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Home Page of or Backup sites or About these pages: My Complaint over BP-British Petroleum + Bush family for kidnapping me and forcing me to "Hidden Slavery" by using CIA, MI6 and others! |
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This page was created on: 22.10.2018 and completed on 4th of July 2020, happy Independence Day to all!
This page is about kidnapping children as they kidnapped me when I was 8 years old. And they get away with it because they are wealthy and members of several governments!
Causing a total Amnesia after kidnapping
More details, the pattern of forced relocations during kidnapping and brainwash
This is about kidnapping children through the CIA, MI6, my fake family, and others, just as they kidnapped me as an 8-year-old in December 1959!
But first ask yourself the following question, what is worse:
A. A family that kidnaps a strange child and cause him/her a total amnesia to be able to enslave him/her and use him/her as a multipurpose decoy, then lock him/her up for many years??!!
B. A family that takes one of their own children and sacrifice him/her, cause him/her a total amnesia to be able to enslave him/her and use him/her as a multipurpose decoy, then lock him/her up for many years??!!
C. A family that donates one of their children for keeping a place for a lookalike and then give it to another fake family that cause him/her total amnesia to be able to enslave him/her and use him/her as a multipurpose decoy, then lock him/her up for many years??!!
I do not know your answer, but my answer is: all 3 cases are equally criminal actions, Period. In my case it is “A” and most probably also “B”, and very possibly also “C”!
Below is the description of what they did to me after kidnapping me in December 1959. I do not know what they did to me before kidnapping me, because they caused me a total amnesia and I have absolutely no memory whatsoever prior to the date 15 or 30 December 1959, that turned out to be around 10 January 1960 and then falsified my identity to Syrian. And the reason I am positive they kidnapped me is because the following 2 points:
A. I do not look anything like my fake 3 sisters, my fake brother, my fake mother, or their family members, not even remotely
B. The way they treated me between 10 January 1959 and current in 2019, which no family would do to any of their members, not even the Mafia, and I do not mean one or 2 of them, but literally all members of my fake family including my fake mother, my 3 fake sisters and their alleged husbands and children, my fake brother and his alleged wife, uncles, cousins and above all the fake grandparents!
I was kidnapped to 99% from USA in December 1959 by the CIA & MI6, and my fake family, they caused me a total amnesia and placed within a fake family that consisted of CIA & MI6 agents mixed with hidden members of the Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royal families. This fake family pretended to be living all together in a Spanish or Greek styled house in Damascus, Syria. Then they used me as a multipurpose decoy for their agents, and their hidden children from 1960 and even in the years after 2013. On 15 January 1960 they took me with falsified Syrian identity to Cairo Egypt until 1969, during which most of the members of the fake family from December 1959 came to Egypt to live between 1-10 years and used me as a multipurpose decoy, such as that we are all Syrians including my fake relatives and I cannot deny it because I believed them and trusted them, but also used me to distract of the hidden Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royalty children mixed with the hidden agent children, that pretended to be Syrian and related to me, such as nephews, nieces, 11 of them and cousins, at that time on 10 January 1960 they were around 7 of and later grow to over 35.
On 10.10.1969 They took me to Munch, Germany and in December 1969 took me in a very deceiving brainwash tour that in just 4 weeks forced me to go through 8 countries, during which they set me up to look like as if I am related to top PLO terrorists enable to give the CIA, MI6 and BND a reason to pretended to be persecuting me, in reality they were isolating me, re-brainwashing me and enslaving me under one of their agents named Anita Disbray that totally isolated me for 7 years to prevent any one to come near me and find out about these CIA & MI6 agents in Cairo, Egypt, but also to prevent me to recognize that they lied to me and that these agents allegedly all left Egypt in 1970, which was a lie.
1976, they set me up to become Christian enable to force my mind to think that all the negative situation that were forced upon my life were allegedly because my fake Muslim family is allegedly persecuting me because I allegedly voluntarily changed religion from Muslim to Christian, which was not true, I was forced by a brainwash setup to become Christian. During this setup they withdraw their agent Anita Disbray and made it look like as if I am as well as my fake family are cause that she left me, where the church that baptized me, and very unfortunately, covered up for it.
In 1984 to 1986, the CIA, MI6 and BND set me up and dragged me by force to an illegal project called Calypso officially with the Syrian government (possibly it was for ex-Soviet Union and Syria was used as a proxy) + (added on 03.06.2021: Today I was able to recognize that the project Calypso was for the newly established Republic of Iran to help them keep track of their own people as a mean of mass brainwash and suppression while using Iran as a hidden drug country just as they did with the Golden Triangle, Afghanistan, North Korea, Columbia and many others as described in other pages), re-brainwashed me, enslaved me under one of their hidden agents called Najlaa Mahmoud and kidnapped me again and then blamed it on the Syrians, this time they kidnapped me from Germany to USA to use me to blackmail my biological family in USA, which I do not know who they are yet, except that they are blackmailable. In this process they totally destroyed my logic and isolated me by force of my entire past, which lead to the destruction of my freedom and my entire life.
In 2000 They set me up again, arrested me and locked me in deportation Jail in Houston, Texas, USA and then deported me by force to the Netherlands, under the pretension that they are deporting me to Syria, which is absolutely impossible, because they forced upon me fake identity and were preventing me to get in touch with Arabs to keep their 16 agents, that pretended to be related to me, secret.
From February 2001 and until 2016 I was locked up and severely tortured mentally and physically in the Netherlands, officially I was locked up until they awarded me the citizenship in January 2013, but in reality, until 2016, because I had absolutely no control what so ever over my own life. The mental and physical torture that they caused me during this period was by using brainwash methods and forcing my mind to think that all of it is coincident, but it was not. The first 13 years I was forced to be refugee and illegal alien living between jails, prisons and refugee camps, all in all over 40 of them. Which was another mean of torture while preventing me to visit my fake family in the Middle East that are 100% working for and with them and there are at least 16 of them working as agents or all of them working as agents for the CIA + MI6 + BND + AIVD, and most probably and in the meanwhile they grow to be several hundreds, because that is what they do: they set a fake family together out persons of various families that also has telepathy, and then send this family to one of these countries such as Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the older agent families that in the meanwhile have established there selves in the last 10, 20 or even 30 years and pretend to know them or be related to them and vouched for them as they did to this fake family that they placed me within in January 1959.
Today in 2019, I am still trying to understand what hit me again, and again, and again since 1959.
I was kidnapped in 1959, taken to Damascus, Syria, where they falsified my identity and caused me a total amnesia that I even lost my speech and language capabilities. Then they placed me within a fake family that consisted of 16 adults 18 years and older and 5 children under 10 years old no one between the age 10 and 18 years old!
I do not know for fact how and from where they kidnapped me, I just have memory since 15 December 1959 or most probably since begin January 1960.
On 11 February 2001, I was brought to the Netherlands by force of the American government and was forced to live again as a refugee and illegal alien between jails, prisons and refugee camps, all in all, in around 40 of them or maybe even more. until June 2012. Whereby al the locations that I was forced to live in the Netherlands and so far, were 100% controlled environment, and controlled by the Dutch government branch of immigration called IND + COA, where I was forced to think what they want me to think.
In March 2016 I relocated voluntarily to Den Haag/The Hague, where I started to think more freely than before, among others I was able to recognize with certainty that I was kidnapped in or just after December 1959, in matter of fact, just in 2019 I recognized that my kidnapping it must have been between 1 and 10 January 1960. And this based on facts highlighted below and it is a new discovery for me.
In this page I am writing how I discovered that I was kidnapped in January 1960 and how I discovered that I had a total amnesia, which was 100% manmade and man-caused total amnesia.
This is the prove, that they kidnapped me and cause me a total amnesia, at least to myself, because no one can verify these facts except the following persons:
1. The person(s) who brainwash me between 10 and 15 January in 1960
2. My fake and biological families, CIA and MI6
3. And me
I am an IT professional or tried hard to be as long as I can, and I cannot develop programs (apps) with lies, I cannot integrate systems with lies, I can do it only with facts, and when a person does that for a long time, such as I did since 1974 and until the year of 2000 (with many forced upon me interruptions here and there that equals roughly 5 years), then the mind automatically get stuck only to facts. All below are facts of my memory, that may also help others to find out if they ever had total amnesia and kidnapped as a child, and I strongly believe that there is thousands of them, because how they did that to me, it was based on routines that is most definitely based on decades, if not centuries of experience by certain families and secret services agencies such as MI6 and CIA!
Reading note: This section is duplicated from the section below “Kidnapping detailed version”
After kidnapping me in around 15 December 1959, they caused me a total amnesia, enable to prevent me to know the followings:
1. Where I came from?
2. Where I grew up?
3. Who is my biological family?
4. Where is my home?
5. The language I used to speak prior to kidnaping me, then forced me to learn Arabic in a very short time, less than a few weeks, therefore and as they took me to Egypt on 15 January 1960 I spoke very, very bad Arabic, even though they claimed that I was 2 years in a Syrian school, which was a lie, yet their excuse for my insufficient Arabic language knowledge as an 8-year-old was: I SPEAK IN A SYRIAN DIALECT, which is different than Arabic in Egypt, which was also a lie, my Arabic vocabulary and grammar was 100% equivalent to 3 years old, meaning I just learned it in a crash course forced upon me with telepathy, an example, one out of many I used to say I am hot when I need to put my jacket on, instead of saying I am cold or vice versa, say I am cold when I need to take my jacket off, everyone around me would then laugh, no 8 years old would ever make these mistakes!
6. To wipe off my logic=life experience so far, that a human being depends on to recognize situations and make a decision and that also helps him to know what is right and what is wrong. This is the absolute basic knowledge gained through the parents, brothers and sisters, other family members, school, friends, neighbors, media such as radio or TV or books, and in general the entire life. If there is no logic, then I absolutely do not know what to do and very much dependent on commands what to do or that someone tells me do this and do that
7. This point may sound as the above, but it is different point with the same reasoning. To make their victim easy to control, because he has no logic, and therewith he would always follow orders, because he does not know what to do and how to make decisions and I was kept by force with no logic or with little, and was growing in a very, very slow motion, and that because my logic was constantly being suppressed by them=corrupting it, among others by isolation and preventing me to mix with others and therewith I cannot learn from them, which is anti-life
8. Forcing fake history upon me that was by far too little and I was not able to recognize it as fake until after 2010. The forced upon me history was added to me by force of telepathy and/or brainwash methods, where either they forced a dream upon me and then later would tell me “do you remember this and that”, and therewith I would take the dream as reality. Or telling me a story of the past and ask me “do you remember this and that”, then I am forced to believe that the story is reality, or giving me photos of allegedly myself from prior to 1959, and tell me a story of this photo and then I would believe it is reality, later and after 2010 I started to recognize that there was an identical or very lookalike twin or even triplet that was in these photos and in these areas, such as in Amman Jordan, but it was not me
9. To prevent others to find out where I really came from, where they can force upon me a fake origin such as Syria and then they can use me as decoy as they did from 15 January 1960 and until I started to recognize that, after the year 2000
10.To force others to believe that I came from Syria
11.As of 15 January 1960, and as they took me to Cairo, Egypt, this is what was in my memory: I was born and raised all my life in Damascus, Syria = 100% fake, where persons who has telepathy and can read my mind will only see the fake history that they forced upon me
12.No family members in my memory, except in a few and each only in one scene or one photo shot. This fake memory included a very detail memory of the alleged apartment/house where I was born and raised in the city section named Mezzeh also written as Mazeh in Damascus, Syria, which was 100% fake memory as it is highlighted within. The way I was able to recognize that it was 100% fake memory, among others because I remember the house details to almost the smallest detail, yet the house is empty as if I lived in it alone (or someone told me how it looks, yet forgot to add or could not add life to it), with the exception of a hand full of fake memories (around 15-20 memories of other situations not related to this house), yet the major memories are all missing, such as waking up with the family, having breakfast, lunch, dinner, celebration of any kind, visitors from family, neighbors, friends of the family members, my own friends, birthdays and so on, which all amount to 100% fake memory!
13.Last but not least, to not remember an identical twin or triplet brother, sister or both. I have some indications that I have a twin or even triplet, among others a marking at my upper left leg that was 100% performed as I was a baby or at least prior to 10 January 1960, which is skin burn to the flesh, that as I grow older, this marking stretch, because the skin is gone, and it looks like glass opening where I can see my flesh and arteries. My fake mother told me that this was because I scratched myself as I was 6 years old, which was 100% lie. But also I have indication that I either was used as a place holder in USA while my twin was raised in another country and then brought to USA in January 1960, or I was used as a place holder in Egypt and as I grew as 16 years old, they removed me by force from Egypt in October 1969 and placed me in Germany where I was locked up by force as refugee not allowed to travel, yet after 1976 I was allowed to travel and in 1982 I traveled on business to Cairo, Egypt, which was 100% setup through my fake family in Jordan to blackmail my biological family, and there I was severely attacked by telepathy and by non-telepathy from many sides, including members of my fake family that are very well established and many of them are wealthy, as well as in the Egyptian government and military in controlling positions, yet the 10 days in Cairo, left it in my mind, never again go back to Egypt due to the bad experience they forced upon me and forced me not to succeed in anything. I know it was 100% designed to prevent me to see someone, or a group of people as follow:
a. My 2 original fake sisters that went with me to Cairo on 15 January 1960 and both allegedly left, one in 1961 and the other in 1970, either both or one of them and my guess both, never left Egypt, and I was told so to not visit them. Their names are Fadia Najar/Nagar/Shawki/????? and Afrah Najar/Abokurah/Najjar/????? (?????=marriage name)
b. My fake brother name Mohamad Nashaat Nagger that had a lookalike forced upon my life by the CIA in Munich on around August 1970 as distraction of the original one to prevent me to want to visit him in Egypt. His look alike name is Nick Naggar
c. My Original fake mother that have 2 lookalike and I have absolutely no doubt what so ever about that, and the original one still in Egypt, even though I was forced to think of her relocated to Germany and later to Jordan and Saudi Arabia
d. Many of my fake uncles and cousins that were nothing else than CIA and MI6 agents and pretend to be one family, my fake family that was forced upon me in January 1960 and most of them went to Cairo, Egypt and lived there for 1-10 years and allegedly all left after 1970, yet I believe many of them never left, some of them were also living in Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, UK and other countries
e. My twin brother/sister or possibly triplet 2 brothers and one sister, because I was set up in around 1966/67 to see a girl that was my age and looked a lot like me, except she had longer hair and girls’ clothing and named Leila, she was in some catholic school in Alexandria. The way I met her was 100% set up to see what I and she will do but also as blackmail of my fake family. I strongly believe that this girl had telepathy, whereby and at that time I did not know anything about telepathy (=slavery). I met her allegedly coincidently in a boat trip in the red sea that was for one week, that boat had around 40-100 passengers, it was supplying food and drinks to light houses and on the side, they were offering trips for limited amount of people, it was less than 100 persons. In other words, it was as if I was locked up for one week in the same house with her, she just had another room, we used the same dining room and the same everything else. We even interacted a lot and very positively. After the trip I was manipulated to go and visit her in Alexandria, which was 100% impossible for me to do alone except that someone forced me to, and in both cases, it was my fake mother and my fake sister that looks nothing like me, and they were possibly black mailing my biological family that some of them were already in Egypt. This is pure suspicion and conclusion based on many very odd situations that I was not able to understand or explain, except as mentioned in this point
Reading note: End of duplication
Here are some more details and further reinforcement that my memory from prior to December 1959 was totally fake:
1. This point was added on 27.04.2019. I have no photos what so ever, from prior to 10/11 January 1960, with any of the below mentioned. And this point alone shows not only that they are liars, but also an organized crime family under the protection of the CIA, MI6, BND, AIVD, BP-British Petroleum and all of their top bosses. Not to forget to mention, that these criminals gave me a ton of photos, of others dated back to 1900 (=severe brainwash) of my alleged father that does not exist and was made up, his family his grandfather and so on, none of these people I have ever met in real life. They also gave me 2 photos allegedly of me when I was between 4-6 years old, one at the alleged birthday party of Miss Basma Bdeir/Budier (now Basma Alami) the sister of Reem Bdeir alias the double of princes Haya of Jordan or both are one and the same person, and this photo shows a punch of children sitting around birthday table full of sweets with birthday hats over their heads. This person was 100% not me, but rather someone else possibly my twin. The second photo standing on the side my alleged uncle the criminal named Jawdat Baroudi, a Saudi Arabian royal family member and a CIA/MI6 agent and most probably the son of Fuad Khayat alias Taylor/Tailor an American/British with multiple nationalities and multi-national businesses man. In this photo we were standing somewhere it looked like a farm road no other life on this photo. This Jawdat Baroudi has a hidden son named Essam Shawki and allegedly lives in Brighton, UK, He is my official nephew and I strongly believe that his official mother alias my fake sister Fadia Najar/Nagar is nothing else than a nanny and also, she is the lookalike and replacement of my original fake sister named Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki. Essam Shawki looks identical to Jawdat Baroudi as I get to know in Egypt in the begin of 1960 where he lived there for 1 year and has other Saudi Arabian identity while living in Egypt pretending to be Syrian and brainwashing the Egyptians with Saudi Arabian slavery brainwash. I also saw him later in 1967 in Jordan, in 1969 in Damascus, Syria where they set me up to look like as if I am highly connected to terrorist enable to give the CIA & MI6 a reason persecute me and isolate me of the general public, which they did, I also met him in Riyadh Saudi Arabia in 1981, while I was there on business and also in Munich, Germany in 1985, he was or still is through and through British/American and top criminal. And there with Essam Shawki is a hidden Saudi Royalty or a son of the CIA/MI6 agent named Jawdat Baroudi. 2 photos of my alleged self in 8 years, a poor person living in the slums somewhere in India or South Africa would have had more photos than just 2. Here are the missing photos that I should have had some of them with me in the same photo, which are all missing and none existent:
1.1. My alleged father Abdulhamid Najar and me where I was born
1.2. My alleged mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi with me
1.3. My alleged sister Fadia Najar/Shawki/Nagar with me
1.4. My alleged sister Afrah/Mona/Moni Najar/Abokurah/Najjar with me
1.5. My alleged sister Suhair/Susu/Soso Bdeir/Budier and allegedly previously Najar with me
1.6. My alleged brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar/Nagar/Najar/Najjar, with me
1.7. The parents of my alleged father with me
1.8. The parents of my alleged mother with me
1.9. One of my 5 uncles and 1 aunt with me
1.10. One of over 25 cousins, whereby 6 of the family Kheir of them allegedly lived just 100 meters of where I was allegedly living prior to 10/11 January 1960, especially the alleged 6 months that we allegedly all lived with grandparent’s house along with the 5 uncles, their wives and children, where one of them must have had a birthday party and photos must have been taken of me, yet none exist
1.11. Photos of me with other relatives, or in front of or inside of the housing, or in school that I allegedly was in more than 2 years in t in Damascus Syria, which was a lie
1.12. Ok and if I take myself out of the picture, then where are the photos of all of the above together, my fake mother with her other 5 children, one allegedly died at age 1 but no photos of none of the above except one a photo of 3 girls between the ages of 6 and 10 years or 8 and 12 years old, and these girls are allegedly my 3 fake sisters, whereby none of them look like the other and none of them looks anything like me
1.13. All of the above missing photos, means nothing else than these people are crooks and organized crime families from Europe and USA pretending to be Syrians living in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, Yemen, Egypt, Germany, UK, Switzerland, France, USA and elsewhere with a fake identity as an alleged Syrians with other nationalities, meaning they go from the UK to one country or another in the Middle East for a while, then go all over the world pretend to be Arabs to cover up their relation to UK royalties, Spain royalties, Greek royalties or Italian Mafia, anything else is a lie!
2. I have no memory what so ever of waking up and having breakfast with any one of my fake family
3. I have no memory what so ever of having guests at our alleged house, except one memory in 8 years, which was fake
4. No memory what so ever of me going to school, except of one memory that equals a 2-dimension photo, one scene=fake memory, but they claimed that I was 2 years in school and in kindergarten prior to that. Where there is no interaction in school neither with the teacher nor with other students, nor I have any friends from this alleged 2-year school in Syria
5. No memory what so ever of me having friends, playing with them or they coming to our house or me going to their house, neither from school, nor from the neighbor nor from my alleged family in Syria
6. No memory what so ever of seeing my fake family cooking a meal
7. No memory what so ever of my fake 2 sisters going to school or coming back from school, in matter of a fact I have absolutely no memory what so ever of my fake sister called Afrah/Moi/Mona Najar/Najjar/Abokurah, not real memory and not fake memory, they forgot to add her
8. No memory what so ever that my 2 fake sisters had a friend that came to visit them
9. No memory what so ever that my fake sister Suhair came to visit us from Jordan
10. No memory what so ever of my fake brother coming to visit us from Jordan or that we went to Jordan, in matter of fact I have absolutely no knowledge what so ever that I have a brother until they told me that sometime in 1965/1966 and said your brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar (supposed to be Najar) went in 1954 to live with your sister Suheir Bdeir/Budier in Amman, Jordan, and now he is coming to live with us, I was very happy, because finally I would have someone I can interact with, he turned out to be a very sadistic, savage, barbarian adult that pretend to be 16 years old due to he was short. After a few months of living with us he moved out and lived in a separate apartment somewhere nearby, and allegedly his sister in Jordan is paying for the apartment for his house keeper and for his private school called San George and as well as his pocket money=all lies he was most definitely an agent for MI6 and/or CIA, and what the CIA did to me between 1970 and 1977 is the proves, which they severely brainwashed me and enslaved me under one of their agents named Anita Disbray that had telepathy and totally isolated me of the rest of the world while constantly damaging my new friendships, and simultaneously forced a lookalike of my fake brother upon me, both cases in August 1970 and in the American military base called McGraw kaserne where I was being severely brainwashed and also severely mentally and physically tortured
11. No memory what so ever that I had a birthday celebration, or a birthday celebration of anyone of my fake family members that was allegedly living with me for 8 years, or friend or any one adult or child from the family or even the neighborhood
12. No memory what so ever that any one of the fake family, that consisted allegedly of several hundreds, but at least those 21 that were allegedly living with me in December 1959 to 15 January 1961, had a birthday celebration and invited us or me, except one and that was in Amman, Jordan and also wrong=fake memory
13. No memory what so ever that we celebrated any Muslim holiday, Christian holiday or any other holiday, except one, which was 100% wrong memory=fake memory,
14. No memory what so ever me being taken to buy me clothing or clothing for my 2 sisters
15. No memory what so ever of me seeing any Muslim woman or a man dressing as Syrian Muslims dress with the typical Muslim clothing that is very similar to the Turkish Muslim clothing, which I learned later through News, TV, Movies, Books, and other media or seeing them in Germany or in the UK or in the USA or in the Netherlands, but also in December 1969 when I was taken to the actual Damascus, Syrian for a 10 days very damaging brainwash trip that resulted me being allegedly persecuted by authorities as an alleged terrorist suspect from 1970-2000. If I have lived all my life until 1960 in Syria, then I would have seen at least thousands of women covering their heads and I would have seen thousands of men dressed like Muslim Sheikh/pastor, with a dress like clothing and a round head cover, but I did not except one fake memory allegedly of our neighbor lady, one young woman in my memory that was feeding me Syrian cheese called Shenkleesh (old spicy ball like white cheese) = fake memory
16. I can remember 3 adjacent neighbors and alleged 200 meters next to alleged hospital the house of my fake aunt Eftikar Kheir that allegedly had 6 children, yet there is no life beside me in this apartment house of ours, the landlord to the left and next to him an alleged Jewish family, which was a consistent repeated brainwash memory to relate us to Israel, and on the right of us alleged Muslim neighbors, that was covering her head, the only person in 8 years that I have in memory with Islamic closing=lie, Syrian population is to more than 70% are Muslims, yet that young lady had also no one living with her, no family=fake memory, no young Muslim woman will be living alone in these countries, she was under 16 years old
17. The children of my fake aunt never came to us, or I never went to them to play together
18. The list goes on and on
The above was the indication and facts for me that they caused me a total amnesia as well as kidnapped me!
The fact that later I was taken to Germany in 1969, set up to look like related to top terrorists to allow the CIA, MI6 and BND to take me to the American military base by force, me as a 17 years old, brainwash me in a very sadistic and vicious way and then enslave me under one of their agents named Anita Disbray until 1977, that pretended to be British, and all what they did to me ever since and until 2016, shows that it was 100% in their benefits that I had a total amnesia and without it, many things they could have not be able to do to me=100% they caused me total amnesia and that is criminal!!
Last but not least, and the first thing I discovered is that my memory was fake, and this is how I discovered it:
1. Tried to remember how did I get to a place, certain place or any place I was in of my past and how I left it?
2. Who went with me to the place and who left with me?
3. Who else did go or was in the place?
4. What did I do in the place and who did it with me?
5. Why did I go to the place?
6. Was this a transit or the end place, such as, I was allegedly in the car travelling allegedly from Damascus, Syria to Beirut, Lebanon, where I can see the sea of Beirut maybe from 5-10 km distance driving gradually from higher ground towards the sea and this was it, never arrived and neither I came from somewhere, only this scene, my fake mother sitting in the front and her alleged want-to-be her husband named Saieed Al-Umary, that in reality I met twice, once at the movie theater that he ownes just 2 days before taking me to Cairo as an alleged Syrian and the second time he came to Cairo, Egypt 5-6 months later, in summer 1960, and took us all, my fake mother, my fake 2 sisters and me, on 2-4 weeks luxury vacation to Alexandria, where I get a severe sunburn that lasted more than 2 months to start healing, and he did that only to confirm that we are all Syrians and that he knows my fake mothers since years as our alleged neighbor=fake memories mixed with reality
7. Then and gradually I started to understand that all these memories 20-30 of them, are very few for 8 years old and most of them have one thing in common, which is: either negativity or it is memorable situation due to being odd just to force the mind to remember them as real and there is no normal usual memory such as routine getting up, or having a shower, or going to toilette and so on. In other words, I was seeking a normal memory a normal situation of my past, but most of the normal situations were with no begin and with no end, meaning I do not know how I get there, when, if ever, I left and what was the purpose=fake
It is very sad that some people intelligence is limited to criminal acts and that it is the only way they know how to advance in life, by preventing others to advance in life and enslaving them as described within!
I am not sure!
My preliminary answer to this question is USA for a few reasons as follow:
1. because I was taken to USA by force and then they forced me to blame it on the Syrian government that was involved in the illegal project called Calypso, which is impossible that Syrians kidnap me from Germany to USA!
2. Because I was severely brainwashed in Bridgeport, and Fairfield Connecticut using among others the church ad my fake brother Nick Naggar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar, and prevented to ever go back to Germany,
3. Because they 100% used me to blackmail my biological family in USA
4. Because in Germany the American military, CIA, MI6, BND and British Petroleum worked hand in hand in brainwashing me, enslaving me under their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and then kidnap me to USA
5. Because they forced me to live in fear of being killed by the alleged Syrian government that allegedly kidnapped me to USA and also forced me to live as illegal alien in USA for 15 years without any rights what so ever, yet the woman that they enslaved me under, the CIA & MI6 whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud she has the American Nationality, as well as my fake brother Nick Naggar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar and my fake sister Mona/Afrah/Moni Najar/Najjar/Abokurah and her fake children living in and around Washington D.C.
6. Because they created a big setup blackmailing one part of my fake family that is named Khayat (meaning tailor) and called also Tailor, Taylor, in German called Schneider and in Dutch called Snijder, and this setup created around 1987 in Bridgeport Connecticut, USA in cooperation with the custom Tailoring clothing store called Shields owned by Susanne Shields and her son Scott Shields (both Jewish as distraction of my biological family), was right on the point that an opposite brainwash was immediately started to link the name Tailor/Taylor to Schneider in Germany by getting me by force involved with a Romanian tailor that claimed to be so called 7 Burger, a German decent in Romania, just as reminder of my friends at the German church where I get baptized and thought to have countless friends and some of them were also 7 Burger from Romania, and my baptize witness name is Schneider the German translation of Tailor/Taylor. And there is much more to this blackmail that started also in Germany in 1970s, but I am skipping most of it. Sorry for the long explanation. This was one of many blackmail setups that they performed upon me in several cities as follow:
6.1. Bridgeport, Connecticut
6.2. Fairfield, Connecticut
6.3. New York, New York
6.4. Boston, Massachusetts
6.5. Washington, D.C., where also my fake sister Afrah Najjar lives
6.6. Allentown, Pennsylvania
6.7. Wichita, Kansas
6.8. Kansas City, Kansas and Missouri
6.9. Semi Valley, California
6.10. Evansville, Indiana
6.11. Chicago, Illinoi
6.12. Houston. Texas
6.13. Channelview, Texas
6.14. New Orleans, Louisiana
6.15. And a couple others
Note to the above: one of the fake family members that I had was the alleged brother of my grandmother, his name was Fouad/Fuad Khayat (Tailor/Taylor) and he came to Egypt between 1960 and 1962 for around 3 months and disappeared he was allegedly going to USA to his children. He was more than 60 years old, around 160-165 cm, grey dark blond, blue eyes and had a speaking parrot that he allegedly takes with him everywhere. During his stay in Cairo, he was living in a small apartment downtown, and there where I saw him the first time. And there is where I had the first sign that my fake evil mother had telepathy and used it many times very negatively on me, and here is the incident: we were at the apartment of this my fake granduncle and her alleged uncle, and she was cooking some deep fry meatballs in a roughly 2 liter pot full of cooking (boiling oil), I was seeing the cooking bubbles, and that pot flipped over and covered her arms, hands and legs, yet she did not scream, she pretended to quickly pray that nothing should happened to her, and nothing happened to her, no skin burn on her hands or arms or legs, they did not even become red, and that is how powerful some telepathy or telekinesis can be (or whatever you want to call it), I do not know how to name something like that, so I call it telepathy. And this granduncle and his family were also being blackmailed using me in USA.
But I have no facts about my actual birthplace or where I came from prior to January 1960.
No American is really American except the native Americans. Most of the controlling American families are 100% related to the controlling families in other countries and mainly in Europe and especially to the British and Dutch royal families, because their history goes back far earlier than establishing New Amsterdam (Netherlands) that later was renamed to New York (UK). Therefore, it is very possibly that I was born in another country such as UK, Germany or even the Netherlands, yet someone, or many, close to me from my biological family from prior to January 1959, went to USA and is in a higher position either business wise or governmental wise. The law in USA says anyone can become a member of the American government, even foreigners that are legally in USA, except the president of USA must be born in USA, and here too, I believe to have discovered that they cheat in that by switching babies or even a child at a younger age, or a man at older age, such as they did to me, because there is no law to check the finger prints of a child. Each human being has unique finger prints, even twins, but they can have the same DNA. If I am a Saudi Arabian and have a wife and children in Saudi Arabia, and another wife and children in USA and suddenly my wife in Saudi Arabia had a twin, I can take one of them to USA switch them with one of my children in USA and wait until they are older, maybe 16 or 17 years old, where I trained the one in Saudi Arabia to be loyal to me and to Saudi Arabia, then let him exchange places with his twin in USA and both are born in Saudi Arabia, then at least one of them can become president of USA and no one will ever notice. The same is valid for other countries such as Germany, where I was kidnapped from to cover up for many evil persons of my fake family that some of them are also Saudi Arabian. And don’t you think for a second that all Saudi Arabians or Jordanians are darker skin, hair and eyes, some of the previous king of Saudi Arabia was blue eyes, blond and white, yet in public it goes all lost, in matter of fact Saudi Arabia is 100% controlled by 3-5 Petroleum companies, including Shell, BP-British Petroleum, Exon, Chevron and possibly another one or 2, and they are using Saudi Arabia as proxy to enslave others or destroy them as they are doing with Yemen, Iran and Iraq and this since 1960s and not just now, actually this is the wrong information, they have not being doing that since 1960, but rather since 1911 or 1900 where they established Saudi Arabia as we know today, prior to that is was only a desert with maybe 1-5000 desert nomads, which I believe they killed most of them to steal the land, just as many other countries in this region bust also in other region of the world
Meaning I do not know for sure where I was born, except I know for fact where I was not born, I was not born in Syria nor in Egypt and that is fact, period. Therewith and today, I am force by these criminal’s psychopath to live with a fake identity and have the Dutch citizenship based on my fake identity that these criminals forced upon me in January 1960, and that is fact.
When I look at how I was treated in Germany, USA and in the Netherlands then I would say the following:
1. In Germany I was treated very badly and on the scale from 1-10 (1=good, 10=more than extremely bad), I would say 7, whereby the majority of the negativity was caused to me by the CIA, MI6, my fake brother and his lookalike of my fake brother, my fake mother, my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi, my face cousin Dr. Basam Baroudi, Dr. Sami Assassa and a couple of others
2. In USA I was treated extremely bad and on the scale of 1-10, I would say 8, and not 10, because I was on purpose prevented to work in the IT sector, and after 1989 I was able somehow to work again in in the IT sector and gain experience that the FBI and the Dutch totally destroyed starting 1999 and 2001 respectively and until 2013, which very much means all the experience that I gained in USA was worthless because the FBI and the Dutch IND were the nastiest institutions in my life directly after the CIA, MI6, BP-British Petroleum and my fake family members
3. In the Netherlands and on the scale of 1-10, I would say 9 or even 10, but I am giving 9, because since March 2016, the torture went down by 90%, but how I was treated in the Netherlands from 2001 and until 2013 was on the scale of 1-10, I would say 20 (twenty), meaning they broke all the rules of humanity and dignity of a human being by destroying his self-confidence making him feel like he is worth nothing and that they can do with him what they want and that is slavery in the Netherlands!!!!!
Based on the above scales, the Dutch government treated me worse than the Americans, Germans, Egyptians, Jordanians, and Saudi Arabians combined!
I wonder why?!
Above all they pretended to help me and taught me many telepathy tricks in in the refugee camps, but not for my benefits, for their own benefits, which I am not 100% clear about their motives, however I can narrow it to 4 possibilities as follow:
1. They were using me against some of their opponents by forcing me with brainwash and telepathy to write my history in detail and publish it on the internet
2. They are covering for my fake and biological families that are possibly related to them in USA and in Netherlands and in Jordan and in Saudi Arabia and in Unterschleissheim and in general in Germany
3. They have at least one secret agent within my fake family such as my cousin Dr, Basam/Bassam Baroudi because how he pronounces some words, was more like Dutch than anything else, but also my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi that was allegedly living in Hamburg, his pronunciation was more Dutch than German, and If I did not come to the Netherlands, then I would not be able to recognize that!
4. They took part on the illegal project called Calypso, at least through Philips Electronics and would like to cover it up
5. Possibly I was kidnapped from the Netherlands and my biological family roots is from the Netherlands
6. A combination of or all of the above
If any or all of the above is true, then this will most definitely confirm their strategy against me, which is get me into a controlled environment and torture me mentally and physically and without that anyone else notice enable to force me to complain and recognize what was done to me in the past, which they rather that they do it under their own controlled environment and it takes 16 years than someone else tell me the truth within a few hours or a few days and endanger their evil plans and agents around my life in various countries.
And that would explain why I was forced to attack the Rockefeller and Exxon/Esso petroleum as distraction of BP-British Petroleum, Shell, ARAMCO and Jordan Petroleum that many members of my fake family manage and/or work for these companies and possibly even more than just work for.
But all of the above are just writing my thoughts because I have no facts, except ARAMCO, BP-British Petroleum and Jordan Petroleum and the fact that I worked for Koch Industries in Wichita, Kansas, UtiliCorp United in Kansas City, Kansas, Chevron and Texaco in Houston and Louisiana, and during my work with these 4 companies something either very destructive happened to me or very odd that I was not able to explain, which means someone was trying to either help me, using me as blackmail object or push me away of their company such as happed to me in Wichita, whereby there was other connections also in Wichita, Boing one of their important clients is Saudia (Saudi Arabian Airline), Alia (Royal Jordanian Airline) and Egypt Air, and all 3 companies have negative and destructive history with me as well as all 3 of them were and possibly still are managed by members of my fake families and all 3 airlines set me up severely as distraction of my fake family and caused me some trouble and a lot of headaches, which I will layout in other sections of my complaint.
A very important clarification: When someone kidnaps you, causes you a total amnesia, organizes to rape you as a mean of brainwash, brainwashing, enslave you and isolate you by force and then kidnap you again and do it all over again, he would not come up to you and tell you: sorry I kidnaped you, caused you a total amnesia and here are the details, you were kidnapped from xxxx on xxxx of the family xxxxx, the reason is xxxx and so on xxxxxxxx……..
There is only 2 ways to know it, someone else tells you, then what is their motives?
You try to figure it out yourself. And here I tried hard to figure it out myself, because I have been often and on purpose forced to be on the wrong track, among others and above all in Netherlands and since they brought me to the Netherlands by force.
In my case no one told me, yet many tried to force me to think it enable they can use me against their opponents, among others some persons in some churches, and the Dutch IND, COA and AIVD and before them the CIA, FBI and the BND and some other government agencies as a mean to force me to know some of the things that was done to me and force my mind to stop thinking and force my mind to go a wrong direction, which is a very nasty brainwash, and that, they did to me very sadistically from 2001 and until 2016!
Since I like to know where I came from and want justice for all the bad things that was performed upon me, among others and above all by the Dutch IND, COA and AIVD, I am still trying to figure out the truth about my own life. End of clarification!
I was kidnapped on around 15 December 1959, and so I thought for the last a few years.
Today I know with certainty that I was kidnapped between 1 and 10 January 1960, and here is why: there was absolutely no celebration of New Year’s Eve 1959 in my memory, in anyway what so ever, not even “Happy new year to you”, which all Arab countries say it to each other’s also by the Gregorian calendar (Christian calendar) this means I was most definitely kidnapped in January of 1960, because my actual clear memory starts at around this time where I was taken to Cairo, Egypt on 15 January 1960 with a fake Syrian identity along with one fake mother called Hyatt or Hayat Baroudi and 2 fake sisters named Afrah Najar (nicknamed one time Mona and it is no nick name, which is Arabic and another time Moni, which is abbreviation of Monica or Monika, none Arabic) and the other sister Named Fadia Najar (Nick Name Fifi, which is originated from the French language for the names: , Josephine, Sofia, Sophia, Delphine, Fiona, Fiorella, Seraphina, and other times called Battah in Arabic, meaning Duck). Each one of these 2 fake sisters have a different last name spelling and also I have a different last name spelling than them, which very much means that they are 100% not my biological sisters, because in Syria, Jordan and 90% of all Arab countries, there is only 2 ways to translate my last name to English correctly, which means Carpenter (in German Zimmermann/Schreiner and in Dutch timmerman): Najar (90%) or Najjar (8%) and other wrong ariation such as Naajar, Najaar or even Naajaar or a combination. To my knowledge only one Arab country, which is Egypt translate the name to Nagar, because in Egypt they pronounce the letter “J” as “G”, in Germany and Netherlands they pronounce “J” as I/Y, in Span and south America they pronounce “J” as “KH” or “CH” as they pronounce the “CH” in Germany and as they pronounce G in Netherlands (=KH or in Arabic خ). There is absolutely no way that a Syrian or Jordanian would pronounce the letter “J” as “G”, and therewith they would always translate my name as Najar and never as Nagar or Naggar, therefore the CIA and MI6 uses some of their agents that have similar names translation as my fake brother and sisters, therefore, one sister last name is Nagar another is Najjar and my fake brother is Naggar. Besides, my fake mother supposedly is a widow and all widows would always keep their last name of her husband, even after his death, unless she marries again, yet my fake mothers name is Baroudi even though she allegedly never married again since 1953=100 lie, and this also I just recognized in 2019!
Sorry of getting side-tracked, but these small things are as important as big things, among others because the contradiction or paradoxes accumulates, and in my case, they are more than hundreds, small and very big things, they are thousands, which equal to certainty, which equivalent to facts!!!
Reading note: The below points are duplicate from the section above “Causing a total Amnesia after kidnapping”
After kidnapping me in around 15 December 1959, they caused me a total amnesia, enable to prevent me to know the followings:
1. Where I came from?
2. Where I grew up?
3. Who is my biological family?
4. Where is my home?
5. The language I used to speak prior to kidnaping me, then forced me to learn Arabic in a very short time a few weeks, therefore and as they took me to Egypt on 15 January 1960 I spoke very, very bad Arabic, even though they claimed that I was 2 years in a Syrian school, which was a lie, yet their excuse for my insufficient Arabic language knowledge as an 8-year-old was: I SPEAK IN A SYRIAN DIALECT, which is different than Arabic in Egypt, which was also a lie, my Arabic vocabulary and grammar was 100% equivalent to 3 years old, meaning I just learned it in a crash course forced upon me with telepathy, an example, one out of many I used to say I am hot when I need to put my jacket on, instead of saying I am cold or vice versa, say I am cold when I need to take my jacket off, everyone around me would then laugh, no 8 years old would ever make this mistakes!
6. To wipe off my logic=life experience so far, that a human being depends on to recognize situations and make a decision and that also helps him to know what is right and what is wrong. This is the absolute basic knowledge gained through the parents, brothers and sisters, other family members, school, friends, neighbors, media such as radio or TV or books, and in general the entire life. If there is no logic, then I absolutely do not know what to do and very much dependent on commands what to do or that someone tells me do this and do that
7. This point may sound as the above, but it is different point with the same reasoning. To make their victim easy to control, because he has no logic, and therewith he would always follow orders, because he does not know what to do and how to make decisions and I was kept by force with no logic or with little, and was growing in a very, very slow motion that because my logic was constantly being suppressed by them=corrupting it, among others by isolation and preventing me to mix with others and therewith I cannot learn from them, which is anti-life
8. Forcing fake history upon me that was by far too little and I was not able to recognize it as fake until after 2010. The force history was added to me by force of telepathy and/or brainwash methods, where either they forced a dream upon me and then later would tell me “do you remember this and that”, and therewith I would take the dream as reality. Or telling me a story of the past and ask me “do you remember this and that”, then I am forced to believe that the story is reality
9. To prevent others to find out where I really came from, where they can force upon me a fake origin such as Syria and then they can use me as decoy as they did from 15 January 1960 and until I started to recognize that, after the year 2000
10.To force others to believe that I came from Syria
11.As of 15 January 1960, and as they took me to Cairo, Egypt, this is what was in my memory=fake, where persons who has telepathy and can read my mind will only see the fake history that they forced upon me
12.No family members in my memory, except in a few and each only in one scene or one photo shot. This fake memory included a very detail memory of the alleged apartment/house where I was born and raised in the city section named Mezzeh also written as Mazeh in Damascus, Syria, which was 100% fake memory as it is highlighted within. The way I was able to recognize that it was 100% fake memory, among others because I remember the house details to almost the smallest detail, yet the house is empty as if I lived in it alone (or someone told me how it looks, yet forgot to add or could not add life to it), with the exception of a hand full (around 5 + 15-20 memory of other situations not related to this house) of fake memories, yet the major ones are missing, such as waking up with the family, having breakfast, lunch, dinner, celebration of any kind, visitors from family, neighbors, friends of the family members, my own friends, birthdays and so on, which all amount to 100% fake memory!
13.Last but not least, to not remember an identical twin or triplet brother, sister or both. I have some indications that I have a twin, among others marking at my upper left leg that was 100% performed as I was a baby, which is skin burn to the flesh, that as I grow older, this marking stretch, because the skin is gone, and it looks like glass opening where I can see my flesh and arteries. My fake mother told me that this was because I scratched myself as I was 6 years old, which was 100% lie. But also I have indication that I either was used as a place holder in USA while my twin was raised in another country and then brought to USA in January 1960, or I was used as a place holder in Egypt and as I grew as 16 years old, they removed my by force from Egypt in October 1969 and placed me in Germany where I was locked up by force as refugee not allowed to travel, yet after 1976 I was allowed to travel and in 1982 I traveled on business to Cairo, Egypt, which was 100% setup through my fake family in Jordan to blackmail my biological family, and there I was severely attacked by telepathy and by non-telepathy from many sides, including members of my fake family that are very well established and many of them are wealthy, as well as in the Egyptian government and military in controlling positions, yet the 10 days in Cairo, left it in my mind, never again go back to Egypt due to the bad experience they forced upon me and forced me not to succeed in anything. I know it was 100% designed to prevent me to see someone, or a group of people as follow:
a. My 2 original fake sisters that went with me to Cairo on 15 January 1960 and both allegedly left, one in 1961 and the other in 1970, either both or one of them and my guess both, never left Egypt, and I was told so to not visit them. Their names are Fadia Najar/Nagar/Shawki/????? and Afrah Najar/Najjar/????? (?????=marriage name)
b. My fake brother name Mohamad Nashaat Nagger that had a lookalike forced upon my life by the CIA in Munich on around August 1970 as distraction of the original one to prevent me of want to visit him in Egypt. His look alike name is Nick Naggar
c. My Original fake mother that have 2 lookalike and I have absolutely no doubt what so ever about that, and the original one still in Egypt, even though I was forced to think of her relocated to Germany and later to Jordan and Saudi Arabia
d. Many of my fake uncles and cousins that were nothing else than CIA and MI6 agents and pretend to be one family, my fake family that was forced upon me in January 1960 and most of them went to Cairo, Egypt and lived there for 1-10 years and allegedly all left after 1970, yet I believe many of them never left
e. My twin brother/sister or possibly triplet 2 brothers and one sister, because I was set up to see a girl that was my age and looked a lot like me, except she had long hair and girls clothing and named Leila, she was in some catholic school in Alexandria. The way I met her was 100% set up to see what I and she will do but also as blackmail of my fake family. I strongly believe that this girl had telepathy, whereby and at that I did not know anything about telepathy (=slavery). I met her allegedly coincidently in a boat trip in the red sea that was for one week, that boat had around 40-100 passengers, it was supplying food and drinks to light houses and on the side, they were offering trips for limited amount of people, it was less than 100 persons. In other words, it was as if I was locked up for one week in the same house with her, she just had another room, we used the same dining room and the same everything else. We even interacted a lot and very positively. After the trip I was manipulated to go and visit her in Alexandria, which was 100% impossible for me to do alone except that someone forced me to, and in both cases, it was my fake mother and my fake sister that look nothing like me, and they were possibly black mailing my biological family that some of them were already in Egypt. This is pure suspicion and conclusion based on many very odd situations that I was not able to explain, except as mentioned in this point
Reading note: End of duplication
Based on this fake memory and sometimes around 2-4 weeks prior to taking me to Cairo, Egypt, my fake mother said we are having problems with the landlord and my father wants us to go and live with him, which we did, in a large Spanish style house (based on movies and documentations I have seen later in life, because I was prevented to go to Spain or even Greece in 1970s and 1980s and also prevented to go to this house later on in 1969), which is square and totally closed to the outside with the exception of a big hall in the middle, and this hall is without any roof/cover/ceiling or protection from the sky, and a water well in the middle of it, and it had maybe 10 rooms or more all around it. It was 2 floors of maybe 50 x 50 meters with couple of allegedly fruit trees in the middle of it. If I was really in this house or not, I am not sure, some situations point out that I was never in that house, however the logic point out that I was 2-4 weeks in this house, yet that is not my logic it is their logic that they forced upon me. My logic says I was never in this house. And if I would want to guess or speculate based on my own life experience and based on facts of my own life, then I would guess the following: around 10 or 11 January 1969, I was kidnapped, caused a total amnesia and then drugged for around 24 hours, taken to Syria directly to a hotel, where we stayed around 3-4 days, right next to a movie Theater owned by a man called Saied Al-Umary (سعيد العمري), during which we went a couple of times to his theater and Mr. Al-Umary pretended to be a want-to-be-husband of my fake mother, he was already married and allegedly wanted to marry my fake mother as a second wife, my fake mother that has allegedly already 6 children, one allegedly dead, one daughter 22 years old named Suhair Bdeir/Budeir in Amman, Jordan, one son 21 years old named Samir (allegedly dead at age 1), one daughter 20 years old named Afarah Najar/Najjar/Abokurah, one daughter 18 years old named Fadia Najar/Shawki/Nagar, one son 11 years old named Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar and me as 8 years old named Mohamad Nuzhat Najar alias Michael Najar, where he was wealthy and can marry a dozen of girls under the age of 16 years old, which is what people do in these countries like to do=lies and to confirm this brainwash, he came in reality to visit us in summer 1960 and took us, my fake mother Hyatt, my fake sister Afrah, my fake sister Fadia and me for a summer vacation 4 weeks to Alexandria in some luxury hotel I think called “The Beau Rivage” which is French and means Beautiful shore. This visit was meant to show that he knows us and my fake family since ever from Syria and as neighbors, meaning covering up their fake identities and allegedly he is in love with this nasty woman and wanted to marry her, later on, her father, my alleged grandfather came also and pretended to want her and her children to come back and to live in his big house and in Damascus, Syria, he will allegedly take care of us, here also, it was nothing else than showing as if he is her real father and covering up for our all fake identities. Back to being kidnaped on around 10 January 1960 and taken directly to a hotel in Damascus, Syria, name unknown, except it was 3-4-star hotel. In the hotel, many of these sadistic fake family added my fake memory relating me to this city, among others that we allegedly moved from our apartment to my grandparents’ house because the landlord allegedly is giving us a lot of problems, and then after a couple of weeks at the grandparents’ house we allegedly escaped in the most questionable way climbing down the wall of around 7-10 meters down to the street using ropes, me as 8 years old with 3 women climbing down the wall using a rope at 2 in the morning, where a soldier would have problem doing that, just to escape this alleged tyrant grandfather to a hotel for 3-4 days and then to Cairo, Egypt on 15 January 1960. Meaning all my memory and until this moment of time of around 10/11 January are 100% fake.
Why go through the trouble of going to a hotel in Damascus Syria?
If we are going from Syria and as Syrian citizens to Egypt, we cannot go from Israel, Saudi Arabia, USA, UK, Netherlands or Germany to Cairo and claim we just escaped my grandfather in Syria over Netherlands or over New York, where in all these places would need visa and it will still be suspicious, among others because the Egyptian government and as we arrive in the airport, they know where we came from, therefore we have to go to Damascus, Syria and from there to Egypt, which we did. And that is fact based on situations around my life at that time. But also because, or especially because my fake mother and her 2 fake daughters are agents of the CIA & MI6 and pretending to be Syrians, later on most of my fake mother’s brothers and their children that were supposedly living with us at the house of my grandfather in Damascus, Syria, came also to Cairo, Egypt within the same 18 months, one after the other, also as a fake Syrian including my fake brother that was introduced to me in 1965 and prior to that, I never seen him before in my life, he too pretended to be Syrian raised in Amman, Jordan by my fake sister that was nothing else than a nanny for hidden, or not hidden, agent’s and royalty’s children, they just hide some of the children to use them somewhere else as an alleged normal people=non-royalties, other children were 100% brought from outside Jordan with fake identities as Jordanians such as all my nephew and nieces and another couple children such as the Edelbi brothers in Amman, Jordan that were in 1967 neighbors of my fake sister Suheir Bdeir/Budeir and also were being raised by a nanny that pretended to be their mother. I was prevented to visit any place that was in my fake memory when they took me as a 16 years old Damascus, Syria in December 1969: I was not allowed to visit my fake aunt called Eftikar Kheir that allegedly lived only 200 meters of our apartment/house, but also prevented to visit our apartment where I was allegedly born, I was prevented to visit my grandparents at their home, where I allegedly lived for 2-4 weeks in December 1959, instead they forced me to live in an apartment that allegedly owned by my fake uncle called Jalal Baroudi, while he was not present in Syria, allegedly he was in Russia as a Syrian diplomat, which all was lies, in reality he was a business man of another nationality and on the side he was a Syrian consul in Geneva Switzerland with also additional nationalities, among others Syria and 100% also Jordanian, and possibly Swiss and other nationalities. The reason I know for fact that he also had Jordanian nationality, is because the Jordanian secret service in around 1982 or 1984, I am not certain any more due to the severe stress I was forced to go through due to the brainwash and persecution they were performing on me, the Jordanian secret service in cooperation with the 2 families of my 2 fake sisters, which are the families Abokurah and Bdeir/Budeir brainwashed me through a very nasty setup to think that Jalal Baroudi is Syrian diplomat and they want me to ask him to work for the Jordanian secret service, naturally I said no, I am not going to ask him, you go and ask him yourself I said, then they said, we know you are trying to do business in Jordan and if you help us we will make it easy for you and help you to build business, otherwise we will do the opposite and then they started to give me a hard time whenever I try to visit my 2 fake sisters and also the business that I was performing there did not succeed and they wanted me to think is because the Jordanian secret service, which it was also, but also to prevent me to visit my 2 fake sisters while simultaneously training my mind not to sell my fake family members and forcing me to think that the Jordanian government have no connection what so ever with my fake uncle Jalal Baroudi, which is totally the opposite, just as they had direct connection to my other uncle named Jawdat Baroudi that allegedly was the Syrian console in Amman in 1967 and as I was forced to visit them at that time. This set up had 2 goals as follow, goal-1: to blame them giving me hard time each time I try to visit my 2 fake sisters and as distraction of my fake sisters families, by each time when I arrive they confiscating my passport at the airport and ask me to go and pick it up from the secret service headquarter (called Al-Mukhabarat), and make it look like they doing that because I refused to ask my uncle, in reality they just want to force my mind to dislike going all this trouble each time I go and visit my 2 sisters that were nothing else than nannies for royalty children and pretending to be my sisters and therewith they do not want me to come and visit them. Goal-2: to keep it in my mind that they are not related to my uncle Jalal Baroudi in any way, which in reality means he is related to the Jordanian royal family, while I really do not have that strong connection to him, nor I know him that much, nor I have the motivation to ask him, maybe if I was Jordanian I would have asked him for love of my own country, but I am not, yet this brainwash set up had only one goal, to force my mind to think that my uncle is not Jordanian=in reality he is also Jordanian!
This shows you the power of brainwash and telepathy control that took me so long to figure out things.
How to figure it out or recognize brainwash and what is not, is very tough, because brainwash is based on lies, and how can I tell if my mother lied to me and she is not my mother, and the same is valid for my sisters, my brother, nephew and nieces, uncles, and cousins and other relatives?
Only by creating points that I can turn in to facts and take this fact to other points and compare them until I find another fact and so on, example:
I was set up to go to the American military base called McGraw Kaserne in Munich, Germany in around March 1970, for a re-brainwash as cover up for the CIA, MI6, BND and IAVD agents in Egypt and elsewhere while they pretended that I am being suspected of being related to terrorism. Setting me up to look like related to terrorist had 2 reasons, to distract those who are watching me to see what happens to me in Germany after Egypt and reason 2 to leave it in my memory like that enable to force my mind to think that they were only working for the national security and suspected me being related to terrorism and therewith I would not find relation to other situations in my life, but I did. And his is fact #1 that I found: The American military base was a planned brainwash by my fake family and the CIA, thereafter I recognized who set me up to look like as if I am related to terrorism: The CIA & MI6, my fake mother, 3 uncles, and my 3 sisters and that was the second fact and from here on I was just jumping all over my life to confirm these facts, which I did confirm them multiple times over, then looking for other facts and so on until I found out a lot but and very unfortunately not everything, and above all what interest me most, which is the following:
1. From which country and city was I kidnapped
2. From which family was I kidnapped
3. The exact kidnap process that I had to go through prior to causing me a total amnesia
Alone through the first fact point that also I call ground zero of me un-brainwashing myself by force of the FBI, INS that took me by force to the Netherlands and then the Dutch IND, COA and AIVD to force me to go a different direction than I did. Yet I stock to the American military base and through it I found many facts as follow:
1. 100% I was setup by my fake family and the CIA to look like as if I am related to terrorism
2. Which family would do that to one of their own? No family except fake families
3. My fake mother had a lookalike and exchange places with 2 lookalike, one in Egypt and one in Sofia, Bulgaria, and these 3 possibly had a 4th or one of the 3 I just get to know after 1976s that was all fat and too religious, which is impossible, all religious people become loosen up as they grow in age, and in no way that a none-religious person with a whore like behavior, such as my fake mother was from 1960 and until 1973, would turn all religious just after I was forced to become Christian and she was covered up except her face and hands, if it is a different person that appear in my life after several years and pretend to have gained nearly 60-80 kg. She was around 45 kg, and now over 120 kg. She lived by fashion and now covers her head and hear entire body. One of these lookalikes came to the American military base and pretended to work there as a nanny!!!
4. My fake brother allegedly left Egypt in Spring 1970 to Jordan and allegedly came over Jordan to the American military base in around August 1970 or 71, but it was 100% a different person, meaning the CIA & MI6 were covering for their agents in Egypt that pretended to be my mother and 2 sisters and the brother that was forced upon my life as a brother in around 1965 or 1966
5. My fake sister Fadia had a double and this double pretend to be her and also came and visited me in this evil American military base
6. They enslaved me under one of their agents named Anita Disbray that was 100% either from the royal family from Saudi Arabia/Jordan or had an identical lookalike from these 2 countries, my guess it is Saudi Arabia and this due to many situations around my life in Saudi Arabia as I went there for business as an employee of the company Siemens AG
7. My fake sister Afrah Najar/Najjar/Abokurah is a double of my original fake sister in Egypt that still lives in Egypt at that time, while I was forced to think that she relocated to Jordan. But also, that this is a nanny and not the mother of all of her children: while I was still being living in or around this American military base, she came in around 1971 or 1972. The following situation was possibly at a later visit, during which we went for a day trip to a nearby lake called Tergernsee, during which she lost her son, I believe it was the one named Zaid or possibly it was Khalid, I cannot recall any more, that was around 3-7 years old, and suddenly she was so scared and kept on saying his father is going to kill me, and was trying to find her lost son, while repeating the same sentence, his father is going to kill me. After around 10-15 minutes we found the lost son. In a situation like that, who would be scared of the father or even think about his father, he would more likely be worried about his son and not that his father will kill me, why did she say his father and not my husband, this showed me the first indication that she is only the nanny and not the mother, then I found many other confirmation that made her 100% the nanny and not the mother, but why lie to me and pretend to be the mother of all 5 children and also pretend to be my sister?
There were many other situations that was forced upon me in that military base, yet I left them out, from how they enslaved me under their female agent to the friends that they forced upon me to the severe setup to make me to drink alcohol by force of brainwash to isolating me of the life in Germany, even though we all were in Germany!
The above 7 points are major points and I always take them in comparison and as a confirmation or non-confirmation to other points. Only so I was able to find the facts and the truth about my own life, which it took me over 16 years, from 2001 and until current, because I am still finding small and big hidden facts, such as time of kidnapping me that at beginning I thought it was in begin 1959, then summer 1959 and then October 1959 and then December 1959 and now I know it was 100% after 1 January 1960 and most probably on 10 or 11 January 1960, because there was absolutely no new year’s eve celebration in 1959 nor anyone said happy new year to anyone else. Based on the lies they told me, the most definite date of kidnapping me was just before 10 January 1960. Sometimes all it takes to get the fact is something small and stupid as not saying “Happy new year”!!!!
And that is why these criminals they cause a total amnesia, to prevent the victim to understand!
The house of my grandparents that they brainwashed me to think I lived in it for 2-4 weeks from December 1959 to 10 January 1960, is a fake memory, but what is important is who was in this house, because this is the first decoy task they used me for, which is to have it in my memory that certain persons were living all their lives in this house, in Damascus, Syrian and are all Syrian Nationals, which they are most definitely not, and these are the persons listed in the page named my fake family, please note I never seen these persons in my life prior to January 1960, actually I never seen any of them in my life prior to them arriving in Cairo, Egypt at various times between 1961 and 1968, yet I was forced to think that I grew up with them just because I was forced to have a fake memory that made me believe that I lived with them for 6 months, then I was able to narrow it to 2-4 weeks between 15 December 1959 and 10/11 January 1960 allegedly in Damascus, Syria, and then narrow it to 0 (zero) days as shown in the list in the page of my fake family, but this is also false, because I was never in this house, it was 100% all fake memory.
Reading note: The below points are duplicate from the section above “Causing a total Amnesia after kidnapping”
Here are some more details and further reinforcement that my memory from prior to December 1959 was totally fake:
19. This point was added on 27.04.2019. I have no photos what so ever, from prior to 10/11 January 1960, with any of the below mentioned. And this point alone shows not only that they are liars, but also an organized crime family under the protection of the CIA, MI6, BND, AIVD, BP-British Petroleum and all of their top bosses. Not to forget to mention, that these criminals gave me a ton of photos, of others dated back to 1900 (=severe brainwash) of my alleged father that does not exist and was made up, his family his grandfather and so on, none of these people I have ever met in real life. They also gave me 2 photos allegedly of me when I was between 4-6 years old, one at the alleged birthday party Basma Bdeir/Budier the sister of Reem Bdeir alias the double princes Haya of Jordan or both are one and the same person, and this phots shows a punch of children sitting around birthday table full of sweets with birthday hats over their heads. This person was 100% not me, but rather someone else possibly my twin. The second photo standing on the side my alleged uncle the criminal named Jawdat Baroudi, a Saudi Arabian royal family member and a CIA/MI6 agent and most probably the son of Fuad Khyat alias Taylor/Tailor an American/British with multiple nationalities and multi-national businesses. In this photo we were standing somewhere it looked like a farm road no other life on this photo. This Jawdat Baroudi has a hidden son named Essam Shawki and allegedly lives in Brighton, UK, He is my official nephew and I strongly believe that his official mother alias my fake sister Fadia Najar/Nagar is nothing else than a nanny and also, she is the lookalike and replacement of my original fake sister named Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki. Essam Shawki looks identical to Jawdat Baroudi as I get to know in Egypt in the begin of 1960 where he lived there for 1 year and has other Saudi Arabian living in Egypt pretending to be Syrian and brainwashing the Egyptians with Saudi Arabian slavery brainwash. I also saw him later in 1967 in Jordan, in 1969 in Damascus, Syria where they set me up to look like as if I am highly connected to terrorist enable to give the CIA & MI6 a reason persecute me and isolate me of the general public, which they did, I also met him in Riyadh Saudi Arabia in 1981, while I was there on business and also in Munich, Germany in 1985, he was or still is through and through British/American and top criminal. And there with Essam Shawki is a hidden Saudi Royalty or a son of the CIA/MI6 agent named Jawdat Baroudi. 2 photos of my alleged self in 8 years, a poor person living in the slums somewhere in India or South Africa would have had more photos than just 2. Here are the missing photos that I should have had some of them:
19.1. My alleged father Abdulhamid Najar
19.2. My alleged mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi
19.3. My alleged sister Fadia Najar/Shawki/Nagar
19.4. My alleged sister Afrah/Mona/Moni Najar/Abokurah/Najjar
19.5. My alleged sister Suhair/Susu/Soso Bdeir/Budier and allegedly previously Najar
19.6. My alleged brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar/Nagar/Najar/Najjar
19.7. The parents of my alleged father
19.8. The parents of my alleged mother
19.9. One of my 5 uncles and 1 aunt
19.10. One of over 25 cousins, whereby 6 of the family Kheir of them allegedly lived just 100 meters of where I was allegedly living prior to 10/11 January 1960, especially the alleged 6 months that we allegedly all lived with grandparent’s house along with the 5 uncles, their wives and children, where one of them must have had a birthday party and photos must have been taken of me, yet none exist
19.11. Photos of me with other relatives, of in front of or inside of the housing, or in school that I allegedly was in more than 1 year
20. I have no memory what so ever of waking up and having breakfast with any one of my fake family
21. I have no memory what so ever of having guests at our alleged house, except one memory in 8 years, which was fake
22. No memory what so ever of me going to school, except of one memory that equals a 2-dimension photo, one scene=fake memory, but they claimed that I was 2 years in school and in kindergarten prior to that. Where there is no interaction in school neither with the teacher nor with other students, nor I have any friends from this alleged 2-year school in Syria
23. No memory what so ever of me having friends, playing with them or they coming to our house or me going to their house, neither from school, nor from the neighbor nor from my alleged family in Syria
24. No memory what so ever of seeing my fake family cooking a meal
25. No memory what so ever of my fake 2 sisters going to school or coming back from school, in matter of a fact I have absolutely no memory what so ever of my fake sister called Afrah/Moi/Mona Najar/Najjar/Abokurah, not real memory and not fake memory, they forgot to add her
26. No memory what so ever that my 2 fake sisters had a friend that came to visit them
27. No memory what so ever that my fake sister Suhair came to visit us from Jordan
28. No memory what so ever of my fake brother coming to visit us from Jordan or that we went to Jordan, in matter of fact I have absolutely no knowledge what so ever that I have a brother until they told me that sometime in 1965/1966 and said your brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar (supposed to be Najar) went in 1954 to live with your sister Suheir in Amman, Jordan, and now he is coming to live with us, I was very happy, because finally I would have someone I can interact with, he turned out to be a very sadistic, savage, barbarian adult that pretend to be 16 years old due to he was short. After a few months of living with us he moved out and lived in a separate apartment somewhere nearby, and allegedly his sister in Jordan is being for the apartment for his house keeper and for his private school called San George and as well as his pocket money=all lies he was most definitely an agent for MI6 and/or CIA, and what the CIA did to me between 1970 and 1977 is the proves, which they severely brainwashed me and enslaved me under one of their agents named Anita Disbray that had telepathy and totally isolated me of the rest of the world while constantly damaging my new friendships, and simultaneously forced a lookalike of my fake brother upon me, both cases in August 1970 and in the American military base called McGraw kaserne where I was being severely brainwashed and also severely mentally and physically tortured
29. No memory what so ever that I had a birthday celebration, or a birthday celebration of anyone of my fake family members that was allegedly living with me for 8 years, or friend or any one adult or child from the family or even the neighborhood
30. No memory what so ever that any one of the fake family, that consisted allegedly of several hundreds, but at least those 21 that were allegedly living with me in December 1959 to 15 January 1961, had a birthday celebration and invited us or me, except one and that was also wrong=fake memory
31. No memory what so ever that we celebrated any Muslim holiday, Christian holiday or any other holiday, except one, which was 100% wrong memory=fake memory,
32. No memory what so ever me being taken to buy me clothing or clothing for my 2 sisters
33. No memory what so ever of me seeing any Muslim woman or a man dressing as Syrian Muslims dress with the typical Muslim clothing that is very similar to the Turkish Muslim clothing, which I learned later through News, TV, Movies, Books, and other media or seeing them in Germany or in the UK or in the USA or in the Netherlands, but also in December 1969 when I was taken to the actual Damascus, Syrian for a 10 days very damaging brainwash trip that resulted me being allegedly persecuted by authorities as an alleged terrorist suspect from 1970-2000. If I have lived all my life until 1960 in Syria, then I would have seen at least thousands of women covering their heads and I would have seen thousands of men dressed like Muslim Sheikh/pastor, with a dress like clothing and a round head cover, but I did not except one fake memory allegedly of our neighbor lady, one young woman in my memory that was feeding me Syrian cheese called Shenkleesh (old spicy ball like white cheese) = fake memory
34. I can remember 3 adjacent neighbors and alleged 200 meters next to alleged hospital the house of my fake aunt Eftikar Kheir that allegedly had 6 children, yet there is no life beside me in this apartment house of ours, the landlord to the left and next to him an alleged Jewish family, which was a consistent repeated brainwash memory to relate us to Israel, and on the right of us alleged Muslim neighbors, that was covering her head, the only person in 8 years that I have in memory with Islamic closing=lie, Syria is more than 70% Muslim, yet that young lady had also no one living with her, no family=fake memory, no young Muslim woman will be living alone in these countries, she was under 16 years old
35. The children of my fake aunt never came to us, or I never went to them to play together
36. The list goes on and on
The above was the indication and facts for me that they caused me a total amnesia.
The fact that later I was taken to Germany, set up to look like related to top terrorists to allow the CIA, MI6 and BND to take me to the American military base by force of brainwash while I was 17 years old, brainwash me in a very sadistic and vicious way and then enslave me under one of their agents until 1977, and ever since they are the cause of everything bad that happened to me 2016 even in the Netherlands, and that shows that it was 100% in their benefits that I had a total amnesia and without it, many things they could have not be able to do to me=100% they caused it as coverup for my biological family that have a very strong connection to them even today, and that is criminal!!
Last but not least, and the first thing I discovered is that my memory was fake, and this is how I discovered it:
1. Tried to remember how did I get to a place, certain place or any place I was in of my past and how I left it?
2. Who went with me to the place and who left with me?
3. Who else did go or was in the place?
4. What did I do in the place and who did it with me?
5. Why did I go to the place?
6. Was this a transit or the end place, such as, I was in the car travelling from Damascus to Beirut, where I can see the sea of Beirut maybe from 5-10 km distance driving gradually from higher land towards the sea and this was it, never arrived and neither I came from anywhere, only this scene, my fake mother sitting in the front and her alleged want-to-be her husband named Saieed Al-Umary was driving, that in reality I met twice, once at the movie theater he owned just 2 days before taking me to Cairo as an alleged Syrian and the second time he came to Egypt 5-6 months later and took us all on 2 weeks luxury vacation in Alexandria, where I get a severe sunburn that lasted more than 2 months to heal, and he did that only to confirm that we are all allegedly Syrians and that he knows my fake mothers since years as our alleged neighbor=fake memories mixed with reality
7. Then and gradually I started to understand that all these memories 20-30 of them, are very few for 8 years old and most of them have one thing in common, which is: either negativity or it is very memorable due to being odd situations, all this just to force the mind to remember them as real and there is no normal usual memory. In other words, I was seeking a normal memory a normal situation of my past, but most of the normal situations were with no begin and with no end, meaning I do not know how I get to it, when, if ever, how I left it and what was the purpose
It is very sad that some people intelligence is limited to criminal acts and that it is the only way they know how to advance in life, by preventing others to advance in life and enslaving them as described within!
Reading note: End of duplication
The above was the indication and facts for me that they caused me a total amnesia.
The fact that later I was taken to Germany, set up to look like related to top terrorists to allow the CIA, MI6 and BND to take me by force as a 17 years old to the American military base and brainwash me in a very sadistic and vicious way and then enslave me under one of their agents until 1977 that totally isolated me of the rest of the world, and all what they did to me ever since and until 2016, shows that it was 100% in their benefits that I had a total amnesia and without it, many things they could have not be able to do to me=100% they caused it and that is criminal!!
Yet I can remember the house that we allegedly lived in it, with many details, meaning my memory is good, meaning if I can remember the house, then I must remember at least important occasions as listed above, and above all that I can still remember it in the year 1970s, 1980s, or even today, says also that my memory is healthy, meaning all my memory was a brainwash fake memory, period.
And that is unethical, immoral, inhuman, anti-Islam, anti-Christian, anti-Jewish, anti-religion in general, illegal, and absolutely criminal!
Don’t you think for a second that when the CIA & MI6 kidnap a child, they would kidnap it from an Arabic country to use it for their agents that are from UK, USA, Netherlands, Germany, and/or other European country, where the Arabs will be able to find the truth easily if the child is from an Arabic country, beside my Arabic language capability was not of an 8 years old, it was of a 3 years old, meaning I lost my language and communication capabilities, meaning not Arab, so they kidnap the children from one of the countries they later used them in and where the agents came from, in my case, I was kidnapped to 99% from USA, because in 1986 they kidnapped me again, but this time from Germany to USA for 3 purposes only, Purpose-1: to prevent me to visit my fake family in the Middle East. Purpose-2: to isolate me of people I get to know in Germany, meaning to force me to be alone to prevent others of helping me, as a result I am here in 2019, still complaining. Purpose-3: to blackmail my biological family, meaning the Saudi Arabian royal family and the Jordanian royal family members that covered up for the Baroudi fake family, they conspired with some CIA, MI6 and most definitely BP-British Petroleum that was the number one brainwash and slave maker for me between 1983 and 1984 in Munich, Germany through their illegal project called Calypso, and then kidnapped me to USA where they were repeatedly blackmailing various family members through their network in USA. And today and until now the Dutch government is covering up for the BP-British Petroleum and MI6 because Shell is directly business partner with them and also directly business partner with ARAMCO, and Jordan Petroleum and both are controlled by royal family members while in Jordan are managed by the hidden royal family members of my fake sister Suhair and her family called Bdeir/Budeir and Abokurah, while BP-British Petroleum and the Dutch shell both are owned by the royal families of the UK and the Netherlands and they were the ones who created the Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royal families as well as and most probably created ARAMCO (headquartered in Houston, Texas USA, where I was held by force of law and brainwash as slave of their evil and absolutely nasty and disgusting whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud) and also created the Jordan Petroleum company!!!!
And that is the truth based on facts of my life!
Last but not least, is the pattern of moving me around by force prior or at the begin of a relocation and during a brainwash, among others by using the force of law or during a brainwash or immediately after a brainwash as follow, this is from 1959 and until current in 2019, which are all-in-all 6 different forced repeated relocation, the last one was the most vicious and sadistic one, which was performed upon me in Netherlands and Germany. The repetitive action of forced relocation builds a definitive visible and trackable pattern as follow:
1. December 1959/January 1960, Kidnap to Egypt; and based on the brainwash and fake memory:
1.1. I was kidnapped from an unknown place to Egypt over Syria, this unknown place I am guessing it to be 99% USA.
1.2. After kidnapping me they brainwashed me as follow: allegedly we moved from our apartment/house from the city section Mezah Damascus, where we allegedly lived since my birth in 1952, to grandparent’s house in downtown Damascus, Syria sometimes summer 1959 that later I thought it to be December 1959, whereby both dates were 100% wrong because it was a fake memory as highlighted above
1.3. 11 January 1960: allegedly moved from grandparent’s house from downtown Damascus Syria to a hotel also in downtown Damascus, which is also 100% lie and brainwash. We were in that hotel, but this is where my life started after they caused me a total amnesia. My guess and after kidnapping me, they drugged me and put me to sleep then took me from USA to the hotel, filled my head with fake memories and then waked me up
1.4. 15 January 1960 moved from the hotel downtown Damascus to the house of Mr. Dardiri Ahmad Ismael in Cairo, Egypt for 4 weeks, he was a member of the Egyptian government and later the Egyptian representative in the UNO while pretending to know all of us since ages because he was allegedly the friend of my father and allegedly he helped us to escape my tyrant grandfather and relocate us to Egypt. The relocation was true, everything else was a lie, because he was a CIA and/or MI6 agent from earlier and was confirming our fake identities. Also, the relocation from grandparent to the hotel that he allegedly paid for was 100% fake. Thereafter, he never interacted with us!
1.5. 15 February 1960 relocating to the house of Lewaa (general) Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, the alleged husband of the cousin of my fake mother, relation is 100% fake, they never interacted with us thereafter
1.6. 15 March relocating to our own apartment at 111 or 115 Al Higaz street in the city section called “New Egypt”, apartment 5 or 6, landlord name Aziz, until they took me to Germany in 1969
1.7. We moved 6 times so far, and unknown amount of times prior to causing me a total amnesia
2. 1969, taking me to Munich, Germany, all the dates in December and January are approximate and plus/minus maybe 1-5 days:
2.1. 10.10.1969, my official birthday, plane from Cairo, Egypt to Frankfurt, one night with Mohi Sabri the alleged ex-boyfriend of my fake mother and is the first one that my fake mother used to rape me, but this one was 100% a lookalike that was at least 30 kg lighter, shorter and darker skin., but I was not able to recognize that at that time and believed what I was told
2.2. 11.10.1969, train to Munich, where we went to a hotel called Hotel Maria at Schwanthaler straße 112 (street), downtown Munich, where my fake mother and her network was using me already to blackmail someone by forcing me to work for a few days in the fruit and vegetable market, which was the first job I ever did, what is odd about that, is that her alleged father or the father of her lookalike, where we allegedly stayed for 4 weeks in December 1959, was allegedly distributor for fruit and vegetables in Damascus fruit and vegetable market named Souq Al-Haal (=vegetable market), but he was not her father, this woman was not the same woman as the original one. Later she registered me in School to learn German, and paid the full 3 moths tuition and after a week she withdrew me, allegedly because she ran out of money and we need to go to Syria enable to get some money and then come back, which was a lie, all she needed to do is ask for the money and would have been sent to her. But the actual purpose of the trip was brainwash and a setup as highlighted below!
2.3. Around 10 December 1969, going to Syria, she allegedly found a person that would take us for free to Syria, she gets to know him allegedly through a man called Bssiesso, a Palestinian car dealer in Munich that allegedly sold a few used cars and trucks to a Kurdish man from Syria this Kurdish man is going to drive them to Syria. This is a confusion trip that relate my fake mother to Palestine, Kurdish and ex-Soviet Union as distraction of the CIA & MI6. It was 100% CIA setup. In This trip we supposed drive through the following countries: Germany, Austria, former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Turkey and then Syria. It took us around 4-5 days to reach Damascus, Syria. The real goal of this trip was to set me up to look like as if I am related to top terrorists enable to give the CIA and MI6 a reason to pretend to be investigating me while in reality they were isolating me to not allow anyone to come close to me as cover up for all the agents they sent with me to Cairo, Egypt
2.4. Around 13 December 1969, in Sofia, Bulgaria. We were mostly sleeping in the car, because they were driving throw and they were several drivers exchanging driving. In Sofia, we made a stop and slept in a hotel. Today, I cannot 100% verify it, yet I believe that my fake mother possibly exchanged places with another lookalike, or for some reason or another I was forced to think so, enable to link us to the ex-Soviet Union, where Bulgaria was a member of. I was really sick and had cold, and I went to sleep, when I wake up another lookalike was there, pretending to be taking care of me and placing cold towels over my forehead to cool me down, allegedly I had high temperature, the only thing I can say for sure is that when someone is really that sick, then he would be sick for at least a week or so, yet the next day I was not sick any more, therefore my sickness was possibly forced upon me simulation. We made another stop in Istanbul for diner only, maybe 2 hours or so.
2.5. Around 15 December 1969, arriving at the border of Syria, they held us back for several hours, where we had to sleep in the car, while confiscating my fake Syrian passport and saying, I am drafted to the Army and I can go to register myself in Damascus. But my Syrian ID was 100% fake. In Damascus, we went to the apartment of my fake uncle Jalal Baroudi, he was not present in Syria, he was allegedly in Russia as a diplomat. I was mainly confined to the apartment. My other fake uncle Dr. Frzat Baroudi that allegedly was studying in Koln, Germany since 1959, was present and allegedly looking for work. I never seen this man in my life prior to 1968 in Cairo, Egypt where he allegedly came to Cairo to write his doctorate over something such as Egypt history. I believe this man was here just to force me to think that I knew him since childhood, and he created a brainwash situation to force me to think so, and I believed so until after the year 2000. I was not allowed to see my alleged birth area or visit my fake Aunt that allegedly lived 200 meters of my birth place= all fake
2.6. 16 December 1969, the terrorism setup, Also, present in Damascus Syria was my other 2 uncles Jawdat Baroudi and Badeaa Baroudi. All 3 uncles and in cooperation with my fake mother set me up to look like as if I am related to terrorism enable to give the CIA, MI6 and BND a reason to persecute me and isolate me of the rest of the world as cover up for their agents. The setup: therefore they said if I am drafted then I cannot go back to Germany until I complete my military duties which is as long as the war with Israel is going, meaning indefinite, and the only way I can leave Syria is to volunteer to fight Israel with the PLO, and if I do that the Syrian government will allow me to leave Syria and then will issue for me a temporary travel document to go to the PLO front in Jordan and once I am in Jordan, then my sisters can help me get another passport and go back to Germany allegedly to study. I had no choice but to say yes, because I was dependent on these sadistic criminal people. Later on I recognized that the CIA and/or MI6 and/or BND or all 3 of them told my fake mother to go back to Syria, implicate me as Russian (the mother exchange places with another in Sofia, which I am not positive that it happened, as well as my fake uncle was allegedly in Russia) = we are allegedly Russians, and make me look like related to terrorism then the CIA, MI6 and BND can take over my life from there, which they did. First uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi forced fake memory upon me as if he was in our apartment in Mezah, Damascus, prior to 1959, and allegedly attacked by a snake in our terrace, where he screamed and my mother allegedly came with the broom to help him and killed the snake with the boom defending her alleged younger brother, which, never happened, this is one of the typical telepathy forced memories through dreams, but that is what he placed in my memory, and therefore I thought I know him all my life, this is how nasty and stupid these people are. Uncle number 2 Jawdat Baroudi took me to some government office allegedly to the secretary of the minister to get me permission to volunteer to the PLO (I am not even sure that this happened), and then they agreed. Uncle number 3: Badeaa Baroudi, he get me a small paper PLO ID with my photo that I am volunteered for the PLO, and then took me again to some government office to get a piece of paper allowing me to travel to the front in Jordan, here too I am not sure if this even happened or it was also a fake memory but until recently I thought it is all true. My fake mother and I went then to Amman Jordan
2.7. Around 25 December 1969, traveled with travel taxi from Damascus, Syria to Amman, Jordan, it is several hours. In Amman, Jordan we stayed at the apartment of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budeir. At that time, it was between Dawar-1 and Dawar-2 (roundabout-1 and roundabout-2) in Jabal Amman (Amman Mountain), which is a section of Amman, directly opposite the Islamic Educational College, where I can see the students in their break playing in the school break area that was all surrounded by around 3-5-meter-high wall made out of large stones. My fake sister was living on the second floor of a 4-floor building, her direct neighbors were the Edelbi family. Today I strongly believe that the entire building had fake families that were raising hidden royalty children through nannies and housekeepers and children from other countries brought to Jordan at young age, falsified their identities and raising them as locals enable to use them later in various positions, and one of them was my fake sister that was nothing else than a nanny and had a little housekeeper that was under 10 years old, it was more like a slave than anything else, which was a very good disguise for my sister, she pretend to be the mother while the housekeeper was the only stranger. My fake sister and officially had 3 children, 2 daughters and one son, today I believe they were neither her children nor they were brothers and sisters. This fake sister was the alleged one that allegedly raised my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar that also went to the school directly opposite and called Islamic Educational center. The same is valid for my other sister name Afrah Najar/Najjar/Abokurah that lived further on the 4th roundabout. I was there 10 days including New Year’s Eve, where they get me another Syrian passport and then either took me for 2 days to Beirut, Lebanon for reasons unknown to me, or it was also a brainwash trick, or even it was an additional set up to relate me to drug lords. Then was taken to Cairo Egypt for couple of days
2.8. 5 or 10 January 1970 Arriving in Cairo Egypt and allegedly coincidently meeting my 3rd fake sister at the Airport with her 2 children, I have very vague memory of the few days in Cairo, just that I was taken to meet a girl named Esmat Khodari, the niece of the at that time CEO of Egypt Air, possibly she was Russian origin, but I was not taken to see any family members, such as my fake brother, my cousins and others
2.9. 15 January 1970 fly back to Munich, Germany, where we stayed at the same hotel named Hotel Maria on Schwanthaler street 112 (0-star hotel), it was more like bed and NO breakfast. The next day, my fake mother took me to an organization called Free Mason (in German Frei Maurer), it was on the same street towards the center, and showed them some papers and a medal allegedly from my (fake) father (fake papers) that proves that he allegedly was a member and a Master Mason and asked them to help me. They said I am not legal, and they cannot help me, unless she makes me legal and the best way is to apply for political asylum, which she did apply for me for political asylum and that organization get me an immediate job through one of their members at a company called SchaltBau pressing plastic powder and making them to electric switches. Then my fake mother gave me 200 Deutsch mark and left me in the hotel and disappeared allegedly went to Jordan. As she applied for political Asylum I was interviewed using a Palestinian translator and I told them how I left Syria with the fake PLO ID, that helped me to get a travel document from the Syrian government that allows me to travel to Jordan and form there my sisters get me a Syrian passport. Naturally all that was wrong, but it hit the alarm for the German government that my uncle that get me the PLO-ID must be highly connected, but also my sisters, where at that time PLO was, at least in Germany, the number one terrorist group. Also, by taking me to the Free Mason, they are relating my fake father to UK and giving the blame for my political asylum to the Free Masons, in reality the CIA and MI6 planned all that, because without these setups, the Germans and Americans would not have a reason to persecute me and isolate me ever since March 1970 and until 2016, where later the FBI, INS and the AIVD was the main cause of locking me up between 2000 and 2013 building on the old setup and the political asylum in Germany from January 1970!!
2.10. The money was not enough to travel to work, pay the hotel, eat and wait one month until I get paid, I cannot recall the details, but I was forced to leave the hotel and did not know where to sleep, so I was going to the train station order one coffee and stay there the whole night, until the morning and go to work, very tired. I did that a few times until the waitress noticed or was told to notice (!!!) and asked me either to order more or to go, so I went, and started to sleep in the shared toilet room of Hotel Maria. In the evening I was going to an Arabic restaurant right next door to the hotel, there were 3 Arabic restaurant within 100 meters or so, order coffee and wait until they close and go to sleep in the toilet, until the waiter asked me why are you sad and I told him my story, he asked me if I have any relatives in Munich or Germany, I said one uncle in Hamburg, he said call him from our phone I am sure he would help you. I did call him and asked him for 300 Deutsch mark because I found a room through the Arabic restaurant and cannot afford it, he refused to help me, instead he sent me 40 or 30 Deutsch marks after 10 days, which was too late already. Then I was able to work in the vegetable market and get a room in another nearby hotel, where I get pay daily and pay the hotel daily, then ran out of work and had to leave the hotel, then some Syrians said I can sleep in their hotel room, there was something like 4 or 5 sleeping in a hotel in one bed room and I was sleeping on the floor, it was at least warm, because it was February and it is still very cold, below zero in Munich, Germany and it was snowing. The next day one of them claimed that I stole 2000 Deutsch Mark from him and I said no I did not do that, and he threatened me, but did not harm me physically, yet I was really scared, I think the others prevented him of beating me up, then he went to the police and they came and arrested me, they get a translator and questioned me and then released me, I think I was in jail 2 days during which I eat better than the last a few weeks. Out back to the Arabic restaurant and sleeping in the toilet, I met Lebanese man named Miguel (=Michael in Lebanese Christian), was around 25 to 30 years old, I strongly believe he was an agent for the BND spying on Arabs and in particular on Palestinians. I went with him a couple of times, to another German café where he played chess with others, I never played chess before, I learned it from watching them for 2 days, each day 4-6 hours. On the second day he asked me where I live, and I told him, he said I get a better place, which is at the University of Maryland, at that time I had no idea what that was, it was a small branch of the actual University of Maryland from USA, opened here at the American military base, so I went with him at night, where they had an open library and we slept on the floor, here were I get to know a German woman married to an American Sargent that today I am positive he was MI-Military Intelligence, her name was Mrs. Doris Hayes, and was in the same building making and selling popcorn as a part time job in a very small movie theater in the same building as the library. After 2 days and at around 2-4 in the morning the police came and arrested us and took us to downtown police station on Ett street where I was locked up for 2 days a few days earlier. They kept me 48 hours and released me. Not knowing where to go and what to do I went to the Movie theater, thinking I will sleep in the university again. Mrs. Doris was there and asked me where I was the last 2 days and I told her, and she said she will help me. I know only 20-50 words English and also 20-50 words German. After she finished work she took me with her, asked me to sleep in her car, and the next day she took me to the employment office of the American military and they gave me a job as kitchen helper in the so called Mess Hall where the soldier eat their meals for free, and they also gave me a room to sleep in the military housing building. All this to show how the CIA, MI6 and BND were brainwashing me and making it look like as if I was being helped only through this woman. During the entire time and while I was going to the popcorn stand in the first week, there was another young German man, was between 20-22 years old named Erik, today I concluded the BND and the CIA worked together to get me here and Erik possibly was one of the BND agents. I never seen Erik, or the Lebanese called Miguel after this week.
2.11. March 1970 summer 1972, Now I am working and living in a totally controlled environment where no one dares to come near me, because I was surrounded by over 1000 American soldiers + their families and a handful of external employees. During this period, I was forced to relocate a lot in and nearby around the military base. All in all, I must have relocated more than 7 times
2.12. Summer 1972 to around spring 1973, I must have relocated around 2 times within Munich and then get married to the woman that the CIA enslaved me under and moved to a new apartment in the small city called Unterschleissheim, where I believe many Americans were living, most of them had already also the German citizenship and pretended to be Germans, which I cannot prove, it is just suspicious based on the pattern that the CIA and since December 1969 was determining what I do and where I live, which was and after 1970 always either between Americans or nearby Americans
2.13. And that conclude Munich brainwash over 10 relocations within 3 months and over 24 relocations from October 1969 to spring1973 and always in a controlled environment
3. 1978 and after I became Christian.
3.1. 1976 I have a very vague memory and this due to not only the severe stress that I was forced to go through, but also due to the telepathy attacks and control. I was living in Unterschleissheim, Germany, 20 km north of Munich, and just was set up to became Christian in the begin of 1976.
3.2. In around spring 1977 I get a part time job at the church and moved to the church housing from Unterschleissheim to Unterschleissheim. I was severely attacked with telepathy, but at that time I did not know that it was telepathy. September 1977 I was separated of my official wife, in reality she was a CIA agent and the CIA enslaved me under her control starting 20 August 1970 and until current in September 1977
3.3. I can’t recall the details, I believe I may have been forced to quit my job at the church and therewith I was forced to leave my housing and through the church I get a nearby room, actually and under these circumstances at that time, it was a very nice room, yet it was just less than 100 meters of the church, and I was being systematically forced out of the entire town
3.4. In Mai or June 1978, I get a new job at Siemens AG, where I had to travel 90 minutes one way and 90 minutes back, which was by design to force me to leave the city of Unterschleissheim and faraway of the church. I believe after a couple of months, I was tricked/brainwashed to move in with one of my new female colleagues named Renee Zielske, she was 10 years older than me, she was the new secretary of my department Manager at Siemens AG named Mr. Peter M. Lembke. I cannot prove this, nor I have sufficient evidence, but rather it is pure suspicion that she was set on me by the Germans enable to see what is in my mind and if I am a potential terrorist or at least that is what they forced me to think. but this is really a vague suspicion, she had a daughter of 10 years old named Tatyana. It is very possible that she had telepathy, because I have very vague memory about her, and how long I lived with her, maybe 1 to 2 years, and this is really bad why I am not able to determine how long I was forced to live with her
3.5. Sometimes in end of 1980 or begin of 1981, I was not able to take it anymore to live with her and was desperate to move out, which is very possibly forced upon me thoughts to make it look like that I voluntarily moving out, but I know I was forced to move in with her through the forced upon me brainwash circumstances. Since my employer, Siemens AG, had a special housing agent office especially for their employees, I literally begged them to find me anything, even if it is a tiny room, just to get out of this housing. I think it may have been maybe between November 1980 and January 1981, then they found me a room in a family house, where I can also use the kitchen and bathroom. It was around 8 km in a nearby village called Hohenbrunn. The room was tiny, but it was for me a relief. I was going there only to sleep
3.6. Sometime 1-3 months after that a work colleague at Siemens AG told me that he is relocating to a house and if I want I can take his apartment in an area called Schwabing, just across the street of Munich Olympia Park. I relocated again, this time it must have been just the begin of March 1981, because 4 weeks later on 30 March 1981 I get to know my ex-girlfriend Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka. I was in this apartment until I was kidnapped to USA in September 1986
4. After brainwashing me and kidnapping me to USA in September 1986
4.1. From spring 1981 and until September 1986 I was living in an apartment in Munich-Schwabing at Winzerer strasse 146a Starting December 1983, the CIA, MI6, BND and BP-British Petroleum dragged me by force to an illegal and secret project called Calypso to supply Syria with satellite computer systems to control the Syrian population. Then they systematically brainwashed me and enslaved me under one of their whore agents named Najlaa Mahmoud and kidnapped me to USA
4.2. September 1986 in Bridgeport, Connecticut USA. The first 6 weeks after kidnapping me we stayed with my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar or his lookalike Nick Naggar, where he asked me to leave after 6 weeks and refused to help me find a job or get a legal status, because both I did not know how to do at that time
4.3. End November 1986 lived with the pastor Stevens family in Fairfield of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA. In short, they pretended to be helping me, in reality I was forced to stay with them as a mean of a brainwash to make me feel between trust worthy environment while keeping me busy finding a job, in reality I was prevented to get any job, period. I cannot prove this, but the CIA uses everything to brainwash their victims, also churches, and that is fact
4.4. March or April 1987 relocated to a motel for one day
4.5. 6 weeks forced to live in a homeless shelter in Bridgeport, Connecticut, whereby I was supposed to be in Fairfield but the municipality refused to help me with the reasoning that I lived 6 weeks in Bridgeport and then 4 months with the pastor’s family in Fairfield and even though they live in Fairfield we are belong to the church in Bridgeport, which was a lie, just to give me as a bad of a treatment as possible, later on I found out that the municipality of Fairfield would have had to place us in a private housing or hotel until a private housing is available, but the plan was to destroy myself confident, stress me as a mean of brainwash and in Bridgeport I would be forced to live in a homeless shelter with many others homeless families, which will totally destroy myself confidence, and that is essential in a brainwash
4.6. 5 days with my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar, I do not speak to him anymore, but the woman I am enslaved under forced me to go and live with him again, which was a big part of destroying myself confident after less than 4 days, and at 9 o’clock at night he asked me to leave his house by force, he even brought his vicious German shepherd dog and chased us out, where I had no money, that alone shows not only that he is not my biological brother but also that he was working hand in hand with the CIA, MI6, BP-British Petroleum and my fake family to re-brainwash me to force me to stay with this CIA whore called Najlaa Mahmoud and forget everything else and just be busy with surviving
4.7. Back to the homeless Shelter in Bridgeport, my fake brother and to show me that he is allegedly poor and while I was in Germany, he asked me to help him buy a house in Bridgeport Connecticut, the same house that he kicked me out of, and he allegedly needed 3 Thousand Dollars, I immediately sent him 5 Thousand Dollars, now I am asking him to pay it back and he is refusing, therefore I started to ask the bank for prove of bank transfer, and who allegedly transferred this money my fake sister’s family in Jordan, while I was visiting her sometimes in 1984 or 1985, where they were severely brainwashing me using women and the Jordanian secret service called Al-Mukhabarat. It was a trick, he did not need the money, but these savages wanted me to think that he lives in USA and not between Germany, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan, but also and simultaneously to force me not to have a lot of money, because the 5000 Dollars at that time was most of my savings and I thought he would need it more than me because he is now in a new country and need to settle down with his alleged wife. I never thought about asking him to give me the money back, but now I am in a situation that he and the evil BP-British Petroleum, CIA, MI6 and BND forced me into, so I threaten to sue him, and he kept on saying that he is broke, which was 100% a lie, and when I started to take legal action he immediately gave me some of the money, claiming he borrowed it, while he deducted the couple of weeks that we spend at his home including food and cigarettes, he even created a paper and insisted that I sign it at the end he gave me only around 3 Thousand and 400 US Dollar, in other words he deducted one thousand six hundred US Dollars for hosting me as guest (!!!). I looked for an apartment (in reality they lured me to live in a certain apartment), which was on Queen street in Bridgeport, and the owner was Italian named Enzo. Then worked as a cashier in a nearby gas station, the owner was also Italian, and the majority of the population around me were Italians, while I was making 5 Dollars an hour and my rent was over 600 Dollars, which was 3 rooms and absolutely nothing fancy. It was a house 2 floors, I lived in the second floor, and some new people moved immediately after me or just before in the first floor, that somehow I link them to the FBI but cannot prove it
4.8. 1988 or 89 I had to relocate because the landlord asked me to leave allegedly he need the house for himself, which I suspect today that it was a fake excuse, in reality they wanted to get the fake neighbors that possibly were FBI agents, out without me noticing, and the best way is to get me out, because I will not go back to check if they still live there, among others I had too many problems that was being forced upon my life to keep me busy as a mean of brainwash and distraction of my past!!!
4.9. 15 December 1990, forced to relocate to Houston, Texas, 2 weeks at the apartment of the alleged daughter of the woman I was enslaved under and named Najlaa Mahmoud. Her alleged daughter was called Suzanne Khodor and married to her cousin also called Mohamad (call himself Mark) Khodor. Traveled 3 days with the bus from Bridgeport, to Houston. This CIA whore Najlaa Mahmoud pretended to have absolutely no relatives in USA, and suddenly she has more relatives than I can count, in Allentown and Lebanon, Pennsylvania, Washington D.C., Los Angeles Semi Valley, California and naturally in Houston Texas, and these were only the few, over 100 that I was able to notice, I believe she had several thousand relatives all around us that were protecting her as distraction of the CIA, MI6 and BND that brainwashed me and enslaved me under her starting 24 December 1984.
4.10. 1.1.1991, get an apartment at Stancliff park apartments, Houston, Texas, on 10350 Landsend Drive apartment 27 or 26 until I was forced to leave it in September 1999. I had to relocate once within this apartment complex because they caused flood in my apartment enable to force me to move to another apartment, that I suspect that they had possibly microphones and camera build in to it, or at least that is what I was forced to think.
5. Severe brainwash to separate me of my fake son and to force me to run away from USA, which started in July 1998 by Flour Daniel and the project CPC-Caspian Pipeline Consortium, where there were many partners, among others Chevron, US government, British Government, I think Oman and BP-British Petroleum, also others. I believe a lookalike of my fake son exchanged places with him while he was in St. Laurence Catholic school in Sugar Land, but I do not have sufficient proves for that, he was in this school for one-year 1998 and 1999. In September 1999 I was forced to allow my fake son to live with my attorney’s family called William F, Harmeyer, I had no choice, brainwash and telepathy are very powerful, and very unfortunately, stronger than any usual person, and I am a usual person:
5.1. 10.10 1990 Forcing me to relocate and live in a hotel called Sun Suite Hotel on the corner of Sam Houston Parkway and Westheimer road, I think now it is called “InTown Suites Extended Stay Houston TX - Westchase”
5.2. March 2000, my client, a small business with around 10 employees called Associated Canvas products, Inc., offered me to sleep in his alleged empty mobile home in Channelview, Texas, which was a brainwash situation and I am skipping it
5.3. April 2000 Back to Sun Suite Hotel. I am not able to get an apartment, being refused, even though my credit rating is average=CIA or FBI or INS preventing me by force
5.4. Mai 2000, Homeless for a week
5.5. Mai 2000 Get a job at Compaq Corporation, and I strongly believe that the FBI was toying with me, and this is based on many facts since September 1990, but I am skipping Partially slept in the office at Compaq Corporation, by pretending to be working late and then sleep on the floor, where they toyed with me and forced me to send a fax to the Syrian consulate and embassy blaming them for kidnapping me from German, which was a distraction of CIA, MI6, BND, BP-British Petroleum and my fake family and someone important in Houston, Texas that at the moment I can only recognize as the evil 2 companies: ARAMCO is directly and indirectly related to my life and BP-British Petroleum, because they were the one who organized and performed brainwashing me and kidnapping me to USA with the help of the CIA, MI6 and BND and then blamed it on the Syrian military staff that were working on this evil project called Calypso
5.6. Mai 2000 Relocated to a hotel, next to Sun Suite hotel mentioned above, possibly named Red Roof Inn
5.7. July 2000 Homeless for a week
5.8. Around 7 July 2000 Arrested and release after 4 days or so
5.9. Homeless
5.10. 24 or 27 July, voluntarily gave myself to be arrested and deported to Germany
5.11. 26 or 27 July deportation jail
5.12. 10 February 2001 deportation allegedly to Syria and brought me to the Netherlands by force, where I had no alternative but to ask for political asylum, again, in reality they forced me to apply for political asylum in Netherlands, because they cannot afford that I be deported to Syria, among others because my Syrian nationality is 100% fake and was created by the CIA and MI6 and Syrian government would have most definitely used me against USA, Germany, UK and very possibly the Netherlands, and therewith and very possibly would have even treated me much better than the German, USA and Dutch government have treated me so far since 1970!!!!!!!!!
6. February 2001. Brainwash of the American INS and FBI continue in Netherland, in matter of fact this point 6 is actually nothing else than continuation of point 5 and bringing me to the Netherlands because they can do to me things that they cannot do it to me in USA, except maybe in Guantanamo Bay military prison where they destroy the human mind and dignity, which is very similar or less than what they did to me from day I was forced to land in the Netherlands and until March 2016 (!!):
6.1. 11 February 2001, 2-3 days in jail at the Amsterdam Schiphol airport
6.2. 14 February -28 February 2001 Around 2 weeks Deportation prison somewhere in Amsterdam, where they performed many brainwash setup
6.3. 1 to 15 March 2001, deportation prison Hoorn for 2 weeks, where they continued to perform many brainwash setup
6.4. 15 March and until around 1 June 2001 Refugee camp Haarlem in an ex-military building (!!!)
6.5. 1 June to around 10 October 2001, refugee camp Gilze
6.6. 10.10.2001 refugee camp Zweeloo
6.7. 19.12.2001, forcing me to go to Germany illegal. Went hitchhiking
6.8. 22.12.2001 returning to the refugee camp Zweeloo, very disappointed, which was the goal of forcing me to go there
6.9. 7 January 2001 forced again to go illegally to Germany, this time to the church where I was baptized in 1976, where I slept mostly in the church community center, church refused to help me get back my resident permit. It was a planned situation that the IND and AIVD were later building upon this disappointment
6.10. Around 17 January I went to the immigration office and tried to get my old residence permit back, and that is what they forced me to think, and then get arrested and imprisoned for 6 weeks and deported back to the Netherlands.
6.11. Around 1 March 2002, went back to the refugee camp Zweelloo, they said my room was canceled and I should go back to the refugee registration center in Ter Apel
6.12. Around 1 March 2002, went to the asylum registration office in Ter Apel. After a couple of days, they assigned me to a refugee camp next door, where they severely brainwashed me to blame everything on the Syrians and my (fake) mother or her family that are allegedly Syrian, which they are not. The goal of this brainwash is to force me to complain and blame everything that happened to me on my fake family that allegedly persecuted me because I changed religion from Muslim to Christian, and therefore they need someone to hear my complain, which was the lookalike of my fake sun, that and in the mean time I have not seen since June 2000 as he was under 14 years old.
6.13. 27.12.2002. Within this refugee camp I believe I was forced to relocate from room to room at least 4-5 times. I am still in the same refugee camp and forced to live in a refugee housing section that meant for at least 15 persons, and even though there was a lot of refugees, yet I was alone to be able to manipulate my thoughts with telepathy easily. Now the lookalike of my fake son is here, and with the presence of this person, the environment became different environment for me psychologically. I have absolutely no doubt what so ever in my mind that the American FBI and INS are listing and wanted to uncover while also the CIA was listening but want to cover up my past, or at least that is what the Dutch IND and COA forced me to believe. For 6 months I was complaining to my new fake son, during which I discovered something or another that makes me sad, upset, angry, disappointed and totally helpless, therefore and accordingly is my behavior: Loud, very loud and threatening, which is the result of the severe brainwash that they were performing upon me since separating me of the woman I was enslaved under in around June 1999. I was so disappointed of all what I discovered, therefore I also did not want to go to Germany anymore because the church betrayed me, my ex-girlfriend betrayed me and the German government itself betrayed me even though I was under their protection. Therefore, I repeated it countless times in these 6 months, and I am quoting myself: “I do not want to go back to Germany and I do not want to leave this evil refugee camp because I want to die right here, and I am not going to move an inch”.
6.14. 1 August 2003 I was most definitely forced with telepathy and brainwash to leave the refugee camp with this fake son and go to Germany where I went to the church allegedly for help, but it was a total kill for my relation with the church, where they called the police upon me and I was locked for 1-2 weeks or possibly longer in a mental hospital just outside of Munich called Haar also in the city called Haar, I was so stressed that my memory was not registering accurately any more. My fake son was separated of me and was allegedly taken to a German refugee camp, which was illegal and against the law because and based on the EU law and the Dublin treaty, the country that receives the refugee first must take him as refugee, I was a refugee in Germany in 1970 and they never awarded me a refugee status. My fake sun allegedly just arrived from USA and was in the Dutch refugee camp for 6 months, yet they allowed him to stay in Germany!!! On the other side maybe they wanted me to know that they heard me telling (my fake) son you should go to Germany, because you were born in Germany and you should not move from Germany until you receive the German nationality, then no one can treat you as a foreigner any more as they treated me for the last 30 years, because you were born in Germany and you are German, on the other side maybe they separated us because he is not my original fake son and therewith they cannot tell me: sorry now we finished using the lookalike and he is going away, instead they separate us by law. And this is the only explanation I have that the German government broke their own law and the Dublin treaty
6.15. Around 15 September 2003 went back to the Netherlands and directly to Ter Apel asylum registration, where I was kept 2-4 days
6.16. From this point, 15 September 2003 on and until around 15 or 20 August 2006, they were toying with me as if I am a ball in a tennis court, during which the Dutch force me to leave and I do not know where to go, so I go to Germany and the Germans arrest me and bring me back and the process repeated itself maybe 10-15 times, during which I was always moved around, maybe 25-30 times, sleeping at the salvation army, jail, prison, and refugee camps between Netherlands and Germany
6.17. Around 20 or 25 August 2006 I went again to Ter Apel and they placed me in the refugee camp in Dokkum, where I was severely brainwashed to write down my entire history, first hand writing in note books, maybe in 10-15 note books, then in a computer and then on the Internet
6.18. 28.02.2008, was forced by the IND and COA to live totally isolated in the evil village called Bellingwolde that was a part of the municipality Bellingwedde, where I was severely tortured mentally and physically on a regular base and this until June 2012, where I was forced to relocate to Amsterdam. The Municipality Bellingwedde they changed it to be a part of the all new municipality called Westerwolde, may be because I complained so oft about it since 2010 that they started to cover up some things, such the municipality name, the organization that was controlling my life and deciding who get to know me and what I do in my own life and called Stichting Welzijn (Foundation Wellbeing) is dissolved, the dental office that severely and repeatedly tortured me and pulled out all my teeth, this office was a part of a dental offices chain that consisted of 10-15 offices in many villages and cities, was also dissolved, also I have complained many times over them and to many government agencies and none of them did anything, they just dissolve the company and hide the facts
6.19. During the above period I was forced to go to a so-called integration course for nearly 3 years, it supposed to be only 2-4 months
6.20. During the above period I was forced to take part on a government program called Bbz that supposed to last 3-4 months, but it lasted from December 2010 and until spring 2013, where I had to stop it, because they were toying with me and holding me back by force of law
6.21. Around June 2012 relocated to Amsterdam, just to force me to relocate to the UK
6.22. January 2013, awarded me the Dutch citizenship and this after living in Netherlands 13 years, and 15 years before and by kidnapping in USA and 17 years before in Germany where they all forced me to be a refugee or without status enable the can control my life and force me to be in a problem that I cannot solve as cover up for their agents that pretended to be my mother, brother and 2 sisters, my uncles and my cousins in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the rest of this not very nice fake family in Jordan such as my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Nagger alias Nick Nagger and my fake niece called Reem Bdeir/Budier the double of Princes Haya of Jordan, or both are one and the same person that lives to identities one as princes Haya of Jordan and the other as my fake niece Reem Bdeir/Budier and can travel without visible body guard and can do what she is not supposed to do or cannot do as princesses
6.23. Mai 2013 forced to relocate to Hove in the UK to my fake sister that I absolutely do not trust because she is not only not my biological sister, but rather she is not my original fake sister from Egypt, therefore I did not want to go there, and this just to show as if she is my biological sister. She and her children have fake identities, and I can prove that
6.24. Around 14 August 2013 forced to relocate back to the Netherlands to the city Kerkrade
6.25. Around 22 August 2013 forced to relocate back to Harrow, London in the UK, during which I did not see any of these fake family, that were always just steps away. I was not able to work
6.26. 22 Mai 2014 relocated back to the Netherlands and the only apartment I was able to find quick and under these circumstances was in Assen, where I was having severe problems and only a few months later I saw no way to be able to live freely in this nasty city and I should relocate to a bigger city
6.27. 1 March 2016 I was finally able to relocate to Den Haag/The Hague, and it took me a few months to be able to start to see what they did to me so far. Here too, I am being prevented to work, yet the persecution and telepathy torture went down by 80%
All in all, it was a continues persecution, brainwash mental and physical torture since summer 1999, but the brainwash and many tortures was severely since I became Christian in 1976!!!
The above shows the definite pattern of forced multiple relocations within a short period of time as a mean of brainwash and to force their victim to be busy with new problems as a mean of training the mind to stop thinking about the past and what happened, and who is who and where I came from, and that is not only criminal, it is inhuman, unethical, immoral, but it is legal for the government agencies to do that and to kidnap children and adults, and that is far more than wrong, it is criminal!
Please read the following article, which is a public knowledge that I just discovered:
1. Mrs. Margaret Humphreys a British social worker and:
2. Oranges and Sunshine, a movie about the above discovery:
3. The home children=kidnapped children by the following governments: British, Canadian, Australian, South African and other governments
4. A note to the above, also American government, Jordanian government, Saudi Arabian government, and most probably also UAE, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar and Kuwait governments!
Please note that the article is only about the UK government kidnaping children, enslaving them and using them for their needs, and that all the countries that are strongly allied with the UK such as the USA, Jordan, Saudi Arabia do absolutely the same thing because many members of their government are originated from the UK and work only for the interest of the controlling families that are responsible for these kidnappings, and my complaint is the prove!
In short, the article is about Mrs. Margaret Humphreys a British social worker and author from Nottingham, England. In 1987, she investigated and brought to public attention the British government program of Home Children, which is that the British government take children from the UK to other countries such as USA, Africa, Middle East, Australia and other countries to force population majority by British, they kidnap these children and tell their parents, that their children has died, which very much is a hidden slavery, kidnapping and mass brainwash. And that makes these governments an organized crime institution!
Below are 2 photos of Mrs. Margaret Humphreys that exposed the crime schemes of the British government in 1987, one years after kidnapping me by force of brainwash and telepathy from Germany to USA in September 1986, among others to coverup for all these kidnapped children that I believe that they are fake children of my fake uncles, my fake mother, my 3 fake sisters, my 3 fake brothers-in-law and the other criminals that posed as my family since 10/11 January of 1960.
Very unfortunately, this also shows why the Dutch government in cooperation with the American, British and German governments locked me up between June 2000 and 2013 in various jails, prisons and refugee camps from Houston, Texas to over 30 locations in Netherlands and Germany. But also it shows you why I was forced in Mai 2013 to relocate to the UK, to show as if the fake sister Fadia Nagar and her fake children Esmat Shawki, Essam Shawki and Tarek/Tareq Ali are members of my biological family, which they are most definitely not, but also it shows why I was not able to succeed in the UK between Mai 2013 and Mai 2014 in finding any work, because the MI6 and the evil BP-British Petroleum were severely persecuting me.
Mrs. Margaret Humphreys My respect and thanks to Mrs. Margaret Humphreys for her good work, that dramatically helped me of re-establishing my self-confidence in that I was able to confirm some of the reasons of my life past and current situations of hidden slavery through her work! |
The movie “Oranges and Sunshine (2010)” that they made about Mrs. Margaret Humphreys and how she exposed the British government kidnapping children |
But this also shows why the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church in Bridgeport, Connecticut USA and the Evangelical Lutheran Saint Philip Church on 9725 Bissonnette street in Houston, Texas helped in my brainwash and keep me as locked up slave. The Evangelical Lutheran Saint Philip Church totally disappeared and was replaced by an Afro-American church sometimes between 2007 and 2011, immediately after I was forced to create webpage with my complaints. But this is also, why the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church in Unterschleissheim, Germany guest pastor named Werner something in cooperation with my baptize witness Mr. Schneider, that was at that time the chairman of the church board, where both of them called the police in August 2003 to remove me from the church just because I was totally overwhelmed with the brainwash and persecution and all the unjust lockups and asked them to help me, the police then locked me up in a mental institution named Haar just a few kilometers outside of Munich, Germany while separating me of my fake son. Where I was locked up there for 6 weeks.
But it also shows, why the German government, American government, British government and the Dutch government performed countless brainwash situations upon me between 1970 and 2016 to force my mind to think that my origin is Jewish, Israel, ex-Soviet Union member, terrorist organization, illegal drug lords, organized crime families and a spy decoy just to distract of their selves of kidnapping children, brainwashing them and enslaving them as a multi-purpose decoys as described within these pages under,, and during this process they rape them, torture them mentally and physically, prevent them to build a logic enable they can control them, destroy over and over again their friendship, professional lives, social lives and professional network enable to keep them under their control!!
And all in all it shows that the governments of USA, UK, Netherlands and possibly also Germany in cooperation with their very large destructive network(s), have absolutely no regards for children and they see them as their properties, and they have no regards for human dignity, freedom, nor they have compassion with their victims such as myself and that makes them 100% anti-human freedom, and that is why they think they can do with their victims such as myself, whatever they want, and anytime they want, which makes them arrogant and ignorant = no freedom and no democracy = they are 2 face liars and organized crime institutions!
The above is a temporary conclusion until I can complete all pages.