Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0242


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             09.07.2007

Updated:                09.07.2007

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Bashaar Deppesh alias CIA, Mosad, English and Syrian secret service

Name in Arabic

بشار الدبش \ دبش

Relation to me

The nephew of my fake brother-in-law Seev Aldin Bdeir

First saw/met

1981/1982 in Munich, Germany

Age at that time:

Over 30 years old

Last saw/met

1984/85 in Munich, Germany

Hidden biological relatives


Allegedly Died On


Surrounding me during

My brainwash period immediately before my second kidnapping to USA and keeping me hostage for 15 years


160-170 cm


75-85 kg

Skin Color


Hair Color


Eye Color




Special Features

Slaw, lazy, push him self up on others, big lair and deceiver, pretend to be Syrian Moslem, pretend to need others help just to get close to them, pretended to be the, cheap, love to complain as a part of making others feeling sorry for him to get them to do what he wants, pretend to be poor

Special Crimes Against Me

Persecuted me with his sister and helped in brainwashing me in order to cover up for the fact that the Bdeir family are American and English pretending to be Syrian living in Jordan and very rich business men in the entire Middle East, forced his sister and him self upon me and tried hard to force me to fall in love with his sister to marry her and get isolated in Germany by stupid, cruel and absolute vicious CIA, Mosad and English secret service agents who pretend to be Syrian. Confused my life and tried very hard to force me to be busy with other things than with my job at Siemens AG and therewith to force me to not pay attention to the projects I was working on in the Middle East, tried hard to confuse my mind about the textile and tailoring businesses in the family that are all American English origin, see details below under other knowledge

  See more description/Details below the photograph


Additional Photos wanted/needed






Bashaar Deppesh alias CIA, Mosad, English and Syrian secret service, photo and personal information for crimes against me and against humanity

Other Descriptions/Details

















































Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Bashaar Deppesh alias CIA, Mosad, English and Syrian secret service

Profession under Alias

Allegedly owner of a small swing utensils for tailoring in downtown Damascus, Syria

Official Nationality


Countries Lived In

What I saw:

I just met him 4-7 times in Munich, Germany, he pushed him self upon my life between 1981 and 1984/85

What I was told:

He is Syrian living only in Syria

What I suspect:

South American Origin living in USA, or Indian origin living in England. He is 100% CIA, Mosad, English and Syrian secret service, because he tried very hard to show as if he is the nephew of Seev Aldin Bdeir and Mohamad Ali Bdeir and that this is they way they look, and that they are originated from Syria. But Seev Aldin Bdeir and Mohamad Ali Bdeir are 100% American/English born and origin

Official Address

Damascus, Syria

Disguise Methods

Pretend to be Syrian Moslem-Sunni

Official Family Members

Father:             Unknown

Mother:            Mrs. Deppesh, the alleged sister of Seev Aldin Bdeir and

                        Mohamad Ali Bdeir, but it is a 100% a lie, I saw their sister.

                        She is nothing like Deppesh family.

Sisters:            Miss Deppesh Name forgotten, Syrian/Israeli/American/

                        English whore, and other unknown sisters

Brothers:          Unknown

Cousins:          Allegedly: Basmath Bdeir, Samir Bdeir, Reem Bdeir,

                        Essam Bdeir, younger brother of Essam Bdeir,

                        Lina/Lana Bdeir and many others I forgot their


Wife:                Unknown

Children:          Unknown

Other relatives: Officially: Bdeir and therewith and officially my entire stupid

                        and fake family mentioned within this website


Biological Family Members


Official Businesses

Small shop owner of downtown Damascus, Syria, for tailoring utensils

Businesses Partners:

Officially only Dr. Sami Assassa. Must be Bdeir and therewith all their worldwide partners

Illegal Businesses

Spying, Drugs, terrorism and all the crimes of the Bdeir family


See continuation below.

















































Other Knowledge

He tried very hard to confuse my memory about all the textile and tailoring business in the family, but also to stop me to think about Anita Disbray and her stupid IRA terrorist family, such as such as:

1.     1959-1975. My fake grand mother name, which is Khayat, translated means Taylor

2.     1959-1963/64. Fuad Khayat alias Rockefeller family member who left Syria and went back to USA

3.     1960-1970. Mon senior Faris, our ex-neighbor, an alleged Syrian and a very famous tailor shop owner in Cairo, Egypt in 1960s and 1970s

4.     1965/66-1972. My alleged cousin Mohamad Noori, which they own textile factory in Damascus, Syria and are 100% originated from USA and England

5.     1960-1969. The cousin of Dr. Basam Baroudi (my fake cousin) very rich and owner of textile factory in Damascus, Syria

6.     1960s. The Textile factory in Cairo, Egypt called Masnaa Al-Nasieg, where my fake mother worked for a short period in 1960s and it is 100% owned by the family

7.     1960s. The Textile factory in Cairo, Egypt called Masnaa Al-Tarabishi, where my fake mother worked for a short period in 1960s and it is 100% owned by the family

8.     1960s. The famous Egyptian department store Omar Afendi where my fake mother worked for a short period in the textile department and it is owned by the family

9.     1980/81-1984/85. I was still thinking about my ex-wife Anita Disbray, and trying to understand what happened in our alleged marriage and 7 years together and how come we separated in a very questionable way and protected (covered up) by the German government, and there come Bashaar Deppesh and his sister as distraction of my ex-wife who was member of IRA, and later Najlaa Mahmoud destroyed every evidence that Anita Disbray has ever existed in my life. They were all working together, including my church

10.  1980/81-1984/85. Bashaar Deppesh and his whore sister Miss Deppesh, before kidnapping to USA. And below after kidnapping me and brainwashing me in USA

11.  1987-1989. Najlaa Mahmoud, Scott and Susanne Shield (or Shields)  in Bridgeport, Connecticut, owner of tailoring shops for prostitutes in Westport, Connecticut, (and in another small town nearby), also own a textile sweat shop (illegal factory) in New York city who persecuted me with the help of CIA and FBI and brainwashed me and confused the hell out of my life to forgot all the above and show in a very obvious way as if they are part of the family and Jewish origin to blame every thing on Jewish and Israel only.

12.  1988/89. An alleged Syrian textile factory owner in Damascus, Syria, who allegedly went to Bridgeport Connecticut, USA in 1988 because his business was not generating enough money and allegedly and enable to keep the employees working he was working as supermarket helper in Bridgeport, until allegedly he won the Green Card in a Green Card lottery, purchased his own supermarket and was shot dead in the same week allegedly by Afro-American burglar. This was to force my mind, among other things, to forget all textile and tailoring businesses in my past

13.  2005. After I was forced to live in a refugee camp for 3 weeks in Berchtesgaden, Germany, the second largest residence of Adolf Hitler, and in coordination of the German government, which is controlled by Americans and English since the second world war, and some stupid Syrian refugee and an alleged German owner of a secondhand shop, which allegedly was a shop for refugees, and the police I was forced to find a book of Adolf Hitler, with two young girls and Eva Braun, that I connected to my family as well as at the police station I found an advertisement of  medical doctor called Dr. Deppesh-Roth (double name) which I immediately connected to some Roth family members who persecuted me at Siemens AG in 1979-1981, as well as Deppesh/Bdeir and the Adolf Hitler/Eva Braun, and that is all feeding my mind with the wrong information after so many years of being brainwashed and hungry for the truth to help my own mind to settle and relax in that I understand the reality, but these evil piece of shit of Syrian, American and English crime organization members who are in high government positions are manipulating my mind, my surroundings and the wrong information I am being fed just to cover up for their International crime organization. After three weeks of Berchtesgaden I was arrested for no reason, jailed for 3 months and deported to Holland, so I was forced to go to Berchtesgaden by the German government to find wrong information that links my family only to old German Nazis who don’t exist any more and therewith, among others, I can’t blame any one for all the crimes performed against me


And all this is connected to the piece of shit Bashaar Deppesh and the Bdeir family who both claim to be relatives just to cover up their tracks of drugs, terrorism, child kidnapping and many, many other vicious and cruel international crimes and currently performed war crimes and genocides world wide. They love to blame others for their crimes.


All above is only a portion of many things that happened to me and how and why I was kidnapped and brainwashed.


More will follow


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