Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0412-0G


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             05.11.2007

Updated:                05.11.2007, 11.01.2012, 06.03.2012

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Klett Verlag Group and the fake Quran in Stuttgart, Germany, also called Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH in Stuttgart, Germany

(Original title corrected on 11.01.2012) Clett Verlag and the fake Quran in Stuttgart, Germany


This company is identified as:

1.     (Added on 06.03.2012) As being misused by the Rockefeller and Windsor family to print the all new Quran as reaction to the all-new Bible printed by the German speaking countries that officially started around 1961 and completed sometimes in the beginning of 1970s and called the new Translation purchasable in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. This bible was the result of unity between the German Evangelical and the German Catholic church with the approval of the Pope to have one common bible in the German speaking countries that and in short is saying I am fake because my history does not match the scientific findings of our new and modern world and technologies, or in other words the religious history does not match the modern historical findings

2.     (Added on 06.03.2012) To blame it on the German Nazis In case it comes out that these people created the all new religion called Islam Sunni to use it and enslave people around their petroleum countries to hide it from the American and European governments while using slave labor to use the natural resources and everything else while not paying taxes in USA and in Europe and allowing many illegal activities from illegal drugs to falsifying currencies to slaved labor, double and triple identities and even more, many other illegal activities and the prove for all that is that they are not allowing the Islamic countries to advance in life because they use them as slaves such as in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan where the original Islam comes from and the Rockefeller and Windsor families that think of their selves as Gods of our world pretended to be creating the all new Sunni Islam as mean of fighting Islam Shiaa in Iran to India, but you can’t heal slavery with another lie

3.     (Added on 06.03.2012) added a copy of the wikipedia.org (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Klett_Verlag) profile with my own comment

4.     (Added on 06.03.2012) Added Klett Verlag addresses, Also called: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Klett_Verlag



Name in Arabic

Under Construction

Relation to me

Consulting in Arabic and multi-lingual printing systems

First saw/met

(filled on 11.01.2012)

Some times in summer 1897, around the time the Rockefeller and the Windsor family invented the fake Jewish and Islamic Sunni history by among others using Theodor Herzl (link to wiikipedia.org), that was working for them as a mass brainwasher, to force people to want to migrate to allegedly the Holly land enable they can find workers in the one of the first petroleum cities right in the middle of the so called Arabic Sahara. Note many dates are absolutely wrong and falsified, such as Theodor Herzl dying date of 1904, whereby it is very possible that he either died much later, he did not exists at all, did not exist in the function they claiming or a combination, one thing is for sure, no one will leave Europe in around 1900 to become a slave in the middle of nowhere in the Sahara, unless he was forced to as a slave! In 1900 and not 3500 years ago!

Age at that time

(filled on 11.01.2012)

I don’t know how old is this company, but I looked it up, allegedly established in 1987 by Ernst Klett

Last saw/met

(filled on 11.01.2012)

Some times in summer 1981, I think in this period I visited twice, that among others caused that the Rockefeller and American military forced Siemens AG to fire me without me noticing, which they did in September 1981 with a 3 months’ notice and effective on 31.12.1981, my last day was 23.12.1981

Hidden biological relatives

(filled on 11.01.2012)

Rockefeller and Windsor that were trying to blame it on the Jewish people and Israeli

Allegedly Died On

(filled on 11.01.2012)

The company is still existing and it is one of the very few and first companies that the American military used after the second world war to start brainwashing the German people with falsified literature.

Surrounding me during

(filled on 05.11.2007)

The period where the German police was trying to get close to me to prove that my fake family in the Middle East performed the absolute vicious terrorist attack on the 1972 Munich Olympics, and during the period I was tricked to become Christian to give my fake family the alleged Moslems a reason to persecute me, and therewith had reasons to remove me of Germany. During a period where I was surrounded by entire city population in Unterschleissheim that were American and English agents and all pretending to be Germans living next to each other’s, covering for each other’s and protecting each other’s. During a very evil attempt to show as if I am a homosexual. And in 1977 after several fail attempts by the German police to get close to me after the kidnapping and murder of Mr. Hans-Martin Schleyer the president of the German Employers Association in August/September 1977, and the high jacking of the German airplane Lufthansa to Mogadishu, Somalia in September/October 1977 as cover up for the Murder of Hans-Martin Schleyer, and both terrorist attacks were performed by my family.  During the period of brainwashing me and kidnapping me to USA as slave of the CIA/Mosad, American, English, Syrian military intelligence whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud. And from the background, during the period I am trying to go back home to Germany after 15 years of sadistic, cruel, vicious and absolute violent 15 years lock up in USA as hostage and slave of the CIA/Mosad, American, English, Syrian military intelligence whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud that had ESP and several lookalike and kept me as a slave with the help of George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush with all their allies, Rockefeller, Kennedy, Ford and Windsor families by using all their influences in the government, businesses such as Exxon, Texaco, Chevron, American Express, Koch Industries and many others



Skin Color

Hair Color

Eye Color


Special Features

(filled on 11.01.2012)

This company was used by the Rockefeller and the American military to create a brand new Quran with new text as an answer to the new Bible that was created in around 1960 in a joint venture of all Catholics and Protestant in all the German peaking countries including Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Lichtenstein and others. This new bible was called the new translation and I read many of it is chapters, where it has a huge indications that the history of the bible is falsified, in matter of fact I recall very well a table at the end of this bible where it list history persons, situations and wars compared with scientific findings that was not able to confirm these biblical situation. Now why would the catholic and protestant churches of many countries create a bible that in reality is against them and saying many things in me is false, unless they were forced in the second world war by Adolf Hitler and his hidden family the Windsor and the Rockefellers to destroy all of the old bibles and create a new one that most probably confused the hell out the minds of the pastors and priests, especially the very old ones that memorized the old bibles.


What does all of the above have to do with the fake Quran created by the CIA, American military, disguised as Jewish and in the order of the Rockefeller and the Windsor families (that are most sadistic and want to continue to control USA and other parts of Europe by force of military and fake religions) falsifying the Quran and forcing it upon the people by using Saudi Arabia?


Very simple after the above churches brought out this new bible starting 1960s, that absolutely did not match the old testament and the Quran any more, which it has to because the Sunni Islam  is built upon the fake Jewish and Christianity religions that allegedly come from Palestine and Egypt, in reality all the stories of these books: Quran, Bible, Old Testament=Tora are 100% originated from India and they were adopted by these evil families to brainwash the entire human race while keeping them as slaves and my life is the best prove for all that, because some companies and some churches and even some Muslims and Jewish and Hindus and Buddhist, Christians and even atheist that were protecting me from the background, also opened my mind and opened my eyes. But above all we have something that we did not have in the years 1900: Radio, newspaper, magazine, photographs, TV, planes, cars, faster ships and above all and only since 1995 is accessible for every one and not only for the government and the rich people=Internet that was made public through Windows 95!!!!!!!!!


In short the Rockefeller and Windsor families brought a brand new Quran to match the new bible and used the Klett Verlag to blame it on the alleged German Nazis. You may not be able to verify the fake Quran, but I am most positive that Klett Verlag still has a copy of that Quran that was developed officially in the name of the Saudi Arabian government, while simultaneously they were forcing this Quran on every one through their huge Rockefeller and Windsor network. But also everyone can verify the new bible created by Germany, Austrian and Switzerland as an anti-brainwash book, a book that tells you the truth, which is I AM FAKE!


The name of this bible is “the new translation” and can be found any were in Germany, among others also at the biggest publisher in the world, the German publisher Bertelsmann that started again after the second world war and now it is by far the largest publishing company in the world. My guess they now realized that selling books that tells any things make much more money than selling brainwash books.

Special Crimes Against Me

(filled on 05.11.2007)

The project where the client did not want to see me near him. The project I was forced to get involved in, to see the fake Quran printing, which was in the hidden arranged by my fake and biological families and officially by the government of Saudi Arabia. This Quran had many modifications compared to the previous Quran and in particular in relation to the so called Arabic short Vowels (called Tashkeel in Arabic) which is many small signs printed over or below the actual Arabic letters that increase the Arabic alphabets dramatically by letterly thousands of letters, due to each time a short vowel placed above or below a letter it modifies the pronunciations and therewith a new letter is born. These short vowels were invented in 1950s and implemented as proto type in 1960s and as final in 1970s, however the technologies at that time did not allow the printing of these so called short vowels over or below any alphabet, and therefore they had to develop a new technology, which they did at Clett Verlag/publishing and therefore Siemens AG get me involved, so I may see it right from the start of the technologies, however I never understood it because of many reasons, among others because I was not able to gather my thoughts due to all the brainwash and ESP manipulations. Today I know for fact that the short vowels were 100% invented by my fake and biological families as part of the mass brainwash, because with this short vowels they had to invent absolutely new linguistic grammars that became too complex that no one person can see through the language any more, and that was an unexpected side effect that turned to be to the advantage of the mass brainwash, because every linguistic scientist can claim some thing else and therewith it is all became a distraction of the all new Quran. The new Quran forces the peoples mind to be enslaved and give up on many things in life due to the new Quran claim that God planned every thing in life and we can do nothing about it, and it is very visible in the Moslem world, they are all enslaved and are not capable to invent any thing due to the limitation set in their own mind by this new Quran, however they deceive the world with countries like Oman. Bahrain, Abo Dhabi that allegedly they are very advance, but it is all deceive, they are not advanced, they just have new expensive buildings, neither their social or economic structure is stable, they will collapse sooner or later, my guess very soon, because their economics is only based on new infrastructure that is created with out actual means or goal, which is manufacturing. All their money comes from drugs and petroleum and that is not enough, and the prove of that is China and India, both can’t survive with out drugs, however China is much more technologically (manufacturing) advanced than India, and that is all most over night, just in the last 20-40 years, and that is why China is getting stable every new day, while India is getting backwards every new day, and very soon the entire Arabic golf countries will follow because they are all build upon a lie and drug and petroleum money. In other words, these countries such as Oman, Bahrain, Abo Dhabi, Qatar, Kuwait are the hidden banks of the Windsor, Rockefeller, Kennedy, Bush and other families trying hard to replace Switzerland the banking country of the thieves and criminals of our world

  See more description/Details below the photograph

Additional photo needed





Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Profession under Alias

Official Nationality

Countries Lived In

Official Address

www.klett.de ist ein Internet-Auftritt der

Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH
Rotebühlstraße 77, D - 70178 Stuttgart, Germany
Handelsregistereintragung: Stuttgart, HRB 10746
Umsatzsteuer-ID-Nr.: DE 811122363













Disguise Methods













Other Relatives













Other Relatives

Friends of the Family

Official Businesses

Businesses Partners:

Illegal Businesses

Other Knowledge

Will follow


Top of Page



This is a copy from http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Klett_Verlag


This profile exists only in the German language, when I have time I will translate it, however and the most important part is this sentence (highlighted in yellow).



1930 baute Ernst Klett mit dem Kauf der Schulbuchabteilung des Bonz-Verlages das regionale Schulbuchprogramm aus. Ernst Klett erhielt 1945 als einer der ersten deutschen Verleger von der amerikanischen Militärregierung eine Verlagslizenz.



In 1930 Mr. Ernst Klett bought schoolbooks department of the company Bonz-Verlag (My interpretation: so Adolf Hitler and family (Windsor and Rockefeller) can force their new ideologies upon the all new Nazi Germany). In 1945 and as one of the first publishers Ernst Klett Verlag received a publishing permit from the American military government (My interpretation: American won the second world war and were by then controlled by the Rockefeller from USA and Windsor families from England=Sunni Islam)

Ernst Klett Verlag

aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie

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Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH

Description: Ernst Klett Verlag Logo








Thomas Baumann (Vorsitz), Tilo Knoche, Ulrich Pokern, Karl Slipek


Lehrwerke, Lernsoftware, Unterrichts- und Lernmaterialien



Description: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/84/Ernst-klett-verlag-didacta-2010.jpg/220px-Ernst-klett-verlag-didacta-2010.jpg

Description: http://bits.wikimedia.org/skins-1.18/common/images/magnify-clip.png

Der Messestand der Klett Verlage auf der didacta 2010

Die Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH ist einer der größten Schulbuchverlage in Deutschland. Sie bietet Unterrichtsmaterialien und Begleitmaterial für das gesamte Schulwesen an. Die Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH hat ihren Sitz in Stuttgart und Zweigniederlassungen in Leipzig, Gotha und Dortmund.[1] In zwölf deutschen Großstädten sowie in Wien und Zug unterhält der Ernst Klett Verlag Treffpunkte, die Lehrer, Eltern und Schüler über Lehrwerke, Lernsoftware, Unterrichts- und Lernmaterialien für alle Schularten einschließlich der Erwachsenenbildung informieren und beraten.[2]

Die Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH ist ein Unternehmen der Stuttgarter Ernst Klett AG und nicht mit dieser identisch. Mit Gründung der Ernst Klett Aktiengesellschaft 1995 wurden die Geschäftsfelder in der Klett Gruppe strukturiert: Unter dem Firmennamen Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH ist heute nur noch der Schulbuchverlag zu verstehen. Bekannte Schwesterverlage der Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH – und ebenfalls Unternehmen der Klett Gruppe – sind zum Beispiel Ernst Klett Sprachen für den Bereich Erwachsenenbildung, Klett Lerntraining für den Bereich Nachmittagsmarkt, PONS für den Bereich Wörterbücher oder Klett-Cotta für den Bereich Belletristik. Töchter der Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH sind der Österreichische Bundesverlag öbv oder Klett&Balmer in der Schweiz.




Geschichte [Bearbeiten]

1930 baute Ernst Klett mit dem Kauf der Schulbuchabteilung des Bonz-Verlages das regionale Schulbuchprogramm aus. Ernst Klett erhielt 1945 als einer der ersten deutschen Verleger von der amerikanischen Militärregierung eine Verlagslizenz.

Gebräuchliche Schulbücher, wie „Learning English“ und das Mathematikbuch „Lambacher Schweizer“, erschienen 1947 bei Klett. 1956 wurde das erste große Klett-Informationsbüro (heute Treffpunkt Klett) außerhalb Stuttgarts in München eingerichtet. [3] Ab 1962 erschien die Reihe „Tönende Klett-Bücher“ mit Schallplatten und Tonbändern als Bausteine für einen multimedialen Unterricht[4].

1968 wurde im Schulbuchverlag eine kartographische Redaktion gegründet.[5] 1970 erschienen bei Klett im Fach Biologie die ersten Folien (= Arbeitstransparente) für die Benutzung auf dem Overheadprojektor.[6]

1971 stellt Klett auf der Lehrmittelschau „Interschul“ in Dortmund zum ersten Mal ein Testprogramm für den computergestützten Unterricht vor. Erste Filme – für den Biologieunterricht – erscheinen.[7]

1990 wurde mit dem Ernst Klett Verlag Leipzig die erste Zweigniederlassung eines westdeutschen Verlags in den neuen Bundesländern gegründet.[8]

Nachdem der Justus-Perthes-Verlag in Gotha 1953 in einen volkseigenen Betrieb umgewandelt und 1955 in VEB Hermann Haack Geographisch-Kartographische Anstalt Gotha umbenannt worden war, wurde er 1992 reprivatisiert und an die Klett Gruppe verkauft. 2003 firmierte er um in Klett-Perthes Verlag GmbH, Gotha; 2008 in Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Zweigniederlassung Gotha.[9]

Klett beteiligte sich am Heureka-Softwareverlag aus München. Der Grundschulverlag wurde nach Leipzig verlegt.

Die Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH hat als Logo die so genannte Klett-Lilie. Die Klett-Lilie wird unter anderem auch von der Ernst Klett Sprachen GmbH und der KlettLerntraining GmbH verwendet, die ebenfalls Unternehmen der Klett-Gruppe sind. Die Klett-Lilie wurde 1953 von den Stuttgartern S. und H. Lämmle entwickelt. Sie besteht aus einem stilisierten E und K, den Initialen des Firmengründers Ernst Klett.[10]

Bekannte Produkte und Autoren [Bearbeiten]

Bekannte Produktmarken der Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH sind Green Line und das deutsch-französische Geschichtsbuch, bekannte Autoren Heinz Klippert.

Weblinks [Bearbeiten]

Description: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4a/Commons-logo.svg/12px-Commons-logo.svg.pngCommons: Ernst Klett Verlag – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien

Einzelnachweise [Bearbeiten]

  1. Ernst Klett Verlag (Hrsg.): PresseBox. Das Unternehmen. (HTML, abgerufen am 28. August 2010).
  2. Ernst Klett Verlag (Hrsg.): Ihr Treffpunkt Klett: Ausstellung, Beratung, Verkauf, Fortbildung. (HTML, abgerufen am 28. August 2010).
  3. Michael Klett, (Hrsg.): Ernst Klett zum 70. Geburtstag. Ernst Klett Verlag, Stuttgart 1981. S. 115.
  4. Michael Klett, (Hrsg.): Ernst Klett zum 70. Geburtstag. Ernst Klett Verlag, Stuttgart 1981. S. 162.
  5. Michael Klett, (Hrsg.): Ernst Klett zum 70. Geburtstag. Ernst Klett Verlag, Stuttgart 1981. S. 191.
  6. Michael Klett, (Hrsg.): Ernst Klett zum 70. Geburtstag. Ernst Klett Verlag, Stuttgart 1981. S. 209.
  7. Michael Klett, (Hrsg.): Ernst Klett zum 70. Geburtstag. Ernst Klett Verlag, Stuttgart 1981. S. 212.
  8. Klett Gruppe (Hrsg.): Chronik der Klett Gruppe. (HTML, abgerufen am 10. September 2010).
  9. Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH (Hrsg.): 225 Jahre Atlanten & Kartographie aus Gotha. ([1], abgerufen am 10. September 2010).
  10. Michael Klett, (Hrsg.): Ernst Klett zum 70. Geburtstag. Ernst Klett Verlag, Stuttgart 1981. S. 80.