Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0350-A


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             16.02.2012

Updated:                16.02.2012

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Thelma the alleged girlfriend of Raja alias George Clooney that allegedly married him and went to USA

Name in Arabic

Relation to me

The girlfriend of my alleged friend Raja that was there only to implicate me as related to Lebanese drugs

First saw/met

Mai/June 1970

Age at that time

Allegedly 16 years old

Last saw/met

April/Mai 1971

Hidden biological relatives

Officially an American Sargent that pretended to be her father and was working in the American military base McGraw kasern

Allegedly Died On


Surrounding me during

The period where the American military intelligence and CIA were severely brainwashing me to cover-up the fact that I was kidnaped from USA to Egypt in 1959, while pretending that I am allegedly a man with connection to terrorist groups after the CIA set me up to have for 2 weeks a PLO –ID, see “Falsified PLO ID” in “Fake identification documents forced upon meenable they have a reason to persecute me and isolate me from the general public


Around 165 cm


Around 65-70 kg

Skin Color

Too white

Hair Color


Eye Color

Unusual black



Special Features

Too white, as if it was bleached it is very possible that this person was black and bleached his skin; it is very possible that this person was also Alia Köse alias Condoleezza Rice that was using me to see if I would recognize her again under this identity. In other words and simultaneously she was appearing in my life and until spring 1971 as Thelma and as Alia Köse. It was the same body stature and as far as I recall the same way she walked but I never noticed that until today. Especially that her official father used to call Raja Nigger (=black slave, a severe insult in the English speaking countries) and this in the military and publicly, but he was not black and since they all were making a big theater about their identity and brainwashing me, this mean Thelma was a black person, my guess a man disguised as a woman, because that is 100% what Alia Köse alias Condoleezza Rice was and still is a man disguised as a woman.


This is also very confirmed with the setup of the Afro-American Sargent with his fake child set up that was an adult very short as 8 years old.

Special Crimes Against Me

All in all I saw her 5-10 times for 10 minutes to a couple of hour’s period.

Directly she did not do anything to me, yet she most definitely helped in brainwashing me and setting me up several times with the Yvonne O’Conner alias Angela Merkel  and family, Doris Hayes, Raja. Yvonne O’Conner, Anita Disbray that became later my wife through forced ESP and 2 and half years brainwash in the American military base McGraw kasern in Munich, Germany. See the profile of Raja alias George Clooney to understand her part in brainwashing me.


Among others in confusing my mind and memory between the English and the Arabic language by using this fake name Thelma which very much is the same as the Arabic name Selma also written Salma and I strongly believe that was one of the brainwash strategies that they used on me to force my mind not to set any relation between now and before, here and in Egypt, those people and the people from before, and the best prove for that is that they brought new lookalike family as follow:

1.     Another Mohamad Nashaat Naggar a lookalike of the one I knew in Egypt and did not see since summer 1968

2.     Another fake mother Hayat Baroudi that pretended for a few weeks or months to work as baby sitter for an American Sargent as distraction that my prior fake mother was my nanny and not my mother but also my fake sister and brother in Egypt were not my brother and sister, where she stayed until around 1972 or 1973 and then disappeared of my life until summer 1977

3.     Another fake sister called Fadia Nagar that allegedly lives in England and came to visit me in this military installation called McGraw kasern for a couple of days.

4.     Another Afrah Najjar that pretended to be coming from Jordan and visited my fake mother in for around a week


In short they ware forcing my mind to think this is your family now, forget the past.


I strongly believe that I was not supposed to see these people anymore because they were not my family, but Siemens AG sent me to the Saudi Arabia that very much made my fake and biological family very angry where I started to visit them and they did not want to have me around and I never understood why until in the recent years.


All that is a result of among others the naming convention brainwash of Thelma in English and Salma in Arabic

  See more description/Details below the photograph

Additional photo needed




Photo-B01 to Photo-B03: Raja alias George Clooney alias Abdullah Gül the hidden son of the fake Syrian famous singer and actor Fareed Al-Atrash that generated several hundred children, among others Quentin Tarantino and his hidden brother George Clooney to use in various occasions as drug lords in Egypt, Turkey, Germany and USA.


Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Thelma the alleged girlfriend of Raja alias George Clooney that allegedly married him and went to USA

Profession under Alias

Allegedly student, but I am not sure anymore

Official Nationality


Countries Lived In

Around Mai/June 1970:

I was told she lives her since many years due to her father was American soldier stationed in Germany

Her official address was McGraw kasern, American housing in Perlacher Forest, Munich, Germany


Spring 1971:

I was told that Raja married her and he allegedly entered the American military voluntarily enable he can get the citizenship and marry this woman, but today I know it was all lie, however I was told that then they allegedly went to USA  and I tried to keep contact but they never answered my letters

Official Address

McGraw kasern, American housing in Perlacher Forest, Munich, Germany


I had the address but I lost it in 1971/1972 and I don’t know any more where it was, I think it was an American military installation allegedly in USA

Disguise Methods

Possibly it was an Afro-American man disguised as white female, but I am not positive







Name forgotten, allegedly American Sargent


I forgot her name and look


I recall there was 1-3 brothers or sisters but I can’t recall much about them except they were all younger than Thelma


Same as above




Officially it was woman, but today I strongly suspect her to have been an Afro-American short man disguised as white girl



Other Relatives








Because I don’t know her/his real look and her/his name it is impossible for me to found her/his real family














Other Relatives


Friends of the Family

Raja, Mrs. Doris Hayes and family, Yvonne O’Conner and family, professor Charles and his Indian friend, Anita Disbray, Ray Thomas alias Moamar Khadafi and others

Official Businesses

Allegedly student, but I think it was a short black man in the American military intelligence and or CIA

Businesses Partners:

American military and American military intelligence, NATO, Ex-Soviet Union and KGB, CIA and KGB city Unterschleissheim that took me over after the American military base McGraw kasern completed my brainwash and tested me several times if I was successfully brainwashed or brain damaged!!

Illegal Businesses

Mass murder, illegal drugs, mass brainwash, rapping of innocents by men and women, destroying the lives of children, youth forever  and much more

Other Knowledge

Will follow


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