Wanted Person No: 1201 |
Najar Kidnapping |
Sent-Complain Letters |
Published: 28.02.2012 Updated: 28.02.2012 |
Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)
Name and Aliases |
Royalties The entire family is wanted dead or a life for
enslaving me and keeping as slave all my life, throw all these mother fuckers
in Guantanamo bay and throw the keys away and for sure I will not miss them. This family is identified as: 1.
See the profile
Sonja of Norway enable to understand why these mother fuckers are
criminals 2.
crime family that conspired with the Windsor
and Rockefeller families, their mother
families, to falsify the history of the Scandinavian countries and divided
among their selves after the First World War. In other words no one lived
there except maybe a few Eskimos that they killed just like they killed millions
since the Second World War in the Middle East and up to Afghanistan, but also
as they did kill the American Indians. No one was in the north to know how
many people these mother fuckers have slaughtered just to steal the land 3.
As one of
my major persecutors to cover up for what they did to me in Egypt since at
least 1961 4.
As a drug
lord family that used and still transport illegal drugs
from the Russian Federation to Europe 5.
As thieves
and criminals that are pretending to be our best friends, they are not my
best friends these mother fuckers My personal note: everyone
has a right for a piece of land, just like everyone has the right for
breathing air or drinking water or eating food, he also has the right for a
free piece of land, I don’t pay for the son, I don’t pay for the
moon and I don’t pay for air and I don’t want to pay for the land
that is mine by birth it is every ones land by birth |
See more description/Details below the photograph
are some of the butchers of my life, a mentally sick people that dresses
suites to force me and others to think of them as something special, but they
are not, they are a common street thieves and dangerous to my health and to
the health of every human being These are some of the mother fuckers
who decide which of their children should have children and which should be a
This is exactly what
they are cloths with out brain or feelings, heartless and vicous mother
fuckers that always dresses in military clothing to scare the people and
brainwash them with this fake authority of fear
This photo alone
shows that this man disguised as a woman is the father of Dmitry Medvedev The hidden brothers of my fake friend
Detlef Fischer of the CIA and KGB city
Unterschleissheim This is what they do, they rais boys
in women’s clothing enable they can govern the country and enable the
people get used to their look. These are some of the hidden cousins
of the mother fuckers Bush family, in other words and in both administration
of George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush, there was a member of this
family pretending to be the sons of brothers of these 2 ex-USA presidents. |
Other Descriptions/Details
Name and Aliases |
Profession under Alias |
Official Nationality |
Countries Lived In |
Official Address |
Disguise Methods |
Official Family Members |
Father |
Mother |
Sisters |
Brothers |
Cousins |
Wife |
Children |
Relatives |
Biological Family Members |
Father |
Mother |
Sisters |
Brothers |
Cousins |
Wife |
Children |
Relatives |
Friends of the Family |
Official Businesses |
Businesses Partners: |
Illegal Businesses |
Other Knowledge |
Will follow |