 10 years but also you kept the population under fear of their own people that they may sell them killer meat

5.     This person and his brother James Brasher and the attorney William F. Harmeyer that pretended to be my attorney, while pretending to be a Jewish that is pretending to be a good Catholic enable to force my mind to think of them as a Jewish conspiracy

6.     This person is identified and in cooperation with James Brasher, attorney William F. Harmeyer to conspire against me to force me to leave USA, among others by forcing me with ESP to write a letter/fax to my fake sister Suhair Bdeir and her evil fake son Samir Bdeir that also lives in Houston, Texas or Dallas, Texas while pretending to be living in Amman, Jordan. This letter fax was forced upon me with brainwash and ESP to make me look like incapable to take care of myself and to show as if I am mentally unstable or sick

7.     James Brasher is identified as one of the persons that help king Abdullah to rape many women in Houston, above all Mexicans women that pretended to be working at -Associated Canvas Products Inc. as distraction of the hidden wives he has with the Bush and Rockefeller families that conspire against USA with this evil Jordanian royal family

8.     This person is identified as a hidden brother to James Brasher

9.     As a person that exchanged places with my ex-client James Brasher the CEO of the company ACPI-Associated Canvas Products Inc. in Channelview east of Houston, Texas, USA between 1991 and 2000. In this period of time James Brasher sometimes has a thin bear and other time did not, sometimes he smoke cigarettes and sometimes he pretend to have stopped smoking for a while. King Abdullah does not smoke except pot/marijuana/drugs just like the rest of this evil family and drug lords of our times under the protection of CIA, NATO military intelligence and police

10.  This person is identified as a hidden brother to James Brasher

Name in Arabic

Relation to me

First saw/met

Age at that time

Last saw/met

Hidden biological relatives

Allegedly Died On

Surrounding me during



Skin Color

Hair Color

Eye Color


Special Features

Special Crimes Against Me

  See more description/Details below the photograph

Additional photo needed





Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Profession under Alias

Official Nationality

Countries Lived In

Official Address

Disguise Methods













Other Relatives













Other Relatives

Friends of the Family

Official Businesses

Businesses Partners:

Illegal Businesses

Other Knowledge

Will follow


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