Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0361-A


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             06.08.2007

Updated:                06.08.2007

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Rape-woman-10 and 11, two girls through Vincent Sir Vince, allegedly from Germany alias unknown

Name in Arabic

Relation to me

Two rape women, two of at least 17 forced upon me by the American military as part of my brainwash and mind confusion within 3 months period in 1970, that allegedly did not have sex with me. This was possibly in spring/summer 1971

First saw/met

1970/1971 in near McGraw casern

Age at that time:

Both around 22 years old

Last saw/met

Either later summer 1970 or spring/summer 1971 in a German restaurant (that in 2006 was owned by Turkish) at the edge of the American military base McGraw casern, directly opposite the prison Stadelheim in Munich, Germany

Hidden biological relatives


Allegedly Died On


Surrounding me during

My persecution and brainwash by my fake family, biological family, the CIA and American military intelligence in the American military base McGraw casern. An every evil attempt by all above mentioned to show as if I am a homosexual to isolate me of others and prevent them of recognizing many members of my fake family as Americans and English spies, terrorists and drug dealers, and also to steal my children. The description below is for the both of the women


160-170 cm


60-70 kg

Skin Color


Hair Color

Dark blond

Eye Color




Special Features

They pretended to be in the restaurant coincidently, but were egger to sit with Vincent Sir Vince and me

Special Crimes Against Me

Vincent Sir Vince allegedly living in London, England and came to visit me in the American military base McGraw casern. At that time I had a private rented room in at a German family’s house at the edge of the American military housing area called Perlacher Forest. Vincent Sir Vince stayed at my room, and invited me to for a few biers in that German restaurant (in German called Gaststaette, because it is not exactly a restaurant it is more like a German version of a Bar that looks like a restaurant). In that restaurant Vincent invited these two girls and we set together until at least I was fully drunk. Thereafter I have the strong suspicion that I was knocked unconscious and raped by both women so they may have and steal my child. See continuation below under Other Knowledge.

  See more description/Details below the photograph

 Additional Photos wanted/needed

Rape-woman-10 and 11, two girls through Vincent Sir Vince, allegedly from Germany alias unknown, photo and personal information are wanted for crimes performed against me and against humanity

Other Descriptions/Details

















































Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Rape-woman-10 and 11, two girls through Vincent Sir Vince, allegedly from Germany alias unknown

Profession under Alias


Official Nationality


Countries Lived In

I just saw them at this particular night and never again

Official Address

Unknown, allegedly very nearby to the American military base McGraw casern

Disguise Methods

Pretended to be guest at the restaurant, just to officially get to know us, get me drunk, knock me unconscious and rape me to steal my child

Official Family Members

Father:             Unknown

Mother:            Unknown

Sisters:            Unknown

Brothers:          Unknown

Cousins:          Unknown

Wife:                Unknown

Children:          Unknown

Other relatives: Unknown

Biological Family Members

Unknown, possibly students of university of Maryland, because where I met them was right next to the university dormitory, and Vincent Sir Vince was allegedly student in some university in London, where my fake sister Fadia Nagar also lived at that time and her husband Dr. Alaa Ali was very heavily engaged in several universities in London and else where in England

Official Businesses

Unknown, but they stole at least 1-2 of my children

Businesses Partners:

Vincent Sir Vince, American military staff at the American military base McGraw casern, CIA, American military intelligence, my fake mother Hayat Baroudi and the rest of the crocked minded persons surrounding me at that time

Illegal Businesses

Rape and stealing children, covering up for my fake family and all their international crimes under the protection of CIA, American military intelligence and various other countries military intelligence.


See continuation below.

















































Other Knowledge

After I get drunk I don’t recall what happened that night, except what I was told the next day by Vincent Sir Vince, which was allegedly we left the restaurant alone, and I went home alone, and he was allegedly so drunk that he slept in an American military police jeep that he saw to be unattended right next to the dormitory until the next day at 9 O’clock, then came to my apartment. Which nothing fit and it was all lies that I believed for so long. In reality they had ESP and they did some thing to me that I don’t know what it was, except the pattern since my childhood, and that is they took me some where, while they were controlling me with ESP and therefore I have absolute no memory of it, they knocked my unconscious and at least the two girls had sex with me with out my knowledge or approval just to have my children, in other words so they may have their children as a part of an uncountable hidden circle of half brothers and sisters that is related to the Windsor family in England, and among others to Bush, Kennedy, Rockefeller in USA and uncountable other very rich and absolute criminal families worldwide

Other Knowledge

After they destroyed my self confidence, scared the hill and life out of me, and pushed me around for 6 months from October 1969 to April/May 1970, and fed me with all kind of wrong information and brainwash to hate Arabs, and stay away of them because they are allegedly not only all are general terrorists but also persecuted me intensively in the last 6 months period and caused me to be homeless, was responsible for several arrest and jailed me 4-5 times, responsible for me being refugee, homeless, resource less and stole every thing I owned prior to that, that had any connection to my fake family members in the Middle East. Then they started phase two of terrorizing my emotion, mind, life and feelings in that they pretended to use girls/women agents to indirect interrogate me about my alleged connection to PLO and the fake PLO ID that I was given in Damascus, Syria a few months earlier, by my official but fake uncle Badeaa Baroudi alias Joseph P. Kennedy junior and I mentioned it in my forced upon me political asylum by the evil and crocked minded fake and biological families of mine, but also they were pretending as if I am a homosexual and they were allegedly using women to allegedly change me from homosexual to heterosexual, but it was all deceive and lies, because they were brainwashing me and using me to generate as many children as possible, which then will accumulate as a very large circle of hidden brothers and sisters generated of me, including their children and grand children, this will make a huge hidden family by half brothers and half sisters that will eventually grow to a huge crime organization family based on brothers and sisters, just like the Rockefeller, Windsor, Bush, Kennedy and many other messed up minded families.


These are the systematic girls/women or men disguised as women that were used on me within the period of 3-4 months from May to August 1970 as brainwash, confusion of the memory, mind and feelings and terrorizing me in a very sadistic but hidden way, and to make sure that I am not capable to understand my past and that no stranger come near me and help me understand my past, because it was at that time impossible for me to understand or comprehend the complexity of the criminal minded fake and biological family, because I was raised based on wrong information and I was manipulated by ESP, and therewith and without out side help I was doomed.


Note: In general each one of the below mentioned persons brings along with him/her his/her own circle of crocked minded alleged friends to help him in his/her job/goal in isolating me, many of these alleged friends are very close by in the background and jump in as needed, and all of them pretend not to know each other, showing as if I am a homosexual, showing as if I am a terrorist or have connection to terrorist, to rape me and steal my child/children, many of them had look a like that exchanged places with them with out me noticing, many of them tried hard to show as if I am American origin, others tried to show as if I am English origin, others tried hard to show as if I am Arab origin, others to show as if I am Indian origin, others to show as if I am South East Asian origin but not from India and others tried very hard to show as if I am Nazi origin while their friends tried very hard to show as if I am Jewish origin and whatever that means or where it is from. And that is a paradox to be Nazi and Jewish in the same time just like the Bush family pretend to be, among others, Jewish and Nazis, or they are really both and more, what ever they are, they are definitely international criminals that need to be brought to justice for all the crimes they performed with all their cowered and hidden family members, friends and allies.


Girls, women and boys/men disguised as girls/women used on me within 3-4 months period by the American military in McGraw casern 1970 in Munich, Germany, in an approximate sequence :

1.     Mrs. Doris Hayes

2.     Spanish old woman, work colleague at the Mess Hall

3.     Yugoslavian woman, work colleague at the Mess Hall

4.     One Arm Woman, German woman in McGraw casern

5.     Yvonne O’Conner

6.     Prostitute house by Vincent Sir Vince

7.     Two unknown girls by Vincent Sir Vince

8.     Turkish Woman in McGraw casern

9.     Danish Baby sitter in McGraw casern

10.  German girl student from Köln outside McGraw casern

11.  Sergeant daughter, want to be an actress

12.  Sergeant daughter, Afro/American

13.  Sergeant daughter, ugly girl that urged me to marry her and go with her to USA just like my alleged friend Raja did

14.  Spanish young woman

15.  Ushi with south American friend

16.  Leo Sayer

17.  Anita Disbray


Parallel to them I was surrounded by the following women who were confusing my memory, mind and pushing me to the others:

1.     Mrs. Doris Hayes

2.     Mrs. O’Conner

3.     Yvonne O’Conner

4.     My fake mother Hayat Baroudi

5.     My fake sister Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Alia

6.     Alia Köse alias Anita Köse alias Anita Naggar


Parallel to that I was surrounded by Queers, Lesbians and Homosexual or persons pretended to be that, just to implicate me as if I am one of them and that is why I am allegedly and voluntarily surrounded by them:

1.     Siegfried

2.     Fritz Gurr

3.     Doris Hayes

4.     Professor Charles at the university of Maryland

5.     Short Indian the boyfriend of Professor Charles

6.     Student in Animal Laboratory of university of Maryland

7.     Vincent Sir Vince

8.     Raja

9.     Afro-American that wanted to exchange women


Parallel to that I was surrounded by official agents and some of their friends that were not girls/women or boys/men disguised as women nor allegedly they were Queers, Lesbians or Homosexuals that were all pushing me to the others:

1.     Ray Thomas, Afro-American

2.     Norris, Afro-American

3.     Al the manager of the American Legion Club

4.     Afro-American manager of the Officers Club in McGraw casern and the American military food warehouse in Haselberg

5.     Cocky

6.     Arm Rustling Jack alias CIA agent

7.     American sergeant Hamori, an alleged Palestinian origin

8.     Mohamad Attar an alleged Syrian and friend of sergeant Hamori the alleged Palestinian origin



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