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Home Page of or Backup sites or About these pages: My Complaint over BP-British Petroleum + Bush family for kidnapping me and forcing me to "Hidden Slavery" by using CIA, MI6 and others! |
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This page was created on: 30.09.2018 and completed on 4th of July 2020, happy Independence Day to all!
This page was re-edited and completed on 21.06.2021
In a hidden slave’s life, the hidden slave will be persecuted by many as follow:
1. The biological family that hid him or donated him, will do anything to prevent him of coming near them or recognizing them, and therefore they use others to control his/her life
2. The new fake family will do anything to prevent the hidden slave of recognizing them as fake family and kidnappers
3. The Security agency such as CIA, MI6 or others, that have absolutely no rules that forbid them to perform anything that is illegal, immoral, unethical, anti-religious, inhuman or unspeakable acts to control their victims, including kidnapping children, kidnapping adult, brainwash, slavery, force to perform certain acts, rape, mental and physical torture preventing their victim to get free, enslaving their victim under a woman or a man while setting their victim up to look like as if he/she is related to terrorism, illegal drugs, enemy country and so on, enable to have a reason to persecute the victim, while they are really controlling his/her life and enslaving him/her; and all this in the name of national security as method to enslave their victim holding him tight by an invisible leash like a dog or a slave, and this in the name of the laws in Western countries that I was forced to live in: Germany, USA, Netherlands and the UK
4. The above often use a third party that is not related to them as distraction of their selves, often their official opponents, such as the CIA + MI6 uses Russians, or Israelis or Mexicans and so on
5. They constantly add a new person to the victim’s life enable to add more life confusion to their victim, such as adding a hidden royal family member from Jordan or Saudi Arabia or UAE-United Arab Emirate as his cousin, niece, nephew, uncle, sister, brother and so on, and there with the Jordanian, Saudi Arabian and UAE secret service is suddenly also persecuting the victim to cover up for this/these hidden royal family members
6. The security agencies that have top connections to terrorist make sure that some of their own hidden terrorist get in contact every once a while with their victim and without his knowledge or even noticing it, to have a continuous reason to keep their victim under tight security while pretending to be using the victim to allegedly find out more about the terrorism that in reality does not exist by the victim
7. The many opponents or even enemies of all of the above notice something and will start a persecution to force the victim to stand against their opponents, in other words use the victim by force against their opponents, which mainly will add more destruction to the life of the victim
8. And others
they kidnapped me in December 1959 10/11 January 1960, they
placed me within a fake family that were using the name Al-Baroudi/Baroudi (it
has many spelling variation). This family was set together out of roughly 20
persons that were not related to each other’s as they claimed, some of them
were Jordanian royal family members, others where Saudi Arabian royal family
members, mixed with these British/American agents, and all of them pretended to
be one happy Syrians family with fake identities to show as if they are
originated from Russian and not UK, USA, KSA and Jordan. At least each adult of
these 20, had his own hidden family and therewith and alone through this family
there were at least 15 other hidden families involved, but also there was
another around 10 families that pretended to be related to this fake family and
vouch for them; my guess that these families are also agents or hidden royal
family members were also set together maybe 10, 20 or even 30 years earlier and
now vouch for this newcomers fake family as if they know them since 30 or 40
years. Yet I know this is 100% fake family that was set together. And therewith
there are almost countless groups of people that will be persecuting this
victim and using him/her as a hidden slave. and through this concept I was
severely persecuted in Egypt by at least 10 families, some were even in the
military others were higher government officials and so on, but also when I was
taken to Germany in 1969 and later brainwashed and kidnapped from Germany to
USA in 1986 and later was forced to leave USA to be locked up in the
Netherlands until at least 2012, then also one year in the UK and back to the
Netherlands in 2014; and in all these places there were families persecuting me
to cover up for their relatives, friends, business partners or use me against
them = I am always in trouble and do not know what is hitting me and where it
is coming from and why!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very unfortunately many people around my life were bribable, and would do anything for money or other benefits, including immoral, illegal and unethical situations and that will add to the dilemma of a hidden slave!
Last but not least, and as a major part of the long-term brainwash and controlling the life of the victim, is to force the victim repeatedly to relocate, while forcing the victim to think, that he/she does not know anyone in this city or country, yet this is always far from the truth, they always force the victim to live only where they have total control, and therefore the victim will always have a lot of problems dealing with problem originated from unknown source.