(Quick added on
08.02.2012 and it will be updated at a later time)
This profile is replaced by another profile “wanted-0001-x.htm”.
A man disguised as a woman
This is the short
version, the detail version out of real life example that are
verifiable by one or another will come as soon as I come to it.
In these complaint
pages men disguise as women mainly is performed for two purposes:
1. Because they are bodyguards
and want to show as if they are harmless and simultaneously hide their identity
for the time when they are off then they are men and can go around
2. As a mean of controlling
higher governmental or religious position, whereby this man disguised as a
woman is usually much older than 50 years old and pretend to be at least 15-20
years younger to hide the fact that he has generated a lot of children, often
several hundreds or even thousands and waited until they are adults and have
controlling position such as governor, senator, congressman, police chief, CIA
director, religious leader, rich businessmen and many others that will support
their father to reach the higher position that he is now such as USA president
with a yearly budget of over a Trillion US Dollar and many of it is 100% under
the control of the president that then would distribute it in form of business
projects upon his children and other business partners to allegedly buy
products and services that are mainly special and much over priced for the
government. In short it is all a financial scam on a very big scale!!
Details information
and life example are coming soon, meanwhile you can see the Ronald Reagan, his vice president that became
President George H. W. Bush and his son that was
the governor of Texas and became President George
W. Bush, whereby all of them are married to men disguised as women and I
knew two of these men Herbert Lange alias Barbara Pierce Bush and Margie
Lange alias Laura Welch bush and all of
them together bombed the world trade center the
first time on 1992 and bombed the world trade
center a second time on 11.09.2001 enable they have a reason to use the
brainless killing and destruction machine called the American
military and NATO to steal the countries Kuwait,
Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan after killing millions of innocent
people in these countries, possibly exceed the 7 Millions: old men, old women, children
and in between that were the so called controlling families and then taking
their places under the pretension of defending the United
States of America and fighting the international terrorism that allegedly
created by Osama ben Laden that was sent by
the Ronald Reagan administration to Afghanistan to allegedly fight the ex-Soviet Union that invaded Afghanistan
in 1981, but in reality Osama ben Laden that
was send with a huge Gladio brigade to help the
ex-Soviet Union in locating all the controlling
families and giving their location to the ex-Soviet
Union enable they can bomb them to death, but it did not work in the short
time in 1980s and that is why the bombed the World trade center to go back this
time as American to kill all the controlling
families based on the list generated jointly by the KGB
and Osama ben Laden=CIA
and American military intelligence alias Gladio members.