Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0321-B


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             10.09.2007

Updated:                10.09.2007

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Iranian car dealer and repair shop alias American agent in March/April 1970

Name in Arabic

Relation to me

The employer I was sent to as deceive to show as if I am Iranian origin

First saw/met

February/March 1970 in Munich, Germany

Age at that time

Over 40 years old

Last saw/met

I just met him this one time in February/March 1970

Hidden biological relatives

Unknown, but he definitely was working with the Syrians that sent me to him at that time and therefore CIA, Mosad and English secret service

Allegedly Died On


Surrounding me during

A very evil period where the German police persecuted me to find more out about my fake PLO ID that I was forced to mention in my political asylum, that was provided to me by my fake uncle Badeaa Baroudi alias Joseph P. Kennedy junior to set me up and give the CIA a reason to persecute me and isolate me of others under the pretension that I allegedly have connection to a terrorist organization but in reality to protect the faker identities of all my fake family members in the Middle East that were working for CIA, Mosad, English and American military intelligence since 1950s.


165-175 cm


75-85 kg

Skin Color

Darker than white

Hair Color


Eye Color




Special Features

Had a small car repair garage in downtown Munich, Germany and pretended to be spying on Arabs and alleged terrorists in reality he was drug lord undercover and under the protection of CIA, Mosad, English secret service and Iranian secret service.

Special Crimes Against Me

I was sent to him by some evil Syrians that were partners with the American agent Bsiesso that was under cover in Munich as a rich Palestinian used car dealer for the Middle East and Europe. With out me noticing at that time, that Iranian pretended to know me from before and was allegedly trying to cover it up in that he quickly rejected me as a worker to allegedly not implicate himself and me. In other words they portrayed me as an Iranian spy, to increase the suspicion of the German police and of the CIA so they may have more reason to persecute me. Which they did force me shortly thereafter to go to the American military base called McGraw casern, where they used on me uncountable cruel, sadistic, vicious and absolute violent methods to brainwash me by intimidation and force me to be fearful of all Arabs and always run away of them to force my mind not to even want to think about them, remember them or understand my past, ever since and until today. During my entire life they tried many different times to show as if I am from a different country than Syria to cover up the fact that I was born in England and raised in USA until 1959 and then I was kidnapped to the Middle East, and ever since I am being persecuted. Therewith they tried at different time to show as if I am from Iran, India, Pakistan, or a communist spy from Russia. But also to force my mind to not like car mechanics due to the way he set me up and rejected me, and therewith I will not want to think about car mechanics because they are allegedly all a like and I was forced to live on the streets of Munich for several months in the winter of 1970 and he did not even give me a job so I may be able to get of the streets. Beside I was told that I was and my entire family are allegedly Moslems, and this Iranian was also possibly Moslems, and they always claim that Moslems stick together, just as they claim the same about Jewish, Christians or any other religions, but it was all brainwash to hate this guy for many reasons and forget every thing associated with him in my past including my alleged friend and neighbor in Egypt that became the car mechanic of my fake sister allegedly coincidently through me, but in reality it was planned and he was an American, Israeli, English origin pretending to be Egyptian

  See more description/Details below the photograph

Additional Photos wanted/needed

















Iranian car dealer and repair shop alias American agent in March/April 1970, photo and personal information are wanted for crimes against me and against humanity



Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Iranian car dealer and repair shop alias American agent in March/April 1970

Profession under Alias

Allegedly owner of small car repair garage in downtown Munich, Germany

Official Nationality

Allegedly Iranian

Countries Lived In

Consciously I just saw him that one time in 1970 in Munich, Germany, but I have no doubt in my mind that he was an agent pretending to be spying on alleged Moslem terrorists

Official Address

I can’t recall the address, some where possibly near Haaker or Donnersberger brücke/bridge in downtown Munich

Disguise Methods

Pretended to be Iranian mechanic in Munich, Germany

Official Family Members















Other Relatives


Biological Family Members















Other Relatives

Unknown, however I have absolute no doubt in my mind that he was an agent and under cover allegedly to spy on Moslems, but in reality he was a drug lord under the protection of secret service and military intelligence

Friends of the Family

CIA, Mosad, English and American military intelligence

Official Businesses

CIA, Mosad, English and American military intelligence

Businesses Partners:

CIA, Mosad, English and American military intelligence

Illegal Businesses

Spying, drugs, implicating and brainwashing innocents

Other Knowledge

Will follow


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