Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0371-GA


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             04.03.2012

Updated:                04.03.2012

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Illegal drugs transit area through Guantanamo Bay the American military and Navy base to USA and else where


Pre explanation:

This profile will show that the American military base was used as a transit shipping area for illegal drugs to USA and to the rest of the world under the national security act of the mother fuckers presidents of the USA from the second world war and until now, then they gradually moved it to Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq, due to it is becoming too Suspicious after the fall of the German wall that was also used to transport illegal drugs from the ex-Soviet Union over east Germany to west Germany and as a distraction they used the hubs Egypt and Syria in the Middle East over Turkey, Jordan and Israel to Europe



Older Guantanamo Bay profile from 01.03.2012


 Illegal drugs transit area through Guantanamo Bay the American military and Navy base to USA and elsewhere (this page)


 Guantanamo Bay surrounding areas alias a mass illegal drug manufacturing for all the drugs from South and Latin America


 The city Guantanamo 15 km/9 miles north of the Guantanamo Bay American military and Navy base alias the biggest illegal drug manufacturing that the world has ever seen


 Cuba as cigar country Camouflage (covering up) as Cuba the Illegal drug country under military protection


 Using homosexuals, bisexuals, transvestite and men disguised as women to rape American, Russian and NATO soldiers as a mean of brainwash in Guantanamo Bay enable they can keep them as slaves for illegal drugs


 Splitting the country in to two enable they can enslave people and hide the illegal drugs and blame it on each other’s =American and Soviets = Capitalism and Communism = one is worse than the other and prohibit freedom to all, prohibit opportunities to all and above all in the fake freedom country called USA


 Men disguised as women as mean of hiding the drug lords


 Forced labor as continuation of Adolf Hitler vision of free ride to make a quick money by using his children and cousins such as the Bush family


 Illegal drugs marketing by using military intelligence agents that have a double lookalike in Hollywood and in other higher governmental places such as diplomat to force the sale of the illegal drugs


 Using large businesses as mean of hiding the sale of illegal drugs


 Using illegal drugs and illegal drug money to control the world



How did I discover it?

Explanation of the illegal drug transit Area

Photos area




How did I discover it?

How did I discover that the American military and Navy base Guantanamo Bay is used as an illegal drug transit station for the entire South American countries and the ex-Soviet Union under the protection of the American military and Navy base Guantanamo Bay?


The best way to way to explain that is to list what I was working on, because one profile connected me with another profile and another until I discovered this evil scheme that was going on since always, and then was covered up by all kind of lies and deceive and I know only a couple of the, the fake missile crisis and  the Berlin wall which are explained under the page “Splitting the country in to two enable they can enslave people and hide the illegal drugs”:

1.     I completed the profile of Alia Köse alias Condoleezza Rice

2.     I fund the photograph of Raja alias George Clooney alias a military intelligence agent and a hidden Rockefeller

3.     I discovered that the brother of Raja alias Mr. Raja was Fareed Al-Atrash alias Professor Dr. Helmut Fischer and brother to John D. Rockefeller the Third

4.     I found the photograph Leila Köse alias Suzan Sabancı Dinçer the hidden sister of Alia Köse

5.     I found many others in Greece and Turkey

6.     I made other discoveries that led me to finally discover who was behind the 1972 Olympic attack in Munich, Germany, where they used me as a decoy and I did not even notice

7.     I discovered that Turkey was used as hub for illegal drugs through the American military and Air Force base called  Incirlik Air Base in Adana, Turkey, where they used to transport illegal drugs from the ex-Soviet Union over Egypt and Syria to Turkey and from Turkey to Europe disguised as Turkish and Arabic drugs

8.     I worked on the class photo of my fake brother Nick Naggar

9.     I created a map of the hidden American and Soviet military around my life in Cairo

10.  I created a map of the class photo of my fake brother Nick Naggar

11.  I started to create a map of the drugs in Egypt then I realized that Egypt and even though it has the biggest river in the world it is really just a desert and a very small piece of Egypt is green, and then I realized that south Europe is much greener and better for illegal drugs, but it is almost open, except the ex-Soviet Union was all under military control just as was Germany between 1933 and 1945 and then it hit me Soviet Union was THE drug country and using Egypt to smuggle the drugs over Turkey to Europe, where no one can go anywhere without mother fucking military permission, just as it is in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iran and now Iraq and Afghanistan

12.  Then I saw Dean Martin and his hidden brothers Jerry Lewis, Sami Davis Junior and Frank Sentara, and then I saw a website dedicated to cigars=Cuba=Guantanamo Bay=I made the discovery


I may have missed one thing or another because I made too many discoveries in the last weeks and since 27.12.2011. I think that says it all


Explanation of the illegal drug transit Area

Note: Originally I wanted to write only a couple to a few lines and led the photographs speaks for their selves, but somehow I wrote so many things and I think many of them if not all are very important to understand the concept of organized crime families that exist since so long and much earlier than my life and they always keep on making it more complicated to prevent others of understanding it, among others me, yet I did understand it, because I was locked up and forced to think and I don’t like that, and I don’t mean to think, but to be locked up without anything or anyone or any prospect what so ever in my own life. Yet I did not understand everything by myself, I had a lot of indirect and ESP help, otherwise I would never have made it so far of understanding the life around me, and it all started with Dutch police setting me up in 2007 to force me to write a profile about each persons of my family that led others to notice me and help me to find out who the hell are these people that were pretending to be my mother, sister, brother, cousins, nephew, nieces and grandparents that turned out to be a Rockefeller distracted by the Windsor family enable they don’t endanger their hidden property called USA that they use as a brainless and heartless killer and destruction machine to control the world including Russian, China, Japan, Saudi Arabia and many others.


I have been working on the preparation of these pages as listed in the above index from A to K, since don’t know when, it must be a week or so, I lost sense of time, but every day more than 10 hours.


I will write as least as possible and led the photographs and our history speaks for itself.


To understand all these pages you have to understand the logic that I am using that I was taught by many since at least 2000, but also through all the discoveries I made about my fake family and my biological families where I also discovered a lot of hidden logic and pattern that I was using to solve the problem of where did I came from before 1959.

The logic are really simple as follow:

1.     Why here and not here

2.     Why only these people

3.     Why showing us these things

4.     Why showing us only that

5.     What am missing

6.     Where is the Catholic church

7.     What is a big city of over 240,000 population, Guantanamo city has little to offer in comparison to the next village or the next larger town of where I am living here in Netherlands but also in poor countries as I saw in Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia

8.     Why are they using camouflage where it is not necessary

9.     Forcing a hierarchical separation of military, families and friends to prevent communication

10.  And many others that I can’t remember them all at once


1.          All the above in combination of the new discoveries in and around Guantanamo Bay such as:

2.       In short I discovered a systematic staged Guantanamo city and Guantanamo Navy base=Hollywood style stage, and most probably with the help of Steven Spielberg that made the movie Schindler’s list that was an absolute brainwash movie staged by him and the German government (=4 allies of the second world war: USA, Russia, France, England and their hidden allies) and Israel in that they made a fake scene in the movie about it. The Schindler list may or may nat have happened and I don’t really know and I don’t care, but what I care about is that these mother fuckers made this movie to show the world that Germany is a Nazi country, by showing that in Germany there was only one good guy=Mr. Schindler one in 80 Million people is good and 79,999,999 people are bad Nazi Mother fuckers and look at the end of the movie how it is confirmed and blamed on the Jewish, but Jewish in Israel are brainwashed, suppressed and held hostages by the mother fucking military and being used for illegal drugs, and that is a hidden slavery that no one is talking about it. I know this was a big sentence, but just to give one good example of bad people in Hollywood that were surrounding my life in one way or another in Egypt, Germany and USA and above all in the CIA and KGB city Unterschleissheim, Germany, where I discovered this city to be also a hidden city for retired rich people, retired presidents, kings, queens and others and to distract of it all they created on the other side of the city Munich a city called Gruenwald where they claimed that rich people lives only here=brainwash.

3.       They were using Nicaragua, Mexico and other countries as decoy of Cuba

4.       They were using Cigars as the only trade of Cuba

5.       Since it is a drug related area and they using Soviet submarines to transport the drugs from ex-Soviet Union to Cuba, and therewith using a hidden bay for them=Guantanamo Bay, then I discovered other bays that are also used for that. But they are also using Ships and planes, because we are talking about thousands of tones every single year to supply USA, Canada and others

6.       They divided Cuba in section, where every South American and Latin American country has it is processing section under the protection of the Mother fucking American and Soviet military=joint operation and that is why they called these section by specific names related to these countries, I know only a few names, the other I am 100% positive they are also related to illegal drug origin or processing methods, I just don’t have the knowledge to identify these wording, here are some of the names: El Salvador, Jamaica, Honduras, Paraguay, San Carlos, Los Canos, Manuel Tames, Hector Infante, Turks and Caicos Islands (this is not in the island Cuba but is the next island owned by England), Jamal (Egypt and Gamal Abd Al-Nasser), Mata (Yemeni drugs), Dos Bocas Corea (North and South Korea), Sabana (Shabana=Rockefeller in the German government), Montecresto Bahia de Ovando (Bahia an Egyptian female framers name + Ovando New York) and so on, and all these countries and cities names are actually the suburb of the city Guantanamo and the American military and Navy base Guantanamo Bay set up by the Rockefeller by using the Bush family

7.       Discovered that Microsoft Bing or MSN or whatever the fuck they call it is not showing the city names as mentioned and highlighted yellow above

8.       Discovered that Microsoft Bing or MSN or whatever the fuck they call it is not showing the city photographs good and shows it totally distortion

9.       Then discovered that Google maps is a better source but I don’t trust them either because I know and based on my experience of the last 6 years and what I learned all my life is that what I see is not all what it exist, in other words I am guessing there a lot of things that Google is also hiding

10.    All above in relation with Microsoft head quarter for Germany is in the CIA and KGB city Unterschleissheim, and what happened to me since 1983 and until 2000 in Germany and USA and through Microsoft, direct or indirect shows me that Microsoft is a 100% company built with illegal drugs to control the world and control the Internet enable they can prevent any one of getting any proper information and that is why the US government under Bill Clinton supported Microsoft so much enable they can get better control of the vision or dream of Bil Gates that everyone should have a desktop and information at his finger tip at home and at work, but not to educate people but rather to brainwash them as they did with the Radio and television and the best example of that is the so called discovery channel that teach is you a lot on how other people and scientist are doing things but is not teaching you profession that you can use to go out and offer your services based on what you learned of them because they need you as a slave and to confirm all that they create so many fucking talk show that teaches you how cook Gourmont food=fancy expensive food that only rich people can purchase while brainwashing the general public that they are teaching them but the general public is stupid that can’t help himself to purchase these food that we are teaching them, fuck you mother fuckers you can take these foods and these teaching and stuff them it up your brainless heads and asses

11.    There are 4 airports and all military and I can’t find any civilian airport and that is absolutely understandable for a city with over 240,000 population, two of these airports are paid for by the American tax payers money enable they can deal with illegal drugs and are in the base self

12.    I did not find any real Catholic church, South Americans all have the biggest catholic churches, yet the church that I found is a camouflage for something

13.    All the housing in the center of the city are camouflage for illegal drugs or they are slaves housing area that process the illegal drug on a daily basis and became very addicted and have absolutely no more feelings and don’t care how they sleep or eat just need to process more illegal drugs enable they can breathe it and therewith these poor creatures that used to be human are dead workers sleep on shit and eat shit. My guess that among these slaves are many kidnapped people or people they have no more use for and wanted to use them instead of killing them, in other words me or many people I knew could be there.

14.    They show us on the internet one house with camouflage as distraction that all others are also in camouflage and are processing centers for all the illegal drugs from heroin, cocaine to ecstasy bill sand other forms of illegal and enslaving drugs through addiction cause by the mother fuckers the Rockefeller and Bush families to control the world and use many as terrorist under the influence of illegal drugs as cover up for ESP control  

15.    That the entire fucking city of Guantanamo that supposed to be filled with Soviets or at least Cuban, it turned out to be more American than the American military and Navy base Guantanamo Bay, at least for one simple reason, I was not able to find one baseball stadium on the base but I found many in the alleged Soviet/Cuban section

16.    They build the hospital with the same style as the hospital I know from Egypt=Rockefeller

17.    My guess that they moved this head quarter of the mass illegal drugs to Afghanistan and other places where no man can go or see such as in bushes of the jungles in South American, Africa or Russia, however they are protecting the Cuban deceive to not allow anyone to understand the hidden logic behind this deceive of illegal drugs that was going on for at least 50 years from the second World war and until at least 2001=the world Trade Center bombing to distract of Cub and the Guantanamo bay and fake the drug country Afghanistan while stealing a whole new country=win-win situation for them and by mass murdering Americans, Pakistanis, Indians, Iraqis, Iranis and now also Syrians and Egyptians. But the world Trade center is not called the World trade center because it had only Americans, but because it had representations from all over the world and therewith these mother fuckers called the Bus family they massacred Americans and many others from Europe, Asia, Africa, South America and Australia to know precise how many people they killed see the Internet for the nationality of the murdered people in New York and blaming it on Osama ben laden that was one of them and taking the blame to give them an opportunity to distract of Cuba. And also the World Trade Center bombing was meant to scare every one of the Bush family while forcing everyone to love the Rockefellers that are controlling New York by terrorizing the lives out of them for at least the last 50 years, through the fake conflict that they created in 1948 called Israel and Palestinians that they used so many times in New York to blame the Moslems or the Jewish or the Nazis or the Italians or whatever these mother fuckers come up with except their selves and I am one of them and I am a shamed to be from the Rockefeller family and be related to the mother fuckers Bush family

18.    Drug money is essential for the Rockefeller to support their never ending increase of size due to they generate a lot of children to control the world and that is probably one of the reasons why all royal families don’t have women in public but rather men disguised as queens and as princesses to not allow strangers to rape their women to come into their kingdom and take it over through the huge hidden of the brotherhood of the Rockefellers that expands into every single country and above all in the former Soviet Union alias the current Russian Federation and in South Asia and south East Asia where they repeatedly mass murdered people that compete with them in the drug business through wars such as Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines and others and above all they are trying to kill people to steal their land by creating Tsunamis, Earth Quakes and others alleged natural catastrophes that are 100% caused by atomic bombs that they use under the ground and under the see. And when I say atomic bomb it does not have to be the same atomic bomb as the ones are known to us from Hiroshima and Nagasaki over 60 years ago in 1945, but new ones that most probably do not leave radiations that scientist can measure and determine this is not an earth quake this is an atomic bomb

19.    The fake war on Terrorism started by Adolf Hitler family alias Rockefeller and Windsor enable they can place Adolf Hitler in place and destroy the all new democracy created in Germany after the first world war and this concept of war on terrorism is continued by the mother fuckers Bush family to kill all their personal opponents in illegal drug business and distract of Cuba while stealing 2-4 countries such as Pakistan. Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran, but war can’t be fought with war, wars are fought only with truth education, and any other war is illegal, is for personal gain it is not about Islam, and Christianity it is about slavery and the fake war on slavery started by CNN as distraction of all the slavery created by the Windsor and the Rockefellers all over the world but also in USA and above all in USA because you can’t make slaves without having slaves to blindly follow your order and that is USA an enslaved country under the Rockefeller family and their allies from Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, but these people are not Russians, are not Chinese they are organized crime family that want always to force people to fight against each other’s as they did in the second worlds ware and continued to persecute Japanese in USA as alleged traitors, in reality these Japanese in USA were against the Japanese royalties in Japan and the American government was one of the best allies with the Japanese royalty and were killing them to kill all their opponents by using the atomic bomb twins on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and enable they can use the American military they had to give them reason which is bombing Pearls harbor, but now we have internet and we can communicate. And the best prove for that is that the Rockefeller and Windsor families are related to both Chines controlling families and Japanese Controlling families but also to Indian controlling families, Saudi Arabian controlling families (100% through and through Rockefeller) and many others and that means very much that they use Japanese to distract of Chinese when it is necessary and use Chinese to distract of Japanese as it is necessary, as they did to me since 1959 and especially in my trip to Japan in 1982 where I was severely brainwashed by Japanese whereby they left it in my mind that they were helping me against Chinese and giving me hints against Chinese and against Americans and against Germans and Against whatever these mother fuckers, they are an international organized crime families controlling our lives and killing their own children that do not follow orders.

20.    Criminals are always stupid, they just have military and police that follow their laws to cover up ESP and use us as slaves and we do all the thinking and then they steal our ideas and lives and here is a very good example of how stupid criminals are and in particular in relation to the American military and Navy base Guantanamo Bay: stupidity number 1: Pearl Harbor was a drug related station is now called Cuba the “Pearl of the Antilles”, stupidity number 2: they called the drug sections around the American military and Navy base Guantanamo Bay the names of the origin of the drugs to be processed, stupidity number 3: placing the Navy base on the other side of the island, stupidity number 4: they always make movies about what they do because they don’t have any better ideas and us the drug money to finance the movies (money laundering) and in this particular relation, Bruce lee made a move I think it was called Enter the Dragon, where they show drug related very small island, 1/100 the size of Cuba to force people to think that it is not possible to use a while big island for drugs such as Cuba or a whole huge country such as the ex-Soviet Union. Then Bruce lee faked his own death and went in to his drug activities, my guess today he was trying to show that the Rockefeller are not related to Chinese in any way, but he was a Rockefeller and related to the Bush family and to Chuck Norris and to al Jumaiee family, and most probably he is also related to Steven Segal and Sheikh Mahmoud around my life in Egypt, this mean he is also related to Fareed Al Atrash and George Clooney and the CIA and KGB city of Unterschleissheim and above all to one of the Salma Hayek(s). There are a lot more stupidity from them because they are lazy mother fuckers, we are not the stupid ones, they are and that is why they invented the IQ to measure intelligence by what you know, in other words they prevent us to learn and they go around the world and then portray their self the ones with higher intelligence, but this measure of intelligence is absolutely wrong, IQ is measured only by one way, which what do a person do out of he knows, so is what you do and not what know that matters for IQ, an example for that is a farmer, that has and based on my opinion one of the highest IQ, because he can do so much out of his own knowledge that is absolutely limited to the farm he works in and confined to it most of his life and that does not matter if he is in China, South American, South Africa or right here Netherlands or on Cuba Guantanamo Bay the farmer feed all these criminals, with meat, cheese, eggs, milk, chicken, pigs, wheat and all the other byproducts=intelligence, compared to the Bush and Rockefeller family a bunch mother fucking idiots that can only survive by enslaving others or kill them and steal what they own as they stole the life out me, but also my nationality, my money, my profession, my furniture and everything I own, even children by preventing me of having any children and I am one of them, fuck you all heartless mother fuckers

21.    Many things happened in my own past possibly have something to do with Cuba and in particular to the Guantanamo Bay and the surrounding areas such as (Note: I am having problem gathering my thoughts due to the severe brainwash, this mean I have to come back here to and add more points once I remember them again, because while I was creating the images of Cuba and Guantanamo I related several things of my past to Cuba, but I keep on forgetting them, or it could have been an ESP reminder and I recognized it due to it equal my past, but I forgot it again):

21.1.     The two Mariana’s names in the American military Base McGraw kasern and within the CIA and KGB city Unterschleissheim= the ex-Soviet Union Air Force airport Mariana Grajales just letterly a couple of kilometers north of the American Naval base Guantanamo Bay

21.2.     The American authorities and in particular the INS-Immigration and Naturalization Services and while I was in their prison from July 1999 to February 2001 in Houston, Texas, USA, they created a few incidents to where Cuban were around me that today I very much guess them to be American military intelligence or ex-Soviet Union KGB agents  or INS agents pretending to be Cuban that are pretending to remind of Cuba, and they did that also with Afghani that pretended to be my friend and a Bulgarian that also pretended to be my friend and others, but mainly Cuban= me alleged Russian agents under cover + Afghani=Osama Ben laden + Bulgaria = Communism and ex-Soviet Union= Bush family were desperate to frame me as cover up of the mother fucker George W. Bush the real Ex-Soviet Union KGB agent

21.3.     Najlaa Mahmoud continued to use the word Mata that I never heard off before, it is allegedly sort of tea, but in reality it is drug that you drink instead of eating or swallowing or injecting such ad heroin. This is may be intelligence I know very little of the world, yet I am able out of the little that I know to connect so many dots/points of our worlds because I was raised by an International organized crime family that tried very hard to prevent me of advancing in my own life and kept me slave and hostage my entire life and even today I am locked up, so I am writing and researching my past and writing and researching my life and writing and researching my life and writing, I have no friends, no family, no children and above I have no sexual life of any kind or what so ever, because I am not allowed to have a girlfriend, or a wife or a woman, so I return t what the mother fuckers in USA forced me to do since 1992 or 1994, which is playing with my own dick/penis/masturbating which I totally don’t like, and oft I can’t determine if I am doing it or someone is forcing me with ESP to do it, because and as I was taught a human has a so called sexual urge or instincts  or survival needs by having intercourse with a woman enable he can survive through his children and that is what I was taught in 1977 in the Evangelical Lutheran church education center in in or near the city of Hohenbrunn just south of Munich, where I was severely brainwashed by American and ex-Soviet Union military intelligence agents that pretended to be Germans and was forced upon my life by the German government, that was not German but rather a franchise of the 4 allies that won the second world war and were helping the European royal families get on top of everyone else=US mother fucking military is death soldiers and mass murderers for hire. Every one think a killer for hire is one person, but we have also group of killers the Chinese called them Ninja’s as distraction of our modern world killers for hire = US, Soviet and NATO Military. Here I must ask why the fuck do we have to kill when we have brain and intelligence to come forward in life while we can be happy without have to hide, fake identity, men pretend to be women, rape women to have so many children, rape our brothers and sisters and daughters and sons such as they did to me these mother fuckers=Lazy mother fuckers that are afraid to work and therefore they enslave others to manufacture drugs in Guantanamo Bay and sell it in USA, Europe and in every industrialized country enable they can enslave them as workers and therefore they enslave people in Cuba, Egypt, India, China, Russia and other countries to enslave the others=you enslave people only with slaves such as they enslaved me with Adelheid Kuczka, Anita Disbray, Najlaa Mahmoud, Esmat Khodori, Rene Zielske, Mohamad Nashaat Naggar, Nick Naggar, Hayat Baroudi, Fadia Nagar, Alia Köse and may others

21.4.     This is the same as the point above but I think it should be in a different point due to it point to another direction. Mata has many meaning, but mainly it is a very hidden drug connected from Yemen to Egypt and from Syria to Brazil and finally here also to Cuba and Guantanamo Bay. And all this I know thank to the stupidity of criminals that used these things to enslave me while pretending to be black mailing someone else. The reason I don’t exactly know what and who was blackmails by the word Mata is due to I don’t know everything, but I know my life best as follow:

21.4.1.     Najlaa Mahmoud pretended to love Mata in Germany and in USA, but only sometimes, due to Najlaa Mahmoud was an identity that was used at least by 3 persons and very possibly by 5 or more persons, and one of them used to love Mata that sometimes is also pronounced Mate based on the dialect of the country

21.4.2.     Najlaa Mahmoud was using this Mata drink to pretend to be black mailing the people around my lives that are pretending to b want to help me, such as the American military intelligent, CIA and KGB agents in the CIA and KGB city Unterschleissheim but also in USA and while I was in Bridgeport, Connecticut  and in Houston, Texas, USA, she used to occasionally drink this drink called Mata/Mate that required a specific form of metal straw to sock the liquid without swallowing the leaves of the fake tea=illegal drugs hidden as tea

21.4.3.     Najlaa Mahmoud was several persons that exchanged places without me noticing, one of them was Russian, one of them was Afro-American pretending to be white, one of them was German and I strongly suspect that there was others, one is Brazilian, one is Cuban, one was with absolute no doubts Turkish, Saudi Arabian, Iranian or it was additional 3 persons. This is important because Syria officially and based on my memory was a friend of Brazil=both related to the Nazi Adolf Hitler, while Nazi, American government and Israeli government propaganda (=fake news and fake published stories) says that a lot of Nazis went to and hiding in Argentine, but I never heard any one of saying that Nazi were hiding in Syria, Egypt, Jordan, other countries  or even Israel that behaves 100% like the Nazi Adolf Hitler, yet I know that they are all lying and there is a lot of Nazi in these countries and it was all distracted by Argentine and this is based on all of the lies I head in the media and believed until I started thinking and understanding my past and discovered that my life is more truthful than these mother fucking news media, movies, governments, books, school and so on. In short Mata is related to Syria that is partner with San Paolo, where my fake uncle the Syrian diplomat in reality ex-Soviet Union Rockefeller was for 1-3 years a consul or Ambassador in San Paulo in Brazil to organize the American-Soviet illegal drug trade with Brazil over Cuba

21.4.4.     And there is other points but I can’t gather my thoughts at the moment and will add them if I remember them later

22.    Last point, and if the American military and Navy base Guantanamo Bay is for USA protection, then why the fuck is it on the other side of the island where they are exposing USA to the Soviet Union that in reality did not need the missiles station in Cuba in 1960, because they have so many submarines they can bomb anywhere at any time, therefore the missile crisis of 1961 was 100% staged Hollywood act just like Schindler’s list. Back to the Navy base being on the other side of the island while exposing USA to the Soviets in Cuba, it is because no one can see them from Florida and they are closer to all the drugs coming from Jamaica, Haiti and Dominican  Republic as distraction of the drug country Cuba, while being also closer to the entire South and Latin America and while they can use the American military and Navy and Air Force against these countries at any time and keep them as slaves for illegal drugs mixed with natural resources



I think  the above is enough and the photos will definitely say the rest, which is all of our major wars in the world including war on terrorisms are nothing else but drug wars performed by the Rockefeller and Bush families while they are hiding among us under fake identities as cowered as they are in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, United Arab Emirates and using their own all new created Sunni Islam to enslave the people enable they can hide and cover the illegal drug money and mix it with petroleum money while not paying taxes=win-win situation for them and deadly situation for everyone else, because I was always trying to live but they killed me and I feel like a walking zombie just want to tell everyone about them.



Photos Area

Guantanamo Bay illeagl drug distribution, processing and delivey.

From South America. Latin America and Africa to Cuba among others through Americans and Soviets and delivery of final products through American Naval base Guantanamo Bay


Microsoft is not showing the information but Google showing some, but important ones.

All photographs are screen shots that I took using the Internet explorer and to show the differences between Google and Microsoft Bing I left the upper part where it says Google or Bing

Above is a screen shot of google where it clearly show the places with country names as sircled in red and there are many more all over the area

Below are two screen shots of Microsoft Map/Bing of Guantanamo city in Cuba, but the cities with country names are not showing





Below is another example of Microsoft map/Bing in comparison with google map of the city San Antonio del Sur near Guantanamo Bay, where it is fully distorted by Microsoft but much clearer by google

Microsoft two time zoom in and stops showing certein parts

Google 6 time zooom of the same area



Below are all screen shots from Google of San Antonio del Sur


Conclusion Microsoft map/bing is hiding the facts.





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