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My Complaint over BP-British Petroleum + Bush family for kidnapping me and forcing me to "Hidden Slavery" by using CIA, MI6 and others!
See the state of my complaint pages, Updated on 22.09.2024
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Shams Baroudi the hidden daughter of escaped Nazi + member of the English royal family


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This page was created on 9.7.2019


This page was re-edited and completed on 28.07.2021



My pre-explanation added on 28.07.2021

Original text including photos from 9.7.2019



My pre-explanation added on 28.07.2021

(This Section was added on 28.07.2021) Shams Baroudi the daughter of Jameel Baroudi alias a hidden escaped Nazi from 1945, one out of thousands escaped and placed in the Middle East by the English royal families (=British government) and the Rockefeller families (=USA government) enable to use Nazi methods in the Middle East, which they did and still are doing it today and this side by side of countless members of English royal families and the Rockefeller families that are disguised in the Middle East as Arabs, and using the absolute same deceive strategies as my fake family used since kidnapping me on 15 January  1960, whereby some members of my fake family are 100% related to them and are working for them.


Today and after repeated examination of my own past, I was able to recognize with certainty that I was never at the house of Jameel Baroudi and that I never met him in person, yet these criminals and psychopaths created a fake memory, most probably through a dream that later they forced me to believe it was reality, which is very easy to do with telepathy. Therefore, I absolutely do not know how he looked like, except what they forced upon me with the fake memory. Yet when I look at the face of Shams Baroudi (see photos below), she look as if she a strong mixture between Adolf Hitler and some woman from the English royal family and I have countless situations from my past that confirm that to me, that started at the American military base called McGraw kaserne where these criminals took me from Egypt in October 1969, in a very damaging and deceiving tour through 11 countries that had one goal only to implicate me with as many international crimes as possible enable to give the CIA + MI6 the over hand over my life and away of the German government, and this even though I was living in Germany as an official refugee and political asylum applicant, and therewith I landed in March 1970  in this American military base called McGraw kaserne in Munich where they kept m by force isolated for 2.5 years during which they severely brainwashed me, enslaved under their joint agent named Anita Disbray that had telepathy and literally kept me isolated until September 1977, during which they tested my memory to see if I relate to anything and then corrupted my logic that was already corrupt due to what  they did to me after kidnapping me in January 1960, then  later in 1976 I was setup to become Christian at the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church in the city Unterschleissheim, during which they performed many acts through situation they created to get my attention to Nazi in my fake family but also to English royal family members in my fake family, but I was prevented to understand it because I had a corrupt logic and was not able to relate to things and see everything as standalone new thing. And in 2004 I was set up in the Netherlands to go to Germany to visit my fake son Abdulhamid Najar (I did not know at that time that he was my fake son) in a small city named Neu Burg an der Donau near the city Ingolstadt and after a couple of days, the police came early in the morning at 6 O’clock and arrested me and placed me in a nearby prison just enable to force me to see a catholic Pastor that had unbelievable look similarities to Jameel Baroudi alias the father of Shams Baroudi to force me to remember Jameel Baroudi and relate him to Air Force and Nazis as if they are lookalike, meaning as if Jameel Baroudi is German hiding in Cairo Egypt, yet in the year 2020 I was able with certainty to recognize that I never met Jameel Baroudi, meaning I do not know how he actually looks like except what they placed in my mind as fake memory: (be patient with the small details enable to understand the scam of telepathy) which is my fake mother named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi allegedly the cousin of Jameel Baroudi, took me with a taxi to visit him and his family in an area called Saraya Al-Uba in Cairo, Egypt in around 1960-1961, we went there with a taxi, but the taxi allegedly took us for a ride 5 or more kilometers longer enable to make more money, yet my fake mother told the driver no I know the way, and you took us on a longer way to make more money, then Jameel Baroudi allegedly comes out and settle the dispute with the taxi driver and then we went in to his house that was a hidden behind 3 meters high walls and very close to the newly built house of the Egyptian president named Gamal Abdul-Naser. Additional info they placed in my mind that he allegedly had additional 4 young daughters at that time around 12-14 years old and all of them lookalikes. End of the visit, I do not know how he really look like except that he allegedly very lookalike of my other fake uncle named Mamdoh Baroudi (I met only once in around 1981/82 in Amman, Jordan, he had brown eyes skinny and maybe 180 cm tall and is the father of Dr. Bassam Baroudi that went to Cairo, Egypt 9 months after they kidnapped me to Cairo and claimed to be my cousin from Syria, and he came along with his much shorter alleged cousin to study medicine while his cousin was studying dentistry, yet I never met this man ever in my life prior to September 1960 as he came to study in Cairo, Egypt = one scam after the other and I was not able to recognize them with my total amnesia and telepathy control), yet Jameel Baroudi allegedly had blue eye and very skinny and tall, but again I do not really know, because I never met this man, but I was forced to know how he looks through the fake memory. End of the fake memory that started riding the taxi and ending at the front of the alleged house of Jameel Baroudi. And here is why it is fake, it is absolutely the same pattern as the other fake memories, which has something odd to not forget it, such as the dispute with the taxi driver, but what is missing is important, I do not know how his house from the inside looks like, I cannot recall seeing his face, I cannot recall seeing the 4 lookalike daughter, I do not have in my memory where we came from and where we went after that or how we left after that, I do not have in my memory how long we were there, seeing other persons such as housemaid/servant, I do not have in my memory if they gave us something to drink, which is most common in the Middle East to give the guest something to drink, usually tea or Arabic coffee with something sweet, but this also missing of my memory =  100% fake memory through telepathy.


The question here is why would the Dutch and German immigration conspire together to force me in December 2004 to leave Netherlands illegally to go to Germany to visit my fake son just to be locked up for 4 months in the nearby prison in the middle of the city Neu Burg an Der Donau and force me to see the Catholic pastor repeatedly for 4 months and on a weekly basis where he gave me an extra more or better treatment than the other prisoners, and all this while my fake son was living in the refugee camp just a couple of hundred meters and came only once in 4 months to visit his alleged father!!!???


My answer is one of 3 possibilities:

1.                The person named Jameel Baroudi looks is really what they placed in my fake memory and he is Escaped Nazi with the help of the American and British government

2.                Or he is British origin, or American origin and they were trying to get my attention to it, yet I was in Germany and the pastor that looked almost identical to Jameel Baroudi (and this is based on my fake memory), claimed to have been an officer in the Air Force, did not say German, American or British Air Force, and why Air Force, among others and possibly because in 1970 the CIA took me for isolation in the American military Base named McGraw kaserne, during which and for a couple of times I accompanied a German person named Siegfried, he was a civilian employee of the American military and his job was to fill the candy and soda machines in the military base all over South of Bavaria, among others at the American military Air Force airport in Augsburg, which also near this area and they possibly thought I would then relate him, the Pastor, to American military and American Air Force in these areas, and therewith they were trying to distract of Nazis around my life in Egypt, best of all the Israeli government 100% knew that, yet they never did anything about it, on the contrary they helped the English royalties + Rockefeller + ex-German royalties alias the real Nazis that also established Adolf Hitler + US government + UK government + German government by going all over South American and all of them repeatedly created together incidents since at least the time that I started to register things like that, which was after the CIA + MI6 agent named Anita Disbray left my life in September 1977, and they have arrested a couple of alleged hidden escaped Nazis from brazil and Argentine, just to distract of the Middle East that was 100% totally controlled by Europeans and Americans at least since the first World War where they then made peace with each other’s and created an organization called the League of Nations ( +, that resolved later in 1945 and replaced by UN-United nations) and through it they divided the middle East to 12 countries and each took one, which were the UK + USA + Germany + France + Italy + Spain + Greek + Portugal + Turkey + Russia, and possibly also other countries, whereby and in some so-called Arab countries 2-4 or more countries made a partnership to control it, such as Egypt, was 100% occupied in the hidden by British + Italians + Germans + Americans and possibly other countries that I did not notice, which among others can be Russia. All that point to a brainwash setup at the prison of Neu Burg an der Donau with the help of my fake son Abdulhamid Najar that exchanged places with other persons, and one of them I strongly suspect it to be the Jordanian prince Hashim bin Hussein (bin means son in Urdu, an Indian language and main language of Pakistan + as well as in Hebrew ben means also son, pronounced the same written differently, in Arabic and as I learned it in10 years schooling in Cairo Egypt is Eben or Aben and it start Arabic “A” named Alef, even in the Islamic religious books that I read it was iben or Ibin but written Aben because the letter Alef has a sign below it called Kasra which is a small I and therewith the Arabic “A” is pronounced “E” as in the word entry), and since the Hebrew language has many words similar to Arabic and Arabic is originated from the Indian language Urdu and Hebrew alphabets has some similarities to the Indian language called Hindi, which possibly make it originated from India just like Arabic. And here is one very small prove, India has much older history than the Middle East, among others the population of the one country India of 1.3 Billion is the prove, another prove is, and here remember the English royalties and their hidden partners all over the world and in every single country, that  modify history or falsify history, which I will try to prof in another page, most probably in the conclusion page, the so called Latin numbers where allegedly replaced thousands of years ago by the Arabic numbers, yet the Arabic numbers are a copycat numbers of the Hindi numbers with slight modification. Do not believe anything you read, including in my complaint pages, always verify, luckily, we have Internet and google search, compare the Arabic Language with Urdu, and Arabic numbers with Hindi numbers, and with the numbers used by Europeans and Americans in north and south America, they have nothing with Arabic numbers, yet these lairs claim that the numbers used by Europeans are originated since thousands of years from the Arab countries, yet at that time there was no Arabs, but also claim that the Arabs are using Indian numbers because Indians trade persons were going to the Middle East to trade since over 2000 years and ever since the Arab dropped their own numbers, which allegedly are (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, and started to use Indian numbers = Urdu, which are (1=١, 2=٢, 3=٣, 4=٤, 5=٥, 6=٦, 7=٧, 8=٨, 9=٩, 0=٠) and the Europeans use Arabic numbers, but there were no natives in the Middle East, and that you can prove mathematically, by taking the population of each so-called Arab country and count them backwards, meaning see how is the growth rate and use this rate backwards for example Saudi Arabia have officially and based on (  a population of 34 Million as of 2019 and in 1981 they made a Census and found that the population were 9 Million, whereby the majority were foreigners and then did not publish the information, and the reason I know that is because I was working at Siemens AG that had the turn-key project called Port’s Authority of Saudi Arabia to furnish the 14 Saudi ports with computers headquartered in Riyadh and they helped in this Censuses and I was told about it in 1981 through my work colleagues that worked on that project, this mean Saudi Arabia grew from 1981 to 2019 (today is 2021, and most probably a couple of Millions more, and they do not count the homeless in the slums such I saw in Jeddah, where no one dare to go there because it is totally unhygienic, they were mainly Africans that either the British brough for slavery or they went there illegally to work and get locked in the slums), which is the population of Saudi Arabia grew by 25 Million person in 38 years and most of them far over 80% are either foreigners, the children of foreigners or the grand children of foreigners and this goes on and on until the First World war in 1914, and if you do this calculation you will find out that prior to the year 1900 there was less than one 100,000 (hundred Thousands) persons in Saudi Arabia and in the year 1800 less than 5,000 (five thousand) and in the year 1700 less than 1,000 (one thousand), so why are there so many paradoxes (=contradictions) of the history and what they are doing now and what they are telling us, if Saudi Arabia did not exist 200 years or 300 years ago, then many things in our lives are pure lies and very damaging lies, actually destructive and killing lies that countless Jewish are dying for, countless Palestinian are dying for almost on a daily basis and countless other so-called Arab died for between the year 1948 and now. Why are these people dying and what is the link? You look at Jerusalem and you figure it out, a small hint: the alleged 3 religion city since over 1600 years and 2 religion city since over 2000 years and the alleged one religion city which is Judaism since over 3500 years = lies

3.                A combination of the above 2 possibilities, and when I look at the situation, Arab Muslims loved Adolf Hitler and German Nazis, because Adolf Hitler murdered 5 Million Jewish, and they do not like Jewish because the Quran says Jewish are hated by God, in Arabic “Al-Maghdoob Alayhum” means the damned by God, and also call Christians that they lost their way, which 100% contradict the facts of the existence of the 3 religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Further on and when I ignore all that and look at the photos of Shams Baroudi I see a woman mixed between Adolf Hitler and English royalty, and since I discovered that Islam Sunni is a copycat of Islam from India created by British sometimes 200-400 years ago to fight Hindus in India, where they were unsuccessful of controlling India and China since over 500 years, so they created conflicts to divide them enable to create a scam to control them, which did not work, and since I was able with certainty to discover that English royalties has been stealing children since over 500 years to enslave them as soldiers and for other duties but also kidnapped millions of adults from China, India, Sri Lanka, Afrika and took them to another country where they have no chance to escape back to their village or even country or the entire continent as a result we have Africans in USA + Canada + the Caribbean and other areas in the world, but also Indians in Surinam and in many other countries in the Americas. And these kidnapped people and children are Jewish, and the British were going around with their enslaved Jewish soldiers all over the world massacring people to steal their land and what they own and enslave them, and since then people, and from my point of view unjustly I may add, hate Jewish, but I see Jewish as a tool, and the English royal families are the smith of this tool and they are responsible for these mass killing in North and South America and in between but also in Africa and Asia and in between  which is the Middle East. Come to the point, English royal family also hate Jewish because they were trying to escape their slavery and many of them succeeded, and that is why there are many Jewish villages all over the world where the British tried to invade, such as in India, and these villages were either built by the escaped Jewish or they settled there along with the natives. Back to Shams Baroudi, she almost overnight became allegedly strict Muslim after I went on a business trip for 10 days to Cairo, Egypt between March, and Mai 1982, where my fake family did not want to see me in Cairo and performed very vicious and nasty telepathy attacks against me while preventing me to succeed in anything and simultaneously force me to think never go back to Cairo, Egypt. Add to that that Adolf Hitler was heavily supported by the Rockefeller family and they were the only ones delivering him petroleum through their hidden new country called Saudi Arabia, where they started to pretend to be Muslim and Arabs to prevent the American government to break down their company again as they did with Standard Oil in 1911 ( and split the company Standard Oil to more than 30 individual companies to prevent the Rockefeller family of ever getting as powerful as they were until 1910 because they were controlling US government, but they did not succeed, and the Rockefeller became larger than before and more criminal than before, I know that because they were among others members of my fake family in Saudi Arabia and Jordan.


All the above counted together = Shams Baroudi and overnight in 1982 turned strict Muslim to cover up for her parents alias British married to Nazis and living in Cairo, manipulating the politics and Egyptian movies, where they heavily invested in to mass brainwash the Egyptians and force them to become Muslim Sunni, not to forget that Shams Baroudi and at least until 2004 heavily exchanged places with her lookalike, because it was 100% an act of being Muslim Sunni, while empowering the Saudi Arabian (alias the English royal families + Rockefeller + ex-German royal families that invented Adolf Hitler and placed him as a microphone of their will and also performed a lot of damage to my life by selling me out repeatedly to the evil American military + CIA + MI6 + English royal families alias the biggest and most dangerous organized crime family that the world has ever seen and this since at least 500 years) to have more influence in Egypt, in reality they are British and their hidden relatives in USA alias among others the Rockefeller families + the ex-German royal families that are heavily related to the English royal families just as the ex-Russian royal families were also heavily related to all 3 of them = Shams Baroudi and her lookalikes exchange places to force Egyptians that looked up to her as one of the most famous Egyptian actresses married to also one of the most famous Egyptian actor named Hasan Yosef (=Joseph) and both never ceased to be actors even today they act to force everyone to follow them in to the Islam Sunni while simultaneously covering up for their families that are German Nazis and English royalties.


Which means: Goodbye freedom in Egypt, as if they ever had real freedom, most Egyptians are 100% enslaved and not allowed to come out of it, among others by forcing them until today to be over 60% illiterate, and all those illiterates, which are over 50 Million Egyptians do not have the luxury to read and write and access the internet and read world information to understand their own situation.


Shame on you all English royal families + Rockefeller families + ex-German royal families alias the current controlling families in Germany and above all shame on you the government of USA + UK + Germany + Saudi Arabia and all their surrounding so-called  Arab Petroleum countries to know all that and keep quiet about it because these families are bribing many of your politicians such as the 2 ex-US president and ex- Florida governor of the Bush family and the ex-US president Donald trump and many other before them and today also in between them = USA + the UK are the biggest corrupt countries in the world and I saw that first hand in the UK and in USA, but also I saw it else were where they control the people to do what they want such as in Japan (At least when I visited the company Silver Reed in Tokyo in around April 1985), Germany (at least until these criminals and psychopaths kidnapped me from Germany in September 1986), Pakistan (which is very visible in these so-called Arab Petroleum countries, where they had their military staff and soldiers 100% from Pakistan and until at least in 1982, today their soldiers are born from Pakistanis in in the so-called Arab Petroleum countries such as Saudi Arabia and all their neighboring countries including Jordan), and the entire Middle east.


(End of this Section was added on 28.07.2021)


Original text including photos from 9.7.2019

Below you will see Shams Baroudi photos, where I must ask myself is this the same person?
Based on comparing the photos my answer is: No


Shams Baroudi in 1960s & 1970s & 2004


Below you will see the following photos:
Shams Baroudi as she was young

Shams Baroudi now


General notes

Also note the followings:

1.                One of her photos she had thin lips and in other photo she had thicker lower lip!

2.                Shams Baroudi had very thin lips, and she was making them look thicker by using lip stick and drew below her lips and therewith she was enlarging them, and when a person gets older, then the lips get even thinner, but not her lips they get thicker!

3.                Also, by covering her head and as you see in the photos, she also covering her forehead and therewith covering up her long face

4.                Look at the cheek bone or the lack of it=flat = Adolf Hitler!!

5.                The shape of the lips, and entire mouth = English royalty and/or German royalty lips.

6.                The nose tip going up or down

7.                Look at the nose as she was young and as she gets older


In this below photo you can see clearly that her lower lip is naturally large and is not enlarged with lipstick color



In the 4 below photos you can see clearly that her lower lip is enlarged by lipstick color






Shams Baroudi at older age after 1990s, this is not my original fake cousin, the above yes, the below no