The other side of
peace is the Rockefellers!!! |
on |
24-12-2011 |
on |
15.01.2012 |
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(Added on
07.01.2012) Important note: Yesterday I read what I
wrote this week in the beginning of the profile of Adelheid Kuczka and I did
not like it, so I read this page and found that it has error. Therefore I will
modify it and keep the old version as backup.
Due to the complexity still under construction
What is this website about?
In short is not possible, because this website has over 5000 pages
that I was working on to be able to analyze my own life and what happened to me
and the result of these pages since the year 2007 is this one single long pages
that is structured as follow:
The world Trade center bombing in 1993 and again
in 2001
Introducing some of my family members, the real
hidden conspirators, planner, performers and Beneficiaries of the WTC bombing
And this is why they kept me as slave and hostage
since 1959 and until 2006 and since 2006 I am struggling to understand why, I
was used as place holder for George W. Bush in USA until sometimes between 1955
and 1959 and then they exchanged us
I am the link to the World Trade Center bombing; I am the link to the
actual Al-Kaida I am the link to many terrorist attacks since 1966. Know this
that Al-Kaida as you hear about it is a big lie and distraction of the actual
Al-Kaida. Once you read the facts then decide for yourself.
I have done nothing wrong I did not plan, organize, perform or even
think about making a terrorist attack, but my family is the biggest hidden
organized crime family in the world and this since at least 1890. They
performed the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center twice, once in 1993
under George H. W. Bush, the father, but it did not work, then again almost 10
years later on 11.09.2001 under George W. Bush, the son enable to have a reason
to steal Afghanistan and Iraq enable to unify them to the hidden Rockefeller
empire Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, , Abu Dhabi, Yemen, Egypt, Syria,
Lebanon, Iran, Libya (also I call it the invisible Rockefeller empire); they
killed 10,000 Kurdish people to have a reason to attack Iraq and above all they
bombed the World Trade Center and killed nearly 4000 and made millions of
people all over the world suffer, just to have a reason to steal Afghanistan
and later Iraq.
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Note about bad language. Now I am much calmer than before, but it was
often a big shock for me to discover something and then I start cursing my fake
family and the American military like the following example:
While I was trying to remember the external and
internal look of our alleged house in Damascus, Syria in prior to 1960, and
then I discovered that we had only three beds in one bed room as follow:
Ø 1 bed allegedly for
my mother and father that allegedly died on this bed in 1953
Ø 1 bed for allegedly
my three sisters, all are older than me by 10-14 years, and my two brothers
that are allegedly older than me one by 3 years and the other by 13 years (he
allegedly died as he was 1 year old) but I never saw them in this room, the only
persons I saw in this evil room is my fake sister Fadia Nagar, my fake mother
Hayat Baroudi was never in this room, but in my memory I have her 1-2 times in the kitchen, bathroom, 1 time in the terrace
and one time in the living room, they did not even live in this house, I lived
in this house alone by myself I was locked up in it and they occasionally came
to place it in my memory as if we all lived in this house, they monitored me
from far by ESP, and most of the time I was a sleep, all this is a new discovery,
most probably they gave me medicine to go to sleep for a long time or to place
me in an artificial coma, I don’t know for how long, but when they waked me up
I was so tired and could hardly wake and was very hungry as if I did not eat
for days. On the other side I may have been a sleep for a year and they placed
all the memory described above with ESP in my brain, that happened once to me
as an adult in a refugee camp in the village of Zweeloo in around 21 or 22
december 2001 1-2 days after I returned from a 2 days forced upon me trip to
Munich, Germany and back in the same weekend very disappointed. It was very
painful, as if someone flashed hundreds of images or may be thousands in my
mind and I was trying hard to avoid these images, but they were coming from
somewhere and I had fully no control over them and could not stop the flow of
these images, the whole process took around 5-10 minutes, I can’t recall
exactly, but I recall I was laying in bed trying to
sleep and the images started flowing in and I was moving around in bed trying
to avoid them and crying because I am helpless against them but also I did not
like them they were too sad.
Ø 1 baby bed for me
while I was 8 years old they placed me in a baby bed because they wanted me to
think that I was raised all my life in this bedroom, but the problem is that
the entire house was very luxurious furnished and yet the bedroom looks like
that as if it is a bed room of poor family where allegedly father, mother and 6
children sleep in one room and as soon as I understood this situation and
recognized that they wiped off my memory prior to that I exploded and started
cursing them over this situation but also I was heavily and viciously
manipulated with ESP until around one year ago, I think since I broke my link
to my fake son, the ESP control went away, that is also a prove that this man
was not my son but rather the son of Bush or/and Rockefeller that they forced
me to think he is my son for so long enable to use him to control my life,
which he did, actually and now I see him responsible for my absolute bad
situation from 2002 to 2010, where I was jailed around 20 times and pushed
around from one refugee camp to the other between Germany and the Netherlands.
All in all I was roughly moved around 40 times in this period. This mean this
man that pretended to be my son is the enemy number one of Germany, Europe, USA
and the Middle East because he prevented me of discovering things while forcing
me to write false things and terrorizing my life with ESP such as waking me up
5-10 minutes after going to sleep and then does not let me sleep until 4 or
even 8 o`clock in the morning. To make me more angry and force me to curse over
the situation that I was not able to control. This mean he was either very
close to my housing, less than 100 km or he has a huge brotherhood that are
spread all around me, my guess a combination, and while they were pretending to
help me, they were actually destroying me.
The above example is one example of many, where I exploded and started
cursing over the situation.
Sadam Hussein was working very closely with Khomeini to kill all the
potential danger for the new Rockefeller Empire by allowing Iran Khomeini to
kill all the unwanted controlling families in Iraq while Sadam Hussein is killing
all the unwanted controlling families in Iran and in this process of over 20
year of war they killed most probably over 5 Million Iraqis and Iranis. Then
Saddam Hussein and Khomeini disappeared and they killed their lookalike, just
as they did with Arafat and shortly ago also with Osama ben laden. Osama Ben
Laden is not dead he is living most probably in Saudi Arabia that has the most
strict and vicious rules in the world to cover up for people and to control
people inside out=Rockefeller family, my family, because today I starting to
discover who is my father, most probably is John D. Rockefeller the Second that
allegedly died in 1961 but he went under another identity called Fuad Khayat
and later changed it to another unknown to me identity and the only prove I
have for that is my DNA.
In these pages I will explain this link to the World Trade Center
But first look closely at these pictures and who is responsible for
Before 11.09-2001 (9.11.2001) |
World Trade Center bombing 1993 |
During 11.09-2001 (9.11.2001) |
Replacement coming soon but it is not going to be
called the Rockefeller Center or the Rockefeller Empire Center, is going to
be called the World Trade Center. The Power days of the Rockefellers are
numbered and will be ended soon! |
Be caution, don`t ever trust anyone of below or my fake family, they
always appear as your best friend and do 1 or 3 things that impresses you, then
they would steal letterly everything you own, including your life!
the black death: The hidden Al-Kaida the actual planner and performer of the World Trade Center
bombing and placing more than 300 Million people in fear for months and the
placing the city of New Your (15-20 Million) for fear until today and for years
to come, and there with the people of USA become more controllable with all the
new vicious laws that are designed to suppress the poor and steal the life out
of them while keeping them poor and separating them by force of law as Moslem,
Jewish, Catholics, Protestant, and many hundreds of religions in USA. And this
concept it has been largely exported to Europe and to the Middle East and
entire south Asia
And these are some of the responsible persons; the rest of this group
is in the tale below it, but there is more I will add later:
Part 1: The family business of terrorism to enlarge the
Rockefeller empire by killing millions of innocent people between 1981 and
now in 2011 including the WTC |
Saudi Arabia |
Iran then |
Jordan Then |
Jordan Now |
Syria then |
Syria now |
USA then |
US now |
The kings of Saudi Arabia, one of
them is a half-brother to George H. W. Bush, see who |
Khomeini is 100% another hidden brother
of George H. W. Bush that was waiting until Reagan era begins enable he can
perform his function in Iran, which he did. Khomeini from Iran is a Saudi
Arabian Rockefeller that was sent to Iran to steal Iran from the Shah and
gradually convert Iran from English property to the very vicious Sunni Saudi
Arabia, and I strongly believe he is the father or uncle of Osama Ben laden
and the prove for that is my official nephew Tarek Ali that allegedly live in
England with my fake sister Fadia Najar that is nothing but a Nanny
pretending to be the mother of the Rockefeller children Essam and Esmat
Shawki allegedly both still live in England, whereby Esmat Shawki is married
to an Iranian terrorist and Essam Shawki pretending to me to be something he
is not, which is to be a poor man in England while he is helping in Saudi oil
business in Between for Aramco, Exxon, Chevron in Saudi Arabia and Houston
Texas where they kept me letterly as a slave and hostage for 10 years under
two persons that exchanged place called Najlaa Mahmoud, one is American
Rockefeller whore and the other Saudi Arabia Rockefeller whore, one prey and
the other does not one love TV and the other hate TV and used to make me
throw the TV away after she arrives in Houston, Texas. Since Khomeini is bringing Iran in
Saudi Arabia hands, he pretend to be against Saudi
Arabia and USA. If they make an atomic bomb, then the Saudi Rockefeller can
bomb Turkey, India, Pakistan and blame it on Iran, which they tried to do in
Libya and Iraq, but somehow they failed |
Ex-King Hussein of Jordan. The kings of Jordan used to be
English, now they are both English and Rockefeller, my fake sister Afrah
Abokurah is the prove. (Added on 13.01.2012) But also my
fake niece Basmath Bdeir and my ex-wife Anita Disbray and her colleague Ray
Thomas are also a prove that the Rockefeller with do partnership even with
the devil enable they can succeed in controlling a large part of our world or
destroy it as they did to the world trade center |
King Abdallah of Jordan |
The Syrian ex-president Hafez
Al-Assad a half-brother to George H. W. Bush. |
His evil son Bashaar al Assad (and a cousin to George W. Bush) that took
over the presidency, both are Rockefellers |
George H. W. Bush that has over 200 half-brothers
and sisters one of them is Hafez Al Assad the other is Saddam Hussein |
His evil son George W. Bush that
took over the presidency enables to bomb the World Trade Center to have a
reason to expand the Rockefeller empire to Afghanistan and Iraq. That has a huge circle of half brothers and sisters that I estimate
to be over 200 and I am one of them, check my DNA because I am the link to
the WTC Bombing and hundreds of other terrorist attack performed by the Bush
and the Rockefeller families enable to repeatedly expand their empire in
Germany, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and others. My half-brother George W. Bush that was raised in Saudi Arabia,
Iraq, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Jordan, Syria, Egypt until 1959, while
they were keeping me as place holder in USA until 1959 and then exchanged us. (added on 13.01.2012) I look to the biggest part as
George W. Bush, but today I know I am not his brother but rather his unlce
that look like him and was used as place holder for him until 1959. In other
words his father George H. W. Bush is my evil brother. |
Another hidden brother of George H. W.
Bush alias king Fahd of Saudi Arabia King Fahd Half-brother
to George H. W. Bush and uncle of George W. Bush and the number one
responsible for the WTC bombing They disguise by using the beard, eye
glasses and the head and body cover. By many of them if you take the bear and
the cover and photograph them naked, then they are identical to the
Rockefeller family There are several persons that uses the identity of Osama ben Laden, one is killed and
the others are working for Exxon, Aramco and Chevron. (added on 13.01.2012) The above photo
of Osama Ben Laden shows very clearly that Osama ben laden is slightly
lookalike of Yasser Arafat, photo below, that proves everything in our life
is a family business, even terrorism that generate not only confusion and
fear within the general public and allow the controlling families to better
control the general public, but also it generate a lot of money through
reaching the final objective, that oft is only understood after it is too
late, which is steal a country or more than one country such as they did with
the Palestine people and later in Iraq and Afghanistan, but also much earlier
and in between each single of the so called Arab countries. (added on 13.01.2012) The reason I
am positive that my fake sister Fadia Naggar is raising the hidden son of
Osama Ben laden named Tarek Ali in Hove/Brighton, England (that possibly has several very lookalike
half-brothers, due to Osama Ben Laden has many wives and several of them are
sisters and cousins and they are children generation machine) is
because my fake family and my biological family have been systematically
using terrorist to link me to terrorist enable they can give the CIA, FBI and
various police under their control to persecute me and isolate me of the
general public as a terrorist suspect, and that started with linking me to
the terrorist Yasser Arafat by giving me a fake PLO ID in 1969 and then
forcing me to apply for political asylum in Germany and mentioning this PLO
ID, but also by bringing a new man in to my life called Dr. Farzat Baroudi
that I absolutely do not recall ever hearing from him before 1968 despite
seeing him and today I know why, because he is the terrorist and ex-Libyan
president Moamar Khadafi. As a follow to that is 100% linking me to Osama Ben
Laden and that they did in around 1992/1993 by bringing his son into my life
as the son of my fake sister Fadia Nagar that and in my presence (=to my
knowledge) she lives somewhere in an ARAMCO camp in or outside the city of
Dammam, Saudi Arabia where her husband Dr. Alaa Ali is allegedly a
gynecologist and also visited me in that period of 1992/93 in Houston, Texas,
USA and to confirm this deceive her alleged other son Essam Shawki also
visited me shortly thereafter with his alleged best friend that was a rich
Saudi Arabia, today it turned out that this Essam Shawki is a very lookalike
of prince Hashem of Jordan, the alleged son of king Hussein, but I discovered
that there are at least two Essam Shawki, and very possibly 4 that all
exchange place with each other’s between Amman, Jordan, Cairo, Egypt,
Hove/Brighton England, Houston, Texas and most probably also in other cities
where they also have second housing due to and at least one of them is 100%
son of a Rockefeller and he is very rich and have multi national or
international businesses. Not to forget that my fake niece Esmat Shawki the
official sister of Essam Shawki and Tarek Ali tried or was used also to link
me to terrorism several times between 1984 and 1992 in that she said in 1985
she has an Iranian boyfriend that she is going to get married to and
allegedly she did in 1987, during the period where my fake family and the
German government set me up very badly,. Brainwashed and forced me to live
with a woman I hate her guts enable to kidnapped to USA and keep my mind
going in circle I hate this woman in USA and I love another woman in Germany
but I don’t know how to get out of this situation=brainwash for 15 years that
forced my mind to give up on absolutely everything and ceased to work, and
therewith I was a dog on the leash, which is a very long term mental torture,
even today in 2012!!!! Beside Tarek Ali that I last saw in
1992/93 in Houston, Texas looks a lot like Osama Ben Laden!! |
of his many many children, most of them live under a different name such as
Abokurah and Rockefeller Because my sister Afarah Najjar is From Rockefeller
and married to the borther of King hussein called Abdalghani Abokurah and she
is most definitely immediately involved in the bombing of the world trade
center. Not to forget that my official brother-in-law Abdalghani Abokurah is
brother to King Hussein, brother to Prince Charles of England, brother to Dr. Ahmed Nazif
prime minister of Egypt, and others. Below Prince Hashem of Jordan, he is not only
a mixture of my sister Afrah Najjar and my uncle Jawdat Baroudi but also of
my official nephew that lives in England named Essam Shawki and is
Rockefeller son and is in the Saudi oil business The
prince Hamzah of Jordan his look is a mixture between my official sister
Afraah Najjar that disappeared in 1961 and was replaced with another
loookalike name Afrah Abokurah and a mixture of my official uncle Jawdat
Baroudi. The only difference is that Jawdat baroudi is blond and blue eyes.
Jawdat Baroudi and Afrah Najjar are from the American Rockefeller branch and
have two identities and I am looking for them because they are criminals and
are one of the major responsible for boming the World Trade center (added on 13.01.2012) This man, king Abdallah, reminds
me with James Brasher of Assosciayed Canvas Products, Inc., in Channelview,
Texas, it is either they are related or one of them is disguising himself as
the other, or it is one and the same person and I am not able to identify him
due to all the brainwash they performed on me. One thing I can say today,
that James Brasher has most probably a very lookalike brother with a beard
that he used to exchange places with him, and at that time I did not
recognize the situation, but now and today I do, it is very possible that the
one with beard was the curren king Abdullah, at that time he was newly king
and I wrote him a letter in April 2000 complaining about my fake family that
is in Jordan and the Jordanian secret service that persecuted me unjustly. Below
is very much how my official nephew Khalid Abokurah would look like, below
the photo of one of the sons of King Hussein Princess Haya, wife of the ruler of Dubai and daughter of the late King
Hussein of Jordan. This is also how my official niece Reem Bdeir in Jordan looked
like the only difference is when I last time saw Reem Bdeir in 1994 in
Houston, Texas that was allegedly married to a Palestinian was not the same
Reem Bdeir from before. Below is how Reem Bdeir would look like without
the excess weight. I was told a lie story that she allegedly was killed in
July 2000 by her husband in Pennsylvania and the story goes on, but the most
important thing in the story is that it was told to me only by 2 persons that
I absolutely do not trust and I can’t verify their story but the photo below
tells me something else. |
(added on 13.01.2012) The above two photographs are
officialy of the Jordanina king Abdallah, but is seem to me it is from two
different persosn |
In the below photo you can also see the teesth pattern between him and
the photo to the right of George H. W. Bush George H. W. Bush as he was younger, where it is very visible that these
two are related |
President Barak Obama award
ex-president George H. W. Bush a middle for bombing the WTC twice Here you can see that he is a
Rockefeller, compare the first and second photos below of: David
Rockefeller and George H. W. Bush below and their brother Hafez Al
Assad to the left, and half-brother King Fahd far right It is possible that the above photo
is not George H. W. Bush but rather another hidden Rockefeller family member
and is brother to both George H. W. Bush and David Rockefeller |
Ex-president George W Bush with his
cousin ex-president Bill Clinton Me now Me 1972 German driver license,
because CIA, FBI and American secret Service stole letterly everything I have
including my photos. Also and very unfortunately they
damaged all my teeth that looked very much identical to George W. Bush, and
performed other things to hide that our look is the same George W. Bush when he was younger |
The rest of the above group
And these are some of the responsible persons; the rest of this group is
in the tale below it, but there is more I will add later:
Part 1:
The family business of terrorism to enlarge the Rockefeller empire by killing
millions of innocent people between 1981 and now in 2011 including the WTC |
Egypt Then and now |
Libya (The text only was added on 07.01.2012) I just discovered few days ago that
my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi is Moamar Khadafi, and then discovered that
my ex-friend the CIA agent Ray Thomas is also Moamar Khadafi and yesterday I
understood that Moamar Khadafi is several persons that use this identity, and
each one of these Khadafi represent one of the joint venture partner that
took over Libya in 1969. And that is why Moamar Khadafi had a very heavy
makeup and disguises! |
Tunis |
Iraq |
Kuwait |
photo needed Additional
photo needed
photo needed Another
Rockefeller whore that help keep Egyptian people as slaves while pretednig to
be helping them The woman that took me in december 1959 from
somewhere to Damascus, Syria for one month and then in January 1960 took me
to to Cairo, Egypt and disapeared some times in 1960s and was replaced with
some one else. Today and while I am concentrating on this photo, I am guessing that she
exchanged places with another lookalike that had big feet and they created a
situation to force my mind to think that my mother has big feet, but it is
not true that woman that took me to egypt had small feet so she must have
disappeared prior to this big feet incident, sometime before 1963-1964, may
be even in 1961, where my fake sister Afrah Najjar disappeared in 1961 as a
distraction that she is the only one that disappeared and 2-3 years later
created the big feet incident to force my mind to have wrong dates=brainwash.
I don’t know who is this woman below, but I found this photo on the internet
as the photo of the Speaker of the United State Congress or also called the
speaker of the house under the name Nancy
Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi. My guess they
wanted me to think that the woman above and |
(added on 13.01.2012) The
ex-terrorist Yasser Arafat (now retired
somewhere possibly in Saudi Arabia or in California) that faked
his death with the help of the French government to take the blame of the
Rockefeller family that are originated of the Windsor family. Yasser Arafat
that exchanged places with his brother King Hussein of Jordan and no one
noticed that of the general public until I started to complain in 2003-2006
in over 40 jails, prisons and refugee camps between Germany and the
Netherland, then they faked his death in a French hospital. |
(added on 13.01.2012)the above
photo is a very lookalike to John D. Rockefeller junior the second of an
Iraqi official that the Bush family and their administration assigned to Iraq
after 2003 (added on 13.01.2012) The above
photo, Dr. Farzat Baroudi in disguise alias Moamar Khadafi alias Mohsen Abdel
Hamid the ex-Iraqi president for one month in 2004 and then was removed very
possibly due to my many complains while I was jailed in Germany that my fake
family is Al Kaida, and that is why the Rockefeller family is desperate to
try to prove as if they have nothing to do with the World Trade Center
Bombing and try to pin it on their cousins the Royal Saudi Arabians, and to
do that they place a person with Saudi Arabian cloths in the Iraqi government
as shown in the photo below. (Added on 07.01.2012) Below is my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat
Naggar that was replaced later with Nick Naggar is most probably one of many
hidden sons of Sadam Hussein and this not only based on the look of both, but
rather on many other situations and look similarities also to my fake Uncle
Badeaa Baroudi and his children that look as mixture of the children of Sadam
Hussein and the children of George W. Bush. This mean I have at least 3
lookalike Nick Naggar, some are of the George H. W. Bush and others are of
the Sadam Hussein family (added on 13.01.2012) The above two
photos is my fake brother Nick Naggar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar that I
discovered in the last a few days that they are in reality not 2 lookalike
fake brothers but rather 6= 2 short ones in Egypt that were claiming to be
15-16 years old, and two taller ones in Germany that exchange places to give
the other a vacation and time of and 2 in USA that also exchanged places at
least with the two in Germany to give them a vacation. At least one of them
is the son of the ex-Iraqi president Sadam Hussein. In other words Sadam
Hussein could have come to Germany or went to USA under these fake identities
and without a moustache and I would have never noticed, this is how much
similarity (which I saw because I have more
than the two photos, I have my life) they have with each
other’s=Typical organized crime family, they use one person for so many
things, me. |
Persons that did not die but rather they killed one of their 2 to
several lookalike.
Jürgen Moellemann |
Arafat |
Osama Ben laden |
Khomeini |
Reem Bdeir |
Khadafi |
John D. Rockefeller junior the Second |
John D. Rockefeller the Third |
Anwar Al-Sadat |
Hafez Al-Assad |