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About me


My Name is Michael Najar, I am 65 years old. I live in The Hague (Den Haag), the Netherlands.

Everyone have ups and downs in his life. I had my ups until 1984, since then I have downs, and in my down time I did not see or hear, and I was numb because I was put on ice for so long(!), while a bad image was systematically built of my person as cover up for the bad deeds of some others, so I am looking again for my ups, and with this website I hope I can find my way to it.

In the last years a bad image was built about me, but I know that I am a good man, in matter of fact I am not only Mr. Nice Guy, but I am a dream come true for many, because I rather build than destruct, I rather socialize than engage in conflicts or even wars, I rather help than hinder. So, I asked myself how to make the bad inage go away and make my actual image shine like a shining lamp over the table and not under it?

It is simple really: which is to show my actual me. But I did not see it, due to many very negative reasons around my life. This should make me a part of the solution of bridges and connections instead of separation and destruction. I know some may prefer no bridges, no connections, but rather destruction, but I can't help it I am a believer of pacifism.

To the point, if a bad image was forced upon my life by others then here is my actual "I" in highlights:

First the obvious: I absolutely do not discriminate against anyone, regardless of their race, religions, ethnicity, color, gender, sex orientation or anything else that I might have missed, above all I never ever characterize an entire group the same as the bad behavior of one of their members, in other words I would never think that all Americans, all Saudi Arabians, all Chinese, or all of any other group are bad, just because a couple of Americans, Saudi Arabians, Dutch, Germans have treated me bad, therefore I would never say that all Syrians are Bad, all Americans, all Muslims, all Jewish, all Christians, all Dutch, all Germans are bad, which I was forced to write down in a website. In matter of fact I love Americans, Latinos, Germans, Arabs, Israelis, Middle Eastern, English, Dutch, Syrians, Africans, Asians or any other nationals or religions, not because I am Christian but rather because they all and always bring color and enlightenments to the lives of others. I gained this thinking in Germany between 1970s-1980s and then it was strengthening in USA between 1986 and 2000, where I realized that no one can help it being born in certain environment, not the poor, not the middle class and not even the very rich.
I am patient
I am tolerant
I am understanding
I am warm hearted
I am generous in more ways than just financially
I am most helpful to others especially when my mind is not consumed by destructive problems forced upon my life
I am hard working
I would go through hell and back for my family members, my wife, my children, my friends and any one in need of my help who is not just pretending. I expect the same of them!
I will never go through hell and back for God or my religion, because God does not need my help he has all the power that I not only don't have, but rather I can't even imagine it, because I never saw him, but I saw his work and let me tell you, it is far beyond my imaginations and anyone else imaginations, and the prove for that, is that we are still working on discovering and understanding his creation. I will not go to hell and back for my religion, is because my religion is one of literally over 4000 religions in the world today (it used to be much less), and each one of them think he is right and the other religions are wrong, I follow Jesus, Christ, Martin Luther King, Ghandi in that I am Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Hinduist, or any other religion, but I mainly follow Jesus where ever he may take me, but I also follow General Motors, General Electric, Bosch, BMW, Siemens AG, Chevron, Exxon, Philips, NASA, Microsoft, Oracle and thousands of other small and big companies, that would not survive if they make distinction between religions, in matter of fact all of the above mentioned, together have created Millions of jobs all over the world and all of them depends heavily on many countries and many religions!
I used to be very ambitious, but I lost it along the way
I used to be very active, but I lost it along the way
I used to be very social, but I lost it along the way, instead I am mainly isolated as they planned it for me, and with this website I am trying to break through what I was forced into!
I do not have telepathy, but I am often victimized through telepathy persecutions that often force me to do things I do not want, and I can't defend myself against them, on top of that they often terrorize my life by depriving me of sleep, where I often lie to others and say I have sleep disturbance, and this due to I can't wake up on time, because when I have some appointment the following day, they especially terrorize my life and prevent me to sleep often until 7 in the morning, where then I am tired and lack concentration
The less suppressed I am the more I like perfection, meaning I would not rest until the job is well performed, and this no matter if it is for me, for my employer, my client, my neighbor or anyone else that I may help or work with
I love Germany
I love USA
Above all, I love Europe, with all its countries, Very unfortunately and since kidnapping me in 1986 from Germany to USA I don’t see much of Europe any more, one time out of the generosity of Microsoft I was unexpectedly invited for a 2 days trip to Belgium, twice I was forced to go to the UK to escape the telepathy control around my life that is preventing me to do what I want, also I was not fortunate to see the so called new European countries, meaning the new countries from the former East Bloc that now became EU member. Why? I am glad that you asked me, because I was very busy surviving after being kidnapped from Germany in 1986 and then unjustly locked up for many years and then persecuted to cover up all the destruction that was performed upon my life in this process. Who did that to me? Persons originated from several European countries, USA and several Arab Kingdoms, but I would never dare to throw them all in one pot and say all Americans, all Arabs and all Europeans are bad, they were just a hand full who misused their power, if it is governmental, or supernatural or otherwise to use me against others. To the subject of the new Europeans that joining the old Europe, I remember a joke that actually was reality, which is: in the former Soviet Union, Russia had a big sign for tourism and tourists, saying "Come and visit Russia before Russia comes and visit you", and this directly after the Russians invaded Afghanistan in 1980s, I think it is funny, and with this in mind, I did not visit the new European members countries aka members of the old Soviet Union, but rather they came to the Netherlands and to the UK where I often saw them and sometimes I even had an encounter or two with them, hahahaha
More about my origin: I have no memory of prior to December 1959, total amnesia, I was told that I was born in 1952 in Damascus, Syria, and as I was 8 years old, I just have memory of being 2-4 weeks in Damascus, Syria, in December 1959, locked up in a big house with a very huge family, then I was taken as 8 years old on January 1960 to Egypt as a Syrian citizen(!), in 1969 I was taken to Germany, where it became my home especially after I became Christian, and worked by the company Siemens AG that helped me a lot actually the help they gave me is absolutely priceless, then my beautiful girlfriend, and my many other friends, and all together they made me feel at home, officially no family members were present around my life in Germany(!), except one CIA agent that pretended to be my brother as distraction of his kook alike, my original brother that went to Egypt in 1966 and then never left Egypt, yet my home in Germany went very sour and I was kidnapped from Germany 1986 by the CIA and kept on a short leash in USA, during which I lost all my legal rights in Germany and I was never allowed to have legal rights in the USA (slavery), then they brought me by force to the Netherlands in 2001, where I received even more destruction to my life than ever before, yet I am thankful for those Dutch that I don't see and they helped me from the background, above all the Dutch Royal family members that were so kind and helped me now and then and from the background, where I saw their foot prints behind me, for example helped me get the Dutch nationality earlier than what it was permitted, otherwise I would not have survived the very dread ordeal around my life between 2001 and current, and that is why I tried very hard, and luckily after 8 months continuous trying I succeeded to relocate to The Hague, where it is the official headquarter of the king and the government, where I hoped to be under their protection, which helped a bit. prior to that I was forced to go to the UK for 11 months in 2013, then back to Netherlands where I lived in Assen for almost 2 years. In short, I lived in Egypt (10 years), Germany (17 Years), USA (15 years, by kidnapping), Netherlands (almost 17 years minus 11 months in UK, and minus around 8 years unjust imprisonment between jails, prisons and refugee camps in over 30 locations between the Netherlands and Germany during that period) and I also lived in the UK for 11 months (6 weeks in Hove and the rest in Harrow, London, where I rented a room by a Pakistani family’s 2nd house that they rented out for Bed & Breakfast, which I found over the Internet!!)
In addition to the above mentioned countries I visited several other countries and US states either for pleasure or for business or by force as follow: Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Turkey, Bulgaria, former Yugoslavia, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France, Belgium, former West Berlin, Japan, and in USA: Alaska, Connecticut, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maryland, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Colorado and California, whereby I was forced to live 4 years in Connecticut, and 10 years in Texas and almost 7 months in prison(s) prior to forcing me to live in the Netherlands between jails, prisons and refugee camps and as isolated slave in some village called Bellingwolde in north east of the Netherlands, all together from 2001 to 2012, then I was trying to understand what hit me and hit my life, and I am still trying to understand it(!). Funny, I was kidnapped to USA, yet I almost went through all the US States, 35 of them, some by just driving through, 16 more states and I would have seen all the 51 US States, and that would have been a record for a person that was kidnapped by the CIA and forced to live for 15 years in USA instead of Guantanamo bay which is for terrorists, but I am not a terrorist and I haven't even performed any crime, yet they kidnapped me from Germany to USA. I have seen more of USA than most Americans see in their life time. Even though many Americans must constantly relocate for jobs, yet most of them remain within the same state or even within the same city!
I used to love going to the Middle East, because I used to think that I have a family there, and it was for me always better than Christmas to see any of them, but that too turned sour and it stopped in 1986, and it is the reason why I was kidnapped in the first of all, allegedly because I became Christian, but I was tricked by force to became Christian enable they have a reason to remove me from Germany enable to prevent me of ever going back to the Middle East because the family that raised me and I was forced to think of them as my family, they turned out to be not my family but rather in reality my kidnappers in 1959, and that is why a total amnesia was forced upon me in December 1959, so I went to hell and back for my family but very unfortunately I couldn’t find my family. Do you know who and where they are?
I was an IT professional, yet the day the American Government forced me to live in the Netherlands, back in 2001, I lost that profession, yet I am still dreaming of going back to it, and I keep myself busy with IT, mainly at home, just to stay somewhat up-to-date with the technology, and this because I did not lose hope in going back to my profession, even at my age of 65 years. I see myself as a very good consultant, technically, but businesswise, not as much. When I used to start a project, I would not rest until it is solved. I believe I solved over 98% of all IT challenges that I had, 1-2% were traps and were not solvable, because they were traps and I did not see it at that time. Business wise I am not that good due to the severe persecution I went through or went under in my life time, no one can succeed under these manmade destructive roads that were built around my life. Yet I am still trying. and there with the CIA and my fake family destroyed my profession at least twice in my life as follow:
1984-1986, by dragging me by force to an illegal project called Calypso in Munich, Germany that the CIA, MI6, BND and BP-British Petroleum had with Syria enable to force me to stop developing multilingual computer systems, enable to force me not to ever go back to the Middle East, where they had agents around my life in Egypt and else where in the Middle East, on top of that they stole all my designs and collection of knowledge that I either designs or collected since 1978 that helped me to develop the first and absolutely best multilingual system ever, that was designed by me and manufactured by Siemens AG in the city of Karlsruhe, and that system was the first strong basis and norm for all the multilingual systems that we have today, and I learned how to do that by Siemens AG. And that was the first time that the CIA destroyed on purpose my profession and my specialty!
1999-2001, by re-brainwashing me and forcing me to leave USA enable they can lock me up between jails, prisons and refugee camps in the Netherlands for more than 12 years, which they did, all in all the CIA caused me to be locked up for the second time of my life for 14 years, from 1999-2012. Since then I was not allowed to work. And this was the second time that the CIA and my fake family totally destroyed my profession. The first time they caused me to be locked up, is by setting me up in December 1969 to make me look like as if I am related to top terrorist from the PLO, enable the CIA can persecute me, during which they can put me on ice as cover up for their agents around my life in Egypt and else where in the Middle East and Europe, and through this setup I was forced to be a refugee in Germany from 1970 and until they set me up again to become Christian in 1976 enable the CIA can have a new reason to persecute me through my fake family for alleging changing my religion from Muslim to Christian and in this process I was totally under their very vicious mercy, where entire Germany became for me one huge prison due to I am a refugee and can’t leave the country to visit my family in the Middle East or else where that turned out to be not my family but are a mixture of CIA/MI6 agents and a hidden royalty persons under the CIA/MI6 protection.
In between 1984 and 2016, there were several other traps and destructive actions performed by the CIA and later also the FBI to hinder me to succeed, from flooding my apartment on purpose enable to force me to relocate to another apartment more under their control, to forcing my employer to release me, to forcing the governments not to grant me freedom to work, to getting me a job at an employer where the CIA/FBI are totally in control and do their best to destroy my professional self-confidence, which they did and as a result of that I had a very unstable professional life since 1984 and did not work since Mai 2000, my last employer in USA was Compaq Corporation in Houston, Texas. and my last employer in Germany was UDF Consulting AG until August 1986, formerly Unternehmungs Beratung Dr. Fischer, where they were more than professional and more than gentlemen with me, yet I was forced to write wrongly about them, meaning the CIA and my fake family will either force me to do something to show as if I am a bad person or they force others to perform very damaging acts against me!
I love outgoing people, especially outgoing women that will not be shy to do anything, try anything, venture in anything or discuss anything without fear, I especially love European & American women that are simple un-covered and without make-up and have only one face instead of 2, who have self-confidence in their own mind and personality than in religion or in anything else, but I am not totally limited to Europeans and Americans, yet limited to the characteristics. One of my favorite women, was my ex-German girlfriend called Heidi, that I lost within a very destructive scheme to kidnap me from Germany to USA. The second favorite woman is Kellyanne Conway, the US-presidnet Trump advisor, I just know her from the Media, even though I don’t agree on most of her statements and political views, yet I like her personality: determined, debater, always have a quick answer, always friendly, have her priorities straight, quick reaction, very feisty and above all she is very intelligent and no matter what, she is always loyal to her business/political partner US-presidnet Donald Trump, and that is a very admirable characteristics. But also, I think that the German Chancelor Angela Merkel and ex-US-Secreatry of State Hillary Clinton are great women, because and among others, they have their priorities straight and concentrate on their mission instead of only on how they look but also I like many of their views. Last but not least I love the former US-president Barak Obama and his wife Mrs. Michelle Obama the former US-First-Lady, both are highly intelligent, very educated, both have a wide range of knowledge, love to help others and keep busy with just the right goals that are mainly beneficial of the majority, last, I loved one of Mrs. Obama speeches, where she said that now she is living in a house, meaning the White House  that was built by Black Slaves. Today all these black slaves that were mainly kidnapped out of Africa to USA (also to Laine America) are now called Afro-American, which I really don't like this expression, because it builds a hidden border between Americans, and it is just another words for a very negative American history, Slavery, where Black American were often called Neger another word for slave, whereby the word Neger is originated from several countries and is often a very offensive word, because it means a Very-Dumb-(stupid)-Black-African-slave and that is even more offensive than calling a person a bitch, which really means a female dog = whore !!
For more info on the word Neger see https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/neger
I am heterosexual, and this despite the fact that I was multiple times raped by men and women through the CIA and their agents as a mean of brainwash to force the onething or another upon my thinking!
My life was full of fear and I am trying to destroy all the fear that was intentionally built around and in my life, enable to control me
I love to drink a good bier, or a good wine a couple times a month, don't like strong drinks, such as whisky or cognac, maybe ones or twice a year. I like to drink moderate, on occasions only at the most 1-2 times a month, however I was forced many times to drink excessive alcohol for a longer period of times, which started by the CIA in 1970, where they trained my brain by force to drink excessively alcohol, which it was forced upon me as a drug for the enslaved. My favorite bier is Augustiner, from Munich, Germany and Palm from Belgium. My favorite wine is Brunello from Italy and Bordoux from France and newly also Dornfelder Rose from Germany, which and very unfortunately I can't find any more, the first one, I can't afford any more, because the chepest bottle is over 30 Euro!
I like to travel in Europe and outside it, however I can't afford it now and since I was brought to the Netherlands by force, but I do not like relocations. I was forced to relocate more than 60 times in my life and I am still counting, forced upon me relocations are used as a mean of brainwash and controlling my life and preventing me from advancing in life enable to control me, this is called the devil’s circle, meaning going in circle, in this case in a continuous relocation
I always wanted to visit the far East, such as China, Hongkong, Singapore and others, but I never made it so far, yet I made it to Tokyo for 4 days business trip in spring 1985, where, here too, the CIA set me up severely
I like computer technologies and setting up networks for businesses, above all I love to analyze IT problems or performing IT projects analysis and research. However my number 1 passion was programming, but I was systematically forced out of it, because when I make a program and sell it successfully could help me to break free of the evil CIA and their agents that kidnapped me in 1959 to use me as a multipurpose decoy for their agents and for the hidden children of their agents that pretended to be related to me
I like odd computer projects, or projects that are unusual and require special technologies that often do not exist, then I will make it happen, this was a big joy in my life, which I learned from Siemens AG, but it was also taken away from me
and more...

This was about me.