Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0501-X


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             29.10.2007

Updated:                28.07.2009

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Compaq Corporation (=Digital Equipment Corporation=Hewlett-Packard) headquarter in the year 2000 under Michael Cappella that pretended to remind me of my past but in reality they were tightening my brainwash and preparing my kidnapping from USA to the Netherland in 2000/2001


This company is identified as:

1.     One of my main persecutors, brainwasher, torturers and kidnappers in 1983-1986 and in the year 2000, at least through DEC-Digital Equipment Corporation in 1983-1986 and thereafter and self in the year 2000

2.     To make it short and not to repeat myself see the letter of complaint that I written through them and fax it to the Syrian consulate of their headquarter in Houston, Texas, USA in June 2000 as a major part of my brainwash and unjust persecution, but also a brief list of all their crimes against me under “Other Knowledge

3.     See the photo of one of the major responsible persons at Compaq Corporation management for my persecution, torture and brainwash; that was the CEO of Compaq Corporation at that time in the year 2000 and was helping covering up for the Bush family, CIA and the American military intelligence that persecuted me to death since 1959.

Name in Arabic

Relation to me

The company that brainwashed me to death in preparation of kidnapping me from USA to the Netherlands in the year 2000/2001, while pretending to be helping and while covering up for the American government, American military intelligence  and the concentrated evil Bush family that organized kidnapping me from Germany to USA in 1986 and kidnapping me from USA to Egypt in 1959. For details see the followings:

1.         See details of the brainwash performed upon me by Compaq Corporation below under “Other knowledge

2.         The complaint letter sent in June 2000 to the Syrian consulate and Syrian embassy that was forced upon me by brainwash through Compaq Corporation and from within their headquarters in Houston, Texas, USA

3.         The letters/documents created in June 2000 and sent through my attorney William F. Harmeyer in Houston, Texas, USA to many as a result of them brainwashing me between Mai and June 2000, that included the followings letters/documents:

3.1.      Declaration of Syrian citizenship denunciation

3.2.      Fake Divorce Replacement document, but I was not married I was kidnapped and forced to live as slave and hostage for 15 years by the evil American military intelligence through the illegal American military intelligence project named Calypso by using their agent Najlaa Mahmoud

3.3.      Cover letter of a letter I was forced to send through my attorney William F. Harmeyer in Houston, Texas, USA in Mai/June 2000 to all persons mentioned below.

3.4.      Letter-1 to king of Jordan

3.5.      Letter-2 to the embassy of Israel

3.6.      Letter-3 to CIA director George J. Tenet

3.7.      Letter-4 to FBI director Louis J. Freeh

3.8.      Letter-5 to Richard B. Cravener the district director of INS-Immigration and Naturalization Services in Houston, Texas, US

3.9.      Letter-6 to Janet Reno the Attorney general of the department of Justice in USA (= Minister of interior)

3.10.   Letter-7 to Michael D. Capellas CEO of Compaq Corporation

3.11.   Letter-8 to Bill Gates the CEO of Microsoft Corporation

4.         The self- interview asylum letter to the Dutch immigration from July 2001 based largely on Compaq Corporation brainwash performed on me Mai/June 2000

First saw/met

As an employee in May, June 2000

As user of portable PC in 1982

Age at that time

The company exist since the beginning of 1980s

Last saw/met

As an employee in May, June 2000

Hidden biological relatives

Bush, Rockefeller, Windsor and/or Kennedy families as well as some members of my fake family

Allegedly Died On

They kill their company in that they transfer it from one owner to another to cover up what they did in the past, in this case Compaq Corporation (responsible for my brainwash and kidnapping from Germany to USA in 1986 through the Calypso project) Purchased Digital Equipment Corporation in around 1997, then Hewlett-Packard Purchased Compaq Corporation in around 2001

Surrounding me during

My persecution and brainwash by my fake family that consisted of some of my biological family members of the Windsor, Rockefeller, Kennedy and Bush families that were eager and would do anything to cover up their real identities in the Middle East, including killing innocent people. During a period when Siemens AG was trying hard to get my attention to what my family was actually doing. During a period when the German police was constantly persecuting me to use me and prove that my fake families are terrorists and drug lords. During a period when the Americans disguised as German in and around Munich, Germany such as Unterschleissheim, Hoehenbrunn, Unterhaching, Baldham and other, were desperate to shut me up in that they persecuted me and brainwashed me while pretending to be German Christians. During a period when all of them together were preparing either to kill me or kidnap me to USA, which they did. During a period when my fake and biological families persecuted me very viciously after I discovered that they were printing a fake Quran in cooperation with the Saudi Arabian government at the Clett Verlag in Stuttgart, Germany to implicate the alleged German Nazis that were allegedly hiding in the Middle East, in short to implicate the Germans, because Germany was used by USA and England as scapegoat for all the crimes they were performing in the hidden and described within this website, such as terrorism, drugs and mass child kidnapping and molestation to create as many children as quick as possible that they can brainwash and claim them to be native of the Middle East. During a persistent period that my fake and biological families tried to link me to PLO and Palestinian terrorists. My brainwash, enslaving with the help of the CIA, Mosad, American/English/Syrian military intelligence under their agent whore Najlaa Mahmoud and kidnapping to USA through the illegal American/English/Syrian military intelligence project Calypso and in cooperation with the brainwash and kidnap company UDF Consulting AG in cooperation with professor Dr. Fischer alias Ali Bark, Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias professor Joachim Sauer and Mr. Ruge alias John D. Rockefeller the Third and USA vice-president and later USA president George H. W. Bush. Where they kept me letterly as hostage and slave for 15 years in USA and then dumped me in Holland identity and legal paperless to force me to live as a refugee with absolute no rights what so ever as cover up for all the crimes they performed against me and against humanity. Locking me in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA, destroying  my logic and bringing my mind to a total stop and therewith enslaving me totally under the control of all the CIA, American/English military intelligence agents disguised under the families Mahmoud, Mushref, Khodor/Chodor, Najjar/Najar/Naggar/Nagar, Baroudi, Abokurah, Bdeir and protected by Bush, Windsor, Rockefeller, Kennedy, Ford and other criminal Mafia families. Then keeping me as hostage and salve for 15 years in USA. Forcing me to live in Houston, Texas as brainless robot slave for 10 years, then forcing me to leave USA in 2000 to not endanger the election of George W. Bush alias Fareed Kheir enable to protect the crime organization, his official father George H. W. Bush and his official mother Barbara Pierce Bush ones of the worst criminals in our lives since his hidden cousin Adolf Hitler.





Skin Color


Hair Color


Eye Color




Special Features

Want to be the largest computer company in the world and in this process they would kill any one mentally or physically to reach their goal among other through black mailing the Bush family about me

Special Crimes Against Me

Conspired to brainwashed me and kidnapped me twice in my life:

1.     Through Digital Equipment Corporation and the illegal American military intelligence project Calypso in 1983-1986 and kidnapping from Germany to USA in 1986

2.     Brainwashed me through their own headquarter in Houston, Texas, USA on 2000 and conspired to kidnap me from USA to the Netherlands in 2000-2001


See details below under other knowledge

  See more description/Details below the photograph

Additional photo needed

Michael D. Capellas CEO and Chairman of Compaq-3.jpgMichael D. Capellas CEO and Chairman of Compaq-2.jpgMichael D. Capellas CEO and Chairman of Compaq-4.jpg

Michael D. Capellas CEO and Chairman of Compaq-1.jpg


Photo-A01 to –A03: Michael D. Capellas ex-CEO of Compaq Corporation and executive at Hewlett Packard, whereby Compaq Corporation was purchased by Hewlett Packard some times after the year 2000 and Compaq Corporation purchased the company Digital Equipment Corporation that was heavily involved in brainwashing me and kidnapping me from Germany to USA in 1986 by using the illegal American military project named Calypso that was trading hostages with money, technologies, weapons and other products with Iran, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon and most probably Jordan.

Photo-B01: Michael D. Capellas of Compaq Corporation with his business partner Bill Gates of Microsoft Corporation, and both companies used all their influences to persecute me to death to cover up for all the crimes performed upon me by the Bush, Rockefeller, Windsor, Kennedy families, American military intelligence, CIA, FBI and the American governments.


Photo-B02: Rod Canion the cofounder of Compaq Corporation that I strongly suspect him to be the hidden brother of my attorney William F. Harmeyer in Houston, Texas, USA. It is very similar situation to Kamron Kirkconnell that I also strongly suspect him to be a hidden brother of Michael Dell the owner of DELL computers in Dallas, Texas, USA (no profile created), which was also simultaneously within the same period of time, where I was severely setup by Kamron Kirkconnell from October/November 1999 to April 2000, also working for some American governmental agency, possibly FBI.


Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

HP alias Hewlett-Packard alias Compaq Corporation alias Compaq computers alias DEC alias Digital Equipment Corporation and many other aliases

Profession under Alias

Allegedly only computer manufacturer, but through this profile it is visible that they have also other profession such as hidden slavery of innocents such as what they did to me

Official Nationality

American, however and since they are represented in most countries worldwide, they have many nationalities through their managers, but also through the founder of Compaq Corporation, who knows what nationalities (plural) they had and still have.

Countries Lived In

I saw them in USA, but also saw them very largely represented in Germany, Netherland and the Middle East

Official Address

This is Where I was brainwashed, tortured and persecuted to death while pretending to be helping me in the year 2000:

Compaq Corporation Headquarter

Compaq Center W Dr

Houston, TX 77070

Of Tomball Highway 249


20555 State Highway 249, Houston, TX 77070-2698

Disguise Methods

Pretend to be for freedom, yet they conspire to enslave and destroy the lives of innocents such as they did to me







IBM-International Business Machines




Several businesses


Several businesses


Several businesses


Any one that contribute to the wealth and enlargement of the company


Many hidden companies worldwide under different names

Other Relatives

Most of the companies they own under different names are owned by their relatives




















Other Relatives

Bush, Rockefeller, Windsor, Kennedy and/or some of the members of my fake family

Friends of the Family

Any one that contribute to the wealth of the company in any way possible, mainly through slavery

Official Businesses

Computer manufacturer and many other related professions

Businesses Partners:

Number one partner is the American government Dutch government, German government and many other governments in particular in the Middle East. But also uncountable/countless large and small businesses

Illegal Businesses

At least covering up for my kidnapping since 1959 by the concentrated evil American military intelligence and the Bush family, but also selling computers to terrorist such through the illegal project Calypso

Other Knowledge

Note: The points mentioned below are important part and essential additions to the portion of the forced upon me complain letter that I sent in June 2000 to the Syrian government from due to and from within Compaq Corporation headquarters in Houston, Texas, USA


1.         In 1999-2000 I was forced by the American government and in particular by FBI, CIA, Texas governor at that time ex-USA president George W. Bush as well as his father ex-USA president George H. W. Bush to be homeless and jobless where I lived between the streets, hotel and totally unlivable mobile home, and all this to distract me of the American military intelligence agent Najlaa Mahmoud that was used to keep as slave and hostage covered up as an illegal alien in USA from 10.10.1986 and until summer 1999, where she left my life, and they did not want me to understand the situation as well as they were preparing to kidnap me again from USA in 2000/2001 and make it look like as if I am voluntarily want to be deported from USA.

2.         I was being severely persecuted from many sides and in particular of the persons that were around my life to isolate me of the general public such as Najlaa Mahmoud and her official public allies Mahmoud, Mushref, Khodor families as well as others pretending to be Arab and I forgot their names as well as her hidden unofficial allies such as the evil Bush, Rockefeller Windsor and Kennedy  families. CIA, FBI and INS

3.         From 1987-2000 I was only able to work where the American government set me up to work without me noticing at that time, and would never allow me to work longer than 2-4 months at one giving time as a part of a long term brainwash to not allow me to get to rest and think and to force my mind to concentrate on surviving only and forget my past and what situation I am in currently, and between jobs I was always 2-4 months unemployed, in other words work for 2-4 months and then be unemployed for 2-4 months, and therewith I never had enough money (and when I had some money the agent Najlaa Mahmoud made sure it is all spent), with one exception, which was also a USA government and absolute evil set up, my employment at the project CPC-Caspian Pipeline consortium, where I was employed for 8 months from 23.7.1998 to 31.03.1999, 2 months prior to the disappearance of the agent Najlaa Mahmoud out of my life.

4.         During this period I was forced to remember my past by all the surrounded agents, which brought me to a total mental breakdown and I was constantly crying after I was allowed to discover only a portion of what really happened to my life, which is allegedly my fake family kidnapped from Germany in 1986 and enslaved me under this whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud due to I changed religion from allegedly Islam to Christianity, but the members of my fake family are all American, English and NATO military intelligence agents living several identities as fake Arabs and Moslems as well as Christians and Jewish in USA and various European countries and elsewhere, and this since I get to know them in 1959, and simultaneously they are all members of the Bush, Rockefeller, Windsor, Kennedy and other families, but I did not know all that at that time, I was prevented to.

5.         The CIA, FBI and the evil American government surrounding me with their agents at that time forced me to think that my fake family is Jewish and Israeli origin and are spying on Syria and one of them is the agent Najlaa Mahmoud and her family, whereby I never had contact or even knew this piece of shit and evil American military intelligence family disguised as the Mahmoud family prior to 1984/1986

6.         And as confirmation to all the above, they reminded me with the illegal American military intelligence project Calypso that was trading products for hundreds of Americans and European kidnapped by my fake family and kept as hostages in Lebanon from 1982 to partially until 1988/89 and they dragged me to this project, brainwashed me and enslaved me under the agent Najlaa Mahmoud and then kidnapped me to USA. Therewith and at that time I thought my family (fake family, but I did not know that at that time) set me up, and that broke my heart that my own family kidnapped me and kept me as a hostage for 15 years in USA and totally destroyed my life, while simultaneously I thought I was Syrian, as I was brainwashed to think that and that my fake family are spying on the Syrians, which is not completely true, they control Syria and other Middle Eastern countries for the Western world and in particular for NATO

7.         In Mai 2000 Mr. Tyrone Dixon an executive manager at the employment agency Beststaff” or “Best Staff” (now is called “The BTS Team, Inc.”) called me and offered me an employment at Compaq Corporation headquarter at the following address Compaq Center W Dr, 20555 State Highway 249, Houston, TX 77070-2698, Of Tomball Highway 249 (Tomball = the first company set up in Houston Texas, USA in January 1991, named Gulf Systems or Golf Systems, no, I just remembered the town was called Humble not very far around 20 km, but it does not have anything to do with Compaq Corporation except they looked to hire me and set me and made it look like that I found them coincidently through a very small ad in newspaper, however Trumbull in Connecticut is also very similar name and has nothing to do with Compaq, except that I was also setup possibly by FBI at one of their elementary schools in 1987 )

8.         The following problems where against my employment at Compaq Corporation

8.1.         Officially I was illegal alien

8.2.         My Texas driver license as well as my Texas ID expired exactly on 10.10.1999, the day I was forced to be homeless and lose my housing where I lived for 10 years

8.3.         My social security card, which is essential for employment, was stolen by either FBI or CIA in September 1999 shortly before forcing me to be homeless

8.4.         I was homeless and had no housing

8.5.         I was a mental wreck due to all the continuous pressure through persecution and severe brainwash since the project CPC-Caspian Pipeline Consortium in 1998-1999 that they used to link me to Russians origin by force

9.         Due to I was unable to identify myself with official valid (unexpired) identification documents I was scared to death to not be able to get the job, because I needed this job enable to get an apartment for my fake son and me, whereby I did not know at that time that he was not my biological son, and also they made it look like and through a set up that I am madly in love with their whore agent Vilma Bonilla that they set on me in November 1999 to January 2000 as distraction of their other whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud

10.       To make it short, Compaq Corporation ignored my entire status and ignored my expired identifications and my missing social security and employed me for around 5-6 weeks and then I was fired. And all this they can’t do without the American government approval, especially that I was severely and very publicly persecuted by CIA, INS and FBI and they knew that

11.       During this 5-6 weeks they used on me and in the most vicious way ESP and scared the life out of me and increased my already damaged mental status and added a lot of confusion to my life, while pretending to be helping me. Yet no one saw this ESP manipulation, except me and those evil persons that have ESP and monitored what was being done to me and did nothing to help me or protect me of these evil persons

12.       These are only a few of many ESP mental and physical torture and brainwashed they used on me during that period, in particular at the car garage in Compaq Corporation headquarter:

12.1.       Incident-1: This torture method was performed upon me around 3-5 times I had a van (=minibus) borrowed of my alleged friend and client James Brasher of Associated Canvas products, Inc in Channelview, Texas, USA, and I was at that time sleeping in it due to I was forced to be homeless. I used to go to Compaq Corporation headquarter and park in the garage and sleep in the van. Many times they would use ESP on me before I go to sleep in that and while I am laying down to sleep they force my upper part of my body and until my head to stand strait and then go back laying down, several times behind each others, and I had totally no control over my body or mind during this period, and then immediately knock me unconscious and I woke the next morning at 7 or 8 o’clock in the morning, I woke up partially scared and partially shocked to what happened that I did not understand and compared it with what I knew, and I thought I was being haunted by ghosts or being possessed by demons or I was getting crazy and doing that to myself. They continued doing that to me until I understood it is a human with ESP. Yet it added to my fear and me being not safe in this area or in the entire Texas or USA and that I want just escape these evil persons but I do not know how, and still today don’t know how, except to stop complaining and write about them enable I can find the truth and my biological parents, but not even that helps because of mainly two reasons, for one I did not know anything prior to the year 2000 and therewith I did not complaint and did not write in matter of fact I did not think, yet they terrorized the life out of me, and therewith staying silence does not help. The second reasons is that their unknown to me opponents, knows the truth and don’t talk about it and are persecuting me in an effort to black mail them and force me to think and write about them.

12.2.       Incident-2: this torture method was performed upon me many times far more that 30 times. I would be sitting in the van and, mainly or the majority of times while driving in night time towards Compaq Corporation headquarters garage to park the van and sleep until I start working, and while I am driving they use ESP to force my head to tilt far way to the front and then far way to the back around 5 to 10 times very fast behind each others that it hurt my neck and head due to hitting it on the seat, but also due to the very aggressive sudden moves. It always scared the life out of me and simultaneously I had thoughts that who is doing that to me with ESP is allegedly this nephew or this cousin of my fake family (which most probably was wrong), and other times I had thoughts that I must have gone crazy to do that to myself while I am driving, but it was not me it was ESP, just to add to my fear being in USA and force me to leave voluntarily

12.3.       Incident-3: Not incident but related to all the physical torture and to the confusion they created with ESP and continuous brainwash. I wanted to fill the car tank with gasoline, and went to the nearest gas station near Compaq Corporation headquarter, and tried to fill the gas, yet the gasoline handle and this time did not fit the tank entry/opening, I did not know what to do, the van was empty and would only be sufficient for a couple of miles, so I must add some gasoline, I tried for a few minutes to fit the gas handle into the tank opening, but it was not going in, at the end I just activated the gasoline handle and filled that tank without being able to enter the handle into the gas tank opening, which splashed all over the place until the tank was full, then I paid and left the gas station. After a few hundred meters that van engine started to stutter/hesitate, shake, stop for a second and go for a few meters and was producing unusual noises, somehow I kept on driving on this condition, not able to drive faster than 5-10 miles an hour (8-16 km) until I parked it in the Compaq Corporation garage. And from the Compaq Corporation headquarters garage I called my alleged friend the alleged Mexican named Neo Ortega that was professional car mechanic, and he came and told me I placed diesel instead of gasoline, and he emptied the tank for me and cleaned it, which it took around 2 hours. The persons that were controlling me with ESP did not prevent me of doing that, they could have placed a thought in my mind that this is diesel and not benzin, but they did not, my guess they confused the life out of me and forced me to put diesel to show the others that I am stupid or mentally disturbed while systematically destroying my self confidence due to I always blamed everything on myself. It is true I never drove a diesel car before, yet diesel smell totally different than benzin, and each gas station has clear and large signs stating what it is, yet I over looked all that, not to mention that I was forced to work for around 2 years in a gas station, my second forced upon me employment in USA at T&B gas station to implicate me with Italians and Mafia, but also to totally destruct myself confidence while stressing me financially because I was earning only 5 US-Dollars an hour and working 16 hours per day 6 days a week to just barely pay the rent and living expenses of the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud, my fake son Abdulhamid Najar and myself. This is how evil they are

12.4.       Incident-4: This is only describing the man that helped with the diesel repair and mentioned above as Neo Ortega. I get to know him in around June/July 1998 as a part of the CPC-Caspian Pipeline Consortium setup at that time. He was working in a gas station near my housing On Westbelfort and Wilcrest roads. The owner of the gas station was allegedly Russian origin. I tried to purchase a cheap car from the Russian owner, but he wanted a lot of money for a junk car, and Neo was present as his illegal alien mechanic and offered to sell me a cheaper and better car but privately after he finishes work, and I purchased that car of him. Neo Ortega does not look like Mexican at all he is white, around 190 cm tall, blond, blue eyes, and his wife and children are also white and colored eyes and partially blond hair. He is allegedly illegal alien to force my mind to think it is normal to be illegal alien in USA by your own choice, I was illegal alien but forced by the evil American government and the Bush family.  We became friends ever since, and therewith I get to know the rest of his family around 20 persons, whereby there was a lot of contradiction in their look and also in their behavior towards me, all in all I am almost positive that they were helping the agent Najlaa Mahmoud while they were pretending not to know her. But also they were trying to show as if I am a Russian origin, especially that I was heavily surrounded by this family since around June 1998 and until 2000 and simultaneously the CPC-Caspian Pipeline Consortium project, but also they also possibly illegal drug related family that were trying to implicate me with illegal drug performed by the concentrated evil families in Mexico and are connected/related to my fake family and to the Bush family in particular George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush

12.5.       Incident-5: as the fired me they stole of me my private collection of CD-ROMs that contained all the software I was specialized in and was using to help others from MS-DOS to Windows NT 2000, other application software and various documents, which very much looks like that they were pretending to remind me of the project Calypso that they were involved in 1983-1986 where they stole all my research and design documents for a multi-lingual computer systems that I was selling very affordably to any manufacturer for 10-50 thousand Deutsch Mark (=3-15 thousand US Dollars)

12.6.       Incident-6: At their place I was manipulated and forced to look at the German Embassy website where they had a page stating that they changed the immigration laws and within these new laws I am illegible for citizenship, whereby this web page was totally misleading and I even printed it out and asked my attorney William F. Harmeyer to help me understand it and verify it, and he said yes it looks like that it states that you are illegible for German citizenship based on me living in Germany between 1969 and 1986. But it was a set up created by the German embassy, my attorney  William F. Harmeyer, Compaq Corporation INS-Immigration and Naturalization Services, Bush family and others to forced my mind to think if I go to Germany I get the citizenship enable to make it look like that I left USA voluntarily, but I did not I was brainwashed and kidnapped to cover up for the at that time Texas governor George W. Bush in an election year for him to become president of USA, whereby the Bush family used me since my birth as decoy and double for George W. Bush and kidnapped me from USA in 1959 to Egypt and also kidnapped me in 1986 from Germany to USA, where they kept me as a mentally dead brainwashed slaved and hostage for 15 years.

12.7.       Incident-7: a Russian work colleague of the CPC-Caspian Pipeline Consortium was also and very suddenly working at Compaq Corporation headquarter, as if they wanted to show others that I am being persecuted by Russians or possibly pretending to show me that I am allegedly persecuted by Russians, whereby and at that time in the year 2000 I never understood the coincident of that woman working at the same two different companies and at two different  times as I did, but today and while I am writing this page I discover the purpose of certain brainwash they performed on me.

12.8.       Incident-8: My fake son was at that time allegedly sleeping where I was sleeping at the totally rundown and totally unlivable mobile home through James Brasher mentioned above that also lend me his van for a few months during that period, yet and very suddenly and for some reason or another I had to leave this mobile home, I can’t recall why, during which and for a few times I slept at Compaq Corporation headquarters office on the floor of my office, and my fake son went to sleep allegedly at his mother the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud, yet 1-2 times he allegedly wanted to spend 1-2 days with me and also slept at Compaq Corporation headquarter office, but on a couch in the entrance of the lounge. And that just and among others to force my mind to think that it is all my fault and I can’t take care of my alleged son, but also and most probably to force my fake son to think the same and force him to want to stay away of the man that raised him for 14 years, possibly because it is dangerous for his own safety.

12.9.       Incident-9: Simultaneously to that, Compaq Corporation continued to remind me of Germany and in particular of Siemens AG with many created situations, here are only a couple. I worked a few times in the computer center (one of many) at Siemens AG and that was really the only computer center I worked in, but also it was the largest computer center that I have ever seen in my life with around 30 mainframe computers and all their peripherals in one huge hall. And my employment at Compaq Corporation was mainly in a large computer center with around 30 large PCs with all their peripherals, but much smaller, 80% smaller, than Siemens AG computer center that I worked in, one of several in Munich, Germany where I lived prior to these evil people kidnapped me from Germany in 1986. Also and very suddenly I was saying I often slept overnight on the couch of my office at Siemens AG, which I did not, I never had a couch in my office, it was always a multi-person office with chairs, and I never slept at my work place, however I often worked over night at Siemens AG until I finished the task I was performing. And there with Compaq Corporation was manipulating me and forcing me with ESP to say something did not happen nor I would say to force me to remember Germany while confusing the hell out of me, because I never understood why I said that even though it never happened, and I often blamed myself about this statement, but today and as I am writing this page I understand why they forced me to say that, as if they trying to force my mind to think as I was in Germany and working for Siemens AG I never had the need to sleep in the street or in the office as I am doing right now, because I was not homeless as I am now at Compaq Corporation, which is a way to prepare to kidnap me from USA and blame it on me. It is true Siemens AG performed some or many injustice to me that I did not notice at that time, yet and compared with all these evil American companies surrounding my life in USA by force of FBI, CIA and the concentrated evil American government and the Bush family, Siemens AG and compared to all that is an angel, they always treated me with human dignity and may be even understanding and as I was forced to leave Siemens AG I had 3 months notice and not as at Compaq Corporation, where I went to work in the morning and I was prohibited to enter the company with the reason I am fired and not allowed to go my office and not even allowed to pick up my private belonging, as if I am a trash or a disease that they have to avoid me with this humiliation just like Dun and Bradstreet also did to me with the help of the evil FBI and many other companies in USA. And to be fair most probably not all companies are like that, just those piece of shit I am complaining about, which all-in-all amount to less than 1% of American businesses, because in USA there are many hundred thousands of businesses, I do not know the actual count, except 70% of all businesses in USA are considered to be the so called small businesses, from one man company and until maximum 500 employees=small business.

12.10.     Incident-10: It is impossible to work at Compaq Corporation headquarter if I do not have a car, due to it is far away of any city of at least several kilometer, and at least 25 kilometers of where I was living in Houston, Texas, USA. At that time I even looked for a public transportation from Houston, to Compaq Corporation headquarter, and I found, yet it was totally unfeasible to use it due to it would take 90 minutes one way, this mean 3 hours there and back. But also if I have to work late there is absolutely not transportation after certain time, I think 6 or 7 o’clock, and there with a car was necessary enable to work at Compaq Corporation. It is an absolute similar situation as my employment at Dun and Bradstreet in around 1988, with one difference the FBI agent and my official contact persons at the FBI that get me officially that job at Dun and Bradstreet headquarter in Wilton, Connecticut, while I was living in Bridgeport, Connecticut (I think around 30 km distance and no public transportation only taxi), and also at Dun and Bradstreet they set me up very badly and terrorized my life while performing many situation to humiliate me in front of my colleagues and to myself for the purpose of destroying myself confidence. And also they set me up with Russian and then fired me unjustly. In matter of fact that FBI agent that get me the job pretended also be working there to allegedly test some software as part time job. This connection I just made right now and today while I am writing. But the main thing is that And very suddenly James brasher wanted his van back and simultaneously I was fired without prior notice and prohibited to enter the premises of Compaq Corporation and they stole all and whatever I had in the office among others all my professional CD-computer collection that included hundreds of software on over 60 CD-ROMs. Therewith James Brasher was working with Compaq Corporation against me and I was not able to pin point it properly, and there are many incidents around my life at that time to support that that I will list under James Brasher and his company Associated Canvas products, Inc. once I get to it

12.11.     Incident-11: I was reminded and forced by ESP and brainwash of my research work of multi-lingual computer systems in 1980s and to search for multi-lingual standards at Compaq Corporation headquarter or computer library, where I found a few standard one of them is the current standard of Arabic ASCII code based on my research and analysis of 1979-1983 and my for Siemens AG at ECMA-European computer Manufacturer Association in Geneva Switzerland and their partners in other countries. And this incident, even it seems very small and meaningless, yet it is very strongly the basis for a major brainwash mentioned below.

12.12.     Incident-12: I was receiving my salary weekly through the company Best staff. I had to drive the whole way to Beststaff offices on highway 59 after the galleria almost down Houston, Texas, USA. It was a very big hassle to go and pick my weekly check every week due to I had to go after work and before the Best staff closes the office between 16:00 and 18:00 hours, especially it was in the rush hour and very far over 25 kilometers. At the very end of my employment I found out through other beststaff employees that they allegedly pickup their checks in a very nearby branch of the company Beststaff that is located in the next town to Compaq Corporation called Tomball, only 2-4 kilometers far. Beside and the way most employment agencies do it is that they personally deliver the checks to their employees at the work place where ever this may be, such in this case at Compaq Corporation headquarter and this is the only way I am aware of until I worked at Compaq Corporation and forced upon me the new way to continuo to stress the life out of me. Because and Friday night if I do not have the check then I did not have any money until the following Monday. And all that was on purpose by these evil persons and people

12.13.     All above are only a few brainwash situations created by the evil Compaq Corporation alias Hewlett-Packard, that I estimate them to be of over 60 setups and brainwash situations within Compaq Corporation headquarter, not to mention all the other uncountable or countless brainwash setups that were performed simultaneously but outside Compaq Corporation headquarter and many other brainwash and persecution set ups, while they pretending to be helping me but in reality were destroying my life.

13.       Also it is important to mention that Compaq Corporation is directly connected to my life in 1983-1986, in that they purchased the company Digital Equipment Corporation, and Digital Equipment Corporation is the main trading company for terrorists in that they were supplying Syria with satellite computers such as VAX computers and PDP-11-24 computers within the illegal American military intelligence project Calypso in 1983-1986 that was used to brainwash me and kidnap me from Germany to USA in 1986. These people have absolutely no honor or conscious especially that I was trying the best possible way at that time to create a good multilingual hardware/computer as basis for the multilingual software, to allow anyone to create multi-lingual software and in particular Arabic-English and Arabic-French software (the most dominant at that time) which means I was not only a good computer professional but also absolutely honest computer professional and as a computer professional I was their colleague yet they stamped me in the back in 1986 and in 2000. All in all Compaq Corporation did everything possible to destroy my life and deport me from USA while portraying their selves as my helpers. Today thanks to all of these heartless, sadistic and cruel persons and institutions mentioned within this page, I am a refugee without profession or even hope. Therewith Compaq Corporation helped twice in kidnapping me indirectly from Germany to USA in 1986 and directly and viciously from USA to the Netherlands in 2000/2001.

14.       My fake family is major distributor, reseller, purchaser and consumers of DEC-Digital Equipment Corporation and therewith Compaq Corporation and today of Hewlett-Packard in several countries in the Middle east and most probably also in Europe and USA, they are also the same distributor for Siemens AG, IBM-International Business machines, Microsoft Corporation and many other major fortune 1000 companies worldwide, and I have the very strong indications that they are also major shareholders of some or even many of these companies, especially with all their illegal drug money, and very possibly one or more of the CEO and board members of these companies are related to them however these CEOs are 100% related to my biological families the Bush, Rockefeller, Windsor and Kennedy families

15.       All in all Compaq Corporation and in the year 2000 forced upon my life that I was persecuted in 1983-1986 by among others DEC-Digital Equipment Corporation to steal my own research and developments in multilingual computer design and development as cover up for all the rest, but also this brainwash performed on me concerning my multi-lingual computer development was carefully organized in cooperation with my fake family, the illegal project Calypso members, Siemens AG and others, see the detail of my complain letter as forced asylum seeker in 2001 in Netherland and what I submitted to the Dutch government regarding this matter based on this brainwash performed up on me by Compaq Corporation



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