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Home Page of or Backup sites or About these pages: My Complaint over BP-British Petroleum + Bush family for kidnapping me and forcing me to "Hidden Slavery" by using CIA, MI6 and others! |
See the state of my complaint pages, Updated on 24.11.2024 | |||||
This document was created on 13.03.2019 and completed on 4th of July 2020, happy Independence Day to all!
This page was re-edited and completed on 21.06.2021
Note added on 23.6.2021: the below line is not valid anymore, the page is completed, because the details are in other pages.
The text below is temporary until I get to writing the more details.
The CIA, MI6 and my fake family, and the English royalties and their hidden allies all over the world builds upon twins, triplets (and even more) and lookalikes to use them as doubles, place holders/keepers in a very complex schemes enable to force them to be loyal while using the doubles for multi tasks from nannies to public doubles to hidden identity place holder to creating hidden shady situations.
Sometimes the twin, lookalike or doubles do not know that they are a double and are being used for another person, such as my person, I strongly believe I have a twin or even a triplet and that is why they marked my upper left leg with burning mark using a very hot object that my upper skin melted and is gone and now there is only a see through very thin skin, as if it is glass where the flesh and arteries are visible, see photo below . This burn was created prior to causing me total Amnesia, meaning prior to 10/11 January 1960, meaning as I was younger than 8 years old, most probably as I was an infant, that is how skin mark looks like, that it was performed as I was young and as get older it stretches, and this mark is visible in the below photos it stretched to larger.
Note added on 23.6.2021: I am not 100% positive that I have a twin, yet it seems that I have a look alike that took my place in at least Egypt after I was taken to Germany in 1969 and then prevented with all means to go back, possibly I also have another lookalike that took my place after they kidnapped me as child, possibly in USA. But I have no facts to back that up, and if I am really the son of king George VI alias the father of the current queen Elizabeth II, this mean I am her younger brother, then possibly they marked me enable to recognize me once I grow up. These are all speculations and conclusions based on what happened to me in my life and who persecuted me ever since I was kidnapped as a child on 10/11 January 1960. End of note.
A lookalike person sometimes it is really lookalike as if the two are twins, and other times the lookalike has only the shape similar to the other person, and with some disguise material and some makeup and some change of the behavior then they look identical.
A double is used when a person does not want to or cannot be in a certain place at certain time, therefore they use a double
Two photos that shows the burn-mark in my upper left leg that was made with a hot object, where it is visible that it was a hot object, because all the cells were destroyed including the hair roots.
When I asked the evil woman that pretended to be my mother named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, what is this mark, her answer was: “we gave you a vaccination and you scratched it until you had infection and we had to take you to the hospital”, whereby it is very clear through the two photos that she lied, this mark was not created by scratching myself, yet I believed it all my life = brainwash = they are criminals.