Wanted Person No: 0814 |
Najar Kidnapping |
Sent-Complain Letters |
Published: 15.02.2012 Updated: 16.02.2012 |
Information wanted on this
person (please send to
Name and Aliases |
Jerzy Buzek the hidden son of John
D. Rockefeller the third alias Mr. Ruge.
It is very possible that this man is John D. Rockefeller in disguise, for
more information on this see the actual age of God-Fathers and men disguises as women (this profile adjusted on 15.02.2012) (Added on 15.02.2012) To understand this profile see also: ex-German Chancellor Helmut
Kohl, ex-German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, Alia
Köse alias Condoleezza Rice, Fareed Al-Atrash alias Raja
alias George Clooney alias Abdullah Gül that exchanged places with my
fake brother-in-law Dr. Alaa Ali, and there are
many more (Added on 15.02.2012) This person is identified as: 1. This person is identified as
one of two: 1.1.
The hidden son of John D. Rockefeller
the Third 1.2.
It is very possible that this man is John
D. Rockefeller the Third in disguise, for more information on this see the actual age of God-Fathers 2. My guess he is the son of John D.
Rockefeller the Third 3. This person is identified as
related to my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka
Alias Sheikha Mozah that officially is
originated from Poland and I relate her behavior to the Rockefellers because this is what the Rockefellers do, they falsify the identity and use
someone to confirm this fake identity, and in this case they used me to confirm
that Sheikha Mozah is German-Polish, but
she is not, she is A Rockefellers and sister to Laura Welch Bush and both of them are
originated from ex-Soviet Union, Saudi Arabia or China.
It is a solid pattern that they take a man born in one country to another
country help him to generate as many children as possible and promote these children
to higher position in this country, disguise him as a woman and as a partner
with another man that has many children and both can rule the county, and
since this man is born in another country and has a falsified identity he
became controllable through blackmail to do what the Rockefellers
ask of him, which is and number one to enrich them. 4. This person is also identified
as endangering the European Union unity because the Rockefeller
family wants either to control
the European Union or destroy it, which
is very visible in all the countries where the American
military has or had major military
installations such as Greece, Italy and Spain and these
countries have now a lot of difficulties that endanger the Euro zone as
protection for the US Dollar= Rockefeller not
capable to work with others as a team, but instead they want to steal
everything Below you is a copy of his
profile on Wikipedia.org: B.
Jerzy Buzek Cabinet in Poland,
this will show all the hidden Rockefellers in
Poland, because they can’t run a government without having a hidden
circle of brotherhood. But also this show that Adelheid Kuczka alias Sheikha
Mozah and their hidden circle of brothers and sisters including Najlaa Mahmoud are 100% agents from the ex-Soviet
unions through among others Poland The only think I have to
say about this person is that and during my internet research I coincidently
saw his photograph and immediately recognized him as son of John D. Rockefeller the third alias Mr. Ruge that organized my kidnapping from
Germany as distraction of the mother fucker Helmut
Kohl and all the other Rockefeller
criminals in the German government. This profile alone that has
little to say but essentially proves how dangerous and criminal is the Rockefeller family. |
Name in Arabic |
Relation to me |
First saw/met |
Age at that time |
Last saw/met |
Hidden biological relatives |
Allegedly Died On |
Surrounding me during |
Height |
Weight |
Skin Color |
Hair Color |
Eye Color |
Religion |
Special Features |
Special Crimes Against Me |
See more description/Details below
the photograph
Additional photo
needed |
Photo-A01: Jerzy Buzek
the hidden son of John D. Rockefeller the Third |
(Added on 15.02.2012) Photo-B01 to Photo-B03: John D. Rockefeller the third alias Mr. Ruge of the brainwash and kidnap company UDF Consulting AG |
Name and Aliases |
Profession under Alias |
Official Nationality |
Countries Lived In |
Official Address |
Disguise Methods |
Official Family Members |
Father |
Mother |
Sisters |
Brothers |
Cousins |
Wife |
Children |
Relatives |
Biological Family Members |
Father |
Mother |
Sisters |
Brothers |
Cousins |
Wife |
Children |
Relatives |
Friends of the Family |
Official Businesses |
Businesses Partners: |
Illegal Businesses |
Other Knowledge |
Will follow |
is a copy from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerzy_Buzek |
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Jerzy Karol Buzek [ˈjɛʐɨ ˈbuzɛk] (
[edit] Early years
Jerzy Karol Buzek was
born to a Lutheran family on 3 July 1940 in what is now Smilovice
in the Czech Republic.[3] He
was born into the prominent Buzek family, which participated in Polish
politics in the Second Polish Republic during the interbellum. The family was part of the Polish community in Zaolzie.[4]
Buzek's father was an engineer. After the Second
World War, his family moved to Chorzów. He is a Protestant. [edit] Professional career
In 1963 Jerzy Buzek
graduated from the Mechanics-and-Energy Division of the Silesian University of Technology,
specialising in chemical engineering. He became a scientist
in the Chemical Engineering Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Since 1997
he has been a professor of technical science. He is also an honorary doctor
of the universities in Seoul and Dortmund. From 1997 to 2001, Buzek
was a coalition Prime Minister of Poland. In 1998 he became the
first laureate of the Grzegorz Palka
Award and was nominated European of the Year by the European Union
Business Chambers Forum. In 1998 he was named Człowiek Roku i.e. Person of the Year by the
influential Polish political weekly Wprost.
He won the award for a second time in 2009. On receiving the award again, as
President of the European Parliament, he stressed that he was the first
winner to be honoured for his work beyond the
borders of Poland.[5] He was the first Prime
Minister of the 3rd Republic of Poland to serve a full term. After losing the
parliamentary elections in 2001, he stepped back from political life and
focused more on his scientific work, becoming the prorector
of Akademia Polonijna in Częstochowa and professor in the Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering of the Opole University of Technology in Opole. His return to political
life in 2004 saw him gain the largest popular vote in Poland as the member
for Katowice
to the European Parliament standing for the Platforma Obywatelska. Whilst President of the European
Parliament, on 30 March 2011, he was awarded an honorary fellowship of
the IChemE at a meeting of the European Federation of
Chemical Engineering (EFCE) in Brussels,
Belgium.[6] [edit] Political career
In the 1980s, Buzek was
an activist of the democratic anti-communist
movements, including the legal (1980–1981 and since 1989) and underground
(1981–1989) Solidarity trade union and
political movement in communist Poland. He was an active organiser of the trade union's regional and national
underground authorities. He was also the chairman of the four national
general meetings (1st, 4th, 5th and 6th) when the Solidarity movement was
allowed to participate in the political process again. Jerzy Buzek was a member
of the Solidarity Electoral Action (Akcja Wyborcza Solidarność, AWS) and co-author of the AWS's
economic program. After the 1997 elections he was elected
to the Sejm, the lower house of the Polish Parliament, and
was soon appointed Prime Minister of Poland. In 1999 he became the chairman
of the AWS
Social Movement (Ruch Społeczny AWS) and in 2001 he became the Chairman of
the Solidarity Electoral Action coalition. [edit] Jerzy Buzek's
Between the years
1997–2001 he was the Prime Minister of Poland, first of the
right-centrist AWS–UW
coalition government until 2001, and then of the rightist AWS minority government. His
cabinet's major achievements were four significant political and economic
reforms: a new local government and administration division of Poland, reform
of the pension system, reform of the educational system, and reform of the
medical care system.[7] AWS
was defeated in the Polish parliamentary election,
2001. Buzek resigned as the chairman of AWS Social Movement, and was
replaced by Mieczysław Janowski. [edit] Polish Member of the European
On 13 June 2004, in the European Parliament
election, 2004, Jerzy Buzek was elected a Member of the European Parliament
(MEP) from the Silesian Voivodeship, basing his candidacy only on the
popularity of his name and on direct contact with the voters. He received a
record number of votes, 173,389 (22.14% of the total votes in the region).
His current party affiliation is with the Platforma Obywatelska, the governing party in Poland, which is
a member of the European People's Party. In the 2004–2009
European Parliament, he was a member of the Committee on Industry,
Research and Energy, an alternate member of the Committee
on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, a member of the
Delegation to the EU–Ukraine Parliamentary Cooperation Committee, and an
alternate delegate for the delegation for relations with the countries of
Central America. He served as rapporteur on the EU's 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development, a multi-billion
euro spending programme for the years
2007–2013. On 7 June 2009, in the European Parliament
election, 2009, Buzek was re-elected as a Member of the European Parliament from the Silesian Voivodeship
constituency. Just as in the previous election, Buzek received a record
number of votes in Poland: 393,117 (over 42% of the total votes in the
district). [edit] President of the European Parliament
On 14 July 2009, Buzek
was elected President of the European
Parliament with 555 votes of the 644 votes cast, the largest majority
becoming the first person from the former Eastern
Bloc and the first former Prime Minister since Emilio
Colombo to gain that position.[1]
He succeeded the German Christian Democrat MEP, Hans-Gert Pöttering.[1]
He pledged to make human rights and the promotion of the Eastern partnership
two of his priorities during his term of office, which will last two and a
half years until, due to a political deal, Social Democrat MEP Martin
Schulz will take over.[1][not
in citation given][9][dead link] In his inaugural address
in Strasbourg, Buzek stated that among the greatest challenges faced by the European
parliament were the economic crisis, European solidarity, human rights and
reform within the Parliament itself.[10]
Buzek also stated he would be committed to reform of the European economy,
tackling rising unemployment, energy security and climate change,
strengthening European solidarity and integration and promoting equal
opportunities for women. However, Buzek noted that the Lisbon
Treaty would be a prerequisite to any change "(so that the Union can
be) well-organised and effective".[11] On 8 December 2009 Buzek
was awarded by the Ministerpräsident of North Rhine-Westphalia, Dr. Jürgen Rüttgers, the annual "Staatspreis award". The prize was awarded in honor
of his lifetime achievements and highlighted the European Parliament as a
"motor of integration." Affirming his commitment to the Eastern
Partnership and "those who do not have the possibility to participate in
our European integration project", Buzek announced that the prize money
would be donated to the European Humanities University
(EHU), A Belarusian university in exile in Vilnius.[12] The Lisbon
Treaty, which came into force on 1 December 2009 shortly after Buzek assumed
office, brought a conclusion to nearly a decade of internal discussions and
greatly boosted the democratic powers of the European Parliament. From very
early on Buzek has been a vocal supporter of the treaty as part of a wider
push for greater political integration in Europe.[13]
The rise in legislative powers under the treaty in fact represents almost a
doubling in power.[14]
Since its introduction Parliament has equal rights with the Council of Ministers over 40 new fields
within the "co-decision" procedure, such as agriculture, energy
security, immigration, justice and home affairs, health and structural funds.[14] In late 2011 Buzek's presidency also endorsed the 'Six-Pack'
legislation on economic governance to tackle the growing Eurozone crisis.
This was a follow-up on the earlier Stability and Growth Pact and the Euro
Plus Pact intended as a means of optimising
macroeconomic surveillance in Europe and avoiding crises in the eurozone in the future.[15]
Welcoming the parliament's adoption of the legislation on October 28, 2011,
Buzek stated: "The adoption of the six-pack by the whole European
Parliament is good news for the European Union. We have a new economic
rule-book. We have developed a powerful and
resistant armour against any future crises. With
the adoption of the six-pack, the EU significantly strengthens its budget
discipline and moves towards a true economic governance. We can not turn the clock back, but the package will ensure
that Member States budgets will be credible."[16] One of Buzek’s major challenges as EP president was
dealing with the allegations of corruption, illegal lobbying and
mismanagement of public funds of which several members of the European
Parliament have been accused in the wake of a cash-for-ammendments
scandal. On July 7, 2011, the Conference of Presidents approved the
first ever code of conduct for MEPs and it was officially endorsed by the
parliament on December 1, 2011.[17]
The code sets out rules and principles that MEPs should follow in their
dealings with outside parties in order to avoid conflicts of interest.
"Increased powers of the European Parliament must be accompanied by an
increased transparency and accountability on behalf of its members"
Buzek has said of the code.[18]
According to the code, MEPs have to provide clear declarations of their paid
activities outside parliament, as well as the salary they receive. They also
have to declare all other activities which might constitute a conflict of
interest. The code contains an explicit ban on MEPs receiving payments or
other rewards in exchange for influencing parliamentary decisions. It also
sets out clear rules on the acceptance of gifts and on the issue of former
MEPs working as lobbyists.[19] Jerzy
Buzek with President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso
and Polish President Bronisław Komorowski Jerzy
Buzek and Jose Manuel Barroso
during an EPP Summit in 2009 European
Big Three; Jerzy Buzek, Herman Van Rompuy, José Manuel Barroso Jerzy
Buzek with Russian President Dmitry
Medvedev Jerzy
Buzek with Prime Minister of the Netherlands
Mark Rutte Jerzy
Buzek with President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili Jerzy
Buzek with Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor
Orbán Jerzy
Buzek with Jyrki Katainen Jerzy
Buzek with Mariano Rajoy [edit] Career Timeline
[edit] Education
from 1997 to 2001:
Professor of technical sciences, actively engaged in public work, Prime
Minister of Poland ·
Honorary doctorates of
the Universities of Dortmund, Seoul, Süleyman Demirel University (Isparta) ·
University lecturer of
long standing at Opole, Gliwice and Częstochowa,
researcher at the Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Gliwice ·
1972: Research stay, on
a British Council scholarship, at the University of
Cambridge [edit] Career
Representative of Poland at the International Energy Agency – Programme of Greenhouse Gas Effect ·
1996: Organiser and chairman of an international network of 19
institutions working on energy and environmental protection ·
Author of some 200
research papers, over a dozen rationalisations and
three patents in the fields of environmental protection, power and process
engineering ·
1981: Member of the
independent, self-governing trade union 'NSZZ Solidarność',
Chairman of the I National Congress of Delegates of 'Solidarność'
in ·
1981: Active in the Solidarność underground structure after ·
1997: Elected as a
Member of the Polish Parliament in ·
As Prime Minister, in
1999, took Poland into NATO and prepared the country for integration into the
European Union (including decentralisation of the
State – consolidation of the role of local self-government) ·
In 1998, began accession
negotiations ·
1999: Represented the
Social Movement of Solidarity Electoral Action (AWS) in the PPE–DE ·
1999: Established the
annual Pro Publico Bono prize for the best national
civic initiatives ·
Set up the Family
Foundation together with his wife (1998), having gained greater understanding
of the meaning of help for the needy after their experiences with the battle
for the life of their own child [edit] Notes
^ a
parliament elects new leader". BBC News. 14 Jul. 2009. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/8148729.stm. Retrieved 14 Jul. 2009. 2.
^ Buzek, Ludgarda. "BIP
(Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej)". http://bip.slaskie.pl/index.php?grupa=8&identpodzial=49. Retrieved 2 December 2011. 3.
^ The Smilovice (German: Smilowitz,
Polish: Śmiłowice) village lies in the
region historically known as Austrian
Silesia, more precisely the Zaolzie region. This territory
was until 1918 part of Austria-Hungary (Austrian
part), then from November 1918 part of Poland,
then from 1920 part of Czechoslovakia. After the Munich
Agreement in 1938 Czechoslovakia agreed to transfer the Zaolzie region to Poland, which, after the 1939 German
invasion of Poland, was annexed by Germany. After World War II, it became
again a part of Czechoslovakia and, since 1993, part of the Czech Republic.
Buzek hails from the Polish minority in Zaolzie.
At the time of his birth, it was officially named Smilowitz
and was occupied by Germany as part of Landkreis Teschen. 4. ^ Nowak, Włodzimierz (6 Jul.
2009). "Nad
Betlejem, nad Rolą kometa. Zaolziańska saga rodu
Buzków". Gazeta
Wyborcza. http://wyborcza.pl/1,75248,6792766,Nad_Betlejem__nad_Rola_kometa__Zaolzianska_saga_rodu.html. Retrieved 14 Jul. 2009. 5.
^ "Jerzy
Buzek Człowiekiem Roku tygodnika "Wprost" –
Wiadomości – WP.PL". Wiadomosci.wp.pl. http://wiadomosci.wp.pl/kat,1342,title,Jerzy-Buzek-Czlowiekiem-Roku-tygodnika-Wprost,wid,11872962,wiadomosc_prasa.html?ticaid=1c0db. Retrieved 4 June 2011. 6.
^ "Sorry".
Tcetoday.com. http://www.tcetoday.com/latest%20news/2011/march/icheme%20honours%20european%20president.aspx. Retrieved 4 June 2011. 7.
^ "Transition
by Mario I. Bléjer, Marko Škreb". Google Books. http://books.google.com/books?id=bDx0Ak4xnOQC&pg=PA144&lpg=PA144&dq=jerzy+buzek+educational+pension+reform&source=bl&ots=ltis_hNVgR&sig=AwIonYTqxhATSVH8SXxBqSiWe9k&hl=pl&ei=zmM7Ss-BG4mk-AbG3-3NDQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1. Retrieved 4 June 2011. 8.
^ cs. "Jerzy
Buzek – Biography of the President of the European Parliament : Jerzy
Buzek". Europa (web portal). http://www.europarl.europa.eu/president/view/en/the_president/biography.html. Retrieved 4 June 2011. 9.
^ Henson, Carolyn (14 Jul. 2009). "UPDATE:
EU Parliament Elects Ex-Polish PM Buzek As President * Article". Wall
Street Journal. http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20090714-703860.html. Retrieved 14 Jul. 2009. 10. ^
Buzek, Jerzy: "Inaugural speech by Jerzy Buzek following his election as
President of the European Parliament", EP Press Release, 14 Jul. 2009: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/president/en/press/speeches/sp-2009/sp-2009-July/speeches-2009-July-1.html,
Retrieved: 2011-12-06 11.
Buzek, Jerzy. "Inaugural speech by Jerzy Buzek following his election as
President of the European Parliament", 14 Jul. 2009 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/president/en/press/speeches/sp-2009/sp-2009-July/speeches-2009-July-1.html 12.
Buzek, Jerzy: "President Buzek to receive prestigious prize from North
Rhine-Westphalia - prize money to be donated to Belarusian University in
exile", EP press release, 7 December, 2009: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/president/de-en/press/press_release/2009/2009-November/press_release-2009-November-33.html;jsessionid=65C948AAA96808C44D5CB45A18E2F8C5,
Retrieved: 2011-12-14 13.
Buzek, Jerzy: "President Jerzy Buzek's speech
at commemorative event marking the entry into force of the Treaty of
Lisbon", 1 Dec. 2009, http://www.europarl.europa.eu/president/en/press/speeches/sp-2009/sp-2009-November/speeches-2009-November-7.html,
Retrieved: 2011-12-06 14.
^ a
"European Parliament & The Lisbon Treaty", http://www.europarl.europa.eu/aboutparliament/en/0042423726/Parliament-and-the-Lisbon-Treaty.html
Retrieved: 2011-12-06 15.
eurotribune.eu, 2011-09-28: "The European Parliament adopts
“six-pack” economic governance legislative package", http://www.eurotribune.eu/index.default.php/?p=20642,
Retrieved: 2011-12-09 16.
Buzek, Jerzy: "Six-pack on economic governance adopted", EP Press
Release, http://www.europarl.europa.eu/president/en/press/press_release/2011/2011-September/press_release-2011-September-21.html,
Retrieved: 2011-12-09 17.
^ Pop,
Valentina: "MEPs hope to restore public trust with ethics code", http://euobserver.com/18/114475,
Retrieved: 07-12-2011 18.
Buzek, Jerzy: "Press Release - Buzek welcomes adoption of Code of Conduct
for MEPs", http://www.europarl.europa.eu/president/en/press/press_release/2011/2011-November/press_release-2011-November-26.html,
Retrieved: 07-12-2011 19.
"New code of conduct for MEPs approved", http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/pressroom/content/20111201IPR32927/html/New-code-of-conduct-for-MEPs-approved,
Retrieved: 07-12-2011 [edit] External links
Parliament President Jerzy Buzek – official website ·
European Parliament
biography of Jerzy Buzek (incl. Speeches, Questions and Motions) ·
Jerzy Buzek on Facebook ·
Jerzy Buzek on Twitter
Below is a copy from:
Cabinet of Jerzy Buzek From Wikipedia, the free
encyclopedia (Redirected from Jerzy Buzek Cabinet) Jump to: navigation,
The Cabinet of Jerzy Buzek was appointed on October 31, 1997, passed the vote of confidence on November 11, 1997. [edit] The Cabinet