Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0388


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             27.08.2007

Updated:                27.08.2007

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Management and owners of Avon Cosmetics, 1976-1982, the American Cosmetic company that sells drugs door to door under the protection of CIA and American and other countries military intelligence, at least since 1950s and through out at least 1980s


See also (illegal drug related direct sale):

1.     Mohamad Nashaat Naggar main profile until 1982 in Germany, and his wife the American military intelligence agent Alia Köse alias Anita Naggar and her fake Ali family

2.     Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar extension after 1986 in USA

3.     Avon Cosmetics in 1976/77-1982 in Germany

4.     Avon Cosmetics in 1986/87-1990 in USA

5.     Evangelical Lutheran church in the CIA city Unterschleissheim, Germany before 1986

6.     Evangelical Lutheran Salem church in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA after 1986

7.     Mary Kay and the CIA whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud

8.     Yves Rocher and the CIA whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud in Munich, Germany 1984-1986

9.     Yves Rocher and the CIA whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud in Bridgeport, CT, USA 1988/89-90

10.  Yves Rocher and the CIA whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud in Houston, TX, USA 1997/98-1999

11.  The international drug lord Ali Bark alias professor Dr. Manfred Schreiber the German police president of Munich, Germany


Name in Arabic

Relation to me

The company that was used in many setups of my life from 1976 to 1987 and thereafter to brainwash me and persecute me through their employees, management and owners in Germany and USA, among other the manager of employment Klaus Fischer alias Sir Alec Guinness or his twin brother

First saw/met

1976 in Eching through Unterschleissheim, Germany

Age at that time

Allegedly since 1950s in Eching, Germany

Last saw/met

In New York, or possibly it was White Plain (or White plain) or wherever is the headquarter of Avon Cosmetics in New York state, USA

Hidden biological relatives


Allegedly Died On

Still partially functioning

Surrounding me during

The period where the German police was trying to get close to me to prove that my fake family in the Middle East performed the absolute vicious terrorist attack on the 1972 Munich Olympics, and during the period I was tricked to become Christian to give my fake family the alleged Moslems a reason to persecute me, and therewith had reasons to remove me of Germany. During a period where I was surrounded by entire city population in Unterschleissheim that were American and English agents and all pretending to be Germans living next to each others, covering for each others and protecting each others. During a very evil attempt to show as if I am a homosexual. And in 1977 after several fail attempts by the German police to get close to me after the kidnapping and murder of Mr. Hans-Martin Schleyer the president of the German Employers Association in August/September 1977, and the high jacking of the German airplane Lufthansa to Mogadishu, Somalia in September/October 1977 as cover up for the Murder of Hans-Martin Schleyer, and both terrorist attacks were performed by my family. During a period where the entire foreign population pretending to be German and were desperate to get ready of me due to all the persecution by the German police while they were trafficking thousands of tons of illegal drugs from the Middle East and into Unterschleissheim and therefore, and among others they brainwashed me and destroyed my life until today


N/A=Not Applicable


N/A=Not Applicable

Skin Color

N/A=Not Applicable

Hair Color

N/A=Not Applicable

Eye Color

N/A=Not Applicable


Allegedly Jewish disguised as Christian. But it is not.

Special Features

Cover up company for mass direct drug processing and sale hidden in fancy cosmetic packages worldwide through trusted sales personal with ESP and to trusted addicted customers worldwide

Special Crimes Against Me

Persecuted me since 1976 under the disguise of being the employer of my fake brother Nick Naggar, while I allegedly get him the alleged employment through Klaus Fischer alias Sir Alec Guinness or his twin brother the alleged employment manager at Avon Cosmetics and the alleged father of my fake friend the CIA and American/English military intelligent agent Detlev Fischer in Unterschleissheim, Germany that I get to know him through a set up by my American attorney that pretended to be German Rolf Bossi alias CIA agent that set me up to become Christian enable to give my fake family the CIA and American/English military intelligence agents in the Middle East that pretended to be Arabs and Moslems, a reason to persecute me and brainwashed me by law and publicly under the protection of a hidden court order for the sake of national security with out me noting and then kidnap me to USA under the pretension they were fighting me because I became allegedly Christian through brain wash by allegedly German Nazis that pretended to be German Christians.

  See more description/Details below the photograph

Additional Photos wanted/needed

















Avon Cosmetics, the American Cosmetic company that sells drugs door to door under the protection of CIA and American and other countries military intelligence, at least since 1950s and through out at least 1980s, photo and personal information of all management staff in Germany, Australia, USA and else where in the world for performed crimes against me and against humanity



Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Avon Cosmetics, the American Cosmetic company that sells drugs door to door under the protection of CIA and American and other countries military intelligence, at least since 1950s and through out at least 1980s


See Avon Cosmetics Extension (record number 0461) in USA 1986 and Nick Naggar Extension 1986 (record number 0460)

Profession under Alias

Allegedly only cosmetic manufacturer and direct seller

Official Nationality

American with branches all over the world

Countries Lived In

USA, Germany, Australia and many other countries world wide, including Egypt where the drug is

Official Address

In Germany, Avon Cosmetics, Eching next to Unterschleissheim, Germany

In USA: I think White Plane or close to it, and very close to New York city, NY, USA, whereby and as far as I know they have allegedly a large administration and possibly manufacturing/packaging plant in New York city

Disguise Methods

Pretend to be only Cosmetic manufacturer, but in reality it is one of the largest networks for direct illegal drug sale

Official Family Members


Who knows, they all are sons of bitches and pimps


Who knows, they all are sons of bitches and pimps











Other Relatives


Biological Family Members















Other Relatives

Since the employment manager is Klaus Fischer alias Sir Alec Guinness alias CIA and/or American/English military intelligence and hires only trusted sales staff with ESP, and he is of the Windsor family in England related to Bush, Kennedy and Rockefeller families in USA, then they are also have all the management of Avon Cosmetics also members of their families, because illegal drugs is 100% family business, just like government business in many so called Kingdoms, but also religion and so on

Friends of the Family

At least in Egypt all the filthy drug lords, but also in Australia, Europe and USA

Official Businesses

Selling drugs under the cover of being only cosmetic company, which is a good cover, you can’t even smell the drugs if you see it in the package, because of the cosmetic chemical smell

Businesses Partners:

Al their suppliers worldwide, but also owners and major share holders

Illegal Businesses

Mass selling of illegal drugs and all the crimes associated with it to among others cover up the illegal sold drugs

Other Knowledge


A.    Avon Cosmetics history in short

B.    Avon Cosmetic relation to the German Bertelsmann and the American Doubleday publishing

C.    Avon cosmetic relation to me

D.    Bertelsmann and Doubleday publishing relation to me

E.    Eve Roche relation to me

F.    Eve Roche relation to Avon Cosmetics


A.   Avon Cosmetics history in short

First what do I know about the history of Avon Cosmetics?

In short, this is what I found out in one of Avon Cosmetics brochures:

I can’t recall the exact year, in 1920s or 1930s the alleged founder of Avon Cosmetics was selling books (Doubleday/Bertelsmann publishing) from door to door in New York city, NY, USA. But the business was not going very well. So he purchased small perfume or au de cologne bottles and started to give it as a gift for every one that purchase a book of him. Thereafter allegedly the people he visited at home to sell them books started to buy the books only to get the free fragrance/perfume. Then he started to sell only fragrance that allegedly grown from there to today’s Avon Cosmetics worldwide.



B.   Avon Cosmetic relation to the German Bertelsmann and the American Doubleday publishing

Therefore, Avon Cosmetics had always close relation to Doubleday and Bertelsmann publishing ever since 1920s/1930s. Officially Doubleday is the largest publisher in USA, based in New York city, NY, USA, and is owned by the German Bertelsmann publishing, the largest publisher in Europe. But in reality and in the hidden it is vice versa. Bertelsmann is 100% American established in Germany under fake identity and purchased his own company Doubleday in New York city with blood money gained through drugs and fake religions. Doubleday and Bertelsmann publishing give the general public a huge variety of books about all kind of subjects, and this is sort of monopoly of information, that they don’t tell the general public which of these books are facts, truth and which are fiction, fake and lies. They perform that under the so called freedom of information and publishing act. Ironically there are so many laws to allegedly protect our freedom, yet I am locked up, but none of these laws, not one of them protect us of lies and fake information. And this is very visible in the uncountable religious books. Doubleday and Bertelsmann publishing owns many other publishing companies hidden under different names, which they use to print various religious books such as Bibles, New Testaments and Quran with various translations and in many languages. Some of these companies are in Germany such as Clett Verlag, Brookhaus/Brook house and another one I forgot the name at the moment it is also in Germany and it has a Russian or slavish name. Brookhaus prints many different bibles for Jehovah witnesses; Clett Verlag prints Quran in Arabic and other similar languages such as Urdu, Farsi, and Afghani and so on. And both companies persecuted me because I discovered they print fake religious books with fake Arabs immediately after Avon Cosmetics was pushed upon on my life in Unterschleissheim. In other words, they appeared in my life as distraction of the CIA and American/English military intelligence secret and hidden city Unterschleissheim where Avon Cosmetics was forced upon my life and were heavily selling drugs


C.   Avon cosmetic relation to me

After 1974, where I successfully finished computer school in Munich, Germany, and I was told by my fake sister-in-law Alia Kose alias Anita Naggar that her husband, my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar that was also studying computer programming at my computer school but in night classes for two years instead day classes in one year, allegedly he did not attend the final exams and skipped it out fear of failing. This was a 100% lie that I never verified. After I was tricked to become Christian in the Evangelical Lutheran church of Unterschleissheim. My fake brother pretended to be working as a slave for one man company and allegedly getting only 200-500 Deutsch Mark salary a month (instead usually more than 3000 Deutsch Mark a month), which was a trick to deceive my mind as if I am not the slave and I have it allegedly good and much better than him. In reality I was the slave of the CIA whore Anita Disbray that was forced upon me at the concentrated evil American military base McGraw casern in 1970 and for 7 long years, she had ESP and kept me letterly as slave and isolated me of the rest of the world and prevented the German police of coming too close to me to find out more about my fake PLO ID that I mentioned in the political asylum in 1970 in Germany in connection with the absolute vicious terrorist attack on the 1972 Munich Olympics that was performed by my fake family to discredit the Palestinians, but also she prevented me of advancing, professionally, emotionally and mentally. As I saw my fake brother allegedly only earning 200-500 Deutsch Mark monthly as computer programmer I felt sorry for him, especially that I was working as a laborer and earning between 1500 and 1700 Deutsch mark, and that is exactly the purpose to make me feel better while suppressing me and preventing me of advancing professionally. But I never was allowed to think any further or even talk to him about it. Then I was manipulated to talk to my alleged best friend Detlev Fischer about the profession of my fake brother Nick Naggar, which he replied to me, talk to my father Klaus Fischer, he is the employment manager at Avon Cosmetics, which and at that time I had no idea what Avon Cosmetic meant or was doing, but in general and today I think, why that piece of shit of allegedly best friend did not encourage me to talk to his father about a job for me in the computer business, when he knew that I studied computer programming but was not able to find a job? I talked to his father and he asked me to tell my fake brother Nick Naggar that he should go for an interview to his company in Eching. I told my brother he should go for an interview, but he pretended to be fearful and allegedly his wife that also had ESP was preventing him in a very too obvious way to distract of my slavery. After many failed attempt to get him to go for an interview at Avon cosmetics and he always had an excuse not to go there, and the last excuse was he can’t go during the week because he is working and is afraid to get fired by his boss if he takes one day off, which all was tricks and brainwash for me to distract me and the others of my real slavery situation. At the end Avon Cosmetics pretended to go along and arranged an interview on Saturday morning, which he finally stopped acting and attended after 6-9 months fail attempt to get him to go for an interview at Avon Cosmetics. Two days after the interview Avon Cosmetics sent him a telegram, due to he had no telephone that he was hired and need to start as soon as possible. Then he quite his fake slavery job, and immediately thereafter his old boss sued him allegedly because he quit his job. Which was a 100% deceived to show as if my fake brother was a slave of his employer and not me. Long story but it is very important, especially that today I have open questions concerning this matter but I never questioned the situation in 1976/1977, which is:


1.     I was the one that just get Christian and get to know through the church the Fischer Family

2.     I was the alleged friend of The Fischer family

3.     I was the one who successfully finished computer school 3 years prior to that

4.     I was the one who was not able to go into the computer sector even though I had high grades

5.     I was the brainwashed and persecuted by Americans and very visibly since 1970

6.     I was the one who was a slave of the CIA agent Anita Disbray alias Kathleen Kennedy alias Leo Sayer alias a Norwegian royalty alias another Windsor family piece of shit member and most probably another person of the Bush family

7.     I was the one with absolute no computer experience and badly needed help through friends to get in to the computer sector

8.     My fake brother Nick Naggar was the one that voluntarily in 1965/66 went from England or USA to Cairo, Egypt and pretended to be my brother that was raised in Jordan and just came from Jordan

9.     My fake brother Nick Naggar is the one that organized a Moslem group and attacked Christians on a daily basis in his own Christian school called Saint George in Cairo, Egypt

10.  Why didn’t I ask for a job for my self at Avon Cosmetics, especially that I finished computer school in 1974 with high grades, yet I was not able to get a job in computer sector thereafter, and this incident was between 1976 and 1977?

11.  Why didn’t Avon Cosmetic or the employment manager of Avon Cosmetics Mr. Klaus Fischer the alleged father of my best friend Detlev Fischer offer me a job also, or instead or on first priority, especially I was the one that just became Christian and get to know the employment manager through my church, then my fake brother get the job and not me, my fake brother that persecuted me, my fake brother that pretended to be Moslem and was beating Christians in Cairo, Egypt 1966-1969?, my fake brother that attempted to murder me at least once in 1965/66

12.  At the end, he was employed at Avon Cosmetics from 1977 to 1988/1989, 12 years. Was he really, or it was a cover up for his real profession, and just pretended to work there?


These questions are really self answered after I am being held by force captive in Holland for 7 years since February 2001 and have nothing else to do but try to remember my past and analyze it. They were pretending too many things as part of the confusion for every one, also creating many paradox situations such as this one.  Among others as if he was a Jewish spy pretending to be Christian in Cairo, Egypt, but also as if I am not the slave and he was the slave and needed immediate help and attention.


Therewith and officially I know 3 people that are working for Avon Cosmetics, the Employment Manager Klaus Fischer, my fake brother Nick Naggar, through the Employment Manager and Walter the official fiancé/husband of Beate Fischer the son-in-law of Klaus Fischer, and since all I know is not all the exist, therefore and most of the people worked at Avon Cosmetics in Eching and next to Unterschleissheim were from Unterschleissheim,. This shows as if only the employment manager Klaus Fischer is using his position to get his aquatints and relatives a job at his employer. Considering all what I know today about the Fischer family, my Evangelical Lutheran church of Unterschleissheim, and the fact that the city of Unterschleissheim is a hidden and secret city of CIA and American/English military intelligence, that they are my biological relatives, that I was kidnapped in 1959, the fact that two brothers-in-law of the at that time CIA-director and later USA president George H. W. Bush were disguised in Unterschleissheim as Germans, which are the CIA agent pastor Herbert Lange alias Scott Pierce, my baptize pastor and the CIA agent Mr. Hoegl alias James Robinson Pierce, my boss at the company Hoegl Studio Technik both in 1976-1978 and both terrorized my life and trained my mind to think I was living in heaven called Unterschleissheim and persecuted me with ESP and in general persecuted me ever since to cover up the fact that among others my fake cousin Farhat Kheir alias William H. T. Bucky Bush is the brother of George H. W. Bush, and my alleged friend family in Cairo Egypt were Al-Jumaiee family, the family of James E. Robinson the grand father of ex-USA-first-lady Barbara Pierce Bush. Which all point to one thing, they are hiding some thing, not one thing, but many things. Considering that I was kidnapped to USA in 1984/86 and I saw many things in USA, in other words I saw my future or the future of the 1976/1977 where I get to know Avon Cosmetics in past and future. See Avon cosmetics in the future of 1977, which is Avon Cosmetics persecuting me publicly in the hidden (a paradox) in 1986, where they pretended to punish me for my alleged disloyalty and allegedly because I had sex with Mrs. Fischer and the girlfriend of Detlev Fischer named Rosi Ott, which is absolutely not true. I was raped by these stupid and whores, they were 100% CIA and American/English military intelligence agents that had ESP and persecuted me publicly to death within Unterschleissheim and no one helped, because it was a CIA and American/English military intelligence and brainwash city designed to isolate people and kill their mind, emotion, brain, logic and their entire being.



D.   Bertelsmann and Doubleday publishing relation to me


1.     While I was employed at Siemens AG from 1978-1981, my department manager Dr. Peter M. Lembke set me up many times, among others by provoking my fake and biological families in that he oft sent me to one of their illegal and hidden businesses all over Europe and in the Middle East, whereby I had no idea what was going around me at that time, and therefore it was all brainwash for me and black mail for my fake and biological family but also to the Americans that were disguised in Germany and else where. But in general Siemens AG and directly helped CIA, my fake and biological families in many things, among others in showing as if my fake family in the Middle East are Nazis or Jewish, which it is a paradox, a paradox means two things opposite each others or contradicting each others, and no one believes that easily, and exactly that is why they create many paradox situations to confuse the people, because it does not match what they know or what they learned or what they were told as impossible

2.     One of these trips he sent me on was 1981 to Clett Verlag in Stuttgart, Germany, allegedly to consult them how to improve their multi-lingual printing system and in particular in Arabic. There I found out that they were printing Quran in Arabic for the government of Saudi Arabia. I was very impressed with the printing quality of the Arabic language but also the quality of the book it self. I asked for a couple samples for my self, and they gave them to me reluctantly. Later I was sent to Saudi Arabia to the Port’s Authority of Saudi Arabia the client of Siemens AG. I made a transit stop in Amman, Jordan to visit my fake sisters Afrah Abokurah and Suhair Bdeir. There I showed them the all new Quran and gave them the samples that I had with me. They were very surprised that I had these Qurans and performed many evil brain wash setups to distract me of these Quran, which I will leave out for the purpose of making it short, except with one incident, which my fake brother-in-law Seev/Seif Aldin Bdeir came up to me and gave me a small book and said look what we do here, and asked me to read this booklet he gave me. I read it was around 20 pages, and it was all brainwash for the general public about the Quran. It contained many statistics about allegedly the miracle of the Quran, and how many times certain words appear and where it appears within the Quran and their sequence, allegedly as indication of God to human about his miraculous work. Thereafter they al started attacking me and forced many religious discussions upon me that I wanted to avoid because I did not belief in the Quran and I did not want to insult them, beside they had ESP and I had no chance to think freely or even say my mind freely, they used stop me after they read my mind and before I say what I was thinking in that they forced new thoughts upon me and simultaneously forced a new subject to distract me of what I was thinking, which it had the advantage for them that through this distraction method my mind is trained for interruption and not to concentrate and for me it was a disadvantage because it make me suffer on the long term on lack of concentration of my own thoughts

3.     Shortly their after I was forced by Siemens AG to introduce the general manager of the Saudi Port’s in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia that was named Mr. Attar to my alleged friend Mohamad Attar in Munich under the suspicion they may be related with out their knowledge. It was a multi-purpose setup, I will concentrate on one. After this introduction of both to each other and a few weeks or a couple of months later, Mohamad Attar tells me that Mr. Attar of Saudi Arabia allegedly sent me a container full of Quran and Islamic religious books and literatures, I said why did he send me that and what am I going to do with it, he said allegedly I am supposed to give it for free to other people and Moslems, I said I don’t know any one and that he is the one with many Arab connections and aquatints,. Therefore he should do it. Later he told me that he allegedly gave it to the Mosque or some kind of Islamic office in downtown Munich on Schwanthaler street where the Arabic area is located, so they may distributed for free among the people, but later he was disappointed because he found out that they were selling it. The whole incident was for me absolutely stupid and it did not concern me a bid. And probably that is why they created it, so I may think it is stupid and forget about it and about all the Quran incidents in my life, especially that this incident is much more influential to my mind than the Quran of the Clett Verlag and therewith I will always think of the most influential or most impressionable incidents related to the Quran and forget the other one, which is absolutely normal process by human being, and therefore this was a man designed brainwash to force me to forget the Quran of Clett Publishing

4.     In 18/19 December 2001 I went from Holland hitch hiking to Munich, Germany, because I wanted to go back home. I was set up to see Mohamad Attar, which I did and he told me a lot of lies and I was angry about that. After my visit I had an appointment to meet my alleged best friends Mike Simon and Detlev Fischer in Munich. I think I blamed Detlev Fischer that he did not help me in 1984/86 while these pieces of shit of Syrians surrounded me and kidnapped me to USA. His response was: “I asked you what are you doing, and you said I am Moslem now”. Which I never said in my life, at least not consciously. If I really said that, this would mean some one with ESP knocked me unconscious, controlled me as a puppet and spoke for me with out me registering it. And that is what I thought in 2001. Today I know that Detlev Fischer lied to me that night in 2001, he just said that to discredit me by others that were monitoring us and by myself, because I almost blindly trusted him and his words, and I thought if he claimed that I said “I am Moslem now” then I must have said it, which is impossible because I never thought this way. Therefore I had for several years and until 2006/2007 conflict with this statement. Today I know he was and is against me, because he is CIA agent. All the above shows a systematic life manipulation to cover up for the Quran incident of Clett Verlag, especially that I was once arrested in 1981 at Jeddah, Saudi Arabia airport and they wanted to force me to go for Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, and I said no, then they said but you are Moslem, your passport says you are Syrian Moslem and your name is Mohamad Nuzhat Najar a Moslem name. To make it short they terrorized my life, and took by force 2000 Reyal (Saudi currency) of me for pilgrimage, which I never get back, neither from them nor from Siemens AG. In short they terrorized my life where ever they could in Amman, Jordan, in Saudi Arabia but also in Germany and therewith they brainwashed me under stress, torture and fear to forget the Quran, which I totally forgot until 2004/2005 I started to remember it, but I did not make the connection until 2005 due to all the persecution by the Americans in Germany and Holland.

5.     I can’t recall the exact date for this incident, but it was 1981 or 1982. I either was sent or gone by my self to Bertelsmann Verlag at their head quarter in Gutersloh. I think I was setup by Dr. Peter M. Lembke my manager at Siemens AG to go there. And I met some manager in the upper management, unfortunately I forgot his name, to discuss with him the possibility of multi-lingual printing and specifically Arabic, especially after I saw the Arabic Quran and I believe I mentioned it to him saying that with our knowledge and knowhow of how to print multi-lingual they have a huge opportunity in the Middle East. But he was any thing but happy about seeing me, today I know he had ESP, but I was also being constantly monitored by ESP from the German police and Siemens AG, and that he did not like because he has ESP and can tell if some one is monitoring me or not and who it is. Therefore he get ready of me very quickly under the claim they have absolute no interest in the Middle East book publishing market, and distracted me with the only possibility is selling addresses, which Bertelsmann is allegedly the largest in the country. In other words selling addresses of German businesses and professionals categorized, such as Medical field, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, doctors, pharmacies in the entire country, and he gave me several books about these addresses, which I kept until 1990s. I left very disappointed. Today I know Siemens AG used Dr. Peter M. Lembke to manipulate me and send me where ever they wanted to black mail CIA, my fake and biological family or at least show them look we know what you are doing and look who we sent to you, one of your slaves. In other words and to come to the point, Bertelsmann and the Saudi Arabian Royal family conspired to make a new Quran with new content, or new modifications that are suitable to our time and their own greed, and that was the timing perfect after creating the all new so called Arabic short vowels, because with it they have additional thing to blame in case it is discovered, they can always say it was the Nazis that were hiding in the Middle East, or it was the evil Jewish, or the evil Catholics or the Evil Evangelical Lutheran or it is a misunderstanding due to the short vowel or it is due to misprint by foreigners in Stuttgart, Germany or other made up reasons to cover up the fact that the Quran they printed and we have today is 100% with new content and it is not from 1400 years ago. Until today I am not certain why exactly I was forced to be involved in this piece of shit of a mess, the only plausible reason I come up with, is that Siemens AG had an agreement with the Bush and Windsor family concerning me, and they kept that agreement plus they used me to show them that they know what they are doing, and therewith destroyed my life completely and until today. Especially that this is not the only thing Siemens AG used me for, the other incidents I will list under Siemens AG



E.   Eve Roche relation to me


1.     First of all Eve Roche and Hoffmann La Roche are clearly two different words and names under normal circumstances. However and in my situation and under the circumstances I was forced to go through in 1980s is any thing but normal, and therefore Eve Roche was a multipurpose distraction as part of the confusion what are they truing to distract from? Also of Hoffmann La Roche, where Siemens send me in 1980 or 1981 allegedly to modify their printing system to a multi-lingual printing system, which I did, but it was also as deceive to implicate me and show as if my fake family in the Middle East are Jewish, because Hoffmann La Roche is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies around, and it is located in Basel, Switzerland, where they arranged a meeting between all the Jewish of the world under Theodor Benjamin Seev Herzl towards 1905 to force them to agree on create a new country called Israel in the current Palestine, and most probably the owners of Hofmann La Roche are involved because they are the biggest employer in town, and simultaneously to show as if either Siemens  AG or Hoffmann La Roche are allegedly taking care of me because I am allegedly one of them, especially after the hidden and absolute vicious persecution and brainwash performed on me in Unterschleissheim that were disguised as Nazi and Jewish (a paradox for confusion purposes). In short Eve Roche was used as a distraction of allegedly Hoffmann La Roche so no one can see the cosmetic part that was too obvious to be true.

2.     I never noticed the company Eve Roche prior to 1985. As the CIA, my fake family and biological family forced me with ESP, brainwash and uncountable setups to be slave again but this time under their whore Najlaa Mahmoud. One of the many brainwash things she did was that she allegedly does not let any thing on her skin but Eve Roche cosmetics, allegedly due to allergies on her allegedly super sensitive skin. I had no chance to think individually, she had ESP and fully controlled me with it. Also she kept on saying that every one tells her she looks like French and that her ancestors must be from France, which was to deceive other that were monitoring me as if we are originally French, also as a future deceive for my mind, but also to distract me of finding out my own origin, because I questioned that I am Syrian due to my skin color, my hair on my body is blond until today and many other things. To confirm that she is allegedly originally from France she insisted that she can’t live with out Eve Roche. She had ESP, but also others have it that were 100% monitoring me, such as the German police and at least since the very vicious terrorist attack on the 1972 Munich Olympics that was 100% performed by my fake family to discredit the Palestinians, and therefore she toyed with my mind while she was 100% controlling me, and forced me to find an Eve Roche store. Which I did, and therewith a new distraction to my mind was created for Avon Cosmetics

3.     In USA she continued the Eve Roche brainwash as distraction of Avon Cosmetics. In 1988 or possibly 1989 and as I was forced to move into a house directly opposite the Jewish community center on Benson street in Bridgeport, Connecticut, and very suddenly Najlaa Mahmoud wanted to sell Eve Roche, which is door to door just like Avon Cosmetics. And an Eve Roche representative came to allegedly explain how it works. We sat there three of us the Eve Roche representative lady, Najlaa Mahmoud and me. And both of them 100% controlled me with ESP and forced me to the following discussion or fake discussion that they led with ESP and forced me to think that I was talking, here it is in a very short version. Allegedly the new sales staff must buy the tools for 100 US Dollar, which are allegedly worth 400 US Dollar, and I was opposing it and questioning the integrity of the entire operation as a scam only to sell these tools, which consisted mainly out of cosmetics bottles that are usable for also the sales person. In short they forced many thoughts upon me within this 3-4 hours evening, and these thoughts were, forget these door to door cosmetics, this is not cheap Avon Cosmetics, this is high quality cosmetics, and the sell of it is always rewarded by new car or luxury trips and all this shit they wanted to fill my mind with to cover up for Avon Cosmetics, especially that my fake brother Nick Naggar set me up to death in cooperation with Avon Cosmetic and they did not want me to notice that, and simultaneously they faked his firing of Avon Cosmetics in 1988 or 1989

4.     Later on, Najlaa Mahmoud joined to work as Eve Roche sales representative from door to door sales person, and get allegedly encaged several times in Eve Roche training that took place I think in Fairfield Inn Hotel some half luxury hotel in Fairfield, Connecticut, next town to Bridgeport, just like Unterschleissheim and Avon cosmetic in next town named Eching. Therewith it was repeating the same scene but modifying major elements as brainwash method to brainwash me. Also the alleged manager of Eve Roche sales in that area allegedly became a good friend with Najlaa Mahmoud, just to show the people monitoring me as if we were Jewish, because this manager claimed to be Jewish, and suddenly we live also next door to the Jewish community center and placed my son in the Jewish community center kindergarten. This manager looked really like a man, she was 185-190 cm tall, skinny and has very manly face features, but I was not allowed to think, what ever I think or compare they used to use ESP to distort my thoughts and create many several situations to confirm what they were trying to fore me to believe.

5.     In short Eve Roche was 100% distraction and brainwash for Avon Cosmetics created by CIA, my fake and biological family and they used many Jewish, Catholics, Evangelical Lutheran, Moslems and other to do all that, therefore they were trying very hard to discredit as many religion as possible so many things get lost in all this confusion, among others Avon Cosmetics and the fake Quran printed by Clett Verlag that is owned by Bertelsmann and Doubleday publishing, and Bertelsmann/Doubleday publishing is related to Avon Cosmetics, my guess the founder of Avon Cosmetics is one of the hidden children of the founder or owner of Bertelsmann/Doubleday publishing


F.    Eve Roche relation to Avon Cosmetics

This is all I can say about the relation between Eve Roche and Avon Cosmetics:

Eve Roche in USA agreed to help CIA to cover up for Avon cosmetic, their own direct and main competition, therefore they are in the same business, which is selling drugs door to door through trusted sale staff with ESP, especially that France is USA ally in Germany, and they have not only ESP but also secret service and are very encaged with large presence in North Africa and also at least Lebanon, where they were able not only to see what I saw and describing in this website after partially 40 years, but also they were able to immediately understand it. Beside France is the second largest country after Germany in Europe, and also has huge amount of illegal drug consumption. Most probably like in any other business, and illegal drug is business, they have divided territories in the Middle East. But this is also valid for Russia, where they were in 1950s-1960s and jointly with the Americans and English that were in disguise as Arabs and Moslems build among others the famous Egyptian Aswan dam south of Egypt, among others with Abokurah, Bdeir and Kwader/Queder families. The Russian are not stupid, they also have ESP and have secret service that they used to call KGB. I don’t have ESP, I don’t have secret service I don’t even have a friend that I can rely on, the only thing I have is 7 years total isolation in jails, prisons and refugee camps and plenty of time to remember and analyze my past and life in general and these are my findings. I say the truth as I know it and I am just repeating my life as if I am a tape recorder that can’t lie. I have no reason to lie, I have no benefit to lie on the contrary I have many things to lose when I say the truth, but I don’t want them any more, nothing is worth living for me any more under these circumstance. And I rather die than making a compromise with thugs as the Bush, Windsor, Kennedy or Rockefeller families, just to get a piece of shit paper that has my name on it and a name of a country I am allowed to say that I am from it, they can stick these kind of papers up their asses these stupid.




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