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Home Page of or Backup sites or About these pages: My Complaint over BP-British Petroleum + Bush family for kidnapping me and forcing me to "Hidden Slavery" by using CIA, MI6 and others! |
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This document was created on: 7.06.2019 and completed on 4th of July 2020, happy Independence Day to all!
Introduction to this page (1.75 pages)
In short (0.33 pages)
Notes for better understandings (9.5 pages)
Pre-explanation (2.5 pages)
List of suspected hidden and escaped Nazis since 1945 (3.25 pages)
Detail list (48 pages)
Reasons for suspecting these individuals as hidden Nazis from 1945 (10.5 pages)
Some of confirmation situations created by many
I decided to split the page BP-British Petroleum into 2 pages for the following reasons:
1. To avoid that one page be over 100 pages
2. To have a logical categorization of the subjects, which is as follow:
2.1. Part-1 what they did to me
2.2. Part-2 the hidden reasons why they did to me all these damages and torture, including some proves of using top Nazis from Second World War to conquer the entire Middle East countries using Nazi strategies from 1930s and 1940s and create a “New World Order” filled with fear and suppression, which they did, as they are doing the same now in USA, which is affecting the entire world very negatively and most destructively such as in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen but also the trade war against the EU and China, and many others!
For more detailed information see the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-1”.
This page makes all other pages look like minor incidents or even irrelevant, but they are not because they kidnapped me, caused me total amnesia, brainwashed me, rapped me by men and women and prevented me to learn and advance in life while constantly isolating me by force, forcing me to be a refugee from 1961 to 2013 in 4 countries: Egypt (9 years), Germany (17 years), USA (15 years) and the Netherlands (13 years). Destroying my social life and my business life over and over again, during which they always enslave me under one of their whore agents that has telepathy and totally control my mind and my life to cover up for what is below!
Some of the content of this page is repetitive of other pages, enable to show the flow of related situations.
Big Note: when persons and/or institutions and/or companies and/or governments and/or military hide TOP Nazis (Thousands of them) from 1945 the Second World War and use them and work with them to use the same Nazi strategies from prior to 1945, that the Nazis used between 1934 (1931) to 1945, but this time in many Arab countries from Syria to Egypt and Libya and from Yemen to Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait and Iraq, and are trying to Steal Iran as they stole the other countries, then these persons and/or institutions and/or companies and/or governments and/or military become their selves Nazis, and that is why I am calling BP-British Petroleum and their Petroleum allies and none petroleum allies that did everything in their power to cover up for these criminals by silencing me through unjust persecuting, brainwashing me, enslaving me, and kidnapping me over and over again, torturing me physically and mentally, such as BP-British Petroleum, ARAMCO, Chevron, Texaco, Koch Industries, People’s Bank of Connecticut, Associated Canvas products Inc, my bribed attorney named William F. Harmeyer in Houston, Texas, FBI, American military, Syrian Military, Saudi and Jordanian evil SS like Al-Mukhabarat, CIA, MI6, Immigrations in the USA, Germany, Netherlands and the UK and many others that used me as if I am a ball in a football field where each one pass me on unconscious to the other, and the other then kick me to unconsciousness and then pass me on to the other and the process kept on repeating from 1960 to 2016 and all I see is the kicker but not the football field nor fans, nor the organizers, but now I do see the majority of them and the pages below including the names of the hidden criminal Nazis in the Middle East are the prove. If you are an influential person, then you will be able to verify the identities of these Nazi criminals in no time!
The definition Nazi, which means Nationalsozialismus, which is German for Nasional Socialism, is absolutely the wrong expression and description for these group of people I am listing below, the right expression and description should be KAS-Kill And Steal, that is what the Nazis did 1934-1945 and that is what they are doing in the Middle East since 1945 as if they have a feast and every similar organization in the world is jumping right in this feast to benefit and eat the lives of these poor and innocent people and join the KAS and then they call it “FIGHTING BIG TERORRISM”, and prior to 1945 and in the Middle East they used other names and identities and reasoning and methods, yet they did the absolute same KAS!
Many good countries in the world are today Nasional Socialists, such as UK, Scandinavian countries (4 countries), Benelux countries (3 countries), these were some of the good and positive countries, and here the negative countries: Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Egypt, Libya, possibly also Bahrain and Qatar and there are more.
What are the good ones doing: Allowing the populations and based on certain rules that do not apply for the rulers, to do whatever they want, and on top of that they created a safe net for the population from healthcare to social financial support for the needy and many others in between.
What do the bad ones do: limiting the freedom of everyone in the country except their selves, from Movie Theater, to Opera to Operettas to videos from Europe and elsewhere, to religion to driving, to smoking or eating or drinking on the street during the month Ramadan, to performing natural things such as holding hands, kissing, having a boyfriend or girlfriend and the list goes on and on, if you break these rules you will be punished as follow, many years in jail, that is if you are lucky, otherwise cutting your arm, your head or even damaging the genitals and al that is not Islam and not humane. As long as one person in the world feel bad about losing these natural things then no one should forbid them, however there are more than 6 Billion persons worldwide are against these vicious rules, and this in addition to nearly the majority of all Muslims, which are nearly 2 Billion, oppose these laws but very unfortunately not by speaking but rather by following them quietly in the hidden. And there with the population of these countries are often aggressive and do not know why, I tell you why, because they are suppressed, and everything is forbidden, and they blame it on Islam or on Israel or on Jewish or on Christian, which are all are the wrong blames. These bad and absolutely dangerous laws are made by men (=all human) to enslave other men (=all human) by creating fear in their life, and the more fear you create from other sides the more it will force the follower to be fearful even of life itself, that on the contrary is teaching us not to fear mankind but rather fear their greed. And this is what it is all about in these country=greed and a bug one!
In the week of Monday 3 June 2019 and while I am writing my complaint to file to the general public because the personal complaints that I filed to various governments 18 months ago were ignored, then I discovered new things about my past, and I realized whoever was trying to force to relate Nazis to my fake family were 100% right and I was wrong, I just did not understand it and did not see it and did not believe in it until this week, and this I am laying out for you: there were many Nazi in the Middle East, above all the absolute top Nazis that are from 1945 and I will try my best to prove it to you. They are between Egypt, Libya, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Oman, Syria and they are 100% the cause of bombing the world Trade center to force the Americans, British and others to take certain actions, and you will see that once I prove to you these Nazi personalities!
I do not know the real German, Austrian and/or Italian identities of these escaped and hidden Nazis, even though I suspect their relations to certain countries and or families in Europe and possibly also in USA, however and if you are government or a very influential person or influential family, then and within 1 week you will be able to prove at least some of the things that are mentioned within this page. I am so positive that these are hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 and are protected at least by the CIA, MI6, BND and AIVD, I am so sure of it just as I am sure I am breathing something invisible but I know I am breathing it!
These notes are meant for those who do not know some of the facts listed below.
Note-0-A: if you believe that I am doing you wrong then feel free to prove it to me and I will adjust it. Since no one tells me, I am the one who organized kidnapping you as a child, brainwashed you, organized that you be raped by others, enslaved by others to use you as a multi-purpose decoy, then I have to figure it out myself, because I know I did not kidnap myself as an 8 years old, nor I brainwashed myself as I was a child or rapped myself or enslaved myself by using American military in 1970 and again enslaved myself in 1984 by using BP-British Petroleum, CIA, MI6, BND and my fake family and blamed it on the Syrian military intelligence that were working with the evil BP-British Petroleum, CIA, MI6 and BND in the project Calypso!
Note-0-B: a very high percentage or even the majority of the content in this and other pages are public knowledge and I am just gathering them here to help the reader to have a flow of related information enable to make your own judgement and who knows, maybe one or the other can delegate me in the right direction in my search for my biological family and in search for justice that I never ever saw in my life. Even that I was kidnapped and placed within a fake family and then falsified my identity to Syrian and that I have at least a twin, possibly triplets, is most definitely a public knowledge because many in USA and since 1999 as well as in Netherlands and Germany tried also to get my attention to these facts.
What is public knowledge?
If many have the same information, then it is public knowledge, yet they try to hide it, such as currently is happening in USA and with President Donald Trump.
Note-1: This page is not against any specific group of people such as Jewish, Muslims, Christians, on the contrary, it is maybe to help them. It is only against those individuals or institutions that tortured my life. No one has the right to sacrifice me or sacrifice my life or other person’s life, or to use me to expose others or to raise their hidden Nazi children or to use me as blackmail object against the Saudi Arabian government or the Egyptian government or the Jordanian government or any other government. No one has the right to use me as a blackmail object against my biological family which is located in USA and elsewhere in the world and I do not know yet who they are for fact, I just know I was kidnapped in the begin of January 1960 and placed within a very sadistic and evil fake family called Baroudi, Kheir, Khayat, Bdeir/Budier/Abokurah, Malas and others
Note-2: This is not against the German, Dutch, American or UK government in general or their general public, but rather it is purely for the purpose of the truth of my own past, and those evil individuals that are within these governments and misused their power for their own private and destructive needs such as kidnaping children, brainwashing them, enslaving them and when they do not need them any more they lock them up for years as they did to me to cover up for what they did or killing people to steal their lands as it is repeatedly performed at least since 1945, and ever since it is repeated by the same people: Nazi, CIA, MI6, BND, AIVD and others that are their bosses!
Note-3-A: UK-United Kingdom is a kingdom, and as such it is controlled by the so-called Royal families of these united kingdoms. The royal families of the UK are very connected family wise to the ex-German royal families that are today not royal families in Germany anymore but elsewhere, yet they are the controlling families in Germany today. In other words, the British royal family has performed a lot of marriage for the sake of peace or enlarging their own kingdom(s) or public show among others a lot of marriages with ex-German royal family members, and one of these marriage for benefit is the current husband of queen Elisabeth II, Prince Philip is also prince of Greece and Denmark. Or Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex married with an alleged Afro-American Duchess of Sussex Rachel Meghan Markle that most probably her father is one of the thousands of hidden British royalties but forced to be poor because they had a plan for him, which is to be the father of the Duchess of Sussex Rachel Meghan Markle, it may be not my business, but when the British government brainwashed me, enslave me under one of their whore agents, rape me and kidnap me from Germany to USA using the evil BP-British Petroleum as mentioned in the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-1” that was 100% owned by the British government at that time in 1980s, then it is my business to understand why these evil people kidnaped me and when I file an official complaint to them in 2017, they ignore it, then I have to dig further to understand my past. But also, this shows that they plan-ahead of time what they are going to do in creating an interracial couple to use later as propaganda. I have absolutely nothing against interracial marriage, in matter of fact I encourage it, yet I am trying to show one of the schemes that they use, one out of thousands!
Note-3-B: The last German emperor was Kaiser Wilhelm 2nd, he was the grandson of Queen Victoria of the UK and the nephew of the British King George 5th, and the cousin of the last Russian czar named emperor Nicholas II of Russia . This Kaiser Wilhelm (Emperor) was abdicated in 1918, in reality he was ousted because his own military went against him. His family tried very hard to keep Germany under their own control, yet a new sort of a democratic government was built, and then his old generals came with the idea to win the country back by using the people own new ideas of democracy and created this so called Nationalsozialismu (=Nazi)s, and this is German which mean National Socialism, and brought Adolf Hitler as front that was performing everything the German Royal families wanted such as to kill all Jewish, get rid of all unwanted, such as gypsies and southern look population while re-brainwashing the general public by claiming that only he, Adolf Hitler has the fix and he vision of a German race that prosper and rule the world by working together and get rid of unwanted foreigner build a strong industry and follow his lead=Fuehrer = leader. In other words, the British Royal family were helping the Germans gain control, because this German last emperor was through and through British royalty mixed with German royalties. The head of a human being is like a box, if you fill it with one religion books, he will follow this path and if you fill it with arrogance and ignorance, then you will get Adolf Hitler and a few thousand alike= the ex-German + British hidden royal families and not what you see waving at you, these maybe very well good persons and doing their best to make the royal family look good and possibly have no idea what the other are doing or how vicious they are. This is important to understand the below and who are some of the members of my fake family they are just an empty box that was filled with ignorance, arrogance and hatred and selflove!
Note-3-C: Please note that the last German emperor was Kaiser Wilhelm 2nd, had many brothers & sisters and most of them are hidden brothers & sisters, and he was only the visible Kaiser/Emperor. But also, he had 7 children of his first wife and 5 children of his second wife, and unknown amount of hidden children. All these children were used to help along with thousands of other relatives to control the country and when he was ousted, his children and the rest of the family were still controlling the entire country as ministers, generals and so on. They brought Adolf Hitler as front and cover up for their selves. It is always like that, one person is the president but the real president are a hidden group in the background that control him, and if anything goes wrong, the president is to be blamed and the hidden ones are hardly noticed or blamed with the exception of the war crimes that were performed through the hidden children and family members of Kaiser/Emperor Wilhelm II, many were brought to justice as cover up for the others, because they were related to the British royal family and other European royal families and they do not kill their own, however they kill the others. The essence of this is that many of these hidden Nazis were helped to go to the Middle East to use their strategies in enslaving people in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, Jordan, Syrian, Lebanon, Egypt and others, I do not know much about the others, I just know about these countries mentioned because some members of my fake family control them as mentioned with these pages. And that is why many of them have lookalikes in Germany and the strongest one is Prince Oskar of Prussia that I strongly suspect to be the father of my fake brother-in-law Abdulghani Abokurah that sine 1950s is between Germany, UK and the USA, during which influencing the American politics and that is why he had an additional residence in various states in USA and above all in Washington D.C., where my fake sister lives in since 1987!!
Note-4: United Kingdom or the British Royal family own a lot by enslaving others, among others they own Canada, Australia, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, parts of many other Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman and so on, Hong Kong and in the hidden even today, because they established their seeds in the last over 99 years in Hong Kong, but also in Singapore and many other countries. And do not believe for a second that Syria and Egypt were controlled by ex-Soviet Union, I lived in Egypt in the 1960s and what I saw was 100%, through and through British mixed with Americans and hidden escaped Nazis from 1945, if the ex-Soviet Union at all had some saying in all that, then they invited them as distraction of their selves. The Syrian Assad family is through and through American/British mixed with hidden Escaped Nazis from 1945 that were using Syria, Lebanon and Jordan for growing and transporting thousands of tons of illegal drugs.
Yet by far their biggest British property at least by +/- 30% is USA, and that is why they changed “New Amsterdam” name to “New York” name, or named many parts of USA by their royal origin names such as “New England” which control the major metropolitan of USA: six states in the northeastern United States: Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, which very much means they own New York state and New York city, and that is the biggest metropolitan area in the western world owned by British royal family that are sucking the lived out of people, and I know that because I was forced to live in that area from September 1986 to around 12 December 1990.
Since the civil war in USA (Apr 12, 1861 – May 9, 1865) which was mainly against the United kingdom and minority against French and Spanish kingdoms, they have developed a new strategy to control countries, by among others creating a constitution that is usable for them and dependent on one person = hidden king = US president, while simultaneously fill the Congress and the senate with as many persons working for them as they can, and therewith they can never lose, if they control the Senate, they can do a lot, if they control the Congress they can do a lot and if they control the Whitehouse they can do a lot, and if they can control 2 or even 3 of these government pillars then they control USA, and the more companies they control in USA the more they can control USA. They own AT & T and therewith they own CNN and can control the public opinion through CNN, BBC and many others. You might think this is smart, and it may very well be, but it has one purpose only: control the world by enslaving others and use them as puppets as they did to me and are doing it in many Arab countries and in the EU but also and mainly in USA and that is why we have Brexit because the EU is endangering their business in USA, but it is not endangering USA itself. Most European will say what they think, which is we are partners with USA and USA is our partner, but Brexit proves that they are partially wrong.
All in all and based on my educated guess, which is based on forcing me to live in USA as an enslaved illegal alien for 15 years and chasing me in over 16 states in USA, while USA is controlled to 60% by foreigners and for foreign interest, and 50% of this control is under the British royal family (=30% of total USA) and since they invaded the Americas, they killed as many native Americans also called Red-Indian as they can to control the land.
Not all British that go to USA are British, often they are Chinese from Hong Kong (now and since 2000 it is Chinese), Singapore, Argentine, Canada, Australia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Gibraltar, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Syrian, Egyptians and the list is endless = English royalties. How do they do that, they force people who are trouble for them or potential trouble for them in these countries to ally with them and work for them in other countries such as in USA or in Germany and so on. These are hidden facts of our lives that I have seen over and over again. But also, if you go to the UK, far over 60% of the population, maybe even more than 70%, are foreigner or foreign origin, and that because the British are busy colonializing other countries such as USA, Germany, the Middle East and others, however they need workers or slaves, and then they get them to cover up for all the missing British that goes all over the world as hidden colonialist such as many members of my fake family.
Note-5: The EU is 100% the best way to each human freedom and individuality. Brexit is 100% to break that. EU is the only union that almost is one country simulation that offer more freedom than UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Middle East combined. By breaking the barriers that were among others built by UK, USA and other royal families since 1945 as a mean to control the population by not allowing them to start their own business freely=EU broke that in Germany and in the Netherlands (a kingdom) and I am also sure in all other EU member countries, and there with an EU member can today start a business theoretically starting by one Euro, in Netherlands it was prior to 2012 around 20 Thousand Euro plus another 5-10 Thousand for an attorney, because it is the law you have to register it through an attorney if you want to start your own LTD company, in Germany it was 20, then raised to 50 and raised to 100 Thousand Euro, which was created by the Allies of the Second World War, USA, UK, France, Netherlands and others, yet ex-chancellor Gerhard Schroeder broke that and created something called “Ich AG” (meaning: I Stock/public company) and today you can start an LTD company in Germany (in Germany called GMBH) I believe starting at 1 Euro. And this is one example of thousands of other new laws of freedom, above all as an EU member no need any more for a visa and waiting hassle of a visa, paying for a visa or even having a passport, each EU members can use his ID or driver license to travel to any other EU country except to the UK, where I believe a Passport is required, but I am not certain about it. Comparing it to USA and until around 1992/93 I was able to travel with the plane without any ID, and gradually you need some prove of identity, it could be a credit card, then they made it ID or passport to travel with the plane within USA, and who knows they may expand that to trains and busses=total control=slavery!
Note-6: I have filed many complaints since 1980s to the German government, American government, and as recently as 2017 I filed repeated more detailed complaint to them as well as to the UK government, they all ignored it. Now I am filling it to the public, because what they did to me is not only illegal, immoral, unethical, criminal, sadistic, savage, but also it is being repeated by thousands of other children that were 100% kidnapped from USA and the UK and they performed to them as they did to me, because there was a routine in what they did to me, it was a system as if they are producing slavery children on a factory roll band and never stopping even when the children become adults and when they do not need them they lock them up to even make money out of them, because in USA and in Netherlands some or the majority of jails or refugee camps are controlled by private companies and they make profit through refugees and detainees and if there is no refuges or detainees, then these owners have to think of something such as allying with others in wars that produces a lot of refugees or even a lot of crimes, and here is the prove and while I was forced to be in prisons in USA, over 70% of all detainees were illegal drug related, and that is big business for private prison and jails, I bet that in countries where jails, prisons and refugee camps are owned only by government, meaning no private business, then they will have less refugees and less detainees, but this is my opinion.
Note-7: It is true the Nazis were recklessly vicious and violent just like any other organized crime organization such as in the illegal drug business. Yet not all Italians are mafia and not all Germans are Nazis and not all British are royalties or are children kidnappers. In matter of fact the Germans I met in Germany were very kind, helpful and come to your aid when needed. It is because this what Jesus or new testament teaching is. This teaching created a training exercise for them to never forget these values, such as celebrate the last supper which is much more than just getting together once a while, it is to build an absolute organized friendship through Christianity, sort of a brotherhood, and the Muslim and Jewish has also developed similar tactics, Hindu, Buddhist and so on and, yet they were always misrepresented and often persecuted and destroyed, such as the Christian Brotherhood or the Islamic Brotherhood, not to forget the Jewish Brotherhood that was persecuted to death from 1934 to 1945, during which 5 Million were killed and burned in ovens, and these brotherhoods had and still have one goal only nothing more and nothing less: get together, help each other and be kind to each other’s, and I am positive that Jewish have similar groupings, yet they were often destroyed, such as the Nazi + UK ex-Egyptian president Gamal Abd Nasser was going around in 1960s (I was kidnapped to Egypt on 15 January 1960 and until October 1969) was going around killing Islamic brotherhood while the Nazi among them were pretending to support Muslims, and getting close to them because they are allegedly against Jewish only, and then give the government info to eliminate them. Other countries have developed other strategies to control people. Yet German population and by far not Nazi at all, in matter of fact they were and still are Scared of Nazis, because they always bring violent and destruction along, which you will see in this page and other pages. Another facts, there is more Nazis in USA than there is Nazis in Germany, because the freedom that are in USA are fake freedoms, they are only designed to give freedom to the controlling ones and the controlling ones need violent to keep people under control by creating violent and then they have a reason to create more restrictive laws, as I have repeatedly seen in USA, such as need to have a passport or ID to fly from one city to another city within USA, they do not ask for an ID or passport when I take the bus, taxi, tram, train, but they will soon and you can bet your life on it, but also the need to have a so called United States Department of Homeland Security that have upper hand over all other agencies, and therewith give the US president more control over it is own people, which is very visible today with the American department of Justice that is not following the law but rather the president private interest, and he is through and though British/Nazi that pretending to be related to Russia since the Ex-Soviet Union Era by marrying not once, but twice with a woman of a country that was previously ex-Soviet Union member as distraction of British/Nazi. I have no connection what so ever with Russia, yet I hardly think that they are so stupid to send an agent married to a woman from there while publicly side with Russia against his own country but also pretending to be siding with Jewish where he really does not give a damn about Jewish, Christian or Muslim. But this is typical one of the hidden escaped Nazi strategies that was also used on me, relate me to Jewish and to Russia, I think a country that can build a rocket before USA and then have the only rocket in the world that is capable to carry US astronauts to the space station, cannot be stupid to act like that, especially that the British also had a situation that most probably they created with the Russian poisoning to get attention to Russians and to the Trump ahead of time or better said after the whole thing started and as cover up of their own trials with the Trump that goes down to the Middle East and not to Russia, typical British royal family stunts and schemes. I am not expert on them, yet I am expert in my own life and what they did to me and they tried very hard in the Netherlands refugee camps and prisons to relate me to ex-Soviet Union alias the current Russian federation, but also my fake sister Fadia Nagar in the UK along with her fake children and fake husband to force my mind to think of them as Jewish or related to Russians, among others by claiming that her fake daughter Esmat Shawky is married to a Jewish man while I was forced to live between them for 6 weeks in 2013, while her another fake son Essam Shawki claimed he is partnering with Russian to open a restaurant, and these are only around 2 setups to force my mind to think about them as Jewish and Russian out of nearly 50 other setups, even the FBI created a set up to force my mind to the same in cooperation with Dun & Bradstreet and an alleged newly immigrated Russian Jewish family to USA and were employee of Dun & Bradstreet, and the list goes on, which shows that the British Royal family and their allies hate not only Jewish, because they blame them for all the bad things that the British Royal family does in the hidden but also hate real Muslims and real Christians, because they set me up countless times to hate Muslims and hate Christians, in matter of fact the brainwash that they performed on me in USA and in the year 2000 I was spitting on the floor each time I see a person and think of him/her as a Muslim until I realized these people who did that to me have absolutely nothing to do with real Muslims, Jewish or Christian. However, and based what the evil BP-British Petroleum did to me, which is owned by the British government in 1980s, and all the suffering these criminals forced me into from 1 January 1984 to March 2016 and thereafter with all the side effects, make them one of the most evil and anti-humanity group in the world. This evil company did not let go of me after I was kidnapped to USA in September 1986, they used their allies and their subcontractors to persecute me and use me as a blackmail object for 15 years, and believe me this evil company has a lot of influence in USA, maybe more influence than big real American companies, because these big American companies and by far do not have the networking capabilities that the British royal families have, that goes back much older than the age of USA itself!
Note-8: After the Second World War in 1945 and the Germans capitulated to the Allies, the Allies controlled Germany and the savior become the new dictator. They invented new ways to take a piece of Germany, and each brought more people to Germany to have more control over it, and there with the war was by far not over, now the general population is fighting for freedom that is dictating them what to do and how to live, what to eat and how to dress and what t ride. There was only one way to get rid of this new hidden dictatorship: EC-European Common Market that later become European Union that made EU the second biggest democracy in the world and the biggest free election in the world, and above all the best freedom in the world, it is by far not perfect but it is far better than USA and UK combined, but also it is getting to be the biggest economy in the world based on a solid ground and not like USA based on a shaky ground and that is why they are trying to force Brexit, which equals isolation for the UK population, making the EU economy smaller to prevent them of being an Economic power, because USA and the UK bases their power on isolation and not unity and that is why the Commonwealth market failed to give freedom to everyone. What I am trying to say is that the Brexit is anti-human, anti-solidarity and anti-personal freedom and back to isolating the UK and forcing the other UK kingdoms to submit to the British royal family and with their own isolated rules. Shame on you! During which they are hurting the other European dramatically, but they will survive it and get even much bigger because the EU is based on human needs and not only the few invisible controlling families that are still and will remain very wealthy, but now they have to work for it and not steal it of the others! EU is by far not perfect, but it is far ahead of the USA and the UK, especially when it comes to humanity and therewith they are ahead the entire world, because it is controlled by many and not only a hand full! With all the damages that were performed upon my life also by Germans and Dutch, yet I love the EU for the simple fact that it is very lovable much more lovable in 2000 than in 1970s + 1980s, I was not here in 1990s I was kidnapped to USA and kept there by force as an illegal alien to prevent me to visit members of my fake family that many of them are hidden escaped top German Nazis from 1945 as highlighted below!
Note-9: any one that work with and help a Nazi in their vicious acts such as invading other countries as they repeatedly did since 1945, is a Nazi himself, and I am talking only about the Nazis that I know that live by the moto KAS-Kill and steal such as listed below.
Note-10: Please note when some German, Italian and other Nazis are hiding in the Middle East, they will never do the followings, especially when they are protected by the CIA, MI6 and others, I believe at that time there was no BND (CIA like German agency), because BND was established around 1956:
1. Live all together in one building or in one city or in one country, because they were thousands that were helped by the Americans, British and others also some Germans to hide in the Middle East to use their expertise in controlling the new countries that were officially divided in to 12 countries in around 1912 and later divided again and again and after establishing the UNO I believe then divided again in 18 countries in around 1945 just before the end of World War 2, and now I believe they are nearly 28 so called Arab countries, which is a lie, Arabs are only the Saudi Arabian Nomad that live in the desert and they call them Arabs, just as they call the Gypsy. Gypsies because they are the nomad of Bulgaria, Hungry and other surrounding countries. You cannot see all these dramatic changes in South America where the alleged Nazis are hiding, but you can see them in the Middle East, above all the wars in the Middle East and since 1945, they are the work of the hidden Escaped Nazis from 1945 in cooperation with British royal family members and Americans and some of their allies and not the work of Israel or Jewish
2. They will not hide using their real names, but rather fake names, and when hiding in the Middle East between Arabs to rob them blindly, they will not use names like Huber or Smith or Mussolini or Schneider or Wiedemann or any European name, but rather will use Arabic odd names often translated from original languages such as Tailor/Schneider to Khayat, or Carpenter/Schreiner to Najar and so on. They always use odd names such as Baroudi, Bdeir/Budier, Malas, Abokurah, and others. Above all they will pretend to be Muslim or Jewish, because it is not only the last place that people will look for Nazis, but it is an impossible possibility, and that is why many of these criminals that pretend to be my sisters tried hard to force my mind to think of them as Jewish, because they hate Jewish just as much as they hate Muslims and Christians or any other grouping that animate people to get together and be kind to each other’s, because if you are kind to the others and the others are kind to you, then you will immediately spot bad people as members of my fake family, because they are anything but kind, they are nasty and vicious criminals that are all originated from USA and Europe, but it does not make USA and the Europeans same as them, the best way to explain it is this way: everything that they are not allowed to do in USA and in Europe, they go to the Middle East to do it, which is very visible in all the terrorism and wars that these criminal plan and perform
3. They will not go around and build a new Nazi party, but rather and with the same viciousness they will build similar parties, which they did in Saudi Arabia, in Egypt, in Syria, in Jordan, in Libya, in Yemen, in Kuwait, in UAE, and in Oman and some of these countries have one thing in common, they created a book against religion just like the book “Mein Kampf” in English “My Battle” or “My struggle” or “my combat” or “My fight”. Each one of these countries created a similar strategy or even identical strategy as Nazis did in Germany, but this time it is in Arabic speaking countries by among others misusing Islam, Christianity, Judaism and other religions, which will be very clear in the lines below, that they misused the trust of Arabs and Muslims by conning them and forcing them with all kind of strategies that no one can defend himself against to blame Jewish for all their troubles and as a front live cover used Palestinians, whereby the Palestinian life tragedy was created by British general named Belfort to help Nazis control the Middle East while using Jewish as the weapon to force these Nazis that they along with Americans and British placed in the Middle East, as you will see in this page, not to get wrong ideas, while telling the Arab population that Israel and Jewish are to blame for all internal troubles in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Egypt. Libya, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and so on, which are all lies!
But rather they will do the following:
1. Integrate their selves within already integrated families, meaning each one to a few of them pretend to be member of already established family, these families are often already pre-integrated by British, Americans, Germans and/or others, as you will see in the pages below
2. They will avoid contact with external people, instead maintain contact with the other families that are trusted and that also have integrated hidden Nazis within them
3. The use of the above-mentioned family schemes as a means to voucher for their selves as allegedly all Arabs, Muslims and allegedly good people, in other words 20-30 or more families will vouch for each other’s and no one can say “no, that is impossible” to these 20-30 families or more that are located in various countries, which also will be visible below
4. They marry some of their children with the children of one of these 20-30 families to gains more establishment while using their other children to go on a KAS-Kill and steal hunt in other countries including USA and Germany. And some of these schemes are described below.
5. Send many of their hidden children to be members of various governments in Germany, USA and other countries in the Middle East, and I saw several of these criminals in the US and German government. I recognized them either by their look or by what and how they do things!
Note-11: A Nazi from second World War is not only a full grown up man, it can be a woman, or a teenager or a child (son or daughter of a Nazi) that was raised to be super Nazi, and I found a few of those in my fake family and as you very will not only read, but also be able to see their actions, because their evil actions speaks for them. I am just complaining about what these evil nasty people did to me.
Note-12: A huge amount of hidden Nazi since 1945 would maintain a huge destructive network as listed below, and will protect each other’s, and from the background the CIA. MI6 and others that helped them to reestablish their selves in the Middle East will also protect them, but also their family in Germany, Italy, USA. England, Switzerland’s and elsewhere will maintain contact and help protect their identities while benefiting from their new work in the Middle East and USA by enslaving others and stealing them blindly as you will also see below.
Does a young or even older generation government member of any country in the EU or even USA know any of these things mentioned as notes, and if he/she knows them will he/she be able to place one of them plus another one. Meaning connect the dots or gather his/her own thoughts, and recognize this scheme? I do not think so! And this because he/she is and most probably an honest government member and is forced to be busy with his job as a government employee, such as a Chancellor, a minister, or even a prince or a young king or a young queen, and believe me most of these young kings and queens are probably very good persons and used as a front, the hidden royal family members that are chairman of the board or CEO of some companies or even only share holder that makes sure he always owns the majority of shares and therewith control this company and enforce the strategies of hidden slavery also for his employees!
Would Microsoft, Oracle, Google and many other do the same, no, but they are often misused and without their knowledge or they did not pay attention until it was too late, or they are being severely fought through threating them do this or don’t do that otherwise we will cancel the 200 thousand PC order or the contract of 10 delivery of software and so on, and there with, they always silence them by force, which often to see with all the attacks that receive, but also and others!
Note-13: Many persons have telepathy, however they are a very small percentage within the population, however some of them builds a very destructive network, which will be visible in this page. Some or many of these persons build a huge biological brotherhood by creating as many children as they possibly can, among others by marrying 2 sisters, twin sisters, triplets’ sisters and so on, but also the lookalike often have a big age gape between them, meaning 2 lookalike, one is 18 and the other 42 years old, and this while concentrate heavily on creating lookalike or even twins, triplets, quadruplets or even more either by using medical help, or illegal and immoral methods such as incest, and to do that is easy by having so many wives in different countries and later use their children while the children do not know the relation because they were told the one or other parent is dead and then they use them as described within these complaint pages. Never forget, a person with telepathy could be a child, a teenager, a female or male, 90 years old, black, white, Asian or even a person with Social disability, whereby many of the persons that are addicted to manipulating the lives of others with telepathy pretend to have Social disability to make others feel sorry for them, because when you feel sorry for someone, you see him/her as less than you and there with usually you would not suspect him/her of having telepathy. Above all persons with telepathy can be found in a larger concentration percentage wise in military as well as in secret service agencies such as CIA, MI6 and the alike where they have a feast in controlling others and while being protected by the law while mixing with the general public as if they are just the same as you (!!). A person with telepathy that is addicted to controlling others is a sickness just like many others that are sick and addicted to playing video and computer games the addiction does not discriminate, anyone can be addicted when is placed in certain circumstance, and therefore I strongly suspect that many children with telepathy are being often forced to be addicted enable they can uses them to control certain amount or a certain group of people and that is very nasty and unfair to these misused children that then grow up with these addictions to control others with telepathy!
Note-14-A: Nazis were not only in Germany, but also in:
1. You can also find Nazis in countries that were invaded by Nazi, and many of them stayed there and continuing practicing Nazis organized crimes
2. The countries where the Nazi invaded, New Nazis were invited to come to these countries
3. The countries that were partners with the Nazis, such as Italy, Greece, Austria, and others
4. The countries that were under the control of the UK and USA and they needed more support to control them, such as Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE, Oman, Yemen and countless other countries in Africa, South American and Asia
5. Nazis that were spies in other countries, such as in the UK or even in USA and remained in these countries
6. Nazis that went to USA over some f the countries mentioned above and with fake nationalities of the countries mentioned above and built a huge Nazi network in USA, above all with the Republican party, such as the Bush family, that 100% behaved like Nazis
And therewith there were Nazis in many countries, from France to Netherlands to Italy, Greece and so on. For more information see the article Nazi Germany: Whereby I strongly believe the article name is wrong, it should be Nazi in Germany and not Nazi Germany. Because Germany is the old prove that a handful of criminals can brainwash an entire country, the new prove is USA and the UK, whereby the UK is also old and new prove!
Note-14-B: one of the major distinctive marks of these hidden Nazis from the Second World War are as follow:
1. They maintain contact to the entire international network, which is very visible in this page
2. They stay out of sight and hide like cowards, while performing a lot of destructive actions against others using either telepathy or their very destructive Nazi network schemes, which also going to be very visible here
3. They never maintain contact with me, however with my fake sisters and fake brother, meaning most of them I saw one time only with the exception of General Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman that I saw often due we were his guests for 4 weeks starting 15 February 1960, but after we get our own apartment the contact was gradually lost within 1 year and I never saw any of them until 1982 when I was severely setup and persecuted by them as I visited Egypt in March or April 1982, which caused many other actions that I did not see until this week, which is also mentioned below
4. They are cowards, ignorant and absolute arrogant and this is a very destructive human combination feature. They are cowards because they hide and never do things in public and always blame others, such as Russians, Jewish, Muslims, Christians and/or their opponents. They are ignorant because they never care about the needs and the rights and the dignity of others, in matter of fact this is their main feature: the destruction of the dignity, bride, rights and self-confidence of others enable to brainwash them and control them, which very much says that they are stupid because they are not capable to perform an honest actions or build something that is a win/win and useful for everyone that gets in touch with it, such as PC, Internet, Planes or even a simple bicycle. They are arrogant because they never admit that they did other wrong and hide it or ignore any complaint such as they did to me or even punish the victim and complainer which is very visible in my complaints, exception is only if the complaint gets publicity and the attention of their opponents!
5. With no exception and the Nazis ones in my fake family, perform some severe damage to me, such as attempted to kill me such as the evil Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, or rape me such as Bashier Queder/Koueider by using his son Adam Queder/Koueider, or my fake Nazi mother and brother that used Mohi Sabri, or Dr. Habieb Lapeep by also using his son Hani Lapeeb, or by forcing another totally different lookalike to confuse my mind as Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier did while implicating me as if I am top connected to terrorist while they were the ones that created PLO by getting Yasser Arafat to keep the Palestinian quiet but also brainwashed in Jordan Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in Jordan enable to continue their hidden terrorism to give their family in Europe and USA a reason to attack, and the same thing with Osama Ben laden, and then they call their selves Moderate Muslims!!??
6. They often relate their selves to famous natives, that were placed by British or others for up to 100 year ago, such as the Syrians below or from other country such as Egypt and relating to the politician Dardiry Ahmad Ismael of the military general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman and so on, and here is an example of what I was told who my relatives allegedly are:
a. The Fakhri al-Baroudi famous politician,
b. Dr. Poet. Wajeeh Al-Baroudi poet, Dr. Poet. Wajeeh Al-Baroudi,
Note-15: I strongly suspect that many to almost all of these fake family members as mentioned in this page as well as mentioned in the page “My fake family the kidnappers” have some kind of legal immunity possibly because of the followings:
1. Some of them are diplomats
2. Others are royal family members
3. Others are government members with 2 identities
4. Others are agents of the CIA, MI6 and/or other related agencies that require immunities such as SS-Secret Service of US, which equals the Nazi SS and they would do anything blindly to protect evil US presidents such as Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush, that I have absolutely no doubt what so ever in my mind that they approved kidnapping me from Germany to USA in 1986, and that would be ex-US vice president and later ex-US president George H. W. Bush kidnapping me from Germany in September 1986 and his son ex-US president George W. Bush deporting me to the Netherlands on 10.02.2001 and locking me up for 13 years and that was covering up for his own crimes yet to come and the crimes of his evil father, and both are nothing else than a long hand of the Nazis in the Middle East, and in particular in Saudi Arabia and Jordan, but also in Egypt, UAE, Kuwait, Oman and Yemen today that is severely suffering since 1960s, because someone is always trying to force them to submit and they are using Saudi Arabia as a proxy.
Why do I think that these people have immunities?
Because they were performing a lot or crimes and illegal actions, and since many police groups have helped me now and then and from the background, this mean they cannot arrest them, and they were trying to use me to expose them. Alone that they use fake identities in my presence and pretend to be my mother, my sisters, my brother, nephews and nieces, aunt, uncles and cousins all these are many crimes, not to mention the other crimes that are mentioned here and there within my complaint pages.
Sometimes I cannot differentiate between the following group of people, because they all work together and cover for each other’s, however sometimes I can, and I mention that:
1. CIA agents,
2. MI6 agents
3. BND agents
4. Or other agents
5. Hidden escaped Nazis from 1945
6. Ex-German royalties
7. British royalties
8. Jordanian royalties
9. Saudi Arabian Royalties
10.UAE royalties
11.Bahrain royalties
12.Oman royalties
However, I know for fact that they 100% control the Middle East and hire actors to be kings, princes and Sheikh, these actors they have been doing that for long time and they start to believe what they are acting, meaning they believe in their own lies. No actions in the Middle East can be performed without the permission and the order of this circle of destructive hidden controller including Rockefeller in USA and their hidden relatives the English royalties in the UK and elsewhere but also by others, where they all become just like the people they are living with and covering up for: Nazis or better said KAS-Kill and steal and as distraction of all that they blame it on terrorist groups that they created or blame it on Russians or on Iran or on North Korea or on China, yet they are 100% related to the controlling families in Russia, Iran, North Korea ad others = all is an act Hollywood style = stupid because they are not capable to build something with honesty that can benefit everyone and not only their selves = ignorant and selfish!
The only reason that I was sent on a summer vacation in 1966 to Jordan and Lebanon is to show the Egyptians that were monitoring me that I am related to Nazis and drug lords, which were the following families: Bdeir/Budier, Abokurah, Malas, Barq/Bark, Azrath, Baroudi and others that I either forgot or did not register. Which is the absolute same strategy that they used in 1960 and as soon as we arrived in Cairo Egypt they related us to the following families: Dardiri Ahmad Ismael, General Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, Jameel Baroudi, the Queder/Koueider family and a punch of other alleged Syrians that were Air Force Pilots, that today I recognize them as escape Nazi pilots.
It was very important for them to show Egyptians that they are trustworthy and the hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 were trusted by most Muslims and Arabs because they killed 5 Million Jewish from 1933 to 1945. It is very sad, but it is true.
These people have a lot of money either through stealing by waging wars, or through slavery, or by claiming to be royal families of the Middle East, in reality the Arab royal families from Jordan to UAE and everything in between are hired actors and are also very well paid, or through illegal drugs, and I strongly believe that they have the biggest illegal drug cartel in the world, the South Americans and the Asian cannot match up to them, because they are hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 mixed with CIA and MI6 agents that are from controlling families from Europe and USA and therewith they have all the protection they need in the name of “National Security” (!?). And with this money they do a lot of unethical, immoral, inhumane and anti-religious things such as have countless wives, often by getting twin sisters or twin brothers to have children with each other’s or even commit incest to have as many lookalikes as they can enable to perform their hidden disgusting activities. Among others they also can afford to have 10, 20 or even more nannies that would raise their hidden children while pretending to be their mother, and therewith we have a mass fake identity such as described with this page and other pages. These children will then grow up to be just like them, they do not know love, compassion or real caring, because they think money and control is more important = stupid!
One of the most common things these hidden escaped Nazis, children and grandchildren criminals will do to cover their real identity is by creating situations to force others to think of them as something else as follow:
1. Mix with CIA and MI6 agents and therewith you will think they are all agents
2. Build Mosques or Islamic schools to identify them as real Muslims and if it does not work, they create what is below
3. Would create many large setups to force the mind of others to think of them as Jewish
4. Would create many large setups to force the mind of others to think of them as Russians or from ex-Soviet Union
5. Would create many large setups to force the mind of others to think of them as Jewish Russians/ex-Soviet Union that immigrated to Europe, USA and or the Middle East
6. Get one or two persons that is married to a woman from ex-Soviet Union alias former East Europe
The only problem is, if they are really Jewish and from Ex-Soviet Union, yet hiding their identities, then why the followings:
1. Create many situation to force my mind to think of them as Jewish and from Russia, they even get the FBI to create a very damaging setup to me in 1989 were they get an alleged Jewish woman that allegedly just immigrated from Russia to Connecticut and was working at Dun & Bradstreet where I was also workeingbecause the FBI pretended to be my friend and get me a job there to monitor me under their own controlled environment. And this woman became allegedly a good friend with the BP-British Petroleum, CIA and MI6 whore Najlaa Mahmoud, that just exchanged places with another look alike and this new one was praying like Muslims do 5 times a day, while buying meet only from a Jewish butcher because they are Kosher, while telling me that my (fake) sister Afrah Najjar in Washington D.C. and after we visited her in around summer 1989 or summer 1990, she allegedly taught her how to pray, all this to force my mind to think of them as Jewish-Russians that pretend to be Muslims it is very easy for them to get me to believe all this trash, because they have telepathy and I do not and they can force me to think whatever they want. Now I am with no one and no one is protecting me and I am relying on people today to protect me from telepathy attacks, when I was within my fake family they prevented anyone to come near me, also the CIA and MI6 did that in Germany, in the UK and in USA and now in the city of Den Haag/The Hague I am not isolated through my fake family and telepathy anymore and I can think freely most of the times or at least 50% of the times, yet, during and starting by the evil BP-British Petroleum project Calypso in 1983 and until 1999 I was totally under control and no one dared to come near me, because these evil people were preventing them while systematically damaging all my relations to literally everyone I ever knew
2. Jewish are family oriented and stick together and will never do something near as bad as these evil people did to me from 1960 to current
3. Russian in a foreign land that possibly pretend to be Muslim Arab, are dependent on good relations and on everyone to trust them, and that is why they will never do to one of them anything near what was done to me. What was done to me was performed by criminal enterprise that span from CIA to MI6 to BND to protect their reputation that they are allegedly good people, in reality they are the number one enemy of USA, Germany and the UK
4. The Jewish and Russian are not stupid neither mentally sick as those people I am complaining about, above all the real faithful Jewish are good people.
5. Who has interest to make bad name for Jewish except hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 along with their relatives in USA, UK and elsewhere!!??
6. The UK created on purpose Israel to get rid of as many Jewish as they can while pretending to be helping them and simultaneously creating a never solvable confusion problem in the Middle East as distraction of their selves, where their puppets that control the government in Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other countries they blame everything bad they do on Israel as distraction if internal national bad and very destructive slavery politics in these countries while making Jewish suffer and Palestinian suffer, this is what the British government is all about=Hidden Slavery
The Russian scare tactic/strategy was created in the USA during the 2016 US election. Is this a coincident that also a Russian scare tactic was created also in the UK between 2016 and 2018 that had one goal only: to confirm the American Russian scare strategy of the US Election of 2016, where Donald Trump is pretending to be related to Russian and Jewish or Israel. Is this a coincident that the FBI set me up with a an alleged Jewish Russian immigrant in 1989 by Dun & Bradstreet and in my job that the FBI get me while pretending to be my friend that are allegedly investigating me, while in reality were helping the British company BP-British Petroleum + Bush family + CIA + MI6 whore Najlaa Mahmoud that I hated her guts, yet they enslaved me under her control by force and repeatedly bringing strange people from the pastor’s family named Stevens of the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA, to my forced upon me neighbors that were working for the FBI and pretending to be investigating me, while they were friend with this whore Najlaa Mahmoud and also kept on praising her, and this while I was seeking a way to get rid of this whore bitch, yet they have telepathy and can not only force me to things I do not want with telepathy, but also and because they know how I think, they create setups to confirm these telepathy forced upon me thoughts, and now back to the FBI setup with the alleged Jewish immigrant from Russia that they forced upon me within the controlled environment they also forced upon me by getting me a job at Dun and Brad Street as a consultant for 20 US Dollars per hour, that most probably the FBI was paying to Dun and Brad Street (possibly paying 40-100 US dollar per hour to Dun & Bradstreet for using their offices) after forcing me to work for 2 years in a gas station as a cashier for 5 Dollars an hour, and on top of that one FBI agent was always in the next office named Allen, I forgot his last name. However, I remember he allegedly had a hobby for helping some international children organization that was also involved in India, while also getting me another job allegedly through his friend that allegedly owned an IT company and his office was in an empty 500 square meter warehouse and the company name was allegedly Spectrum Computer Service, and had 2 employees only, me and an Indian origin named Sanjaya Kopti/or Gupta and both of us worked together at the company Westport publishing in Westport, Connecticut, helping them with their IT, where they really did not need us., that were publishing several local things. Today I am guessing that this fake work colleague that had no idea of IT was an FBI agent that set with me enable he can use telepathy on me at least 8 hours a day, during which can place thought in my brain and see to what I relate them to, and therewith I was being investigated for no reasons, or they made sure that this is what I think, because of these setups they pushed me into since project Calypso and as mentioned in the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-1, where these evil people at Calypso project tried hard to relate me to Jewish, Russians and PLO. And therewith this is an often-used strategy as distraction of Saudi Arabians, British and hidden Escaped Nazi as they are doing with the US president Donald Trump between 2016 and 2020!!!!!
The FBI (or the INS-Immigration and naturalization Services, the name of US Immigration at that time) used similar strategy with me later in 1997 with a company called Preferred Computer Services and was allegedly owned by a person named Bil (with one L) Kimes that get me involved in 2 decoy projects just to get me into a third project far away of Houston in Evansville, Indiana, where they totally stressed me with telepathy, terrorist setups that spanned from the fake terrorist attack on Georgia during the Olympics in 1996 to PLO terrorist attack on Munich Olympics in 1972, where in Georgia no one was hurt and no property was damaged in 1996, and then used this incident and persecuted me and tried hard to relate this incident to the fake terrorist incident of the very vicious and violent terrorist attack on Jewish Olympic players in 1972 in Munich, where also between September 1972 and Spring 1973 I was severely persecuted and brainwashed by the German police due to the setup these evil British/American mixed with Nazis as my fake family and set me up to look like I am related to PLO-Palestinian Liberation organization that was for over 30 years the alleged biggest terrorist organization in the world and then they replaced it with Al-kaida that was also established by the same evil people; CIA + MI6 + Nazis in the Middle East, which was because their leader Yasser Arafat was brainwashed and is 100% linked to Jameel Baroudi and was in the same university in Cairo while my fake cousin Dr. Basam Baroudi and his cousin as well as my fake brother-in-law Alaa Ali were also in this university which was Ain Shams in Cairo, Egypt. And all this because of what they did to me in December 1969 and related me to PLO, enable to give the CIA and MI6 a reason to control my life while pretending to be investigating the PLO connection to me!
As you can see they always create confusion and paradoxes to force people to be lost and cannot decide what is it now, is this man, me, a PLO, or Jewish, or Russian or Turkish, or Syrian, or Saudi or what else these criminals come up with, because the couple Jewish/Russian setup strategy that they set me up with since 1970, is only a couple out of countless, just as they now doing with Donald Trump for one reason only to disconnect him from British and Saudis=Nazis just as they did to me and is very visible in this page
I was kidnapped on 10/11 January 1960 as an 8 years old boy and placed within a fake family that consisted out of CIA, MI6 agents mixed with hidden royalties from Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Kuwait. Taken to Syrian for a few days, falsified my identity to Syrian and taken me to Cairo, Egypt on 15 January 1960.
Between 1960 and 1969 they introduced me to many hidden Nazis from the second world war that are under the protection of the CIA, MI6, BND, AIVD and other so-called allies from the Second World War. These Nazis were either living in Cairo, Egypt or have a second residence there, living in Jordan or have a second residence there, living in Tripoli, Lebanon, or having a second shared residence also in Damascus Syria, and later I discovered that many of them live in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Oman, Bahrain however I never knew that the persons were hidden Nazis.
They use these Nazis to invade Arab and African countries, control them and rob them blind while enslaving the population with scare tactics such as cutting their hands off or their heads in public places as they do in Saudi Arabia even today in 2019. Many of these things I saw myself. Either before 1970 or even thereafter while I was being kept as slave in Germany and USA under the control of the CIA, MI6 and BP-British Petroleum whores Anita Disbray that pretended to be British and later the whore Najlaa Mahmoud that pretended to be Syrian.
Then they took me to Germany in 1969 where then they hopelessly enslaved me under the CIA whore agent Anita Disbray. Later in 1976 set me up to become Christian in the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim, Germany where I was severely tortured mentally and physically, which I will skip, yet I became Christian and loved everyone around my life in the church, during which many man planned and made situation were created to get my attentions to Nazis, members of my fake family that they are Germans and so on, but and at that time I was prevented to understand and was busy being happy for suddenly having friends, where prior to that I was totally isolated. In Unterschleissheim, then in September 1977 I was separated of the whore agent Anita Disbray, and this possibly either was planned or the church helped me to be free of this whore Anita Disbray.
In 1978/79 I was removed from this city Unterschleissheim by force of brainwash and tricks to prevent those in that city of completing what they were doing, which is getting my attention that some members of my family are Germans origin and Nazi hiding in the Middle East. After the year 2000 I remembered many of these situations and I thought these were brainwash strategies to force me to talk about my fake family. Even my Employer Siemens AG from 1978 to 1981 performed similar strategies!
Now in 1978/79 living in Munich, and it continued that some persons were creating situations around my life to get my attention to the same, but this time these Nazis are working with the Americans and British military and I was prevented to understand, while other were trying very hard to link my fake family to Israel and Jewish, where I fell for it for a short while because I was prevented of thinking in a very vicious way, among others also in 2016 in the refugee camp Dokkum and in the village Bellingwolde in Netherlands were I was totally under control of others with and through telepathy or through the municipalities Veendam + Oldamt + Bellingwedde (Bellingwedde it is now called Westerwolde).
Persons with telepathy were able to see and understand that I had a destroyed logic = no logic, therefore they tried to help me build it and they succeeded. Because without a logic I would not understand what they were trying to tell me. Who were they: in 1976-1982 were the church members in Unterschleissheim and Siemens AG in Munich, Germany? And again, and after they kidnapped me from Germany to USA where I was very destructively re-brainwashed during which and again totally destroyed my logic and from 1999-2000 Someone was trying to help me rebuild my logic, that I guess it was related to the same people mentioned before, and then I was locked up until 2013.
In December 1983, then I was dragged to the BP-British petroleum illegal project Calypso, where they brainwashed me and enslaved me under their and the CIA, MI6 whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud that pretended to be Syrian to show as if I am Syrian origin, then kidnapped me to USA in September 1986.
1986-2000 I was severely re-brainwashed in the first 2 years to prevent me to leave this whore agent and with her presence in my life they can control my life as they see fit. During this period, I was forced to raise a son that was not mine and was forced to believe it was my biological son. Also during this period I was repeatedly setup by the FBI, CIA and others unknown that tried hard to force my mind to think that I related to top terrorist from PLO, or Jewish from ex-Soviet Union, or even Turkish, and these brainwash situation were meant to stay in my memory for the future in case I get free and try to understand my past.
1999-2001 I was re-brainwashed and separated of the BP-British Petroleum, CIA & MI6 whore Najlaa Mahmoud where they also separated me of my fake son, that I loved and thought he was my biological son. I was forced to leave the USA out of fear just as they kidnapped me from Germany by using fear and scare tactics that the Syrian military wanted to kill me in Germany. Then I was begging to leave USA and lived in the Airport of Houston, Texas for nearly one month surviving of 25 cents that I find of scattered luggage carts and I take them back to get the 25 cents and then buy food and drink and was waiting for an opportunity to smuggle myself on an airplane to go back home to Germany to my church and girlfriends Adelheid Kuczka that the evil BP-British Petroleum separated me of by force as described in the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-1” and the page “Thank you” under the section’ of Adelheid Kuczka. I also protested in front of the INS (US Immigration) building in Houston, Texas, USA to allow me to go back home to Germany and slept on the street by that INS building. Then I was arrested jailed and released a couple of times and lastly arrested and jailed again in deportation prison in Houston, Texas near the International Airport and 6 months later on 10,02.2001 brought to the Netherlands while pretending to want to deport me to Syria or Jordan, but they cannot afford that, because I have in my memory many damaging things about many people, but I did not know that at that time, Today I do know. Then they locked me up for 13 years between jails, prisons, refugee camps between Netherlands and Germany.
2001-2003 I was brought to the Netherlands where I was re-brainwashed and locked up in a few refugee camps, where they wanted to force my mind to think that everything that happened to me so far is because I became Christian voluntarily, but I neither became Christian in 1976 voluntarily nor Christianity was the reason for all my problems, the reasons are among others within this and other pages, which all in all equals some evil psychopaths planned all that for me!
To check if the brainwash worked good, they brought a lookalike of my fake son and I was forced to believe it was the same person, and both of us were locked up in the refugee camp in the city Ter Apel while I was talking to him and warning him of my fake family and telling him everything I knew about them or have discovered about them until that time, while they were listening to our conversations from the background and they most definitely did not like what they heard. During this period, I repeatedly told my fake son I am not going to leave this evil refugee camp and I am not going back to Germany and I want to die right here. And I meant it because what I discovered shock my entire trust in humanity and above all in the Germans and Germany not to mention the evil members of my fake family that many of them turned out to be hidden top Nazis from the Second World War, that I trusted and loved blindly but also the American governments I trusted and looked up to, and that is based on the severe brainwash that they performed upon me continuously since 1970.
2003-2013, and even though they awarded me in April 2002 an Asylum status, they forced me to withdraw it and forced me to be illegal alien again and locked me up between various jails, prisons and refugee camps between Netherlands and Germany from 1 August 2003 to August 2006. During which the German police in cooperation with the German immigration and in cooperation with the Dutch Immigration and the Dutch Police and other unknown to me were creating situations around my life to possibly make me see the Nazis in my past, but I do not know any Nazis. It looked like they were helping me, but I was and I am still locked up until today, with one different today, I voluntarily relocated to the city of Den Haag/The Hague on 1 March 2016 seeking protection against telepathy attacks and other non-telepathy attacks, that also lead to some criminal network that are most probably related to Nazis to pull out all my teeth in July 2011 and blamed it on Jewish and then continued to torture me with the bad dentures that they were giving me by the same group of people that have been torturing my life since I was forced by the Dutch immigration to live in this are between Bellingwolde and Winschoten. These dentures that they were forcing upon me did not fit at all and caused me internal mouth bleeding and a lot of pain, and this through over 20 different dental offices and hospitals between Bellingwolde, Winschoten, Scheemda and Groningen and Amsterdam in 5 years 2008 to 2013 where the Dutch Immigration forced me to live enable to force me to write down my history and forbid me to work, even though I had a legitimate work permit from the Dutch Government, but I was not able to think freely due to the severe brainwash and telepathy attacks that they were performing upon me and preventing me to sleep, which kills concentration and clear thinking.
2013-2016, I was awarded the Dutch citizenship and immediately forced to relocate to Hove, UK where my fake sister Fadia Nagar lives with her fake children Esmat Shawki, Essam Shawki and Tarek/Tareq Ali and her alleged Husband Dr. Alaa Ali that pretend to be Egyptian, but I relate him to the family Nasser and ARAMCO. All in all, and from summer 2012 to 1 March 2016 I was forced to repeatedly relocate from Bellingwolde to Amsterdam, to Hove, UK to Kerkrade, Netherlands, to Harrow, London, UK to Assen, Netherlands and finally thinking if I relocate to Den Haag/The Hague where the Dutch Royal family headquarter and the Dutch government Headquarter and hundreds of consulates and Embassies from all over the world, then I may have at least some protection. It took me 2 years savings that was by far not enough to relocate to Den Haag.
2016-2019, living in Den Haag/The Hague I sent many apology letters to all those that were mentioned in the forced upon me website(s) called “Wanted” and I also filed several complaint letters to all responsible of kidnapping me, brainwashing me, enslaving me, rapping me and repeating the process over and over and then lock me up while forcing me to be refugee between 1961 and 2013. No response, but instead they all tried hard to cover up what they did to me by renaming companies or closing them and opening a new ones or even dissolve partnerships and start a new partnerships with a new name such as the evil municipality Bellingwedde that had partnership with the city Veendam and were terrorizing my life while preventing me to work and therewith forcing me to be under their control then changed their name, the municipality name, from Bellingwedde to Westerwolde!
In the week of Monday 3 June 2019 and while I am writing my complaint to file to the general public because the personal complaint that I filed 18 months ago was ignored I discovered new things about my past I realized whoever was trying to force me to related Nazis to my fake family were 100% right and I was wrong, I just was prevented to understand it because it is not in the interest of USA, UK, Netherlands, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan and other destructive countries in the Middle East, and therefore I also did not understand it and did not see it and did not believe in it until this week, and this I am laying out for you: there were many Nazi in the Middle East, above all the absolute top Nazis that are from 1945 and I will try my best to prove it to you. They are between Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Oman and Syria and they are 100% the cause of bombing the world Trade center to force the Americans military machinery to take certain actions, which they did, which you will see once I prove to you that some members of my fake family are hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 Second World War that faked their death, or better said the CIA and MI6 equivalent at that time faked their death and send them to the Middle East to help controlling it the Nazi style, which they also did!
If you are government or a very rich and influential person or rich and influential family, then and within one week you will be able to verify at least some of the things that are mentioned within this page.
List of suspected hidden and escaped Nazis since 1945, where I met them and where I also suspect them to be based on either business or other relatives, or stories that they told me, please note an Escaped Nazi in hiding will teach his children to be the absolute the same criminal, therefore some of these mentioned below were in 1960 and later children under 10 years old and/or teenagers under 20 years old:
1. Based on several setups in Berchtesgaden, Germany the following persons: 2 fake sisters Fadia Nagar and my fake sister Afrah Najjar and her daughter May Abokurah as well as my fake brother-in-law Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier are also hidden Nazis
2. Doubles and/or twins that are related to the hidden escaped Nazis from 1945:
2.1. My twin, named Mohamad Nuzhat Najar
2.2. My fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar
2.3. My fake sister Afrah Najjar
2.4. My fake sister Fadia Nagar
2.5. My fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi
2.6. The boyfriend of my fake mother named Mohi Sabri
2.7. Possibly also my fake niece and nephew Esmat Shawki and Essam Shawki
2.8. My fake brother-in-law Dr. Alaa Ali
2.9. My fake niece May Abokurah
2.10. My fake niece Reem Bdeir
2.11. The brother of my brother-in-law named Mohamad Alia Bdeir/Budier
2.12. There were possibly other doubles, but either I did not pay attention to them or I cannot remember them
3. Hayat Baroudi, Cairo, Egypt, Munich, Germany, Connecticut, USA, Amman, Jordan, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere
4. Fadia Najar Cairo, Egypt, Munich, Germany, Houston, Texas, USA, Amman, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Italy and elsewhere
5. Afaf Shawki/Shawqi, in Cairo, Egypt and Yemen. Mr. Shawki was a civilian international pilot and therewith went to many countries unknown to me
6. Afrah Najar Cairo, Egypt, Munich and other cities in Germany, Washington D.C., USA, Jordan and elsewhere
7. May Abokurah alias May ????=marriage name of some man named Khalid and allegedly from Iraq, Amman, Jordan, Munich, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Washington D.C., USA and elsewhere
8. Abdalghani Abukurah, Amman, Jordan, Beirut, Lebanon, Cairo, Egypt, Koln & Munich, Germany, various kingdoms in the so-called Arab peninsula, Washington, D.C. L.A., California, Nashville, Tennessee, USA and elsewhere
9. Canadian-1 Pilot in Egypt Air, Cairo, Egypt
10. Canadian-2 school friend of Mohamad Nashaat Najar, Cairo, Egypt
11. Mohamad Nashaat Najar, Egypt, Germany, USA, Jordan and elsewhere
12. Mohi Sabri, Egypt, Germany and elsewhere
13. Jürgen Möllemann, Germany and elsewhere
14. Mr. Kabani, Cairo, Egypt and elsewhere
15. Mrs. Kabani/Baroudi, Cairo, Egypt and elsewhere
16. Hani Baroudi (Kabani), Cairo, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Germany, USA and elsewhere
17. Fuad Kayat, Cairo, Egypt, USA and elsewhere
18. Amira Baroudi, Cairo, Egypt and elsewhere
19. General Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, Cairo, Egypt and elsewhere
20. Bahaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, Cairo, Egypt and elsewhere
21. Najlaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, Cairo, Egypt and elsewhere
22. Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, Cairo, Egypt and elsewhere
23. Jameelah Baroudi, never met in person, yet I was brainwashed as if I did and that is how I know how she looked like
24. Mamdoh Baroudi, Cairo, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere
25. Dr. Basam Baroudi, Cairo, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Germany and elsewhere
26. Hiyam Baroudi, never met in person, yet I was brainwashed as if I did and that is how I know how she looked like
27. Jameel Baroudi, Cairo, Egypt and elsewhere
28. Jawdat Baroudi, Cairo, Egypt, Amman, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Italy and elsewhere
29. Some members of the Tabaa, Ejlani, Kabani and other families that are also married to Jawdat Baroudi that has many hidden wives
30. Jalal Baroudi, Cairo, Egypt, Geneva, Switzerland, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Moscow, Ex-Soviet Union, Tokyo, Japan, Germany and elsewhere
31. Nawal Baroudi, the wife Jalal Baroudi, Cairo, Egypt, Geneva, Switzerland, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Moscow, Ex-Soviet Union, Tokyo, Japan, Germany and elsewhere
32. Hasan Baroudi Jalal Baroudi’s son, Cairo, Egypt, Geneva, Switzerland, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Moscow, Ex-Soviet Union, Tokyo, Japan, Germany and elsewhere
33. Rima Baroudi, Cairo, Egypt, Geneva, Switzerland, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Moscow, Ex-Soviet Union, Tokyo, Japan, Germany and elsewhere
34. 2 more daughters of Jalal Baroudi, Geneva, Switzerland, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Moscow, Ex-Soviet Union, Tokyo, Japan and elsewhere
35. Badeaa Baroudi, Amman, Jordan, most probably Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Oman
36. Suaad Baroudi, never met in person, yet I was brainwashed as if I did and that is how I know how she looked like
37. Eftikar Kheir
38. Farhat Kheir, Amman, Jordan, Oman and UAE
39. Faihaa Kheir, Saudi Arabia, Munich, Germany, London, UK, Canada, whereby Canada was possibly a lie to place her far from Saudi Arabia
40. Atef Shawki, Cairo, Egypt
41. Elweeyah Shawki, Cairo, Egypt
42. Bashieer Queder/Koueider, Cairo, Egypt
43. Jameel Queder/Koueider, Cairo, Egypt
44. 3-4 families around 20 persons with the name Queder/Koueider, Cairo, Egypt, where all of them lived in one 3 floor building
45. Dr. Lapeeb, Cairo, Egypt
46. Hani Lapeeb, Cairo, Egypt
47. Al-Jumaiee, Cairo, Egypt
48. Adel Hasan, Cairo, Egypt and Munich, Germany
49. White Dog. Albino German shepherd from the German Embassy to my fake sister, Cairo, Egypt
50. Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier, Amman, Jordan, Cairo, Egypt, Lebanon, Germany, Saudi Arabia, UAE, OMAN, Kuwait, USA and else where
51. Suhair Bdeir/Budier, Cairo, Egypt, Amman, Jordan, Lebanon, Germany, USA and elsewhere
52. Basma Bdeir/Budier alia Basma Alami, Cairo, Egypt, Lebanon, Amman, Jordan, Munich, Germany, Lafayette, Indiana, USA and elsewhere
53. Samir Bdeir/Budier, Cairo, Egypt, Amman, Jordan, Lebanon, Munich, Germany, Leeds, UK, Dallas, Texas and San Antonio California and Hawaii, USA, Turkey, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman
54. Reem Bdeir/Budier, Amman, Jordan, Munich and other cities in Germany, Lebanon, UK, USA
55. Makaram Alami and his family to Basma Bdeir/Budier, Amman, Jordan, Kuwait, Lafayette, Indiana and other locations in USA and elsewhere
56. Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier, Amman, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, OMAN, Kuwait, New York and else where
57. Essam Bdeir/Budier, Amman, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, OMAN, Kuwait, New York and else where
58. Mrs. Essam Bdeir/Budier, Amman, USA, Germany and elsewhere
59. Lena Bdeir/Budier, Amman, Jordan and else where
60. Omar Bdeir/Budier
61. Edelbi-1: Haitham Edelbi, Amman, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, OMAN, Kuwait, New York and else where
62. Edelbi-2, name forgotten brother of the above
63. Mr. Abo Maiien Malas the husband, Amman, Jordan and else where
64. Mrs. Um Maiien Malas and his wife, Jordan and else where
65. Many children of Mr. Abo Maiien Malas, Amman, Jordan, in and around Munich, Germany
66. Monsieur Faris, Cairo Egypt,
67. Dr. Farzat Baroudi, Hamburg, Germany
68. Anna Baroudi, Hamburg, Germany
69. Dr. Sami Assassa in Munich, Germany and elsewhere
70. Mohamad Sheikho and his whore Lebanese wife, Munich, Germany
71. And others that I may add later, because the very nasty side effect of brainwash is scattered thoughts and not being able to gather my thoughts
Short details over why I think that this person is either a hidden escaped Nazi from 1945, a child of a Nazi, or a collaborator for these Nazis.
1. Based on American military setups in 1970-1971 in Berchtesgaden and Chiemsee, Germany and the setups of the German immigration and German police in 2004-2006 in Schönau am Königssee by Berchtesgaden, Germany, my 2 fake sisters Fadia Nagar and my fake sister Afrah Najjar/ Abokurah and her daughter May Abokurah as well as my fake brother-in-law Seif Aldin Bdeir are also hidden Nazis, or are at least German origin |
2. Doubles and/or twins that are related to the hidden escaped Nazis from 1945, this may not be all Nazis, but they were most definitely mixing with and conspiring with Nazis in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, UAE, Kuwait, USA, UK, Germany and in other countries. Here is the main list of doubles surrounding my life and I did not notice until recently: 2.1. My twin, and possibly triplets, 2 males and one female, it was unknown to me until recently. The female name I believe first name was Leila, last name unknown to me. The male is most definitely named Mohamad Nuzhat Najar and the last name when translated it can become Najjar/Nagar/Naggar, in matter of fact when the entire name is translated can look differently, but in Arabic it has but one spelling possibility, in English Mohamad/Mohammad/Mouhamed etc., Nuzhat/Nuzha/Nuzhah etc.). He may not be Nazi from 1945, yet he did most definitely mix with Nazis in Egypt and elsewhere. His age officially 10.101952 or 17.10.1952, it is possible that they changed the birthdate, possibly only by the female. As I was taken to Germany in October 1969, the following persons vouch that my twin is me, which are the following persons 2.1.1. My fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar alias Fifi alias Battah and her husband and 3 children, at least 2 of them Esmat and Essam Shawki 2.1.2. The neighbors of my fake sister Fadia Nagar 2.1.3. My fake sister Afrah Najar/Najjar alias Afrah Abokurah and her family Abokurah 2.1.4. My fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budeir and her family Bdeir/Budeir 2.1.5. My fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Nagar/Najjar/Naggar alias Nick Naggar 2.1.6. My fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi 2.1.7. Dr. Basam Baroudi and his cousin, name forgotten 2.1.8. General Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman and his wife and his 3 adult children 2.1.9. Esmat Khodori that pretended to be my girlfriend only for this purpose to vouch that my twin is me. She was the official niece of the at that time CEO of Egypt Air. She had a sister named Jasmin/Yasmen and a brother, name forgotten allegedly died on the same day I was taken to Germany through a tram accident on 10.10.1969, but again they created many bad things on important dates as mean of brainwash, mainly on 10 or 17 October, but also on 24 December to make me feel bad which is important in a brainwash, which very much could mean that he did not die 2.1.10. And others, such as my uncles and possibly my friends or neighbors at 111 & 109 & 113 Al-Higaz street, in Cairo, Egypt 2.2. My fake brother lookalike Mohamad Nashaat Naggar that I strongly suspect to have at least 2 different lookalike, one was forced upon my life by the CIA in September 1970 and within the American military base called McGraw kaserne in Munich, Germany, and the second was forced upon my life in USA with a new name Nick Naggar, and the reason I know this criminal is the second lookalike, is because of many things, among others his name now Nick Naggar, but also and as I met him in the Kennedy Airport in New York in September 1986 and gave him a hug, he pushed me away very rough almost violently as if he does not know me and as if he saying by his action “How dare you”, and this because I never met this piece of human trash before 2.3. My fake sister Afrah Najar, disappeared in around 1961 and I was told a lie that I believed all my life, which is that she allegedly went to Jordan for a visit, during which she allegedly met someone and married him named Abdelghani Abokurah, and stayed in Jordan, which turned out to be another lie, where is that evil arrogant original one? I am not sure, my guess she went also to Yemen as a mean of scout of taking total control of Yemen just as my other fake sister did. In 1966 I was sent to Jordan on a 3 months summer vacation and was forced to believe that Afrah Abokurah is the same person as my original fake sister Afarah Najar that disappeared in 1961, among others by over whelming me with brainwash and stress and creating fake situations that they forced me to believe it is true, such as forcing me to take from Egypt a hand written cookbook by Afrah Najar and give it to the lookalike Afrah Abokurah in Jordan to force my mind too think it is the same persons, which they used an absolute similar brainwash strategy with my other fake sister Fadia Najar lookalike named Fadia Nagar, see below 2.4. My fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki. She went with her newlywed husband to Yemen in around 1962 or 1963 for a 2 years business trip, where her husband was allegedly sent to the city of Aden to train civilian pilots in Yemen. Today I have no doubt in my mind anymore that her husband returned back with another lookalike that is originated from Europe, due to her behavior, possibly originated from Italy. This mean the original stayed in Yemen as scout for future takeover of Yemen. And I have countless situations in my life thereafter that confirm this theory, and therewith it is possible that my other fake sister Afrah Najar also went to Yemen possibly also to work on the newly established newspapers or magazines, Yemen, which was behind when it comes to media, for example TV and Radio allegedly was established for the first time in the year 1975, because Afrah Najar was a TV moderator and news anchor in Cairo for at least 6 months prior to disappearing and most probably she was also working in TV somewhere in Germany, USA, UK or other country. Add to this the official children of my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar, that do not look anything, not only like her official husband Afaf Shawki, but also do not even look like her, add to this that her official husband Afaf Shawki died in a plane crash in March 1966 that he was piloting, add to this that the inheritance of Afaf Shawki allegedly went to his parents and not to his wife and children alias my fake sister Fadia Shawki and her official children add to this all other facts in this page plus the facts in the page “Kidnapping me as a child” page = you get a very nasty unclear results = lies and lies and nothing else but lies, and who knows, maybe Afaf Shawki was killed along with the Yemeni Agriculture Minister Aly Mohammad Abdou + 2 Danes from UNO that were on the same plane that crashed = They were assassinated as cover up for Yemen. In October 1969 I was taken to Germany and in 1976 I was setup to become Christian but also the German immigration or better said the Munich immigration called KVR-Kreisverwaltungsreferat set me up to lose my refugee status in Germany by forcing me to renew my fake Syrian passport because I was setup to become Christian and some of the church members were working with my fake family and the CIA and MI6 while other were trying to get my attention that members of my fake family are German origin and Nazis. Until this set up I was practically locked up in Germany and was not allowed to leave the country since January 1970 because they forced me to be a refugee, which is a lockup and nothing else to prevent me to go back to Egypt and discover my twin but also to prevent me to visit member of my family that turned out to be my kidnappers and not my family. Long story but here is the essence, I was forced to renew my fake Syrian passport through the Syrian consulate that was at that time an office within the Pakistani (=British) Embassy in Bonn, Germany. And then I was able to leave the country for a vacation to the UK to visit me fake sister but also the alleged family of the woman I was enslaved under the CIA/MI6 whore agent named Anita Disbray. I took with me a few pages that I found, which were poetry written by Dr. Alaa Ali to my sister Fadia Shawki and in the UK I gave it to her, even though she was not the same person, but I had no chance against brainwash and telepathy control, and there with my mind was brainwashed with this small trick that is the same sister as in Egypt, and since the sister in Egypt was a lookalike of the original sister that never came back from Yemen, this makes this lookalike in the UK possibly the second lookalike of my original fake sister. And what makes this situation even more odd, is that between October 1969 and March 1970 I was severely brainwash in a very vicious and violent way in one of the most hustle environments in my life, during which they associated me in the hidden with the Nazis among other my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi that I never met before in my life prior to 1968 in Cairo Egypt, but also associated me to Drug lords such as the Bark/Barq and Azrah/Azrath families in Lebanon that are related to the Bdeir/Budier and Abokurah families, in Jordan and Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and UAE, Egypt, UK, Germany and USA, whereby a couple of them are top hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 such as Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier and Abo Maieen Malas, but also related me to top terrorist of the PLO, and during this very nasty period where they forced me to be homeless between February and March/April 1970 enable to take me with deceive to the American military base McGraw kaserne for total isolation and re-brainwash, and therewith I lost most of my belongings, and luggage that were 2 suitcases, yet a couple of things that were not important to me I did not lose, because they were brainwash products and I was meant to keep my brainwashed products, because they planned it so, and these products among others were: 2.4.1. The poetry from Dr. Alaa Ali for my fake sister Fadia Najar aliasa Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Ali 2.4.2. A few fake certificates and medals that they gave me allegedly were awarded by the British organization called Freemason to my father Abdulhamid Najar that never existed, as well as a rare mountain leather outside and fur inside boots that were British made and had built in heating systems operated by a PP3 9-volt battery. This was designed to place the origin of many members of my fake family such as my evil fake mother and 3 fake sisters and fake brother far away from Germany and far away from Nazis, and I must admit it was a simple brainwash method yet very effective and I hanged on these evil fake products as if my life depended on it, in reality I was forced to hang on to them as a reminder that my origin is British, but it is not, and this not because I despise the British government because of what these criminals did to me using BP-British Petroleum and the illegal project Calypso to remove me from Germany, destroy literally all of my friendships, destroy the relation between me and the woman I loved and then enslaved me under one of their whore agents to show as if we are all Muslims from Syrian, which as you see it is all lies 2.4.3. Yet everything else including my clothing and some collections that I found of my fake brother-in-law Afaf Shawki after he died, which was an album of photos of all the races and their origins in our world and how they look like and what their traditional dress is, which included Bavarian as well as Chinses and South American. And this collection was more important to me than the above-mentioned brainwash items, yet it reminded me of Egypt, my fake sister and the rest of these criminals and that is why they forced me to lose everything, except the above mentioned brainwash items! 2.5. My fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, she had at least 2 lookalikes, one of which exchanged places with her in Cairo Egypt between 1960 and 1969. Another exchanged places with her between 11 December and 15 December 1969 in Sofia, Bulgaria another one exchanged places with her at the American military base McGraw kaserne in 1971, dates forgotten, lastly one of these evil women came twice to Germany as distraction of the CIA. MI6 and all the Nazis that were persecuting me in Germany as cover up for the Nazis in the Middle East, such as Dr. Mohamad Farzat Baroudi alias Dr. Farzat Baroudi a son of a top hidden escaped Nazi in Egypt and also married to Anna Baroudi a daughter of a hidden escaped Nazi in Egypt named Jameel Baroudi alias his cousin or even sister of Dr. Farzat Baroudi (this is how they make lookalike) and other ex-Nazis living in Germany and USA. This fake mother lookalike came in 1977 to pretend be the cause of separating me of the CIA/MI6 whore agent Anita Disbray that the CIA and MI6 enslaved me under during a severe brainwash in the American military base named McGraw kaserne in Munich, Germany between March 1970 and summer of 1972, and they enslaved me under Anita Disbray on 20 August 1970. Again, the same lookalike fake mother or another lookalike of my original fake mother Hayat Baroudi came in end 1984 to Munich, Germany as distraction of the evil BP-British Petroleum, CIA. MI6 and BND while they were brainwashing me and enslaving me under their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud on 24 December 1984 in Munich, Germany while using the illegal project Calypso as brainwash tool 2.6. The boyfriend of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi named Mohi Sabri the almost identical lookalike of the ex-German vice Chancellor Mr. Jürgen Möllemann. Even though it is mentioned elsewhere, but here it is again in short: on 10.10.1969 my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi took me from Cairo, Egypt to Frankfurt, Germany allegedly to study while she allegedly can be again with her boyfriend Mohi Sabri that disappeared in 1968 and then was found again as an alleged Asylum Seeker in Germany. And around 17:00 or 18:00 hours we met this alleged Mohi Sabri at a café in downtown Frankfurt, and I believed all my life that this was the same person as Mohi Sabri from Cairo, Egypt that was allegedly the brother of the famous Egyptian actor Samir Sabri, but it was not, it was a bit lookalike, beside my fake mother had telepathy and can force my mind to whatever she wants. This man was shorter, darker skin and I believe had no mustache, and above all he was at least 30 kg lighter. This one was around 45 kg the other was nearly 100 kg. The original was an Egyptian police Officer of the rank Major in 1968, was pale white and had a thin mustache above his lips, had the same hair style as his German lookalike and ex-German vice chancellor Mr. Jürgen Möllemann., black silky hair that is always combing it to the right while going over the forehead. During the night and while we all were sleeping on the floor in his apartment, and while I had my back turned to them, they made noises as if they were having sex, just to force me to believe it is the same person, for all I know it was only a dream forced upon me and then later during the day used telepathy to force me to think it was reality. They could have slept on the bed couch that was meant for 2, and I could have slept on the floor, but then and most probably and while I am a sleep I could not have heard them having sex, meaning they wanted me to hear them having sex. Not to mention that I was up since at least 4 am to prepare for the trip and go to the airport, because we arrived in Frankfurt just before noon maybe 11:00 hours +/- one hour, meaning I was dead tired and I would not have heard a loud music, yet I was laying there right next to these criminals and brainwasher while they either had sex or pretended to have been having sex just to force my mind to believe it is the same person. Side note no Muslim woman would ever do something like that(!!). And there with these are possibly 3 Mohi Sabri(s): The original one that I knew from 1962/63 to 1968 in Cairo, Egypt, this one on 10.10.1969 in Frankfurt, Germany and his almost identical lookalike the ex-German vice chancellor Mr. Jürgen Möllemann that died while performing his hobby parachuting and had an alleged deadly accident, whereby I strongly suspect he was murdered/assassinated because they found out he is related to the top Nazi Jameel Baroudi possibly his son, he was born in July 1945, just 2 months before the end of Second World War. But also, Jürgen Möllemann has a lot of look similarities to my fake cousin Dr. Basam Baroudi, not as much as to Mohi Sabri, yet a lot of look similarities and that cannot be coincident, while Dr. Basam Baroudi that I saw him in Germany more than I saw him in Egypt where he came to Cairo Egypt along with his cousin (name forgotten) to study medicine while his cousin study dentistry I believe in the university of Ain Shams, but not sure about the university. In Egypt and to my knowledge he was living there at least from Summer 1960 and until 1969, yet I hardly saw him, yet in Germany I saw him twice, once after I was setup to become Christian in 1976 or 1977, he allegedly came to study the language at Goethe Institute , during which I was at a weekend church course for learning rhetoric, during which bad things happened. The second time I heard that he was working for a hospital somewhere in north of Germany allegedly to get professionalized in some German medical specialty, during which I was being severely brainwashed and enslaved under the BP-British Petroleum, CIA and MI6 whore named Najlaa Mahmoud, and then in September 1986 kidnapped from Germany to USA!!!??? 2.7. My fake niece and nephew Esmat Shawki and Essam Shawki, and since I suspect that their mother alias my fake sister is only the lookalike of the first lookalike of my fake sister that went to Yemen and never left there and was replaced by another, and then I was forced to believe that the one in the UK is the same one as in Egypt, but she is not, and to make sure everyone disbelieves me and since I was forced to publicly complain and was forced to create the website called “Wanted” from 2008 to 2012, and around 2009 or 2010 this fake sister created a website through my fake brother Nick Naggar to show as if they are related while he also created a website publishing the photos of his lookalike from Egypt pretending it is him, including school photos, while I was forced to relate them unjustly to the ex-Turkish president, and this is one of their evil specialties they force their victim to attack the wrong powerful person enable to let the wrong powerful person attack their victims and make him look wrong. In short if this fake sister in the UK is just a lookalike then her children are possibly also a lookalike, or are the same from Egypt yet acting as if this fake sister is the same one as the original from Egypt, which is absolutely impossible, because the original one had 3 distinctive marks as follow: Larger eyes, deep dimples on her both cheeks, and a double tooth, meaning one tooth grew in front of another tooth, which is on the upper right side, which Esmat Shawki has something similar but not as strong as Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki. Also, none of her children that I met in the UK has nothing of their current alleged mother or from the original one, such as double tooth or deep dimple on the cheeks. This is also valid for my other original fake sister Afrah Najar that also had deep dimples on her cheeks but no double tooth, yet her lookalike Afrah Abokurah has no dimples on her cheeks 2.8. My fake brother-in-law Dr. Alaa Ali the official husband of my fake sister Fadia Nagar in the UK and as I was forced to relocate to the UK in summer 2013, and I must stress against my well to show as if my complaint has no merit. And in summer 2013, each had his own bedroom, while the official one son of both Dr. Alaa Ali and Fadia Nagar named Tarek/Tarq Ali, does not look anything like his official mother alias my fake sister Fadia Nagar, however he had a lot of look similarities like his official father De. Alaa Ali, which makes him possibly his son, but of which woman(?). He does also have behavior similarities like his father. His father strategy to cover up his telepathy capability is to act stupid and naïve. Today I strongly believe that this Dr. Alaa Ali is different than the original one I get to know in Cairo, Egypt between 1968 and 1969, among others because in Egypt he took me with him to the Heliopolis hospital several times either to emergency or on his patient tour but also while he was performing surgery, which is not allowed, but these people can do whatever they want, the question why, my answer to force my mind to believe that his lookalike is also doctor. Today I believe the Dr. Alaa Ali in the UK is not even medical doctor but rather a diplomat possibly for Saudi Arabia, and this is another strategy they often use, being a diplomat to be able to do whatever they want, and the local authorities cannot touch them. And there with these are 2 x Dr. Alaa Ali 2.9. My fake niece May Abokurah the official daughter of Afrah Najjar alias Afrah Najar alias Afrah Abokurah alias Mona alias Moni alias my fake sister. May Abokurah has a double and I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever in my mind. One of them you can find on face book with all covered head as if she is Muslim. She is absolutely not Muslim; she just helps in enslaving others to be Muslims. I know one of the most important things I learned in Christianity is not to doubt the faith of others, but here it is not about faith, how strong or weak it is, but rather about a criminal and con person that pretend to be of one religion to enslave others while making bad names for the real good Muslims. Between 1999 and 2013 I was forced to be homeless and locked up as refugee between USA, Netherlands and Germany and in particular between 2004 and 2006 I was locked up as a refugee also in Germany, because the Dutch immigration authority called IND + their permanent subcontractor called COA that houses refugees as well the CIA like organization called AIVD, which this page proves all of this forced me to lose my status in Netherlands and also forced me several times to go to Germany illegally during which the German immigration placed me in a refugee camp in a village called Schönau am Königssee, near Berchtesgaden the second headquarter of Nazis and where I also was brainwashed by the CIA and American military in 1970, during which, and now I remember the details, they placed me in a room with another Syrian, today I know that this Syrian was possibly working with the immigration, because he pretended to be sick and I had to help him because he allegedly did not speak German, and took him to a nearby hospital, the treating female doctor looked identical to my niece may Abokurah and that was no coincident, and therefore this alleged Syrian faked a sickness enable I can take him to this hospital enable they can force me to see this almost identical look of my fake niece May Abokurah, not to forget that her official father Abdelghani Abokurah studied in Germany and went on honeymoon also to Koln, Germany where at that time my fake uncle the Nazi son Dr. Farzat Baroudi was living and the family of his future wife named Anna, also a hidden daughter of Nazis were also living. Meaning and very possibly the immigration was trying to get my attention that some members of my fake family are hidden escaped Nazis from 1945, during which I was totally perplexed to be looking at a German woman doctor in this area that looked so alike of my niece that kept me perplexed for a couple of days. In short, my original fake niece had thinner lips than her lookalike, and the one on with covered head is an evil lookalike with thicker lips, just like her official family the official Jordanian royal family 2.10. My fake niece Reem Bdeir the daughter of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir. Reem Bdeir is almost identical lookalike of princess Haya of Jordan that now is married to Dubai's Ruler Sheikh Mohammed Al Maktoum. Even between the 2 lookalike is 12 years difference, yet they are from one family. Not to forget that the official father of Reem Bdeir is my fake brother-in-law Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier, where I was also setup by the German immigration and during the same week as mentioned above with May Abokurah lookalike the German doctor, and I was also confronted by an almost identical lookalike of Seif Aldin Bdeir, while shortly prior to that they placed me in prison for 3-4 months and brought for 2 days only a female prison guard that was also almost identical to my original fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki that disappeared in Yemen, better said that went undercover in Yemen along with my other fake sister Afrah Najar alias Moni that later was replaced with the lookalike Afrah Abokurah. Reem Bdeir and as I was told she was allegedly murdered by her alleged Palestinian husband, but I do not believe this fake story, I believe they planned to give Dubai's Ruler Sheikh Mohammed Al Maktoum an additional wife to make him look more Muslim and each one for these public figure is planned ahead of time often before even their birth and also planned to have a lookalike, and one of the lookalike is always the slave of the other or is prevented to know as much as the other and in this case it is Princess Haya of Jordan, because Reem Bdeir/Budier has more experience going around the world and behaving as she want to, far a way of critical public eyes, and today I know not only because they are criminals and perform many criminal acts that cannot be charged against them because they are diplomat or members of royal families or members of agencies such as CIA and MI6, where anything goes, but also because they are NOT Muslims or religious at all, they just want everyone else to be Muslim or at least religious and then they can blame everything on God that allegedly planned the life of each individual human being, which is totally absurd, because God does not contradict himself, he created intelligence and intelligence is 100% contradicting this fake theory that we human are stupid and God has to plan everything for us, maybe they are stupid, I know I am not because I have a gift of God himself, just like any other human being, which is true and the only intelligence, where hundreds if not thousands of organizations, institutions and companies are trying desperately to imitate our intelligence by creating the so called AI-Artificial Intelligence, and the only way they can succeed is when they create a human being just like us but with more intelligence than us, because this is the pattern of God or life, to give us something to learn from and then build upon it and then create something similar or even better, one example say it all: we used to riding horse now we ride bicycles, motorcycles, cars, busses, transportation or manufacturing/construction trucks or even many varieties of planes and trains. I really feel sorry for them, them meaning persons I am complaining about, because they are wasting their intelligence and acting like stupid by performing many varieties of crimes! 2.11. Mohamad Alia Bdeir/Budier the official brother of my brother-in-law Seif Aldi Bdeir. Mr. Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier has many children and also many brothers, yet I know only a hand full of them his children are: Essam Bdeir, Omar Bdeir and Lena (female) Bdeir. His brothers are: Seif Aldin Bdeir and that is the official one alias my fake brother-in-law and the husband to my fake sister Suhair Bdeir. Hidden brothers are, and this is what I suspect based on situations and pattern: Abo Maieen Malas, Jameel Baroudi, Mamdoh Baroudi, Bashier Queder/Koueider, and possibly Mr. Alami in Jordan that was in 1980s older than 60 years (first name unknown, and there are many younger Alami members, one of them is Makram Alami the husband of my fake niece Basma Bdeir/Budier alias Basma Alami) and all of them are between Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Egypt, Oman, Yemen, UK, Germany, USA and most probably also other countries. I was told in around 1984 that Mr. Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier was the CEO and/or the Chairman of the board of over 24 companies alone in Jordan, not mentioning the Saudi Arabia and the other countries, and if this is true, then he was most definitely the actual king of Jordan, Saudi Arabia and UAE. Also, in 1984 I was set up to be brainwashed as distraction of the original Mr. Mohamad Ali Bdeir, and it was like this: my fake brother-in-law Seif Aldin Bdeir made an appointment for me by his alleged brother Mohamad Ali Bdeir that at that time he was either the CEO or Chairman of the board of the Electric company in Amman, Jordan and I was told that he may have a project for me, but this was a multipurpose brainwash meeting, number one to destroy myself confidence in that none of these evil criminals was allowing me to create business in the middle east while I am living in Germany, number 2 is to cover up for one of the top hidden escaped Nazi in the Middle East, and Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier is most definitely one of these top ones along with these nasty persons: Abomaieen Malas, Mamdoh Baroudi, Jameel Baroudi and Bashier Queder/Koueider. I went to meet with him at his office in the Electric company. But it was not him. I met Mohamad Ali Bdeir at least 3 times: in 1966: at his home, where I was taken there and played around with other children, his daughter Lena Bdeir was one of these children, meaning she was around my age. Another time at a funeral gathering, I cannot recall who died, another time in a dinner party at the house of my fake sister. However, this man I met in around 1984/85 in the electric company in Amman, Jordan was most definitely not Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier that I met in 1966. This one was shorter, much shorter, as short as my fake brother-in-law Seif Aldin Bdeir around 160 cm, darker skin and a very grim face and no large stomach. The one from 1966 was much taller around 185 or 190 cm, he was overweight maybe 20-30 kg and I am guessing him he was around 100-110 kg, always with suite, his son drives him around, no chauffer/driver, always has an arrogant smile on his face, this is the kind of smile that will let you think what he thinks of himself “I am smarter than anyone else”, I cannot recall him with a grim-faced even though I spent between 30 minutes to 2 hours with him. Why would they confront me in 1984/85 with a lookalike of Mohamad Ali Bdeir(?), well, when I see what Shams Baroudi did and other also did around these times, then they were trying to hide something, which is he was through and through hidden escaped Nazi that is related to British royal family. Last but not least, on 10/11 January 1960 and after they caused me a total amnesia they placed a fake memory situation in my mind with Mohamad Ali Bdeir and the only reason they did that is to relate me to him, and the only reason they wanted me to look like as if I am related to him, is because a few days later on 15 January 1960 they took me to Cairo, Egypt as an alleged Syrian, and the Egyptian Muslims trust Nazis because they killed 5 Million Jewish, and this is a mass brainwash performed upon Muslims, and therewith they wanted me to be related to Nazis. This fake memory I mentioned also elsewhere but here it is a short version of it: I was in a city called Fardos, which is the Arabic word for haven. I have no idea where is or if there is such a city and where it is located. Anyway, it looked very advanced comparing to Syria or Jordan, it was more European style, which very much means I was brainwashed with this memory by someone in Europe or USA that used his own knowledge which was much more advanced than in Syria or Jordan. We were around 6 or 10 persons, among other my fake mother and fake sisters, and were sitting in sort of a public area where there is tables and chairs, like you often find on park places on the highway. Next to us, maybe 50 meters there was a movie theater, and I wanted to go there, but they did not allow me, then I found a big money bill on the floor and took it back to them and I said can I now go to the movie theater, and they all laughed and said yes and I went to the movie theater. I have no recollection how we get there and how we left, and since this was from before 15 January, then it was 100% fake memory. As I said they are sick people that comes up with ideas like that 2.12. There were possibly other doubles, but either I did not pay attention to them or I cannot remember them
3. Hayat Baroudi, Cairo, Egypt, Munich, Germany, Connecticut, USA, Amman, Jordan, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere. My fake mother. Suspected origin Germany, UK or USA. Has at least 2 lookalike that she exchanged places with. She and my 2 fake sisters mentioned immediately below were the first 3 that I get to know after kidnapping me on 10/11 January 1960 and then causing me a total amnesia, filling my head with fake memories as detailed in the page “Kidnapping me as a child” in Damascus, Syria, where they falsified my identity and then took me to Cairo Egypt as an alleged Syrian and as a multi-purpose Decoy. This fake mother I strongly believe either that she disappeared sometimes just before 1965 possibly to another location in Egypt or to Yemen as an alleged Syrian that was in Egypt or as an alleged Egyptian. Later on she repeatedly set me up very destructively, among others as if I come of currency falsifier family in particular US Dollars, set me up to look like terrorist, set me up to be enslaved under the CIA & MI6 whore Anita Disbray in 1970 that had at least one lookalike, set me up to be re-enslaved under the CIA, MI6 and BP-British Petroleum whore Najlaa Mahmoud that had at least 2 lookalikes, set me up to look like I am related to an ex-soviet union spy and as if I am myself is a spy, set me up many times over to be raped since I was 10 or 12 years old by men and disgusting women and many more. Since the 3 fake daughters that she had as well as 2 fake sons, one of which I am and I strongly believe that I have a twin that took my place after they took me from Cairo, Egypt to Frankfurt and then to Munich, Germany in 1969, and that other fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar that I suspect to be from the UK and was forced upon my life as my brother in around 1966 where he was later 100% replaced by another man named Mohamad Nashaat Naggar that calls himself Nick Naggar in USA and was forced upon my life by the CIA and MI6 in around September 1970 in the American military base McGraw kaserne in Munich, Germany, where they performed many brainwash test to see if I recognized him as British and if I recognized others as related to King Hussein and many other test, that I did not understand at that time, while my other 2 fake sisters are 100% Europeans and I suspect both of them to be German from a German Nazi family from Germany. While the Mohamad Nashaat Naggar disappeared of my life in 1982 and was introduced to me as Nick Naggar in USA in September 1986, and through his behavior towards me, he was either a third lookalike or one very angry, nasty, and a scared person to be discovered as not only using fake identity but also to be related to hidden escaped Nazi from 1945. This fake mother named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi also has at least 3 brothers that are escaped Nazi from 1945, which are Mamdoh Baroudi, Jawdat Baroudi and Badeaa Baroudi, and 2 of which I strongly suspect them to be related to 2 major industry families in Stuttgart, while she always confirm new comers identities even though she does not really know them, such as my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar, Monsior Faris that became a very famous tailor for actresses in Cairo, Egypt, another couple of families that I do not know their names, but also existing British/American families that were in the Egyptian government such as the alleged Sudanese Dardiri Ahmad Ismael and General Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman that 30% German, 30% American and 40% British origin, but also and lastly covered up for Mohi Sabri alias her boyfriend from around 1961/62 to the last time I saw him in 1968 and later created a very deceiving brainwash situation in the evening of 10.10.1969 in Frankfurt using another man that had totally different look, different hair, different skin color, different height and different everything else and forced me to believe that he was Mohi Sabri from Egypt, while later after the year 2000 I discovered that Mohi Sabri from prior to 1968 was almost identical look to the German ex-vice chancellor Mr. Jürgen Möllemann, that was officially dead through parachute accident, but somewhere I read it is suspected that he was murdered possibly because he was a son of a hidden Nazi from the Middle East. And not only that Mr. Jürgen Möllemann looks almost identical to Mohi Sabri, but also his head shape, and facial features and body that are a strong similarities to my fake cousin Dr. Basam Baroudi that I suspect to be the son of a very destructive man named Mamdoh Baroudi that is a member of a very destructive biological Nazi brotherhood from Germany and elsewhere such as Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier, Bashier Queder/Koueider, Jameel Baroudi, Mamdoh Baroudi and others as listed below |
4. Fadia Najar 4.1. Fadia Najar Cairo, Egypt, Munich, Germany, Houston, Texas, USA, Amman, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Italy and elsewhere. I strongly suspect her to be German Nazi teenager because I was severely setup between 2004 and 2006 by the Dutch immigration in cooperation with the German immigration and the police to see the following persons lookalike as if they were either cousins or even sisters of children of the following persons: 4.2. In Stadelheim prison, Munich, Germany a lookalike policewoman 4.3. I was forced to live in a refugee camp in Schönau am Königssee in South of Munich right next to the city Berchtesgaden one of the second world war favorite Nazi area, where in autumn 1970 the CIA and the American military was continuously testing to see if I recognize certain things, such as British, Americans, Short people like King Hussein and many other test and several of them were 100% about Nazis in that they took me on a trip to Chiemsee and to the American military base in Berchtesgaden and kept on telling me the story of the Nazi and that this American military base was used by the Nazis and Adolf Hitler. To make it short and between Mai 2004 and August 2006 I was forced to keep leaving Netherlands and to Germany, where they arrest me and perform some brainwash stuff and bring me back to the Netherlands, where they perform similar things and then force me to leave back to Germany and this went on for maybe 10 times during which I totally lost sense of time and was totally traumatized, however and in short they forced me to see the followings: 4.4. Italians in my past, mixed with Mafia that are mixed with hidden Nazis from the second World War 4.5. A very strong lookalike of my fake brother-in-law Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier in Berchtesgaden 4.6. Must have been either end of 2004 or sometimes in 2005. May Abokurah almost identical lookalike, I was forced to have a small accident, that required me to go to the hospital, the treating doctor was a German lady that looked almost identical to my fake niece May Abokurah that officially lives between Saudi Arabia and Washington D.C., USA and Amman, Jordan. I was so confused being in presence of this woman doctor that I know that she is identical look to my fake niece, but she is not her, I was stunt and did not know what to think until after 2008 4.7. I believe this was between around 20 or 23 December 2004 and 3 April 2004, and this I know for sure because I was arrested just before Christmas and in Jail they had an unusual Christmas celebration, never seen something like that in prison before. And they released me of Jail the following day after the Pope John Paul II died on 2 April 2005. I was in this jail twice. Both for the same reason, to visit my son that turned out to be not my son, but rather and most probably an agent. I was forced to leave the Netherlands and go to Germany as an illegal alien. And went to visit my son Abdulhamid Najar, not knowing yet first he is not my biological son and he is not even the same person that I was forced to raise between 26 March 1986 (until September 1986 I was still in Germany) and 1999 in Houston, Texas, USA, today I know it is a different person that has telepathy and pretend to be socially handicapped. He was allegedly living in a refugee camp in a city called Neuburg an der Donau, Germany. I was staying at his room in a refugee camp. His room had 2 floor bed, possibly it had 3 beds, I cannot recall, but he was alone in that room, most probably he was not a refugee, I strongly suspect him not only not to be a refugee but possibly a lookalike that the BND, CIA or MI6 found and were using against me since at least 27 December 2002 and very possibly since September 1999. Anyway, I was there for around a week or more, and I believe I was still under the evil influence of the brainwash that the Dutch immigration performed upon me between 11 February 2001 and April 2004, and would not stop talking about my evil fake family because constantly I discover something new, and do not know how to deal with it and that is why these nasty government locked me up for so long. Anyway, I believe on 20 or 23 December 2004 at 6:00 o’clock in the morning and the police came knocking only on the door of my fake son and then arrested me. And placed me in prison right next door to the refugee camp. I was there 4 months, during which my son never came to visit me, except once and empty handed, usually you take something with you for the prisoner, such as a pack of cigarettes, fruits or a box of sweet or something salty, which can cost starting 50 cents, yet he brought me nothing in 4 months locked next to him 5 minutes’ walk he visited me only once. Today I know they were suing him to see what I think and accordingly perform some setup or another. And here is the biggest setup of them all: the priest in the prison, that came at least once a week and invited whoever is interested to a joint meeting, today I believe those 4-6 that attended were most probably selected. This catholic priest treated me extra nice, I was totally traumatized since at least September 1999 and was totally overwhelmed with all the setups, brainwash and destruction upon my life not to mention I am locked up in prison to force me to be thankful for USA where I was 100% locked up as an illegal aliens with no rights what so ever for 15 years, while being enslaved under a BP-British Petroleum, CIA and MI6 whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud that was more than disgusting that had telepathy and totally destroyed my logic since 24 December 1984, that was recently rebuilt with the help of the Evangelical Lutheran church in Unterschleissheim, Germany and Siemens AG, where both I strongly believe went above and behind the usual to help me build a sound logic. Back to prison in Neuburg an der Donau in Germany. The catholic Priest told me that he was an Air Force pilot and then he quit and wanted to work as a catholic priest, but he was married and already had children and Catholic Priests are not allowed to be married, and therefore allegedly the pope himself gave him permission to become either the first or one of the first married man to become Catholic priest. I am writing many details enable you, the reader can understand. Also he often praised that some of the things he and his church uses to burn and make nice scent they allegedly especially order from Oman, because allegedly it only grows on trees in Oman, which I never heard before, yet, I was at that time forced to take his word for it, because I was not able to think, because one or many were 100% persecuting me with telepathy and I had a lot of conflicting thoughts, because and since 1999 I started to recognize telepathy and started to monitor my own thoughts to understand what is from me and what was forced upon me. A couple of years later I understood what happened in that prison, which also confirm that this fake son is just a lookalike of the original and is working with the German and/or Dutch government or both. Best if I list my own conclusions: 4.7.1. First this priest was bringing too many subjects from my past as highlighted below 4.7.2. His look was so strong like Jameel Baroudi and Mamdoh Baroudi, that he could be one of their sons or cousins, or they have a joint grandfather or great grandfather relatives. His look alone confused the life out of while either shortly before that or shortly after that I was forced to see the almost identical look of May Abokurah as mentioned above, and therewith they were trying to get me to understand who my fake family is and that is fact, among others by using a lookalike of my original fake son 4.7.3. As he said he was an Airforce pilot, I just know of hand 2 Air force pilots, but if I think harder there was around 5 of them that I met only once or twice in 1960 or 1961 and they claimed to be Syrian pilots serving in Cairo, Egypt during the so called Syrian Egyptian Union that broke, it was from 1958 to 1961 and ever since it broke I was forced to be refugee until 2013. And these Syrian pilots that I get to know and all of them lived in one building, and as far as I recall one of their friends was an Egyptian military man that allegedly won a championship swimming the British-French channel. In other words, these five or more allegedly Syrian pilots were most probably also hidden and escaped Nazi pilots mixed with British and Americans and controlling Syria and using it to bring more and more influence into Egypt using the fake family schemes as repeatedly mentioned within my complaints, and therewith this priest knew about me more than I knew about myself and he was trying to remind me where I came from, but I still do not know 100%, because they caused me a total amnesia on 10/11 January 1960 or earlier 4.7.4. Reminding me with Dr. Basam Baroudi a hidden Nazi teenager in 1960 that came to Cairo, Egypt with his alleged cousin to study medicine while his evil cousin was studying dentistry and I maybe saw both of them between around end 1960 to October 1969, maybe 5 times at the most = not my cousins 4.7.5. Reminding me of alleged relatives that are in Oman, such as Bdeir/Budier, Kheir and other evil family that forced me to curse life itself. 4.7.6. Forced me to link Catholics to my fake family and the second World War, and as far as I recall he talked with me once or twice about Second World War 4.7.7. Forced me to link European and American Businesses to my fake family 4.7.8. Said something about Bulgaria and I tried to see any relation to Bulgaria and discovered that my fake mother exchanged places with another lookalike in Sophia which made her look like an ex-Soviet agent and I am allegedly also an ex-Soviet agent, but in reality she was British or American agent on a routine exchange with a lookalike for personal and confidential briefings, they just adjusted the date to be when I am in Sophia to force my mind to think I am related to the ex-Soviet Union while forcing others who are monitoring me such as Secret Service or German BND due to the set up on 11 October 1969 where they pushed me into carrying several hundred US Dollars bills that tuned out to be fake and I was arrested for a few hours and then released and I strongly suspect that that bitch and evil woman that pretended to be my mother wanted that the CIA take over my life for this incident but it was not enough and she took me back to the Middle East, set me up to look like I am related to PLO, to Drug lords and to Nazis and brought me back to Germany, then the CIA took my life over. 4.7.9. And others, but you get the idea someone is trying to cover up and other either trying to get me to understand or pretend to get me trying to understand, I cannot decide, because in any of the cases I am locked up and stock in my life and cannot advance in life due all these unfair and unjust man planned and made lockups as a result I am now almost 68, and who knows maybe I am 5 years older or 5 years younger, because these evil people falsified everything in my identification, also and above all my age, by creating a brainwash scheme that my birthday is on 17 October but in Syria allegedly they did not accept my age for the school and I had to wait another year for the school or they falsify my age to 10 October and making me one week older, which is a mind trap, and I will think if this is my false birthdate then my real birthdate is the other one and cease to think about the subject, today I know for fact I am either much older or much younger by maybe 1-7 years. 4.7.10. All the above is through one pastor in one prison=controlled environment 4.7.11. And therewith they were using me to expose the Americans and British and what they do in the Middle East in the name of Europeans, but also what they are doing in Germany, and in both cases they are performing a mass brainwash in the Middle east by helping thousands of Nazi to control the Middle East by forcing them to trust Nazis because they mass killed and mascaraed Jewish people, 5 Millions of them during at least the second world war, and then placing Israel in Palestine and make them look as the aggressors, where these Nazi help them by among others creating PLO in 1960 through Yasser Arafat as distraction of their selves, while pretending to be hiding of American and British that placed them there in first of all, and this page and my entire complaint pages are the prove. While simultaneously creating mass anti-Nazi propaganda to scare Jewish and remind them of what the Nazi did to them, where some of them knew that persons like Jameel Baroudi real identity and really thinking we must defend our self and built an atomic bomb which they did in 1970s by hijacking a ship and stealing the uranium=fear is a very effective weapon to use people against each other, I know that because I took the time to study myself while comparing those who created constant and uninterruptible fear in my life since 1960 and until current in 2019 and what they did to other people, such as Jewish and Palestinians and therewith each evil government of these Nazi fake Arabs from Oman to Saudi Arabia to Egypt to Syria and Iraq blame everything on Israel to keep people busy and as distraction of the hidden slavery they were systematically pushed into by using among others visible and very destructive fear! On the other side all these movies they make about Nazi it shows they are still beating on poor Germans that had nothing to do with second World War or even create on purpose a few small Nazi the so called Neo Nazi to keep the fear a life, which is totally unproductive and very destructive, especially when a man like myself is going around and calling people Nazi and does not know why, but now I know brainwash is a very powerful and destructive and filthy slavery tool that is and until today still is being used by the alleged best and biggest democracies of the world: USA, UK and it is hidden kingdom from Canada to Argentine and from Hong Kong to Singapore and from the UK to Gibraltar and from Oman to Saudi Ariba, UAE, Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia, South Africa and many other. They do not know when to stop. Enough is enough, you are already the filthiest rich people in the world so you can say “I filthy rich”, and I will answer you “You are filthy, period.”! 4.8. The German immigration police gave me a copy of my deportation page, and I did not really look at, however after 2008 I looked at it and discovered that the photo on that page was not me, it was from another person that had a lot of similarities to me, during this period of time I was around 70 kg, and the person in the photo was over 100 kg, I was forced to gain weight after 2008 4.9. And therewith they forced me to notice that there are lookalikes and therewith I started to examine the behavior and the situations with or of persons I knew and discovered so many lookalike, for example May Abokurah has a lookalike that has whiter skin and thinner lips and think of herself as a God because she has telepathy, and I never ever saw her in an Islamic clothing, while she places a photo on her profile on Facebook with the so called higab, cover her head and neck while showing only the face, which really change the look dramatically as you will see in the photos below of Mrs. Shams Al-Baroudi a famous Egyptian actress that was forced to cover up her head and pretend to be Muslim as distraction of her hidden and escaped Nazi father named Jameel Baroudi and she covered herself only a few months after I was sent to Egypt in 1982 through a blackmail setup that I did not notice at that time, where I was severely attacked by telepathy and was not able to succeed, while the immigration police held me for hours at the Airport in Cairo, then they apologized and said sorry through your look we thought you are someone else, which was maybe a hint on my twin! This was in March/April 1982, and in September 1982 Mrs. Shams Baroudi cover herself and pretend to be all Muslim, where she is a daughter of a German Nazi or a hidden English royalty, but based on her look, she 100% could be one of the hidden Adolf Hitler’s daughters! 4.10. With all the above and much more I did not write, I had to examine my past and see why these immigration police are planning and showing me all that, at the begin, I thought of it as a scam to force me to be against my family, but then I realized these people have performed so many damage upon me, and in no way a brother or a sister or a mother or a cousin or an uncle and other relatives will perform something nasty to one of them, especially if they are Muslims, because Islam builds on family and brotherhood. Then I also realized that most probably these fake mothers and 3 fake sisters knew my biological family and they were using me to black mail them while the CIA, MI6, BND were sometimes helping them, and other times are protecting them 4.11. This fake sister I guess 1 of 2: 1-She went to Yemen in around 1962 as the wife of the pilot trainer Mr. Afaf Shawki, and very possibly she never came back from Yemen, but rather she was in around 1964/65 replaced with another lookalike that was Italian origin, that suddenly eat Mortadella (Italian cold cut out of Pork), Eat only Italian Cheese, even though the Egyptians had very good cheese variations, and buy all that only from Italian supermarket in Cairo, speaks a few word Italian, teaches her children. to call her Mino and so on, and this one then relocated to the UK sometimes allegedly in begin of 1970. 2-She Never Left Egypt in 1970, and either the original one or her lookalike took her place in Egypt and they introduced me to a total new 3rd lookalike that lives or has a second residence or a shared residence or a temporary rented residence that keeps on moving all over the UK, from Hall to North London, to East London to Hove and so on, possibly each of these housing is a different lookalike, in any case the one I saw last in 2013 in Hove, UK, was and most definitely not my original fake sister from 1960 to 1965 or even to 1969, because this one from 2013 has at least the following points and different facial features: A-very small eyes like the Italian prime minister until 2011 named Silvio Berlusconi. The original one had larger eyes. B-The original fake sister had 2 very deep dimples on her cheeks, this one does not. C-The original had on the right side of her jaws a double tooth, meaning one tooth grew in front of the other, this one does not. D-the original was more outgoing than this one. E-Her 2 children Essam and Esmat Shawki, do not look anything like their father, where I also saw their alleged grandparents and alleged uncles, therefore I suspect and very possibly Afaf Shawki was murdered along with others in a plane accident that he was flying over Sinai in Egypt, among others to raise these fake children under his name. F-Her alleged 2nd husband I strongly suspect him to be another person than the one that is now with her, among others because and while I am visiting them he always pretends to want to call his mother in Egypt and he cannot live without her, and even pretend to be crying, while I know he has telepathy, because he pretend too many times, and I also suspect the current Dr. Alaa Ali is not a medical doctor, while the original in Cairo, he took me with him many times to the hospital and to attend a surgery that he was performing to force my mind to think that he is a medical doctor, and that one in Egypt was, this one I have my doubts, I believe he is a crook that has diplomatic immunity and is related to the Naser family and the CEO of ARAMCO
5. Afaf Shawki/Shawqi, our neighbor in Cairo, Egypt at 111 Al-Higaz street apartment 7, next to Heliopolis hospital, later my brother-in-law. Mr. Afaf Shawki was a civilian pilot working for United Arab Airlines (today it is named Egypt Air). Friday 18 March 1966, at 18:40 hour, United Arab Airlines (today it is Egypt Air), flight number 749 crashed near Cairo International Airport while was piloted by Mr. Afaf Shawki. 30 persons died among others the Yemeni Agriculture Minister Aly Mohammad Abdou + 2 Danes from UNO. Is his death coincident or man planned and performed killing? You decide based on the facts within this point, the facts mentioned in the above and below points! Facts: 5.1. The name Shawki when translating it to English can be translated in different variations such as Shawki/Shawqi, Shawci, Schaouki, shaowqi and so on, yet honest people from one family will always insist on writing the last name in the same way, criminal like to hide and create variation of the name such Najar, Najjar, Nagar, Naggar, Naajar and so on 5.2. Mr. Shawki was our neighbor living at this address when we moved in, in around 15 March 1960, he had an apartment mate, an alleged Canadian pilot, skinny and tall, maybe 180-190 cm, dark blond with blue eyes. This apartment mate I never saw after my fake sister Fadia Najar/Shawk/Nagar get married to Mr. Shawki in around end of 1961 or begin of 1962. My sister then moved out and lived at the following address with her new husband: 11 Al Shahid Kamal Al Fasakhani, Almazah, Cairo, Egypt, whereby the number can be plus/minus 2 numbers. The Canadian never came to visit them at their new apartment, in matter of fact he totally disappeared. 5.3. In around 1966, my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar, that I never heard of before, they claimed he was raised in Amman Jordan by my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier, but I think it was a lie and he was a new MI6 agent or CIA agent and very possibly he was also the son of king Hussein of Jordan. He was not brotherly at all, he suddenly had a friend from his school San (=Saint) George, that was Canadian, yet looked like as if he was the hidden brother of Shams Baroudi or her cousin. This Canadian was around 18 years old lived in an area called Zamalek, where also my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi lived for 1 year around 1960/61, where his ex-wife also lives and his son Hani Baroudi, where today I know it was a second residence and that they were hidden escaped Nazi from 1945 living in Saudi Arabia and have a second residence in Cairo, Egypt. Not to forget that my fake brother moved to live alone as a high school student and had a housekeeper and going to an expensive Catholic school, while they placed me in a very bad public school, and in around September 1970 the CIA had me totally under their control in their own controlled environment called American military base McGraw Kaserne in Munich, Germany, during which they brought a lookalike of my original fake brother and forced me to think that this is my brother from Egypt, to force me to cut all my connections with Egypt, where also my fake sister Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Najar alias Fadia Nagar pretended to also have left Egypt as well everyone else that was at one time or another living in the same household as me, which turned out to be all lies 5.4. I strongly believe that the Shawki family had 2 hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 that lived with fake identities as Shawki family member, these 2 a male and a female named Atef Shawki and his alleged sister Elweeyah Shawki. These 2 totally fit the profile of the hidden escaped Nazis from 1945, which is they do not look anything like the Shawki parents, which were Mr. Hamid Shawki and his wife I believe her name was Awatef Shawki, and both of them were short and darker skin, darker eyes and darker hair same as their son alias my new brother-in-law the pilot Afaf Shawki, but these 2 Atef and Elweeyah Shawki had whiter skin and blue/grey eyes, they hide and do not mix with others, never visited their brother and his wife alias my sister at their home, even though they lived less than 1 KM = 10-15 minutes’ walk or 2-3 bus stops. These hidden escaped Nazi from 1945 named Atef and Elweeyah Shawki lived in the same building as their alleged parents, which was also owned by their alleged parent’s the address was either the following street or a street next to it: 5 El-Khalifa El-Mansour, El-Nozha, Cairo, Egypt, it was close to a movie theater in an area called Safier between the Al-Ismailia square and Triumph square 5.5. The alleged children of Afaf Shawki alias my nephew and niece Essam and Esmat Shawki, looks nothing like their father. Essam Shawki look identical to my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi that I strongly suspect to be hidden escaped Nazi from 1945 originated most probably from a very influential industrial family in Stuttgart. If Mr. Afaf Shawki did not die in 1966, then he would have most definitely recognized that because Essam Shawki is not the son of Afaf Shawki, and since Afaf Shawki was an impatient and violent man, then he would have most probably killed his wife alias my fake sister Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Najar alias Fadia Nagar, and possibly also this fake son, and since my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi is a hidden escaped Nazi and Saudi Arabian member of the Saudi Royal family and he hides his children, then he would have most probably went on a killing spree among other his fake brother and sister Atef and Elweeyah Shawki. Not to forget that my fake sister Fadia Nagar that today lives in the UK is not the same Fadia Shawki from Egypt, because the one from Egypt had 3 distinctive features that the one in the UK does not have: very deep dimples in both of her cheeks, has on her upper right side of her teeth 2 teeth on top of each other’s, has large eyes, which makes my fake sister in the UK an imposter. (Added on 01.09.2019) On top of that, her alleged husband Dr. Alaa Ali that I knew in Cairo, Egypt since around summer or autumn 1968 and while we were onetime on the tram, somehow I was forced to burn one of his hands with a cigarette very viciously, possibly it was the right hand, which burned the skin and the hair root, I never saw this burn on the UK Dr. Alaa Ali, possibly someone with telepathy knew their scheme and wanted to help me by marking this Dr. Alaa Ali and so with I will miss it after 1970, but through the brainwash that the CIA performed upon me and enslaving me under Anita Disbray that had telepathy and would prevent me of recognizing anything, I just forgot it and get used to the new Dr. Alaa Ali to be without burn on his hand. On the other side me be the Dr. Alaa Ali in Cairo had telepathy and forced me to burn him with the cigarette to force to feel very bad or to get my attention that the mark on my upper left leg is man-made burn as it visible in the page “Twins, lookalikes and doubles”, I do not know exactly, it is just most odd along with all the other odds things around him, his alleged wife alias my fake sister and me! (End of added on 01.09.2019) 5.6. Afaf Shawki inheritance, as Mr. Afaf Shawki died in 1966, he was in process of building a 2 floor house, and it was to 70-80% complete, only the electricity, doors, inside and outside painting and other small things were yet to do. In any country in the world, when a man dies his wife and children inherit his property, yet I was told that the court gave all his property to his parents, which can mean several things as follow: 5.6.1. They lied to me and my sister get the property 5.6.2. Since my fake sister went with him to Yemen and I strongly believe, she stayed in Yemen while another lookalike took her place and this possibly with the knowledge of the Shawki family and that is why they made a show and then gave the property to his parents 5.6.3. My original fake sister and her children still living in Egypt and in this property and they just told me a lie about losing the inheritance as an excuse that they have a lookalike live in the UK and not in Egypt and this since 1970 5.7. Mr. Farid Shawki/Shawqi, a very famous Egyptian actor is possibly related to this family Shawki or he is the son of one of the hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 and also used the name Shawki, especially because of the following facts: 5.7.1. The famous Egyptian actor Samir Sabri is the alleged brother of Mohi Sabri the boyfriend and/or husband of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi 5.7.2. The famous Egyptian actress Shams Baroudi is officially my cousin, yet she is my fake cousin, but also she is the daughter of Jameel Baroudi a hidden top escaped Nazi that always have had love to movies and making and investing in movies and now he lives among others also in Cairo, Egypt and heavily invested in the Egyptian movie market since 1945 while the very famous Egyptian actor Farid Shawki started his carrier in Egyptian movie market in 1946, while the also famous Egyptian actress alias my fake cousin Shams Baroudi was born on 4.10.1946, meaning her mother was already pregnant with her in Germany and during the end of Second World War that ended on 2.9.1945, one month before her birth 5.7.3. The famous Egyptian actress and singer named Asmahan Al Atrash the sister of the very famous Egyptian actor and singer Farid Al Atrash, she not only sang about Austria, but she looks German or Austrian and nothing like Arab. Officially she and her brother are allegedly Syrian Druz, yet her brother is shorter than her, and she has blue or green eyes, he does not, and the reason I am mentioning them, is because Mohi Sabri took me once to the penthouse of Farid Alatrash that was located in the high rise named Farid Al Atrash building in an area called Dokki/Gizah. His penthouse was at the top floor and had a big fountain in the living room. Mohi Sabri had a key and I never knew why he took me there nor how come he had the penthouse key, Farid Al Atrash was not present. Today I know that Mohi Sabri was 100% related to the ex-vice German chancellor Jürgen Möllemann that allegedly had a parachute accident and I believe he was eliminated because he was related to Jameel Baroudi. Jürgen Möllemann look almost identical to Mohi Sabri, except Mohi Sabri had brown or possibly black eyes, bleached white skin and the same hair style, except the mustache was slightly different. But also Mr. Jürgen Möllemann had a lot of face similarities to my fake cousin Dr. Basam Baroudi the son of Mamdoh Baroudi a hidden escaped Nazi from 1945 and looked almost identical to Jameel Baroudi except that Mamdoh Baroudi had brown eyes and was at least 10-20 years older than Jameel Baroudi in 1960/61 5.8. In around 1968 the German Ambassador gave my fake sister Fadia Shawki a very rare albino and well-trained German Shepherd dog as a gift and for protection to the children. The dog died a week or 2 later while saving the 3-4 years old Essam Shawki of being ran over by a car. The question here is: Why would the German Ambassador give my fake sister this very expensive dog? I have no answer for that, except and while I was forced to be unjustly locked up between jails, prisons and refugee camps between USA, Germany and the Netherlands, the German police performed many setup to force my mind to link members of my fake family to Germany, and one of these members they wanted me to recognize as German is my fake sister Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Najar alias Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Ali, in that and while I was in prison called Stadelheim in around 2004, they brought a police woman for a 1-2 days only as a guard in the section I was locked up in, and she looked to 80% like this fake sister, and this was one of many other setups performed by the German police
Are all the above coincident or are they all man planned because they are all related. I know for sure if Mr. Afaf Shawki is a live today, then he would have and most probably committed at least one crime and possibly several crimes against my fake sister, her fake son and his own fake brother and sisters Atef and Elweeyah Shawki because Essam Shawki is 100% not the son of Afaf Shawki, nor is Esmat Shawki, they are the children of hidden escaped Nazis that are living in Saudi Arabia and have a second residence in several countries among others in Saudi Arabia. Egypt, UK, Germany, USA and others
6. Afrah Najar Cairo, Egypt, Munich and other cities in Germany, Washington D.C., USA, Jordan and elsewhere. This one disappeared in 1961 and claimed to have gone to visit her sister in Jordan while giving birth to Reem Bdeir/Budier, whereby Reem Bdeir is a very strong lookalike of Princes Haya of Jordan, even though Princes Haya is around 12 years younger, yet with little make up they look identical, facial wise as well as body wise. This is what these people do, create a lot of lookalike for the benefit of one or the other. Afrah Najar received a job as a TV moderator in Egypt, and I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that the Egyptian TV was built by Americans, because of the one reason only: they had 24 hours American cartoons during the test period, which very much makes Afrah Najar a new immigrant to receive this TV job, where is she from I do not know, but the possibilities are limited: USA, UK, Germany and this because of the one fact: I was surrounded by hidden escaped Nazis in Cairo, Egypt and in 1967 also in Amman, Jordan that were 100% protected by the CIA and MI6 that persecuted me all my life, brainwashed me and enslaved me under one of their whore agents that kept me isolated all of my life with the exception of the period between January 1976 and 17.10 1984, where I was setup to become Christian, my guess by my fake family in cooperation with the CIA, MI6 and BND and possibly also German Police, whereby each one of these 4 brainwash partner had a different agenda with me, German police to catch criminals as you can see the page as full of crimes, and they noticed that I had an absolute destroyed and unusable logic and therefore they surrounded me with some agents in the church that forced me to read the bible and understand it, that helped me build a basic logic, later Siemens AG built on that and forced me to get a stronger logic. During this period of time and while I was still living in the city of Unterschleissheim, where the church was located and suddenly I was not isolated any more, and some church members created many situation to force my mind to understand crimes, Nazi and how Christian are, how Jewish are and how Muslims are, among others by creating a workgroup that does only that, and therewith these Germans were trying 100% to get my attention to Nazis and organized crime, but I did not see it, because then I was severely attacked from all corners, from telepathy to performing damages upon me physically such as a fake sickness called parodontosis treatment that were damaging me while torturing me for around 3-4 months in summer of 1977, which was 100% scare tactic to others, while performing countless other damages to me and to members of the church, that today is forcing me to think that the church community was scared of these attacks because they noticed it, but I did not at that time, and one of the nasty things was this fake sister that came to visit me there during which her children were performing many damages, at least 2 of her official children have telepathy May Abokurah and Ghasan Abokurah, possibly also Abdalah Abokurah, where they used telepathy among others on their brother Khalid Abokurah and forced him to perform nasty things as distraction of their selves, then he was locked up since end of 1980s or so in a mental hospital in Cairo, Egupt to not have to visit him. Another very odd thing that today I understand, she asked me at midnight to take her and her 5 children to a restaurant to eat named La Torcia, but they were already closed and where cleaning up, and she asked me to knock on the door and maybe they will open for me, which I did and they indeed opened for us and cooked for us and we left at 4 in the morning, no one will do that except she and her children forced them with telepathy or they knew her and knew that these evil children are from the Jordanian royal family or even from a famous German family at least for this set up. Or she owned that restaurant. They rented a VW so I can drive them all around because they do not fit in my car. And I drove them to north Germany allegedly we were going to visit the fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi, on the way there, they kept on forcing her son Khalid Abokurah, that all of them were using as not only distraction of their selves, but also as a target practice for telepathy, and here and now I am driving 120-140 KM per hour on a German highway called Autobahn, and khalid keeps on opening the slide door that I suddenly be scared of an accident and immediately pull to the side of the Autobahn, and ask him kindly to stop that, but he would not he did that 4-5 times, which really could kill someone, and I asked his mother alias my fake sister and his other 3 older brother and sister to keep him under control and if necessary to restrain him, but they would not do that at the end I stopped near a gas station and asked to drive their selves and I went back home hitchhiking to next town and then with the train to Munich around 400-500 Km. I felt very bad about it and I though how can I do that and leave them stranded like that. Today I know these evil and destructive people, they forced me to do that and the only reason I was able to find is that they went to visit their German, British friends, because that area was at that time the so called British sector since second world war and under the control of the British, or possibly Americans that were living there, in any case they wanted 100% to visit someone and did not want me to see it. And that alone says everything, that they are hidden Nazi and criminals |
7. May Abokurah alias May ????=marriage name of some man named Khalid and allegedly from Iraq, Amman, Jordan, Munich, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Washington D.C., USA and elsewhere. This person has at least one lookalike, one of them is with thick lips like King Hussein and his son King Abdullah alias the current king of Jordan, and who know this bitch may be very well be one of his many hidden children. She was allegedly living in in Amman Jordan and get married to a refugee from Iraq that was related to the ex-royal family of Iraq, and as such the Jordanian government gave him and his family a small castle to live in, or at least a very luxury house, while simultaneously they allow the Palestinian refugees to live in slums since 1948 and again since 1967 war and again since 1972 or 73 war, without any rights what so ever. This may Abokurah performed many destructions upon my life, among others setting me up with her whore friend named Randah Mufleh, using her body to seduce my mind in that she walked in her house and in my presence as semi naked wearing see through clothing to force me to think that Jordanian women are sexy, no Muslim will ever wear see through clothing while her alleged uncle is visiting from another country, and her father allegedly burned all the cloths of his wife because they are short sleeves (which was a lie that they told me)and she performed that many times on me to try to force my mind to leave my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka. Now this bitch lives in Washington D.C. and persecute others as she did to me and her poor brother Khalid Abokurah, who knows, maybe she is persecuting some American politicians or even the president by forcing him to do stupid things, which is her and her evil family marks |
8. Abdalghani Abokurah, Amman, Jordan, Beirut, Lebanon, Cairo, Egypt, Koln & Munich, Germany, various kingdoms in the so-called Arab peninsula, Washington, D.C. L.A., California, Nashville, Tennessee, USA and elsewhere. See also the following point, also under the same name. I strongly believe that Mr. Abdalghani Abokurah is the son of Prince Oskar of Prussia (died in 1958) the son of the German Emperor Wilhelm II. The German Emperor Wilhelm II had officially 2 wives, Princess Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg (m. 1881; died 1921) and Princess Hermine Reuss of Greiz (m. 1922). The 7 children of the first wife are to be seen on Wikipedia and,_German_Emperor, yet the children of the second wife, even though they are more recent than the first wife, partially by decades, yet they are hidden and their photos are somehow nowhere to see on or Wikipedia, and I am guessing this is due to they went to the Middle East and/or their a lot lookalike children did. However, and from the photos of Prince Oskar of Prussia it is very clear that he was 100% related to Abdelghani Abokurah or even and very possibly if his father. Mr. Abdalghani Abokurah and to my knowledge studied in 1950s in Koln and Stuttgart, Germany, which place him very close to his father that died in 1958, while also being in the same city as my fake uncle the hidden Nazi Dr. Farzat Baroudi and his wife Anna (last maiden name unknown to me) were also studying in Koln and that cannot be coincident, while they are the hidden children of the hidden escaped Nazis Mamdoh Baroudi and Jameel Baroudi, see below Shams Baroudi. Mr. Abdelghani Abokurah came 4-5 times to Germany and to visit me to relate me to Nazis. I strongly believe he has a second residence and businesses in Germany that are hidden from me. Mr. Abdelghani Abokurah is the official husband of my fake sister Afrah Abokurah alias Afrah Najjar, whereby this fake sister is only the lookalike of my original fake sister Afrah Najjar that disappeared in 1961 and I strongly suspect her to have gone to Yemen as one of the preparations and scouts to take over Yemen, along with my other fake sister Fadia Shawki that also went to Yemen in around 1963/64 and never came back but rather a lookalike of her took her place 2 years later. As confirmation that this fake brother-in-law is the son of prince Oskar of Prussia, is at least the 2 setups that were used on me to get my attention to Poland, because Prussia was a huge part of north Germany and the whole way to the east including the current country Poland, which was lost during the First World War, and among others that was the purpose of the Second World War to win Prussia back. Prussia in German is Preußen/Preussen.. Many of the setups that they created around my life to get my attention to Nazis, Germans in my fake family and Prussians were depending on a logic that can set relations, however they destroyed my logic over and over again and there with I was never able to set relations between various subjects, in other words connecting the dots. Now I can. And here are some of the setups that they performed to get my attention to Prussia: 8.1. 1970-1976 I was hopelessly enslaved under the CIA agent whore Anita Disbray that had telepathy and totally controlled my mind, since she was officially British, and my prior brainwash was also based on British by relating my none existing and made up father named Abdulhamid Najar as a judge working for the British government in Sudan while giving me some certificates and medals that were allegedly awarded to him by the British organization called Freemason (in German: Freimaurer), as well as an alleged British made boots with built in battery heating system, while then in January 1970 handing me literary to the German version of Freemason called Freimaurer that pretended to be helping me because my alleged father was a Master Freemason or a Master Mason, which is officially an organization created in around 1600 to entertain the British king at that time, but in reality it is a conspiracy organization that is very highly, strongly and most effectively networked to conquer as many country as possible by using brainwash methods such as you do what we teach, then you will be highly awarded. This is all to distract of hidden and escaped German Nazis which is also connected to below that I did not realize until today 8.2. 1976 I was setup to become Christian enable to have a reason to persecute me by my fake family that pretended to be Muslims in the Middle East, in reality they are very vicious and violent British and Americans colonialist mixed with hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 that have one goal only to destroy anyone on their way to conquer the entire Middle East, from Syria and Iraq to Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Yemen, Oman, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Libya and many others. In this setup many things happen among others I was not isolated anymore and suddenly I have a lot of friends through the church. And one of these good friends was Mr. Detlev Fischer. His father claimed to be also a Freemason/Freimaurer, which very possibly true and the Freemason members possibly were trying to tell me: Despite all the documentations and medals that your mother showed us, we do not know your father, but we know Nazis and Prussians, and in this process I get to learn what Prussia is and what Nazi is and who is Nazi, among other I was setup to get to know at least 2 families from Prussia, the Fisher family that allegedly immigrated back to Germany in end 1950s or 1960s and the family Kwader that would also be pronounced as Queder/Koueider relating to the hidden escaped Nazi from 1945 Mr. Bashier Queder/Koueider in Cairo, Egypt that went a lengthy way to brainwash me as cover up for his evil identity as escaped Nazi. One of the Kwader family members became my friend named Jurgen Kwader, later changed his name to Juergen Sing, possibly to get my attention that these people also changed their name from something to Queder/Koueider. Mr. Jurgen Kwader was 18 years old in 1977 that allegedly just immigrated from Poland alias former Prussia to Germany in the last 1-2 years, meaning around 1974. He was a very smart and foregoing young man, very unfortunately and systematically my friendship with Mr. Kwader alias Sing was destroyed. Everything in this point I did not recognize prior to the year 2000 and the relation to Prussia I just recognize today 8.3. In 1978 and I was forced violently and with brainwash to relocate out of this town named Unterschleissheim to Munich, Germany to force me to leave the church. Very unfortunately my new employer Siemens AG was involved in tricking me to relocate to Munich, but maybe it was for my safety, because I was very violently attacked by telepathy and also physically tortured by a punch of no good dentist that literally lied to me and with a fake sickness, but in reality they were torturing me for at least 4 months, which I did not see it at that time as torture and threat to my safety and the safety of others, I thought it was a very sadistic sickness that I had, because it was divided in 8 treatment sessions and each session was more painful and damaging to my teeth than the other, and after each treatment I be in severe pain for at least 4-5 days and therefore also be angry and lose my temper easily at least due to the continues pain 8.4. After I was relocated to Munich, I was setup to get to know Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka, she too was Polish/Prussia origin, as far as I recall she was born in Bavaria, but her mother is from Prussia, while her mother throw her away to a Catholic orphanage home and then she was raised by foster parents named Somme from Berlin. All this has something to do with Nazis, among others because when I get to know her in 1981, berlin was in East Germany and divided in to East and West Berlin and East Berlin is belong to East Germany, which was under the control of ex-Soviet Union from 1945 and until 1989/1990, while West Berlin surrounded by Soviets was belong to West Germany that was under the control of USA, UK, Franc, Netherlands and the rest of the so called Allies of the Second World War, and therewith and with the use of Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka they get indirectly to get my attentions to Nazi through the divided berlin, and reinforce the Prussia, and above all the name Adelheid means so much as royalties, meaning Prussia Royalty, but I was not able to set any of these relations, however Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka often invoked subjects about foreigners, royalties and second world war=Nazis, but I did not set any relations because my logic was destroyed over and over again, but also I fell madly in love with Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka and sometimes love makes a person blind 8.5. Siemens AG used me as a blackmail object to get the project in Port’s Authority of Saudi Arabia, which was a turn-key project to furnish in 1978 14 Saudi ports with a centralized IT system in Riyadh, the official capital of Saudi Arabia I get my employment at Siemens AG in Mai 1978, where they were in the process of making an offer to Saudi Arabia. This project started with a feasibility study some times before Mai 1978, as far as I recall they were approached by the Saudi transportation minister because he visited the German port I believes was Bremerhaven in north Germany where they had an automated Ship container handling and the minister said I want something like that and was pointed to Siemens AG, at least that is what I was told, then they get a project of making a feasibility study (I believe including a pilot project) worth of 35 Million US Dollars, and then using me to get the entire project, and the project increased until begin of the year 2000s for more than 2 Billion US Dollars. Today I have no doubt what so ever that I was used by Siemens AG as a blackmail object to get the entire project, otherwise the project would have gone to the British consulting and management company named McKenzie, yet I was forced to leave Siemens AG as a result of this blackmail and sending me to Saudi Arabia and then was brainwashed, enslaved and kidnapped to USA by using the evil company BP-British Petroleum as cover up and distraction of the hidden escaped Nazis that control Saudi Arabia and many other countries in the Middle East and Africa, theoretically and practically, I was locked up since 24 December 1984, because when some evil whore agent take control of the mind of a person, this is much worse than a lockup , actually it is most tortures ways for a human being to be lockup, because when you are locked up, you are confined to certain housing and do not see the life any more, but when someone is enslaved, you see things that you like, love and want to have to take part in but you be prevented and this is just like giving a thirsty man an empty bottle while the other are drinking of a full bottle! 8.6. The set up to leave Siemens AG on 31.12.1981. I was forced to leave Siemens AG which is in more details in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1, here are only the related part, the company that lured me by force of telepathy to leave Siemens AG, was a subcontractor of Siemens AG and was called ADV/ORG headquartered in the city of Wilhelmshaven which is right next to Bremerhaven where Siemens AG built the automated ship container port. The owner Mr. Friedrich A. Meyer claimed about himself to be a consul of some Scandinavian country, meaning he was a diplomat as a apart time job, as if Siemens AG wanted to tell me that my evil and most sadistic Nazis fake uncles Jawdat Baroudi and Jalal Baroudi were not full time consuls of the Syrian government, but rather part time, meaning a consul does not have to me from the same country he represent, and that was something I did not know 8.7. Jawdat Baroudi the evil hidden Escape Nazi came to Germany allegedly to visit me in around Mai 1985, today I strongly believe that this evil man was from either Porsche, Daimler or Benz families in Stuttgart and these families are hidden German royalties’ alias the inventor of Adolf Hitler and Nazis. And I strongly believe that he came threating: Do not help Mohamad Nuzhat Najar else…., and this else can be from cutting economic ties to more violent terrorist attacks because they controlled PLO and later also Alkaida and whatever else comes from the Middle East just to benefit them while making bad name for real Muslims and real natives of the Middle East. Not to forget that the first time I ever saw this evil man was in around end of 1960 where he came to Cairo and had a second residence and a hidden wife named Mrs. Kabani that together had a son named Hani Baroudi the severely damaged my life in Houston Texas, USA, by preventing me to leave the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud that the BP-British Petroleum in cooperation with the CIA, MI6 and BND enslaved me under on 24 December 1984. And the second time I saw him was in summer 1966 Amman Jordan with his alleged brother Badeaa Baroudi that today I strongly suspect to be one of the children of Wilhelm II alias a brother to Prince Oskar of Prussia but of another mother which is Princess Hermine Reuss of Greiz that died in 1947 and left at least 5 hidden children, their names are known, yet not their faces, and one of these evil persons is Badeaa Baroudi that was also in Amman, Jordan in 1966, while his children performed many damages upon me in the UK as distraction of Germany but also in Saudi Arabia, which is also mentioned in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1. 8.8. And there with these hidden escaped Nazis are related to my fake brother-in-law Abdalghani Abokurah the hidden son of Prince Oskar of Prussia, and that is why his Nazi children and his official Nazi wife alias my fake sister are living between Washington D.C., Virginia and Saudi Arabia, to damage the freedom or whatever is left of it in USA while promoting persons like Donald Trump, and all this from the background and by using very destructive telepathy, not to forget that this fake sister and her official 4 children used her 5th official child named Khalid Abokurah as target practice for telepathy, which I saw myself in Jordan and in Munich and elsewhere, also in USA, and then locked him up in a mental institution far away where they do not have to waste their evil valuable time of enslaving others by visiting him. He is locked up in Cairo, Egypt, and I verified it by calling him and I really wanted to help him but and very unfortunately, and as you can see, I have problems myself with these criminals and having trouble dealing with it so I am going public because the other person to person method did not work with these arrogant ignorant criminals. Who are these persons in Washington D.C., I believe there is at least 300-500 Nazis mixed with British, yet I just know these nasty ones that each performed damage to my life, either directly or indirectly: 8.8.1. Mrs. May Abokura, her marriage name is unknown to me, yet her official husband first name is Khalid and is officially from the ex-Iraqi royalties that are Nazis and were ousted by Sadam Hussein 8.8.2. Mr. Abdullah Abokurah 8.8.3. Mr. Ghasan Abokurah 8.8.4. Mr. Zaid Abokurah 8.8.5. And above all the imposter and my fake sister and the lookalike of my original fake sister from 1960-1961 named Afrah Najar alias Afrah Abokurah alias Afrah Najjar alias Afrah (new marriage name since a few years is unknown to me) alias Mona alias Moni for Monica 8.8.6. Their uncle and his children an alleged medical doctor 8.8.7. Their attorney that helped setting me up in around 1991/1992 8.8.8. The attorney of Mr. Abdelghani Abokurah named Mr. Kalhoon or something like that, an Afro-American attorney to show as if they are not racist, but they are because many of them are hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 and the rest are supporting them to coverup the mass killing of 5 Million Jewish as well as the entire second World war which amount to over 50 Million death, whereby some country disputing this and claiming that in their country alone was almost so many killed such as between Russia and Poland. In reality no one can count the deaths of the first and the second world wars, among others because they did not have a human registry as we do have today, in other words possibly only 10-20% of the population were registered and the rest are unknown, just like the illegal aliens in USA, they claim them to be 12 Million, I estimate them to be at least 30 Million literally slaves
9. Abdelghani Abokurah, Cairo, Egypt, Amman, Jordan, Munich and other cities in Germany, several cities in UK, Nashville, Tennessee, L.A., California, Washington D.C.USA, and elsewhere. He is my official brother-in-law the husband of my fake sister Afrah Najar alias Afrah Abokurah alias Afrah Najjar alias Moni alias Mona alias I never seen this person in my life prior to 1966, she is a lookalike of my original fake sister Afrah Najar that disappeared in 1961. This woman is an imposter and therewith her official husband that helped cover up for this fact is a criminal, yet member of the Jordanian royal family while also I strongly suspect him to be the son of Prince Oscar von Prussia (in German Preussen). His below photo speaks for itself!
You can see the original photo of this Nazi under or just enter his name in google or Bing search and look at his images
Prince Oscar von Prussia alias possibly the father of Abdelghani Abokurah of Jordan, Germany, USA and other countries. Abokurah means father of forehead = large forehead
The father of prince Oscar von Prussia, the German Emperor Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor Albert alias Emperor of Germany and Preußen/Prussia Wilhelm II
9. Canadian-1 Pilot in Egypt Air, Cairo, Egypt. This man was most probably a hidden Nazi pilot from the second World War. He was our neighbor at 111 Al-Higaz Street, Heliopolis, in Cairo. Whereby we moved into this building of 2 floors and 4 apartments on each floor in around 15 March 1960. After the year 2000 I started to recognize that every single person living in this building is related to other tenants in one way or another. With the exception of one man that moved right next door sometimes in 1968 or even 1969, and I strongly believe that he was an Egyptian agent and was spying on us, because he approached me a couple of times and asked me many personal questions, which I did not pay attention to it. Anyway at least 4 tenant out of 8 tenants knew each other’s as follow, the owner of the building named Aziz lived in apartment number 8: This alleged Canadian Pilot but I am not sure for who he was working, the only thing I know for sure that he was a very close and personal friend as well as apartment mate of my yet to be brother-in-law Afaf Shawki that later married my fake sister Fadia Najar and went with her to Yemen for 2-3 years and came back with most probably another lookalike of my fake sister. What is odd on this pilot is the followings: 1-He never attended the wedding party of my fake sister. 2-I never saw him after my fake sister get married. 3-He never visited his best friend at his new apartment, which was not far at all and on the way to the main Airport and next to the main Airforce airport called Almaza. 4-He looked like as if he was a son of Jameel Baroudi, blue eyes, no overweight, extremely calm and talk slowly, and I cannot even remember if he spoke English with broken Arabic or spoke Arabic, and the absolute the same about Jameel Baroudi and his hidden brothers: Bashier Queder/Koueider, Mohamd Ali Bdeir I cannot recall speaking to them in Arabic, because I did not speak English at all and until 1969 I started to learn it. This could mean that they did not speak Arabic and that is why I was prevented to remember the time with them in that they controlled my mind, and it is difficult for 40 or 50 years old to learn Arabic. Even if they would have spoken to me in bad Arabic I would have remembered something, however and at that time I would be able to tell if their accent or dialect if they are foreigners, because my Arabic and as I get to know them was also bad due to the total amnesia that these criminals forced upon me. Last point is that these hidden escaped Nazi persons appear in my life only 1 to maximum 2 times just enough to show that my fake mother, my fake 2 sisters and my fake brother are allegedly also good Nazi people and are allegedly helping Arabs against the Jewish state Israel, which is an absolute British brainwash to force Arab and Muslim people to accept anyone who claims he is a destroyer of Jewish, and therewith they are damaging the Jewish People and Jewish state and also the Arabs, Muslims and their stolen countries that are controlled even today by Nazis and their children, grandchildren and grand-grandchildren. And there with this man is most probably also a hidden escaped Nazi which will be confirmed through the family of Afaf Shawki that harbored 2 hidden escaped Nazi with the name Elweyeeah Sahwki and Atef Sahwki |
10. Canadian-2 friend of fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar, Cairo, Egypt. This fake Canadian is most definitely not Canadian but rather the son of a hidden escaped Nazi. I get to know him through my newly forced upon my life fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar, later named Mohamad Nashaat Naggar, and later is named Nick Naggar. This new fake brother was attending a catholic school named San (=Saint) George, and I believe it was Italian catholic school. He was in this school and to my knowledge for the 3 high school years, meaning he came and claimed to have already completed junior high school, meaning from grade 1 to grade 9, and the school must have accepted it, unless he and this fake family lied to me as they laid about most of the things they told me. I cannot remember the name of this alleged Canadian, but I remember how he looks, he looked like he could have been the brother of one of these three or all of them: Shams Baroudi original photographs from 1960s, Najlaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, Anna Baroudi a German woman married to my fake uncle the hidden Nazi criminal named Dr. Farzat Baroudi in Hamburg, Germany, since these 3 women have a lot of look similarities such as the shape of their mouth which is influenced by the shape of their teeth and how narrow they are or how far out or in they are, but also other facial features and hair, meaning they are at least cousins, yet I believe they are more than cousins, possibly sisters and this Canadian if he is not their cousin he is their brother. And not to forget Shams Baroudi is the daughter of Jameel Baroudi, and he is 100% an hidden escaped Nazi under the protection of the CIA, MI6 and very possibly also BND, but also that he had another 4 daughters that were the same height and same look, long face, dark hair, white skin and blue eyes and very possibly they are quadruplets and around 5-10 years younger than Shams Baroudi, in matter of fact I strongly believe that the mother of Shams Baroudi became pregnant in Berlin, Berchtesgaden or Munich and the result is Shams Baroudi. Therefore, this Canadian is fake and is a son of one of the hidden Nazis that can marry 4 women simultaneously based on Islam and no one will prosecute them, and if they want more, they just divorce the 4, which is done in 5 minutes work and marry another 4, which is also another 5 minutes work and this is how much women means to them!
This fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar came allegedly from Jordan where he was allegedly living by my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier and I believe he is a British agent that was meant to be something in Egypt, I can be wrong I can only stick by the facts, and as he came he was nuts about king Hussein and had his photographs and posters all over our joint bed room, possibly to show as if he is really from Jordan. Anyway after around 6 months or so, he was still in the first High school grade 1 out of three, and he rented an apartment in a building opposite us and moved out, where I was told that my sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier is paying for his school, his apartment, his food, his pocket money and a house keeper to clean and cook for him, and this alone shows these criminals are not related to me in any way what so ever. I never was allowed to visit him in his new apartment. He never came back to visit us, which is very much I did not see him from at least 1968 or possibly 1967, and when the CIA and American evil military intelligent brainwashed me and enslaved me under their whore agent Anita Disbray that had telepathy and controlled my mind with it, as a side effect I had a lot of logic and understanding damage, and that is why the church and Siemens AG helped me in rebuilding a logic. And the CIA in 1970 introduced another lookalike and forced me to believe it is the same person as from Egypt, which is practically and theoretically impossible, yet I was forced to believe it because the CIA had me in their evil military base called McGraw kaserne totally under their control and they can force me to think what they want, which they did, other persons that came to visit me also in this evil military base was my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, and even forced me to get her a job as an alleged nanny for the children of an active American sergeant, and therewith they were also testing me if I relate this job to the job of my fake mother that was nothing else than a very destructive British/American Nazi bitch nanny, but I did not relate at that time. Also, my fake sister Fadia Najar that now is Fadia Nagar visited me once in this evil base, also my fake sister Afrah Najar alias Moni that now is Afrah Abokurah alias Mona alias Afrah Najjar visited me once there. No matter where I moved between March 1970 and September 1972, where I was forced to move at least 10 times (= a brainwash method to force a person concentrate on the current trouble and forget the past and what they did to me at least between October 1969 and March 1970, was also forgotten), I was always within the American military territory and surrounded by Americans but I did not know that at that time, such as Perlacher Forest and Fasanen Garten and all on the edge of the American military base called McGraw Kaserne areas. And therewith I never noticed this fake brother was only another evil lookalike of the original and his fake Canadian friend was nothing else than a hidden escaped Nazi’s son |
11. Mohamad Nashaat Najar, Egypt, Germany, USA, Jordan and elsewhere. I wrote a lot about him in the above point. Therefore, I will make it shorter. He was allegedly born on 19 November 1949, yet he has 100% a fake identity and was allegedly taken by my fake sister to live with her in Jordan in 1954 which I cannot verify, and I know it was a lie and they just wanted to make him look Jordanian and therewith Arab and Muslim. He even broke his arms once and I asked how and he said he was fighting with his friends and beating Christians in School at San (=Saint) George school in Cairo, which *I believed at that time and today I know that this was a lie, because no catholic school would ever allow something like this to happen, I know that 100% because I read the bible and understood it, and it prohibit something like that, and if it happens then they will most definitely expel him and prohibit him of ever coming to the school again or at least give him suspension, but they did not = he lied |
13. Mohi Sabri, Egypt, Germany and elsewhere. I strongly relate Mohi Sabri to Jürgen Möllemann, they are most definitely brothers or at least first cousins because of the following reasons: 13.1. Mohi Sabri get into our lives around 1962 after my fake sister Afrah Najar disappeared. He was around 165-175 cm, slightly overweight, around 85 KG, pale white skin color, thin mustache just over the lip, black or very dark brown hair, same style as Jürgen Möllemann, eye color possibly different, I think they were brown, and he was officially Egyptian police officer rank Lieutenant in 1962/62 to Major in 1968. I never saw him after 1968 13.2. Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff and for some reasons or another I relate her to my fake sister Afrah Najar that disappeared in 1961, not only the look, but also her situation being the wife of Jürgen Möllemann while Mohi Sabri was the alleged boyfriend and possibly husband Islamic way with my fake mother (=hidden way and not public only performed by a Sheikh/Priest and 2 witnesses) 13.3. My fake mother hiding her alleged marriage with Mohi Sabri of her alleged family in Egypt and suddenly she does blame our and my isolation to her marriage with Mohi Sabri that turned out to be a lie, because he was 100% member of the same family, which I was prevented to see at that time 13.4. My fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar moving out as a high school student and live in directly across the street of his alleged mother apartment, possibly they own the building to live in his own apartment allegedly because he does not like Mohi Sabri, whereby Mohi Sabri was a very likable person, even so he rapped me once, today I know someone with telepathy forced him to do that, and that can be only one member of this evil fake family, such as my fake mother, my fake sister or this evil fake brother and so on 13.5. He did not live with us permanently, he used to come live with us for a few days to couple of months and then disappear for a few months and I do not know why, he sometimes say he was on police business in another town, or possibly he exchanged places with Jürgen Möllemann, whereby they do not look identical but with a very strong similarities and with little disguise make up they would look identical. 13.6. His sister used to live right next to the Syrian pilots and other none military Syrian that all lived in one building across the street of his sister, which is the pattern of these people to live close to each other for the case of revolution or something like that, then they can protect each other’s. Cairo is very large in the 1960s had 5 Million population, in 2000 had over 20 Million population, meaning there is plenty of space why all these people live close to each other’s, the same happened in the so called Black September were Palestinians created almost a revolution in Amman, Jordan until Israel gave the king a hand by being disguised as Beduinen (Arab Nomads in the desert), the actual Arabs that live in the desert using camels and horses, how do I know that, this is what I was told while I was forced to be locked up in the American deportation prison in Houston, Texas, while I also was told that George H. W. Bush own this Prison, while I was also told in this same prison that some senator lost his son because of immigrants and ever since he worked hard allegedly to create bad laws against foreigners which are lies and brainwash as distraction of their selves. Meaning the evil CIA and MI6 that are controlled mainly by controlling families such as the English royalties and the Rockefeller families, and they 100% do not work in the interest of the general public 13.7. Jürgen Möllemann looks also a lot like my fake cousin Dr. Bassam Baroudi, which makes Mohi Sabri related to this fake family and since he is the official nephew or cousin of the hidden escaped Nazi Jameel Baroudi, and Jameel Baroudi looks almost identical to Mamdoh Baroudi (except the eye color and the age at least 10-20 years difference in 1960), the official father of Dr. Bassam Baroudi which looks also like his father, this makes Jürgen Möllemann 100% related to Jameel Baroudi, Mamdoh Baroudi, Bashier Queder/Koueeder, Mohamd Ali Bdeir and others. 13.8. In 1968 Mohi Sabri disappeared and my fake mother allegedly does not know where he is a few months later a new man came in to my life the alleged brother of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, his name was Dr. Farzat Baroudi and allegedly he is in Egypt for 1-2 years to write his doctorate work about Egypt. He allegedly studying in Koln Germany. He allegedly found Mohi Sabri for my fake mother and they told me this fake story, he allegedly went to Turkey on vacation and from Turkey escaped to Germany, where he allegedly applied for political asylum and to make this stick in my head, she took me on 10.10.1969 from Cairo directly to Frankfurt, Germany where this man allegedly lived and we went downtown Frankfurt somewhere and waited for him in a café until around 18:00 hours. When I saw him I was shocked because he totally looked different, he was shorter, had darker skin and lost at least 30 KG weight, and looked more like a very skinny man that is either shorter than my fake mother or the same height, the original was taller, white and at least 85 kg, this looks like 40-50 KG, however, I was forced to believe it is the same person. He took us to his apartment; it was a one room apartment with open kitchen in one corner and bathroom. To force me to think that this is Mohi Sabri we all slept on the floor right next to each other’s, and while I gave them my back they made noises and movements as if they were having sex and therewith and if I had any doubt about his identity then I will think that must be him because it is impossible that this whore and CIA/MI6 bitch sleep with a stranger, and so remained in my memory until after the year 2000. Today I concluded that he possibly exchanged places a lot with Jürgen Möllemann, and there with my mother pretend to be that this is Mohi Sabri as distraction of the look of Jürgen Möllemann. Not to forget that Jürgen Möllemann was not only the ex-German vice chancellor but also was officially a Jewish hater and pretending to be siding with Palestinians and other Arabs by among others establishing a so-called German-Arab society, that in reality was Nazi society. Then in Germany they made this brainwash scam for the case that I see Jürgen Möllemann in the news, because it was planned for him to be famous, that Nazi piece of trach, that goes to the Middle East and pretend to be the friend of Arabs and Palestinians and enemy of Jewish and Israel while his family is stealing the Arabs and the Muslims blindly while using PLO to destroy the lives of many innocent Jewish in Israel and in Europe, and simultaneously suppressing Palestinian and making many of them homeless, country less with no rights what so ever. I believe that is why they killed him in 2003!!?? 13.9. In December 2001 I was brainwashed and forced to leave the refugee camp in Netherlands as a mean of motivating my mind by forcing me to see what I lost in Germany enable to get me to see my fake family as the real animals as they really are, or kinder said as the wolfs dressed in sheep’s clothing, the trip was very disappointing for me and went back the same evening, all in all it took me 2 days to go and back, I believe I left on 16 or 17 December and returned on the 19 December 2001. During this trip I just saw 2 persons, that today I suspect at least one of them was an BND informant or agent, which was Mohamad Attar, while the other I just suspect due to several situations that he too works for them he was my alleged friend or even best and the only good friend that I ever had, named Detlev Fischer. Then back in the Dutch refugee camp I really did not want to go back to Germany, at least because it was illegal, and I had no refugee status yet. At that time, I was moved from the refugee camp Gilze and on my birthday 10 October 2001 to another refugee camp that was more controlled environment, Gilze had maybe up to 2000 or more refugees, while the new one in a very small village name Zweeloo had less than 200, and possibly one hundred. Later on I recognized that they moved me directly after the World Trade Center Bombing sort of shacking me and my life to expose not necessarily my fake family, but rather the PLO set up and the many hidden from me but not from the government Saudi Arabian connection in my life that I never saw because I was not able to gather my thoughts, which was a manmade design brainwash for hidden slavery, therefore and until the year 2012 I was forced to think they moved me to this new more controlled environment because of the setup that my fake family did to me in 1969/1970 and related me to PLO enable to give the CIA and MI6 a reason to control my life. Today I know it is both. I do not have an investigative office such as FBI, CIA, MI6, and that is why it took me many decades of suffering and agonies to discover what I am complaining about. Yet. Each country I lived in has these investigative agencies and can find out about me anything they want, at least within a couple of months or at the most one single year, and not like me, which is taking me over 60 years to understand some parts of my own life. Therefore, they all knew about me, I was the one that did not know; therefore, I do not see whatever they did to me as help, but rather as torture and keeping me on ice while pretending to try or even use me to blackmail some of these hidden Nazi countries such as Saudi Arabia, or even blackmail USA and UK that helped these hidden escaped Nazis to escape and integrate them in the Middle East. Today I see myself as I have been milked my entire life by criminals and other that are not criminals but not friends but rather the other side that is trying to use me against their opponents and they cannot do that if I am with their opponent! Therefore, I am laying out as it is and without prejudice!! 13.10. Last but not least about Mohi Sabri and since I today link him directly to the hidden escape Nazi from 1945 named Jameel Baroudi that loves movie business and sacrificed his own daughter Shams Baroudi to protect his own criminal ass, and since Mohi Sabri claimed to be the brother of another famous Egyptian actor named Samir Sabri, they do not look really much alike, yet they have the same hair style, both are white and both in movie business that partially and in the hidden controlled by Jameel Baroudi and his hidden biological huge brotherhood that is based on my educated guess, spans maybe to several hundreds or even thousands of brothers/sisters, half-brothers/sisters, and cousins, which possibly he was not joking, and Samir Sabri is his brother and the son of one of the hidden and escaped Nazis from 1945 and is half-brother or even cousin of Mohi Sabri, yet is a member of this new and hidden brotherhood, which makes him also a brother of Mohi Sabri even if he is a cousin, whereby the expression brotherhood means treat each other’s as brothers, which is a very old concept used mainly by royal families to control countries, until Christianity came as protection of them and created a new kind of brotherhood by following the teaching of Jesus Christ that claimed we are all the children of God, also those that are not with us yet not against us are also the children of God which gives a new meaning to hidden and visible slavery: not with me, I am a good person, just look at what I am doing publicly and if you cannot see what I am doing publicly then you will not be able to see what I am doing in the hidden and therewith you can believe in the hidden God, which is freedom for all, and that makes Christianity one of the most hated religions in the world that everyone is trying to destroy it also the military by forcing priest to give blessing to killers such as Nazi soldiers or in general military soldiers which is strictly against Christianity! 13.11. Sorry I get sidetracked, but this is how a Christian gets angry!
14. Jürgen Möllemann, Germany and elsewhere. I wrote enough about him under Mohi Sabri. All I can say is that he was 100% related to Nazis and was sent to Germany to become a chancellor and do something stupid such I don’t like Jewish and I will destroy you. He was almost identical look to the boyfriend of my fake mother Mohi Sabri, but also, he had a lot of look similarities to my cousin Dr. Bassam Baroudi that they can be brothers or at least cousins |
15. Mr. Kabani, Cairo, Egypt and elsewhere. Is most definitely a hidden Escaped Nazi that came into my life in around 1960 or 1961 in Cairo Egypt, and never seen him after that. He is officially the brother-in-law of my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi and therewith also the uncle of Hani Baroudi that set me up at least 3 times, once in Saudi Arabia around February 1982 along with the other Nazi sons named Basel Baroudi and his brother Bashaar Baroudi that I strongly relate to heavy industrialist family in Stuttgart, and one setup in Houston, Texas, USA in end 1991 which was an opposite action or reaction to what my client/employer Texaco, Inc. was trying to get my attention to which is hidden slavery, and this reaction caused me to be locked up and continue to be enslaved under the BP-British Petroleum, CIA and MI6 whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud that exchanged places with at least 2 other lookalike persons, one of them was most definitely the mother of my fake son and came often to see him while pretending to be Najlaa Mahmoud and I never noticed, and the other was and with no doubt one evil woman from Saudi Arabia and 100% related to ARAMCO and was like a stinking ugly skunk bitch that I was not able to free myself of and therewith I was under this whore’s control in Houston, Texas until summer 1999, and she and in cooperation with her hidden family in USA that are all protected by the evil CIA kept me locked up for 15 years in USA under her control while totally destroying my logic. And why all this, to cover up for concentrated evil hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 such as Mr. Kabani and his bitch sister the one of the many wives of Jawdat Baroudi that I strongly relate to a heavy industrialist family in Stuttgart, and this evil family brought the company UDF Consulting in my life in November 1984 as distraction of BP-British Petroleum and their illegal project Calypso.
Mr. Kabani as well as his whore sister I saw only once or twice after she gave birth to Hani Baroudi the son of Jawdat Baroudi that was through and through Nazi while performing many actions to force his victim to feel sorry for him, just as all most all of them do these criminals and savages.
He was white and thin lips, his lower jaw is ahead of his upper jaw which also forms his entire face I believe he had no eye glasses, but I am not sure due to all the brainwash they performed upon me in the evil village Bellingwolde and forced me to find a photo of some man named “Lawrence S. Kubie” at the link and force me to think it is Mr. Kabani, he has some facial feature like him, but most definitely it is not him. Mr. Kabani was 100% one of thousands Nazis from 1945 that the US and UK government relocated to the Middle East to help them using the same strategies as the Nazi used to enslave people while blaming the Jewish for their own criminal actions, and they are still doing the absolute same thing, but this time using over 23 countries, the so called Arab countries and unknown to me amount of countries in Africa and beside Egypt, Libya and Tunisia (previously Tunis), that were severely enslaved and here too they used the Jewish as the cause and that is why the Tunisian harbored not only many PLO terrorists but also allowed the PLO to open their headquarter in the capital of Tunisia, named Tunis. They continue to use publicly the Jewish for all kind of bad propaganda, such as the Jewish are controlling the world, the Jewish are controlling the International bank system, the Jewish are controlling Wall street and therewith the entire financial market, the Jewish want to steal the entire Middle East, and these Nazi create these fake propaganda’s, and here is a prove: I was set up in around 1981 to go as Siemens AG employee to consult a German company that allegedly want to print Arabic via computer, the company name was klett Verlag in Stuttgart and I went there to see what they are doing. Siemens AG made for me an appointment with some IT department manager. This manager was very kind to show me what they do, among others they were printing Quran for Saudi Arabian government, the Muslim Holy book, the book that they were printing was pocket size and from top quality, like a quality that I never seen prior to that nor after that, not only as a Quran but also and in general as a book, and the book was designed like that: if any one see it, then he want to look in to this beautiful art effect, and that was the purpose, to impress the person that sees it, and from my point of view today and even though it was a top quality like no other, yet it was 100% designed by marketeers to impress people and I was impressed. Yet the real Quran does not need a marketing staff of 50 to sit for more than a year or 2 to try to make this design, and this is how the book looked like. The Quran that I read speaks for itself and only the reader should be impressed by the words and not by the evil design. God’s book is not like that. In my life I have seen many religious books, and most of the good Quran that I saw were nothing fancy look but very impressive words that is if you can read Arabic, because Saudi Arabian government forbid translation of Quran as a mean of control and it does not accept any Quran that is printed in other countries such as in Pakistan, Indonesia (the largest Muslim country in the world that was established before the Saudi king’s family was ever born or even before Saudi Arabia was ever existed!!!), and why all that to not allow Muslims to read other versions of Qurans, where almost every Muslim country has it is own version, and I saw that myself as my work colleague at Siemens AG named Khalid Mian went with me to Saudi Arabia on business trip for Siemens AG, they confiscated all his religious books at the Jeddah Airport and thrown them in a big basket allegedly to be burned later, and as my work colleagues protested in Jeddah Airport, they told him, no problem take the book back but then you cannot enter Saudi Arabia and have to stay in the airport until the next plane. That is not Islam that is tyranny. Above all how dare them forbid any one to bring printed books from outside the country while they print their Quran in Stuttgart by some Nazis that would do anything to control people, and exactly that is why they printed it in Germany, in case it comes out, then they will blame the Nazi Germans, but the Germans are not Nazi, only a few thousands are Nazi and they continue to brainwash others to be Nazi to use them as front and distraction of their selves such as they did in entire country called Germany in 1932-1945
I get maybe sidetracked. Anyway, the manager that was showing me what they do, he said we do not really need help in multilingual design for our IT system because we have already solved that a few years back, and he gave me I believe 5 copies of this Quran as a gift for my trouble. I left and did not know what just happened nor I understood a thing, I was very impressed with the quality and outside of the book (marketing trick). Then I was sent on my last trip to Saudi Arabia not knowing it is my last trip, but someone did, and I took these books with me to give them as a gift to members of my fake family in Jordan. Which I did, and they did not like that at all, and there with my future was sealed. Later, and in the same 1-2 months I was setup to leave my job at Siemens AG and I had absolutely no chance to stop it, as described in several areas and I was forced to submit my resignation in September 1981 for 31.12.1981 and I lost my job at Siemens AG because Siemens AG set me up to blackmail the hidden Nazis in Saudi Arabia and Jordan which was like a signature agreement to my very yet to come destructive future!
Then I also remembered something very important that helped me understand what happened with this fancy Quran, the bible that I get as a gift in around 1976 or 1977 through the church and it is called “Neue einheitliche uebersetzung”, translated new “New uniform translation” which was a cooperation between the so called German speaking countries, such as Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Lichtenstein and one more country but I forgot which one it was and was a cooperation work between the Catholic church and the Evangelical Lutheran church, and that can be only performed with the approval of the Pope, which he did approve it. it took several years to recreate the new bible, as far as I recall they started in 1960 or 1961 and ended when it was approved by all around 1967 or 1968 or even 1971, which it means it took 7-11 years to reproduce the bible in a today modern understanding with heavy adjustments to emphasize telepathy, and the new testament is mainly about telepathy and how it is used???!!!
What did they do in this bible, they changed the wording to adjusted to our todays life, positively or negatively is not the important thing, the important here is if 4 of the most advanced countries in the world can change the bible through agreements between competitors that were killing each other’s in the so called 30 years’ war, then so can also Saudi Arabia and their evil allies that do nothing else but slavery to steal people’s lives and their land while pretending to be Muslim and use Islam to scare people in the Middle East, in Europe and above all the Jewish in Israel while they pretend to be Muslim in the front and perform every single things they do behind the curtains 100% against Quran and Sharea. Sharea is the laws of Sunni Muslims that is based on 2 books: Quran + the Book of the profit conversations, which contains stories how the profit behaved and recommended for everyone to behave based on his alleged understanding of the Quran that he received allegedly directly through an angel sent by God and not from the evil current hidden escaped Nazi from 1945 in Saudi Arabia that print their Quran among others through their hidden family in Stuttgart.
As a result of this bad situation that I was pushed in to enable to make it possible for my employer Siemens AG to get the project of Saudi Port’s Authority and furnish all 14 Saudi ports with IT turn-key project including building and everything in it, which it costed me my freedom and the total destruction of my life, social relations and professional advancement, and above all a permanent lockup at least from 24 December 1984 to 1 March 2016! Today and as an almost 68 years old, I live through the curtesy of the Dutch government and the municipality of Den Haag/The Hague!
As a side effect of this very nasty setup that contributed dramatically to brainwashing me as described in the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-1”. Whereby Stuttgart and the entire state of Baden-Württemberg was at that time just as Munich and the entire state of Bavaria where I lived and I loved very much was also the so-called American sector since 1945 and were 100% under American control that today protect Saudi Arabian government with all their hidden crimes, in matter of fact, Saudi Arabia must always ask for permission by Americans, British and hidden Nazis before performing any major actions such as killing the journalist Jamal Khashoggi. He really did not deserve that and no one else deserve that either!
They continued to create brainwash situation specifically designed to be against this situation and to force my mind to forget the situation and here are a couple of them. 1. They stopped this Quran of being printed in this manner and through this company called Klett Verlag (in English: Klett Publishing) 2. The Saudi Arabian Port’s Authority Jeddah port sent their general manager Mr. Attar that I met in Munich and was responsible for his wellbeing while I was a Siemens AG employee and I get him together with another man that I knew and thought to be my friend and named also Attar alias Mr. Mohamad Attar that claimed to be Syrian, and I get to know him through the American military while they were re-brainwashing me end of 1970 in the American military base named McGraw kaserne, where an American sergeant invited me to his house while inviting this Mr. Mohamad Attar and today I know that he was most probably a BND agent and informant about Palestinians in Munich and in Syria. And the Saudi Mr. Attar created a scene to show me that members of my fake family in Saudi Arabia are Saudi Arabian and not Syrian, which is explained in BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 and after that he allegedly sent me a container full of Quran to give to the local Mosque, where I was prevented to mix with Arabs and Muslims as cover up for my fake family. And I am supposed to go to the Mosque and give them this container, I refused, I said to Mr. Mohamad Attar the Syrian he can either return the container to Mr. Attar the Saudi Arabian, or he can give it to the Mosque himself. This is the work of my evil fake uncles the hidden and escaped Nazis from 1945 in Saudi Arabia, as if they want to tell me, you brought this Quran to us and exposed us and we will do you the same, whereby and at that time I had no understanding of the situation and did not want to expose my fake family because I did not see anything wrong with it and I did not know that this is my fake family, as well as I loved them as much as anyone else that would love his family and maybe much more because I was brainwashed to love them blindly to not see the hidden slavery, because each time they did something to me I forgave them because this is what I learned through Christianity ”forgive your brother 7 x 77”, means endlessly=Christianity, whereby I cannot say that about some Christian that I met and they done me more harm than help because they were using me to expose their opponents 3. The next time I went to Amman, Jordan, which was in around March or April 1982, my fake brother-in-law and hidden escaped Nazi named Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier gave me a small religious Islamic booklet that he allegedly prints in Jordan, which had nothing to do with the Quran or Islam, but rather suggestions to animate people to read Quran, but and with no doubt it was to distract me of the Quran that I gave him from Stuttgart, because this leaflet was printed very humble and inexpensive in Jordan. I also gave a copy to my fake sister Afrah Abokurah that later and most probably was replaced by another lookalike in Washington D.C. 4. In April 1982 I was fired of my new Employer ADV/ORGA that forced me to leave my employer Siemens AG, and that is why this new Employer named ADV/ORGA and the first thing they did is to take me right back to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in February 1982, where I met my evil and most destructive uncle named Jawdat Baroudi and he played games with me as described above using Dr. Sami Assassa, Basel Baroudi, Hani Baroudi, Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar, which described in details between this page and the page of “BP-British Petroleum-Part-1” 5. They set me up to join the evil and illegal project of the evil BP-British Petroleum named Project Calypso using military intelligence staff from Syria and then brainwashed me, destroyed my relation with the only woman I ever loved named Adelheid Kuczka and then enslaved me on 24 December 1984 under the BP-British Petroleum, CIA, MI6 and most probably also BND whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud as preparation to totally remove me of the scene by kidnapping me to USA and forcing me to be illegal alien for 15 years not able to travel or to have any rights what so ever, in a country that is as vicious and hostel as it gets, especially when it comes to the illegal activities that the CIA, MI6 perform under the control of the American and British controlling families and no one of these evil people tried to free me, they all pretended to and used me as blackmail object against Aramco and the hidden Nazis but also against the Reagan, Bush-1 and Bush-2 presidents that with no doubt what so ever they approved my kidnapping and keeping me in Houston under their control and no one can see who is doing what. BP-British Petroleum, ARAMCO, Chevron, Texaco, Koch Industries or the CIA, FBI , local authorities of Houston or Texas or the Bush family as cover up for their evil doings of selling American satellite computer systems to the alleged most dangerous country in the world, which is Syria= all lies to the public! 6. After the project Calypso setups and firing me as described in BP-British Petroleum- Part-1, they brought someone from outside the country to distract of German controlling families such as Porsche and Daimler and Benz families that today I absolutely have no doubt what so ever in my mind that at least Jawdat Baroudi and Badeaa Baroudi are from one or 2 of these 3 families, and here is the confirmation: 6.1. They set me up with a company that they know and have influence over it which was called UDF-Unternehumgsberatung Dr. Fischer and today it is called UDF Consulting AG in Stuttgart, among others as distraction of Klett Verlag and the fancy Quran, during which they enslaved me under their whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud on 24 December 1984, which is very clear that the German consulate in Syria was working on brainwashing me and enslaving me under this disgusting whore, because they allegedly gave her the visa in the morning of the 24th of December where she allegedly went home, packed her suite case and ran to the airport to catch the plane to Munich and arrive around 17:00 hours where I was forced to go to the Airport with my fake mother that was used as front while someone was controlling me with telepathy and picked this bitch up. And she showed me her passport with the Visa stamped on 24 December 1984, which makes the these mentioned evil German controlling families also cooperating with BP-British Petroleum, CIA, MI6 and BND to brainwash me, enslave me and kidnap me to USA, which they did 6.2. In around April 1985 I was set up to go to Tokyo, Japan, where the CIA have there also more influence than in Washington D.C., but also and very unfortunately Siemens AG best partnership in IT since decades is the Japanese company Fujitsu, and there they tried hard to link my fake brother-in-law the hidden escaped Nazi Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier to Japan as Japanese, and if I think he is Japanese, then I will think his brother Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier is also, Japanese and not escaped hidden Nazis from 1945, and this alone will explain the many other things that happened to me around this trip and that my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi the BP-British Petroleum, CIA, MI6 and BND whore Najlaa Mahmoud knew all along what was going to happen to me in Japan and they played an act on me which was 100% a mixture with telepathy, such as they want to come with me and each fight that I should take with me on this trip to Tokyo, Japan, that resulted in my fake mother pretended out of anger and disappointment that I am not going to take her with me she took the passport of Najlaa Mahmoud and pretended to have thrown it away to prevent me of taking her with me to Japan, whereby I did not even think about taking any of them with me because it was only for a few days business trip. I know it sound silly and stupid, but this is what these sick people do and this is how brainwash works, small things here and small things there and then the big things, and other setups. 6.3. After I returned from Tokyo I tried to throw this human trash called Najlaa Mahmoud out of my apartment, in that I literally carried her out and sat her outside my apartment and closed the door, but then I was forced to let her in, because she did not stop to pretend to cry, and that just to show as if she has no telepathy, during which my fake nephew Essam Shawki was present and therewith I would also blame him 6.4. Later on this human trash agent Najlaa Mahmoud said she has to go to Syria to make her high school diploma because she was always dreaming of it, which was 100% a lie, she went away for one reason only to force everyone who is monitoring me and has no telepathy to think that I love this woman and I am going to wait for her, but it was not like, I never ceased to think about my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka that they destroyed my relation with her as described in BP-British-Petroleum-Part-1 and partially in the page Thank You. She went allegedly to Syria for at least 3 months from Mai to August, she conceived in June because she gave birth on 26 March 1986 after allegedly 9 months and 2 weeks pregnancy allegedly through cesarean section that she blamed me for it as a mean of brainwash to force my mind to think it is my baby. Very unfortunately I strongly suspect her not to have given birth to this child but rather it was someone else’s baby and she had a surgery for something else. Or she had twins and she hid that from me, among others because her gynecologist, I believe his name was D. Brehm in Munich, or something like that was given to me by the company UDF Consulting secretary, and I have a lot of suspicion about this doctor such as he was showing me wrong information, but it is only suspicion based on his odd behavior the behavior of this agent whore. 6.5. While she was in Syria I was hopelessly under telepathy control, and I do not know through whom, however I had at least 2 unexpected guests and countless brainwash setups during the time she was allegedly in Syria, I will skip the setups and will mention only one guest: my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi that today I strongly suspect him to be a hidden escaped Nazi and also member of the Saudi and Jordanian royal families and working for ministry of interior in Saudi Arabia while he possibly was some kind of a honorary German diplomat in Saudi Arabia and possibly also elsewhere. This is only suspicion without valid prove except that he was a diplomat in 1967 in Jordan and in December 1969 lied to me and said he was fired. And that will at least explain the visa of 24 December 1984 for the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud. Any way I strongly suspect him to have come to Germany after so many years just to stress to his family to help him in destroying me, because someone was always helping me from the background and I do not know who it is, most definitely none of this evil fake family, possibly biological family, church members, Siemens AG or a combination. He does not have to go and see them in person, he has telepathy and communicate with others that also have telepathy without that others see their private conversation, and therewith he be face to face with his family without having to be in the same building. And exactly that is what happened, I strongly believe he came to tell his family destroy this man or else. As cover up for this hidden meeting, he asked me to take him and his whore wife first name forgotten maiden name Ejlani, marriage name Baroudi, the sister-in-law of Dr. Sami Assassa, which was one wife of many in and Dr, Sami Assassa the Nazi cooperator was living in Munich with his whore wife that was helping the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud in keeping me enslaved as distraction of CIA, MI6, BND, BP-British Petroleum and the rest of these criminals. And this fake uncle asked me to take him on a trip, which I did, we went for a week on a trip, from Munich to Switzerland, Italy and back over Austria. I recall I had to get visas for these areas and in the past, I had to wait between 2 days to 2 months for certain visas unless Siemens AG calls them, and they give it to me immediately. But no one was there to call for me and I get all 3 visas in the same morning, and this because these savages forced upon me a fake Syrian identity that is unwanted in many countries because Syria was harboring many terrorists from PLO, while PLO were killing Jewish and performing many attacks in Europe with the help of these Nazis mentioned within this page. On this trip, this fake uncle was behaving very oddly that I never understood until recently: in short, he was happy to be home again and was most definitely delegating me on which rout I should go enable he can see certain cities and villages in Bavaria and Austria that he knew from before and pretended to be surprised. I have no doubt in my mind what so ever that this criminal dared to come to Germany after 1945 to tell his people what the consequences are if I start to realize the truth, but also to stress to Siemens AG, if you want the Saudi Port’s Authority project and not to be given to the British company McKenzie then stop helping Mohamad Nuzhat Najar. And therewith I was doomed. And who knows maybe he brought them a personal message from the Fuehrer himself! 6.6. And therewith they planned the whole thing, they also planned several backup brainwash, if I get out of one I fall in to the other to prevent me to in discovering that these criminals are hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 working with the English royalties + MI6 + the Rockefeller family + CIA, and that is why they used the company UDF in Stuttgart, enable I think that this all because of the fancy fake Quran and relate it only to Stuttgart and never relate CIA and MI6 to them or even to Nazis, but the first thing I discovered was CIA and American military intelligent and the MI6. Which is a catastrophe for them that they were working with Nazis to help enslave the Middle East and in particular Saudi Arabia, and that would most probably answer my following question: Why does all advanced and major industrial countries have their own petroleum companies such as Netherlands has Shell, UK has BP-British Petroleum, France has Total, Italy has Agip, USA has countless such as Excon, Chevron, Texaco and many others, yet Germany is the only major industrial country that does not have a petroleum company, and that because maybe they own ARAMCO, and that would explain why they place the headquarter of ARAMCO in Houston, Texas, but also explains why they accepted nearly 2 Million Syrian refugees since 2011 and alone in 2017 nearly one Million refugees, because many of them are hidden Nazis children/grandchildren and that would also explain why the other countries south of Germany then closed the borders with force because possibly they knew who is hiding in the middle of these poor Syrians, Nazis children and grandchildren not only from Syria, but also from Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia Kuwait, Egypt they all concentrating on going back home!
Is this true? You decide
Now and today only and while I am writing, I put 1 + 1 together = 2, which very much means most of the above! |
16. Mrs. Kabani/Baroudi, Cairo, Egypt and elsewhere. She is the sister of Mr. Kabani mentioned above and the official wife of my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi, and since Jawdat Baroudi was 100% a hidden escaped Nazi, this mean she was also a hidden escaped Nazi from 1945. She was the official mother of my fake cousin Hani Baroudi that performed several very damaging setups to me in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Munich, Germany and Houston, Texas, USA. |
17. Hani Baroudi (Kabani), Cairo, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Germany, USA and elsewhere. He is the official son of my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi that was 100% a hidden escaped Nazi from 1945, but also, he is the son of Mrs. Kabani, also a hidden Escaped Nazi, which makes Hani Baroudi a 100% a son of a hidden escaped Nazi from 1945 while being also a member of the Saudi Arabian royal family |
18. Fuad Kayat, Cairo, Egypt, USA and elsewhere. I strongly believe this man was a hidden escaped Nazi from 1945 and came to Cairo, Egypt sometimes in summer of 1960 or 1961, lived there for 3 months and then allegedly went to USA to live with his children. In Houston, Texas and around 1998-1999 I was set up several times to remember this Fuad Khayat among other’s by forcing me to go to restaurant on Westheimer Road named Fuad’s, that was sort of a bar/restaurant and was most of the times over filled. Fuad Khayat pretended to be the uncle of my fake mother Hayat Baroudi and the brother of Samiyat/Samiya/Samiyah Baroudi the official mother of my fake mother, which is practically impossible, because he did not look anything like his alleged sister, he had blue eyes she did not, he was whiter than she was. He fits the hidden escaped Nazi from 1945 profile, which is: his look, he hides, he lived in Cairo 3 months, yet never visited us. Officially he is a member of the Khayat/Baroudi families, yet his other sister looks absolutely nothing like him, not even close, her name was Um Rateb (meaning mother of Rateb her alleged oldest son), she was dark and she came to visit us in Egypt some times between 1963 and 1967, I cannot recall the exact year, I saw her only once for several hours, and she was very dark skin, dark hair and dark eye color, above all my fake mother did into want to see her and avoided her by not opening the door as she came to visit us, this situation went out of control, which caused me a severe sickness, which I will skip for here |
19. Amira Baroudi, Cairo, Egypt and elsewhere the official wife of the Egyptian General Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, she was white, more than average. She somehow disappeared in 1961 and after we stayed at her home for 4 week from 15 February to 15 March 1960, they claimed she died of some sickness, possibly it was a lie and she had to move on because she get recognized by my fake mother and my fake 2 sisters that accompanied me on 15 January 1960 to Cairo Egypt, whereby I never saw this people prior to 10/11 January 1960, yet I was severely brainwashed to believe that I grew up with them. Above all, she looked nothing like her sister. Her sister named Elham Baroudi, was darker skin, possibly Egyptian or even Indian origin. She had a larger lower lip, where her lips were brown, whereby Amira’s lips where red. It is very strange that she died just as we were staying at their place for 4 weeks. It is similar situation to Jameelah Baroudi her alleged cousin the mother of Dr. Bassam Baroudi, also died in 1960, yet Jameelah and even though I did not meet her in person, yet I was brainwashed to believe so and based on this fake memory, she looked a lot like Amira that they could be the actual sisters. All this especially odd because Dr. Bassam Baroudi at that time in 1960 he was allegedly 18 or 19 years old and the reason I know that because they told me that he was born in the same time as my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar, and Dr. Bassam Baroudi also came to Cairo Egypt in 1960 with his shorter cousin to sturdy medicine while his cousin was studying dentistry. Today I relate both, Dr. Bassam Baroudi, and the boyfriend of my fake mother named Mohi Sabri and based on their look to the ex-German vice chancellor Jürgen Möllemann, which I explained in other areas of this page why I think so. (Added on 22.03.2021: The story mentioned above that my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar was born on the same day as my fake cousin Dr. Bassam Baroudi, had more to it that shows how these criminals lie, which is and because both allegedly were born on the same day both were allegedly breastfed by my fake mother but also by the mother of Dr. Bassam Baroudi named Jamilah Baroudi, Jamilah is Urdu and Arabic aand means pretty or nice looking. Anyway, the lie story continues, and because they were breastfed by the same women, this allegedly makes them brother and sister. End of the story, this story sounds normal, but it is not, because I was told this story just to force my mind to think that both knew each other’s since birth, and if this is true, then this criminal Dr. Bassam Baroudi would have visited his sister on a regular base while he was also living in Cairo, Egypt for nearly 10 years, but also visiting her alleged brother, me and his aunt alias my fake mother and his alleged mother by breastfeeding, which is my fake mother, yet he never came to visit us or visit my fake sister in Cairo, not even once = a big deceive + brainwash + lie story to place my fake sister also in Syria, but she was not Syrian, she was 100% CIA and/or MI6 agent and that is why the CIA and MI6 severely brainwashed me in 1970 to believe that she relocated from Cairo, Egypt to London, UK in 1970, while she allegedly went to Amman, Jordan to get approval of her brothers-in-laws of the Bdeir/Budier and Abokurah families to marry Dr. Alaa Ali, and then allegedly they get married in Amman, Jordan and went to the UK were they immediately had a work permit, which is impossible, while I was locked up as a refugee in Germany and cannot leave the country. Which was also another lie, deceive and brainwash story to distract of the royal family of Saudi Arabia and CIA and MI6 and Nazis, among others and because in Islam and also in general in Arab countries the grandparents + uncles take over the place of the father after he dies, meaning they take care of the newly orphan and not the brother-in-law that lives in Jordan, but also this brainwash and lie story to relate us to the Bdeir and Abokurah families and make the fake sister Afrah alias Mona Abokurah my original sister that was named Moni and not Mona, and this is one of many other reasons that shows that my fake sisters are criminals and psychopaths to perform so much damage upon a young boy of 8 years old and follow him his entire life into adulthood and perform even more damage to him, and this is 100% not only criminal but illegal to steal an identity of another person=impersonating another person with the intend to damage him as these psychopaths and money whores did to me, but what can I say, they are criminals and members of the Saudi Royal families but above all and first of all, they are hidden members of the biggest organized crime families in the world that makes the Mafia look like an angel from heaven, which are the English royal families + Rockefeller families. End of added on 22.03.2021) |
20. General Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, Cairo, Egypt and elsewhere. He is the alleged husband of Amira Baroudi, I strongly believe he is either British origin or one of the hidden escaped Nazis from 1945. What would a hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 that was higher military staff or a higher Airforce or a higher Navy staff do in Egypt and elsewhere in the Middle East, but rather continue to be in the military, Air Force or Navy, and this is possibly general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman with his 2 sons, one was in the Navy named Bahaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman and the other unknown, yet claimed about himself to be a very corrupt police officer named Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, which I do not believe, because I did not know him well at all, yet he claimed to me that he allegedly as an Egyptian police officer in the Cairo international Airport smuggle illegal drugs, and the reason I do not believe him is because he told me something that can damage him, he trusted me with something he should not have done, among others because I know he had telepathy and I do not, and no one with telepathy would trust something like that to a person he dislike and see as a slave, beside the illegal drugs in Egypt are not imported but rather exported! |
21.Bahaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, Alexandria and Cairo, Egypt and elsewhere the official son of General Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, I saw him once he looks very much like his father’s son and the brother of his brother Alaa and his sister Najlaa, white with brown hair. He was allegedly a navy officer stationed in Alexandria. |
22.Najlaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, Cairo, Egypt and elsewhere. The daughter of general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman. These are about the only children that I can say for sure that they are the biological children of their both parents because they had a lot of look similarities to them and to each other’s. Even though she lived less than 100 meters of our apartment, yet we had absolutely no interaction with them after staying at their place for around 4 weeks from 15 February 1960 to 15 March 1960. |
23.Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, Cairo, Egypt and elsewhere. He had most definitely telepathy and was using house animals to practice on them, he had a dog, a cat, a snake, mouse and possibly also a bird, and none of them was chasing the other or attempting to eat the other. In early Summer 1960 He attempted in school either to kill me or to cause me a head injury on purpose as distraction of the total amnesia that these nasty and most evil people caused me to prevent me to remember where I came from. |
24.Jameelah Baroudi, never met in person, yet I was brainwashed as if I did and that is how I know how she looked like. She was white and had some similarities with Amira Baroudi, they could have been sisters and not just cousins, or even the same person living 2 identities. |
25.Mamdoh Baroudi, Cairo, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere the official cousin of Jameel Baroudi and looks a lot like him, almost identical, except he has brown eyes, and Jameel has blue eyes, he was at least 10-20 years older than Jameel Baroudi. I believe these are a hidden very destructive biological brotherhood: Mamdoh Baroudi (Egypt and Saudi Arabia), Jameel Baroudi (Egypt, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere), Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier (Jordan and Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman and elsewhere), Bashier Queder/ Koueider (Egypt and possibly also Saudi Arabia or even UAE) and possibly other brothers and sisters that the brotherhood expand to over 100 persons. Mamdoh Baroudi is the official brother of my fake mother, but he looked older than his official father Kamel Baroudi and was also much taller than his official father and mother, which leads me to conclude he is not the son of Kamel Baroudi and Samiya Baroudi/Khayat. He is the official father of Dr. Bassam Baroudi and Hiyam Baroudi that allegedly lives in Jordan. Mamdoh Baroudi officially was married to Jameelah Baroudi that allegedly died in 1960, then later he allegedly married Suad Khayat. I believe he has many wives in various countries, and he has countless children |
21.Dr. Bassam Baroudi, Cairo, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Germany and elsewhere the son of Mamdoh Baroudi and has a lot of look similarities with Jürgen Möllemann as well as Mohi Sabri, which makes them all either hidden brothers or hidden cousins or a mixture of both. Dr. Bassam Baroudi is most definitely the son of a hidden escaped Nazi from 1945 he lives between Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Germany. Also I noticed something in 1970s and 1980s but I did not understand until today, which is and based on my knowledge, Syria was producing much more medical doctors than average, in other words many in Syria study in Syria or outside Syria to become medical doctors, and somehow and in 1983 I get involved in some medical software for medical doctors and through that I noticed that there is many Syrian medical doctors in Germany and was surprised. Later and while I was in USA and with all the brainwash that these nasty people performed upon me such as CIA and FBI, I related these excessive Syrian medical doctors in Germany to the ex-Soviet Union. Today I know better, many of them are children of hidden escaped Nazis that went back home to Germany and possibly also to other countries such as USA, and the prove of that, is the many medical doctors that tortured my life between the city Unterschleissheim Germany because allegedly I became Christian, to nasty medical doctors in USA and to most sadistic and vicious dentists and dental technicians in Netherlands between Bellingwolde, Winschoten, Scheemda, Groningen, Amsterdam and Assen that tortured the life out of me from 2008 and until 2015. Then I stopped to go to dental professionals and started to treat myself because I realized they were torturing me, and even I filled several complaints also through attorneys, yet I was unsuccessful! |
22.Hiyam Baroudi, never met in person, yet I was brainwashed as if I did and that is how I know how she looked like. She is the official daughter of Mamdoh Baroudi with Jameelah Baroudi and the sister of Dr. Bassam Baroudi and at least a cousin to the ex-German vice chancellor Jürgen Möllemann. (Added on 22.03.2021: She is a very lookalike of Geraldine Chaplin ( the daughter of the famous British Charlie Chaplin ( actor that died in Switzerland, The Chaplin family are jewish family, which very much was the first thing that these criminals CIA + MI6 + FBI and others tried to force me to think that my origin is Jewish, which is absolutely not, maybe the Baroudi family is Jewish origin, but again the Baroudi family they pretend anything just to make an extra Dollar or 2. Including selling their mother and children for one Dollar just to be one Dollar Richer, please don’t take my word for it, look at my fake family and what these criminals did to me in Egypt, Germany, Saudi Arabia, USA, Netherlands and the UK. And if it is true that the Baroudi family is Jewish, then that would explain why these criminals psychopaths in the cities Bellingwolde + Winschoten + Scheemda, Netherlands tortured the life out of me including pulling all my teeth out, where this area is allegedly heavily populated by Jewish. I know two facts for sure: Fact-1: Jewish are family oriented and stick together and help each other’s, which they did to me the absolute opposite. Fact-2: The English royalties have been using Jewish as slaves for their dirty work such as soldiers and spies since at least 500 years and even until current in 2021. Here are 2 photos of Geraldine Chaplin in 1970s and in 2017
Who knows maybe Dr. Bassam Baroudi and his sister Hiyam Baroudi are the only Jewish in my fake family and possibly are hidden cousin of second or more distant Geraldine Chaplin? I do not know, I just know that the face of Hiyam Baroudi as I was brainwashed to remember looks almost identical to Geraldine Chaplin, but again this may be an insult to Geraldine Chaplin, because her father was a good man and he raised her to be the same, yet the Baroudi family as described in my complaint pages have no honor, no moral values, no ethical values, no religious values, no human values at all, they are just like the their bosses and hidden families the English royalties and the Rockefeller families, Jordanian Royal families, Saudi Arabian Royal families, UAE royal families and all together are destruction machine that grind anything in their way and make money out of it with no mercy or empathy what soever and my complaint pages are the prove because most of it is verifiable! End of added on 22.03.2021) |
23. Jameel Baroudi, Cairo, Egypt and elsewhere. Jameel Baroudi is almost identical look to Mamdoh Baroudi, except Jameel Baroudi had blue eyes and was over 50 years old, maybe over 60 years old, while Mamdoh Baroudi was maybe 70-80 years old, I may be a little off in my estimates, because it is the estimates when I was 8-10 years old as I met Jameel Baroudi in Cairo, Egypt and was around 14 years old as I met Mamdoh Baroudi in person in Amman, Jordan in 1966 or possibly it was in December 1970.
Jameel Baroudi is a hidden escaped Nazi from 1945 that is under the protection not only Egyptians but also CIA and MI6 and most probably also BND. He is dark hair, long face, blue eyes, small teeth and love movie business.
His daughter Shams Baroudi a very famous Egyptian actress from 1960s and 1970s has 4 sisters that are identical look to their father, long face, dark hair and blue eyes, I suspect them to be quadruplets, because when I met them they were all the same heights and dressed the same, which was confusing to me. Also Shams Baroudi has a strong look similarity to her alleged cousin Najlaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, and since Naglaa’s mother is Amira Baroudi and the official sister of Jameel Baroudi, you can tell that Shams Baroudi and Najlaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman are cousins, what I did not notice until recently is that Anna Baroudi has even stronger look similarities to Shams Baroudi. Anna Baroudi is the wife of the evil Nazi fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi in Hamburg, the birth name of Anna Baroudi is unknown to me, however she is German, and I met her alleged parents once in Koln, Germany. I was in Hamburg visiting my fake uncle, and I mentioned I am going to drive back to Munich over Koln and Bonn to see the Rhein River and Anna Baroudi asked me to visit her parents in Koln and gave me something to give it to them. Which I did and had a cup of coffee with them. Yet today I believe these were fake parents, I strongly believe that Anna Baroudi is the daughter of Jameel Baroudi, which makes her the daughter of a top Nazi, and makes my fake uncle also as the son-in-law of a top hidden and escaped Nazi from 1945.
Last note, but not least, in 1982 I was set up to go to Cairo, Egypt, during which I was being used without noticing as a blackmail object, among others against my fake mother, my fake 2 sisters, my fake brother and above all my to me unknown twin. I had a lot of problems on this trip and did not succeed in anything and I had to leave Egypt thinking “thanks God I am out of here”, thereafter and very suddenly everyone I know in Amman, Jordan is acting strict religious by performing many acts that they never did before., and a hand full even cover their heads, which they never did before, such as my fake mother, and above all and after my trip to Cairo Egypt, my official but fake cousin Shams Baroudi get all wrapped up as an alleged strict Muslim. Therefore, and today I concluded that they were not only worried that I may discover something about them, but rather that they were worrying about the others who were monitoring me and them. In other words, Jameel Baroudi sacrificed his daughter as distraction of himself by forcing her to pretend to be Muslim only a couple of months after I visited Egypt in around April 1982, where she became all religious in September 1982, and that and most definitely not coincident and it is related to my trip to Egypt in April!
The house of Jameel Baroudi was in an area called “Saraya Al-Ubba”, where ex-president Gamal Abd Al Naser, built a new presidential modest house not far from Jameel Baroudi, I cannot remember the distance between them, but it must be less than 2 km or even less than 1 km. I went once to Jameel Baroudi’s house and later in around 1965/66 I went once to ex-president Gamal Abd Al Naser new residence, because his son Abdel Hakim Nasser was also in my class in a school named Alqauniyah in an area called triumph, I was 2 years in this private school, and until today I know it was some kind of a setup to place me in this school and to be in the same class as Abdel Hakim Nasser, where he had always 2 armed guards at all times. He invited me once to his birthday and I cannot recall much due to severe telepathy manipulation and brainwash.
Why is this important to be near the president’s house, because that is what these people do, they guard their property with telepathy and Gamal Abdel Nasser came to power in 1953, prior to that Egypt was under official British control represented by the fake king Farouk. Either the British or the Nazis came up with the new scheme, just as they did in Germany between 1930s and 1940s, the so-called National Socialism and that is what Gamal Abdel Nasser Naser was, a National Socialist that was killing his own people while simultaneously was systematically persecuting and killing Islamic brotherhood. It is a scheme that they kept on using, also in Syria and in Libya, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar and of course also Yemen. Not to forget that ex-Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser was one who was also persecuting Yemen and using women like my original fake sister to send to Yemen as a scout for wars to come. This fake sister named Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki disappeared of my life in around 1962 or 1963 as she went with her Egyptian husband named Afaf Shawki, he came back from Yemen after 2 years with another lookalike woman, and he was killed 2 years later in a plane crash over Sinai along with the Yemeni agriculture minister Aly Mohammad Abdou + 2 Danes from UNO, while his official children Esmat Shawki and Essam Shawki in the UK and Saudi Arabia do not look anything like their alleged father Afaf Shawki and that in itself is a crime, because today I strongly believe that Afaf Shawki was murdered along with others, because they did not want him to reveal the secret of my fake sister, while also using his name to hide the children, one of them Essam Shawki is identical look to Jawdat Baroudi and Jameel Baroudi and that says it all.
Below you will see the following photos: A. Shams Baroudi as she was young. B. Shams Baroudi now and with her official husband also a famous ex-Egyptian actor named Hassan Youssef.
Please look at the photos of Shams Baroudi’s page here: ../PHTM/Shams.htm (or or )
And when you look at these photos also look at the photos of the top Nazi(s), their women and the sisters of their women, you will see Shams Baroudi in them. You have to search with google to find them, they are there, but I am not going to include them in my complaint
General notes Also note the followings: 1. One of her photos she had thin lips and in other photo she had thicker lower lip! 2. Shams Baroudi had very thin lips, and she was making them look thicker by using lip stick and drew below her lips and therewith she was enlarging them, and when a person gets older, then the lips get even thinner, but not her lips they get thicker!?? 3. Also, by covering her head and as you see in the photos, she also covering her forehead and therewith covering up her long face, which now looks round!!! 4. Look at the cheek bone or the lack of it=flat!! 5. The shape of the lips, and entire mouth 6. The nose tip going up or down 7. Look at the width of the nose as she was young and as she gets older 8. Look at the upper and lower jaws is one of them going forward more than the other and therewith shaping the form of her mouth?!!
I have to ask myself: is this the same person? Based on comparing the photos my answer is: No
Last but not least, in around 21 or 23 December 2004 I was arrested in the city called Neuburg an der Donau in Germany. I was forced to leave the Netherlands because the Dutch immigration was working with my fake family and was locking me up for 13 years while blaming it on me, during which they often forced me to leave the refugee camps in Netherlands to go to Germany illegally, twice of these times and within one year I went to visit my son Abdulhamid Najar that turned out to be the lookalike of my original fake son that I lost in 1999 in Houston, Texas. I was staying at his room in the refugee camp in this small town in Germany, when the German immigration police came at around 6 O’clock in the morning only to his room and arrested me, meaning it was 100% planned, which will be visible in the below lines. Until recently I thought that this lookalike of my original fake son called the immigration on me, however and today, I know it was planned between the Dutch immigration, German immigration, immigration police, the lookalike of my fake son and the catholic church and the lines below will show that.
After I get arrested, I was placed in the police station jail for a day or 2 and then taken to a nearby prison on 23 December 2004 and the reason I know that for sure, is because they had a huge food table as celebration of Christmas for all prisoners, which I have never seen before or after in any prison, neither in Germany, nor in Netherlands nor in USA, where I was often and in several prisons also over Christmas, from Houston, Texas, to Zweeloo, to Zwolle to Stadelheim in Munich to Berchtesgaden in Germany.
And here is the setup: there was a catholic priest that was coming at least once a week to prison, this catholic priest was extra nice to me and he was almost identical look to Jameel Baroudi and to make sure I relate him to Jameel Baroudi and to myself he told me the followings: 1. He was allegedly German Air Force pilot and he retired early and wanted to be a priest but he was married and Catholic priest are not allowed to be married and therefore they get for him a special permission from the pope and he emphasized the Pope that he knew of him and send him the special permission, for whatever reason he wanted me to connect the dots to the pope but and until today I cannot, unless he meant high up meaning Top Nazis. Also, and in 1977 I wanted to become a pastor for the Evangelical Lutheran church in Bavaria, but I was rejected with the reasoning I do not have enough life experience, which was somehow true 2. His look alone perplexed me for weeks if not for months and I thought maybe they are trying to brainwash me again by forcing me to think that my family is originated from Germany while I am being unjustly locked up and then get me to talk about my family as the FBI also did in 1987, after 2009 I started to see facts and relation to my family that turned out to be my fake family and my kidnappers = power of brainwash that can last a very long time. 3. Because he was extra nice to me he wanted me to think he is related to me and this also based on his look, which is not only almost identical to Jameel Baroudi but also almost identical to my fake uncle Mamdoh Baroudi except Mamdoh had brown eyes and was in 1960s at least 70 years old, but also had a lot of look similarities to Anna Baroudi the wife of my fake uncle the Nazi in Hamburg named Dr. Farzat Baroudi, also to Dr. Bassam Baroudi his sister Hiyam Baroudi and the list goes on! 4. He continued to talk about the Middle East such as saying this scent the church buys from Oman, because Oman is the only country in the world that has these kind of trees, but also talked about Second World War and the Allies of USA, UK and the rest of the Second World War Allies and that he as an Air Force Pilot has to work with them and have a lot of friends from them in the UK, USA and else where 5. And other subjects that I cannot remember
In other words I was setup by the Dutch IND to leave the Dutch refugee camp by force and go to Germany to visit the lookalike of my fake son enable they can arrest me and place me in this prison where this man that possibly was not even a priest come in to my life and have several conversations with me to force my mind to relate my fake family to Germany, where today I have over whelming facts of my past in Egypt that confirms that.
On the other side the British and American military have a huge influence in Germany above all, this influences are heavily concentrated wherever American or British or their allies military bases were, and where often soldiers but also officers retire of the military and stay in Germany and live very close to the base due to their connections, friendships and strong benefits that they get such as shopping in American stores that are 100% tax free, meaning this could be a brainwash setup by British and Americans to blame everything on Nazis and on Germany, and this is not farfetched, see what the British government did to me using their evil company BP which is described in the page BP-British petroleum-Part-1 but also what the American military and the evil CIA did to me over and over again from 1970 in the American military base McGraw Kaserne and enslaving me twice under their whore agents by force of brainwash and telepathy, once on 20 August 1970 and within their American military base called McGraw kaserne by using their whore agent Anita Disbray and the second time by using the BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and then blaming it on Syrian military staff that were involved in the illegal project Calypso that was performed by the BP-British Petroleum. Near Neuburg an der Donau or even in it there was several American bases for army as well as for Airforce also in the city of Augsburg as well as Ingolstadt and Neuburg an der Donau is in between, and the reason I know that is because in 1971 I worked for a short while as driver helper in the American military base McGraw kaserne that was the headquarter of the American military in Europe called ESS-European Exchange System, and the driver was going to other American military bases to refill the candy and soda machines.
But also, the setups that were performed upon me in the German refugee camp directly after the above-mentioned incident in 2005/2006 in Schönau am Königssee near Berchtesgaden where I was setup to see an almost identical lookalike of the following persons: A. My fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar alias Fifi alias Battah, that disappeared in Yemen B. My fake brother-in-law Seif Aldin Bdeir the brother of Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, and UAE C. The identical look German doctor of my fake niece May Abokurah alias wife of an alleged ex-Iraqi royalty named Khalid, last name is unknown to me
And what do the above setups have in common: They were all performed in a very small town or almost villages just as I was mistreated in 2003 (where they called the police on me because I asked them for help and was totally overwhelmed with persecution and telepathy attacks) by the church members where I was baptized in 1976 in the city of Unterschleissheim, Germany, and the police placed me in a mental institute while separating me of my fake son that they brought into my life in first of all on 27 December 2002 in the refugee camp Ter Apel in Netherlands to get me to talk and warn him about what they did to me, and they did not like what they heard and locked me up until 2013 and practically until today, because I am forced to live totally isolated in Den Haag/The Hague.
In a small village people can do many things that will be unnoticed. On the other side and when they locked me up in a refugee camp in Munich near Siemens AG in or near Hoffmann Street, during which they did the opposite of what the above setups are, which were as follow: 1. They set me up to get to know some man that claimed about himself to have been Russian spy and he told the truth to the German immigration and that is why they rewarded him, by accepting him as refugee and immediately gave him a better room for himself alone which is bigger than the room he had to share with several others while also gave him a monthly salary and now he is waiting to find his own apartment outside the refugee camp 2. They forced me to share room with 2 brothers from Magnolia, which very much was 100% designed to force my mind to link my fake brother-in-law Seif Aldin Bdeir and his brother to Russian or at least to Magnolia, because my fake brother-in-law Seif Aldin Bdeir as well as his 3 children and above all Reem Bdeir had a slight look accent of similarities to Eskimos or Mongolians, or even east Asian such as Japanese or Chinese, but by far not enough to say he is East Asian, in reality this accent look is more like queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and the other Benelux royal family that have the same look accent, which is round face high and larger cheek bones, yet they do not look any thing like the Dutch royal family nor the Dutch and not even by their behavior that is through and through criminal, at least with me 3. Placing me in a refugee camp that looks directly at Siemens AG Hoffman Street, where I had my first interview at Siemens AG in around February 1978 with the IT department manager at Siemens AG in Hoffmann Street that claimed about himself to be an ex-Catholic priest that quit his job because he did not like it, and this just after I was interviewed to become a Pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran church of Bavaria, but I was declined with the reasoning I do not have enough life experience nor a profession, and both were correct because I completed my IT course in 1975 and did not find work and immediately gave up, which was not true I was 100% forced not to find a job in IT. And there with I had an education as a mainframe programmer that was 3 years old and I never practiced it. This ex-Catholic priest also declined me with the reasoning he need an experienced IT professional where I just had a 3 years old unpracticed education, yet one week later I receive a call from Siemens AG for another interview in another location also in Munich, where then I was hired, and at that time I concluded that the 2 pastors helped me get this job, which are my pastor Herbert Lange (See the page Thank for more details) and this ex-Catholic pastor at Siemens AG, whereby and in 1977 I was working with Pastor Herbert Lange in a group that consisted of Evangelical Lutheran, Catholics and Muslims to discuss our religious differences and how we can get closer together, but also because and also in 1978 I met a couple through pastor Herbert Lange that were newlywed and both were allegedly pastors, I believe the woman was a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran church while her husband was a priest at the catholic church, and that was the first time ever that I see a catholic priest married yet I forgot all about it until now, they both lived on Linden strasse or Buchen strasse in the city of Unterschleissheim, where I was setup to become Christian. Placing me in this refugee camp called Ter Apel was crucial in re-brainwashing me after they brought the lookalike of my fake son named Abdulhamid Najar that had one goal to get me to trust him, talk to him about my past and warn him of bad things that was done to me and that was between 27 December 2002 and around May/June 2003, where then he allegedly asked to be relocated to another room by himself because I am unbearable to live with, in reality his job was done, and on 1 August 2003 I was forced to take him to Germany in reality I was taken by force from the refugee camp and forced to go illegally to Germany enable they have a reason to lock me up because these evil Dutch IND and the Dutch IAVD did not like what I discovered and decided to lock me up, since January 2003 I repeatedly said I am very disappointed of the German government that helped in brainwashing me and kidnapping me to USA. I trusted them blindly and with my own life, and now I am very disappointed because they helped in brainwashing me and kidnapping me to USA in between 1984 and 1986 and I will never go back to Germany and I will not leave this refugee camp and I want to die in it, yet these criminals forced me to go illegally to Germany enable they can lock me up in a controlled environment and re-brainwash me as the above points and later I lost my refugee status in the Netherlands and was locked up at least until 2013 and then they pushed me around by force from one country to another and from one place to another from Bellingwolde to Amsterdam to Hove, UK, to Kerkrade, Netherlands to Harrow London, UK, to Assen, Netherlands and in end summer 2014 I decided to relocate to Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection by the Dutch royal family the Dutch government and many foreign embassies and consulates, but I had no money and had to save for the relocations, all I needed is 2-3 thousand, but I was not able to to save so much because I was prevented to work enable these criminals keep me under their own control and on 1 March 2016 I had only just over one thousand and relocated with it knowing I will be behind in all my bills for a while which I am even today 4. Siemens AG hired me on 1 May 1078 for one purpose only: to use me as a blackmail objects against my fake family, that consist of MI6 agents, CIA agents and today I also know Dutch agents, and this based on what the Dutch did to me between 2001 and current and probably others from Spain and Italy mixed with hidden escaped top Nazis from 1945, and this new job at Siemens AG and very unfortunately because I loved this company, was the end of my short freedom that lasted from 1976 to 1983 and then I was enslaved again and kidnapped to USA among others thanks to Siemens AG 5. And other setups
As you can see the above setups were 100% paradox, which created a severe conflict in my mind, on the one side they created countless situations in Netherlands refugee camps and prison to force my mind to thing we are Jewish and originated from ex-Soviet Union and on the other side other group of people are trying to make me see things that are more believable and I cannot deny, such as the Catholic priest that looked almost identical to Jameel Baroudi, very unfortunately I forgot his name.
Fact remains, that if it comes out that the Allies of the second world war and in 1945 helped thousands of Germans Nazis to escape and used them to steal the Middle East countries and control it while pretending to be Muslims as described in my complaint pages, then it will not only show but prove that the UK and the USA public was deceived and that they are controlled by a punch of thugs and an organized crime institutions that survive only on KAS-Kill and Steal!
(Added on 23.03.2021 This is very important note: When I write about my past, I discover new things. It is impossible, at least for me, to see every con-business and deceive my fake family performed upon my life since causing me total amnesia on 10/11 January 1960 and until current in 2021. And here I discovered recently around a couple of months back, that I was taken to see Jameel Baroudi that I claim to be top Nazi and/or member of the English royalties. I discovered I did not go to his house and my memory was fake memory forced upon me with telepathy. And as most of the other fake memories they create a situation that is memorable to stick in my mind, and here is this memorable fake memory: My fake mother Hyaat/Hayat Baroudi took me with her ad we went in a taxi to the house of Jameel Baroudi. After we arrived my fake mother refused to pay the driver and claimed he went a long way around and that is why the taxi fare is double what is supposed to be. Then she knocked at the door of the house and Jameel Baroudi came allegedly out and settled the dispute and we went inside. End of the memorable situation. Recently I analyzed this visit, and discovered the followings: he alleged had the oldest daughter named Shams Baroudi a very famous Egyptian actress that was born most probably in Germany, because she was allegedly born before the end of the Second World War, but what is even more important points are the following 2 points: Point-1: I allegedly saw the four equally aged daughters along with Shams Baroudi, yet that was 100% fake, because in my memory I have only a memory that equals a 2-D picture, meaning I did not say hi to them I did not sit with them and I did not sit in the house at all, in matter of fact I have absolutely no memory what soever of this visit except what I already mentioned = fake memory. Point-2: I did not even see Mr. Jameel Baroudi, meaning they forced upon me his look using telepathy. The question is why (??). When I look at his alleged daughter Shams Baroudi then I realize she is through and through a daughter of Adolf Hitler and Adolf Hitler did not look anything like Jameel Baroudi, or his alleged cousin alias my uncle alias the brother of my fake sister Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi named Mamdoh Baroudi, and this one I met 100% as well as met his son named Dr. Bassam Baroudi 4-5, two of which in Germany also in Germany once in summer 1977 and the other time between autumn 1985 and summer 1986 where I visited him in North Germany, meaning I remember him well. Therefore, I strongly believe that Jameel Baroudi was either Adolf Hitler himself, his very lookalike brother or cousin that can be Austrian or even British because Adolf Hitler, even though he was officially Austrian, yet he was 100% of ex-German royal family and ex-German royal family is heavily related through countless marriages to the English royal family and that is why the last emperor of German named Kaiser Wilhelm II, was also the grandson of the British Queen Victoria. In other words I never saw Jameel Baroudi yet they forced me with these memory as distraction of his real identity and today the only facts I have is that his official daughter Shams Baroudi has at least one sister with almost identical look that exchange places with her, where you can see both under this page (../PHTM/Shams.htm) (or or ), and when you compare the photos when she was young but also when she is older then you realize they are 2 different persons that exchange places together. The other fact is that the wife of my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi named Anna Baroudi that is officially born in Germany, looks a lot like Shams Baroudi and her lookalike, while my fake uncle has almost identical teeth as Adolf Hitler and ex-US president George W. Bush that he along with his father ex-USA president George H. W. Bush were 100% used by Nazis in USA to perform Nazi acts through wars as described in the page BP-British Petroleu-Part-3. In other words very small teeth, and that would explain why the criminals psychopaths tortured my life between 2008 and 2013 in the villages Bellingwolde + Winschoten + Scheemda + Veendam + Amsterdam, because the majority of these criminals were allegedly Jewish, and most probably they work as spies for the psychopaths English royalties + Rockefeller families + ex-German royalties alias the current German controlling families such as Siemens AG, Porsche family, Daimler and Benz Families and the list is long that set me up countless times either to make me look like look as if I am a terrorist, Jewish from Russia or a hidden Nazi with telepathy. Today I am more sure than ever that I am the son of King George VI and that queen Elizabeth the second in my very evil older sister that kidnapped me sometimes between February 1952 as an infant or between this date and 10/11 January 1960.
Adolf Hitler was famous for killing Jewish, in reality he did not do it, he was 100% used by the ex-German royalties as mentioned elsewhere, because the English royalties were using Jewish as spies and the Germans recognized that after they lost the first world war and also lost their kingdom and were so stupid to not be able to differentiate between the Jewish spies (minorities) and Jewish none-spies (majority) and decided to kill them all, which they killed around 5 Million of them, in reality the English royalties carry at least 50% responsibility for the mass of killing Jewish in the Second World War, because they used German Jewish in the First World War to win the war. And when I see how these criminals psychopaths’ English royalties + Rockefeller + most members of my fake family + CIA + MI6 + BP-British Petroleum setting me up to look like I am related to Adolf Hitler, then they are hiding something else and pushing Jewish to revenge on me unjustly as these criminals did to me since 2001 and in particular between 2008 and 2013.
And to be precise about the torture that they performed upon me in Netherlands, here is a small highlight list: 1. Forced me to be illegal alien in Netherland and Germany and locked up in countless jails and prisons between Germany and the Netherlands between February 2002 and August 2006 2. Locked me up from 2006 and until summer 2012in the village Bellingwolde where I was literally tortured mentally and physically as highlighted below 3. Tortured me by not allowing me to have a routine good sleep but rather by waking me up every 20-30 minutes in night and while I was living in Bellingwolde, which was destroying my self-confidence while also making me angry and unfriendly, just as it is also here in the city of Den Haag, the Hague, where I relocated here seeking refuge by the Dutch Royal family and the Dutch government and the many foreign consulates and Embassies 4. Forbid me to work for 3 years 5. Forced me to be 3 years in integration course just to force me to create a website called wanted with wrong information to force me to believe in this wrong information while forcing Jewish around me to torture me , which they did as delay and also distraction of the English royalty the source of all evil in my own life 6. Forced me to go in a program called Bbz to allegedly teach me how to do business, these psychopaths I was doing business on my own since at least 1 January 1982 and until they arrested me in 27 July 2000 in Houston, Texas and forced me to be in the Netherlands locked up to protect their trash property called ex-US president George W. Bush that his father was dealing illegally with Syria, actually they were selling the American public for stupid and claiming Syria is the enemy of USA while giving Syria in 1983-1986 Satellite computer system to control the Syrian population, it turned out they were giving this system to Iran to help the new revolutionary government to control the population while better managing illegal drugs with the Americans, and this while claiming Russia control Syria and all these are lies and if they come out than the criminals of ex-US president George W. Bush white House Administration would have never became president for the second term and steal Iraq, and this is 100% the work of the Rockefeller + English royalties because Mr. Dick Cheney alias ex-CEO of Chevron and vice president under George W. Bush was 100% controlling George W. Bush with telepathy to steal Iraq and then blame it on George W. Bush as they also did with Donald Trump. Dick Cheney is 100% Rockefeller family member just has different last name, which is their specialties. 7. 24 July 2011 Pulled out all my teeth by force of telepathy these psychopaths in Scheemda and Winschoten 8. Even since pulling out my teeth and through their evil networking I was on purpose given always bad dentures that were causing me pain until I started in around October/November 2014 to fix the denture myself and ever since I do not have these pains. This evil denture network torture spanned from Winschoten to Scheemda, to Veendam, to Groningen, to Amsterdam, to Hove, UK to London, UK to Assen Netherlands = most destructive networking 9. In the city of Assen Netherlands also not allowing me to work and this from 2014-2016 10.In 2013-2014 the municipality of Veendam conspired with the Municipality of Amsterdam and reported my income of 2011 to 2012 in the years 2013 and 2014, which made my income of the year 2013 and 20014 look as double, and there with the tax office asked me to pay them back almost 6 thousand Euro and I was not able to correct it = very criminal and destructive networking. Therefore, and today in 2021 I am still in debt because of these wrong Tax reporting and because I am being 100% forced with telepathy to buy things that I do not need or want, which increases my debt and this in the city Den Haag/The Hague, where I thought I would be under protection of the Dutch royal family + the Dutch Government + the many foreign embassies and consulates. 11.The Dutch retirement agency calculated my retirement starting 2008 instead of 2001 = I receive half of the retirement 12.The German retirement agency calculated my retirement on purpose wrongly and as a result here too I receive at the most half of the retirement that I should receive, which means I am stuck in the Netherlands and cannot move because of my age and income is dependent on Social help that I will not receive in another country. And that is the work of the criminals psychopaths Ex-German royalties alias the real Nazis that were 100% working hand in hand with my fake family + English royalties + Rockefeller families + German immigration to get rid of me and force me to live outside my home or outside Germany because some members of my fake family are related to them such as the Porsche family Daimler and Benz families as well as Siemens AG and others and that even though I loved these companies and I also loved the German government and looked at them as an example to look up to for quality, honesty and integrity, but I was wrong! 13.And all of the above are just small highlights of countless incidents and destructive situations that were forced upon me.
(End of added on 23.03.2021 This is very important note) |
24. Jawdat Baroudi, Cairo, Egypt, Amman, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Italy and elsewhere. I strongly believe that Jawdat Baroudi is German escaped Nazi from 1945. I also strongly believe he is not the son of Kamel Baroudi but rather of the hidden escaped Nazi Fuad Khayat/Taylor/Schneider or the other hidden and escaped Nazi Jameel Baroudi , above all because his official fake parents are shorter than him, have dark hair and dark eyes as well as darker skin, he on the other side was dark blond in 1960, blue eyes and white, and above all he is hiding of something, just like Jameel Baroudi, Mamdoh Baroudi, Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier and Bashier Queder/Koueider, whereby I was at earlier time forced to write his name as Kwader and relate him to ex-Soviet Union, among others because they forced upon me a Polish person that became my friend for a few years and his name was Juergen Kwader that later changed his name to Juergen Sing.
I also strongly believe he is the father of my fake nephew Essam Shawki in the UK and Egypt, among others because my fake nephew in 2013 looks almost identical to him. Why would he hide his son with a daughter of someone else and both pretend to be brother and sisters, while their nanny pretends to be my sister Fadia Nagar?
I also strongly believe that this criminal Jawdat Baroudi was between 1960 and at least 1970 a German diplomat while pretending to be Syrian diplomat. This criminal appeared in my life several times as follow: 1. In the fake memory that they forced upon me on 10/11 January 1960 in 2 different fake memories 2. Around 1960 or 1961 he came to Cairo Egypt with his alleged wife Mrs. Kabani alias Mrs. Baroudi the mother of the nasty Hani Baroudi that was born allegedly in Cairo, Egypt around that time. Jawdat Baroudi was in Cairo, Egypt for around one years 3. 1966 as I was sent on a summer vacation to Amman Jordan to visit my alleged 2 sisters that turned out to be my fake sisters and it was a trip of brainwash and implication with drug lords. He was allegedly the Syrian consul in Amman, Jordan, today I strongly believe that he was the German consul in Amman, Jordan. During this trip I was severely setup to relate me to drug lords such as the Lebanese Ali Bark/Barq that allegedly was the Lebanese consul in Jordan, Joseph Azrath, Abdelghani Abokurah, but also to relate me to hidden escaped Nazi from 1945 Mohamad Ali Bdeir, Seif Aldin Bdeir, Abdelghani Abokurah, and Abo Maieen Malas, enable to force the Egyptian to trust my fake family that were a mixture of CIA, MI6 agents mixed with hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 as well as mixed with several royal families from Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE and Oman that are in reality from UK and other parts of Europe and USA 4. 1969, in October 1969 fake mother took me to Germany, during which she implicated me with fake 100 US dollars bills to give the CIA a reason to take me over as suspect, but it did not work and then she took me back in December 1969 to the middle east on a very destructive and confusing brainwash tour from Germany to over 8 countries and back to Germany in 15 January 1970, during which she set me up to look like as if I am related to an ex-Soviet Union agent that was lookalike of my fake mother and exchanged places with her in Sophia, Bulgaria, then made me look like as if I am related to top PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization that was at that time and from 1960s to 1990 the number one terrorist group in the world, related me to drug lords, Nazis and brought me back to Germany. And in this process my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi and his fake brother Badeaa Baroudi organized setting me up to be related to PLO, in cooperation with my fake mother and my fake 3 sisters Fadia Shawki/Najar/Najjar/Nagar/Naggar, Suhair Bedeir/Budier, Afrah Najar alias Afrah Abokurah alias Afrah Najjar alias Moni alias Mona. 5. Around summer 1981 in Saudi Arabia. I was sent on 2-3 business trips to Saudi Arabia through my employer Siemens AG on their huge IT project the Port’s Authority of Saudi Arabia, during which many very destructive setups were performed by the Saudi Arabian government against me, from arresting me unjustly in the Airport to try to force me to go for a so-called Islamic pilgrimage to Makkah to countless other destructive and vicious setups, which today I relate all to my fake family, and that makes them very influential in Saudi Arabia and members of the Saudi Arabian royal family that consist of Europeans and American and above all hidden escaped Nazis, covered up by some actors from India, Pakistan and elsewhere. In this trip I visited this evil and sadistic fake uncle at his apartment in Riyadh that later turned out to be not his apartment, but it was a deceive to portray him as a poor man. This trip cost me my job at Siemens AG, where they set me up a couple of month later to leave the company and I had no power to defend myself against their setup, where they used their department manager Dr. Peter M. Lembke and their partner company called ADV/Orga in Wilhelmshaven, and therewith I lost my job on 31.12.1981 because Siemens AG used me to blackmail these evil people enable they can get the project that expanded from 35 Million US Dollar in 1978 to over 2 Billion US Dollars the begin of the year 2000s, and thereafter probably until current, while they caused me to lose my freedom from 1983 and until current and I am still fighting to be free and this complaint page is the prove for that. I have many technical proves that they get the project based on blackmail because they were competing with top connected companies such as the British Consulting company McKenzie and the American computer manufacturer IBM that was at that time the number one mainframe company in the world, and they still are, yet a German company won because of one reason only: The Saudi Arabian government as we know it today is 100% established by hidden escaped Nazis from 1945in cooperation of British royalties and American destructive controlling families that are to at least 50% originated from the British royal family mixed with Nazis, such as the Reagan, Bush and other governing families right now! 6. Spring or early summer 1985. This sadistic and most destructive hidden escaped Nazi man named Jawdat Baroudi, came to Munich, Germany, during the period where the evil BP-British Petroleum brainwashed me and enslaved me under the BP-British Petroleum, CIA and MI6 whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud that had at least 2 lookalikes that exchanged places with her, one I strongly suspect was Saudi Arabian, and the other was either UAE or also Saudi Arabian or even American- Indian native or British-Indian/Pakistani living between the Middle East, Europe and USA. During his visit to Munich he came with his whore wife (number officially 4, but I strongly suspect that he had at least 10-20 wives, possibly not all at the same time, just to generate as much Nazi children as he can enable he can create his own and under his control a destructive brotherhood) from the family Ejlani the sister-in-law of the criminal Dr. Sami Assassa the very shady business man that helped in brainwashing me and enslaving me along with his whore wife named Samah Assassa alias Samah Ejlani. He came to Munich in this time for 2 reasons, number-1: to blackmail or even threaten certain people and companies, such as Siemens AG to stop helping me or else(!), but also to ask his hidden biological family to make sure I stay under the control of their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud or else(!). Bumber-2: to keep me busy while using me to drive him around to see his own country that he had to escape with the help of the evil CIA & MI6 in 1945, in matter of fact I strongly believe that his biological father was one of the highest Nazis in 1930s and until 1945. But also, to keep me busy and to show as if I am voluntarily with the BP-British Petroleum, CIA and MI6 whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud. 7. 1991, this is not directly Jawdat Baroudi but his evil and sadistic son named Hani Baroudi, which shows that both are heavily connected to ARAMCO, American government and the evil Bush family that signed up on brainwashing me, enslaving me and kidnaping from Germany to USA in 1986 by using the BP-British Petroleum, CIA, MI6, BND project Calypso (for details see the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1). In December 1990 I was forced to relocate to Houston, Texas. In autumn 1991 I get 2 projects at the company Texaco, Inc (it was purchased by Chevron, but not the gas stations, these were purchased by an Israeli businessman). In this project my employer/client pretended to be helping me of getting free of the slavery under the evil BP-British Petroleum, CIA & MI6 whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud, by using brainwash strategies and telepathy. In short, they animated me to rent an apartment and to use it as an office during which I can think far away from my apartment where I was forced to live as a slave of this whore as distraction of my fake family in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and elsewhere in Europe. I rented a second apartment for this purpose of using it as an office, but in reality, to use it to be far from home and to think what is wrong with my life. I rented this apartment in an apartment complex on Westheimer road, then I discovered that my supervisor at Texaco that performed many brainwash setups to force my mind to remember my time at the American military base in McGraw kaserne between 1970 and 1972, and he also lives in the same apartment complex where I rented my second apartment, which very much means I was forced by Texaco to live in the same apartment complex enable they can use him and he possibly he has telepathy to force certain thoughts upon me while I am far of that whore Najlaa Mahmoud that I was enslaved under. Suddenly, my fake cousin Hani Baroudi the official son of Jawdat Baroudi appears in my life and to make it short I was forced to let him live in this second apartment which prevented me to be alone and think freely, and this alone shows that these evil criminals have telepathy and knew what is going around in my mind and what are my plans and why I do have this for a plan. This criminal and man whore named Hani Baroudi stayed in this apartment until I was not able to afford to pay the rent, which was 3 months and then he disappeared. Today I strongly believe that this criminal works either for ARAMCO or for BP-British Petroleum or even both and he also have a lot of business in Texas. These people are criminals hiding behind the law because they control the laws in USA and in Saudi Arabia, just as the current situation in USA now and the standoff between the Whitehouse + Senate against the congress, while some of them are hidden children of the hidden escaped Nazis from Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Syria, Jordan and Egypt!
Kidnapping me to USA was what these criminals did with the bad laws of Germany and USA that allows these criminals to do what they want with anyone whatsoever.
Also see the related point below |
25. This point is related to Jawdat Baroudi. Some members of the Tabaa, Ejlani, Kabani and other families that are also married to Jawdat Baroudi that has many hidden wives. The Tabaa family I know of my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi, he was either engaged to a Mona Tabaa or married to her. He later was also married to Mrs. Kabani. And later married to Mrs. Ejlani the sister of Samah Ejlani alias Mrs. Samah Assassa the wife of the evil and most sleezy man named Dr. Sami Assassa living in Munich, Germany with a cover store for selling oriental carpets and prior to that he was allegedly living in a small town called Bad Woerishofen. I strongly believe this man Dr. Sami Assassa to be a British agent from Pakistan or India, the circumstances that he was forced upon my life in 1976 as well as what this criminal did to me between then and 1986 shows that he is covering up for British and Nazis, which also showing as if Jawdat Baroudi is British original, why? Here is why: UK has a huge hidden influence in India and Pakistan, and among others and shortly after I get to know him, Siemens AG forced upon me a friend named Khalid Mian that was a Muslim Pakistani, and there is nothing wrong of being that, but he was more than just that he was there in my life to help do something against me because I allegedly became Christian voluntarily and as my friend when needed to, which he did several times, which is a very destructive pattern I discovered, and also the pattern that this is Pakistani who says he is Pakistani and not Dr. Sami Assassa the British agent, while in 1976 I was forced by the German immigration to renew my fake Syrian passport to show as if I am Syrian as a reaction to what the church was trying to show me in 1976 which is that some members of my fake family are not only Germans but also hidden escaped Nazis from 1945, and when I went to the so called Syrian consulate in Bonn it was nothing else but an borrowed or rented office within the Pakistani embassy, meaning they have close ties. All this so Jawdat Baroudi can show that he is allegedly Syrian married to a Syrian woman the sister-in-law of this evil British agent named Dr. Sami Assassa. I strongly believe that Jawdat Baroudi was using these families as a shield, he is most definitely one of two: 1. American (CIA) or British (MI6) and was blackmailing Germans in 1985 to expose their Nazi family members that are hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 and working closely with him. The blackmail was to leave me alone and not to help me else… 2. He was through and through hidden escaped Nazi from 1945, and if this is the case, then he is most definitely related to one of these families in Stuttgart: Porsche, Daimler or Benz that worked closely with BP=British Petroleum in brainwashing me and enslaving me under their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and then used one of their subcontractors as distraction of BP-British Petroleum, which was and still is UDF-Unternehmensberatung Dr. Fischer GMBH, now it is called UDF Consulting AG and still at the same location. Not to forget to mention that Prof. Dr. Fischer was the economic advisor to ex-German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt that was in Hamburg, while the Second in command of company UDF and at that time was Mr. Ruge is as mentioned in the below addition of 24.03.2021, the other fake uncle, that was living in Hamburg, named Dr. Farzat Baroudi was 100% either himself was the son of a hidden escaped Nazi living first in Koln then starting 1970 in Hamburg, while being married to Anna Baroudi (maiden name unknown to me) is almost identical look to Shams Baroudi and a lot of look similarities to Najlaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, meaning she is either their sister or their cousin or a combination and Shams Baroudi is 100% the daughter of a major and top hidden and escaped Nazi from 1945 that lives between Egypt and Saudi Arabia and calls himself at least in one identity Jameel Baroudi. (added on 24.03.2021: Mr. Ruge mentioned above was a very strong lookalike of Mr. John D. Rockefeller the Third:, while the uncle of Jawdat Baroudi and also uncle of my fake mother named Fuad Khayat had a lot of look similarities to John Davison Rockefeller Jr. as he was older he looked in 1950s and until his alleged death in 11.05.1960;, while Jawdat Baroudi had also little look similarities to John D. Rockefeller IV: Last but not least Mr. John D. Rockefeller the Third has unbelievable look similarities to pastor Billy Graham: that is going around the world and scaring people of God as if God is giving 2 alternative be good and go to heaven or be bad and go to everlasting hell fire, and that is 100% contradicting to the New Testament as it is written by the Catholic church, which shows that controlling families hate the catholic church and created countless copycat Christian religions and breaching over heaven and hell, and that is 100% not God, God is not a sadistic creature that would place a human being in a room full of fire, and as if this is not enough, they claim the sinners will stay in this hell room full of fire for eternity to reflect on his sins, give me a break, look around you, and see the sun, moon and earth and other creature, and then think does really Gid who allegedly created all this beautiful life around us is capable to come up with such a sadistic idea such as hell for eternity? Give me a break, of course he would never do that, because he is transparent, because whatever he gives us, he also gives to all human beings and many other creatures except intelligence that he gave only to Human beings so may learn the difference between animals and human being, in other words he also give to other creatures that eat human beings the earth they stand on, air to breath and sun to keep them warm and healthy. As you see my thoughts are not based on Christianity only, but also on what I see, which is not really described in the New testament (bible). I other words, the Rockefeller family creates fake and copycat religions to force fear upon human being and force them to believe that whatever is happening to them, is God’s decision, which is not, it is s slavery distraction, period. I attended one of pastor Billy Graham sermons in Munich Germany, at that time I was living in astudent home on Turk street in Munich and sharing a room with a Mormon young man from Utah and he invited me to go with him to this Billy Graham God’s service, which was not God’s Service was 100% Service to serve for the controlling families that think of their selves as Gods because they have telepathy and others do not because these criminals disable it at birth. All these look alike are not coincident, above all my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi has even stronger look similarities to prince Andrew of the UK: Prince Andrew, Duke of York, and if you knew Jawdat Baroudi then you will recognize the strong look similarities under this link of google:, End of added on 24.03.2021). 3. He is from British royal family or American controlling families, that then came to Germany in early 1985, among others to threaten people not to help me, while possibly using an existing setup to relate himself to the Porsche, Benz or Daimler families as distraction of British Royal families or American controlling families that control Saudi Arabia, but if you ask me what I think, I would say he is from Stuttgart, for the two reasons only, which is by far enough, Reason-01: there are a lot of hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 hiding within existing families by using fake identities in the Middle East. Reason-02: Germany is the only country in the western industrial world that does not have its own petroleum company, BASF have tried but was unsuccessful, and ARAMCO is 100% not owned by native Saudi Arabians but rather by hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 and their relatives the English royalties in addition to the Rockefeller family, and that is why they have the headquarter in Houston, Texas and not in Saudi Arabia (they relocated the headquarter to Saudi Arabia after the year 2001 or even after 2007 after I was forced to create the website called wanted), to make it look like American and not Nazi origin
All the above cannot be coincident!
26. Jalal Baroudi the husband, Cairo, Egypt, Geneva, Switzerland, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Moscow, Ex-Soviet Union, Tokyo, Japan, Germany and elsewhere. I do not know where this criminal is originated from, all I know is that he has a fake identity and is protected by law, which means he is either a diplomat of some kind, an agent of CIA, MI6 or other similar organization or he is a member of some very nasty royal family that plan for him and allow him to do all these crimes and then cover up for him and protect him, or a combination. Based on his look and behavior I suspect he is Spanish origin, but not sure. However, I strongly believe he is some kind of an accountant of a huge organized crime illegal activity such as illegal drugs that today I have absolutely no doubt what so ever that these evil people do through Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan and possibly also other countries such as Jordan and Egypt or even Saudi Arabia. I know they do not have enough water in Saudi Arabia and in Jordan, but this is what these criminals do, hide their activities in areas of impossible!
I also believe that he has the Jordanian nationality and possibly other nationalities.
I was living in Munich, Germany from 1970 and until these criminals kidnapped me from Germany to USA in 1986, and in 1977 and for the second time of my life I see this man, yet later I was prevented to visit him by all kind of tricks and severe and very destructive brainwash setups. And if I cannot visit my family in Europe and while I am living in Europe then these criminals are not my family, period. And if I cannot visit my family in the Middle East, USA, UK or Germany then these criminals are not my family!
When did I see this criminal? 1. I had one fake memory about him that was supposed to be from between summer 1959 and 10/11 January 1960, but it was a fake memory 2. Around 1960-1961. Where he came to Cairo Egypt as an alleged Syrian Diplomat and lived for around 2 years just 50-100 meters of Al-Tahrier Square downtown, Cairo, Egypt, during which I saw him at the most 1-2 times in this 2 years and at his home, yet he never came to visit us=not my uncle but rather my kidnapper and a top criminal, and who knows he may have never left Egypt and I was forced to meet another slightly lookalike in 1977 and think it is the same person, they did that to me several times before with several other persons, such as my fake brother and my fake 2 sisters as well as my fake mother. Also, I do not know as a diplomat what country he represented, he and they claimed Syria, but everything in my life shows that this criminal was not Syrian diplomat, and that is a fact based on fact situations that are described in several other pages such as “BP-British Petroleum-Part-1”, “Kidnapping me as a child” and others 3. December 1969, and as I was taken from Germany on a brainwash tour, I was taken to Damascus, Syria, during which I was staying in an apartment that I was told belong to this criminal, but I never saw him or his criminal mafia like family, he was allegedly as a Syrian diplomat in Moscow, but I was never able to verify that, except through many deceiving situations such as my fake mother come to Munich after she allegedly visited him in Moscow and dressed all in allegedly Russian like fur coat and Russian like fur hat, which could have been and for all I know from Alaska, Norway, Finland or Iceland or stolen from some kind of movie studio, such as the one in Munich-Gruenwaldt, but I did not know that at that time, and to make sure I believe this brainwash situations she even brought me the famous Russian Matryoshka dolls, where you open one and it contain a smaller one, and you open the smaller one and it also contain an even smaller one, I believe they were 5. This was around 1976 or 1977. Today I know it was all an act, and a very evil one 4. 1977, I traveled with the car from Munich to Geneva, Switzerland along with my fake mother Hayat Baroudi and the CIA whore agent that the CIA enslaved me under on 20 August 1970 in the American military base McGraw Kaserne, named Anita Disbray and her alleged mother from allegedly the UK named Joan Disbray and he accepted us as visitors, note that he claimed just have relocated from Moscow and told me a fake story that his alleged all furniture were lost because the transporting ship was allegedly sank. They always do that and tell a fake story to show that they came from a fake origin while forcing you to feel sorry for them, it is a very evil brainwash strategy, where the US government often uses this strategy by claiming they were attacked and now they have to attack back, 1000 folds, such as they did to Iraq and claimed that they have mass destruction weapons such as Atomic bombs (just as they doing now with Iran), then invaded Iraq destroyed 90% of the infrastructure, including major roads, water systems, electricity and telephones switches and much more just to steal their petroleum and then rebuild some of the infra structure and make them pay for it for decades of not centuries as they did with Germany. Today Iraq is one of the poorest countries in the world, and prior to invading it ( it was one of the richest countries and had over one Million foreign workers from USA, form the UK, from Germany, from Jordan, from Egypt and from many other countries! 5. 1978-1986, I tried many times to visit them, yet I was never successful, except once with my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka where they set me up and created a very destructive and divisive situation to separate me of my girlfriend while making me look bad as well as force my mind to think because I was bad, they were avoiding me to visit them. There were many reasons why they avoided me, yet the end result was always the same, which is to avoid me, and this evil strategy was used also by his alleged brother and my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi in Hamburg as well as his alleged brother Jawdat Baroudi that resulted in removing me from Europe to prevent me to visit members of my criminal fake family. But also, this strategy was used by my 3 fake sisters and my fake brother in Egypt, Jordan, Germany, UK and USA 6. Sometimes around 1983 or 1984, which was the period where the evil and most destructive group brainwashed me: BP-British petroleum, CIA, MI6 and BND were trying to separate me of my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka by using the bitch daughter of my fake uncle named Rima Baroudi enable they can enslave me under their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud, and during this period the alleged son of Jalal Baroudi, named Hasan Baroudi, came allegedly from Geneva to visit me in Munich, Germany for around 7-10 days and this is the one of the last thing I heard of this evil fake Jalal Baroudi family, with the exception of a very destructive setup that was forced upon me by their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud in 1995 to force the entire family to boycott me and then blame it on me and therewith do not give me a chance to think that they are avoiding me because they are not my family but rather my kidnappers from 10/11 January 1960 and again in September 1986 7. 1985. Destruction of my residence permit setup that was a cooperation of the followings: BP-British Petroleum, CIA, MI6, BND, the German immigration in Munich called KVR- kreisverwaltungsreferat, members of the project Calypso, members of my fake family, the Syrian embassy at that time in Bonn, Germany and this evil fake uncle Jalal Baroudi. This set up started in summer 1976, which is explained elsewhere. In short, the German immigration give me residence permit only as long as I have a valid fake Syrian passport, while the evil Syrian Embassy refuse to renew my passport and therewith I asked my uncle Jalal Baroudi for help, not knowing at that time that he is not my fake uncle, and not knowing at that time that he was not Syrian consul, yet claimed to be. He asked me to come from Munich to Geneva and that he will help me, which was another setup to show me as if he is the Syrian consul, because shortly before that I was set up to get to meet the owner of the company of ADV/ORGA named Friedrich A. Meyer from Wilhelmshaven, hat was German and also a part time consul for some Scandinavian country, and until that moment of time I did not know that this is possible to be a citizen of one country and apart time consul of another county. In short that criminal fake uncle Jalal Baroudi renewed my passport for 6 months only in a very suspicious way and suspicious circumstances and suspicious fake office. And that the last time I ever seen this criminal and his criminal wife and children, and the reason that his wife and children are also criminals, not because they set me up very destructively while preventing me for years to visit them, but rather because they knew that their criminal father was not my uncle yet they played along as if he is, and that makes them all criminals, the wife, the 3 daughters and the son
27.Nawal Baroudi, the wife Jalal Baroudi the husband, Cairo, Egypt, Geneva, Switzerland, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Moscow, Ex-Soviet Union, Tokyo, Japan, Germany and elsewhere |
28.Hasan Baroudi son of Jalal Baroudi the husband, Cairo, Egypt, Geneva, Switzerland, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Moscow, Ex-Soviet Union, Tokyo, Japan, Germany and elsewhere |
29.Rima Baroudi daughter of Jalal Baroudi , Cairo, Egypt, Geneva, Switzerland, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Moscow, Ex-Soviet Union, Tokyo, Japan, Germany and elsewhere. She performed a very destructive situation that was meant to damage my relationship with the woman I love, which was Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka and is mentioned under the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-1” in more detail |
30.2 more daughters of Jalal Baroudi, Geneva, Switzerland, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Moscow, Ex-Soviet Union, Tokyo, Japan and elsewhere |
31.Badeaa Baroudi, Amman, Jordan, most probably Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Oman. This fake uncle had green eyes and dark blond hair and white skin. He was married to Suad Baroudi (different than Suad Khayat) that was also green eyes and black hair/ I never met her, but I was brainwashed as if I did and that is how I know how she looks like. However, I met Badeaa Baroudi one time only, which was during my 3 months summer vacation between Amman, Jordan, Beirut, Jubail and Tripoli, Lebanon. He and Jawdat Baroudi were also present in Amman Jordan. He was most definitely American, British or Nazi because he loved Whisky. During this visit my fake sister Suhair Bdeir, her husband Seif Aldin Bdeir, and their children, as well as the 2 Lebanese Joseph Azarath and family, Ali Bark, my 2 fake uncles Badeaa Baroudi and Jawdat Baroudi and me went to a Christian monastery that was between Amman and the Dead Sea for a picnic in their garden, during which my fake sister made a lot of food for a feast while the men brought with them all kinds of drinks, from beer to the Lebanese Araq (anise drink with 40% and more alcohol), scotch, and other unknown to me alcoholic beverages and had a picnic party, while they build mosques and Islamic schools in various cities and countries from Amman to Riyadh and from Cairo to UAE, Bahrain and Yemen. And the same they did also in Lebanon and also in December 1970, yet after 1976 they all pretended to be kosher = no alcohol! Many people worldwide drink alcohol, I know that, but in this case and since they all have fake identities, it means something. Jawdat Baroudi and Badeaa Baroudi’s 2 sons I met later in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and all 2 of them in cooperation with Hani Baroudi, Jawdat Baroudi and Dr. Sami Assassa performed several severe brainwash setups between Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and Munich and Hamburg, Germany, and at least one of these setup, point out that Dr. Sami Assassa was trying to blackmail my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi by sending me to a fake project related to a port IT management in Hamburg in 1982/83, which today let me see that Dr. Farzat Baroudi is 100% related to Nazis that are members of the Saudi royal family and I was forced between 2008 and 2012 to relate him to Moamar Khadafi the ex-Libyan president. Not to forget that the whore daughter of Badeaa Baroudi and in cooperation of my fake sister Fadia Nagar in 1982 or 1984 set me up in a brainwash situation in a London Hotel, where I was sent there to meet with my cousin Samer or Summer or Sommer Baroudi the daughter of Badeaa Baroudi and the sister of Bashaar and Basel Baroudi, never met her in my life before this point (that created a brainwash setup against me in Riyadh Saudi Arabia), and this Summer/Sommer/Sammer Baroudi was allegedly married to a civilian Syrian pilot, which I cannot verify, except they were all desperate to force my mind to think that we are all originated from Syria, yet prevented me to ever mix with real Syrians or even see Syria. I Never saw this cousin before, I might have seen her only once in December 1969 as I was taken from Germany to 8 countries among other Syrian in a very destructive brainwash tour that confused the life out of me, and that was the purpose, And now in the hotel in London this newlywed allegedly strict Muslim invite me to her hotel room while she was wearing a see through nightgown, where I can see her bosom and almost also her genitals and I felt really bad and had to leave really quickly, which was a multipurpose brainwash to show me her necked body as a mean of seducing my mind to like the alleged Syrian women, while making me dislike her and voluntarily avoid to see these sick people again.
I am really ashamed to be associated with these people in any way whatsoever! |
27.Suaad Baroudi-1, the alleged wife of my fake uncle Badeaa Baroudi, never met in person, yet I was brainwashed as if I did and that is how I know how she looked like. |
28.Suaad Baroudi-2, the wife of my oldest fake uncle called Mamdoh Baroudi, I never met her, yet I met my fake uncle twice I believe, once in Egypt and once in Jordan and I believe he is a member of either the Jordanian Royal family or a member of the Saudi Arabian royal family or a combination. His alleged second wife Suaad Baroudi alias Suaad Khayat the daughter of either Fuad Khayat, which is impossible alone based on her foto’s, or the daughter of his sister called Umrateb, meaning the mother of Rateb, and Rateb is a male name, which means Suaad is the sister of Rateb, and I did not see any one of this umrateb family that supposed to be the family Khayat except my fake granduncle Fuad Khayat as he came to Cairo, Egypt for 3 months in late 1960s, and what is odd on Mr. Fuad Khayat he looked almost identical to John D. Rockefeller Junior (the second) as he looked at his later aged photos on the Internet between 1959 and 1960 ( |
29.Eftikar Kheir, Jordan, the alleged sister of my fake mother. Yet she does not look anything like my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, but also, she does not look like any of her fake 5 brothers. This woman is most definitely a nanny for hidden Nazi children or hidden royalties from Jordan and/or Saudi Arabia or UK or even USA. She has officially 6 children, her husband was allegedly dentist. I was brainwashed to believe I met them all, yet I never met any of them with the exception of once where I met her, and her alleged daughter called Fatina between 1982-85 at the house of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier in Amman, Jordan; her alleged son Farhat Kheir met once in Jordan around 1982/83and her alleged daughter Faihaa Kheir met twice once in 1981 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and once in Munich, whereby these 2 alleged children had dark blond hair and blue eyes yet she had brown or black eyes. Therefore, I believe she was used as a nanny that pretend to be a mother of the child in her care. I met her once in my life between 1982 and 1985 in Amman, Jordan at the home of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier that today I know for fact she was nothing else than a nanny for 3 children and pretended to be their mothers, and so did my evil fake mother and so does my fake sister Fadia Nagar and so does my fake sister Afrah Najjar = all nannies that pretend to be the mother of hidden royalties children from Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, UK or even USA = organized crime families with fake identities |
30.Farhat Kheir, Amman, Jordan, Oman and UAE, the official son of Eftikar Kheir, that in reality is a nanny. This Farhat kheir, blond and blue eyes I met onetime only in Amman, Jordan. He is a very nasty and destructive person that has telepathy, and I have no doubt in my mind whatsoever that he is British or one of the hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 or a combination. He lives in Oman, his oldest sister that I strongly believe she is Italian Nazi lives in UAE, and they always tried to force me to think that this sister allegedly very rich and everyone else is poor. This sister name is Farihah Kheir (marriage name is unknown to me), never met her. His other younger sister named Faihaa Kheir is mentioned above and below. |
31.Faihaa Kheir, Saudi Arabia, Munich, Germany, UK, Canada, whereby UK & Canada most probably were lies to place her far away from Saudi Arabia. Faihaa Kheir (marriage name forgotten) she claimed to be married to a Syrian insurance sales man, while having jewelry business with my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi and Dr. Sami Assassa in Munich, Germany, that created a brainwash situation to force me to believe these lies, later I was told she broke the partnership and relocated to London and opened there a jewelry store and then closed it and went to Canada to open a jewelry store there. In 1996 and in Houston, Texas, I was setup to get to know a specific attorney named William F. Harmeyer that I did not use at that time. And I met him only once in January 1996. In April 1999 I was setup again to make contact with him. This attorney claimed to be from Canada and created many fake situations that I realized it is fake but I did not understand it, in short he was trying to force my mind to blame my fake family and this fake cousin Faihaa Kheir that allegedly lives in Canada for his behavior towards me, but it was a brainwash to place this bitch and Nazi-Saudi whore far away of Saudi Arabia, systematically they forced me to think that every one of my fake family that I met in Saudi Arabia or I heard that he is living there, is now living somewhere else, such as Syria, which is absolutely impossible, Washington, D.C., L.A. California or north Germany all in places that I cannot go there and I cannot verify = lies to cover up for their evil relatives the English royalties + Rockefeller families + the ex-German royalties alias current controlling families in Germany. In reality they are hidden escaped Nazis mixed with CIA and MI6 agents and agents from other countries and together they build the Jordanian, Saudi Arabian, UAE, Omani royal families and hires actors that are visible rulers for the public that look darker skin and wear Arab clothing, anything else is a lie. This bitch performed many damages upon me using telepathy and it is mentioned elsewhere! |
32.Atef Shawki/Shawqi, Cairo, Egypt. The official brother of my brother-in-law Afaf Shawki. This man did not look anything like his official father or official mother, that I met both several to many times, yet I met him once, even though he lived in the same building as them, and they owned that building. Therefore I strongly believe he is one of the hidden escaped Nazis from 1945, because he does not look like his parents or other brothers or sisters or even Egyptians in general, but also that I met him only once, where he is in reality hiding and does not appear much in public places such as in the marriage ceremony of my fake sister, but also he never visited his brother in 4-5 years from 1961/2 and until his death in March 1966, I cannot even recall a funeral reception at my fake sister’s apartment! |
33.Elweeyah Shawki/Shawqi, Cairo, Egypt. It is absolutely the same as her above-mentioned brother Atef Shawki/Shawqi, with the exception she is a female and looks a lot like Atef but not like her official parents and the rest of fake brothers and sisters. Also, she never visited her brother in 7 years |
34.Bashieer Queder/Koueider, Cairo, Egypt. He is most definitely a hidden escaped Nazi from 1945, he avoids public places, while his family performed a very negative setup against me while also using one of his evil children named Adam to rape me and I was not able to defend myself. This is also a pattern to perform something very nasty to me to force my mind not to want to think about these times out of shame, but why should I be ashamed of bad and nasty things these evil people did to me, I will not on the contrary, they should be ashamed of their selves. I strongly believe he is a member of a very destructive brotherhood that span to Jameel Baroudi, Mamdoh Baroudi, Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier in Jordan and Saudi Arabia. My fake mother claimed that this family was neighbors of my grandfather Kamel Baroudi in Damascus Syria, but also, she said the same about many others that she met in Egypt, over 15 of them, in 1960 to 1961, and continued to use the same lie even in 1968, about new comers, which was a lie, among others because there was at least 2 other lookalike of my fake mother that exchanged places with her in Egypt and in Germany, and if she really knew these people since ever, and she was Syrian, then she would have maintained relation with them, yet we were 100% isolated in Egypt, we, meaning only me and this fake mother that was nothing else than a nanny and not my mother, and a very bad and destructive nanny. This is what these criminals do, hide their children under other fake identities enable to use in the government or in other countries and no one can relate them to each other’s!
(Added on 24.03.3021: Last but not least, the younger brother of Bashier Queder named Jameel Queder, was the main one that was taking care of business. They had 2 shops linked together, one for Egyptian and other Arabic sweets and the other one fresh fruit juice, and this 2 shops were open to each other’s with a linked door and right downtown Cairo next to the movie theater Metro that was owned by the CEO of Egypt air and they set me up with her niece named Esmat Khodary, which is mentioned din more details in other pages, which very much means these people not only live close to each other’s but also their businesses are close to each other’s. They also had another branch near an area called Roxy in the city section New-Egypt/Heliopolis and this Jameel Queder was often in these branches looking after the business and often even working on the cashier, last saw him as I went to Cairo on business in around march or April 1982. And what is most important about Jameel Queder is that he looked almost identical to Adolf Hitler, but was much younger in 1960s he must have been in his twenties or begin thirties, he was white but brown eyes and hair, yet the face you would think they are brothers, and who knows maybe he is related, I do not know, and today I do not think that this is a coincident, maybe they are Austrian and a nephew or cousin of Adolf Hitler and that would explain many things, among others that my fake mother related to them to again trust of the Egyptian because some Muslims love Nazis because they killed Jewish, and this because the government lies to them and tell them that the Jewish are the cause of all their problems through Israel, but also the Quran says that God hates Jewish and have condemned them to be in hell, all these goes into a person’s head and he would be negatively influenced by then, just as ex-US president Donald Trump influenced the many Americans very destructively and lied to them enable to get back at the Democrats, actually the insurrection that he caused on 6 January 2021 was meant to kill as many democrats as possibly, luckily not many died at that day. But also that my fake mother tried to link me to them and if they are really hidden escaped Nazis then she was using them as distraction of the English royalties. This woman that pretended to be my mother and called Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and just like all her alleged family Baroudi is a whore criminal and would do anything for money, and to cover up for the English royalties and in particular for queen Elizabeth the second that I strongly suspect to be my sister that kidnapped me, and I further suspect that my fake mother is either a hidden sister or cousin of queen Elizabeth. End of added on 24.03.3021) |
35.Jameel Queder/Koueider, Cairo, Egypt. This is the younger brother of Bashier Queder/Koueider and he looks a lot like Jameel Baroudi and Mamdoh Baroudi and both are top hidden escaped Nazi from 1945. His look alone proves it, at least to me that these criminals use a very destructive brotherhood to perform all sort of nasty and illegal things. (Added on 24.03.3021: This section is replaced by the above section. Also, it is not true that Jameel Queder looks lot like Jameel Baroudi, for the single fact that I never met Jameel Baroudi, and my memory was fake as described elsewhere. Yet the daughter of Jameel Baroudi looks like she could be the daughter of Adolf Hitler and this based on her look + countless situations. You can see her pictures here: (../PHTM/Shams.htm or or ) (End of added on 24.03.3021) |
36.3-4 families around 20 persons with the name Queder/Koueider, Cairo, Egypt, where all of them lived in one 3 or 4 floor building that was owned by Basheer Queder/Koueider on Abou Bakr El-Sedeek close to El-Orouba street and very close within 400-500 meters to my fake sister Fadia Shawki’s apartment and the Nazi Hapeeb Lapeeb and Al-Jumaiee family and very close within 100-200 meters to the Dardiri Ahmad Ismael and very close within 400 meters to the Shawki family and close to others!!! |
37.Dr. Lapeeb/Lapeep/Labeeb, Cairo, Egypt, the landlord of my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar, he was most definitely one of the hidden and escaped Nazis from 1945. He was officially a dentist owned a 3 or 4 floor building, each floor 2 apartments directly opposite the main entrance of the Air Force airport named Almaza in Cairo. He lived on the ground floor that consisted only of his apartment. He was hardly home, only an old woman that always had scarf on covering her head, yet did not look anything like Muslims or Egyptians, also his son named Hani was also living there. After the official husband of my fake sister died through a plane crash that he was piloting, I started to stay with my fake sister more often, sometimes I would sleep there for a week or even a month, and therewith I was able to see that this doctor was hardly home, it looked like as if he was most of the times on business trips in other towns or even countries. I met him a couple of times and he was anything but friendly and people shy, above all they use the same strategies as other nasty hidden escaped Nazis do, being shy of people see them rarely, with the exception this is his own property and where his son live with an old unknown woman, possibly he had several households and this one is for his son, possibly he was not a dentist, but rather was an ex-military or ex-Air Force and that would explain why he lives within 3 minutes’ walk of the Air Force Airport called Almaza. But also, that his evil son raped me, and I was not able to do anything about it. Today I know that many members if not all members of my fake family had telepathy, and built a very destructive network, and they were watching as I was being systematically raped and brainwashed and did nothing to stop it, in matter of fact these evil people planned it as a mean of brainwash to prevent my mind to want to think about these times, while later they created situations to force my mind to think as if I am a homosexual and that they were allegedly helping me and that is why they took me from Egypt to Germany in 1969, which is a very evil brainwash method that they used on me several times in various forms and in various brainwash setups, which is force me with telepath to do something, and then later pretend to be helping me against what I am doing. The most important thing here is that Hani Lapeep looked almost identical to ex-US president George H. W. Bush as he looked in 1960s and this is based on the photos of him that I found through and is also explained with photos in other pages, but also his father Dr. Lapeep had a lot of look similarities and that cannot be coincident especially that their neighbors below also look very alike to the bush family while the pastor that baptized me also look so much alike and all is explained with photos in the age BP-British Petroleum-Part-3 under the section of the Bush family. |
38.Hani Lapeeb, Cairo, Egypt, See above |
39.Al-Jumaiee, Cairo, Egypt, this family became the friends of my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar after her official husband died in March 1966, whereby and today I strongly believe that my fake sister that went to Yemen in 1962 with her husband that was a trainer for pilots and had a project to train Yemeni pilots for 2-3 years, yet he came back after this period with another woman that had a lot of similarities with the original one, and this new one was most probably Italian origin, especially that at that Time the Egyptian government (in reality the hidden escaped Nazis) made an agreement with the Italian car company Fiat to assemble certain model in Egypt, and then they called that model Nasr (meaning Victory), while lying to the public and saying we are manufacturing from the needle to rockets, such as also cars and rockets. The word Nasr is very similar to the name of the president of that time named Naser, full name Gamal Abd Al-Naser (Naser means Victorian), if this has anything to do with queen Victoria, I do not know, however these sick people would translate things like that and name it after their family. Back to Al-Jumaiee family, they lived in the second house to the right of the building where my fake sister lived. They had a very vicious German shepherd dog that often jumped the fence and attack people, and they never fixed the fence even though they were wealthy. They do not have the typical Egyptian look, which darker skin, and 30-40% of the men have curly hair, they looked much more Europeans or Americans and that in itself fits the pattern that they live next to each other’s to defend each other’s in case of an uprising against foreigners, because they have experience that they inherited. I cannot recall all their names, or the name of the girlfriend of my fake sister (today 24.03.2021 I remembered, her name is Farida), yet I recall the name of 2 of her brothers, one is called Ali, he was white, had red hair and freckles all over his face and body, he also limbed, he had a leg injury, possibly he was also one of the hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 and has a war injury. He claimed to know karate very well, which I never heard of before that. He dated my fake sister. His younger brother named Hisham became a semi-friend to me. I am saying semi, because it was no real friendship but rather a fake friendship for a purpose, among other he took me on 2 trips, one of the 2 trips I am not sure it was real, it was possibly forced upon me brainwash, which was he took me to their farm, but I cannot recall how I got there and how I left where I slept, it is possible that he had telepathy and controlled my mind during the entire one day trip. The second trip he took me to Alexandria, where they had a summer apartment, we stayed there for 2-4 days. Possibly to blackmail someone, I strongly suspect that I am a apart of triplets, and one of these triplets is a girl that I met on a one week ship cruise ship that my fake mother took me on to blackmail my real biological sister that I met only on this cruise but at that time I did not realize that we had a lot of look similarities. Also, I was forced to recognize Mr. Hisham Al-Jumaiee face again in 2009 and while I was forced to live isolated in the village Bellingwolde from 28 February 2008 t Mai 2012, during which I was mainly controlled and attacked with telepathy and forced to look at photos on internet and relate them to the one or another, but also forced to attack the entire world and everything in it, attack things that did not concern me nor I cared about at all. During which they also severely tortured me mentally and physically as well as pulling all my teeth out in a very sadistic and tortures way. And one of the photos I was forced to find on the Internet was of James E. Robinson the official grandfather of the ex-USA-president’s wife named Barbara Pierce Bush, and that cannot be coincident because of the following reasons: 1. Hisham Al-Jumaiee looks almost identical to James E. Robinson 2. Pastor Herbert Lange as mentioned in the page “Thank You” is identical look of Barbara Pierce Bush in one photo only that I was also forced to find on the internet 3. In 1976 I was set up to become Christian in a church where Pastor Herbert Lange was also a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church in Unterschleissheim, Germany 4. In 1978 Pastor Herbert Lange disappeared in a very odd situation, where he allegedly and very suddenly lost his voice and could not preach anymore and was relocated to be a director of some church elderly home in North of Germany and I never seen him after that, simultaneously I was forced to leave the entire city of Unterschleissheim and relocate to Munich 5. In Summer 1999 I was separated of the woman I loved very much by the evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 and then they enslaved me under one of their whore agents named Najlaa Mahmoud on 24 December 1984, but also separated by force in 1999 of the fake son that I was forced to believe it was my biological son and raised as my son, then I recognized that these criminals used me as a nanny to hide one of their criminal children, and this a few kilometers of the Bush family residence in Houston! 6. In the same time, I was forced to go to the following church as a brainwash or as a blackmail: Evangelical Lutheran Saint Philip Church on 9725 Bissonnette St, Houston, TX 77036. This church, during which I was, severely brainwashed, and I will skip the details, what is important is that this church completely disappeared between 2010 and 2012 and was replaced by an Afro-American church, during a period I was forced to write down my entire history and every single one I ever knew, and also about some of the things that happened to me and is related to this church. When I visited this church, 3-5 times, it was always full, at least 200-300 persons or maybe more persons were always there, possibly 500, and 2 pastors, and there is absolutely no reason to close the church, I looked for it, I thought maybe they relocated, but I was not able to find it. So, I asked myself did it disappear because what I was forced to write about them, then why, and I was not able to come with an answer except these 2 possible answers: 6.1. Pastor Herbert Langer possibly a hidden brother of Barbara Pierce Bush and went back to USA and was member of this church and did not want me to see him there or that anyone later see him and relate him to Germany 6.2. Some to many members of my fake family that are also related to Aramco and pretend to be Muslims, were going to this church and did not like it to see me there, I did not see any one that I recognized from before 6.3. Or a combination of the above 2 possibilities 6.4. I can be wrong in all above conclusions 7. I was forced to relocate from Connecticut to Houston, Texas in December 1990, among others to prevent me of visiting my evil fake sister and her very evil children from the fake Abokurah family, today I have no doubt what so ever in my mind that they are the children of hidden and escaped Nazis from 1945 and now are living between Washington D. C and Virginia 8. In Houston, Texas, I was forced to live in an apartment complex that was repeatedly being sold to another company to cover up something, I strongly believe I get this apartment through the whore BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 whore Najlaa Mahmoud family that were with no doubt what so ever blackmailing someone in USA and using me as the blackmail object, and therefore I strongly suspect that the original owner of the property called Stancliff Park apartment (now it is called Ashford Stancliff Park Apartments) on Land’s End Drive in Houston, sold the property as soon as they found out that I lived there 9. The ex-president George H. W. Bush signed on and approved the evil BP-British Petroleum project called Calypso, because it was using American satellites, meaning this evil president signed on and approved me being brainwashed, enslaved, raped and kidnaped to USA, and once I recognize that in 1999/2000, and told my attorney that I was setup to have as an attorney named William F. Harmeyer, that I want to sue the American government because of that, and he said, no one can sue the American government, and this explain who set this nasty attorney on me, because you can sue the government in USA and elsewhere in the so called democratic free countries, which are Europe, USA and a couple of others in Asia and South America, yet this fake and very bad attorney not only prevented me of suing the American government but also helped delivering me to be deported out of USA! 10.Between April 1999 and July 2000, I was severely persecuted with telepathy while they pretended to be helping me and showing me what telepathy can do, yet these evil persons who performed all the torture upon me at that time, scared the life out of me and I just want to run away of them and since I was not successful, I just want to leave the evil country called USA. Note: USA is not evil, but this is what they did to me to force me to think so and leave the country among others to protect these evil persons such as Najlaa Mahmoud and my fake son, my fake sister and her evil children from the Abokurah family allegedly from Jordan, in reality they some of them are hidden escaped Nazi’s others are the children of hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 11.Ex-president George W. Bush the son of ex-president George H. W. Bush became president officially on15 January 2001 12.On 10 February 2001, which is 25 days after ex-president George W. Bush became president, I was deported to by forced to the Netherlands, where I was severely tortured mentally and physically as we’ll as locked up for 13 years to protect this psychopath called ex-US president George W. Bush enable, he can be elected 2 terms = 8 years to kill more people and steal more land as they did with Afghanistan and Iraq
13.Are all of the above coincident!!??!!
14.If half of the above is true, then it would make both ex-president Bush(s) a criminal due to they both and willingly helped and most probably also ordered in brainwashing me, enslaving me, raping me, using me as a nanny to raise one of their hidden children or hidden children of one of their hidden agents or partner Nazis in the Middle East, Germany or USA or a combination |
40.Adel Hasan an Egyptian Airforce and helicopter pilot that was a friend of my fake sister Fadia Shawki. He is not Nazi but most definitely was covering up for them and for the Saudi Arabian Dr. Alaa Ali or he was used without his knowledge or he was an agent set on my fake sister. Yet I suspect that he was covering up for them because he pretended to want to marry my fake sister as a second wife, which is a common fake pretention to show as if they are Muslims, them meaning my fake family in Cairo, Egypt and elsewhere. My fake sister Fadia Shawki, get to know Mr. Adel Hasan after her official husband Afaf Shawki died in March 1966 in a plane crash that he was piloting. I do not know how my fake sister get to know Mr. Adel Hasan. He was an Air Force helicopter pilot while her husband was a civilian plane pilot and also a helicopter pilot, and the reason I know for fact that he was also a helicopter pilot because he allegedly captured a dear animal in the desert by chasing it with his helicopter until it was out of breath and then he captured it and brought it home and placed it in his balcony until his new house construction is completed and wanted to place it in the garden, and he also get another male dear and therewith he had 2 dears in the balcony, I think and after he died at least one of them jumped from the balcony in the second floor and ran away. While Adel Hasan was working at the Air Force airport Almaza, where my fake sister lived just 100 meters directly opposite of its main entrance. Later she gets to know Dr. Alaa Ali allegedly through me, which was a lie, they caused me a sickness in my throat and I had to go to the hospital Heliopolis next door and Dr. Alaa Ali was the treating doctor and said there was nothing with my throat and it healed after 2 days, and somehow he then get to know my fake sister throw me, and therewith and today I have no doubt in my mind that they used me to pretend to meet coincidently because Dr. Alaa Ali has another lookalike in Saudi Arabia and the UK and was meant that the lookalike pretend to be the original one. Later my fake sister ended her relation Mr. Adel Hasan and allegedly married Dr. Alaa Ali, which I was only told and did not see, yet this fake sister that lives alleged with her husband Dr. Alaa Ali in Brighton, the UK is not my original fake sister because she does not have large eyes, nor have check dimples on her cheeks not she has double tooth on her upper right side, nor her Dr. Alaa Ali in the UK is the same person as the one from Egypt = they are through and through criminals and pretend something to hide something else!
However, what is odd in this relation is the following: I never seen Mr. Adel Hasan after around end of 1968 or begin of 1969. Then in December of 1969 I was taken to Germany. And in 1984 I was severely brainwashed by BP-British Petroleum during their illegal project Calypso as described in the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-1” and was severely setup to lose my residence permit as well as the renewal of my forced upon me fake Syrian passport. And in summer 1986 and very suddenly Mr. Adel Hasan calls me at home in Munich and asked me to visit him in Bonn. He was now allegedly the Egyptian military attaché in Bonn, Germany. When I went to Bonn to renew my forced upon me fake Syrian passport, I called hem and met with him in a café on the south edge of Bonn next to the city Koenigswinter, which was on the other side of the river Rhein. All I can recall is that he was asking me too many questions how I am doing, and that he heard I have problems and if he can help and what kind of problems I have. I denied of having problems, because I thought it is not his concern, among others because he is no longer the boyfriend of my fake sister since over than 13 or even 15 years and haven’t seen him since around 1968, and very suddenly he is the Egyptian military attaché in Germany, that was most odd to me and still it is more than odd to me and I do not understand it, neither I believe it was coincident, and the only explanation I have for this situation, is that he was an agent of some kind and was set on my fake sister, and suddenly in my worst time in life he appears in my life as if he knew about my situations but not telling me. That was the last I heard of him.
41.White Dog. Albino German shepherd from the German Embassy to my fake sister, Cairo, Egypt. My fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar, received a very rare white German shepherd dog and I was told it was a gift of the German ambassador in Cairo. Today I ask myself: why would the German ambassador give my fake sister a rare dog like that, above all the dog was very good trained. Today, I have to remember what the German police was trying to tell me through several setups between 2004 and 2006 by getting a police woman for 2 days only in the prison called Stadelheim where I was being held and that woman had such strong look similarity with my fake sister Fadia Najar, that it could have been her sister or cousin, and simultaneously in the same period they also created another 3 situation with 3 lookalikes as follow: 1. One lookalike of my fake brother-in-law Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier in Jordan, that came up to me while I was waiting for a bus going to Schönau am Königssee, near Berchtesgaden, Adolf Hitler’s favorite place. Yet I was forced to live there in a refugee camp 2. One lookalike of my fake niece May Abokurah, which was a German medical doctor that I was set up to see in a hospital in Berchtesgaden, one of the favorites areas of Adolf Hitler and placing 3. One lookalike of Jameel Baroudi and Mamdoh Baroudi by placing me in prison in a tiny city called Newburg an der Donau, and a catholic pastor was coming to prison on a regular base while giving me a special treatment to get my attention and talking often about the Middle East, and the second World War while he claimed that he was an Air Force pilot and just retired and become a catholic priest!
Meaning the German police or German immigration were trying to or pretending to be trying to tell me that these 3 persons are German origin, and since Seif Aldin Bdeir was born before 1921, meaning he was one of the hidden escaped Nazis as well as my fake sister probably also comes of a Nazi family. Officially she is 10 years older than me and born around 1942 and since these criminals caused me total amnesia, I guess she was born in Germany. And that is the only explanation I have that the German ambassador in Egypt gave my fake sister a very rare dog as a gift to guard her fake children!
(Added on 24.03.2021: About the above, first and as mentioned elsewhere, I really did not meet Jameel Baroudi, I recently discovered it was a fake memory and his look is what these criminals placed in my memory, which I cannot depend on, however I can depend on the look of his daughter and her look could be the look of the daughter of Adolf Hitler. Second point, Also recently I discovered all these setups to link me to Nazis were nothing else than a distraction of the psychopaths English royalties that kidnapped me and in particular Queen Elizabeth the second that I strongly suspect her to be my sister that kidnapped me. Third the police mentioned above would never help me against the psychopaths Bush family> Rockefeller families and the English royalty families, because I have nothing for them, therefore I strongly suspect that they were following CIA + MI6 + BND instructions to confuse my mind while preventing me of ever come back home to Germany again to not see members of my fake family that often go to Germany because they have businesses there, and that shows that not even the police is to be trusted, because and even though the individual police men may be good and honest, but also they are puppets and follow orders and cannot refuse and order, which you can see the effect of these orders in USA during the ex-US president Donald Trump that he totally had control of the American justice System and the FBI and prevented them to prosecute him. End of added on 24.03.2021) |
41.Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier, Amman, Jordan, Cairo, Egypt, Lebanon, Germany, Saudi Arabia, UAE, OMAN, Kuwait, USA and elsewhere. See the above point. I strongly believe he is German origin. |
42.Suhair Bdeir/Budier, Cairo, Egypt, Amman, Jordan, Lebanon, Germany, USA and elsewhere. She is officially my oldest sister, yet today I know she is not my sister and she was a nanny one of around several nannies that were taking care of hidden mixed children from Europe, royalty and Nazi children. |
43.Basma Bdeir/Budier alia Basma Alami, Cairo, Egypt, Lebanon, Amman, Jordan, Munich, Germany, Lafayette, Indiana, USA and elsewhere. The official oldest daughter of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier and her alleged husband Seif Aldin Bdeir. Married to Makram Alami |
44.Samir Bdeir/Budier, Cairo, Egypt, Amman, Jordan, Lebanon, Munich, Germany, Leeds, UK, Dallas, Texas and San Antonio California and Hawaii, USA, Turkey, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman. The official son of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier and her alleged husband Seif Aldin Bdeir |
45.Reem Bdeir/Budier, Amman, Jordan, Munich, Beirut, Lebanon and other cities in Germany, Lebanon, UK, USA. The official youngest daughter of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier and her alleged husband Seif Aldin Bdeir. Yet Reem Bdeir is a very strong lookalike of princes Haya of Jordan, even she is officially around 12 years older, yet their look similarities are so strong that with little make up you cannot tell who is who. Officially I was told by my fake son, and I do not know anymore where he has this information from, which is not important really because I neither trust him nor believe him nor trust anyone of this very destructive and nasty fake family, He told me that Reem Bdeir/Budier alleged Palestinian husband murdered her in USA and buried her in the woods, and then the police or FBI allegedly found the body and arrested him, whereby their alleged children were allegedly given to her official mother, alias my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier that went from Jordan to USA to allegedly pick them up. If this true, then my fake sister the hidden nanny is being used again to raise hidden children of the double of princes Haya of Jordan, while living close to her in UAE, is this true or not I do not know, I just know the only thing that comes out of their mouth is lies (!!). (Added on 29.03.2021: Today I am asking myself who of these 2 lookalikes is the actual princess, Reem Bdeir or princes Haya of Jordan (?), my logic based on their lies, deceive and countless illegal activities is telling me that Reem Bdeir is or was the actual hidden princess while her lookalike and 12 years younger official princess Haya of Jordan is the hidden double , and this because of the fact, that a person with telepathy would not want to be in the spot light, and another reasoning, is that Reem Bdeir was educated in the American university of Beirut, and based on how I kew her and her behavior, she would never, ever marry a hidden slave and place herself in public eyes, especially of this hidden slave is a hired actor by the English royalties that pretend to be the ruler of UAE and Dubai. UAE is through and through under the English royalties’ control and the best prove for that, is that most of the CEO of all major companies in the UAE are foreigners and mainly from the UK. This mean that the official princes Haya of Jordan is nothing else than a slave and the best prove for that is that she escaped her forced upon her husband name and the roller of Dubai and UAE named Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. Now she lives in the UK under the protection of the English royalties. Read her profile and see how much it stinks, I really feel sorry for her, because they used her and damaged her life: Her photo is how Reem Bdeir/Budier looked like. End of added on 29.03.2021) |
46.Makram Alami and his family. He is married to Basma Bdeir/Budier, Amman, Jordan, Kuwait, Lafayette, Indiana, USA and other locations in USA and elsewhere. An alleged Palestinian that escaped with his family the war in Israel in 1967 and went to Jordan, and I do not believe them, he probably another hidden European or American that went to Jordan with fake identity as Palestinian. He is official the husband of my fake niece Basma Bdeir/Budier the daughter of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier and her alleged husband Seif Aldin Bdeir. (Added on 29.03.2021: The reason I do not believe that he is a Palestinian origin is for several reasons, among others they hate Palestinians, and the most important reason is that he and his brothers had an unbelievable quick professional/business success in Jordan and Kuwait that point to me that they were set their to enlarge the influential persons for the English royalties that 100% own Jordan and Israel as well as many other so called Arab petroleum countries, some in partnerships with others such as it is in Saudi Arabia they are partner with their hidden American relatives the Rockefeller families Dutch and French, and I believe they have total control in the UAE. Another reasons, is because the Bdeir/Budier family are 100% organized crime family and working under the protection of USA and the UK and my life and complaint pages are the prove, which very much means that organized crime families marries only equally organized crime family members! End of added on 29.03.2021) |
47.Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier, Amman, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, OMAN, Kuwait, New York and else where
Mohamad Ali Bdeir. In 1984/1985 he was 100% replaced by another person that did not look anything like the original as mentioned below. I strongly suspect him to be a brother and/or half-brother of Bashier Queder/Koueeder, Jameel Baroudi, Mamdoh Baroudi and all 4 are hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 and are part of a very large biological brotherhood that possibly spans to over 200 persons and consist of brothers, half-brothers, sisters and half-sister and possibly also cousins. Mohamad Ali Bdeir has many children in many countries and that is the pattern. He was allegedly CEO and/or chairman of the board of 24 different major companies in Jordan, while also have several companies in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Bahrain, Lebanon, Egypt for contractions, Engineering and other sectors. This mean he had much more than just 24 simultaneous positions as CEO and Chairman of the board, which makes him one of the hidden British royalties or possibly German ex-royalties alias hidden escaped Nazi from 1945! (Added on 29.03.2021: I am not sure of his relationship as mentioned above to the Queder family in Egypt or Jameel Baroudi also in Egypt, I just know that the Queder family raped me in Egypt as a part of brainwash strategy to block my mind of my past, in other words to force me not want to think about my times in Egypt enable to prevent me not to reanalyze it and see through these criminals psychopaths that raped me countless times in Egypt using several persons, and since today I know that at least several of them has/had 100% telepathy, this mean they could have stopped it, but they did not they organized it, and that is why when I was forced by the Dutch immigration to live in the isolated village Bellingwolde, I was forced to create a website called wanted and in it attacked countless people that has nothing to do with me or I had interest in them or ever heard of them, but also forced me to write bad things about people I cared about and loved, and above all forced me to right down the details of how I was rapped as a mean to discredit me publicly and force my mind to ever want to continue complaining, by torturing me using telepathy, where no one can see it and above all forced me to relate my fake sister from Jordan to a Greek princess as distraction of Jordanian + Saudi + English + ex-German royalties, then used a very nasty Greek dentist that did not even speak Dutch and was working in a Dental office that at that time was the largest Dental office in Netherlands, with branches in over 12 cities in Netherlands, and he literally tortured me physically with my teeth in cooperation with his colleagues in the same cities where I was forced to live, which was the isolated village Bellingwolde, and he was located in the only dental office in the village Scheemda and his dental network or the network with the dental office he worked for stretched to Winschoten, and many other cities from Groningen to Lelystad, Almere and Amsterdam where they tortured the life out of me from 2008 to 2014 and then I stopped going to dentists and started to fix things myself. Which very much show this vicious brainwash strategy, that they forced me with telepathy to write about the Greek princess and then used a Greek dentist to torture me and pull out all my teeth to force my mind to think they are punishing me because I discovered that my fake sister is Greek princess, whereby she did not only not look my fake sister named Afrah Najar alias Moni Najar alias Afrah Abokurah alias Mona (not Moni) Najjar (not Najar) and therewith force my mind to want be satisfied with my findings that was 100% wrong and to force me to stop analyzing my past = severe brainwash with physical and mental torture. All that is related to Mohamad Ali Bdeir that also pretended to be related to me. Yet all the Bdeir and Abokurah family went to Jordan in 1940s and now that are pretending to be in Jordan since centuries! Where does this end, all these lies, deceive and criminal acts? Also, I do not know for fact that they are Nazis, because I have no prove of it except that they went to Jordan in 1940s. The only physical prove I have is my fake distant cousin the famous Egyptian actress named Shams Baroudi and based on her look and that looks so much like a German woman named Anna Baroudi the wife of my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi that lives in on Waldweg in Hamburg, while the fact that Shams Baroudi and based on her look only as shown in other pages she could be the daughter of Adolf Hitler and that is why she went totally in disguise to protect her father after I visited Egypt in April 1982 and in September 1982 she suddenly pretended to be all kosher and covered up hear head and started to wear clothing as Some Muslims do which you also can see in the photos under (../PHTM/Shams.htm) (or or ), on the other side and since the English royalties are heavily related to ex-German royalties, and since the Austrian Adolf Hitler was a hidden ex-German royalties and for all I know the father of Shams Baroudi named Jameel Baroudi is not Adolf Hitler but rather known English royalties from Second World Warm in any way he is one of these people and that is fact, because my fake mother isolated me by force for 10 years in Egypt by giving the reasons that we are allegedly strict Muslims and she does not want that some Christians brainwash me, then taking me in 1969 October and again in January 1970 right in the hands of the evil CIA + MI6 + American military base y isolated me for 7 years to prevent that I mix with Arabs or Muslims? End of added on 29.03.2021) |
48.Essam Bdeir/Budier, Amman, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, OMAN, Kuwait, USA and elsewhere, the official oldest son of Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier that is married to an American, as son of a hidden escaped Nazi is married to an American, so much for American value that fought the Nazis |
49.Mrs. Essam Bdeir/Budier, Amman, USA, Germany and elsewhere, the Wife of Essam Bdeir/Budier, an American married into a hidden escape Nazi family since 1950s, and that says it all |
50.Lena Bdeir/Budier, Amman, Jordan and elsewhere, the daughter of Mohamad Ali Bdeir |
51.Omar Bdeir/Budier, one of many sons of Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier. (Added on 29.03.2021: Mr. Omar Bdeir was used as the private chauffer/driver to his father, even though his father was very rich and can afford to have a car with driver for each family member, yet this action alone shows that Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier was hiding, from he was hiding I do not know, for all I know Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier was a British Jewish and/or British lord that was set by British in Jordan and that would explain why the Israelis helped Jordan by sending Israeli soldiers in the so-called Black September where there was an uprising caused by Palestinians due to some Jordanian business man shot a Palestinian, and it became a civil war in September 1970 and the Jordanian police and military was not able to handle it, therefore the Israeli send them help Israeli soldiers disguised as Arab Beduinen. End of added on 29.03.2021) |
52.This section modified on 29.03.2021 Edelbi-1: Haitham Edelbi, Amman, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, OMAN, Kuwait, New York and elsewhere. Possibly a hidden son of Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier that did not trust anyone while trying hard to stay as private as possible, which very much means he was hiding, from what I do not know!
The Edelbi brothers as hidden children of Nazis is possible, or they were sent from the UK as reinforcement or they are Jewish hiding as Muslims, I do not know for fact and I am absolutely not prejudice to any religion or anyone, I am just prejudice to those who harmed me severely and I do not know why, yet their history stinks to the heavens, one is called Haitham Edelbi and was an Airforce officer in the Royal Jordanian Airforce, which very much means British Airforce. His brother was an attorney of my fake brother-in-law Abdelghani Abokurah a hidden brother of King Hussein or a son of a hidden Nazi family, which is my guess as mentioned elsewhere. These 2 brothers I saw them first in 1967 in Amman Jordan as around 15-18 years old as neighbors of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir. It is possibly they were either hidden Nazi children of Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier or were taken by the British government as children to Jordan to take care of their British business in Jordan. Haitham Edelbi and as he told me in 1984/1985, he was also a weapon dealer selling to the Jordanian armed forces, PLO and others, and he lived Amman, Jordan and had an office in New York city, New York, USA
53.Edelbi-2, name forgotten brother of the above. He was allegedly an attorney. He was along with his brother raised by a nanny in an apartment next to the apartment of my fake sister that was also nanny raising 3 children. |
54.Abo Maiien Malas and his wife. I saw him only a couple of times in the summer of 1967 in Amman, Jordan. At that time, he lived in a standalone house next to the apartment of my fake sister Suheir Bdeir that was nothing else than a nanny of hidden royalty and Nazi children and pretended to be my sister. I went to his home and played with his children, very unfortunately I cannot recall the names of his children (today 29.03.2021 I remembered one of them, his name was Mazen/Masen/Massen), except his oldest son named Maien. And that is why they call his father Abo Maien, which is in some so-called Arab counties a tradition to call a man the father of …, and then the name of his oldest son. Yet this man’s children appeared in my life in most odd and brainwash situations in 1970 in Munich and in 1985 where they lived just outside of Munich, whereby these children, 2 of them in 1985 were around 20-23 years old, meaning they must have been 8 years old in 1967 and were one of the children I mixed up with and played with, yet they are all very nasty and have telepathy that they use to performed many damages with it upon me in 1967, in 1970 and in 1985. What is very important to note is that the FBI set me up in 1988 in Bridgeport Connecticut with another man that was pretended to be my work colleague at a gas station named T&B on the corner of Main Street and Queen street and was also with the family name Malas, his name was Luai Malas and pretended to be poor Syrian for one purpose only to place the Malas family as poor and less than middle class while forcing my mind to think of them as strict Muslims Syrians, because Luai’s wife was all covered up from head to toe, except her face, and she was suddenly the friend of the BP-British Petroleum, CIA and MI6 whore Najlaa Mahmoud that BP-British Petroleum, CIA and MI6 enslaved me under on 24 December 1984 in Munich, Germany and prior to kidnap me to USA enable to be able to control my life and then blame everything on this disgusting filthy woman that if 10 persons shrub her with brushes and Omo, Tide or/and Persil detergent plus several disinfection materials, then I will still not touch her even with an anti-radiation glove. Then this whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud is suddenly friend with this other whore named Mrs. Malas that was covering up for hidden and escaped Nazi in Jordan and they took me to the beach in Connecticut, where this fake Malas whore went to the sea swimming with her full clothing and a winter coat on allegedly to prevent that others see her bosom and her ass and her vagina! Yet the Malas family that I knew from Jordan, a hidden escaped Nazi, were very wealthy, and had nothing to do with Islam, they just pretend to be Muslims while they were able to send all of their children back home to Germany to study in the Munich University while each one of these criminals Nazis was able to afford not only the very expensive university and his own car but also a private apartment, believe me it is not cheap in Germany to have your own car and apartment while going to university and not have to live in a university dormitory, and there with the evil FBI and/or CIA and/or MI6 and/or BND were 100% working together to cover up for this evil Nazi Malas family. In Amman, Jordan, and his children also in and around Munich, Germany. Not to forget that Nazi is a political party named National Socialism and in Germany it was established by the general public yet the family of the emperor Wilhelm, especially his generals that then used Adolf Hitler as front and this is also public knowledge, yet to have to work on it enable to see it, because the information is scattered on the Internet and is not centralized with a list who made what in the 1930s or even since the Emperor/Kaiser Wilhelm II was ousted in 1919 and ever since his family was trying to get the country back as it was prior to the first World War one, which spanned from the Russian border to Austria including Poland and other countries and that was the reason of the Second World War. And then they went to the Middle East to steal it and ever since they are causing all kind of wars and terrorist attack to benefit their selves financially and stay in control and the best prove is ARAMCO that is through and through owned by escaped hidden Nazis in partnership with Americans and now it is owned by both while both pretend to be Saudi Arabians and terrorizing the world in the name of Islam, but Islam has nothing to do with these criminals!
And here where my fake sister Fadia Nagar the lookalike of my original fake sister Fadia Shawki that disappeared in in Yemen around 1964/65 and was replaced by other, and this Fadia Nagar married to Dr. Alaa Ali and both of them are from ARAMCO, while Dr. Alaa Ali and based on his look is related to the ARMCO CEO Mr. Naser!! |
56.Mrs. Um Maiien alias Raghdah Malas and his wife in, Amman, Jordan and elsewhere, the official wife of Mr. Abo Maieen Malas, she is and with no doubt German origin white with a lot of freckles all over her skin and as far as I recall she had red hair and that would explain why I was set up to get to know my ex-German Girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka thathad similar features |
57.Many children of Mr. Abo Maiien Malas, Amman, Jordan, in and around Munich, Germany |
58.Monsieur Faris, Cairo Egypt = Khayat (?!), that became a very famous tailor for famous actresses, while Jameel Baroudi was in control of a major part of the Egyptian movie business backed up by British and Americans, while the CEO of Egypt air of at that time 1967-1969 in Cairo owned at least one movie theater, one of the most famous at that time and also, it was the most visited movie theater in Egypt called Metro in Talaat Harb street downtown Cairo and lived right next to it in a small high rise penthouse, very unfortunately I forgot his name and his niece named Esmat Khodary (her sister name was Yasemin and her brother, name forgotten but allegedly died through a tram accident on 10.10.1969, which is the same day I was taken to Germany, which possibly was a brainwash story) was pretending to be my girlfriend enable to cover up later for my twin, because later in 1969 they took me to Germany and prevented me of ever go back to the Middle East, while my twin took over my place and pretended to be me with my own name and was the boyfriend of this evil Esmat Khodari and no one will ever notice that this evil twin is new a Nazi from USA, Germany or the UK because my fake mother, my fake sisters and my fake brother and all the other Nazi family members vouched for him that he is me. And this makes the CEO of Egypt Air at that time another hidden Nazi, and he absolutely looked and behaved like it |
59.Dr. Farzat Baroudi, Hamburg, Germany. My fake uncle that I strongly believe he is the hidden son of top hidden escaped Nazi from 1945, or he was a young Nazi himself from 1945, possibly the son of Jameel Baroudi, he has his teeth, small teeth. He is married to Anna Baroudi daughter of Jameel Baroudi that never left Germany after the war. (Added on 29.03.2021: I do not know if Dr. Farzat Baroudi is German origin or not, and I absolutely do not know how Jameel Baroudi looks like, because I discovered recently that my memory of him was 100% fake, and therewith I am questioning his look, and when I look at the picture of his daughter the famous Egyptian actress Shams Baroudi, then she looks nothing like Jameel Baroudi look that these criminals forced upon me as fake memory, she rather looks more like Adolf Hitler, and that would explain why they went out of their way to force upon me a fake memory and reinforced that also in Germany in the year 2004-2005 by setting me up to go to Germany to visit my son that turned out to be my fake son, then I was arrested and placed in prison for 4 months in the city of Neu Burg an der Donau, where a catholic priest was used and he looked almost identical to the fake Jameel Baroudi look that was forced upon me as fake memory, which makes this catholic priest either intentionally or without his knowledge they were brainwashing me to still believe that Jameel Baroudi looks is like that which is very similar look to my fake uncle named Mamdoh Baroudi that today I suspect him to be Saudi Arabian, yet he had darker eye colors while Jameel Baroudi fake image in my memory had blue eyes and be locked up. Here are the photographs of the actual Shams Baroudi: ../PHTM/Shams.htm (or or ) (End of added on 29.03.2021) |
60.Anna Baroudi, Hamburg, Germany. The wife of Dr. Farzat Baroudi in Hamburg, Germany. I suspect her to be a hidden daughter of Jameel Baroudi, meaning his sister or his cousin the daughter of one of the brothers of Jameel Baroudi, because she has a very strong look similarity to Najlaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman and Shams Baroudi. Both mentioned above. (Added on 29.03.2021: Anna Baroudi looks a lot like her hidden cousins Shams Baroudi and Najlaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman the daughter of the Egyptian general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman that cover up for my kidnapping on 10/11 January 1960 and is mentioned elsewhere. End of added on 29.03.2021) |
61.This section modified on 29.03.2021
Dr. Sami Assassa in Munich, Germany and elsewhere, that pretend to be Syrian, I strongly suspect him to be British-Indian or American-Red-Indian with fake identity that is 100% covering up for Nazis in the Middle East while blackmailing them, above all he is the brother-in-law (one of many) of my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi that is 100% Nazi originated from Stuttgart, meaning these 2 very nasty and destructive men have married 2 sisters, while Jawdat Baroudi and officially had 4 different wives, yet and based on the pattern and other factors I strongly suspect him to have had 20-50 different wives often in different countries enable to build a big brotherhood out of his evil children, I saw around 3 of these children, possibly he has over 50 children. This is a pattern by these criminals to have as many wives as possible enable to have as many children as possible and then use his own children for his own benefits to build an empire of evil.
62.1985, Munich Germany, Mohamad Sheikho and his whore Lebanese wife an alleged Syrian that I never seen in my life prior to 1985 and was forced upon my life by the evil BP-British Petroleum setup in cooperation with Dr. Sami Assassa and the BP-British Petroleum, CIA and MI6 whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud as help for her to prevent me of leaving her as cover up for all the nasty and most destructive evil family I have ever seen or heard off in my 68 years of life, that consist out of escaped Nazis, CIA, MI6, BND and possibly also AIVD and other agents. Adolf Hitler, the Bush family and Kaiser Wilhelm II family would have been very proud of each one of these sadistic criminals that scare the life out of the devil himself. The details of this family are under the page “My fake family, the kidnappers”.
63.And others that I may add later, because the very nasty side effect of brainwash is to cause scattered thoughts and not being able to gather my thoughts t prevent me of connecting the dots, meaning of recognizing the real hidden crimes and who is related to who and where each one is really originated from, which is not Syria |
Even though I already mentioned many setups and brainwash situations in the upper pages, yet here I will additionally list some of the brainwash situations that was forced upon me to either think we are Jewish from Russia or We are German origin
15 January 1960 arriving in Cairo, Egypt and staying with the family of Dardiri Ahmad Ismael that was a British agent and pretended to be Sudanese and was working in the Egyptian government. He pretended to know me since birth, but I never saw him in my life prior to around 10/11 January 1960 where I met him in a hotel in Damascus, Syria next to a movie Theater owned by another Nazi or British or American agent named Saieed Al-Umary that pretended to know us since ever and also pretended to wont to marry my fake mother as a second wife to show that we are all Muslims. The last I heard about Mr. Dardiri Ahmad Ismael is that he allegedly was in 1980s Egypt representative in UNO. He had an Egyptian dark-skinned wife but not black, name forgotten, had a daughter my age, name forgotten, I cannot recall if he had other children. He had a so-called servant, meaning in the civilized world a slave that lives in the house and does nothing else but serve these people, however I can recall where he lived, he was approximately 200 meters or less of where the family Queder/Koueider owned a 3 floor building and only the family lived in it, and around 500-700 meters of where my fake sister Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar lived at that time directly opposite the main entrance of the Air Force airport Almaza. His house and as far as I recall was on the Uruba street corner of Abou Bakr El-Sedeek street directly opposite the Algalaa club (at that time was called Officer’s Club). My fake sister and the Queder family lived also on the Abou Bakr El-Sedeek street. Nearby on the same street there was also a military school of some kind that start from the officer’s club and ends just before the housing of my fake sister. This makes Mr. Dardiri Ahmad Ismael not only a British/American agent but also a Nazi, because I discovered they all live close to each other’s to protect each other’s, and my fake sister Fadia Nagar at that time Fadia Shawki that I am certain it is a different person than Fadia Nagar and most definitely lived in a house owned by a Nazi dentist Named Lapeep, and the reason I am more than positive that he was Nazi, because they used his son to rape me, and all the persons that they used to rape me as a child were meant as a brainwash to discourage my mind to want to remember the past but rather to be ashamed and forget my past=Sever and very mentally and physically tortures brainwash. We lived at the house of Mr. Dardiri Ahmad Ismael for around 4 weeks, which was my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi that was later replaced by another two that were not even 100% lookalikes, my fake sister Afrah/Moni (short for Monika) Najar that disappeared of my life in 1961 and was replaced by another not very lookalike named Afrah/Mona Abokurah and later even Najjar, my fake sister Fadia/Fifi Najar that was later replaced by Fadia Nagar, and I never ever seen these 3 women in my life prior to 10/11 January 1960, yet they brainwashed me to believe I did.
This incident is long because I am describing all the situation with these persons from 1960 that are linked to situations in 1982.
Roughly 15 February 1960, 4 weeks after living at the house of Dardiri Ahmad Ismael, we moved to live with the alleged cousin of my fake mother, her name was Amira Baroudi (Amira means princess) and was married to the alleged Egyptian general named Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman that in reality was either British or Nazi, which is going to be very visible in the below lines. They had 3 children, female Najlaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, male Bahaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman and male Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman that was around my age.
They lived in a two-floor house with a terrace balcony in the second floor and a garden around the house. The house was on the corner of 2 streets. The house was around 500-600 meters of Heliopolis Hospital and Heliopolis square” ميدان هليوبوليس،” El-Nozha, Qism El-Nozha (police station), in Cairo, Egypt on the following address: 28 Abd El-Aziz Fahmy, Cairo, Egypt, whereby the number could be higher or lower but on the same side and at the end of the street there was an area called Alzaitun (the Olive) and in 1960 was slum where poor people lived in self built houses out of tins and other trash material.
Their look was absolutely not Egyptians, they were white or even pale white no blue or green eyes, but rather brown or olive like color and dark hair.
Amira Baroudi alias Amira Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman allegedly died shortly after I get to know her, while simultaneously her cousin Jameelah Baroudi (possibly her sister) died around the same time, the mother of Dr. Bassam Baroudi that came to Egypt end of summer of 1960 to Cairo with his cousin to allegedly study Medicine in university of Ain Shames while his cousin was studying dentistry. I never met Jameelah Baroudi, however I was brainwashed to think I did, see the details in the page “Kidnapping me as a child”. In short, I strongly believe this 2 women Amira Baroudi and Jameelah Baroudi possibly were sisters and were Nazi and something went wrong, and they disappeared and claimed to be dead. Later on, the husband of Amira Baroudi general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman married her alleged sister named Elham Baroudi alias Elham Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, yet this woman was in no way the sister of Amira Baroudi, Amira was white and looked a lot like Jamila Baroudi and both had full red lips, Elham Baroudi was darker skin with lower larger lower lip than the upper lip that were brown, very aggressive and very arrogant. Today I strongly believe she came and married this general to keep him under control while also show darker Egyptian like facial and skin features, possibly she was Indian origin, she looked more like my fake brother-in-law Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier, yet much darker skin color than him, and that based on a setup performed in 2004/2005 by the German police in cooperation with the German Immigration in cooperation with the Dutch Immigration, my fake brother-in-law Seif Aldin Bdeir was a hidden Nazi which you can read below, while his daughter alias my fake niece Reem Bdeir alias the double of princess Haya of Jordan, or she is the actual hidden princess and the official princess Haya of Jordan is her double (!!),tried hard in 1980s to brainwash me to think that there are Jewish origin, and this while my fake sister in the UK created a very complex brainwash setup in July to August 2013 in Hove the UK that took 6 weeks to perform and 2 years to complete that they are allegedly Jewish origin, but they are liars, no Jewish nor Muslim nor Christian or any other decent persons will ever do anything to their relatives near what these criminals did to me.
The daughter Najlaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, her last name changed at least 2-3 times due to repeated marriage and divorce. She was a teacher and her first husband was also, a teacher and both lived very closed to our apartment, we lived on I believe 111 Al-Higaz Street while she and her new husband lived on 56 Dr Mohammed Ali Al Baqli street, around 100 meters of our apartment. She gets divorce and married another I never saw her after 1960/61 except maybe 1-2 times coincidently on the street because she lived around 100 meters of our building and had to use same tram stops and newspaper kiosk and in 1966/67 my fake brother and as a high school student Mohamad Nashaat Najar/Najjar/Nagar/Naggar left our apartment and lived right in the building next to her and opposite our building. All the knowledge I know about her allegedly divorced twice and married 3 times I was told about it but never seen. Except her first marriage.
Her brother Bahaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, I met 1-2 times between February and March 1960 and while we were living with this fake family. I was told that he was a Navy officer in the Egyptian Navy and was stationed allegedly in Alexandria.
Her brother Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman was around my age and for one year or even less he was in the same School that I was and called Aal Saood School (family Saud School) today it is named Salah El Din Primary School and it is on the same street Al-Higaz street yet the actual address is 36 El-Sheikh Mohammed Refaat.
I never understood why he was in my school, because it was a bad school, but I just figured it out, which is as follow: they caused me a total amnesia around 10/11 January or a couple of days prior to that. This means my brain was totally empty and I did not even speak a language, after they gave me a crash course in Arabic using telepathy, which is very hard to detect, see the page “Kidnapping me as a child” for more info, yet and when they registered me in this school sometime in March or April 1960, they claimed that I was 2 years in a school in Damascus, Syria, but the school gave me a test and I did not pass it, and therefore they placed me in the first grade out of 6 years elementary school. And he was always controlling my mind to look like as if I have enough knowledge, which I absolutely did not have any school knowledge what so ever, as if I was just born and 3 months old in a body of an 8 years old. No one will blame a person that pretending to help his cousin with telepathy by telling him the answer of certain school questions!
Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman had a cat, a mouse, a dog, a snake and I believe also a bird, they never eat each other’s, in matter of fact the cat, mouse and the dog were playing with each other’s = he had telepathy and was practicing on them by controlling their behavior.
Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman either tried to kill me or it was a part of a brainwash as follow: in the school sometimes between March and June 1960, then it is summer vacation for 3 months, and in the break between classes we were all outside in the school courtyard and through previous rain or other reasons, possibly construction, there was water lake-like of around 5-7 meters diameter and I was standing on one side and he was standing also nearby and opposite me there was a very fat boy, maybe 120 kg 8-10 years old, during that period there was school construction and there were many lose red construction bricks, I have no doubt in my mind that this nasty and Nazi Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman forced the fat boy with telepathy to pick up a brick and throw it at me very strongly and it hit my head, where I passed-out, they took me to the nearby hospital Heliopolis and performed a few stiches that are still visible today, but also it broke one of my front lower teeth, which was visible even in 2010, yet they pulled out all my teeth these Nazi shit in the village of Scheemda, Netherlands while they were literally torturing me for around an hour. Why did Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman do that to me, either to kill me, or just to injure me just in case I discover that I had a total amnesia then I will blame it on this situation and another situation that never happened but I was brainwashed to think it was, where I allegedly fell of a mountain in Damascus Syria and they took me to the hospital for stitches, but I have no injuries to prove it because the new injury is allegedly in the same place!
Also I had other encounter with a teacher named Attiyat, where I injured her with a pencil, and I know it was not me because I started to cry and did not know what happened, and why, this teacher was extra nice to me, and I am positive this criminal created this situation to force her to dislike me, which she did, in matter of fact she was avoiding me and was scared of me, even though I was scared of literally everything because I was overwhelmed with things I do not know and I do not understand due to the total amnesia, I even once was going home, which was around 400-500 meters from the school and it started to rain and thunder and I get very scared and started to cry and scream while running as fast as I can home, because I never seen rain or thunder before.
Shortly thereafter he disappeared of this school and I never saw him after that.
Note: the company ADV/ORGA in Wilhelmshaven was owned by Mr. Friedrich A. Meyer and he was also, and simultaneously a consul for some Scandinavian country. Many countries hire a foreign consul in countries that does not have a lot of consular business and therewith they do not have to pay travel, housing, salary and other expenses for the consul and his family but rather for one foreign well established person, such as my fake uncles Jalal Baroudi and Jawdat Baroudi that were a foreign consul for some country, possibly Germany, while pretending to be full time employee consul of Syria, my guess one of these 2 evil uncles is a European and most probably a German Consul pretending to be Syrian, and Siemens AG never stopped of trying to get my attention to these facts, among others by setting me up to leave their company through ADV/ORGA and that was the first time ever that I heard of this concept of so called freelance consul, like Mr. Friedrich A. Meyer, and that was the purpose why they get me a job at this company for a couple of month but I never suspected my fake uncles at that time. And this will make my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi a 100% escaped Nazi under the protection of the CIA, MI6, BND and the evil Nazi Saudi Arabian government that is 100% controlled by escaped Nazis since 1945. End of note.
1981 I was set up by Siemens AG to leave my job at Siemens AG, because they were sending me to Saudi Arabia to work on the project of Port’s Authority where I designed and developed the multilingual part for the project, which I learned from Siemens AG how to do that, but I did not notice it at that time that they were teaching me and I thought I was learning it by myself, which boosted my self-confidence dramatically and therefore I am very thankful to Siemens AG. They were experts in developing systems for other countries such as for the Moscow Olympics and for the Chinese they created a keyboard book like that had the capability to allow data entry of nearly one thousand signs, yet after they taught me without me noticing I guess I came up with some unique and much better design than they already had in place by purchasing it of other companies such as Hazeltine that claimed to have had the best, yet it was bad. No one can ever develop the best, because we are not perfect, we can only develop better and continue on improving the better, but it will never be the best unless we compare it with the current other technologies, yet the future shows us different. Many members of my fake family were working on this project Saudi Ports Authority, but I did not know at that time while other members were also members of the Saudi Arabian government such as my fake uncle named Jawdat Baroudi a 100% hidden Nazi from 1945, my fake cousin named Faihaa Kheir my fake sister Fadia Najar/Nagar, my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier, where the Bdeir/Budier family had construction and engineering company in Jeddah and I visited but did not relate them to the setup, but also they had branches in Lebanon and Egypt and other countries and did not know about it and most probably also in the UK and Germany, because Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier was a hidden escaped Nazi from 1945 and is related to the Queder and Baroudi families in Egypt and very possibly a brother to Basheer Queder and Jameel Baroudi. Therefore, Siemens AG indirectly fired me even though I was doing really a good job, but as you will see this is not only a fake family but also a very destructive Nazi family.
My department manager at Siemens AG, Named Peter M. Lembke a German that was living in USA that was the boss of my supervisor named Dr. Murnik an Italien origin. In summer of 1981 he approached me and said he is leaving the company and he would like me to go with him, but I did not want to go, however somehow I went for an interview by the company called ADV/ORGA that was headquartered in I believe Wilhelmshaven, Germany and they came to Munich to interview me, there was 2 of them and they met me in their Hotel named Sheraton Bogenhausen right next to the Siemens Offices in the so called Rank Xerox building, yet I was working at another location called Neu Perlach. Dr. Peter M. Lembke was also present in this interview, and therewith they were 3 interviewing me. They asked me what it would take to come and work for them, I said I really like my work at Siemens and do not want to leave it. My salary at Siemens AG was around 2200 Deutsch Mark and after taxes it was around 2500 Deutsch mark and this because I was making a lot of overtimes, I was practically living in the office. They asked me then why you came to the interview, I said because my department manager Dr. Peter M. Lembke insisted, they continued talking and suddenly I had a figure in my head of 13 Thousand Deutsch mark, and I thought they will never accept it, and this was one of a very evil telepathy tricks, and I said if you pay me a salary of 13 Thousand then I come over, then they said it is a deal and shook my hand on it and they said I should quit Siemens AG for 31.12.1981 and work for one month somewhere else and then start to work for them on 1 February 1982, they said like this does not look like that we have taken an employee of Siemens AG, which is against the law. I filed my resignation at Siemens AG in September 1981 for 31.12.1981. Today I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that Siemens AG and very unfortunately, because I loved this company, they set me up to leave and I had no chance because ADV/ORG managers and/or Dr. Peter M. Lembke used telepathy to force me to ask for 13 Thousand and no one will blame them for forcing me to ask them more than 5 times my current salary. But then they fired me in April 1982, and there with Siemens meant that I get fired and the law in Germany forbid them to fire me without a reason. All this enable to understand this point that yet to come.
My new employer ADV/ORGA was trying to sell to Siemens client, The Saudi Port’s Authority another database from USA, I forgot the name of it, I think it was IDMS, and they traveled with me to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, but this time not under the name of Siemens AG but rather under the name of ADV/ORGA and were trying with the company Saudi CAP, a branch of the French CAP Gemini this IDMS system to Saudi Port’s Authority, during which and the manager at CAP Gemini was Egyptian and had a lot of look similarities of the Egyptian Adel Hasan that was the boyfriend of my fake sister Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar and I suspect that he was an agent set on her, and there with Siemens AG and in cooperation with ADV/ORGA and CAP were trying to use me again as a blackmail object, because and in this situation it is impossible that it was a coincident that this Egyptian manager was almost a lookalike of Adel Hasan, especially that Adel Hasan was suddenly the Egyptian military Attaché in Germany and contacted me a couple of years later. In this trip at least additional 5 things happened that I did not plan for:
1. My fake cousins Basel Baroudi and Hani Baroudi the children of hidden Nazi named Jawdat Baroudi and Badeaa Baroudi were waiting for me in the hotel, Hani was at the reception while Basel took the key for my room by allegedly pretending to be me and went to my room to allegedly check it out, and both pretended to be poor, while blackmailing someone by pretending to be me as blackmail of my twin in Egypt, while simultaneously making me feel really uncomfortable as possible to come to Saudi Arabia again, because if someone go to the hotel where I am staying and it is called Hyatt Regency and say I am Mohamad Nuzhat Najar and give me my room key and they do give it to him, and later let me know that they did enter my room without my approval, and I don’t really know these people, I was told they are my cousins, but never had any interaction with these criminals or even seen them before except Hany Baroudi I saw him when he was a baby and I was 9 or 10 years old
2. My other fake cousin Bashaar Baroudi the brother of Basel Baroudi and also looks like his brother, invited me to visit him at his home in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, his home was allegedly an apartment without furniture, because he allegedly cannot yet afford to buy furniture. Which was a lie, because they were so many other members of this fake family and if each pitched in then he would have had a king’s furniture because most of them were and are still are wealthy to very wealthy, yet they hid it of me. And therewith they placed it in my mind (=brainwash) that the one brother is poor, the other is a street criminal and their cousin Hani Baroudi is stupid, yet they are all 3 are very dangerous Nazi criminals
3. My fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi that was allegedly either an internal affair judge or judge consultant in the Saudi Arabian ministry of internal , which equals justice department/ministry, he invited me to his home where he allegedly lives with his third or fourth wife, the others are allegedly all divorced, which was a lie, he probably had 40 wives to have as many children as he can, this is what these criminals do to create a huge biological brotherhood, and 2-3 children under 10, his apartment was run down and in an area I would not live in if they give me Thousand Dollar per day just to live here, it was an apartment on the second or third floor and it was directly in the same level/Hight as a car bridge, practically if you open the window or balcony you can touch the bridge and see who is sitting in the cars as if the cars are on the balcony, and as benefit of this beautiful view he get all exhaust and fume from these thousands of cars passing by daily. This criminal and most definitely did not live there because I know these people, they love to kill others and steal their land to not have to work to earn money!
4. The sleazy and criminal Dr. Sami Assassa of Munich, Germany that have carpet shop and allegedly became Millionaire through selling oriental carpets but through this page you will see that this criminal became rich from Nazis and illegal drugs, and this Dr. Sami Assassa that works with and cover up for Nazi in the Middle East, and is the official brother-in-law to my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi because both of them married 2 whores sisters that love to steal, brainwash, enslave, rape other using telepathy, as they did to me, and he knew that I am going to go to Riyadh Saudi Arabia so he came up to me and said that he has a small business going on in Saudi Arabia with his brother-in-law Jawdat Baroudi, and if I can take this small envelop and give it to him and it will really help him, the envelop was around 3 cm x 3 cm and had 3-5 very tiny diamonds, I guess they were less than quarter carat (I am not expert I am just guessing based on my life experience), and he placed it in my head that I have to hide it of the customs in Saudi Arabia otherwise they will confiscate it because it is expensive. For the love of my uncle I took it with me without questions, most probably it was all fake diamond because he was working very closely with a very famous Czechoslovakian manufacturer called Swarovski and was also selling their Crystal products in the shop in all kind of shapes and forms, and I cannot tell the difference between crystals’ and diamonds. Any way I gave these brainwash alleged diamond to this fake uncle and therewith it was forced upon my brain with brainwash that these criminal Nazis that control Saudi Arabia are poor Syrians, but as you will see that this criminal is 100% escaped Nazi under the protection of CIA and MI6 and their evil families that I strongly suspect them to be headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany, which very much explain why Siemens AG was using me to blackmail them to win the project of the Saudi Ports Authority, which started with a feasibility study worth 35 Million US Dollars that started as “want to do” sometimes in end of summer 1977 and ended with this feasibility study in 1978 and continued with a two Billion US dollar in the year I believe 2002 or so as I read about it on the Internet. Prior to Siemens AG taking over the project, all ports were being managed manually and by the British Consulting and management company called McKenzie that was also in the process of integrating IT to the 14 Saudi Ports and Siemens AG had a joker on hand and won the project with it. I was the joker or the blackmail object. I am very happy for Siemens AG, because I would not trust the British even with my trash, and here I do not mean the British public but rather the British controlling families that goes around the world enslaving people as they among others enslaved me all my life in cooperation with the evil CIA and American military, and that is why my complaints is long, because I was their slave since 10/11 January 1960!
5. During the same trip and I do not know how and why I landed in Dammam, Saudi Arabia where my fake sister and her family are originally from, this is the fake sister Fadia Nagar in Hove, UK and her liar and conman husband Dr. Alaa Ali, which is member of the family that control ARAMCO and was pretending to be a medical doctor from Egypt working for them in ARAMCO as a medical doctor, and there is another Dr. Alaa Ali that I knew in Cairo, Egypt and that one was a medical doctor and he took me once with him into surgery to show me how it is performed in the Heliopolis Hospital in Cairo, where he worked in 1960s, just to force my mind to never forget that he is a medical doctor, and this fake Dr. Alaa Ali and each time I visit them, he pretend to be calling his mother in Cairo Egypt as if he is a little boy that cannot live without his breastfeeding mother and then pretend to cry and says, and here am literally quoting his words “I miss my darling mama and I want to come to visit you in Egypt” (in Arabic he says: Mama fi masr wahashitni awaee….) and pretend to be crying when he is talking to her. I know he has telepathy and he is a very dangerous brainwasher using his telepathy and other influences, I believe he may even have diplomatic immunity while pretending to be a medical doctor in the UK. In short, the company that hired me was delegating me to these situations as continuation of what Siemens AG used me for from May 1978 and until 31.12.1981, which is telling these Nazis in Saudi Arabia, kook who I get here as a result their project was expanded from a feasibility study worth 35 Million US Dollar to furnishing 14 ports with IT turn-key solutions including buildings, air conditioning, maintenance for years to come, some expert staffing, housing for the staff, software developments and so on with the head quarter in Riyadh and in the year 2000 the project grew to over 2 Billion US Dollars, while I was locked up since 24.12.1984. Thank you very much Siemens AG and the evil Saudi Arabian Hidden and escaped Nazis such as Jawdat Baroudi, Badeaa Baroudi, Mamdoh Baroudi, Jameel Baroudi, FIahaa Kheir, Mohamad Ali Bdeir and their countless hidden children and Nazi partners not to mention their relatives from among others Stuttgart, where I heard that they were manufacturing trucks in Saudi Arabia but today I cannot find documentation over it, maybe they closed the plant
6. This situation is not from this trip and is not from this year but rather it is from my last trip to Saudi Arabia as Siemens AG employee and in Jeddah, yet it is related to it. My fake cousin Faihaa Kheir that also pretended to be a poor Syrian, yet she is one of the hidden Nazi’s teenager or Nazi children or while her brother Farhat Kheir also a hidden Nazi’ son was in UAE and Oman, both are at least 10 years older than me. She invited me to dinner in Jeddah and I went to the market and brought some fresh shrimps and flowers and delivered them to her before noon. In the evening she was serving other food and said the shrimps were spoiled and I through them away, which is impossible, otherwise I would have smelled them. Bad sea food has a very bad smell that you can smell mile away, yet she was trying to make it as uncomfortable for me as possible by rejecting everything I do, which is a very nasty strategy all these criminals used on me in Jordan, Egypt, Germany, Switzerland’s, UK and USA. In the same time this bitch and Nazi Saudi whore named Faihaa Kheir forced me with telepathy to buy a 2 KG something called Halawa from an alleged Syrian that manufacture food in Saudi Arabia named Helwani Ekhwan (meaning Helwani Brothers), which is similar to peanut butter, but it is from sesame butter with a lot of sugar, my guess 100 gram has something like 700-800 calories per 100 gram=14 to 16 Thousand calorie total, and this bitch using telepathy forced me to eat the 2 KG in around 2 hours, something similar my 2 fake sisters in Jordan did to me, among others my fake sister Afrah Najjar alias Afrah/Mona Abokurah and her bitch daughter May Abokurah in Jordan did to me by forcing me to eat a huge amount of something called kunafe, it was a whole tray with a diameter of at least 60-70 CM, around 2 kg, filled with cheese, sugar and fat, with at least similar amount of calories of around 800 calories per 100 gram, this amount it would kill a person. And this, they repeated other times to force me to eat a lot but by far not that much as 14 Thousand calories, today I know why, to force my body to be fat and to look different than my evil nasty twin that took my place in 1970in Cairo, Egypt after they took me to Germany. And starting 24 December 1984 they used the BP-British Petroleum, CIA and MI6 whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud to force me to be fat, and I jumped within 2 years from 68 kg to over 80 kg and in USA from 1986-1987 I jumped to over 100 kg, and therewith no one will recognize me in my twin, but also I do not look like my real other biological family in USA. Ever since I am fighting to lose weight even today, very unfortunately telepathy is stronger than me. This is how nasty these evil people are!
Also, in this trip my new boss, which is my old boss from Siemens AG named Dr. Peter M. Lembke, encourage me to go to Jordan and to visit ASMO-Arabic Standard and Metrology Organization and try to get them to accept my designed for multi-lingual IT systems (Arabic, English and French languages) standard, which I did visit them, but it was a setup after another, and on the way back from Saudi Arabia, which was around February or March 1982 and made a stop at ASMO that was at that time headquartered in Amman, Jordan and to visit my 2 fake sisters Suhair Bdeir/Budier and Afrah Abokurah alias Afrah Najjar alias Mona alias Moni alias now unknown. On this trip I was severely and very destructively setup, which are among other mentioned in the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-1” but I am skipping all of them and mentioning only one because it is 100% related to top escaped Nazis that forced BP-British Petroleum to brainwash me, enslave me and kidnap me from Germany to USA.
The ASMO-Arabic Standardization and Metrology Organization was at that time headquartered in Amman, Jordan and the secretary general, meaning the big boss, was a Syrian Ambassador named Dr. Zafer Alsawaf and a close friend of my fake brother-in-law Seif Aldin Bdeir. Dr. Zafer Alsawaf gave me an invitation to a meeting of ASMO about multilingual IT & Electronics Standards in Casablanca, Morocco and also asked me to help him and go to Egypt and see if they would accept the joint IT inter-Arab new standard. Egypt at that time was boycotted by all other so called Arab countries because ex-president Anwar Sadat signed a peace agreement with Israel and the other Arab countries pretended to be against it, Israel was misused by all Arab countries as distraction of what the bad Arab and often also Nazi Arab government are doing in their own Arab countries and then blame it all on Israel. And both trips were setups to use me as a blackmail objects, but I did not see it at that time.
To make it clearer ASMO and ADV/ORGA or Dr. Peter M. Lembke or Siemens AG or all 3 of them were 100% working together on this set up. Not to forget that the Malas and Bdeir families are the official distributor and representative of Siemens AG, at least in 1950s to 1980s. My boss sends me on this trip and they coordinated the situation together to be sent to Egypt and Morocco.
In around March 1982 I went to Morocco for a meeting with ASMO, where today I know there was 100% hidden Nazis in Morocco but I did not see them, whereby these Nazis were not necessarily a Moroccan residents but rather also attendee of this so called inter-Arab ASMO meeting, there were Moroccans, Jordanians, Syrians, Tunisian, Saudi Arabians, Kuwaitis, from UAE-United Arab Emirate and possibly also from Oman, Yemen and Iraq, and naturally Dr. Zafer Al-Sawaf was also present, , however I was very destructively persecuted with telepathy in Morocco, I was not able to concentrate, where I left the following day, yet originally I planned to stay a few days to look at the city of Casablanca, but I was not able to take the telepathy attacks and did not know it was telepathy at that time, and changed my plane ticket and left immediately the following day, I did not know at that time it was telepathy attacks, I thought something is wrong with the weather of Morocco that was forcing me to have odd thinking and my thoughts going in circles of somethings I do not understand or my very bad Hilton hotel room I was staying in, and was being hot and cannot control my temperatures I was not able to sleep and as a result the following day I was not able to concentrate in the meeting and had a lot of distracting thoughts and I was not able to rest at all, it was a very nasty 24 hours for me. Therefor I strongly suspect one of the attendees of this meeting was 100% related to my fake family and was doing his best to chase me away as they repeatedly did to me before and thereafter even in the Netherlands that prompted me on 1 march 2016 me to seek protection in the city of Den Haag/The Hague by the Dutch royal family and the Dutch government as well as of the many embassies and consulates that are concentrated in this city!
Around end of March 1982 I went to Egypt for 10 days to see if I can get approval for the ASMO IT standard, because at that time the so called Arab countries pretended to boycotting Egypt because the Egyptian ex-president Anwar Sadat made peace with Israel, and all the other Arab countries benefit of a war with Israel, because they are isolating their own people and blaming it on Israel for everything that happened in their own country, which was not really their country, they were Nazis colonialists and hidden invaders which I saw myself over and over again in several of these countries, and if there is peace with Israel, then there is no one they can falsely blame for all the bad situations that they created internally, this is a very old British slavery strategy.
In Egypt I did not succeed in anything and I was heavily attacked with telepathy, it was so heavy that I often lost concentration and was not able to control my own brain, that was a very nasty attack. Yet the only 2 I was able to meet that I knew from before was this criminal son of Nazi and my fake cousin Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman the son of the fake Egyptian yet Egyptian general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, and a neighbor that was really not my friend but rather the friend of my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar/Najjar/Nagar/Naggar that was replaced in September 1970 by a lookalike named Nick Naggar, yet these 2 were used as front. I was not able to meet anyone about the standard I thought maybe my relatives would help me but to get some contacts, but I was not able to meet with any other relatives, who else was there? The following evil persons:
1. My fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, which I did not know at that time
2. My fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar/Najjar/Nagar/Naggar, which I did not know at that time
3. My fake sister Fadia Najar/Najjar/Nagar/Naggar, which I did not know at that time
4. My fake sister Afrah/Moni Najar/Najjar/Nagar/Naggar, which I did not know at that time
5. Jameel Baroudi the hidden escaped top Nazi from 1945, which I did not know that he was hidden and escaped Nazi from 1945
6. My fake cousin Shams Baroudi the daughter of Jameel Baroudi
7. Her 4 sisters
8. The evil Nazi Queder/Koueider family
9. My cousin Dr. Bassam Baroudi, a hidden son of a Nazi that calls himself Mamdoh Baroudi
10.My fake Hani Baroudi the son of my fake uncle the hidden escaped Nazi from 1945 named Jawdat Baroudi
11.The hidden and escaped Nazi brother and sisters named Mr. and Mrs. Kabani
12.Not to forget to mention that that the evil Bdeir/Budier and Abokurah families have also branches of their businesses in Egypt, from construction to engineering and other trade and distributing businesses, these are the 2 families of my official but fake sisters Suheir Bdeir/Budier and Afrah Abokurah alias Afrah Najjar alias Moni alias Mona
13.Last but not least my twin or triplet sister and brother named Mohamd Nuzhat Najar/Najjar/Nagar/Naggar and the most probably the female triplet named Leila, last name I forgot
14.And others, while some of them have only a second residence in Egypt, often one out of many, and others are permanently living in Egypt to take care of the CIA and MI6 and Nazi business which is enslaving others and stealing their lives
As you can see of the list above these people are not my family but an organized Nazi crime family that kidnapped me along with the CIA and MI6 on 10/11 January 1960, otherwise I would not have had a reason to complain about these criminals!
Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman filled my head with lies and fake stories and here are 3 of them, which is all as distraction of his cousin and the top Nazi:
1. He and his alleged sister Najlaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, marrying a brother and a sister just because they are allegedly rich yet very ugly and fat, and there with his sister will also be his sister-in-law, which was a brainwash as also mentioned in the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-1”
2. He is allegedly a police officer and work in the airport, and I told him how much difficulties I had passing the custom in the Airport, they held me for hours, and then they apologized and said we mixed you up with someone else and thought you were another person, and just now I recognize it, they may have been playing games with me and hinting for the twin that took over my place in 1970, but I am not sure, I am more sure about Nazis than about the twin or triplet, because the twin or triplet is possibly invented as distraction of Nazis
3. He claimed he helps drug lords to smuggle illegal drugs through the airport, and I am guessing that it was as blackmail of the other fake family members that were transporting illegal drugs from Syria and Lebanon through the Jordanian Airline called Alia, where by fake brother-in-law Abdelghani Abokurah was the CEO and the brother of my other fake-brother-in-law Seif Aldi Bdeir/Budier, his brother name Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier I was told that he was the Chairman of the Board of Alia airline at that time, and use this situation to transport also via plane nonstop Amman, Jordan to New York, USA. While also using Iraqi petroleum that was pipelined through Lebanon and used also to smuggle illegal drugs, tons wise, to Europe and USA the richest 2 continents in the world and also the biggest spender for illegal drugs. Mohamad Ali Bdeir was 100% a hidden Nazi as well as his children such as Essam Bdeir/Budier that was married to an American (my guess she was a member of another organized crime family that was distributing the illegal drugs in USA), and his brother Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier alias the husband of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir
The above is possibly true and possibly all lies, I do not know, I just know I do not trust any single member of my fake family among others because they are working with and covering up for hidden Nazis and some of them are also hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 and used me as a blackmail object for my twin and my fake sisters.
The essence of this story is also Mrs. Shams Al Baroudi as highlighted below.
My fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi took me I believe in around 1960 or 1961 to visit her alleged cousin named Jameel Baroudi.
This Jameel Baroudi is the top Nazi, that I do not know his real name, but I can guess based on my knowledge, however I will leave speculations out and stick to facts, and I will describe him as good as I can to help other recognize him, and if you are a higher government person or a rich and influential person, then you will be able to verify that within one week.
Here is some of the descriptions:
1. He has telepathy
2. He is a very intimidating person and when you are in his presence, he totally takes control of your mind until you leave him as a result you do not remember anything, except seeing him and how you get to see him.
3. He has or had, I do not know if he is still alive or not, blue eyes, dark hair, long face and small teeth. He was not fat, and not skinny, yet thinner than average, maybe 75-85 kg
4. He was between 175 and 185 cm tall. I was 8 years old at that time and just had a total amnesia and was just about learning a language and do not know how to estimate, he was much taller than me and taller than my fake mother, she was around 160-165 cm. He was much taller than his 5 daughters
5. Her had 5 daughters
6. 4 daughters are dark haired and blue eyes, very possibly they were quadruplets or triplets or 2 twins or at least one twin out of the 4 girls, my guess they were quadruplets, because they looked a lot like each other’s, also height wise and had the same clothing on. I guess they were around 12-14 years old at that time, they were older than me, yet smaller than my 2 fake sisters, which very much means younger than my 2 sisters that were officially at that time 17 and 18 years old in January 1960 and around 165-170 cm tall, possibly falsified birthdates and they are older, I do not know, everything about my fake sisters, fake brother and fake mother was fake
7. Additional one daughter was Shams Baroudi Born in September 1945, is a famous Egyptian actress that in September 1982 and after my visit to Egypt as mentioned above she covered herself as an alleged faithful Muslim, in reality she is covering for her family while covering up her long face, as you will see in the photos. That she covered half of her face above all her forehead that is very distinctive, and this after my trip to Egypt in 1982, and this it cannot be coincident, she is officially my cousin, yet this is lies because I was kidnapped on 10/11 January 1960 and taken to Egypt within a fake family that some of them are possibly the relatives from Germany and elsewhere, but also are CIA and MI6 agents and that is why the CIA and MI6 were all over my life at least since October 1969
8. This man named Jameel Baroudi loved movie business and that is why he was among others heavily encaged in it and at least one of his known to me daughter, possibly also the other four daughters but using a different name are also in this business, and that is why the BP-British Petroleum, CIA and MI6 whore named Najlaa Mahmoud was telling me many fake stories about movie business while also pretended to be a painter and working for the Syrian TV as a mean of blackmail to other Germans or even a threat without me noticing, such as my original fake sister Afrah Najar alias Moni (Moni is short for Monika) that went to Egypt just to work in the all new Egyptian television and then disappeared in 1961 and was replaced in 1966 by the imposter fake sister and lookalike named Afrah Abokurah alias Mona (an Arabic name meaning hope or something like that and not to confuse with Moni as short for Monika, which I did until after the year 2000), but also many in my fake family are actors and I did not know that, among others Shams Baroudi, Samir Sabri, Fareed Atrash, Ghawar, Yassino and others, whereby some of them such as Yassino a Syrian actor was forced upon me in a brainwash situation in 1984/85 in Amman Jordan to distract me of lookalike and twins
9. Jameel Baroudi is almost identical look to my fake uncle named Mamdoh Baroudi, it can be a brainwash and forced upon me telepathy thought that I had to live with it for over 50 years. They both have a lot of similarities, they may be even biological brothers or even half-brothers, but possibly not identical look, because the facts says something else, meaning what happened to me and how Jameel Baroudi acts, behaves and lives as well how his daughter looks like and who she looks like to, it make it today difficult for me to believe that they were identical lookalike. He can be another famous identity based on the look of Shams Baroudi and his business and his relation to the Egyptian government and in particular to the ex-Egyptian president Gamal Abdel-Nasser and the evil policy of this president which was to eliminate Islamic brotherhood just as the Jewish brotherhood was systematically eliminated in the second World War by killing at least 5 Million Jews, yet it is not known how many Muslims were really killed in Egypt or Saudi Arabia or other countries enable to have total control of these countries until today, which means he cannot be identical look to my fake uncle Mamdoh Baroudi. He can have a lot of look similarities and that I can see in the look between these 3: Mohi Sabri, Dr, Basam Baroudi and the ex-German vice chancellor Jürgen Möllemann and these are facts that many can verify today. Telepathy is a powerful hidden tool that is often misused, and we do not even notice. If they force upon me a thought in 1960/61, which is 58 years ago, and I was forced to believe in it for so long along as many other things that was forced upon me and it was fake and lies, then it is very difficult to get rid of these forced upon me fake thoughts because I have been believing in them for so long, and it is difficult to find my own thoughts within or between all these telepathy forced upon me thoughts because it became a part of me and I am systematically and since the year 2000 trying to get rid of it to clean my own mind of this very vicious criminal act against me. the father of my 2 fake cousins Dr. Bassam Baroudi allegedly lives between Germany, Saudi Arabia and Egypt as well as his daughter named Hiyam Baroudi allegedly living in Jordan, but I believe it is a lie otherwise I would have seen her in during one of my around 10 trips to Jordan between 1980 and 1986, or at least heard something about her, but nothing, therefore she most probably lives in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Oman or along with my original fake sister Fadia Najar in Yemen since 1963 preparing for stealing the country along with many others. I may have met Mamdoh Baroudi once in Amman, Jordan in around 1970 or later but I am not sure due to all the brainwash, possibly once in Egypt but I cannot recall it with all the evil brainwash and telepathy control. The only difference between Mamdouh Baroudi and Jameel Baroudi, is that Mamdouh was maybe 70 or 80 years old and maybe 180-190 cm, brown eyes, and was married to a Nazi woman that was called Jameelah Baroudi, most probably she is the sister of Jameel Baroudi, some people like to name all their children with names that begin with the same letter, in this case “J”, but also the Shawki family, had at least 2 hidden Nazis use the same strategy and all their children names start with the Arabic letter Ayen translated in English to A or sometimes E as distraction of this strategy, just like my fake 2 niece and nephew called Esmat and Essam Shawki, and their fake father called Efaf or Afaf Shawki, because the real father of Essam Shawki is Jawdat Baroudi and Jawdat Baroudi is described below
10.Shams Baroudi has a very strong look similarities with Anna Baroudi a German woman allegedly originated from Koln and married to my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi, and this evil fake uncle was forced upon my life in 1968 I never seen him before that, he allegedly lives only in Germany, but he is a liar and a hidden Nazi living under fake identity and the prove is his wife is very possibly a cousin of Najlaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman and a sister of Shams Baroudi that was left with relatives in 1945 and raised under fake identity and then married this filth called Dr. Farzat Baroudi that allegedly lived on Waldweg in Hamburg, Germany she is at least her cousin. This fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi preformed many very destructive actions against me among others to prevent me of visiting him in Hamburg, among others he attempted to kill me, and he also performed a bodily harm upon me using telepathy and while I was visiting him in Hamburg to make my visit as unpleasant as possible to force the mind to voluntarily not like to go there!
I created a page with photos that are public knowledge about Shams Baroudi, you
can find these photos on the internet, and here are they: Please look at the
photos of Shams Baroudi here: ../PHTM/Shams.htm (or or ) however, and if you look at them
closely and compare them with the top hidden Nazi actual photos, also on the
Internet (be cautious, because at least 30% of these photos on the Internet were
created by an actor in the last 20-30 years as cover up for his real photos.
Best if you get his real photo of a library or museum or governmental history
books, or with famous other people of that time), if you compare his photos, +
the photos of his woman + the photos of her sister = Shams Baroudi in Cairo and
Anna Baroudi in Hamburg and Najlaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman in Cairo and elsewhere.
Anna Baroudi and my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi are both allegedly teachers
in Hamburg, just like the hidden Nazis in Egypt Najlaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman and
her first husband were also both school teachers while at least 2 educational
minister of Egypt were in involved in my life, one lived behind my fake sister
Fadia Shawki in Cairo, Egypt in 1960s and the other was our neighbor in the
next building and was a male secretary of the educational minister of Egypt and
was the father of the friend of my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar/Najjar/Nagar/Naggar
while and was the one along with my fake cousin Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman that
performed many brainwash situation upon me in my trip to Cairo Egypt in 1982. Also,
my 2 fake sister families in Jordan and elsewhere build Mosque and Islamic
school to brainwash people with their version of destructive Islam and not the
real Islam, is all this coincident, where they are also in Saudi Arabia and the
majority of the World Trade Center Bombers came from Saudi Arabia and many of
them were living also in Hamburg and giving the American government a reason to
perform most vicious and destructive acts. In matter of fact, I strongly
believe that my original fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki that went
to Yemen in around 1962/63 during a very destructive times for Yemen and never
left there and was replaced by another, and that original one is possibly and
among others the cause of this current very destructive war in Yemen, and this
especially true because there are 2 hidden Nazis in the Shawki family, called
Atef Shawki (male) and Elweeyah Shawki (female)!
This is what they did, the CIA and at least also the MI6 they integrated hidden Nazis in existing families in the Middle East and therewith no one will find them, and that will explain why these families do not have strong tights to these hidden Nazi except for money.
I believe the content of this page and the other pages are sufficient proves to show who is doing what in the Middle East, Europe and USA!