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Declaration on 16.04.2009

My fake name since summer 1959 is Mohamad Nuzhat Najar alias Michael N. Najar, my name until summer 1959 was George W. Bush.


 I feel I have to declare something about what is really in my mind based on partially very aggressive words within my complaint web pages.


(Added on 17.04.2009) I am being persecuted by the Bush family in cooperation with their hidden allies to prevent me of recognizing my origin, but also I am being persecuted by the opponents of the Bush family and the American government as a mean of using me to expose or black mail the Bush family and the American government, and therewith I am forced to live between two invisible opponents, because they are persecuting me from the background in the name of National security. I tried hard to escape both sides, because each of them is working only for his own interest which is greed, but I am not able and therewith I am living in a hidden hot war between these two sides  and in this process both sides are dramatically damaging my life and torturing me mentally and physically, and I have no other alternative except to write what is going on around my life to stop both of them of persecuting me, but also and meanwhile I want justice and prevent this of ever happing again to anyone else who so ever.


I am really a very peaceful person, on the other side I was brainwashed to whatever other wanted me to be or wanted me to look like, and therefore I am really not sure how I was, or if the way I was is me or is my brainwash.


However and today 16.04.2009, I know what and how I am: I am a peaceful person and using the Internet to get my aggression out while simultaneously letting others know what was on my mind in the past and what is on my mind today based on what happened to me.


I am a peaceful person not because of lack of strength in viciousness or fear and as a mean of self protection, which is very common by human being,  that do not have the viciousness or even some times the knowledge to be in control of others such as many controlling families worldwide, but I am peaceful because I realized that with my mind or brain I can achieve more beautiful things than being vicious, especially that I absolutely have no idea what so ever why am I in this life, certainly not to become a slave as I was all my life or even a Master to enslave others out of laziness and fear of doing actual physical work, but rather I am peaceful person because I recognize that the majority of human have absolutely no idea why we are living, and at least with my experience I can help in that give them the reason why they are all misused in this life, and I can’t do that without talking about what I know, and what I know is my life, and my life is as evil as I am describing it within my complaint pages, hopping at least that others in similar situations can find a way out, because I can’t, not even today. May be because all I know is my past, and my past is not good and I do not wish to go through it again and I do not wish others to go through it either.


In this process I discovered that I am being persecuted by those who are supposed to protect me, which is the mother fucker’s American military intelligence, or some may call them secret service of the military, or scouts prior to invasion, or thieves of lives or whatever names or description may suite these vicious mother fuckers. Since it is a hidden organized crime family/organization within the American military and all that they care about is money and total control, they closely work with other countries military intelligence and in particular Russians, Chinese, Indians, Saudi Arabians, Pakistanis and many others for the purpose of staying in control while pretending to be defending the very country that they are very much hurting, stealing and systematically killing in that they use it for their own greed. Therefore they often used these other country’s military intelligence against me to implicate me as if I am originated of these countries, but I am not, and until I am proven wrong I must rely or depend on what happened to me in my life and what I saw, which is I was in USA until 1959 and was kidnapped from USA as described within my complaint pages for the purpose also mentioned within, which is I was used as decoy and double of the mother fucker and human trash ex-USA president George W, Bush.


(Added on 17.04.2009) On top of that some persons mentioned within my complaint pages are requiring from me more respect to their persons, well, respect and based on life stature is nothing else than submission out of fear, and that, no one is going to get from me and they can kiss my ass. There is absolutely no difference between the president of USA and me or queen of England and me or Chancellor of Germany and me or other controlling persons and me, except they have ESP and they disabled my ESP and persecuted me to mental death out of greed while hiding everything under fake national security.  The only respect I have in my life is respect to our all creator and his creation, even though I don’t always understand him, and respect to him not out of fear but out of admiration that he thought of everything we need and gave it to us in advance for free, yet it is all stolen by punch of thugs and we are all forced to pay for these Godly or nature free gifts such as land. Even though land is free from God or Nature, I can’t afford it, but not only me also another at least 5 Billion persons on this free earth can’t afford free land. I even predict that some day we will have to pay rent for being on earth, or for the consumption of air, not to forget to mention that I am being tortured mentally and physically with ESP on a daily basis and for that alone I am not going to give any respect. The strong should protect the defenseless, and without ESP I am totally defenseless against vicious persons with ESP. This is what criminal minded controlling families do, they use others torture them steal everything in their lives and use them to raise their hidden children and if any one complains they torture the life out of him as they doing to me today.


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