Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0365-B


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             13.08.2007

Updated:                13.08.2007

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

My forced upon me BMW car manufacturer headed by Herbert Quandt alias Abomaieen Malas that had me in an controlled environment and brainwashed me during the terrorist attack on Munich Olympics 1972

Name in Arabic

Relation to me

My employer forced up on me as part of deceive and brainwash

First saw/met

Summer 1972 in Munich, Germany

Age at that time:


Last saw/met

December 1972

Hidden biological relatives

BMW was headed by Herbert Quandt alias Abomaieen Malas alias partner of Bdeir family

Allegedly Died On


Surrounding me during

A couple of weeks before the Terrorist attack on Munich Olympics 1972. My brainwash and persecution to cover up for the crimes performed by my fake, biological families and their allies in the Middle East, Europe and USA. See other persons and groups surrounding me.





Skin Color


Hair Color


Eye Color




Special Features

I received this job through the governmental employment agency of Munich

Special Crimes Against Me

I am not certain, I was either dragged to this job by Herbert Quandt alias Abomaieen Malas to have me under his control in his own controlled environment or some one at the government used me to show Herbert Quandt alias drug lord in the Middle East that they know what he is doing and tell him indirectly, look who we have here, the brother-in-law of one of your drug partners in Jordan (Bdeir family and others). One thing is for sure I was manipulated viciously by ESP at the and inside the BMW plant in 1972, but I did not know any thing about ESP at that time and until the year 2000, therefore I thought it was all my thinking and doings. Any one manipulate me or manipulate any one else with ESP is a vicious piece of shit, because he is doing it in the hidden for his won advantage only.

  See more description/Details below the photograph


Additional Photos wanted/needed


My forced upon me BMW car manufacturer headed by Herbert Quandt alias Abomaieen Malas that had me in an controlled environment and brainwashed me during the terrorist attack on Munich Olympics 1972, photo and personal information needed for crimes against me and against humanity

Other Descriptions/Details

















































Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

My forced upon me BMW car manufacturer headed by Herbert Quandt alias Abomaieen Malas that had me in an controlled environment and brainwashed me during the terrorist attack on Munich Olympics 1972

Profession under Alias

Car manufacturer with the majority of shares purchased by Herbert Quandt through the illegal drug money he made in the Middle East since before the first time I saw him in 1966 in Amman, Jordan. BMW = Bayerische Motoren Werke

Official Nationality

BMW allegedly German owned by allegedly Quandt family from Holland

Countries Lived In

I just knew about BMW that was a German company, and until the year 2004/2005 I thought it was owned by the Bavarian government, and I never heard of the Quandt family in my life until the year 2004/2005. This alone indicates that I was manipulated by ESP and brainwash never to find out who own BMW. However I saw many brand new BMW in 1966 Amman, Jordan owned by my family members, that today I know it was a test phase for that model BMW 1500, 1600, 1800, 2002 and Touring, therefore Jordan was 100% used as test country for BMW, especially that king of Jordan Hussein always had love for BMW specially the limited edition model build with Lamborghini

Official Address

BMW headquarter, Olympia Park, Petuel Ring, Munich, Germany

Disguise Methods

Pretended to be my employer that never seen me in his life before

Official Family Members

Father:             Herbert Quandt

Mother:            Herbert Quandt

Sisters:            Herbert Quandt

Brothers:          Herbert Quandt

Cousins:          Herbert Quandt


Wife:                Herbert Quandt

Children:          Herbert Quandt

Other relatives: Herbert Quandt and all his drug business partners in Jordan,

                        Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Israel and the uncountable

                        business partners in the so called Arab petroleum countries

                        such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, ,Bahrain, Oman and others


Biological Family Members

Windsor, Bush, Kennedy and Rockefeller

Official Businesses

BMW: Car manufacturing, Motor cycle manufacturing and other engine manufacturing for military purposes in second world war and until today.

Herbert Quandt or the Quandt family since Herbert Quandt, allegedly died in 1982: Legal business: Many businesses and manufacturing plants worldwide, based on newspapers over 200 businesses. Illegal business: Drugs, weaponry and playing God.


See continuation below.

















































Businesses Partners:

Many unknown tome. Known to me: Bdeir, Abokurah, Windsor, Bush, Kennedy, Rockefeller and Kuehnwald

Illegal Businesses

Drugs, weaponry, child kidnapping, child and adults persecution and brainwash and other unknown to me.

Other Knowledge

I will list the facts and opened questions in my mind about these situations.



1.     I worked only around 6 months at BMW plants right next to the Olympia center in Munich, Germany where a very vicious terrorist attack was performed by my family disguised as Palestinians and massacred many Israeli in 1972 Munich Olympics to force the world to take Israel side and portray all Palestinians as a worldwide vicious terrorists ever since. Today it is Osama Ben Laden that is also related to my family and set by CIA as their agent ever since and until today. And this is fact

2.     PLO was headed by Yasser Arafat the hidden biological son of my fake brother-in-law Seev/Seif Aldin Bdeir in Amman, Jordan alias CIA agent

3.     Seev Aldin Bdeir is neighbor, best friend, biological family member and business partner in legal businesses and drug businesses of/with Abomaieen Malas alias Herbert Quant

4.     I can’t recall exactly when I started to work for BMW, it must have been  just 1-3 weeks before the terrorist attack, because fact one I worked there only around 6 months, fact two I was forced to quit in December 1972, just before Christmas, fact three I was living with the CIA agent Anita Disbray in Fasanen Garten/Park and was watching the Olympics on TV and was shocked due to the terror attack, therefore I must started to work for BMW 1-3 weeks prior to the Olympic start

5.     I was persecuted by many during this period, see other areas of this website

6.     I was kidnapped in 1959 and placed in the fake family Najar and Baroudi, who kept me as a slave, raped, me, shocked me, stole my children, terrorized my life and brainwashed me as it is suitable for them, thereafter…

7.     I was kept as a slave by the CIA agent Anita Disbray who was using ESP on me and pretending to be shy and harmless person due to she was very small 150-160 cm and 45 kg, in reality she was a very vicious and cruel person who kept me as slave and covered up for the biggest international crime organization I am aware of in this world, and to do that she must be a part of this crime organization and she is, just look at her official family

8.     I was used as decoy for many things, among others to show as if my family allegedly Arabs, Moslems and control the PLO that was headed by Yasser Arafat the son of my fake brother-in-law Seev Aldin Bdeir the business partner of Abomaieen Malas alias Herbert Quandt, and that is why I was given the fake PLO ID and forced to mention it in the political asylum forced up on me by my fake and biological evil families.

9.     I was used as a decoy as if I have ESP

10.  I was used as a decoy as if I was a terrorist that allegedly uses his ESP to manipulate innocent persons to perform terrorist acts. And this pattern that I was used for that I can follow it from 1970 and ever since until I was kidnapped to USA by the CIA, Mosad, English secrete service and Syrian secret service agent and whore Najlaa Mahmoud and all her look a like that exchanged places with her with out my knowledge and with out me noticing and all the other evil allies in Syria, Germany and USA

11.  I was used as a decoy for persons that produce many children worldwide, hide them and pretend to have only 1-10 children.

12.  I was used as a decoy for many other things that I am not, such as a spy, cruel and vicious person who terrorizes women and treat them as dirt, as if I am Moslem pretending to be Christian to do some damage, as if I am allegedly from India pretending to be a Moslem from the Middle East going all over the world and performing a lot of damage to many countries in the western world and many other things what my evil family performs and used me to cover up all their international crimes

13.  All these are facts that I know, and many others know, especially those who has ESP and can tell that I don’t have ESP. Beside The absolute pattern of ESP persons is that they have a lot of money and hide it, have a lot of nationalities and hide it, have a lot of children and hide them, have a lot of crimes and they hide it, have ESP and they hide it. I don’t hide any thing, every thing in my life was forced up on me, and therefore I lay publicly my life open with no lies, or personal gain, except one I want to go back home to Germany, and I can’t do that with lies. Even the truth about all the knowledge in my mind and memory I lay it down publicly and mentioning all my feelings, desire, anger, disappointments and sadness all is in this website, because I have nothing to hide, because I am not a criminal, because I want to expose all my fake and biological families who create many secrets and justify these secrets with a fake cold war or terrorism war or any war in general for one purpose only to enrich their selves with slavery. Beside I am laying down the truth as I know it about major government members of USA, Germany, England, and in particular Germany, the only country or thing that I really love, yet these evil government officials in Germany decide un justly over my life and the lives of million others in Germany and Europe and they are not even Germans and live with fake identities such as Angelika Merkel alias Yvonne O’Conner or her twin sister, whereby the American O’Conner family is the family of the CIA agent and my fake brother-in-law Seev Aldin Bdeir, and her husband professor Joachim Sauer alias Dr, Farzat Baroudi my fake uncle or his twin brother and that is not coincident.

14.  The hidden son of Herbert Quandt alias Abomaieen Malas is Maieen Malas and was studying in the university of Munich during this time and later, especially while I was forced to live in the university dormitory surrounded by students and many agents trying to find out more about my family, and Maieen Malas in cooperation with Russell, my room mate by force, the son of pastor Billy Graham prevented the agents of getting any information of me. And all this from the background, how many other students were helping against the police and preventing them of solving the terrorist attack on Munich Olympics is unknown to me,, however I guess them to be far more the 20 persons who were from either officially from the Middle East and members of my family or were Americans and/or English pretending to be Germans living in Germany



Open questions:


1.     Since I know Herbert Quandt is the drug lord Abomaieen Malas and owns the majority of share of at BMW and also owned or manipulated my second employer after that which was Kuehnwald, where they terrorized my life, this could mean I was dragged to BMW and Kuehnwald by Herbert Quandt to have me under his control in his own controlled environment to cover up for all the crimes he performed with my fake family in the Middle East, is this true for fact or not?

2.     He knew about the terrorist attack on the Munich Olympics 1972 in advance and used me to be under his control to manipulate my life as he wanted and suitable for him, which is to place me very close to the terror attack area, which was within walking distance of BMW, which means I was possibly portrayed as if I had some thing to do with this attack, which I did not, but the fact remain I was persecuted by the German police and I was working within walking distance to the terrorist attack, this mean he was helping my family to cover up for the actual terrorist in that they lead the police into a dead end, is this true or not? I just know facts

3.     Why was I forced to work for Kuehnwald after the Olympics where they terrorized my life among others with their very vicious guard dogs, and I have fear of dogs ever since I was attacked several times by very vicious dogs in Egypt belong to my family and their partners as part of my brainwash and accumulating fear build up in my mind, feelings and life. See Kuehnwald for more details.

4.     Why was I surrounded by some many cruel Palestinians who pretended to be my friends but in reality they were damaging my life, from our neighbor in Cairo, Egypt the Palestinian Sheikh alias Marvin Pierce to the American Sergeant Hamori in 1970 in Munich that lead me to Mohamad Attar, that lead me to many fake and evil Palestinians acquaintant in 1981/81 and thereafter and up to Mr. Ramadan the alleged Palestinian with his alleged baby sister Adelheid Kuczka my ex-girlfriend that I loved due to I did not know any better or I was not allowed to and Adelheid Kuczka made sure that Germans people look bad in my life in that she pretended to be a very bad German and a very bad Christian and did a lot of damage to my life, among others hit me and went to the police and claimed that I hit her, and I was not even allowed to defend myself or even go to the court and defend my self, every thing was performed with out my presence, and therefore and officially the German immigration authority refused to give me an unlimited residence permit in Germany which led me to be nationality-less, paper-less, country-less, home-less, work-less, friends-less in short life-less and all this is related to the Munich Olympic terrorist attack in 1972 and me and my life today or the lack of my life today.

5.     In short the Piece of shit Herbert Quandt is among the persons responsible for my misery and the misery of hundreds others victims of the 1972 Munich Olympic terrorist attack and the misery of Million others effected by terrorism worldwide and Millions others effected by the isolation in the world due to they were being forced to be drug farmers in Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Morocco and other places worldwide where he had and his family today has today over 200 different business worldwide, which is very strongly used to sell, transport, distribute, transport and manage thousands of tons of drugs yearly. Is this true or not? I don’t know, I just know facts, and who ever is reading this if any one ever will read it will be able to see through my written words what is my facts and what is my thoughts

6.     This is in 1981-1986, but it is related to Herbert Quandt pattern of persecuting me with his companies worldwide. Herbert Quandt is also owner of many shares at the Mercedes manufacturing plants, which also persecuted me with help of their computer consulting company UDF owned by professor Dr. Fischer in Stuttgart, and this also to cover up the facts that they were building custom trucks for drugs in Saudi Arabia, that is if it is true that they have a truck manufacturing plant in Saudi Arabia, which I was told many times while I was working for Siemens, AG in Saudi Arabia. Is this true or not, I don’t know I just know facts and one of these facts I am being persecuted my entire life from a very vicious, cruel and violent groups of people, which is my fake family in the Middle East that many of their members are 100% famous Americans and English that I discovered only since 2004/2005, and many of them also live multiple identities simultaneously in different countries with different families, with different nationality, different religion and different crime family. And that is fact.


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