My inability to learn Dutch? And this almost after 9 years living in Netherland and one year Dutch language schooling





Record No.: agents.htm

HomeBush family - my fake family - members of my household - military intelligence secret camp in USA simulating Damascus, SyriaAmerican military persecuted me since 1959

(Added on 23.08.2009) Today I decided to keep a daily log on when I study Dutch. Click here to see the Daily log for when I learn Dutch at home. (Last updated on 29.06.2010)


I do not know how I should start this complaint page. Therefore I will start by the reasons that drove me to create this page, which it looks like as if I am analyzing this problem, but in reality I am complaining about it.


(Added on 10.01.2010)

Click here to see why my Dutch language capabilities improved dramatically since August 2009

(End of added on 10.01.2010)


Today is Friday the 21st of August 2009. Yesterday I started the second school year to learn Dutch, which is 3 times 2 ½ hours a weeks. A few days ago I made timing/tasks schedule to go to school, learn Dutch at home, and perform other tasks. The schedule should have started yesterday, and even somehow I liked the fact that I was able to have a weekly schedule of what to-do and when to-do it, yet I was not on that schedule neither yesterday nor today, at least not 100% but rather, around 60%.


Today Friday the 21st of August 2009, I sit at home learning Dutch by using the school book, called the task book. I suddenly do not feel good at all, and want to cry, because of the following reasons:

1.     The school book is designed for only around 10% to teach the Dutch language, and to 90% designed for refugee and brainwash or to un-brainwash refugees, or to force their minds to think as the Dutch government or the host country Netherlands wants them to think, in other words to place in their minds the thoughts that make them useful for Netherland but not for their selves.

2.     I was reading the book loud so I can practice speaking the language while hearing myself, and here I was shocked, that I was absolutely slow and hesitant in reading the Dutch text also reading it with difficulties, such as I had to read some words a few times to get it right or at least I think I get it right. Why shocked? Because from July 2008 and to July 2009 I attended the same school and with the same weekly hours as mentioned above and allegedly finished the task book number one, the actual Dutch name is NT2-Code 1 Taak boak, which means: NT2=Dutch language for foreigner as a second language, Code 1 Taak boak means Code 1 task book. So I studied this book for a whole year, but I do not have even 20% learning knowledge of this book and that is absolutely bad that I learned for a whole year yet I am judging myself to have picked up only around 20%

3.     I am very sad among others for the fact, that I am so old and I am forced by these concentrated evil people around me to start from scratch as if I just dropped from nowhere to this piece of shit of portion of the earth, and I even have to learn the language enable to not only communicate, but also to understand my surroundings, and these mother fuckers wants me to learn a profession, mother fuckers because they killed everything in my life, even my profession, and now want to force me by law to learn, but what should I learn for? If everything in my life is being constantly stolen by these evil governments to cover up for my origin.

4.     Each time I sit down in school or at home to learn Dutch, I remember that I can speak good English, good German, and somehow good Arabic, yet I am wasting my life in learning a new language instead of being living free using the languages I know to have a productive life for myself and for my environment or my own family and children that I was prevented by force of evil government laws to have, and that alone makes me very sad

5.     The thoughts that the Dutch Government is one of the major allies of Germany, USA, England, Syria and Egypt in more than in one branch/sector, or in many branches such as military, business sectors, religious sectors, research and development sectors as well as they own countless legal and illegal businesses in these countries and have many relatives as members of the governments of these countries, while they are pretending to be helping me against these countries that letterly tortured my life to death, is a very bad thinking logic that is forced upon me through the circumstances and it makes me even more disappointed and sad


Enough talking and writing new reasons. Below is a small analysis of my ability or inability to learn other languages in my life, whereby these mentioned languages where also forced upon me through kidnapping me from one country to another and forcing me to concentrate only on surviving within the new environment. This analysis I wrote around one month ago after I finished the last school year of learning Dutch and every one wants me to think that I learned a lot of Dutch through this one year, yet I know for fact I did not, and to confirm my own knowledge of me not able to speak Dutch and this after almost 9 years in the Netherlands, I started comparing to my past experience of learning other languages and the major circumstances around my life that prevented me to learn a language or helped me to learn it.


Note: The text below and to most part, except where noted, is a repetition of the text within the profile Netherland


(added on 20.07.2009) The paradox of not able to learn Dutch in more than 8 years in contrast to learning other languages in a few months (go to top of page, index):

I will make this very short, even though and for some people it may sound odd, strange or even unbelievable, and there with a detail explanation/prove would seem necessary, but I will leave it out and concentrate on the languages I speak and how I learned them:

1.         2001-2009: I am here in the Netherlands since February 2001, today is July 2009, this mean I am in the Netherland for 8 and half years, yet I do not speak Dutch and I do not speak sufficient Dutch to make any conversation. From the first look at this problem there are many reasons for me not to be able to learn Dutch in more than 8 years even though and for a whole year I went to school to learn Dutch 7.5 hours every week. But I will leave all the reasons out and concentrate on the facts of my past and how I learned other languages. Whereby I was from July 2000 and until march 2008 locked up unjustly and falsely between jails, prisons, refugee camps  and on the streets between Houston, Texas, USA and several cities in the Netherlands and several cities in Germany.

2.         In 1986: I spoke half way decent Germany, enough to make a good conversation, but by far not perfect, in other words I can speak around 80% accurate German and understand around 98%. But I was kidnapped from Germany to USA in 1986, locked up for 15 years and had absolute no connection what so ever to Germans or German speaking persons with one exception in 1987 that I am leaving out for now, this mean my German language capability should have been deteriorated/degraded after 15 years USA, but it did not, in matter of fact it improved dramatically as mentioned below

3.         2003/2004: I speak much better German today than in 1986, even though I was locked up for 15 years in USA, and my German language capability should have declined by at least 20%, but instead it seem that it increased by at least 10%, which point to that I was heavily manipulated by German persons with ESP

4.         January 1976: I am in Germany for exactly 6 years and 3 months, yet my German language capability is around 10%, I can speak the language only for the daily need but I can’t make a conversation. I am married to an alleged English woman named Anita Disbray that was in reality American military and/or NATO military intelligence agent and allegedly speaks only English, even though she is working for the last almost 5 years at a German company. And therewith we always spoke English. My German understanding is around 40%

5.         May 1978: I started to work at Siemens AG, I speak much better German than 1976 around 10 times better, I can make a conversation about any subject what so ever, my speaking and understanding capability is around 70%. What happened that I learned German so quick in contrast to the time prior to 1976? I become Christian and mixed with a lot of Germans, went to many church seminars and worked part-time for the church; I was around 14-18 hours a day speaking German. Many of the members of the church were American military intelligence and CIA agents, in matter of fact the entire city was populated by American military staff in disguise as Germans, and the majority of them had ESP and used it on me which led me to learn German much quicker

6.         1969: I was living in Cairo, Egypt and spoke only Arabic. At my school I was having English class, I think once a week for 2 years, but also was totally unsuccessful and was not able to memorize any of it, except a few words. In this summer I took a few private English language lessons, but somehow they were totally unsuccessful and I was only able to memorize around 20 words.

7.         Mai 1970: I was living and working at the American military base McGraw kasern, Munich, Germany. But I did not speak any English except around 20 words. A few months later and in the same year I was speaking a lot of English even to have conversation

8.         1973: I was living in the CIA city Unterschleissheim, Germany whereby I did not know that it was CIA city. The entire city was populated by Americans in disguise as Germans. I hardly spoke any German, even though I am living in Germany since October 1969. I went to the same school twice in Munich, Germany to learn German, one time in November 1969 and the second time end summer 1972, in both cases I was prevented not only to learn German but also to continue in my school. My main speaking language becomes English. I was totally isolated of Arabs and Germans until 1976.

9.         1959: I was living in USA as an American. Then they kidnapped me and wiped off my memory and caused a total amnesia that I did not even speak any language or knew how to do anything such as eating or going to toilette

10.       1959: I was placed in a secret American military intelligence camp that simulated the city of Damascus, Syria and I was told I am in Syria and with two persons that pretended to be my family, which are my fake mother Hayat Baroudi alias Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi and my fake sister Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Shawki alias unknown. My guess and based on my own memory I was in this camp for a few months from around spring 1959 and until December 1959. During which the surrounding agents taught me mainly with ESP how to speak and understand Arabic from scratch without me noticing, because they told me I was born here and living here since my birth, which was a total lie.

11.       December 1959: for an officially 7 years old (but I was in reality around 13 years old) I was speaking around 50% Arabic, this mean much less than I am supposed to speak. I was speaking Arabic with a very strong Syrian or allegedly Damascus accent which 100% covers up for my inability to speak good Arabic as an alleged 7 years old, at least for those around me that do not speak Syrian-Arabic such in 1960-1969 in Cairo, Egypt. One fact for that and it is a fact for me, is that and one time in 1959 I was shivering and I said I m hot and I took my jacket to wear it and the others laughed and said you mean you are cold.

12.       April 1960: I was in a school in the actual city of Cairo, Egypt and my fake family tried to place me in the second grade, but the school said my language and school knowledge capability are not sufficient and placed me in the first grade, whereby I was struggling very hard at that time and in this school to understand first Arabic, second Egyptian, third school subjects that I never heard of before. Since I was going to school for around 8 hours daily and 6 days a week, and surrounded always by Egyptians, I learned Arabic and Egyptian very fast, but maintained my original learned Arabic accent which is Syrian or allegedly Damascus accent, because that is what the American military intelligence agents spoke at home that pretended to be my family and member of my household. I was also struggling due to the continuous move that was forced upon me since they wiped off my memory, which all in all I was 5 times within around 8 months and 3 total different environments from spring 1959 and until April 1960, in USA, Syria and Egypt that confused the life out of me, especially that they claimed that USA was Syria, yet everything prior to December 1959 point 100% to that I was not in Syria but rather in USA or one of their secret bases such Australia, South America, Africa or elsewhere, which I very much doubt, it was USA.

13.       Note: Based on all of the above and based on my experience with ESP in particular since the year 2000, it is very easy for someone to learn a language very good in 2-4 months with the help of ESP and it is also very easy to learn a language and speak it like a native within one year with the help of ESP, and that is how I learned Arabic in 1959 and English in 1970 and German in 1976. And today I can’t learn Dutch in 8 years, in matter of fact I learned more English and German in the last years than Dutch and that is due to I was oft controlled by ESP through unknown English and/or German speaking persons, but also through writing my complaint pages and reading on the Internet, all in all it is  equal to a paradox.

14.       (Added on 22.08.2009) All the following shows the actual reasons that prevented me to learn or helped me to learn a language, which is nothing else than sorting the above points in shorter points.

14.1.   1959 the American military intelligence and their allies of the NATO military intelligence wiped off my memory and caused a total amnesia and therewith, destroyed my ability to speak the English language that I was speaking until then for around 13 years

14.2.   1959 the American military intelligence and their allies of the NATO military intelligence forced me to learn the Arabic language while forcing me to think that this is the only language that I know since birth

14.3.   1960 The American military intelligence and their allies of the NATO military intelligence agents surrounding me that pretended to be my family members forced me to start new and learn Arabic-Egyptian

14.4.   1969-1977 The American military intelligence and their allies of the NATO military intelligence agent Anita Disbray and with the help of the American military staff within the American military base McGraw kasern and the CIA city Unterschleissheim, taught me English by force and prevented me to learn German by force even though I was living in Germany for 7 years to learn the German language, and this even though I attended twice school in 1969 and in 1972 in a very good school and for 6 hours a day five days a week and each course was 3 months. And the second time was while I was working for the Car Manufacturer BMW (owned by the Dutch family Quandt), which means I was going to work for 8 hours and to school for 5 hours on a daily basis Monday to Friday, yet I was forced to stop it all

14.5.   April 1976 to April 1978. I learned German to 70% by mixing within people within the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of the CIA city Unterschleissheim, Germany,  7 days a week 16 hours a day, and this is based on a set up created by the CIA director George H. W. Bush to force me to become Christian while pretending to be helping me against my English wife the American military intelligence agent Anita Disbray that was working for and forced upon me by the American military base McGraw kasern=Paradox, Americans prevent me to learn German, and American help me to learn German

14.6.   1986-1990, forcing me to learn American-English language through the Stevens family and the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church of Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA and thereafter by all my surroundings while I was being kept as a mentally dead slave and hostage under the control of the American military intelligence whore Najlaa Mahmoud=multiple Paradox, American enslaving me and preventing me to mix with Germans and then help me to mix with Germans, and now again preventing me of mixing with Americans while pretending to be helping me to mix with Americans, enslaved me under their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and pretend to be helping me against her, kidnapped me from Germany to USA in 1986 and pretending to be helping me or forcing me to go back to Germany

14.7.   2001-2008, I was kidnapped from USA to the Netherlands by the evil American government and NATO military intelligence and forced to live again totally in a new environment and prevented by all means to learn the  Dutch language, among others by continuously imprisoning me unjustly from 2001-2008, while the Dutch government is pretending to do all they can to teach me Dutch by force of law, but in the hidden I am totally isolated and not mixing with Dutch and therewith all the schooling I receive to learn the language without practicing it is 100% worth shit, not to mentioned that I never planned to be in the Netherland nor I wanted to be in the Netherland nor I want right now to be living in the Netherland, nor I want to learn Dutch, but I have no choice, and are studying Dutch at home which is absolutely not helping me in learning Dutch, at least not in the time period I am supposed to, based on my guess and based on the pace we are going in the school I would need another 10-20 years to speak as good Dutch as I speak German, but also I am being forced by all these evil mother fuckers to forget life and be busy only with learning a new language that I am unable to learn

14.8.   Conclusion I am being forced to stay dead and not mix with life while it is covered up by pretending to be helping me

14.9.   As confirmation for the above conclusion, is that I am forced to be nationality-less, and the Dutch government is pretending to be helping me to learn Dutch to have the Dutch citizenship, because in the Netherland it is the law that I must past a government exam enable I can apply for the citizenship. However and since the nationality-less is my number two problem (my number one problem is being persecuted by ESP) and comparing my situation with the situation of Bobby Fisher, the famous American chess player that was jailed in Japan waiting deportation to USA, while the ex-USA president at that time George W. Bush was promising him to be Imprisoned for allegedly playing chess in the former Yugoslavia in or around 1992 and allegedly became an enemy of his own country, which is a very similar situation to me, among others the excess of evil George W. Bush is persecuting both of us, I was brought to the Netherland by force in 2001 and prevented to have any nationality ever since 1986 and even here in the Netherlands, and when I get to it I will list all the evil Dutch government set ups and persecutions that shows that, while Bobby Fischer was given the citizenship of Iceland while he was in the Japanese prison awaiting his deportation to the prisons of USA, and therewith Iceland helped him once and for all and took him to Iceland, and later either he was murdered or they faked his death to mark an end of his persecution. See the other similarities to Bobby Fisher’s life and my life.


All in all it is very visible in the above situations that there are several pattern, one of them of forcing me only to learn what they want and forcing me not learn what they don’t want, in this case force me to learn Arabic and English, prevented me to learn German until 1976 and preventing me to learn Dutch today and after almost 9 years in Netherland. I really do not like Netherland or the Dutch government due to their heavy involvement in my persecution at least since 1972 at the car manufacturer BMW and most probably since 1966 through possibly the Malas family or even 1959 at the secret American military intelligence camp that simulated Damascus, Syria. And me not liking the Dutch government and not liking Netherland because I am being forced to be here, and possibly from the psychological point of view I am declined to learn Dutch, but in reality I tried very hard during the last year to learn Dutch not only at the school but also at my housing I often learned uninterrupted for 10 hours, but this is not enough, because I have no contacts to any Dutch and therewith I do not practice what I learn, which is absolute essential in learning a language, I also do not have any motivations.



(Added on 23.08.2009) Daily log for when I learn Dutch at home (Go to Top of page)




What I learned

Fr. 21.08.2009



Hoofdstuk 16 of CODE 2

Sa. 22.08.2009



Hoofdstuk 16 of CODE 2

So. 23.08.2009



Hoofdstuk 16 of CODE 2 and the 2 computer lessons

Mo. 24.08.2009



the computer exercises for the  lesson of Hoofdstuk 16 of CODE 2

Tu. 25.08.2009



Completing the computer exercises for the lesson of Hoofdstuk 16 of CODE 2

We. 26.08.2009



Performing the computer test of Hoofdstuk 16 of CODE 2. My score average was 86.2%=73% understanding and repeating, 100% wording, 100% connecting, 82% rules/grammars, 76% listening.

Fr. 28.08.2009



Performing the teacher’s written exercise for Hoofdstuk 16 of CODE 2

Sa. 29.08.2009



Completing the teacher’s written exercise for Hoofdstuk 16 of CODE 2

Sa. 05.09.2009



Hoofdstuk 17, taak 1 to taak 3. Computer exercises for taak 1 to taak 3

Su. 06.09.2009



Several school homework for Hoofdstuk 16

Mo. 07.09.2009



Several school homework for Hoofdstuk 16, Basisgrammatica-18 and -19

Th. 10.09.2009



Several school homework for Hoofdstuk 16, Basisgrammatica-18 and -19

Fr. 11.09.2009



Several school homework for Hoofdstuk 16, Basisgrammatica-20 and reworking wrong delivered homework.

We. 15.09.2009



Several school homework for Hoofdstuk, Hoofdstuk 16 and some related computer exercises.

Thu. 16.09.2009



A school homework for Hoofdstuk 16.

Su.  27.09.2009



Various home work, partially from 07.09.2009, due to I did not study much the last 3 weeks. In other words I am trying to catch up on study and old homework.

Tu.  29.09.2009



Various home work, partially from 07.09.2009, due to I did not study much the last 3 weeks. In other words I am trying to catch up on study and old homework.

We.  30.09.2009



Various home work, partially from 07.09.2009, due to I did not study much in the last 3 weeks. In other words I am trying to catch up on study and old homework.


Tu.  06.10.2009





Teachers exercise test (Hoofdstuk 18 leraar oefening)

We.  07.10.2009



Hoofdstuk 18, taak-1 to taak-3 book, computer lesson and writing home work

Su.  10.10.2009



Hoofdstuk 18, taak-1 to taak-3 book, computer lesson and writing home work

We.  14.10.2009

12:00+ 19:00

17:00 + 20:30

Hoofdstuk 20, reading different Dutch document as an exercise.

Sa.  17.10.2009



Various homework, papers of teachers

Th.  22.10.2009



Various homework, papers of teachers, mainly practicing in writing letters or notes

Fr.  23.10.2009



Various homework, papers of teachers, practicing single verbs (words) in various states, such as present, past and so on, by writing them in a table

Sa.  24.10.2009



Studied Hoofdstuk 19, taak 1 to taak 4 (taak=lesson or chapter), also performed some of the associated computer exercises

Th.  29.10.2009



Finishing the computer exercise for Hoofdstuk 19

Su. 01.11.2009

13:00 + 18:00

14:30 + 19:00

Performed the computer test for hoofdstuk 18. I had an average of 92.8%. 96% in grammar, 68% in listening and 99% in all others. They were 25 questions.

Performed the computer test for hoofdstuk 19. I had an average of 90%, 95% in grammar, 78% in listening and 93.3% in all others. They were 25 questions.

Therewith I completed up to chapter (hoofdstuk) 19.

Tu. 03.11.2009



Studied hoofdstuk 20 of the CODE 2 book.

We. 04.11.2009



Studied hoofdstuk 20 + 21 of the CODE 2 book.

Su. 04.11.2009



Completed the computer exercises for hoofdstuk 20, and most of the written teacher exercise.

In between above and below

20-30 hours


In general I did not learn much in this period of time. At least not as much as I wanted. And when I learned I forgot to make the time entry. All in all I think I  learned around 25-35 hours between the beginning of November 2009 and the last week of January 2010 (3 months). However most of my learning was in the last 2 weeks, around 15 hours. I also caught up with hoofdstuk 19-20 in the book, CD-ROM and the teacher oefening as well as the computer test.

Sa 30.01.2010



All in all I learned today 6 hours and 2 hours break=8 hours.

I am trying to catch up on the last hoofdstuk 21-22. In school we finished on last Thursday the 28.01.2010 hoofdstuk 23. I hope today I can finish most of hoofdstuk 21 today.

I made the homework for the school and for hoofdstuk 23. And worked on Hoofdstuk 21 in the book. Hoofdstuk 20 is done.

Su 31.01.2010



Hoofdstuk 21, CD-ROM, teacher oefening as well as the computer test. Hoofdstuk 21 is done.

Sa 06.02.2010



Homework for the class Staatsexamen

Su 07.02.2010



Hoofdstuk 22, CD-ROM.

Mo 08.02.2010



Hoofdstuk 22, CD-ROM, teacher oefening as well as the computer test. Hoofdstuk 22 is done.


Note: Last Thursday in school I had the following tests: hoofdstuk 19 and hoofdstuk 20. I may have made them before in November 2009 by the teacher Lijja, however I forgot, and my current teacher named Lineke did not have the test history of Lijja, and Lijja was teaching us until December 2009, then she took on another job.

Next Thursday I will take the tests for hoofdstuk 21 and 22.




Sometimes I forgot to make an entry, when I studied!

Mo 22.02.2010



Performed 3 parts of the Staatsexamen: reading, listening, and speaking. I did not do the writing exam yet. Staatsexamen is a governmental test or exam for the Dutch language, and they offer two levels of difficulties, Program-One and Program-Two. From their Internet site I downloaded several test exams. Actually they are real exams but from older years.


The test reading I had 6 mistakes out of 40 questions, this means I passed the exam, because you pass by officially 32 correct questions and above, 19-31 correct question is uncertain and to be determined by a government specialist. Below 19 correct question failed the exam.

Listening 5 wrong out of 40 questions, to pass 29 correct questions are necessary.


Sa 27.02.2010



Hoofdstuk 23 book training, CD-ROM training, teacher oefening.


Su 28.02.2010



Hoofdstuk 23 teacher oefening completed as well as the computer test. Hoofdstuk 23 is done. School/class/teacher’s test is yet required for hoofdstuk 23.

Hoofdstuk 24 book training, CD-ROM training.

Mo 01.03.2010



Hoofdstuk 24 teacher oefening completed as well as the computer test. Hoofdstuk 24 is done. School/class/teacher’s test is yet required for hoofdstuk 24.

Hoofdstuk 25 book training, CD-ROM training.


Su 07.03.2010



Hoofdstuk 25 book training, CD-ROM training.


We 10.03.2010



Hoofdstuk 25. Computer oefening en teacher oefening book training, computer toets. Hoofdstuk 25 is done.


We 10.03.2010



Staatsexamen voorbeeld 2003/2004 (old government actual test) schrijven (writing test). This is the fourth part of the test mentioned above that I made on Monday, 22.02.2010.

Sa 20.03.2010



Staatsexamen homework.

Su 21.03.2010



Staatsexamen homework.

Mo 22.03.2010



Performed a written Staatsexamen example.




In the last period I forgot to add what I did, but also I forgot what I did.

Su 11.04.2010



Performed a written Staatsexamen example for speaking. Old test of 1995.




In the last period I forgot to add what and when I learned Dutch.

We 21.04.2010



I read a Dutch book with loud voice, trying to correct my accent and speak out better Dutch.

Th 22.04.2010



I read a Dutch book with loud voice, trying to correct my accent and speak out better Dutch.

Su 25.04.2010



Made home work for the Staatsexamen lesson. It is the Spreken Staatsexamen 1995, Programma ! + II. I rewrote the entire exams to practice reading and writing and then I answered all questions

Mo 25.04.2010



Continuation of yesterday.




In the last period I forgot to add what and when I learned Dutch.

Today is:

Mo 03.05.2010



Started with the lesson “Hoofdstuk 26” of the study book Code 2. This book is designed to be studied in a class room with a group of students and a teacher. Since I don’t have that, I just read it aloud and follow the instruction. Also since a few weeks a started to listen to Dutch TV programs to practice on listing and understanding Dutch people, which is also important for the government Dutch language exams that I am scheduled to do in June. The exam consist of 4 parts, one of them is called “Luisteren” = ”Listening”, the other 3 parts are “lezen” = “Reading”, “Spreken = “Speaking” and “Schrijven” = “Writing”.

Note-1: I was supposed or meant to start study at 9:00 o’clock but I woke up late.

Note-2: the study book code 2 is the continuation of the study book code 1. Also there is the study book code 3 that we did not even get. What is important is that We started with code one in August 2008 and we finished with it in August 2009. It was too long to finish this book. We started with Code 2 in August 2009 and we were supposed to finish it in January 2010, but we did not. In matter of fact I was taken out of the Code 2 class before finishing it. Which I really do not like to do to start something and not finish it. Beside my Dutch language is still far behind and I would need the entire code 2 and Code 3 to better speak and understand Dutch. So I continue alone with the study book Code 2 until I finish it alone before my government exams. Which is very difficult because the books are designed to be for a groep student and a teacher in a classroom. The reason they took me out of the code 2 class/lesson is with the reason that I past a specific exam called “Nederlands B1” which supposed to mean Dutch language level B1 or niveau 4 but I do not feel that these test wer accurate nor I should be taken as a measure for my language capability. All this makes me very concerned about the governmental Dutch language exams in June that are prerequisites for my so called integration in Netherland and further more are also prerequisites to obtain the Cutch nationality. And for me to obtain a nationality is essential because I do not have a nationality and I am a refugee since January 1960, yes 1960 no typing error, thanks to my biological family and most probably my biological brothers and sisters that I do not know who they are that sold me out and placed me with an international organized crime family as my fake family in 1959, and all this with the help of the American military and NATO military intelligence that are protecting the identities of my biological and fake families and used me as a decoy all my life. And now in 2010 and after 50 years I am still struggling to become free of these criminals and the Dutch nationality could help to get me free.

Mo 03.05.2010



Prepared home work for the school called “Spreekbeurt” =”Speech” = lecture of at least 5minutes over a self-chosen subject.

Also preparing for submitting a newspaper article for the school newspaper. I chose the same subject for both of the lecture and the newspaper article.

Tu 04.05.2010



Studied the Hoofdstuk (chapter) 26 of the study book Code 2.

Today is:

Tu 29.06.2010



I kept on forgetting to make an entry within this log. I studied a lot but by far not as much as I wanted.


On 14 + 15 June I made the official 4 government exams, reading, writing, listing and speaking. The exams results will come out around mid-July. I was not very satisfied with the exams, because they had problems.

Anyway I will stop with making an entry within this log because I am finished with the school. Officially 8 July is the last school day and then there is summer vacation.





Go to Daily log of sleep timing

(Go to Top of page)




(Added on 10.01.2010) My Dutch language capabilities improved dramatically since August 2009


Today I realized that I can read and understand Dutch for around 70%, listen and understand (but not dialects) for around 50%, write for around 30-50%, this difference due to I can express myself in writing but spelling and grammatically  not good yet, speaking for around 15%. All in all much better than the last 9 years.


But why that extreme change and from 2001 and until 2009 I was not able to speak Dutch?


There may be some other reasons that I can’t explain, however and what I can find for explanations for this change is the followings:

1.     In the Dutch teaching school we had 2 major changes in my Dutch language course since August 2009, which we partially did not have in the year 2008/2009, as follow:

1.1.   We had a new lesson or class and it is called communication, and in this class, and even though we are around 16 persons, yet every one and at one point or another or even more than once, get to perform a conversion or even a speech. This new class is and from my opinion the number one reason for that success. It is a very good class, It should be may be a little bit smaller, may be 8-12 persons and not 16

1.2.   In the main lesson which is called NT2-Code 2, where we learn using a book and computer, they split the class into two groups with two different timings, which means much smaller groups of around 4-6 persons in the class. Therefore the teacher had more time for each student. But also we were able to have more conversions than before.

1.3.   We have a very good teacher(s) that go behind her official duty to help us learn the language.

1.4.   Now and only since last week I was  assigned a new weekly class with a new very good teacher that train us on the government language exam, but that does not count yet, however and simultaneously I officially was removed from two other weekly lessons called NT2-Code 2, and this due to a teacher left the school and took another job, but I am still going to one of them but I don’t know for how long.

2.     Since 28 October 2009 I meet with a volunteer Dutch person, a so called language mentor,  for around 90 minutes on a weekly basis and we just practice speaking and listening.

3.     In general I met a little bit more with Dutch people than before and I spoke mainly Dutch.

4.     I tried hard to avoid speaking English or German in the shops and in general with my communications with businesses or government offices.

5.     This point I can’t prove but I know it is true, someone or several unknown person(s) helped me with ESP in that often I either did not know what to say or I forgot the wordings and suddenly I have the thoughts for the correct sentences.

6.     On the other side, and even though I really wanted but somehow I did not study the Dutch language much at home and I did not make any homework since the beginning of November. Beside that this is not good it is absolutely ironic or even paradox!


All of the above and may be more contributed to my dramatic Dutch language improvement. Dramatic is because I was not able to speak Dutch from 2001 and until 2009, even though I was living in the Netherland except of around 24 months spread over the time period from 2001 to 2006, where I was several times in German jails/prisons and a couple of times in Dutch jails.