Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0281


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             23.07.2007

Updated:                23.07.2007

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Charitas, Catholic church Attorney-2 alias worked for the government against me

Name in Arabic

Relation to me

My political asylum attorney provided to me by the government

First saw/met

1970/71 in Munich, Germany

Age at that time:

Over 60 years old

Last saw/met

Uncertain, he was changed twice until 1975 in Munich, Germany

Hidden biological relatives

Unknown, but he was provided to me by the Charitas organization a subsidiary of the German Catholic church

Allegedly Died On


Surrounding me during

During my persecution and brainwash by my evil family in cooperation with CIA, Mosad, English secret service, American military intelligence and the German police/government under the influence of the CIA, Mosad, English secret service, American military intelligence


Can’t recall


Can’t recall

Skin Color

Can’t recall

Hair Color

Can’t recall

Eye Color

Can’t recall


Unknown, however definitely not Christian

Special Features

He was possibly not an attorney, but rather some one of CIA or German police pretending to be my attorney to officially question me with out me noticing, but in reality to prevent other possibly honest attorney of coming near me and help me understand my fake family and current situation. He was working against me and fooling me around with absolute no result, though I had absolute no idea what was my family and what they did. The only reason I know what my family is and what they do is because I have been sitting down in jails, prisons and refugee camps for the last 8 years and have nothing else to do but to try to remember my past to figure out what is going wrong with my life. And that is wrong, because I have been prevented of living my entire life, even today; I oft ask my self what am I doing locked up?

Special Crimes Against Me

Persecuted me to death. Cheated me. Worked against each law and justice ethical and moral values. Prevented me of becoming free and helped suppress me enable to always live of fear of deportation and this since 1970 and until today July 2007, this is almost 38 years of living in fear of being deported to my persecutors, brainwashers and destroyers.

  See more description/Details below the photograph

 Additional Photos wanted/needed

Charitas, Catholic church Attorney-2 alias worked for the government against me, photo and information needed for crimes against me and against humanity

Other Descriptions/Details

















































Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Charitas, Catholic church Attorney-2 alias worked for the government against me

Profession under Alias

Allegedly attorney at the German Catholic church organization called Charitas

Official Nationality

Allegedly German

Countries Lived In

I just saw him in Munich, Germany

Official Address

One of them or two were at Charitas headquarter or main office in Munich, Germany

Disguise Methods

Pretend to be my attorney, on my side, protecting my rights and plainly being with me an honest attorney with integrity, however they all were none-honest, no integrity and no honor to waste a 18-23 years old/young man on purpose and cause him to be homeless, nationality less for the rest of his life

Official Family Members

Father:             Catholic church in Munich, Germany

Mother:            Catholic church in Munich, Germany

Sisters:            Catholic church in Munich, Germany

Brothers:          Catholic church in Munich, Germany

Cousins:          Catholic church in Munich, Germany

Wife:                Catholic church in Munich, Germany

Children:          Catholic church in Munich, Germany

Other relatives: Catholic church in Munich, Germany, CIA,, the German

                        government, Kennedy, Rockefeller, Bush, Windsor and my

                        entire cruel, vicious and sadistic Nazi family


Biological Family Members

Catholic church in Munich, Germany

Official Businesses

Allegedly help suppressed and enslaved people become free, however and very obviously they did absolute the opposite on purpose

Businesses Partners:

Catholic church in Munich, Germany, CIA,, the German government, Kennedy, Rockefeller, Bush, Windsor and my entire cruel, vicious and sadistic Nazi family

Illegal Businesses

Persecuting innocent person and in particular victims of their own government members, brainwash them and destroy them to death


See continuation below.
















































Other Knowledge

They placed me in such a cruel and sadistic position that I was absolute desperate to become free and have legal papers; I was at that time married to Anita Disbray an English citizen. None of them told me that I am eligible for residence permit because I am automatically a member of EU, at that time it was called ECM (=European Common market), because of my marriage of a member of the EU. Not even my evil wife told me, even though and based on my today’s knowledge I was even eligible to apply for English citizenship, but they all wanted me to locked up and destroyed. I oft went down town Munich, wondering/walking around trying to find a way out of my lock up and looked around in embassies of other countries to see if I can become free, I went to the South African embassy and took information, I went to the Australian, Canadian and also get information and I spoke about it with my absolute and concentrated evil wife, and she did nothing to help me out of my misery, but instead, she always pretended to go with me wherever I may go, just to keep me hanging on, on false hopes and fake love. All it would have taken of her is to apply for me to get English citizenship or even tell the German immigration, hey we are married and I am a citizen of EU and that is my husband I want that he get his rights, but on the contrary, she done every thing possible just like every one surrounding me to make sure that I am always locked up until today. She even set me up in cooperation with the American military police to never apply for legal papers through my wife. That was a brainwash and that is how they did it:

Some time in 1970, the American military police called “MP” arrested me along with Anita Disbray (at that time she was my alleged girlfriend and we were not married yet) for no proper reason except to intimidate me and brainwash me. They scared the hill out of in the police station and terrorized me, and pretended as if they want to hit me, one of them he even took his gun out laid it on the desk and attempted to take off other things such as his shirt to allegedly fight with me and hit me in front of all his colleagues, and none of them attempted to stop him, on the contrary they encouraged him to allegedly teach me a lesson, I was 17/18 years old and absolute scared, intimidated and my life was full of problems that I did not understand or knew how to solve. They took Anita Disbray allegedly to the head officer’s office because he wanted to speak to her in private. After they released me, approx 2-4 hours later, I waited for Anita Disbray to come out of the Military Police station, and as she came out I asked her what did that boss want of you, she said, he advised me to leave you because you don’t love me, you are just using me to get to my English citizenship, and I asked her do you believe him, she said yes, I was very disappointed of her because of that and I slapped her one time on her face. And suddenly some man came out from the bushes running towards, and scared the hill out of me,  us and said to her what is going on do you need help, she said no every thing is alright go away and he did, but this time walked along the street.



1.     Anita Disbray had ESP and covered it up in that she pretended to be shy and scared, but also as if she is under my control. She was very small around 45-50 kg, and every one would fall for that trick easily. But in reality she is a sadistic, cruel, vicious and absolute violent person, who inflicted a lot of physical pain up on me with her ESP, but also manipulated my thoughts and behavior to what ever is suitable for her need and goal

2.     She manipulated my thoughts, to think that I love her and therefore and especially after this incident, I will never use her to get my legal papers, and since we were together from 1970 and until 1977, she made sure by using her ESP that I don’t forget this promise that she forced upon me with her ESP and I thought it is my thinking, but it was definitely not my will.

3.     As he came from the bushes it is just like the incident that happened to me approx. one year earlier in Cairo, Egypt and performed by the CIA spy named Adel Hasan, (see details under my fake friends in Egypt) where he set me up with one of his soldiers that was hiding in the bushes and came out and scared the hill out of me and then was taken to the Air Force entrance and allegedly was beaten by the military police guarding the entrance for allegedly trying to steal my wallet, I was 16 years old at that time. The shock and fear that he caused me at that time stayed with me always, and as this American came out of the Bushes, where we just came out of the military police station and they attempted to hit me it is all similar to my past that my brain only register fear and shocks based on the old one and became even ore scared and shocked due to the worry/fear of violence. In short they were building on my old brainwash in Egypt, this mean they knew every thing about me and all the methods that was used to brainwash me in Egypt, because they are all related either by family or through the spying and CIA or through the international crime organization called my family.

4.     Also the whole planned and created incident/situation was intended simultaneously to make me think as if I am falling in love with Anita Disbray so I may stick to her and not attempt to leave her, because after that she said and showed as if she now trust me and know that I love her and not her citizenship, and allegedly she also love me for that, therewith I should also love and trust her. It was all ESP manipulation in cooperation with man made situation and incidents to confirm to my mind the brainwash.

5.     Also to make me always fearing police and never trust them, so I may not attempt to ask them for help or file a report of any kind to the police who were always doing me some thing wrong and injustice so I may hate the police and not trust them, But who was doing that, not really the police as institution, but the evil members of my family who are oft also members of the police, but also CIA manipulated police in my past and tricked them to do me injustice to confirm to my mind that police is bad, and all began by their spy Mohi Sabri alias the fake husband of my fake mother who raped me sexually in mid 1960s as start of brainwash against the police, because he was a police man and he brainwashed me and persecuted me in Cairo, Egypt and thereafter in Germany with the help of CIA, Mosad and English secret service who are trying desperately to cover up for his identity. He is 100% American pretending to be Egyptian and asylum seeker in Germany since 1969, in reality he is a CIA agent in Germany and against the German people, but he is not the only CIA agent in Germany, I know many others and I will publish each one of them as I get to it, these piece of shit. These people are not people, and not even animals, it is an insulting for animals to call these people animals, therefore I call them parasite. And that is exactly what they are, they live of others, they are not capable to live honestly of their own productivity.


Nothing else to describe than that they are absolute criminals



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