Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0446-ACE


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             26.11.2008

Updated:                27.11.2008, 04.01.2012

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Al Gore, the ex-vice president of USA and ex-want-to-be president of USA in 2000/2001


See also:Rockefeller Family tree”, “All Families”, “Rockefeller family members in my life” and the “Official Family Members” of this profile.


This person is identified as:

1.     (Added on 04.01.2012) Ex-USA vice president Al Gore does not look anything like Abdallah Abokurah. This is another prove that I was manipulated by ESP to attack the opponent of the Bush families see the new photo that I added at the bottom that  shows that Abdallah Abokurah does not look anything like ex-USA vice president Al Gore. So please ignore all the writing. I was given a fake son called Abdulhamid Najar that is a member of a very large and evel brotherhood that had ESP and control my mind and every thging I did, until something happend in the last a few months and many things changed for the better. Plsease see the photos below. And see all other profles that were created after christmas 2011, which are the profiles that I am correcting based on that these evil brotherhood have no more so strong control of my life. They are the ones that among others bombed the World Trade center and I am in the process to expose them and show the prove that Osama Ben laden was only a distraction of the real murderers of the World Trade Center. Mean while I have enought very visible proves that most people can see here on this website and then verify them by simply using Google.com Bing.com or Yahoo.com. And if anyone discover any erro what so ever, please let me know so I can correct it. You vcan mail me at MichaelNajarNL@hotmail.com.

2.     The hidden brother or half brother of my fake nephew Abdallah Abokurah

3.     The man that exchanged places with my fake nephew Abdallah Abokurah in the Middle East, Germany, USA, Iraq and other countries

4.     The hidden son of prince Charles or princes Ann or queen Elizabeth of England

5.     For all I know Al Gore pretended to be Abdallah Abokurah in 1987/1988 and helped destroy my life in keeping me as slave and hostage under the CIA whore Najlaa Mahmoud, the prove of that see under “Other Knowledge” within the profile of Abdallah Abokurah

6.     In November/December 2007 (possibly it was 2006) I saw Abdallah Abokurah on BBC night news as member of the Iraqi government that was interviewed, I searched for this article on the Internet but did not find it, nor it was repeated again in day time on BBC, and since the English government has performed uncountable deceives upon my life therefore it was to force my mind to think of him to be in Iraq only and to confirm this deceive they never repeated this interview again, which is totally unusual for the 24 hours news channels that repeat the news several times within one day. This is for me a 100% confirmation to the above point 1 to point 4. Which is Al Gore is Abdallah Abokurah at least as he visited me for a couple of weeks in 1987/88 in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA. For details see “Other Knowledge” within the profile of Abdallah Abokurah

7.     (added on 27.11.2008) For all I know Abdallah Abokurah is the son of Al Gore, whatever relation they have, they are 100% immediately related or they are the same person, because they look 100% identical based on the photographs below, however I am cautious and say they are only 95% look alike

8.     (added on 27.11.2008) The name Gore translated from German or to German it becomes Gurr=Fritz Gurr the American military intelligence agent that pretended to be my friend at the American military base McGraw kasern where I was severely brainwashed to forget my past and forced to be a slave and hostage under the CIA or American military intelligence agent whore Anita Disbray, but also and there I was 100% introduced to three look alike fake family members, which are my Alia Köse alias Anita Naggar (the alleged wife of Nick Naggar), my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar and my fake mother Hayat Baroudi, whereby my fake brother and my fake mother were 100% not the same persons as the ones I knew prior to that in Egypt. Note that Anita Disbray is Kathleen Kennedy and Alia Köse two fake brothers were 100% Alexander Onassis and Fernandels Onassis=Kennedy=Al Gore=Clinton=Rockefeller=Windsor

9.     (added on 27.11.2008) The name Gore translated from Arabic or to Arabic it becomes Gorr (غور) = and the Arabic word Gorr (غور) is the name of a country side (=county or something similar) in Jordan where they plant illegal drugs such as Hashish and opium and a very large area of that country side is owned by Abdalghani Abokurah and his Abokurah family and the Bdeir family (Bdeir=Bush and Rockefeller). The Bdeir and Abokurah families are the largest drug lords in the Middle East and are directly and closely related to other major drug lords such as the Bark (=Schreiber=Rockefeller and Bush), Azrath (=Windsor and Rockefeller), Halabi (=Jordanian royalties=Windsor, Bush and Rockefeller) families in Lebanon, Al-Jumaiee and Kwader families (=Rockefeller and Bush) in Egypt, but also to the Mahmoud, Assad, Al-Jadied, Khodor, Khodori/Chodori, Mushref (=Windsor, Bush, Rockefeller, Kennedy and other families) families that span from Syria and Lebanon to Morocco. Are all these coincidents? Most definitely not, because the actual hidden links between all of these mother fuckers is missing, which is me Mohamad Nuzhat Najar alias Michael N. Najar.

10.  (added on 27.11.2008) The official father of Abdallah Abokurah and husband of my fake sister Afrah Najjar alias Afrah Abokurah is Abdalghani Abokurah, that officially have a brother as a medical doctor (that I never met I just heard a lot about him, especially after 1987) in Los Angeles, California, USA. Considering the deceive pattern that I am always forced to think of someone to be living in one city or country as cover up/distraction to him/her, while in reality he/she is living in another location, such as Mohi Sabri living in Frankfurt while he was living in Munich as Franz Joseph Strauss, or Ali Bark living in Jordan and disguised as professor Dr. Helmuth Fischer in Stuttgart while he was living in Munich where I was living and they persecuted me to death, and many other members of my fake family, therefore one of the hidden brothers of Abdalghani Abokurah could be Al Gore. All I am certain about is that Al Gore has identical look to my fake nephew Abdallah Abokurah, but not only the look, it is everything else such as the behavior, the body stature the way they move and talk, the speed they talk in (it is the gene=body inheritance) and also all the lies they use and both of them performed a lot of damages to my life in kidnapping me to USA and keeping me as slave and hostage for 15 years after they totally killed me mentally, while using me to black mail the Bush family.


Note: I never recognized Al Gore as Abdallah Abokurah or his very look alike until I saw his movie called “An Inconvenient Truth” on Monday 24.11.2008 on the Dutch TV channel called “SBS

Name in Arabic

Relation to me

First saw/met

Age at that time

Last saw/met

Hidden biological relatives

Allegedly Died On

Surrounding me during

My persecution and brainwash by my fake family that consisted of some of my biological family members of the Windsor, Rockefeller, Kennedy and Bush families that were eager and would do anything to cover up their real identities in the Middle East, including killing innocent people. During a period when Siemens AG was trying hard to get my attention to what my fake family was actually doing. During a period when the German police was constantly persecuting me to use me and prove that my fake families are terrorists and drug lords. During a period when the Americans disguised as German in and around Munich, Germany such as Unterschleissheim, Hoehenbrunn, Unterhaching, Baldham and other, were desperate to shut me up in that they persecuted me and brainwashed me while pretending to be German Christians. During a period when all of them together were preparing either to kill me or kidnap me to USA, which they did. During a period when my fake and biological families persecuted me very viciously after I discovered that they were printing a fake Quran in cooperation with the Saudi Arabian government at the Clett Verlag in Stuttgart, Germany to implicate the alleged German Nazis that were allegedly hiding in the Middle East, in short to implicate the Germans, because Germany was used by USA and England as scapegoat for all the crimes they were performing in the hidden and described within this website, such as terrorism, drugs and mass child kidnapping and molestation to create as many children as quick as possible that they can brainwash and claim them to be native of the Middle East. During a persistent period that my fake and biological families tried to link me to PLO and Palestinian terrorists. My brainwash, enslaving with the help of the CIA, Mosad, American/English/Syrian military intelligence under their agent whore Najlaa Mahmoud and kidnapping to USA through the illegal American/English/Syrian military intelligence project Calypso and in cooperation with the brainwash and kidnap company UDF Consulting AG in cooperation with professor Dr. Fischer alias Ali Bark, Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias professor Joachim Sauer and Mr. Ruge alias John D. Rockefeller the Third and USA vice-president and later USA president George H. W. Bush. Where they kept me letterly as hostage and slave for 15 years in USA and then dumped me in Holland identity and legal paperless to force me to live as a refugee with absolute no rights what so ever as cover up for all the crimes they performed against me and against humanity.



Skin Color

Hair Color

Eye Color


Special Features

Special Crimes Against Me

  See more description/Details below the photograph

Additional photo needed

Description: Description: Description: wanted-0446-ace_image004.jpgDescription: Description: Description: wanted-0446-ace_image002.jpgDescription: Description: Description: wanted-0446-ace_image006.jpgDescription: Description: Description: wanted-0446-ace_image008.jpgDescription: Description: Description: wanted-0446-ace_image004.jpg

Description: Description: Description: D:\Users\MichaelN\Pictures\_Temp\Al Gore-imagesCAF2EAEX.jpgDescription: Description: Description: D:\Users\MichaelN\Pictures\_Temp\Al Gore-imagesCAOVSUJM.jpg


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Description: Description: Description: D:\Users\MichaelN\Pictures\_Temp\Khalid Abokurah-PRINCE HAMZAH-imagesCAMOBVQC.jpg

Description: Description: Description: Description: D:\Users\MichaelN\Pictures\_Temp\imagesCA4I2U5D.jpgDescription: Description: Description: Description: D:\Users\MichaelN\Pictures\_Temp\imagesCA1DTT3V.jpg

All Photos: Al Gore, the ex-vice president of USA and ex-want-to-be president of USA in 2000/2001


(Added on 04.01.2012) the bottom two photos of ex-USA president show clearly that he is not related in any way to these criminals and that I was manipulated and forced by ESP by the Abdulhamid Najar brotherhood to not see the differences. See also the last three photos on the left. The best prove that I was manipulated with ESP and prevented of finding out the essential truth is the left side photos of King Hussein of Jordan and his hidden brother the international terrorist for over 40 years Yasser Arafat that oft exchanged places with King Hussein. And what does this prove? It proves even though I had these pictures on my computer and on the website I was prevented to look at the photos and compare the, in matter of fact I was prevented by force of ESP to create a profile for the Jordanian royal family, even though I have many officieal relative in very high positions and very rich in Jordan, yet did not create a profile just like I create a profile for the Bush, Rockefeller, Windosw, Kennedy and so on. Because the Jordanina roayl family is the major connection to the World Trade center bombing. Which I am about to prove whin the next a few day from today 04.01.2012.


How were they able to force me with ESP? It is simple, I was forced to think that the Bill Clinton administration is also responsible for keeping me as slave and hostage in Houston, Texas, USA under the CIA whore Najlaa Mahmoud that exchanged places with other lookalike and all of them are diplomat and no one can touch them. And therewith I really don’t like any American president that had an administration durin my kidnapping from Germany to USA and keeping me as slave and hostage from 1987 to 2001 and then focing me to live in the Netherland as a refuge until today 04.01.2012 I am still a refugee and vcan’t afford living.

The above three photos is how my fake nephew Abdallah Abokurah looked like to 95% as I saw him last in 1987/1988 in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA


(Added on 04.01.2012) the third photo from the buttom is from the brother of Abdallah Abokurah that has two identities one as my fake nephew Khalid Abokurah and the other I strongly suspect it to be the son of king Hussein prince Hamzah or at least his hidden brother, For more information see the profile of king Hussein and his evil realtives within his profile.


(Added on 04.01.2012) the second photo from the bottom, the terrorist for over 40 years Yasser Arafat and hidden twin brother of king Hussein of Jordan. King Hussein used to exchange places with yasser Arafat and was using the identity of yasser Arafat to create entrapments for Palestinians and see who is against Isreael and /or against Jordan and then tell the Israeli their whereabout to kill them as an alleged terrorist. This mean and 100% king Hussein and Israel have bombed the 1972 Munich Olympics to blame the poor palestinians that are absolutly helpless against so much weapons and deceive. But also these people have set me up to look as if I am a member of the terrorist group PLO and therewith gave the CIA, German police and there fater also the FBI a reason to persecute me as a suspect from 1970 and until current, and that is why I am locked up as a refugee because they stole my real identity, I am the son of John D. Rockefeller junior the Second and my DNA is the prove, but also my FBI and CIA files are the prove,, my German police file is the prove, that shows that many Rockefeller family members were persecuting me publicly and in Europe since 1970 and most of it is documented in my files by the above mentioned institutions. But also they persecuted me in USA from 1986-2001 and again in Europe from 2001 and until current in 2012 while I am forced to live as a refugee in Europe.


(Added on 04.01.2012) The king Hussein of Jordan that used his brother Yasser Arafat to locate palestinians and let them be killed by Israelis


Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Profession under Alias

Official Nationality

Countries Lived In

Official Address

Disguise Methods















See “Rockefeller Family tree





Other Relatives

See “Rockefeller Family tree




















Other Relatives

See “Rockefeller Family tree

Friends of the Family

Official Businesses

Businesses Partners:

Illegal Businesses

Other Knowledge

All I can say is what I know, which is the following:

The documentary film/movie from Al Gore called “An Inconvenient Truth” is a prove of the pattern which is the bosses of organized crime families jump in to the so called charity work (oft also called “philanthropy”) or allegedly to improve the world, while in reality they are performing many things simultaneously that is mainly NOT good, which is:

1.     Going around the world inspecting their illegal businesses

2.     Making new and stronger allies in the underground world (with other organized crime families)

3.     Preparing for a new hidden business that is always related to what they advertize in their alleged charity work, and in this case the so called global warming, which is to conquer all related businesses that allegedly are to prevent global warming such as electric cars, renewable energy and other things I am not aware of. One thing is for sure, these crookeds pieces of shit have accesses to the latest knowledge that is oft kept secret for decades until they control the market, just as they doing with the Atomic energy and many other health related issues. In other words all his engagement as an anti global warming activist is nothing else than a front for the family business, and the best prove for that is that the so called global warming will by far not hurt the earth as much as it directly hurts the human being, both are strongly related the alleged earth suffering through global warming as well as humans are even more and direct suffering through the same alleged global warming, yet I don’t see any direct or indirect action to protect the individual human of the so called absolute dangerous global warming. One thing is also for sure, if it turns out that the global warming is a scam because it is nothing else than a natural processes that will happen any way no matter what we do, and it will not destroy the earth, but rather the human and if this is right, and once honest scientist have the prove for that possibly in 10, 20 or even 50 years, no one will ever recall or care of the scam called fear of the global warming, in matter of fact they will look up to the crookeds of our lives, just like Albert Einstein (atomic bombs, radiation machinery, atomic engines and atomic energy monopoly since 1940s=Albert Einstein and J. Robert Oppenheimer=criminals and mass murders) had many theories and many of it were 100% fake, today no one is thinking about the fake ones and who benefited of the fake theories, but also Mahatma Ghandi is looked at as an angel whereby he was most definitely creator of hidden organized crimes in Africa, Asia,. Middle East and other parts of the world

4.     But also the Global warming is a 100% distraction and false diagnoses of many manmade tornados, hurricanes, tsunamis, earth quakes, mass forest fire and other so called natural disaster, in other words they bomb certain areas to create an earth quake and then blame it on the global warming that is effecting the weather and the weather is effecting landslides and so on, and what is the benefits of all these manmade fake natural disasters? Many things among others land owners dies and the land will be stolen, or people escape the so called the disaster area and sell their lands very cheap which oft has natural resources that was not conquered by the organized crime families, or the people that loses their homes have to build new homes, which is always a very good business, especially in countries saturated with houses and many other scams. Natural disasters are most definitely used as a hidden weapons against the general public, among others in mass stressing the people and forcing them to  become poor or just be busy with their loses. It is an endless circle of hidden evil.

5.     So is the global warming a scam?

6.     In one way or another 100%, because only a few benefit of it and the direct alleged victims are never helped

7.     But it is also a tool of uncountable distractions and as such it is oft used in politics

8.     One thing is for sure, good things are never used as a weapons, and global warming is not only used as a political weapon, but it is also and 100% misused against the general public

9.     Last I have total faith in God creation and God’s intelligence and I know he pre-calculated all the possibilities of human errors, which we can’t do, and the global warming is one of them that he meant among others to give us more land to live on, because once the ice melts we have more land, but also we learn of this and come to new ideas, such as making our own icebergs, snow and ice just like we make our own islands.

10.  This does not mean that we have to leave everything up to God or Gods, because he gave us intelligence that is oft destroyed by the organized crimes families, and therefore we continuously have to also renew our intelligence and be open for everything and see through what is real and what is a scam

11.  This is Al Gore alias Windsor alias Rockefeller alias Bush, alias Kennedy they are all and in the hidden immediately related and they continuously renew these relations by marrying again and again of each others to not allow the others to come to power, wealth of life or just plainly live free.

12.  (added on 27.11.2008) Al Gore can only do what he knows, and what he knows is what he was taught and trained on by his family, which are hidden crimes. He is going around the world as an alleged advocate for anti-global warning while he is performing the absolute same crimes as George W. Bush, George H. W. Bush, Barbara Pierce Bush alias Herbert Lange and others, which is bonding with local organized crime families in as many countries as possible, in that and among others he have babies with their women to increase his own very large hidden circle of children=hidden circle of half brothers and sisters that are raised to perform the same scams and crimes as their parents, which is mass slavery to enrich their fucking selves. It is an evil circle; it seems like a never ending circle of mass organized crimes, that it must stop right now for the sake of the actual democracy and freedom of every individual human being, including me.


Will follow


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